NOTICE OF SI MMONS STYTE OF XOK'I'U CAROLINA, COUNTY OK HAYWOOD. I TI 1 1 - SUPERIOR COURT jj vVVniil) COUNTY, 1'latnliif vs. Allen una ni'anu, pers, Sllbj Mrs. W. -s S. Alh'ii. and all oilier leiesi in iIil- uction, The above name take notice lhal a commenced in the Haywood ( 'oiiniy ei the put pose of lor and lax sale certili .--lied l.y .1. C. Weir Haywood County, s .is ihe Law direct M-riln'il land, for llie lax'-s du Wl'e levied W, t laimiiiK any in niatter of ihis Ilefellda nts. 1 defendallls will :i action has been SupeiftY Court of titled a,s above, for ?-lusiim a tax lien ule which was is- ll, Tax Collector "I staling that lie sold the liei einafler de the nonpayment of 1 la vwood couniy. in' ii aii'ist said land for Ihe ir.irs CJjO and 1 llle a bo e II. II. led i lay wood County Vi, huh land is H 3 1 .let becam descrll i; t, N f I h i: 7 I iii let- 1 ; ah in the nda nls. Ihe I a: I h .! Ill I t ....Id I.. .1 I.. is 1. - Ma name or and tliat pun has follows: , use and 1J feet M. Loiiy and 3 of n pi"P . J. C. C. and index ml tha Carolina, a llDHSe ,,f J Waylicsviil' ili.-ui lii'ty . September, demurrer l1 or plaintilT ichcf denia WITNKS of October, i 'I il. 1 ll.ialll I hey .It Ihe Cler t H,lW"oi I his olliee id i .'on niy, ., Xorlh Ca lays f l'.)34 . the i III Ik of the I c'eiiniy. in the in the T rolina, n ,m the ::ith and HI'' a ns inplaint lil will apply to I"" mli'il in the rniiiii S my hand 1 his lb 1 J 3 4 . V. O. I rk 1,1' tie further piped to Super Noith Court e, n of t later day of swer or 1 herein, ' l lor tint. Mh day : V I : u Cl '1 I I'M I tic Hi'' n NT V IN TI HA YW Ol SI MM' INS KT1.1 CA K I 1 A V W K " i i i . I X . cue i ilDK X TV. Joe 1 .ill ol her .- tin Jamo Hall, and all terest i VS. ilall and wife. Esther tin pers . sub; take noii e. niniell. the pUlpos m.l tax -lied I I laywi is 'la- a 1 lie, lie J. I d c 1 1. levied 1 :i2n ihe a H.iyi KIIIST lis claimiiiK any m cct matter of this D .jfeiidunta. named defendants wl.l lhat an aiaion has been intlhe Superior Court of li !.: entilled as above, for of foreclosing a lax lien certificate whic h was is Wcleh, Tax Collector of . , . i.i .iinty. staling nun ne lireeis, llle hereinafter d"- noiipayinent ol County, which aid land for the in the name of fendants, and that came the purcas sci abed as follows: lieinw lots Xos. 4 XOTK'K OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN Till': SUPERIOR CUl RI HAYWOOD COUNTY. 1'laintitt vs. L man Reed Company, ill oilier nersons clainiinir any a lid leiest in the subject action. The i.bove named take notice that an i d. fi the I lay wood against s and 1K3I. n i mod d ( 'on nly 1 land is d TRACT: I : 1: ( ; Add J . II lion l. Tin .n llie' til n Ha i- .-il Ae to 111" '. ii- nc- N .t Di'iv r S. a 1 said dl i h ! w II el'IV. ast View Paid if Waynesville l;ei;inninn m lot; collie t hen ut h . .' i. si e. ,f lot I 1). 1 1- illU' et : W. feet 11 ,ol ) ihci.ce : i.euillllil lliol'e I.I lllen Tin ,1 d.--l' a' W. JIM) fc .-.- ol' s Will f the along 2rm N'o. feel tO Su naet i hence ,u f. t't; lo the II. :- (1 feel: the m- matter ot mis Defendants. defendants will ii.tion has been mmenced in the Superior Court ot i i.i vieiwui rniintv eniitled as above, tor the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien ami tax sale eertilicate which was is I sed bv J. C. Weleh. Tax Collector of Haywood County, statint; that ne som as the Law dn-eets, the hereinafter de scribed land, foi- the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which wa re levied gainst said land for the wars 11130 and 19 31. in the name of . above named detonuanis, aim i"" ivwood Countv became Ihe purcas hich land is described as follow.;: IieuinninK on a locust stump in Call and runs lip who '" w hich divides the nib Hominy and Knight s th 1,, (lap At l eme top of l illu waters of k s. h; tllelici e: tin a sta 1 11 Jill, feet to :io' 1-:. 