mm The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking 1 'tuple NO. 13 WAYNESVILLE, NOHTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEURl'ARY 28. 19:13 lrTvi vii 1 1 FROM W State and Nation i THEY MEAN "NO ' I a-iilllNUTON, D. C.-The depart- f v-rkulture issued a new f';.u,viin during the week entile- l,'.i ,,,,! time no to requests t -"'. .V: eli ,-js. ine statement miu. lee's the department have it has no seeds or te t . ij either, ine irraws ! :n;,tu:i.,n "M abolished in 1923, but V'1'". l..ii nnurine in. Ian'. rvv v r x UTOINTED uisiIlViTON, D. C Mrs. Em- -.veil Hlair 01 Jopim, wuio, S" hL.m,.o-:itio National comnr.ttee, H ,ppi.i;ed last week to the post "chairman of the NRA Consumers' Ijvmury Hoard, succeeding the late Harnimm Rumsey. w w FOR SALE N.'V ORK CITY. Having Tenth- sold six paintings for $1,500,- loO J. I". Morgan last weeK turneu lin le iur mc fcnc acres i'H tne suuui w hml Sound, lor wmcn ne pmu r .nao ff vparj ae-o. There was to official explanation but it was f ..i .i,, Viio nuronse was to cet i,Hr island holdings in more fcanairi-aUt' order. W'd M AN WARDEN 'C-PWiTK. OKLA. Mrs. George A. Waters.-T lie nations oniy woman Ivanlen (it a Mien's prison, lost ner b ),.t v..rk.. Thirty-two inmates ,f tin- Staio Reformatory at uramte, i'kla. k i 1 ! 1 a guard and escaped and lev, Mar!:nil announced that Airs. iVater.- wvuM have to go. . hne said ..evii;iM not but the senate approved he appoint moiu of Sheriff Fred Hunt (KKI1 1 1 I LR AT THE AGE OF .OR Mo NT". Ha.- John D. Rocke-.oliM-. who used to be "Neighbor ohn," to ail the folks of this little own. is now living in deeper seclu ion than Wilhelm at Doom. He is i m il lute recluse. The !)6-year-ihl founder of. one of the world's greatest financial dynasties, sees and Speaks to no one but his intimate re. - itives and those who serve him. MILLION TREES TO BE PLANTED As-Hl-A 11.1 !: , It. Vins been announ ced that earlv next week the federal rte mant-mir nroirram under- the su- trvifioii -of II. E. Ochsner, will "be :n the planting of approximately l.Him.uiH) trees in the Pisgah-Unaka National finest' areas. These trees Ml be p.anted on land formerly burnt tivcr-hy torest fires. Nearly half of IHe seedlings will be two year old hite pine. M M' !1 GAIN CHAIRMAN U WHV.ION, I). C.Frank .ft. .-.flcNinch,- who was first named to the Jedeial power commission by the in flue-nee of Senator Cameron Morri a. is again re-elected chairman. 1 ' ie until July, 1939. He a- fn.-t named when the commission 4na- it-organized in 1930 and five .commissions- replaced three cabinet Members. ;. M'Pl MFLLON AND HIS TAX- I . ... Eg ' 1 1 H - l RG, A "huge amount" f An ire w Mellon's $97,000,000 per fonal toj-une is invested in taxi ree -uritu s- and he never reported them n hi.- income tax returns his cpnfi cntial secretary testified this week . thr investigation being conducted "'t government. The charges outh, by the government are that -icii,.,n evaded payment of three tnil 'n J income tax. TWO VII- RICAN GIRLS HEART BROKEN tp.ROMl ORD, England! Jane and .M.zajt-.a IiuBois, only daughters of ' r i i Lois, American consul at '"I'tl- lianif In konrl W or, oj. 'Jliner uanu i.uiu a.ft ail over the English coun-1- arewell letters written by i e ealed that they were heart er the death of their lovers k illnH in o flaming. Ai-ni-li r9 'y'sid t ne g.