TV THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2 . .if IJ . .);: I! . I"! M XOTICK OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COI'XTV OF HAYWOOD. IN THi: SUPERIOR COURT JIAYWOOD i UI XTV, l'laii.tiil Robert H Si.k and wife, Fannie Sisk, and all "the Irrest in Lli action. Tin- itbovi take notice .'oniiiii'inel Haywood Ihe u r I 'Si ami lax .sail sued by .1 pCl'SOtlS silbjrot 1 1 i ii l; any ni ter uf ;hi.- 1 i.-feiulants. ml. tut.-, xv. i i I nanu-il ibi hat an art in ill.- Supe unty entitled ,li lias lurll ...r Cmiri uf is above, fur of fon-ol m a tax lien i ililiratr which was ( '. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood ( as tin- law ounty. siaiiny that lie sulil directs, the hereinafter de scribed laml. for the nonpayment ol the taxi s due Haywood County, which . were levin! against said land I'm' the vi.jirs 1930 and 1 3 1 . in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood l'oumyki-c;uiie the purchas er, which land is described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the road, said stake being McCracken- Patton corner, and about VI leet from an oak tree, and runs S. 86' N (nassintr throutrh said oak tree) yo7 feet to a stone corner (old Fitzgerald corner) ; thence N. 64 ' W. 742 feet to a stone (old Fitzgerald corner); thence S. 01 W. 370 feet to a stake in the cente.- of the road; thence with the center of the said road S. 24 E. 1125 feet to the BEGINNING. Con taining four acres. The Haiti defendants will l'urthei take notice that they are reciuiietl to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior t'ourt of Haywood County. North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court house of i aid County, in the Town of Wavneaville. North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 23th day of September, 1934 and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Mil day of October, 1934. W. O. LY1CKS. Clerk t the. Superior Court NOTICE OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY. JMaintilT v.s. J. E. Melton and wife, Elizabeth V. Melton and VV. S. Roger and wif , Annie Rourke Rogers, untl all other persons claiming any in terest in tlfe subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above' named defend. nils will take notii e that an .action has been coinnieilred in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale eeltiticate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that be sob) as the Law directs', the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood t 'utility, w hieh were levied against said land for the years 11)30. and l'j-31. in the name of the above named detemlants. anil that llaywi'od County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a rock above the Railroad, corner of llerron land,, and runs -N. Ma " VV. Ul poles to a (logwv)od; thence S. VV. 105 poles to a rock; thence E. 01 poles to a stake; thence S. Il poles to a rock; VV. Oil poles to-a chestnut; thence N. 11T W. 180 miles to a Spanish Oak stumn: thence N. 10' E, 41 poles' to a Spanish Oak root; thence N. 51 ' E, 26 poles to a rock, on the bank of the State Road: thence N. Y-V '.VV. ti polos to a dead spruce pine on the bank of the Creek; thence N. 71 VV. 20 poles to a maple on the bank of the Creek; thence N. 20' VV. 'J I noles to a dead chestnut on the top 'of the ridge; thence along the top of the ridge 41 Vis (lules to a chestnut tin a knob; thence S, 8 E. 40 poles to a Spanish Oak stump; thence S. 41 V20 E. .'C6 poles to a small white oak; thence S. 80' E. 5 poles to the Creek; thence down the Creel; with its meanders to a maple in the Sny der Old line; thence S. 10J VV. l'J poles to a stake; thence S. 73" VV. 20 poles to a stake in the branch; thence S. KVfe 0 E. 14 poles to a stake in the North side of the State Road; thence S. 79 VV. 8 poles to a walnut stump on the North side vf the State Road; thence V VV. 43 poles to the Uegin ninir. Containing 106 acres and 11 Also Second Tract is same deed, recorded in nocro MP, described Book 75, The said defentlants will further ..t,A notion, ihat thev are retiuiretl to appear before the Clerk of the .Super irurf ..f Havwoi'd County, North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court of suitl County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, not later thun fiftv davs from the '.tth day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, ir nlaintiff Will apply to the Court tor relief tlemantled in the complaint WITNESS niy hand this the: sth day of October, 1934. W. O. LYE US, .'.'