3IHI . 'i k. i' X. 5ti 30' a-: llience .NT. the leinnin more or less. ft. IK take: to a et to W. KM! 4 ' 30' K. oontain- .iiir .f the . . 1 1 1 1 1 y . a ill' Hi.- T ,i th 1 1 r t - i.'i.url .linn. : a- of si nosvil. del'-uda that th.': e Ihe I 'b I lay woi his oll'K oiinty ih C plelll to ihe fompla i nt filed hen ii lid Ci . Xol li. f den w itxi ; .' I I. lobe Hide I W. C .1 1 1 1 1 no i ii i : i :vi:i;s. .( l MO'. W, ..I I nts will further - are reiiiin'd to rk of the Super id. 'ounty. North a. jn the Court , in the Town of arnlina. not later i the a:th. !'':' "r i,l fib- ans-,-.-r in' ).!:. 'til tiled herein, 1- l, llie I 'Olll-t fill' it' C O 1 l , . I I i 1 I I il till:; Hie Sill day f: V ICRS. Sil.ei-;..;- '..lll't. ()TI( i: OF SIMMONS STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IV THK SUUICRIOR CO I RT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Tlaintilt vs. S E Greer and wife Margante Greer, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for tl," purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale 'certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating 'hat he sold Law directs, the hereinaner oe- 1, for the nonpayment oi Haywood County, which leainst said land lor the nd l!i31. In the name of 1 defendants, and tnai became the pureas- . r. which land is described as follows: Bejiinnini' at a stake in a street, r at C.-t end hit now known as .uouiure oncct c.u ot.- numbers 4 anu -f.' ;is Ih scrih taxes wen: y.-a rs the a d la:i due levied I!i30 ; l.ove name , ood Count in li on the West side of said street, running souiu 100 feet with McClure. Street to a stake in John and Eftie Clark's line; thence W. 234 feet to a stake inJuna. luska Tanning Company line; thence X 100 feet with said line to a stake; thence east 2:!4 feet to the Beginning. Tic said defendants will further take nonce lhal they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super-i,,,- court of Haywood County. North Carolina, at his olliee ill the Court house of said County, in the Town ot Wavnesville. North Carolina, not later demurrer to the cominaint hied 1- rein or plaintiff will apply to the tVJ!t Ior relief demanded in tht compl n'-'- WITNESS my hand this Ihe (U of October, 19 34. W. G. L l lina, Clerk of the Superior nrt. NOTICE OF SI MMON STATIC OF NORTH CAROl.IN COCNTY OF HAYWOOD. IX THK SUPERIOR ( HAYWOOD COUN I Y , 11a' vs. (ilenn W. Hoxit and wife, -Hoxit, by whatever name she i called. and all other persons c laimins terest in the subject matter action, Uef" The above named defendan take notice that an action In. commenced in the Superior C' Haywood Couniy entitled as al" the purpose of foreclosing a i and tax sale certificate which sued bv J. C. Weleh, Tax Col. llavwood County, statin as Ihe scribe taxes were Law directs, th 1 la ml. for the due Haywood evied against s 1!i3o -and 11)31, ; thai - herein; lion p County ud land in the VII: ihe above named Haywood County er, which land is than tifiy Sopteiilbe (i.'ln Ul'l er or plaint il relief den. wri'xi': , f ( ictob. days from . I'.'lSI. am . . t lie c. .I1 p ' will apI'dV . I , led ill t I'. SS my ha in ith day ot inswer nt herein. the ; I tile laint til to the i milt nil I take complaint. appi this i he -sth day : i 1 '. i '-' Hi:.. i hou- lefeiidants, ale became the at lescribed as f,.! r.LC.LXNINC, at a stake on Street i.0 feet from the Railre a runs S, 43-', W. so ft. to the can Lot Xo. IM): thence with the h Lot Nu. 1 Mi X. 44 W. feet : corner of Lot Xo. 1 SO; thence X SO feet, to Love's Street: thetie. Love's Street S. 4T. K. 2t fee! : 1 1 IC 1 1 N N'l.N'i 1 . Containint; !. ;,!. more or less. The said defendant v be in this ..nts. will been t '. of ,-. for lien :- is .: of -old t de of hich r the ot I that ves and of of the r ith i lu ll a If NOTICE OF SI MMONS TVTE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IX THE SUPERIOR Ciil i: ; HAYWOOD COUNTY. I'l.ui vs. B. IS. Hyatt and ii- whatever name she may be tali, i and all other persons claiming , -, terest in the subject matter action, Def. ... ; , The above named defendair. take notice that an action li.. eomiiiencetl in the Superior r..i!r Haywood County entitled as ab.a. the purpose of foreclosing a t and tax sale certificate which .!.' suec. try J. C. Welch, Tax Coll, , ;,, Haywood County, .statine; .that h.. as the. Law directs, the herein, tit. r scribed land, for the nonpayn:- it taxes due Haywood County, v. I were levied against said land f. t: years 1930 and 1931, in the v.. .:.. the above named defendants. Haywood County became the inn er, which land is described as t,.';t Beginning tit a stake on tie , edge cf the sidewalk on the id-: of Montgomery Avenue, in Hi- r of Waynesville, at the South.,;, ner of the property of Iiuel II. i and J. Wiley James, ami runs omery Avenue a slake in the . 13: .1. R X. I. II notice ar bef, 'ourt linn. e Of .1 til that they e .he Cl. of llaywoii at his otlii .aid 'oiint -. Xortli C: a t i n will ! reqi.: of the 'ounty. in tin- the T. than rt d. NO 1 1 Ian. d.'le i . .He. I. .f thl: Vili eil dor ol !,,.;; .1 . 1 Her 'Ir- lielll of which V 111 ellC- bra n. il : tle ii NV. 4- ilS 1-H) acre The : lake in.ii appear lr ior Court Ciirolina . house of Waynesv, tha n "ii.;'; Se)tem 1 .'. demurrer Pi 1 d Lann.ui.-'. fembint ; bar rh.- : the I'leli. 1 I IV w ood his olliee .1 County. ; will re r.-,i of the I 'i.lltltA' iii th.; II t he T din. i . in t.ll. relief his r. 1 ;i3 I. ami lib' t.. llie complaint I inlilT will apply to th demanded in Hi uli ;o' 10. small 3 feet :. nt j further ired to Su per North ttmn't le.Vn of it later day :of r or ;i nsw herein. Court foe mpla WITNESS my hainl this tin; mh hi October. 1934. W. (I. RVERS. Clerk u the Superior hi: t XOTICIC Ol' SUMMONS STATIC HI' XiiRTII CAROLINA, COUNTY nu II AY WOOD. IX THE SUI'KKIOR COURT : llAYWDOD COUNTY, I'lLtiiUil'f vs. . R. K. II :V. and wife, Hall. by , . . . : "'"in" she may. be called, and all . . . ' r n:; .'c-I-ii firing any in terest, in the su ject liiatter of this action, Defendants. Tile above named defendants will take notice'-that.. a-i. aefioh has been eDiumericed jn the Superior Court of ll.iyiyuoil County entitled as above, f..; the plirpos of : r... losii;.: a tax lien . itrul , tax . sale cela ::cate WhicVi was is sued bv. I. C. Welcii. Tax Collector of ii.,v.v.e..d County,; that he sold T N . Menu liu -1 evi'-.d :a U':i i" i - hi; ,...1 i 'ol eli Ian nil in:', ' M.i in .iassii . p v '. 'AV rly dil omery n. Hvi lib d fur.) li;i lilt' . ami tl re pure; slake . .1. I! Hy: ales el! 11. ectil A vi itt with in ci 'i n' line iiuel II. llyntl's line to , b.e west side l.f .Ma in Slrei .' iieitlieasterly direction Slreel 33 feet to til.' b The' said defendants take notice that they before the Clerk W est anil n'l runs N. ;e iii .Mont in a be (dye of feel : to (he heni'p with a stake on t ; thence in with .Main i ppea r , lll't of at. t'UllllllK. will further e required to of the Super- Hay woi"! County, North his olliee in (lie Court- of said Countv. in the Town, ot svile, North Carolina, not later I'-an lil'tv days from the 29th day ot September, 193 1. and hie answer or demurrer to the 'complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will .apply to the Court for relief demanded in the, complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8 111 day of October, 1934. AV. 0. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court. Wa ne '.: oi- NORTH - lt.Y : sri'f: i i i i 'i i SIM MONS CAROLINA. , ' i i ) I . ! ;i ii: i -i '. R'l XTY. IMaintifl iati; iux'i I X ! I A I M'. i Ml I I'. '. . I' ' : or simmon. iRTII CAItol.L' ; ; a v w K'i i ). 1 H3I. i'lil i il 's urn 'TV. ilail.tilf w :! ef ,! laan.U WITNICSS l.l'. I: arolina. m the l; Hi li .1 tile ans .J. ill! tiled :.. t.'le I '..- her ,! to -rrt- of ; :er of with JIniiU 24 feet ti line; thence S. 72 1- stake at the corner of J. R. ll Buel I!. Hyatt line to a st James' line. N. 72 W. 135 fe.-t Resinnins-. The said defendants will take notice that they are rei.u appear befon- ihe Clerk of the ior Court of Haywood Couniy. Carolina, at his olliee in tie house nf said (-ounty, in the T Wa ynesvile, North Carolina. ia than fifty days from the 29ih Sep-.eniber. 134. and tile aii demuri er to the compla :nl tile, I in' plaintiff will a pply to the i -relief 1 1 . i : i : mled in the com;.! i: witni: I' Oct, ib. m Cb-rk hand thi i :i i . W. f .f th DYER: superii i II nil. -.1 y wlia d II. i i lie. sh. i; Y.cif I 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 u na t lei Del' f. nda any i n -of this . tidal its. nls will has be. -n ("ourt of above, for I 1 1) !! w hi ei 111. I. . Tax atille, he III levied"' lid Hie ab Ha:w. Ita llle .1 c b- R , hi ainnin T land . nil lb I I 7 po W. 7 '0 ' W. If. Wall W, I ' . ::7'- W then N Mien S L'll' oak : then S chest nut in Wales Trull Wales Trull poles- to the i.aillillK 3." ;icr .'S.-I'll. whit . t and tate. hpay land in the . .la nts, ' mo the d i r .I.-. lllellf of fin- the lame of i ml libit purcas- pob !2 p IC. t Ivvynn tract; tl line -N. xr bcKinninf; more s to oles M.l line. is f oak; corner oi lier of. the ml runs N. white oa k - a hickory; to "a black poles to a confer to n with said 30' E. Dili corner, cbn r less. The said defendants will further ike notice that they are 'required, to ppear before Ihe Clerk of the Super- ... ... v ...a V, Court of llaywoou i ouniy, .Mum Carolina, at liiM olliee in the Court house of said County, in Waynesville, North C than fifty days from September, 19 34 demurrer to th Tin la in i v I n:d ta an .1 1 . a- : ..i m- i er of" Ibis J K-r- n. i.i nts. ; .lain;; will hi,- been i-Ciiiirl of above, for a las lien TA ( il Cl rk Mil!',' TIC ( !-' N ' N '1' V dl'- ix Tin-: !A YWl i i if th I a R T 1 1 ' 11 A YW -.Ul'lCRl i ( 'Ol INS LIN'. ati: o il'.VTV X T XT Welch tor latllle. llie In Hull. The rhove na mi' Ha' tor the Town of irolina. not later the 2'.Uh day of ml file answer or complaint tiled herein, a- plaintiff will apply to the Court for elief demanded in the complaint, WIT XICSS mv hand this the Nth day f October, H34. W. (i. MYERS, ClerU of Ihe "Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STTF OF NORTH CAROLINA, CMC NT Y OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUP ERIOR COURT 11 YWOOT COUNTY, Tlalntiff vs. T W Trull and wife, - ' , Trull, by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claiming any vo tive" subject "matter oi WW Iiefendants. defendants W'i the L t. '.-'l-L w directs, the .i '.reinafter de and. for Ihe no-i :iaymeht of due Haywood County, which levied; asa hist said Ian., for the -.,'...r i 930 and 1931, .in the name of .the a!io.ver named iiefendants. unu .hat IlaywoodC'junty became ti e pinch i - er.. which land i-; d.esi ribcl as follows. ReLdiininc; at a stake on the Hyatt- Winchester line,, corner between tiactn N'V3, 31 and: 3 5 and runs thence with the line between said tracts,. S, 4 34 10 (trains S'.i. links to.: ;i staKc, W. thence North W. -i chains; 2 Avith li;e '..:!! ": ' 1 - W. 4 .chaira: 2 V lin! v.'i'th. line of b.'t N. '. tha ins ,' 4 4. l inks albn:-;-Hi- soutn.t way s. i j - - a , to the bea'mniiii:'. more.