-, i ilroken - . at x-.v force seaplane over Sicily. j ?' .000 PRICE OF LIFE TPxT0V( j.Gov. Harold G. .yr ,' "as received a letter from a p L " ir veteran offering to take tr ; v "aaptmann's place in the elec f ' tv "t lf the condemned murderer t I. V,nberSh babv Pay him r- . ' He explained that he desired la if m vl"de fr his family who 4 x 5 Jy i? existi"K n his $12 t, p re,lef allowance. The proced- j " 'I't-rmissahle under the New -,d8 the Governs or stated in s- -..Mig to the letter. Sl MEIIRESIDENT HERE l, pSES WAY IN AIKEN V, ma"v friends of Mrs. I. O !c-ronA1" ,re"?t to leam of her lAiken " cSt Fnday at her home in ' - Known V , '"ouii, are heThme e' W'here th have a TVA Model Farms For Demonstration Picked In County Official Of TVA Will Speak At Court House Here On March 7th The Township Agricultural com mittees have selected one farm in each of eleven townships to be designated as a Demonstration or Model farm for that township. All of these farms have been mapped and the farm own ers are now planning the cropping system he thinks i.s best adapted to his farm and any neighboring farm. The farms selected by townships are: Waynesville, J. R. Medford. Clyde, A. J. McCracken. Pigeon, John Justice. Beaverdam, Will Hipps. Iron Duff, Joe Medford. Crabtree, John Rogers. White Oak, Ben Wright. Fines Creek, Charles MeC:aiy. Ivy Hill, A. D. Hunter. Cecil, W. F. Hipps. Zast Fork, I. R. Howell. It is hoped that every farmer will take a live interest in the demonstra tion farm in his township; that he will make it his business to know what is being done there, how it is being done, why it is being done so, and what results are obtained. From time to time he will be asked to meet the county agents and specialists in various fields at the farm for confer ences, demonstrations, and discussions. ! This i.s a co-operative venture prima rily with TVA sponsorship. Mr. Lawless, of the TVA, is sched uled to lead in a meeting here at the court house Thursday, Ma-ch 7, at 10 A. M. The township committee men and the owners of the demonstra tion farms, with their wives, are nut only invited and requested, but urged to attend this meeting in order to have this direct contact with the TVA and inform themselves about, the" pro gram. The publi .; is cordially .invited to attend. Mrs J, R. Terrell Buried Saturday Funeral services wore conducted at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning Ht Fincher's Chapel for Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatrick Terrell, wife of J. Robert Terrell, of the Hyder Mountain sec tion of Crabtree, who died at her home en Thursday night. Rev. W. M. Robbins, pastor, who conducted thi. services, was assisted by Rev. J. H West, of Lake Juraluska, Rev. R. P. McCracken, of Clyde, Rev. HighMl, of Woodrow and Rev. Roberts. In terment was in the cemetery adjoining the cVapel. .Mrs. Ten ell was the daughter of the late Taylor and Mrs. Rachel Rogers Kirkpatrick and has a -.widd family connection throughout the county. She had been a member of the Fincher's Chapel for many years and took an active part in the affairs of her community, She is survived by her husbai.d, four sons, Glenn, Hesse, and Arnold, of Crabtree, and Hugh Terrell, Of Canton, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Forest Feruson, T. L. Kirkpatrick, and W. C. Kirk patrick, of Crabtree, Mrs. Rachel Patton and J. Handy Kirkpatrick, of Canton, Airs. Mazie Ganey and Hiram Kirkpatrick, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Annie Allen, of Charlotte, and Mrs. M. B. Reeves, of Morrjstown, Tenn. SAVINGS HONDS ARE NOW ON SALE IJY GOVERNMENT Announcement Was made, yesterday that the public now has access to United States Savings. Bonds of the "A" series The bonds are in five denominations, $K, $50,:.$100, $u00, and $1,000. The interest rate is about 2.9','c it was said. The $25 series sells for $18.75; the $50 series for $37.50; and the $100 series tor $ io. More detailed information may be ; had from the post office, MR. AND MRS. ft EE I). LEAVE . HOSPITAL ;. The friends of Mr. and Mrs.: James, V. Reed will be; glad to learn that.! they have been able; to leave the Hay wood County Hospital after spending , several Weeks there following an au" tomobile accident while they were en : Mute South. They have taken .an; apartment in the Kirkpatrick Apart-j ment House. Mr. Reed is up, but- Mrs. Reed is still connnea to ner oeu RETURNS FROM BUYING TRIP Hugh Massie, buyer for Massie's