THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. L. A. Cole and wife, Cole, by whatever name she may be calledi ana an otner persons claiming any Oscar Sharp and wife- interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been Commenced in the Superior Court tf Haywood County entitled as above, for me purpose of loreclosmg a tax hen and tax sale certificate which was is sued oy J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of tne taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years iy30 and 19U1, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood Countv became the purchas er, which land is described as follows Lying and being in Southern As sembly, Lake Junaluska, N. C. and fully described in the Index of Maps of Landj of the Southern Assembly, as uots .No. IZ, 13, 14, 40, iZ, 48, in Book A, page 15. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear ueioie une clerk oi the buuer ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his onice in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than titty days lrom the 29th day of September, 11)3-1, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Coutt for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court R. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN TILE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTV, I'laintuT. vs. L. A. Miller and wife, Mary Miller, . and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. 'Wie above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of I the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years .11)30 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows Beginning at the N. W. margin of Montgomery St. and runs thence N 08 4a- W. 181.9 leet to a stake in the South margin of Haywood St. thence with said margin of H. Street D.9 45 W. (52.3 fet. to stake, S. 08 45' E. 26.9 feet to a point in the center of the end of a brick wall, of garage and plumbing shop, thence continuing with the brick and rock wall S. (8 45' L. lSO.tJ ft. to a stake in N. W'. margin said is 83 ft. N. 21 15' E. from margin of said Montgomery St. with the mar gin of Miller St. thence with the afore said margin of Montgomery St. N. 21 15' E. 39 ft. to filace of Beginning. The said defendants will take notice that they are required to appear hiiiore the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesviljo, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of aeptemoer, P.f.s-l, ami hie answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court W. G. BYERS. y 1 l il r. Shrn hv a.i,f." V t , oi me superior Lourt tt j iiauic sue may oe . ''5,,, ' . . NOTICE OF SUMMONS f7L ; tl V?? claiming any STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, interest in the subject matter of this COUNTY OF HAYWOOD ac?n' . , , , Defendants. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ti ne named defendants will HA WOOD COUNTY. Plaintiff. tah.e notice that an action has been vs commenced in the Superior Court of V. T Murray and wife th, nU,tled 115 ab0Ve', fr Murry- whatever name she may tne Durnose nf fn-mMnsmer t.. i;rt u i, , J and tax sale certificate which wa a n 'tt. , . . sued hv I r t. 7-Vi : i u " "l"er persons claiming an; uLIa T'r-,.flc Tax Collector of interest in the subject matter of thi j ..i wUul), staling mat ne soiainctmn. nj as tho Ijiur Ai-. a. l : ti... I . ' . . . fiuflwis HecrihH Ur,A Vu " I ll illc "ove nameu aeienuants wi ffift rT6' notice that an on has been wpriTt.Sf.P?"" yi.wh'fhKommenced in the Superior Court of wvo -o 1QOA . mn aj nwn vuumy tmillfU US aUOVC, IOl' IZZ:Z?X nfm? th P"rPO- of foreclosing a tax lien u"'";:::" o.iu uii and tax sale certificate which was is "a" v-uuniy oecame tne nurchas. u,. t n h r. w-Wh 1. il .o,-!Kj ..n ". collector oi o.tx-VtW:' WT-'W ""s; i Haywood County, stating that he sold in the ?r Jf r a v ge as the Law directs, the hereinafter Z tllJT IrVl! the nonpayment of t WM i-. line raxea nup Har'ni r'nimfx- wi, - - - - t '"iik.ii it ha poles to a stake in the Allen line; thence with said line S. 4 W. 10U poles to a white oak: thence S. 38 W poles to a Spanisii oak: thence S 63 W. lite poles lo a Spanish oak: thence N 63 W. 20 poles and 17 links to a Spanish oak; thence N. 26 W. 17 were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name jf the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchasr ci, which tana is aescrioea as iouowb: BEGINNING at a stake in Piireon River, S. R. Felmet's corner of lot i"""-' "u ' "" iu me orwft.Maii. n. a onH n,na i..;tv, o r containing 3.375 acres, more or less. 20' E. 44 noleS Yn t1cp t h. lhe said defendants will funhw mo,,,:,, n, ..,..'