.' Clerk of the Superior Cou NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUUERIOR COURT 11. VY WOOD COUNTY, I'laintiff vs.. J, II. Franklin and wife, Franklin, bv whatever name she may be called, and .all othef ti rest ihVthe action, The above persons claiming 'any' iu- subject matter of this I tefendanls. named tlefenda ni 's rill take 'notice that .action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for Ihe purpose: of foreclosing a tax lien and tax s;te certificate which was is- Mied bv J. C, Welch, Tax Collector of lhiywootl County, statins; that he sold As the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied acainst said land for the years 1930 and 1931. in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood 'County became the purchas er. which land is described as follows Beginning at a small black oak on top of a ridge a corner of lot No. 3 and runs with the line of lot No. I! down the ridge S. 36 E. 5 poles; S. 1 E. 12 poles; S. 16i E. 16 poles; S. 11 E. 8 poles; S. 25li W. poles; S 15 W. 10 poles S. 1'i E. 6 poles S 8 ',4 E. 22 poles S. 15 E. 23 poles S. 34 E. 15 poles to a gully; then with th m v S. 51 E. 32 poles . ii',. E, rales to a bridge; then with the I road N. ti't W. 4 poles N- 62 VV. 4 poles -. o2' VV. ti puU-:,' then do U. lo poll's to a chestnut, beginning soiiier of Lot No. ". Then with the line of Lot No. 1 S. 14 E. i poles to a branch; titer. down the branch .S. 4 poles, then S. 'Mi L. 7 pole.- to the mouth of th'' oi'tuu-h thin down the creek ti poles to the Andrew Bradley line; then N. i'M E. 22 poles to a stone I maple corner iroiie); then with the line of Phillip Bradley land N, E. !'U poles to a white oak; then N. VV. 2 poles to a chestnut, Wilburn t'onai'd's cornel ; i then up the ridge N. W. 12 jr.iles N. 21) V. S's poles, N. 26 W. 22?, ! poles to the top of the ridge (dogwood gone) then with the top of the ridgf 20 poles to the Beginning. Containing 2-j4 acres more or less. The said defendants will fuitlirri lakf notice that they air required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court house of saiil County, in the Town of Waynesvile. North Carolina, not later than lifty days from the 29th day of September. 1 934, and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, r plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WiTNKSS my hand this the Sth day of October. I'.i34. w. g. uncus, Clerk of the Superior t'ourt XOTK'K OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, I'laintiff vs. J. F. Wyatt and wife, Wyatt, by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claimiUK any in terest in the subject matter of this action. Defendants, The. above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosiriK' a tax lien anil tax sale certilicate which wan Is sued by J. C. Welch. Tux Collector of Haywood County, slatini; that he sold as the ltw directs, the hereinafter de scribed' land, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years l!i,'pi and 1 i 3 1 . in the name of the above nann-il ilefenda nts, and that Haywood County became the purcas er. which land is described as follows: Siutate in "Briffhtsville" VV'aynes ville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and being part of the lands the said Edward S. Brighnit died seized and bounded on the Ntvrl.h by ("amp Branch road on the east by the lands of the heirs of Edward S. Bright, on the South by lot No, 25 belonging to Hardy Metlford on the West by Allen's Creek Road and being lots Nos. 2.'i and 21 on the map made by R. V. Justice, ffvll engineer, bear ing date of June 10, 1924, as shown on a plat of Brightsville, made by said Justice as aforesaid, which map is duly recorded in the Ollice of the Reg. ister of Deeds for Haywood County in Map Book "B", Index "B", and for a full description of the said lots Nos. 2.'! and 24 reference is hereby made to said map and record hereinbefore re ferred to. The slid defendants will further lake no'.ire that ihry are retiuiretl to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court, of Haywood Cou'nly, North Ca rolina, ar his ollice in . the Court-' house of raid County, in the Town of Way nesvile. North Carolina, not later than fifty days from ihe -Mb day of September. 19:t. and lile answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief ileiiiainloif in tile complaint. WITNESS my hand this the sth day of t Irtobcr. U.liiL W. G. UYICRS, Clerk of the Superior Court xotick. ok summons static of north Carolina; county of haywood. in the superior' court HAYWOOD COUNTY. Plaintiff C. S. Washington and wife, - Washington, by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claiming any in terest in th- subject .matter of this action. Defendants. The above named defendants-will take notice that an action hits' been commenced in the Superior "Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was Is sued by ,!. ('. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating . that lit" sold as the LaW directs, the hereinafter de scribed laml. for the nonpayment of ta xes due I jayw I County, . which were levied against, said land for the years 1:130 :tnd i:i3i, jn tire halite of the above named defendants, and that Haywoo.i County became the. purcas er. which lain! is described as follows: Reginning at a stake in the center of the State Highway No. 10, in VV. T Lee anil IMott line, and runs N. with said Lee line to a stake and pointers South-' of T. F. Arrington's spring house; thence S. 70 W. 21 poles to ittine or stake on South bank of T. F. Arlington's road; thence N. 73 VV. 16 poles to a dogwood xin top of the graveyard hill or ridge, M. L. Hooper's corner line; thence North Hooper's line S. 8 E. 27 poles to a Doint at a large rock On the North bank of Brendles Creek at the old mill dam; thence down the creek as it meanders a distance ot about id or 100 vard! to T. F. .Vrmgton s old fxjot-iog place and stake; thence cross. ing ..the creek ana running to me oiaie Hiirhwav;' thence alone the btate Highway to the Beginning. Contain inn 8 acres, more or less. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of llavwood County, Xorth .Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of .Waynesvile. Xorth Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 20th day of September, 1931. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint WITNESS my hand this the Sth day of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. XOMCIC OF SI MMONS STATIC OF NoitTii CAROLINA, col'NTY OF HAYWOOD. IN TH1C SUPERIOR COURT liAVU'ouIj COL'NTY, Plaintiff vs. F. M. Linfors and wife, Marie Lin- tur, ami all oilier persons claintiiii; any in-l.-rest in iln' subject matter of this ,,i;,,u. Defendants. The above named defendants will ak.. police that an action has been i . m.'.'i- need in the Superior Court of Haw. nod County entitled as above, for :hf iiurpos.,- of foreclosing a tax lieu and tax sale oerlilicate which was is ued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he soitl as the Law directs, the hereinafter de--,-ribtd lain!, for the nonpayment of tlue Haywood County, wnitn ..en- levied against said land tor me .ears 1 :t 3 o and 1 'J 3 1 , in the name of i he above uunied defendants, and that llavwood County became the purcas- whieh lantl is described as follows: Beginning on a stake by a white oak stump in the W. A. Herren and Fitzgerald line, and runs thence N. 86 W. 46G 1-10 feet to a stake; thenoe X. 9 51' E. 123 340 feet to a stake in the road leading to the negro ceme. tery; thence S. 78" 49' E. 224 feet to a point in the center of the present State Highway; thence continuing the i ame course to a stake in tne center Lf the .old road or Highway; thence ' with the center oi said old road in a southeasterly direction to a point op posite or near the Beginning; thence to the Beginning. The said defentlants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court house of saitl County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, not later than lifty days from the 29th day of September, 1 934, and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hantl this the Mh tlay of October, 1934. W. C. HYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OK SI MMONS STATIC F NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT JIAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. Jas. M. Williams and wife, Williams, by whatever name she may be called, and J. E. Fulgham and wife, - Fulgham, by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter . of this action, Defentlants. The above named defendants ' will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certilicate .which Was is sued by .1. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, slating that he sold as the Law directs, -the hereinafter de scribed laml, for the nonpayment-' of taxes were due H.'ivwootl County, wlneli levied against saitl 'land for the years HiSO ami libit, in the name of t he a hovC lia tiled defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcas er whieh land is described as follnwr Reginning on a double chestnut and n som woot M. E. Snyder s corner in ir p. Plott.'s old line of Lot Noi 2 and runs S. with the H. B. Plott line 151 4 links to an ash, I'lott's old corner: thence VV. 07 poles to a chest. nut in U. K. I'lott's old line and 4 2-3 noles VV. of E. Arringtons corner; thence N. 21 E. LSI poles to a chest nut: thence N. 3 E. 21 poles and 11 links to a chestnut on a ridge; thence V 'i" E. IS poles 8 links to a chest nut; thence .'52 E. 20 poles 11 links to a chestnut; thence N. 14 E. 25 poles and 18 links to a chestnut in the edge of E. S. Arrington's road; thence N. 11" E. 19 poles and 21 links to a rock, M. E. Snyder's corner; tnence r.asi noles to the Beirinnir.g. The said defendants will further tw notiep that thev are renuired to appear' before the Clerk of the Super ior Court 'of Haywood County. North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, not later thaii fifty days from the IM'th day of September, li34, and file answer or demurrer to the coriiplaint filed herein, or pliiintil'f will apply to the Court for i-elief tlemantled in the .complaint, WITNESS my hand this the Sth day of October, 11-34. W. (5. RYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. ; XOTICK OF SI MMON'S STATIC O l" .NOKTII CAROLINA, 1 1 UNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY. I'laintiff .