Department Store, has returned auei spending sometime in St. Louis buy ing merchandise for his firm. Mrs. Massie accompanied him on the trip. MR. LEE DAVIS ACCEPTS FOSI CITION . Mr. Lee Davis left on Tuesday for Wilmington, N. C, where he has ac cepted a position with the Cia-.m De partment of the Atlantic Coast Line iRailway. Mr. Davis, who is a grad uate of Duke University, has been a member of the law firm "of Davis and Davis for the past two years. While at Duke University he was prominent in athletic circles, having served as captain of the famous Blue Devils. ; 3Iore Predictions 1'iililiial cit)M-reiN ami li-ywla-lurr VM--iaHi" liac ina.l.- a iiuiiilH-r ( r.-,lii ii,iii a to (lu- lute (f adjournment ,,f th.- in-N ut esfum of the .viural --.-inlily. Inn the lat.-M -ilo - (roni tin f"ont is Iroin sia. r) . WaUo. Mt'i laiy of siaie, pn-ttli-ts. il will Ik- May tir-t lx-fon- tlu-St-naloiN ami Kt'' lo parl fi-om Kaloltli. I" luu'Wiiis up Mi. W'udo's Ix'lit f. Itepresfiitatlte J. I. Ikillcy is cnxlitttl ;il tlu- Matt-incut of MstiaiiiK a ln-aiin- on a tfi-lain hill until tlutt tlate. Anil tin-re yni aiv. Joshua Allison, 89, Buried On Jonathan Creek On Saturday Well Known Farmer And Stock Raiser Was One Of lion eers Of County Funeral sn vices were held at 2 o'clock Satutday ultenioon at Wk' bellwood Methodist il.urih IV: Joshua Henry Allison, Sil, Confederate.- vet eran, who died at 2 o'clock a. m. at the home of hU daughter, Mrs. V. ft. Evans, mi JonaMia'-'s ( I ek on Feb ruary the "2nd. Rev. A. B. Brut on, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. T. S. Roten, a forme,- pastor, con ducted the services. Interment was in the .Allison family b'iral grounds on Je'iatha,,' . Creek. Mr. Allison was bun in 'Jonathan's Creek o-i .March the 2, IMf,, ami .vould have been ninety years old next month. He Was the -son' of Daniel and I.Ucinua Henry Allison und l:ad resided all h,s life in llavwood whore he has been known i0 hunu eos of friends fo. years, as "I'nele ,'uh " As a vet. rails l tne War HetWi'en the -' his Vxp riences w ith Kirk's men make an interesting page of ; (lie cojnty's history: . He was a well know and successful farmer- and sto.-k raiser and was one of the i leaders of th. county. The' pallbearers weie his nian lsoi.s as follows: Dock, 'Hugh 'Al lison. Ed Allison, Jack Al'ison, Her bert Rice and Lee Evans. In 1871 iie was married to Miss Martha Leatherwood, who died; some yeaii ago. Surviving are the follow ing children: two sons, William E. and Charles R. Allison, of Waynesville and five daughters: Mrs Ervvin Reno, of Catitoii, Mrs. V R. Evans, Mrs. M, S. Howell, Mrs. Jessie Caldwell, and M's. L. W. Hall, all nf Waynesville, a brother, M. 11. A"ison and a large num'oer ci' grandchildren. Last Rites Held For Mrs Harris Funeral services w-'re held on Sat urday afternoon at 2 oVI -k from the Baptist chuieh. with the pastor, Rev. H. W. Baucom, olliciating, for Mrs. Ellen Cowiird Harris, 07 who paid away at he home here on Friday. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Mrs. Harris was born in 'lay-ood county near Waynesville ami was the daughter -of Mrs Emma J. Cc'ward, of Jackson county, who will be one hun dred years old in June anil the late William H. t oward. She was tne Widow of the late. Albert H. Harris. . Active pall'earer.s were: G rover C, Davis, W. G. liyers, M. T, McCracken, James Atkins, M. M, NolanC, atio. K. J. Hvatt. Honorary pallbearers were as follows: W. T. Sbelton, C. 11. Kay, Jr., J. Wilford Ray, Edward Galvien, John Boyo, J. C. Welch, W. T., Claude Ilowell, Clinton Howell, Dr. Sam Stringfield, R. H. Blackwell, S. H. Bushnell, J. Harden Howell, W. a. Bradley, L. N. Davis, John L. Davis, W. A. Hyatt, Dr. W. H. Liner, and J. R. Boyd. Mrs. : Harris is surviveel by her mother, and the following children: Mrs. Shuford Howell, Mrs. iuinoe Poteat, W. L. Harris, Rufus -Harris," and .Albert Harris, Jr., of