.. m r,. ' take notice that thev are reouired S T 1' f" , appear before the Clerk of the Super- N. 9 40' ' 7.4 s t T tak; or Court of Haywood County North thence N. 73' 20' W. 43 poles to a Carolina, at his office in the Court. i; u: .u.J -na'V0' '".the Towti of River to the place of BEGINNING. Waynes vtllc. North Cam ma nnt. atpr (,;;.. ,.,: , Septe::Srd14fr0n,,t f The "Yd drfdin't-"!! .STjr beptembei, 1934, and file answer nr .,.:,.., i i V-ir V. neicui, appear before the Clerk of the Super, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for ior Court uC Havwood Countv North ltevLtIMea n the nmiplaint. Carolina, at his office in the" Court- ' " ") '1JIUI lflls itiestn day house of sai.l Connt.v. tllw T,,w Uaynesviue, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th dav of September, 1931, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein. or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the romnlaint WITNESS m v hand this the 8th dav of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court of October 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTV, Plaintiff, vs. W. W. Russell and wife Russell, or whatever name she may be called. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood lounty entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood Oounty, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of me taxes due Haywood County, which weie levieu against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of tne above named defendants, and that naywood County became the purchas er, w-hich land is described as follows ,HW:rrMTT' , ujiiviimum on a siaKe poles W. from O. L. Allen's dogwood corner n ,J . XT 1,11' . , . anu i mis iN. ic-fz poies to a stake; thence V. 2 poles to a stake; thence N. 2 E. KM) poles to a hickory in W. P. Gordon's line; thence up the water shed of the ridge 60 K)les to a white oak; thence S. 2 W. 148 no es to n stake; thence S. 88 E. 48 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 35 acres more or less. l'he said defendants will further take notice that thev are reniiiiwi in uppear before the Clerk of the .Super ior Court of Havwood Countv North L-aronna, at nis onice In the Cmirt f NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE ''SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. . R. J. Green and wife, Green, by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants Ihe above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of loreclosmg a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood Coun&-, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter desMied. land, for the nonpayment of tne tKes due Haywood County, which were, levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows Being Lots 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, ftJ, 29, sij and also tract not numbered, bound ed as follows: Beginning on the corn er of Ivots 14 and 15 and runs N. 87 15' E. 160 feet to a stake; thence N. 3'E.:$00 feet to a stake; thence S. 15 30' W. Co the Beginning, contain ing 1 2-200 acres more or less. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood Counti North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Tow i of Wayh'.esvillej North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 193-1, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, - or plaintiff, wilt apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the. complaint. 'WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. v . u. i i r.i;, r Clerk of the Superio-. Court house of said County,, in the Town o Waynes viae. North Carolina, not bite 1.1 J1! 1 A . I ... man ,nny days lrom the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein or plaintiff win apply to the Court foi the relief demanded in the comiplaint my hani this the 8th da of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH AROL1NA. OUNTY OF HAYWOOD. jy rnr.' ci-prnrrp cOT'nT NOTICE OF SUMMONS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COU.V1Y OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff.' vs. Mrs. J. C. Queen and husband Queen, by whatever name he may be called. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as, the Caw directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Hayw-ood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the nams of the above '..named defendants, and that llayw.ood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows beginning at a sour wood, corner of J. C. Queen-Kinsland tract nnd runs with his line N 13 15' E. 4 nole to a stake at the S. V . margin of the Henson cove ROad; thence with the said Road four calls as follows: S. 72 h. 9 poles; N. 76 30' E. 9 poles; N. 71 30' E. 9 poles; N. 877 E. 6.8 poles to a large White Oak on the east side of said road, Walt. Am nions corner; thence with his line S. about 16 30' 15.4 poles to a stake in the south margin of the said Henson Cove Road; thence with the north margin of cleared field and W 17 1-3 poles to the Beginning, containing one acre and o sq. rods more or less. , 1 he said defemlants will lurther take notice, that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Suner ior Court . of Harwood .County North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of. said. County, in the Town of WayTi, s-il!e, North Carolina, not later than :aty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein. iff will apply to the Court for (iemanded in the complaint. '' '' i. nth day NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintif. vs. Raymond Queen and wife Queen, by whatever name she may lo called, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purchase er, which land is described as follows! : BEGINNING on a small forked post oak, a corner of L. N. Pinner and Oscar Kinsland land, and run with aid Kinsland's line N. 7 30' E. 13.5 poles to a stake in the center of Hen- on Cove Road; thence up and" with aid road two calls as follows: S. 27 10' Wr. 14.1(i poles to a stake: thenc 11 15' V. 9.4 poles to a stake, cor nor lot No. 1; thence with the divison i une between said lots J and 2 to West 40 poles to a stake in the outside line, boundary line of the I'lott tract ureii wun saio une .N. .) r. -ZM.I) poles to a stake, L. N. Pinner's corner; then with said Pinner's lines 8(" E. 34 uol to place of BEGINNING. Confninim,- acres and 14 .sq. rods, more or less T'l : i . c i i i , p . , x saiu ueienoanis .win lurlhi-r take notice that thev are reouired m ippear before the Clerk of the-Super ior. Court ot Havwocxi Countv North Carolina, at his office in the Court- house of said Cotint v. in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29lh day of September, 1934, and file answer or lemurrer to the complaint filed herein. or plaintiff will apply to the Court for tne renet demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the 8th dav of October. 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court September, 1934, and file answer or aemurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for tnf relief demanded in the complaint. W ITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court NOTIl'K OF SI MMONS STATIC OK NORTH CAROLINA Ool NTV OF HAYWOOD. IN THE .SUPERIOR COURT HAVWOOD I'lU'STV, Plaintiff vs. M. L. Cathey and wife Cat hey, by whatever name she may be called, .urn .in oiner persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this acin:n, - Defendants. The above named defemlants will take notice that an ucllun has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien ;uul tax sale certificate which was is sued by .). C. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood County, statint; that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter ile scritied land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years I!i3t) and 1931, in the name of Hie above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: BEGINNING on a large buckeve on the East bank of Pigeon river, Mrs. T. R. Hyatt's corner, and runs with her line S. 37 30' E. 122 poles to a take in the west margin of Pigeon River concrete road; thence with said oad S. 43' 2 V. 12 poles to a stake, tuner lot No. 2; thence with the line of lot 2 two calls; N. 4tl W. 31.44 poles I to a stake: thence N. 3S" W. 99 in tne r.ast bank ol ligeon; down said river to BEGINNING taining 109-i acres. Ihe said defendants will take notice that they aio irip appear before the Clerk of the ior Court of Haywood County Carolina, at