-or less. ' The : said '' ilef ,: take; notice, that appear before th ior Court of S5 : decrees 3 j links to a stake ,lo in n IC. . ' con. iiuin : fha'.iti uininas minute ; thence . 49 3D ; ih-r.ce a L H : ' t hence ; a road -1 i )ihk .U9 'ae.i;a3 terest action, Tin, above named ,i.-,t nn action has been t.IKe in'"'- .... . . a. ,,. e.l in the Superior mua Haywood County entitled as above, ii the purpose of toreciosinn a o.a and tax sale certificate whim was is sued bv .1. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Havwood County, statinw. that -he-sold, as the Law directs, the hereinafter de- land for the nonpayment ol Havwood County, wnicn iHainst said lana ior ine 1 : 3 ! . in the name oi scribed taxes due were levied . . 1 'Till n ml the aboea named defendants, and that 1 1'IVIVOI l Countv became the purchas which land is described as follows I innim- on a stake tormei.j . ,.h mi.- the beirihning corner of B.-nj ,.r.;.i Tru'.l tract, on rid runs S. 30 1 and 32 poles to bank of An will-, further required . to if the. Super aunty,. North' Carolina. his olliee in the .Court house ot. S'i id County, in the Town of Wavnesvile. Nofth C:in lina, not later than, fifty (lays froni, ihe 29th dayaof c, , to,., her 1113 1. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded .in the complaint. n mv hand this tht Mh d 15 of October, l-9 3-i nda n's they a .fieri; Haywood -') creek then UP said creek a N ,. oles to small locu ,)' o-n'-bahk of said eve ! iv tie-- iuennder of ridtfe nislv oak on to. !2 -ia)!'s- to wt.'.c I-:n'-u': Trull tract; . theiii us TruR tract ' line -eS; to ClpSt!Vllt, -ipai .W thence 34 poles f ri.K-e. S oak corner with Min- 4. sr. ,30- .AV.- 100. ij Cwvnns. liiic P.. Ha;, I bo wai. W 1 1 i US all I: I'll .: the 'Wood ihi-t "..-; 1 9 3 1 . ai.e-d del', ounty bee nd is desi mint id d f ind er de ait "of which ,r the na nie ol and that 1; ill Hi nda in iline t ribeil ACT: 15 ICC, I NX I NT, till a biLtwoad on the branch and runs S. :ii; dee;. W. I I iioles to a maple on anolbfi' brnncli; then, up said branch S "I ilra. IC. 2S poles lo ii larf-'e rock: thence S. 110 dir". K: 30 niaiile and pine; th ma ole in t he linr near the foot of rhlKe; thence up said ridue S. S ; IC, 42 poles: inran-... Hast 2S poles; tlience South SO" l'ast till poles to a cnesiuui '"id, Howell's corner to Cook Tract; tlience with line ol the same - W. 911 poles to the branch; ,i,,M-,i ilm branch N . f; ceK poles; thence W. 32 poles to cornel oi house tract; thence N poles; thence N then S. 20 doc branch ;' thence poles to a S. 2it poles to a of Herren Orey tract. 10 (leg. thence W. 40 0 dei; IC. 12 7." den.' W. IS poles; W 1 4 poles to a down the branch to Containing 50 I'.. 20.9, P'll to- 'beuiiiTiini;,.- rvHu-e or .leB's." The said defendants take, notice' that they a noear bet to a hickory: thence coittaininK 3a acres. will further ire required to the Clerk of the Stiper- , r'ii,-,rarat countv. North NOTICE OC SI MMONS ST ATE OK NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OK lIAYWOOn. IN THE SURICRIOR COURT HYYWOOH COUNI Y. 1 limit ill VS. Thomas SiH'iiiftttold. adminislr.ntor of the estate of M,.M: Strinjlfield, de ceased, S. L, StriiiKtieid. .Marirai-et Stririslleld, .1. L. Strini;tield. Huiih Sloan. and all other persons claimins any in terest in the subject matter of . this ;,Ptlon. Defendants The above mimed defendants will taU-e notice that an action has been niinienced in the Superior ("olirf of Havwood t'ounty entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien nd tax sale certificate which was is sued bv .1 C. Welch, lax Collector ot Haywood County, statintr that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described-.