-'.'- vs- "'' W. R: Anderson and wife. Mrs; R. Anderson bv whatever name she may be called. . anil all tuner persons ciauiunH . terest in the subject matter of this fiction. Defendants. The above named defendants "vv ill take 'notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing :v tax lien antl tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Ctillector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of were levied against said land for the years 1030, and 1931, in the name of the above named defentlants. and that Haywood County became the purcas er. whieh land is described as follows Being lot number 10 of the W. L. Hawkins adifition to the Town, of Way. nesville, : North Carolina arid begin ning at a stake at the , E. corner of lot number nine and runs N. 88 E. 50 feet with Main Street to the vomer of lot number 11, 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 88 AV. with the line of lot number 11, 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 88 with the line of lot number 19, 50 feet to a stake, being the corner of lot number .-'9; thence S. 2 with the line of lot number 9, 150 feet to the beginning. Second Tract: Being lots number 11 and 12 of the VV. L. Hawkins ad- dition to the Town of VVaynesville, N. C, beginning at a stake, corner of lot number 10 and runs S. 88" E. with the road, luO feet to a Make; thence N. 2J VV. 10 feet to a rtake in the line of lot number 15; thence S. 88 V. 100 feet to a stake ir. the line of lot number 19; thence S. 2' E. 1U0 feet to the beginning. The said defendants '.-.ill furtntr take notit e that they arc jt. paired to appear I..-ft .re tin- Clerk f the Super ior t'ourt of Haywood 'otiiity. Ninth Carolina, at his o'tae in tie- Court house of said County, in 'he Town of A n) nesville, North Carol. na. not later than fifty days from the -'9th day of September, 1 934, and til- ariswt! or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. "WITNESS my hand thi. the sth day of October, 1934. AY. (i. HYERS. Clerk of the Superior Couit. XOTK E OK SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY', I'laintiff vs. C. A. George and Carolina Mort gage Company, and all .. r perKt.nts claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been ct rnrnenrcd in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is nued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed lantl, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcas r, which land is described as follows: Beginning in the center of the wall of P. L. Turbyfill's building on the east side line of Main Street of Way nesville and runs South 20 West 24 feet with Main Street to a stake iri C. H. Ray's line (now Mrs. Mae Mont gomery); thence south 72 hast 144 feet to a stake in P. L. Turbyfill's line; thence North 20 East 24 feet to a stake in P. L. Turbyfill' line; thence North 72 VV. 124 feet with P. L. Tur. bylfUi's line to the Beginning, on the east side Lne 'of Main Street as to include one-half interest in the wall and the land thereunder between said P. L, Turbyfill's lot and the lot con veyed. The saitl defendants will further take m nee that they are renuired to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his 'office in the Court house of said County, in the Town-of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the L'Hh tlay of September, 11131. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief den landed in the ..corn plaint. ", WITNESS ni.v hand this the Sth day of K'tuber. 1 ! 3 4 . W, C. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICK. OF SI MMON'S STATIC. OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF 1 1 A Y WOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR 'COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff " ' vs- C. M.. Williams and wife, Williams, by whatever name she may be called, antl all other persons claiming any In terest in the subject matter of this action. Defendants. The above named defendants will take 'notice that an action has been commerced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and 'tax' sale, certificate which was Is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood. .County, ' Mating- 'that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of taxes due. Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named. defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcas er. which land is described as follows: Beginning on a stake in the west margin of a 30 ft. &t. and Duffy Saw yer's corner and runs N. 62 W. 88 ft. to a stake; thence N. 71 40' N. 184 ft. to a stake; in the northwest boun dary line; thence with said line S. 39 30' 'West 710 feet to a Spanish Oak on a ridge; tnence 1&4 ieet to a staxe; C. D. Medford's corner f land bought from J. V. Reed; thence 559 east 49 feet to a Dab apple tree, Henry's corner; thence with Henry s corner line 579 E. 214 feet to a stake, Saw ver's corner thence with said stake Sawyer's line W. 39 E. 820 ft. to the Beginning.containing. 