Wr5fe,n r- . mmmm I fi i VA 1 1 ttj i G5?5fti The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County- Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head ly Thinking People VOL. XLIV NO. 49 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till RSDAV, NOVEMIJEIt S. 19.51 Farmers And Business Men To Meet on Friday Night To Hear Farm Program Discussed Big Dairying Program Is Being Launched In County, State Specialist To Be Principal Speaker TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY Haywood fanners and business men are to meet at 7:.i0 Friday even ing; in the dining room of the First Methodist church to hear a thorough discussion and detailed plans for a program that is being launched for the increase of dairying in the county. The meeting is being sponsored by the Wavnesville Rotary Club. Another important and vital sub ject will be modern means of market ing, which will be discussed by Mr. A. C. .Jackson, of the TV A and Mr. J. E. Barr, district manager of the coope rative canneries in this section. Mr. F. R. tarnham, dairy specialist of State College Extension Service will be the principal speaker on the dairy program, and there is a possi bility that F. H. Jeter, of the same department, will be among those pres. cm at the meeting. Mr. Farnham has been in the county some weeks making a thorough studv of the conditions here, and is interest ed in bringing into this county some of the pure-bred cattle that are avail ble in the drought stricken areas and which can be bought at a greatly re duced price at this particular time. He has outlined on several occasions why Haywood farmers need to give more attention to dairying. He re cently said: "1 know of no county that affords a better opportunity for dairv ing on u large scale than does Hay- woou. mis county nas everything from climate to grass to make dairy ing profitable, and it has already been proven that it can be done on a profi table basis. The local creamery is right now begging for cream and milk in order that they may fill their con tracted orders. What more could a county ask for?" W. I). Smith, county agent, will have charge of thy program, and stated that there will not be any long winded speeches, but everything would be to the point and short. Committees are working on the at tendance, and reports are that at least 100 or more will be present. In fact more than one hundred plates have already been reserved, a special price 1 of 25 cents has been placed on the plates, although a regular fifty cent meal will be served, but the Rotary Club is naying for the difference in the cost of the plates. It was said that no subscriptions or money would be raised at the meet ing, u ueing merely lor the purpose 01 bringing before the farmers and business men a clear idea of the pos sibilities ot this county and also of the present need for development of certain lines of agriculture. Modern Bargain Basement To Be Opened By Massie Announcement is made in today's paper that the Bargain Basement of Massie's Department Store will be formally opened Friday morning. : For weeks workmen have been bus ily engaged in making the basement tbe same .size floor space as the up stairs of the store. New and modern i fixtures were used throughout the remodeling, with the work being done by Jerry Liner, local contractor. The new floor space gives the store over 11,000 square feet, which is about 1,500 more than when the store m which the firm started some six years ago- When the firm started in business only three clerks were employed, now a total of nine are working in the store. Mr. Charles Camp and Miss Marguerite Massie will have charge of the Basement. This firm is the only store in Hay. wood county claiming an open Bar gain basement. This Week Uncle Abe Writes On: How we made a witch out of him. -, Rip's poetry. Turnin' down the monkey offer. Describes himself to the women. The local beef market. And how he celebrated the fall of the beef prices. (READ IT NOW). fir Vs Queen Parn Burns With A $3500 Loss Early Monday night fire of an un determined origin completely de stroyed the barn of John M. Queen in the Ratclilf Cove section, together with a