4 III - THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY U Page 4 . SOCIETY PAGE Local Society News Items Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor - Phone 137 Y T WAVNF.SVILLK P T H A i'LKNLIL M FETING Th-- meeUr.tf '.be F.a: V '.!-.. -h L.'i.i M : -. -rm . i ' lb: tr,.- iuir.'i ,i ;,..f.,v.. iren will itii-n. which- U he grade f friends will be i:ii, an i t i.r- f day':, h ach iiiee lart.'et r, - pre.-ent M.h Mi?- li.iay dug to imber wa- w.' :v tile tcr.-on P JUNIOR. ' LA S TO GIVE PLAY HIGH SidlOOL AUDITORIUM The ".iurlor .Class the W. T. H. . i, pi -enhng "In tiie Light of the .'do ..." Kr;.-i:iy .. afte.-n-wn and Satur-,!a:-. r.:L-:.U tV:,.-l and lti. This play 1 t-r.-ve. ';: ;eia! .interest. H. ill. away and hi-r brother. ar-.-- ,ett w:tn a big ram . They .de-bie V, 1 1 V to mi ake boarders, btn are uilsuc -in-1 o; tiK-ir iris i- write results. .1!! WITH - -.f the are the su-pect. 'tz- bank tuutjom hi::.- c .-. ire e from availa- tudt-r he: r eve The -i:nn i.nee The s Satur en. Fii i - the h-Ql die;; l"c for the high -iren T and. for adults 2 ofh pe: f rmaru.es - will be given at W T H. S. auditorium. Lester fat will give some ccme iy skits ';r-r;;he ae-s. :,In; the -cast1 are i' .' Sibr, Dou-'las Mo-re, Drama ' a I j V T l ) a Bu ': f:-ra!d P. i-h'--!.' Fr-i Daris, . Wr-:?ht Hunter H ?n: v. Joan Th" nlav B-sey'Lar be-rir .-ire Quir.'.ar.. ... . M C.N Ff IT PARTY SPONSOPFD RY WOMAN'S CLUB . ' Kien " dnte.'reit centers in the benes ' fit : bri-ig-.- pVify .to be given tonight at the Ho.c. Lei -a me ov ttie A oman s Club. Th.-sc ;n charge are expecting ; 4 round eighty pt'.rjior:.- o be present. The foll.w:r,g tir'ms in town, have donated p-'ize-: .Massie's Debarment Store, bath pawder, Martin's Electric Shop, flash light; Clyde H. Rav, deck' of car-is; (:;vde H. Rav. Jr.. candles: American Fruit tano. basket . of : frair: (. r.. Rav s .Sons, t:e: ay nesvilie Candy , Company, box of candy; P.ay'.v Food Store, cigarettes; Mood.y's. Gr-:ery .. Sto.ie, smoking to l'.acco; Ve-ider Bakery, pie.; . Er.kraft Cm sh";). nut ouwr: I. ::,eroKee Auto : C ompany, nve gallons .f gasr Aiken G:ft ho.n. . asn trav: W avnesville Book 'Company,-'pottery.: avresville , Pharmacy, deck of cards; Jce Mor mmo. oasKet of fruit: G. C. Ffcrgu-son. cigarettes: Last Wavr.esvi.re Filling Station. 5 gallons of gas; Mrs! W- C. Alien at AN oman s Exchange. lrx . of home made candv- and Alexander. Drug .store., a box of )ath powder. BENEFIT SUPPER FOR PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH On Saturday evening beginning at 5 o tlo.k a benefit sur-per w-iii oe served at the . V N. C. Cafe bv the members of the Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church- A chicken and ovster piate with aehcious side dishes will be offered. In, Fashion Now m.g: Tn'-. w: le e r. uh 1 ntd W-i: : u : e crei-e f -t:ff ;cb it wa- w-.-rr.. r Y.Ue ulsh colore 1 . hition. ii'fs liU'I wide ar. 1 a llowir.L' ,n Chi tfot; gr- PERSONNEL OF HEALTH DE APAKTMENT HONORF.I" WITH ! 'INNER ' Sa'UH '.av t-vwrfnjt M r-. Jean I'.hdr and -M Harte Oliver enter- mellll'er.- til tl ' wliic'n function ill and Jackpot Health iri Hav wj.h a c.-ntra.t. '.r ranged r were : .uo! Mrs. : Mr Almond, f Hi-: bv. vly r lb-- was at irir.g lb: .vi r- and Mrs. W. V. .V -an-iIi'-' G. Mr. and Mr, K :. f Ki'v.