his oilicc in the bouse of said Countv, in the 'I Waynesville, North Carolina, not b than iifty days from the l';Mli day September, 1SI34, ami lile answer uenuirrer to t ne complaint MJed Herein or planum will apply to the Court I'm relief demanded in the complaint. ITNESS my hand this Hie Mil d id Ortoher, 11134. W. li. liYEKS, Clerk of ihe Superior Coin XOTH'F. op SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CARoLIW COUNTY OF HAVWooD IN TH K SUPKKloit HAVWOOD COUNTY cid'itT Plaintiff Central Investment Corporation "' ouier persons el.uninu; terest in the subject matter -iction, I , t -1 i ne ano e named d i.iKp iiuiice unit an '"'''- "iiii in uie Superi Haywood County entitled a tne purpose ,,f f,,re, l,i and tax sale certitie.ite sued by J. c. Welch. T liaywooii t nunty as the diiei i year I the any m d' this ndants fendanis will action has been uit of "ii len Hli; a 1. liti h : a ix i elle, tor of i-uini; ,e ,,',1 tile her, -m. ,',.,. scribed land, for the i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ,.,,., i,e ll.l.WM'Od I'lmty, Wlliell "eweii iiKamst said land lor Hi ."" i;,ou ami i'.i.ii, m 1 1, the above named defejidaiii: Haywood Countv became ih "' I1X' s 'lu'' 11 ivwood County, which were levied UKalnst said lanrt for tha l:3u and 1931, in the name of bove nanipii ilf-fn .v.- j, a"u Lliat I Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: A certain lot or parcel of land in me iown ot southern Assembly, H. C. in N. C. described in Index Map of land of Southern Assembly as lots No 43 44 and 45, Block 24, Records of Deeds A, pages 1, 2, 5, 7. The said defendants wi'l further i-'ke icti.e that they are required to 4 -,r '" '"'e the Click of the Sunor- ounty. North nan: and pur, that hi as foil,. 'a pole then Con tin ah, -i ililed o ' Sllper- . North Com t- iw u of er, wntcn land is ile.seril.d x I . . . . . L--f i K -Norm margin of riovrvine Kuad, U. . Mitchell South west corner, and runs N. ;!" y 171 ft to c..L l... ..... " V , " "l v" ult .outn margin of Park Avenue; then W. with .-aid Avenue t teet to a stake in the ,., er of said Street or Avenue: then s" W. 1.13 feet to a stake in the F,,t margin of First Avenue; thence with the East margin of First Avenue S 1.1 45' W. feet to a stake in the North Margin of Fibervill., !., ,i. f Fiberviile ineiiee wun said margin Road three calls: S. ad l o i till 1",. ,,) teet ; S. 7,V feet to the Beginning.. The said del eiida m s in lake notice thai they are n appear before the Clerk of : leet; E. tio l I he, C'lUil,-, I, ihe Sunei-- i"i curl oi llajwood l o u lit , Carolina, in his otliee in ihe c, ninise oi sum county, m the I Kb 'ourt wn of l.ili Waynesville. North Carolin than titty days from the I'llth day oi September, 1934. and tile answer oi demurrer to the complaint tiled herein or plaintiff will apply to the 'oiiu loi relief demanded in the WITNESS my hand this ihe Mb day 'f letohor, 1 :131. w . ;. i:yi;i;s. Clerk of the Superior Court ' "lilt of 1. ij wood 11 ouici in tne Court- ioii.-e of said County, in the Town of aneswlle. North Carolina, not later ban imy days from the day of .ei'teiuher. 1934. anil lile answer or I. ii, in i, I i . ihe complaint tiled herein '' I'lainnil will apply tll ,he (,,,., fjr le I demanded m the complaint. WIT.XK-S my hand this the t, day I Oet,,li. iji;h. W. tl. lU'EUS. ' "ik "l t lie superior Court be or pit the r ' .Wr NOTICE OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOtJI). IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff. ' ' ' vs. I). I). York an wife - York, by whatever name she may called, and all other persons claiming any interest in. the subject, matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as alxive, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of me taxes clue liaywood' County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haj-wotKl Countv became the purchas er, which 4and- is described as follows: Lying and being in Pigeon Town ship, BEGINNING at a stake (a new comer) 33 S. 0 E. from corner of lot No. 1 of Block E of Hya'.ts survey for the town of Woodrow; thence N. 30 E. 130 feet to a stake; thence S. 0 K, 110 feet to a stake in margin of Mate. Highway;, thence S. To1 2 W. 170 feel and H inches to BfiGINNING. , The: said, .