mule, mare, colt, a cow, a number of hogs and large amount of farming equipment, such as wagons, plows, harrows and mowing machines The barn was also full of feed and coin. A second mule badly burned by the blaze is hardly expected to recover. while a third mule was slightly burned. Mr. Queen said that the total loss was at least $.!500 anil that he did not have anv insurance on the barn. I he local tire department responded to the alarm, but could only save the house in which Mr. Pink Sisk and his family lived. Mr. Sisk was a tenant on the farm. The lamily was asleep and knew nothing of the lire until the barn root was falling m. The light from the blaze could be seen as fa.- as Canton, and a large crowd was attracted to the scene within a few New Presiding Elder Arrives. To Preach Sun. Dr. elder leaves minutes. Mr. T. N M .ss friends motor, d to day and attended game. e and a party of ; Atlanta on Satur- I the Carolina-Tech ! M r. J end in friends. lines Uh W. 1 villi spent the woek the guejjt of L. B. Hayes, former presiding of the Wavnesville district. today for his new home in Charlotte, where he becomes pustor of the llawthorne Lane Methodist church. Rev. W. A. Rollins, the newly ap pointed presiding elder, i,s expected to arrive todav- His furniture got here late Wednesday. Rev. Mr. iRollins graduated from Duke University with a high record, oeing nign nonor man. lie lias serv ed churches like Andrews, Winston Salem, College Place, Greensboro and Haywood Street. Ashcville. and comes from the M, E. Church South, Lin colnton. The new presiding elder will fill the pulpit at the local Methodist church both morning and evening in the absence of Paul Hardin, .).' , who will be in Concord for the week-end. The Hawthorne Lane church to which Dr. Hayes goes ranks second aiming the four Methodist churches In ( harlolte. l! has a membership of 1100 members and is. almost en tirely free of debt. The church li.'o- sccretarv and besides the church building .has a large educa tional plant. The change Hr Hayes is quite a prootion. Democrats of County Pile Up 2500 Majority In Every Local Contest Lawrence Green Victim Of Auto Accident Tuesday Lawrence lv Green, away at, the Norburn Ashcville at three o'clock afternoon as a result of 15, passed Hospital in W odnesdnv injuries rc- vid M. C. Green Now Associated With Ford Dealer Here M- C. Green, known as Ponsv. is now affiliated with, the Champion Motor I ompany, Ford Dealers for Haywood county. Mr. Green is well known in the automobile business in the county, having previously been connected with Mixell Motor Company and later with Watkins. Chevrolet Company. Mr. Green will work from Waynes ville with W. T. Rainer, who is local representative at Abel's Garage. Mr. Green-, and Mr. Rainer will work over the entire county. Government Engineer Spreads Gladness In Town While Pulling An 01k Skin Game marked one ot fakes the town when a "Night, 'mushroom over kly disappeared. , was not to IX' The following made up a party mo toring to Ashcville on Monday even ing to see the performance of Hamlet- Mis Jame.s Maio, Mrs. J M. Kellett- Miss Martha Mock, Miss Vir ginia Kellett. and Miss. Lleaine -Mas. sie. Considering the large number of strangers who are coming into, and passing through the town from time to time it is rather .surprising that there are comparatively few dead Heats. Last summer the most, spectacular has ever oxportcneed, Club" came up like a night and just as quic 1 he enisode. however credited to thi fhimhiioss of the citi- zens. but rather to their faith in humanity. This week a rather short, blonde man. covered quite a bit of ground m a few hours time. He first went to one of the town's popular 'boarding places, stating that he was a civil engineer and wished to engage board for himself and wife, who was with him, and ten engineers who would work under him. Thev would he in this vicinity for some three or four months he said. Thev were do ing some special surveying for the government. And with the woods lull ot government employees, now who wouldn't have .believed' him? The hostess gave hi ill a rate, which he said was not' as rhui'h as allowed by the government