Wavnc- vilio, Mrs. WV P. Hill, of Tampa, lla., Mrs. ft, C. Hunt, of Miami, Fl;... Mi.. ''. H: Lima and Mrs. Charles - Schrang, of San . Francisco, Cal., ten grand children and two great .grandchildren-. MISSIONARY ZONE MEETING TO BE HELD : -A meeting of the organizations of this zone of : the Methodist church will be held on Tuesday, ..March the 5th. at. the Methodist church with Mrs. Bobbie Howell, of Jonathan's Creek, .1 president, presiding. The z-ine com prises societies of HaywiK! and part of Jackson counties. '. Rev. Paul Hardin, Jr., will have charge of the devotion;,! features of the program and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, president of the local group, w'l deliver the address of welcome. Oth ers on the program will be Mrs, F. E. Branson, of Canton, secretary - of ;-the Waynesville district, ai l leaders from other organizations. At nnnn thp dcWates Will be the guests for luncheon of the members of the W'oman's Auxiliary of the Methodist church. MAN AND STILL CAUGHT ... ,Roy Reece, federal revenue officer, and Deputv Constable John Kerley, captured a 35-galIon still and arrested a man at Sunburst Sunday. ICounty Would Get Kel und Of $45,000 If Bill Is Passed Highway Commission Would Re pay Value Of County Roads At Time Statt Took Over Svstem If the- biil that was intr- dined in the house several days ago can get hrough the senate 'after the com tii tee hearing this afternoon at 2:o0 o'cUnk, it will mean that Haywood county will receive $4,'i,'.l72.-l 1 from the stale 'highway commission lor which amount was the value of coun t roads when the state iook them over. The bill as introduced would re fund '.he forty four iinil'ties for the value of the r-uds. The other tifty--ix counties have nl:-c;.,ly been paid, it was said. The total no.v due the forty-four count ies is IS.-TH.l.-iO ."0, the bill set forth. The county also let the hiirhwav eom -.iission have $150,000 when it was set up several years ago, luit this has been repaid, The payment of the $4.r,000 to the aunty would cxten l over a period of ten years. 1,000 Hear Henrv A. Wallace Talk On Farm Problems Secretary 01' Agriculture Praises Religious l.ilo In Western North Carolina IVm i .liing W.estei n Morth C.a-ulina as 'an ar it unliai t 1 - "inatci.ial eaji itali- n ,' S ei i tarj lirnry ,", Wallace in an -n. dress in A-iu vd e predicted th:-t ..he. way of li i'e a nd t Funking of ihe people nf this section.. might have a profound effect upo" the -vs.t of-the nation in a religion.- way. The :.ei let.-iry of agiirultuie was ; n I -dif-.sing an aiidienee of aiioi.t 1,0'K at the annual Lord' Acre movement 'meeting. The .Movement calls upon each .farmer to plant an acre for re igiou.s and eh. ritalde purposes. Fai iiiei's in this s"ction of the coun try, Secretary' Wallace said, are the poorest in the ii.ttior from the stand point of material - .vealtl: but are an usually rich in "wliat we teriii. as lift." "The alsen'e uf 'material wealth'," he added; "r'ay jn: ke tlRtn even richer in life. Profoundly moving religious activ ities. Fe continued, always Mini their base wheie the material wealth is small. "The people ol the cities and licit fa-iit lands come .to 'have ' faith that has rophu-ril religion. They havt bui't up false reliiriors faiths, of tFieii; own anil ' these aiv hound to come to sail end. "The chui vh, especially in the cities,, lias tended to say to its peoi)e : ' I loii'i bring tilings; gr ( us , money and w.c will .'divide it as 'we sie lit.' "The l.o. il's. Acre plan tends to carry 'us . back'-; to. the pre capiialistit days." IVIrs.G.C.Swayngim Passed Away Thurs. ; Funeral services were held for Mrs. Gi-ovor (': Swayngini, -17, oil ''Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the. 