-defendants will further take notice that they are r-quired to appear before the .'Clerk of the giiper. ior Court f Haywood County North Carolina, at his oilice. in the Cou't house of said County, in the Town of U'aynesvillc North Carolina, not late than 'fifty days from the 29th dav ,. NO'l'K i: OF SUMMONS STATi: Ol'' NOlCI'll CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAVWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAVWOOD COUNTY,' Plaintiff vs. B. 11, Clark and wife, Gertie ( lark, ami all other persons elainimn any in terest in Ihe subject matter- of ibis action, Defendants. The above named defendants will lake notice that an action his been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreelOKinu a (ax lien ind tax sale cerUllciite which was is sued by .1. C. Welch, Tax Collector ot Haywood County, sliitiiiK that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of Hie tuxes due Haywood County, 'which were levied against said land for the years 1 it'll 0 and l!illl, in the name ol the above named defenibi nls, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: First Tract: Beginning on a stake on a ridge, said stake standing S. 10 E. poles from an old established corner on another ridge, and running N. .18 E. (i poles with a road to a stake; then S. K9 E. 5 -poles to a stake; then S. l!7 10. II poles and II links to a suikc; men in. no r.. 1 poles to a stake; then leaving the road N. 39 E. about 120 poles to a stake on the top Of a' ridge.; then. N, H7 V. (! poles to a stake; then S. 4(i W. alxmt llit! poles to a stake; then S. 10 E. 1 pole and 14 links tp the Beginning, containing 9 acres, more or less. The said -lelciii'.anls will flintier take notice that (hey are required to appear heloi'e the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood Comity, Nor h Carolina, at his olliee in the Court house of said County, In the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later (ban llf-ty days from the 2Hth dav of Sei'teinber, 1934, and tile answer,"! lemurrer to the complaint .filed, herein. or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief (Iemanded in Hie eomnlaint. W i'i NJ-.SS my hand this the. -nth dav of October, !iS4. W. C. liYEKS, Clerk of the Superior Court NOI'K i: Ol' SUMMONS STATE OF North CAROLINA COUNTS- ol-' HAYWOOD. IN Till-: SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY. Plaintiff vs. Fred A. Carter and wife, Carter, by whatever name she may he called. ml all other persons claiming any in terest in the ..subject mailer of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will lake notice that an action bus boon liimeiiced in Ihe Superior Court of iiaywoou 1 iiiiniy entitled as above. I'm the purpose ol loreclosine 11 lav 'lion Mid tax sale oertitlon to which Was is sued by .1. C. Welch, Tax Collector of layw ond County, stntlng (bat he sold s the dirocls. (he hereinafter, de eribeil land, for the noniiavnienl of the (axes due I lay wood l '011 111 v which levied against said kind for the ve.ii.s libit! and um, in the name of 1 III' a I love u.-i 1 nod del em a 11 Is 11 nil I bill iiaywoou county became Ihe niiicbas- , which land is described as follows' Units liH, 3'., 40, -11, and 42 and 13 of Block 19 of the same being in the Town of Southern Assembly, Waynes, villi? Township, N. C. The said defendants will further take notice that they ai',. reiiuircd to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood I '"Only, Nor! h Carolina, at his otliee in Ihe Colirt- noiiKo id said County, In the Town of W aynesville, jS'ortli Carolinar not later than fifly days from the 2!Mh day of Sei'iember, 1!R(4, and file answer or ileiuiirrer to Ihe complaint bled h Nt)l l( E OF SIMMONS 1'ATE OK NORTH CAKOUNA OUNTY of HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HA WtlOl) COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. 1 ' U- Pish and ife, Fish, whatever name she ma. be called and all other interest in the subject matter of this ai'tu"b llof.'.U,to l'he above named defendant, ,. ;n take notice that an .,,.h., 1..,' . .... Mlvn," ints l. . . onmieiiced in the Superior r,,,,, a wood Countv entitled the jmrpose of "foreclosing a tax'.,,, and tax -ale certifient.. ..,h,.i, .... .. lied by .1. ('. Welch. Tnv I , . . - - -, - v o, HI to I Ol H.iwood lounty, statinir that ho ,d,i the directs,, the hcrunafter nbed land, for t h iimvn ..c the taxes due liaywood Countv. which were levied against said land' for the .".us ia,m and P.W1, 111 the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas. er, which land is described as follows: '"mnuiiiK ;n tn,, cenler of ni'er and runs with II; -ophia. Pigeon 1 'ow an if- the U . p. Ford 1 lilt' W. !