9.4 acres, more or less. The snitl defendants will .. further takenotice that they are retiuiretl to appear b fore the Clerk of the 'Super ior -Court ' of .-Haywood County, North Carolina',-', at his . office in the Court' house of said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the' Court for relief demanded in the complaint. ''.'WITNESS my hand this the Sth day of October, 1934. .. ". , ' W. C. P.YICRS, Clerk of the Superior Court. 'Stvrit IC OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, I'laintiff '':.'',:' vs. P. E. Hyatt and wife Mrs. P. E. Hyatt, by whatever name she may be called, and all inner, persons cla-irningf any Inr terest. in the "subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above nained defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court Of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C, Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold ! as the Law directs, the heroinafer de- ! .., . i .v.- .-nt whi, -hi taxes due Haywood County, were levied against saitl land 1 r the veuitt 190 and 1931. in the n line of the above Hay wui'l i i, v. iiich named defentlanB", aid tnal County became the purcas- litnd is described as !' Hows: Beginning on an iron stake. being ,n the s with to a on of Will Scates' southerly corner margin of Laurel Street and rur said street S. 6s E. 102i-2 fee corner fence post at intersect Laurel street and a new stree'. that has not yet been named; thence with the north margin of new street 75 5 VV. IIS feet to Camp Branch; '.r.ence down Camp Branch N. 11 VV. 94 feet to a post in Will Scates' line; N. 71 E. 124feet to the Beginning, con taining one-fourth acres more or less, as per survey of J. W. Seaver. The said defendants will further take notice that they are requited to appear before the Clerk of the Supr ior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Sth day of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. Arthur Knight and wife, M. D. Knight, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed lamd, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcas er, which kind is described as follows: In the Town of Hazelwood on the South side of Seyoamore Lane, some times called the Main Street; Bepin ning on a stake, which stake is H. Mes. ser's Northwesterly corner, and runs ith his line S. 2 Vv 170 feet to a stake (Messer's corner); thence N. 88 VV. 65 feet to a stake, Davis' corner (now Legan); thence with Davis' (now Le gan's) line N. 2 E. 170 feet to a stake in the margin of said Sycamore Lane; thence with the Southerly margin of said Lane S. 88 E. 65 feet to the Be. ginning. The said defendants will further take, notice that they are required to appear lefore the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of saitl County, in the Town of Waynesvile. North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS m.V hand this the Sth day of October, 1934. VV. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT .HAYWOOD COUNTY', Plaintiff vs. '.'. Mrs. Cordelia Green and husband, Green, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants Will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which 'was is sifed by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector, of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcaa er, which land is. described as follows: Beginning on a stake, N. W. corner of tot 10, in east edge of an alleyway and runs N. 31 43' east 192 feet to a stake in old creek join; thence with old creek run, a northwest course 35 feet; thence with old creek run, a northwesterly direction 159 feet to a stake; thence N. 87. W. C10 poles to a stake; thence S. 6.50 E. 331 feet tx the alleyway; thence S. 75 with all ev. way 148 feet to Davis Street; thence 14 leet crossing alleyway, N. W. Cor ner ot lot n.o. 9; thence N. 75 with north line of lot No. 9 157 feet to the corner of said alleyway; thence N. 6 00 west 100 leet with said alley way to the beginning. . " the saur defendants will further take notice that they are required . to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior court of Haywood County North Carolina., at his office in the Court nouse 01 said County,, in the Town of Waynesvile. North "Carolina; hot later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer, or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply- to the Court for relief: demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Sth d.iv of October, 1934. . ' " ",- W. G. F Y' ICRS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. : 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff : ' ''' .: ';' .' vs.: J. H. Howell and wife Howell. Joe Mormino and wife Maria Mormino, Annie Palmer and husband James M. Palmer and C. N. Allen, executor of the estate of J. M. Mock deceased and Acme Billiard Parlor, ns claiming ofterest in the subject matter ot action, 1,1 t'ci.da 1 1 lie aooe jiaiueu oeieiitiaots Wl! take notice that an action ha.