'Pleas' ant Halsam Baptist Church with Rev. J ..M. Woodard ofliciating. Interment was in the (ireenhill cemetery. Mrs. Swayngini passed away on Thursday after an extended illness, having been, confined to her bed at her home near Balsam, for the past three years. Before her marriage she was M iss. Fannie Frady of the Francis Cove section. She Was an active mem ber of the Pleasant Balsam church prior to her illness. . She is survived by her husband, and nine chili. n-n as follows: .Mis. Robert M.-E!.roy Of Allen's Creek, Edith, Wal do, Fred, Robert,.' Ray, Clyde, Harry, and Delmas, and'. by four brothers; and cine sister. ' 1 FINDS "HAND " AMQN(; PILE OF CORN t'OIlS I). P. Jaynes, of Waynesvillei Route two, has. found a most uttsual ebb in his corn ; crib. The cob forms a perfect hand, with all five ifingers plainly visible. Even the Wrist tapers down in proportion to the 'size of the fingers and "arm." Mr. Jaynes plans to give the "freak'' In Mr. Willmrn for the park museum. NEW POSTMASTER AT CLYDE The postoffice department in Wash ington, D. C, has recently announced the appointment of Grover C. Haynes as acting postmaster of Clyoe. He succeeds Jack Sentelle, who has served in that capacity for the past four years.' : . ; DR. J. C, OWEN TO SPEAK Dr. J. C. Owen, leader of the Dry Movement, will speak at the Hazel wood Baptist church Friday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Commissioner Bill Still In The Senate It wa.s learned linv edne-,pi afteritiHin from eliw friend- of lt ini-senialtxe ,1. T. Ibtiley that I lie lull o ln i-ea-e the Imi.hi' ol tiiiiiiM--toneis fi-om tlmv to lie nu'iiilM'i-h would likely Ik- carried In-fore the senate itn lirt of licit Mtvk. TlutM who haw Ihh'ii in close contact with Mr. llailry slate that the hoard will Im InerxMlsed to lie ineinlx-rs at proent under (he hill now in the senate and that a ii-olslon tM- made in the hill lo Increase the ninnher to M'ten al Ihi' uel eliM-tiou Ihe menihers Mould Ik' elcried from the ioMsed distriei plan, it was said. Secral lne lH--n ment ioncd for the place of . II Mr ra ken luit neither Mr. Iladei nor his adlxns heiv would make his hoiee politic. It hiks Imvii inti t iatiil thai a a n- die mail ulll trei ih- post Funds Set Aside For Parkway Being Used For Relief Anotjier Appropriation For Re lief Necessary llelore Funds Will 15o Available For l'aikwav New s i onime; from .Washington indicate- 'hat much concern is being given ovci the I'act that lie !f Id, IIOO, Odd allocated lor building, the srcinc parkway between 'the Slicndandoali and (Ileal Smoky Mountains National I'aik is lieinj' .i.-cd tin icliel work. S-iii-e the admniist ation's $l.ssll. 0011,000 work icliel". is heine held up in t'oni:i'ess friends o'' the I'arkway project ,ii .- -.miii-. i .in: nisi w hat e i I'e, t the laiiure of ('ongies- to j a-.s ilio Woll.. ..-Hef lull would hae. on the l'ai:k ay. It Is cer'ain that a ri la f inea. will l.iaxe lo pass In fore another $Hi,,Oll,0o will be avail aide for the r."ikwny project. It was also learned hen- -one ollici.,1- in W'asliit'gloii ha.e not Ini-n us "e, and eacei ' to get the woik underway as North ( am linians woiild like. Several tiip from this section have 'ucn inade to Wasliinglon ill t'ie -.ojie uf 'elting mat to.', running siuothly, Some close oh-ei vers lie concerned over the iikmi'ici in uheh the two North ('aiolina Senator- 'are cotntj-.. Ii- the ma jotny id' eases the I wo Ta I lei Is rlix lle t ben i U-. 'lennes.-ee lo-t tile Parkway d--i t. ion of Secielary Ham lil I,, li ke-, the senalol's from Tenio'ssee aie in one accord w,:lh the administration. ()-: of North ( '-.lioliiia's .-enators even voted against the work relief bill which would provide the fund.' ticcos.sary for bui'iling the Parkway, Boyd And Osborne Elected Directors At the annual meeting id' the stock holder.- ol the Farmers l-'ede ation. In Id in the court Fiiiuse at Asheville, February .'1, R. I . 'Boyd, RoiiH 2, Waynesville, and II. A. O.