-o:, rge Tabor, '..f H .ri -Id Han. ,ili Citv. Ml-- Elizabeth Miss- Lillian. Fowler. Mrs. ! alt, Dr. ail.j Mrs. 'I'vler. Mr. Linw-Hid Hinton. Peii Sloan. BENEFIT 'SUITER. TO III Kitchen,1 Carn'in'- N. B. and Mr. GIVEN P,Y P T. A. Oh Thur-lav initht. Feb. Hth. there w '-11- b-- a iiene.tit suDlier held at the'; Ha : U'aynesvilb school .by "the P. T. . Serving v. iil begin - at ' o'clock :;!;- ontbuii. as long as desire:!, A ' ; i.' vr- i.f r.stivations have already -r 'rade The pvceed- of tlie affair " i applied on books to be pur-1 cb'i-ed for tin- -chtol library. All pa-tr .rs and friends of the ,-chool are U 'm I to attend. NEW ARRIVALS Mr. 1 Mi-, Rufus Queeii announce die birth of Fcoiuasy ft h- ' iiiai i I. .nii'kiri. iu'hter. Dona J-.e. on, !:;. Mrs. Quet-n priori wa- .Miss :Mie l.av i Mr. W- R. Me If A't.-.ke r and -o ha.ye... : thev ha .. Me.-i:' ulie San ea-tm -?': a fall. is spent tg the ' to town. lusrhter. e t urned j ve spent .':ii. was: .itur.um j for' in- I ( .1.1 W. R -.-vera. Mrs. M. H. Reeves, who has. been visiting relative s- uth Carolina, is tne guest now ,-t. h.vr. sister. Mrs. L. C Hji't.-r. at r.er nome-in. I anton. In the near tuturc M:s. Reeves expect.- to return to Wavnesville .... Mr. a-:e jar,gum. ".of the State Highway, and Public Works Commiss ion. spent several days in town dur ing the week on business. Vr C A B acr. a Mi Lou e Black have returned after, a busme trip to Florida. ...'. Miss li, he Kotha returner! on Sunday night from Monk's Corner SC.,. where she has beeii with her sisttr. Mrs. William Kimberlv. -.- Mr. F. E. Frve returned during the week from rorest Citv where he has been snending sometime -with his daughter Mr .:-. - r. Armand Sand. in. Mr n 1 M-. C F K rkpa r k Mr a- 1 Mr C M D e ar" M F ave G:bo; .-were-: the guests of fi sends in Ashevillp on Satudav. Mr. Hugh. Abet.'. who is now Io-:ate.d reif Br-on C e f t n.-erd in .town.' . ,: :' Mrs. Ruth BiaviOCK. wr.o ha been been spending several weeks in Hick ory, has joined her sister, Mrs. John Orr , of . Morristown, Tenn. and they have gone to Florida for a vLsit f several weeks. .Mr., Frank Therrell has returned to Atlanta after spendin? a fev davs 'an wo a e pje , of Mrs. , N a v. a r n h B I fr.en ;s w--r Paze and a party of Saturday. . . - M J " P H m pen lays- in Raieig.i th:- week -iness. several n bus- AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY HOLDS MEETING i The Wayr.esvllle Ur.it No. 47 of tr.tr American ' Legion Auxiliary met th home of Mr.-. E. B. Camp on M -r. iay afterr. r.. After the usual :-r.:r.g cermcor.y a business sessuon : -.1 -wed. The treasurer a:i : sc-vcra! o mm-iitee cha.r:r.er. gave rer-orts jf : :-., i r Work. Mr.- Ray:i;.::i Hy.,:t g:y.- a re f thv ' er.et'.t -aorer he.'i at tr.e W. V. N ' '. ('. Tine -ecrt-tary v..- ."-t-uetei : vr.:e a r.--:e t'j Mr. t; re.a::v-.--f the -a: ,k- i.'er.e:i':ty ,v;i - : t;i f rem ..t tltee .i'Vll'-: r tr.e tn.r.g- j e A ir. -ti'in was I t- tr.e with a 'K the three pa J to the Is.-a! Aft-. '.J -he f the a m i various inn wa- pa v un I'unr.:. ;' u:ii:r -h,. ial K"ur :it the h ,--.fr-.-e of the af- M ' -. Fred SaunJe.-s And r.a MeGee. served a salad Mi... R R. ramrV-H and ('. Greer, will be h".