-'land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due lliiywood County, which Were levied asainst said land for the years 1930 and 1331, in the name of the above named, defendants, and that Haywood Cotinty became the purchas er, which land is described as-follows: Lyitu ami beinc in Waynesville Townshiie Havwood. County. Not.h ('arolina and beinc: '-the sanie land which was conveyed to M.M. Strinu tielil .en the day of - -. IN and. record ed. in .th'.1 oiltc- of the. J!fs. ister of Heeds of Haywood County in Rook - .it paue . Record of deeds of Haywood County and t.e:r..r boiiHiled as follows: (in the north bv fne lands of ,.T. Lee and otivers; ..n ihe south by Will Tranimell and P:tv- perry and on the. east by the lands of . w! T: !,ee and others and on the west bv the lands of .W. M. Tram mell. said'land beiiii.- i.ear S:tunook in n,f,V-esaid' t vv.n,--h'- and' contain:'S 'Ml acres. I11IIIV '!' b--s. The said defend in. s wil'. : further iirU-A notice, that they are required Co Ih, 1 1 ( INNIM acres, more or less. Also Tracts Xos. 2, 3, 4. il ilescriheil in same deed of corded in Rook 72. at lage The said defendants X3i,ii fi and 7, trust re-ir.3. will further take notice that they are reipuie,. appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood .County, North Carolina, at his olliee in the Court house of said County, in the. Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September. 1934. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply, to the Court for relief demanded in Ihe complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the Sth day of October. 19.34. W. C,. RYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court. take llotiei coniiiieuceb Hay wo oil i the purbos a lul tax sa sued by .1 . I laywoail (. as t he La w do thai al in i lie unty eil oi' fori cei'litiean Welch, T unty, siatiii'j lireets, file b i a if I'lai; Iter. . I). !-! inlii n: ii ha- 1 I A ' Atkins XORT i l' HA' i ic su ; . i( a j") ( '( 1 VI I CAR' V. ( 1 1 . -::.'( , ; l -XTY. 1 ( wid i m i w i r , Icr pert A t k teresi in th" subject mall, action. I ' Tin- :;b lake 1 1 1 1 H e: il i niellei 1 llefl-Ili! Sllpefiei' C .ta . lien' wliii li v": Cm i-t,- scribed land, for - the in taxes due Haywood (' were levied imainst said lhat be v reinaf',' ; n i HI V 11.1 "1 t ilinty, v.h land t'et .id of i -h the years 1 930 and 1931, in the nato of the above named defendants, aiid that Haywood County became the purnju er, which land is described as f..U vs: HIRST -TRACT: RICH IX XLN( 1 it a stake nil the East side of a bi;ii:,.-h, bein'n' a corner of 1). Winchester's Imd, and In A. L. Herren's line, .rutinins with Winchester's line S. 71 W. 22 poles and HI links to a stone; tin nee S. lSii detr. E. 4S poles to a chestnut; thence S. 1 9 U. fV E. 51 poles t,, a sourwood; thence X. 7 1 E. 23 pebsto n birch in Herren's line; thence wit ri said line to -the RICOINNINC c.,ti taininf; 14 acres, more or less. The said defendants will further take notice that they are require.) to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County, N'-ith Carolina, at his office in the CHn't- hoiise of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, hot : l.ittr thaii fifty days from the, 29th d:iy ,.f September, 1934, and file answer , r demurrer to the complaint tiled h"i(-:ii. or plaintiff .will apply to the Coin; f..r relief demanded in the complaiin. WITNESS mv hand tins the 8th .Ry ot October. 1934. AV. (!. RYERS. Clerk of the Superior d -..t. d C th,.' purp, and tax .