(l poles I line to a slake on d ; of an old poles to a phle said Ford la ml ; aid lot four ca W. M.3 poles to 15' old thence corner t hence lis: as a rock W. L".l corner plaintiff will , lief cieniaiidoil WITNESS my October, lllH-l V. Clerk ol to th PPl.v in t be ci hand tlii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I the (!. I! ' the VERS. Superior rein, nit for Mb day 'obi t NOTIC1- OI' SUMMONS STATE-OK NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK. DA Y H'Olill. IN THE 'SUPERIOR 'COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff '...'' vs. ' : ': '..:' . wife, Ruth Styles, "lis claiming any' in- iibjcct matter . of this Defendants, a nied defendants will 't an action lias liven the. .Superior Court of ily entitled u.s above, for 1 foreclosing a tax lien rtificate which was is Welch, Tax Collector of ity, stating that lie sold -cts, the hereinafter de for the nonpayment, of laywood (."o.urity,- which atnst said land for the 1.1931, in the name of ) il defendan. and that y became tie purclins. s described as ftillov. the S. W. corner of creek anil runs with doximately south .'17 a stake in the -weL-t ence S. 04" W. 81 :n Burress line an! Suncrest Lurnfx r Co., line; thenc vith said line as it calls to Ugly Creek; thence with said i ne as it c'alls down said creek to the oeginning, contain ing Pi acres more cr less. The said defend ants Will - further take notice that tie y are rcjuired t" appeal- before the clerk of the Suner- otrt of llayw od. County, North na, at bis ofla-e in the - Courf of Said Coup IV. in the iViwn ,.r Way nesville. North cnrolin.-i, not later th;in fifty days, from the 2'Jih day . of September, 1 li 34. and tile am-wer or demurrer to thy complaint filed herein or Plaintiff will apply to the Court for renet demanded in the romp . WITNESS nay hand this the of October, 1934. w. ;. nvKiN. . Cb i l; of the Kd Styles ami nil all "other- p, crest in the -1, ic! ion, The above na take notiee. th: commenced 'in Haywood Coin, I the purpose ...i and tax sale sued by - .1. C I laywood C01; as the L:iw b scribed land, the taxes ilu, were levied a years 1S30 ai the a Ijiivii n;i n ,.' Haywood (Jour. er, which lanrl ,s . Beginning on Culvert on Ugiv Highway 2Hi apt W H. 425 feet side of road; tf; feet , to a stake VO'I'K Ol' SUMMONS STATE OK NORTH -CAROLINA COUNTY Ol,' HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR' COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. ( -'iiarlie Caddis and wife, Caddis, by whatever, name she may be called, . ' and all other -persons claiming any in terest in the .subject "matter' of ' this ieiion, Defendants. The above named defendants will ,.,,i,- 001 ne unit an action lias been commenced in the Sunr-rior Court of I laywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax Tien and tax sale certificate which was: is sued by .1. C. Welch, Tax ( olleetor of Haywood County, .statintr that he sold ' 1110 I-iw directs, the lereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood Coilnlv, which were levied against said land for the years i:i,lll iiml 1 1131 . in the naine of the a bove named defendants, arid that liaywood County becaine the ptjiclias ei which land is described as follows Being lots Nus. 170, 171, 172 17! 11 A ITU .. .1 1 T , , 1 , - ' i-, .iio aim. i 111 or ino , nl'M iimini sub-division near.; Lake - Junaluska, North Carolina, as per survey and map of said s.ub-di vision recorded in Map Book "15", page , Index "I.", to which reference is hereby made for ,1 more perfect description of said land, 'l'he said defendants - will lairilier i.'ii,- ii'iiiri! unit they are. re,,rir. d appear net ore tho Clerk of tl i"i "'nit 01 liaywood I oi-jnt v, N" Carolina, at his oifiee in the i",a house of said Countv, in lii-T-e-.M W ayneHVille, North c.-i rohn than fifty days from : ihe - line of lo) No. lands two calls with old mail' I be south side N.-41I" W. I'N.-l of lot No. L' of with line of s follows: N. SS top of (he rlilge; N. 42 poles to a larne white oak S. .,7.1 -11' W. 54.S poles croHsing small branch to a stake near two lai'Ke maples; N. ri7 50' V. IS poles to a s(:ik( and sourwood pointers in Robinson's line; thence With Robin son's three calls as follows: S. 22 4.V W. 14 poles to a stake; N. 7(j V. ioles to a stake; S. Sri" 30 min. :. 