for living expens es, so he would gladly pay 'more. She 'immediately, got in touch with a maid who Was. employed only for the rush summer .season and engaged her for several months hence. She .says that she felt so well fixed for t lie winter and as sne expresses it, in my mind 1 had married olf half the girls in Wavnesville to those nice govern ment engineers." Hut the .blonde engineer (?) and his spouse moved down the street and saw another likelv sign of sleam bent and well cooked meals and it was ncuring lunch time. He made inquiries then positive arrange mentshad a good luncheon, which was of course to go on his regular .hoard bill, then left to return the next, day. Hcfore taking his departure he asked permission', to 'buy a good -radiio i for the pleasure of the hosts and' .('Continued on back page.) I ceived early Tuesday night when the automobile he was driving turned over alter lining a post on the side of the highway near the Haywood Buncombe line. Mr. Green was rushed to the hos pital but never gained consciousness, lie suffered a fractured skull and internal injuries. For t wontv-sovon years Mr. Green hail been connected with the local postollioo. and at the time of his death was money order and postal savings clerk. He was active in the Masonic I'rder and until a lew months ago was in charge of' the Masonic Temple j here. For many years he has sorv I ed as sccrctnry-troajsurer of the or- ganiznt ion. He was a member of the First Hapfist church. Mr, -Green was born and reared in thi.s county, and waas known through out this entire section. I he deleascd married Miss Olive lioone, daughter of the late J. I. Hooiie, former editor and publisher of (his paper. 'There are nine chil dren, Olive Jane, Ruth, F.mmctt, Mack. Merrill, Mary Joe, Thomas, Pat.sie and Johnny- He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Green and two brothers. Arthur, of Waynesville, and MelCinley, of Clyde; also three sister, Mrs. K. H- Hal lontino, of this city. Mrs. Owen Mere dith, of Kind Okhl.. and Mi's, l.owery Ferguson, ol Crabt ree. The fatal accident was the result, of a quick swerve to avoid hitting a passing car. it. was said by Mr. Shonff, who was a passenger-with Mr. -Green at. the time. The swerve sent, the ear into the guard rail and then the car lurried over on Mr. dreen pinning mm--under it, m r. Shoafl was not injured. It. was thought that a loose .steering gear was the cause of the 1 l . r,.i loss oi coni.roi. i ne t wo men were en route to Asheville when the accident happened. Nation (,'oos Democratic And Gains More Than Major ity In Senate. House Ma jority Is ;5i;. ii i ii.ijw.hhi county remainei the lieiuocrati-c party Tuesd ing all lh nioctalic "candida joiity id' at least 'J.'(Ht. total el about i..)0(i cast and very little ; twee,, the totals id' the candidates, which sluiwci 1 ti "scratching been predic Willi nineti cilicts hea ril led the ticket ha. d p 1 I:. rior vot-es were nation be 1 'eiiuicratic that little en ihine as had to the election, twenty-two. nre- wiu llavncs K.lv Only two precincts- i:. the entire county went, Republican, although several went Republican for one or more candidates, but the margin of about. lioOO votes was never in dan ger from the time the first results were reported. The : election Tuesday brought to a close one of the hardest fought gen eral election campaigns in many years exclusive .'of -the contest. The voters were quiet all day and little disturbances were reported- until after the polls -closed- In town Tues day night there were some who began their celebration too soon and as a result ;!( were lodged in jail until their -jubilant spirits were under eon- '') '..',-. ..'' i i ne returns luesday night sev eral small conflicts, were engaged in but other than a few bruised eves Were the. Inisy all day ; a. quiet oi'di i lid rly the said UNOFFICIAL RETURNS FOR HAYWOOD COUNTY FKEC1NCTS ((ingress C8 Senate lie p. u C3 C u SherifT I Reg. Deeds o C o a c ( h'm. ( dm ( ommiss-nmers o (A) o 'j bo u OJ Uh a : m o c o m 3 U Ol c4 s or: u 1 North Waynesville . , ' 88G 155 84G 213 879 210 933 138 895 152 902 859 142 14T9G0 986 South Waynesville 963 84 1006 87 1001 124 10-tt 108Toili 83 1045 77 1029"991 82 79Toi 11047 Hazelwood ....... . 