- lyivini, the L: 1 (' . nariiei that an ill the, : tility entitl of foreclo certilicali '. Wel. h. Ta unity, statin;, lireets. tin- h a et ion uperior d m h la h M .Colh;, ' lhat li reilia fb' scribed, hind, for tile nonpaym. tl! taxes due Haywood County, whi, were .levied' against said land fur th years 1 930 and 1931. in the name o the above named defendants, and tha Haywood ('ounty became the purcn? er. which land is described as foVl.e.v Beins all that tract of land iyin i vasi l-N.rk Township beloiiL-'ins t Love 1',. Cilmer and H. R. nonistimi' of 4S0 acres, more The said defendants take notice that they appear before the Clerk of the Super !.. f ,,c ii.n.iL'iMil Countv. Nen mi v ou.i i. vL v - rrtin:i at his office in tin bruise nf said County, in the Wiiynesvile, North Carolina, not late than fifty days from the 29th day. September, 1934, and file answer r demurrer to the complaint filed Ivreii or plaintiff will apply to the Court ff relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS jriy hand this the V- da of October, 1934. W C. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior "int. A 1 1; i Iv or i will furthf are required t .Court Tivri c ay c nrrs Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OK SI MMONS vtau oi oi rn ( i or in COUNTY OK HAYWOOD. IN THL SI I I RIOl ( Ol I T 11 YY WOOD t OT A T 1 luntift Carolina: house of s Waynesyili than f his office in the t.ouit id County, in. the Town of North Carolina, not later lift v davs from the 2'Jth , day ot September, 1934, and .tile answer oi deinurrer to the complaint: filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the Mh day of October. 1934. W. ft. BYERS. Clerk of tlie Superior Court. NOTICI''. OK SUMMONS ST TE' 'OK NORTH CAROLINA. (Ol'tTY OK HAYWOOD. IX THE 'SUPERIOR COURT 11 Y W tol ) COUNTY . 1 -la m lift vs. .: Alice Houston and 'husband. Houston: bv whatever name he may called. ther persons elaimms any in- be and ill terest in Hi" subject matter " this a. Con. iJi'i'i Th.o above r, i n.-.i .d fend ants ' ii' tak- notice that an action Y- ' --n cenmienced m the suiienor on., o Havwood Countv entitled as above, for the put-pose of foreclosine a tax lien and tax sale, certificate .which was is sued In T ( Ml rix t ( 11 ( t - o Haywood County, statin? that he sold as the Law directs; the hereinafter de scribed land.: for the nonpaymeni of tax-s due Havwood County, which were - levied acainst said land for the venrs 1!)30 and 1931. in the name of ihe above named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purcas er. 'which land is described as. follows: FKC-INNINC. on Thomas Street 2d1 feet from Flint Alley, running North i d- A nun 1 1'12 f . et thenct NOTICE OK SUMMONS STATIC OK NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OK HA YWOOI). 1 N" TI I IC SUPERIOR COl RT 11 A YWOOI.) COUNTY. I -In l n-t iff vs. J. A. ICi.nsland anil wife. M :u.i. Kinsland. and all other persons claiming iinvjn. terest in the subject matter of i!fis action, . l)efenil:,nts. The above named defendants will take notice that, an action ha,s been commenced in the Superior 1. (Hit t u? Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of f oreclosinsr a tax lien and tax; sale eertilicate which vyCs is sued bv .1. c. Welch. Tax .Colled. .r-,.,f Ilaywood County, statins that he s'.l.i ,'is the Law directs, the hereinaf i-a a---eril'ed land, forvthe nonpayment of tl'e faxes due Haywood County, w 1". I o hi w ere levied . against said land f .r the -trs l93i.i and 1M1, in the nar:,.;0t tlie u' ve named defendants, and tha Haywood County became: the. pu-, :. er. which '.and; is describe! as follows lieuir... -at; on it stake in the s,,t.i:t. , V Ita? Swi: Nan, Ann ' wil , , .ua i-i.i.