-te-ses at h meeting. Mr- MI. LOUISE MacFAYDEN GIV EN LUNCHEON -L.-. Guy Wither.-, tr.e lornier !' -ruier M:-.- Emily Harrold, of Way-r.c-viile, entertained un last Wednes day with a luncheon at her home i Wa.-iiingU.-n. D. C. in compliment to Miss Louise MacFayden who i- spend ing sometime in the capitol with her .-i.-ter, Miss Amelia MacFayden. The hostess chose for the decora tive rate a combination of spring flower.-. These were also used in the :-r-;,ge whieil she nreseiVerl the j guv'st of honor. The guest list in- i clU'ko .-rth Carolinians or those i -who have: visited at ditfertnt times in W aynesvilie and were: Mrs- Joseph ! orris, Mrs, L. Hardin. Mis J , Moroni". Fleming, Mis. Walter Pe--t ( i i M Iln U I i Mi-..- Amelia MacFavden and Mrs. ! Samuel J ..'.... Venable. : j . I Mr. an, Mr.. Paul Hardin and ! Wiil- ren: left by niolor oiv Monday for -South Carolina. They were the guests '"' a no. -t . t;me of Mrs, Hardin's ";"ents, Mr. and Mrs. F.. W Reel. in parianturg. . .Master Paul Har din. .'!rd is visiting them while Rev. and' Mrs. Hardin and daughter, Ret" 'vil' "fen-1 the .wedding of a .ousin :i! Da.lington an.1 frm there will -r. to -various places in Florida lb.--'- will 'be out of town for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Knitrhf un 1 voiinc daughter. Julia I.eeV who fnimerly lived in Wavnesville and 'vho h ive been residing in Murnb the ''oast Vea.'. have returned to r-sv-tlle t hi week Mi- KrirV,t i .c..nnM-t..iI with the State Highway n I Pulilic Works Commission ,. MONDW- AFTFRNOOV TON. TR A f'J CT.FR HOLDS MEETING ; -'if -Uonday Afeir-o.-n : Contract dub. ntct on Monday afternoon with " ' , im;an as Hostess Mr- Tin at 1 1 K valentine -motif was used with active result-. For serving Mrs. ..in used white linen; on: the tables he. salads were placed enlarge heart shaj-e-i plat. s. embers of the. cl'lb preser.t for crcnifs were: Mrs. Jane- M Li-ne. . R I.. I'r- v st. Mr-. F.Uir-r.e M: Ailev, J: Mrs.' Je: M i K ) Colkitt. Friends of the mertiVe-s of th club who. a-" Mrs. I M R he - Mr Te C Mrs. t . ( h'ite I MR. AND MRS. PAUL RUCK WELL HONORED WITH PARTY p- , o - fc.acrvwe.i enter-! Mts. Rufu. H, taiiieo witn a -ttet sjrmer oaltv on! son lCr -' "Pniem to ner B'ackwi'i wh" we Mrii i aUi b.ackAe.i, who were- married lat. T- . -.-. - ----- I ai. . 1 be : a.entme motif of red and white lent itself, in many attrac e e Te ' r "c (it ai or and appointments.? Supper was served at sma.i iau.es whicn were gav with re-f ar... white. . .' . " o Following the serving of supper K-r.tract was enjoyed at- four tables. Miss Helen .Ray made the top score among the . girbs, with Mr$. Arthur 1 a ' g ve wvile Mr Ernest . J. Hyatt made high among he men witn Mr. Paul Blackwell maxing tne low. Thev were present ed w.m prizes as was also Mrs Paul ICa.