240 55 221 60 239 63 237 68 243 56 238" " 6 1 236 " "227 57 58 24()" 213 Junaluska ........ 167 23 144 39 155 .",0 138 51 168 12 1 55 30 158 159 21 22 Beaverdam No. 1 , . 195 166 209 181 187 202 212 169 202176 199199' 166 169 214 2Ty Beaverdarn No. 2 .. 204 81 177 77 196 78 163 114 W 72 181 77 185 178 87 73 19r""2) Beaverdam No. 3 . . 320 151 835 151 298 183 333 Tl) 320 156316 315 150 VT22(; 333 Beaverdarn No. 4 .. 218 189 227 199 183 240 236 11 220 197 228 219 191 181 211 213 Beaverdam No. 5 .. 235 139 196 124 203 138 185 180 216!:;i) 202 126 199 185 138 137 9J6 Beaverdam No. 6 . . 248 146 228 168 191 213 263 J 12 '243 154 211 235 156 1-19 2.;s Clyde 309 238 303 216 302 250 29? 257 232 229 3om3oT)U2232T32"".;22 Crabtree 252 63 274 72 261 68 279 55 267 61 272 268 59 60 pines Creek 293 49 311 49 .304 64 305 48 301 50 297 307 45 rMlil 304 aim "Dent noses none worse for the affair,. Workers remained did their work in manner. M. M. Nolaild, chairman of Democratic Executive committee, he was well pleased with the results. Glenn Hoyd. chairman of the Re publicaii Fxecutive committee, said the results were just about what he had expected. Shortly after seven o'clock Tues day night the first returns were re ceived, and given on the huge bulle tin board suspended from the second floor -of the courthouse. A itood light installed by S. II. Stevenson enabled . the board to be read for many yards away. It was estimated as many as 1,000 people were' -watching the ' board at one time. The returns were received in the courthouse and compiled by Kilwin Mayns and The Mountaineer. The public speaking outfit .of Martin Kleetrie Company was used in an nouncing the returns as they were received, and also for giving state and national returns as well as music. The: bulletin 'board was operated by Joe Liner. - WASHINGTON. For the Must time since the War Between the States the Democratic party holds a two-thirds majority in the Senate. The indica tions are that a majority of 21G will be had in the House when the final Votes are reported. Republicans were elected in Cali fornia, Dele ware, Vermont and Michigan. Even -with those victories the Republicans will only occupy 27 seats in the Senate. Massie Is Head Of Legion Here A group Monday nil 1- i a';c ifiicer White Oak Cattaloochee Dig Creek ........ 33 19 30 21 29 . 21 37 16 29 20 28 22 Jonathan's Creek . . 200 151 188 149 197 159 183 jl69 208 T43 200 153 Iy Hill 290 151 294 160 282 180 304 119 305 140 27 20 r 30rT 29 20 23 201 152" 15f ers elected to serve for Commander- 30 301 141 114 309 301 Iron Duff Pig-eon ... . . . . Kist Fork 116" 274 Cecil 73 190 106 134 75" 208 2 13 ioY'ih' 211 "lP6 212 l7f 260 20Cf 283 201 227 279 278 212 212 275 116 186 10D 195 130 70 136 74 131 77 129 71 133 114 77" 109 281 "126 TOTALS . . . . .1461 840 5423 2 106 5173 188 190 111 75 129 130 76 76 2917 5771 2295 5546 2127 5618 5144 2368 2357 479 1 5191 t ex-service men met. last, lit ir the office of W R for ..the purpose of electing ior the new vear and di i-nj ir:ii.s for building up a . real, live .The Offic j I , are- T. Guy Massie CornniaiKler. uewey Nolaiid, Vic vv. xji miin, Aug. Prsnk. Leatherwood, Chaplain: -J. H. Howell, .Service Officer ;.t, C Hatrick,. Publicity Officer. ('- A- Sergeant-at-Arnis. AH men present, pledged' them -.elye;s to get behind the new- omeers arid work for a great Legion Post for the coming .year and to start a drive, for membership at once. : Next, Monday night. Nov. ll'th; was . .selected as installation nigiit fur the" new , officers, and membership night. Come on: buddies, let's go to. the Le- . gion -and make.,' it,-, a real live post. ' Let's, show Guy 'Massie .land' Dalton . Smith, that we. can wurk jarol ' make' a sure enough po.i hei'e. Let all i-enieniber -.next MoiKlay, riight,:, 1:30 , fit. the court' house. , Ku excuse for iny A. W. O L 's J C. P TRICK. Publicity Officer. , ,'' Mrs.. Sydia. r.ay and dau.nrhter Tl- 1- lu klh Kay, h ue 1 1 e J , icir house-' this week for the w-nter ei s"n nd have taken, an apartmotitlin the C k'vevvill. .

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