- ,.r d.o in..r. ill lies- K '90 feet; tnence t. na e. appear oeioi e v -, ix v.... .-. . , . ior Court of Haywood. County, North sn ntin. YV. 19" feet to Thomas Street, C u olin i at his olliee in the Court- (i,cnce N. 4G desr W , with Thomas house of said County, in the Town of .ntl.,,Pt i no feet to the RLG1NNING. Wavnesville. North Carolina, not later Tj,e aid defendants will further than fifty days from the 9th d.15 of t lkp otice that thev are required to September. 1934. and tile .answer or before the Clerk of the Suptr- tllX V!v!,p - Ou.t nf Havwood C.un, N,rth ''Vi'lATssMn SNhT,!:; d h use of s, conn. , 1, Town of of Ottobcr 13V Wavnesvile. North Carolina, not later . o B1EPS I than fiftv days from the "ath day of Clerli 'of the Superior Court 'September. 1934, and file answer or iiuirsm (it street lino of Lots Nos. niirt.'E. 00; feet &i 3D min. E. 1 7 ner of Lots Nos. 14; 43 min. Wa 200 fe t to th: So;ich marsrin of street : and. runs -with tin 1" at d 1 i S. 1 .,;. 43 to a stake; tl-.-a X f.eet to a stake -c,,:e 1" and IS; then X. 1 stake i:' then wi-.j- silid street S. Cl 50 n. in. W.' ITS f to ''the . beeitinine. . Tl s 1 e'en, n 1 hi s w ill f i hrr taue r.ei- 'e that thov are require I to npuear ' fore the t "lent of the Suiter, ior, t ourt of Havwood 1 ounty. arti Carolina, at his .office in, the,. Court house of said Countv. in the Town o' wavnesvile. North Carolina, not iter than fiftv davs from the 2!ltli da.- o September. 1!34. and tile unswe- or demurrer to the compla nt tiled he ein or plamtift will applv t'i the ( ourt for relief demanded 111 the roinplamt. WITNESS mv hand t.iis the Mh day of October. Ia34. W. O. RYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATIC OK NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COl LI HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintii VS. n J H Howell and wife, Ie,,i, Howell. Robert W. Howell and w.t 1 inmi How 11 I Noiwoodn 11 n ,vif llmn-ip Rrown. A , L. la -1 and wife, clemnue Isrown, Killian and wife. Eva T. Killian. K Swift, and husband, . 1 I) M Killian. Jr.. and wife. Killian L. M. Killian and wife, j Killfcin. Almev Brown and Lula H. lirown, apd Nancy i-oui Killian. heirs at lavy of A . S. M.o.v deceased. '''. mil alfother persons claiminp aaj terest in the subject matter . ". action,, '.-.-' oeteiH,,,:. The above named defendant- " take notice that an action lets 1 co mmenced in the superior (out. Havwood County entitled as al "V' e the purpose of foreclosins a fix ind t ix sale certificate which W '- sued bv .1. C. Welch, fas Coimi c . Haywood County, stating that he -as the-Law directs, the herein: 1,1 scribed land, for the nonpayment he taxes due Haywood County, w were levied against said land for; t years 1?30 and 1931. in the nai.uC the above named defendants, and i! Havwood county became the lUh": er which land is described as fell. TJeil-.p the same lands desc'-ihe'! a certain deed of. trust a-iz-l die . of October. 1NH1. executed by W lirown and wife. Ellen IC Rmwn W p.rown. which said dool uf t. is dulv 01 record 111 the oiln e -f 1 ui 1 ( f Deeds of H mm 1 hi l'.oek of Meeds No. . .pane --: whM-h said deed and record lea is hereby .made for a full.ahd: CQiul'"' di script it. . The said defendants v.ik fe.. take notice that thev are refiu"' appear before the Clerk of the s... ior Court of Havwood Count. N Carolina, at his olliee in the t--house of said County, in the Towr, Wavnesville. North Carolina, not-ee than fifty days from the d - September. 1934. and file answe: deniurrer to the complaint filed h or plaintilt will applv to the . oi" relief demanded in ihe complain WITNESS mv hand this the Sth " of October. 1934. W. Ci. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Cel.