-K-.v': j. The guest list included besides the h n r tut M a" i Mr r hur Hyatt Mr., and Mrs. Hugh Ma-ssie. Mr and Mrs. Lerov Hall, of Canton. Mr an 1 Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt. Mr a.n'i Mrs. Gradv Rogers. Mi He'en Ray and Mr.. Wallace Blackwell ...: Mrs- Sheidon Leavrtt., D'oce-e president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church, and Mr Robert Gnobin. wife of tv-e -Bishop. Yxnh of Ashevme. were special gues.tr of the meeting of the Woman't Aux o.ary of Grace church which wa. heid at the Palmer House on Tues day afternoon w:tn Mrs. Drayton U Perry as hostes-s. . They were lunch eon guests of Mrs C. F. KirkpatHck at the . Hotel LeFaine prior to. the meeting. - , . -.. . Mr. F. G. R:nt)eto?. wri -s pw located in Hit Springs, spent the weeit-end at the Hote: LeFa-.no -with his f amilv. -..... Mr. Fab Briggs. of Raleigh, snent several davs during the week in town of red ! Sarah Ann's Cooking Class Sugar ani .ream go well with s:: aww-rries but certain. y not w'tn maexorc i. Ar. : s if it is with salad ani salad re.-jsing.-. Some of them a j to gether ana ome di not. lo r. j. use the same salad dteisijiff over every salad Mix the salad dressinga ait th.- .- lad. Broadly speaking. salad dressings may re cvn.;dervu under three heads: French ire-ss.ng, a combination of oil, vinegar or : on, and condiments; those stirred, into a., emulsion called mavonnai.-e ; anJ t e cooKe ! dte.ss:ngs ma' without ; oil Roquefo Crush 1-4 rt Cheese Lres-ing ib, Roquefort cneeSe a howl. Add y taaieSDoe-.'i- of .-a l y '.-;i little, by .little until y 'U hae a smo th evtli mixture, then a ale-i 1 tu-n.e.-p.ion uf v:nega.'. Vou w.l. find the dressing thick and creamy it just bately pou:.-. Sca-.-n with 1-4 tea spoon salt- 1-4 tea.-p - -r. pepper, and 1-2 tcasj.i-ir, paprika. Serve with head lettuce. French Dressing Beat VI tablesooons of salad oil, j tablesjioon- of vinega, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon pepper and a dash of paprika. If you like it a bit sharper, season it with more vinegar and less oil. A good way to make French dressing, one that will stand without separating for some time, is to make it in a cocktail shaker. Place good sized lumps of ice in a c' cktail .-haker with the oil. vinegar, s..lt an:l pepper. Add one or two 'easpouiis of sugar as desired Shake it vigorously. Cooked Salad Di mg 2 tablespoons vinegar - ta:)lespoon.s sugar 1 well beaten egg 1 .an crushed pme-pple 1-1 t.'ii.-pooii salt. Strain juice from 1 small can flushed pineapple and combine with any other fruit juice available, suf ficient to make 1 1-2 cups liquid. Combine the above named ingredients and add -fruit juice. Cook over slow tiie until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Remove from tire, beat with egg beater until cool, then add c.u-hed pineapple. Serve with fruit saiad or a vegetable combination of cabbage, carrot and celery b Chiffonade Dressing "'.-' To 1 teaspoon of salt, 1-4 teaspoon pepper and a dash. b.f paprika, add it: taole.spoons of salad oil and o tablespoons vinegar. Beat for a few secoiius. Tiu-n put pimentocs, 1 table spoon of chopped pimentoes, 1 table spoon of ctlopped parsley and m.m ed hard-boiled egg. Beat until blended. Serve with asparagus salad- Russian Dressing To d-4 cup of mayonnaise -add 1-2 of a hard boiled egg chopped fine, 1 tablespoon of chopped green pepper, 1 tab.esj)uon of ' chopped, chives. 1-3 cup of chili .-auce. Combine all in-' giedients and serve on tomato or egg aUoi- Ta ar Sause ves, 1 gherkin. 1 Cnu.p n tar-it of n h x-un of parsley. Add 1 cup yor.nai.