-, bi .n commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, f,jr the purpose of foreclosing a tax Ut-r: antl tax sale certificate which was i..-. sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Colleen, r ,,f Haywood County, stating that he so,i as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment. the taxes tlue Haywood County, v, hid. were levied against said land for tin. years 1930 ami 1931. in the name ct the above named defendants, and Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows Beginning at a stake in the line of Main Street on the eastern edge of the sidewalk, which is 88 feet in a. southwestern direction from the south ern wall of the VV. H. Jones Barber Shop Building (now C. B. Medford Furniture store Building) and runs thence with the edge of the sidewalk in a southwesterly direction 27 feet to a stake; thence in a southeasterly direction with the line of the lot con veyed to M. L. and M. C. Felmet by Mary Mcintosh and parallel with said C. B. Medford line 140 feet to a stake; thence in a northeasterly direction and parallel with Main Street 27 feet, thence to the Beginning. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super, ior Court ot Haywood County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile, Xorth Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Mh day of October, 1934. W. G, BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court XtmCK OP SUMMONS STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, I'laintiff vs. Mrs. Heloise Grady Jones and hus band, Jones, by whatever name he may be called, antl all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court ot Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was Is sued fry J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said bind for the years 1 930 antl 1931. in the name of the above named defentlants, and that Haywood County became the purcas er, which land is described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the South side of Grimball Drive, corner of Lots 7 and 8 and 12, and runs thence with the line between Lots 7 and 8, S. 2 VV. 283 feet to the North margin of Georgia Avenue; thence with the North margin of said Avenue S. 82" E. 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 2 E. 290 feet to said Grimball Drive: thence with the South margin of said drive 100 feet to the Beginning. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before- the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County. North .Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile. North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day ot September, 1 934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief tlemantled in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Sth day of October. 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN' THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. Ruth B. Magruder and husband, Magruder, by whatever name he may be called, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as-above, for the purpose of foreclosins a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was Is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax collector ot Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purcas-'. er. which land is described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the wept side pf a street running parallel with Paisey Ave., at a point 150 feet from the north margin of a street leading from Brown Street to Daisy Avenue at a corner between lots 53 and 54 and runs thence with the nbrth margin of said street north 2 25' west east 7-" feet to a stake: thence N. 89 20' west 161.6 feet to a stake; thence S. 31 30' west 87 feet to a stake; thenee S. 89 20' east 197 feet to the begin ning, being lots 53, 54 and 55 of Pisgah Park, same being recorded in book of deeds 70 at page 70, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of llaywood County, North Carolina. . The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the. Super ior Court ot Haywood County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesvile, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September. 1934. and file answer of demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff w ill apply to the Court f"r relief demanded in the complaint. .WITNESS' my hand this the Sth'daJ. of October, 1934. W. G, BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court. and ail otner persons "-..mus any ,n i I t ' a '' I ti I tl ,.: nt si ist 't k re 'to of til lir , o to Fn

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