7 1 M poles passing Robinson's corner at the branch with Airs. (1. 1. CoK bui n's line to a-, pine stump; thence continuini: with Mrs. Coghurn's line N. Kl'. 111 min. E. 52 poles 'lo 11 white oak stump in the lioloW; thence down said, hollow and branch as per Terrell's lollows: S. 9 45 min. V. survey V mill. I: 1(1 pol S 12" min. e llli'l plai s. IS. 1 3 ,E. S pob poles; S. X s; S. 5" I a min. E, 3H 'min. E. IX poles S poles n nurse to up I be 1 h; S. I' 30 5!t nijn. K. 4,,r, (i poles; S. Ill" 30 Pineon River; thence enter of said river; "lifer of said to the d' J "Liiiiniti. is except.! d 2! The take said Contaluine- 110 ess from I he fore I and is to lie con es heretofore sold, defendants will further notice that thev are roouirod in appear before tjhe Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County'North Carolina,' tit, his office in the Court house of -said County, in the Town of W-uynesville, North Carolina, not later than riffy days from the 29th day of September, J9;J1, and file answer Or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or .plaintiff Will apply to the Court for the. relief (Iemanded in the complaint. WITNUSS my hand this the 8th day W'. (1. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court of October. NOTICE OK SI MMONS STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK HAYWOOD. IN THE -SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. We I, ever ther the n I' ll - A'.Y.'i I iy wha and all terest il action, The nliov ta k e not ice com nienced I lay wood 1 ', the purpos'e anil tax sa , sued by .1. 1 Haywood C, as t li'' Lu w , h and ; name li persons su 111 tha husliund,: e may In claiming ject matter : !": ed defi an a ci i, called, , my i 11 of this 'lants. nda nts will 11 has been -tint y of . f, September,. 1U34, and demurrer to the c.oiiipl.i or iilaintiff Will relief demanded in i he ,1 lat day WITNIOSS iih d October, t 1. U'. :. liYEKS, c'lei k oT the. Superior of lile answer or hit .tiled herein, the Court for mi plaint hand this the Xth day Court ior. Caro ho us int. Mh day NOTIti: OU SI M MOW STATE OK NOU'I'I I CAROEIN V ' 'OL'NTY Oh 11A VU'OOI). r.V.THE SUPERIOR COURT ,.. HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff J. A. Bull and wife. .. -...... 1 v . , ; , lowujv.ep name sno may be ca iind all other-persons claiming terest in the 'subject matter - , action. The ab, take- notii jy-e named e that an Defeli dcfendailii action ''has tiiill, or ed. hy in ' . this -v.,,, ii- "ii-u in irje .superior Con Haywood County entitled as abov, ihe imrposo of foreclosing- a tax ind tax sale certificate which w.t sued -by J. C. Web-li, Ta-c -Collect. Haywood County, -statin':? that he lants. .will been irt of -. for lier s fa ir vr SO),) e Superior Court of ail ii led as above, for ! -: !-: in; a fax lien ii, ate which was is ' Ii, Tax Collector of statin.: .that he sold . the hereiiiiifter de- iscrilied land, fwr the. nonpayment of lile. ta,s .In.- liaywood ( 'ounfy. which ue-i e b vied against said land for , the v'-iir; i;i:iii' anil 1931. in. the name: of lh" lii'iAr natned defend .i ut.s, ;and that Countv been me the 1 On-oha s- .described as f, ,ilo Ws : . ' 1 sl-aki- in the C-nter . d; at tin-- ilarilnnvt ',:. 3 a mi ru n's- ) iiene" f said .roa,. f.wo calls -a" mil. W. 2 chains .' a', which land if I b'iiinninc at of Crabtree rij corner of lot X with the c, 1 as folowstr N. !V 5 0 links: X. 1 " VY to -a : E. i: the m thenc, 1 -.-"' ,5. sialic 'tn I th -ha ins ".') links to. Invest corner' of the i :' h the line iif ,'s'; 5 n,m. YV. .4 ih. litis ' '" nt . the 'horthenst , o :: thence With .'the lit), 1 3: chains fi'T link-; !,, lis ' e Tin: lid take 1 PI" diiti 1 v 1 opr. 1 "ai-olina. : initlse of-.--Waynesvii! Lhaii - iifty-September. ifmurrer t -r 1 laintfff relief ,1,-11, v :t.::.-' of Oct6!r. ! that - ;h fore the c. :' 'f .1 1 I V ' at'., his .,',. :"i id-1 'eu :i: !e. N- 1 ': -ihe: iv ill ; ill 1 links IX min. tVike- at ne tract '-ifCt s'. k's ' to :a' r-f -In. -aid lot1 l-ettin- . ;::or II!" hw :i 1,1 Snpoi - North. Court- . ''.vu of t later. - of in' . in. for. - d; swe d i daii- uri 1 I

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