-e. Mix well and serve! tied broiled fish- : Vinaigrette Dressing To 1. cup French dressing add 2 teaspoons chopped pickles, 2 teaspoons chopped capers, teaspoon each chopped pars.ey and. or. ion. 1 teaspoon pre- pared mu.-tard. Serve with lettu.e un -1 .r,,,-,, o.!.i " : - Mrs. Felix Stovall had as her guest (r veral ..days during the past week h- n-r.i:. ... V. . Youmr. of Asbtvi'llo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wigham. of Asheville, were the week-end guests of the latter s parents. Mr and Mrs Will Ray- .,..'".. Mrs. M. H. Bowles and Miaa Caihe.-ine Ray, were Asheville visi tors on Thursday .'.. Mr. Aaron Prevost and Mr- Joseph elch have returned from Tampa and other points m Fion.ia. ."..... Mr. Carol Bell left durilrir the week with a party of friends for Florida where they will enjoy sev eral days fishing. . Mr, and Mrs. Gradv Rogers, the latter the former Miss Dorothy Mc cracken, w-ho have been making their home in Biltmore. have returned to aynesvilie and Mr. Rogers will be located here. . Kxpla:n! thf m.i-.ir.-. n-.- M Treatment Win h . amaj.ng r-hM SoH on ironUa 1 PRICttESS INFORMATION 3 STOMACH OR Ol 'ODES' M. I LCEKS. POOR DIOES TIOS, A(il) DYSPFPS1 NFSS. llEARTRI'RV frv H STIPATION. BAD BRFMH SLEEPLESSNESS OR HFn ACHES. DUE TO EXCESS ACID. Aik f or & frt copy of H Otortt-g Mejjavm. We 3 SMITH S CUT RATE DRUG STORE aynesvilie, N. C Mr. Willis King, of Elkmont, Tenn., who holds the same position for the state of Tennessee that Mr. Wilburn holds for North Carolina in the work relative to collecting material and es tablishing the Muesum for the Smoky Mountains Park was in town the first of the week. Mrs. Fannie Cabe Parker left dur ing the week for Tampa, Fla. where she will spend the remainder of the w liter with her sister Mrs George Roberts. The Place Sunbeam Flour, per 24 lbs . J YUKON WESTERN FLOUR 121 lbs. 1,10-49 lbs. $2,15 Bbl. SS rt Yukon Best, per 24 Sugar, 25 lbs. Lard, 8 lb. carton RF AVQ Great Northern B .DijAiiU' Michigan Pea .. BEANS er icnuvv if mis Bushes Corn, No. 2 Lord Fairfax Beans, No. 2 1-2 can 10c 1 ; il g Sloats Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, No, 2 can . . 3 for 22c ! Bushes Fork and ! 2 for Broken Slices Pineapple, 2 1-2 can 19c Santo COFFEE Per Lb. 19c "the sesrPAfrr OF THE MEAL " mm 5 1 1. . !,' OCTAGCn ! fToCTAGONil f SCOURING 3 LClfANilRi BUY FROM THIS OUTSTANDING SOAP FAMILY CLEANLINESS WITH ECONOMY YOUR BEST BUY Quality Meats At Good Prices Roast Beef, 1A Round Steak A ( Per Pound .... lUC Per Pound .... 1 UC - a Roast Pork q Pork Chops , 1 Q I B Per Pound .... lOC Per Pound .... .IOC I Pork Brains in Sausage 1 A , B Per Pound .... lC Per Pound .... 1UC ( See Us For Western Meats C E. RATS SON! MR, AND MRS JAM? -IMPROVING AT H Mr. and Mrs. James V. suffered injuries from u accident several weeks route to Selma, Ala . ; teen confined to the Hi.-, ty Hospital sin e, are rr.i It will be necessary them to remain som--: the hospital. Mrs. Harry Rotha ar i R. -Thomas were am r motored to Asheville fo: to Buy Flou r 89c lbs. .$1.19 $1 23 ........ .,..$1.05 4 lbs. for 25c per lb.lOc . . . .o ius. lor zoc can . , . . .3 for 25c- No, 2 can .4 for 2k Beans, No. 2 1-2 can 25c Mary Mac COFFEE 25c Per Lb. In The Glass Jar Vacuum Pack Per Lb. 31c i IBIS'

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