-boine, ( an ton, were elected directors- of th Farmers Fodeiation, Inc. At this meeting two' directors were elected from each of the seven counties m Whiclitlie rarmers I-ederat ion ;s op erating, and si'Ven directors at la-ge. Herir-y I-'rancis, Route U, Waynesville, was electi'd .one of the dire-tofs at large. This gives the Farmers Fed eration the benefit of the advice .of tint leading , farmers in each county, and President McClure reports that the company is now in position to lit- of greater service to farmers of West ern North Carolina than ever before. Poteat Is Winner Of D. A. K. Medal The 27th annual 'declamation con test for the buys of the Waynesviiie Townr-hip High School was- held on Friday morning in the high-school au ditorium by the: . Dorcas - Bell Live Chapter . of the Daughters of the American .Revolution. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, regent, presided and Mrs. W. F. Swift, chairman of patriotic edu cation, of the chapter had charge of the program. Mrs. J. Howell Way presented the medal, which was won by -Lester'-'. Poteat. member of the sophomore .class; with Eugene Francis, of the senior class, winning second p'a: e. A short program was given prior to the contest. The Star Spangled Ban ner was sung by the school, and the invocation was given by Dr. R. P. Walker. A salute to the Flag by the school and a number by the glee club were also given. The following boys deliverer de clamations: - Lester Poteat, James Leaiherwood, James Palmer, Joe DavisGerald Rathbone, Eugene Francis, Gordon Hendricks, Freder ick Nichols, and David Stentz. Mr. and Mrs(t James W. Killian were among those who motored to Afhe ville on Friday. Fair Directors Plan To Have A Big Exposition Hih Fence, Live Stock Fens and Frobahly Kx.hihit Ruildins Will He Huilt For 1 9.M Fair Elaborate plans arc heing worked out by the directors of the Haywood County Fair Association for the sec ond annual fair to be held here next tall. Die directors in executive ses sion on Monday afternoon made def inite plans to hold the fair, and dis cussed al length some of the dotaiLs. A spot ia. committee reported on their findings as to a location for the fair. Seveial sites arc under consid eration, but no definite action has been taken to date, except that l'"e -idetit T. L. Green, was authorize., draw an notion and lease for a t that met with the approval of th.. present. Due of the improvements Uk direc tors plan to make is to have a high wooden fence around the fairgrounds, and build wooden pens for the live stock. Tin re is also a possibility of building a wooden exhibit building. W. D. Smith, .scciotaiy-treasure of the association, reported that ther was in the ti.-asu.-y and the as sociation, owned about $,ri() worth of liiinU-r which was sal caged from last year's fair. The directors went into detail alxiut entertainment, and it was decided That the association would do their own advertising this year and handle all ..iiblicit y ; and nov and all enter tain tin i, l s ie. ought lie. e would. 'be un der the jurisdiction of the fair asso ciation. The -cut i nieiit of those present Was that tin- fair would be solely for the ;uii po-c of ciicnr aging nod promot in;-- :i " i ieti 1 1 ure and live . stock raising ill t be count y. It was j.l.-o dec di d to -,i.e eeiy detail of the fti.- workid out this yetir -hy coinii'it lees, and several ii"W ilne t'O. were added. The coinple'.e li-t id diiedor- i I 'he lair associ.i i ion i- a- I .illuw : T. I., i.i.e.-ii, I'n -idi nt , ( has. Mc Ciiiry, Fn.-t ice I're.-iilent ; ,Medt,.:d I eat In-i wood Secniiil Vice ,1'ri side lit ; W. D. Sniilli, Secretary ''nd Treasui' er; l'. lin ves Nob nd, K, T. Went., W. T. Sbelton, rianson Medford, J. 11. Howell, M. D. Alloy, Tom Fee, Jr., W. A. .Bradley, James. Henderson, Fred I'lden, (ilenii Palmer, Forest Justice I'l.rniiiii Noland, T. II. Rogers, I), J, Boyd, lien i ipld, Mrs. ', 1.. Mann Mi.-. L. R. Noland, and Mrs. i'uul WaJU-r. Bethel Boys Win In Seed Judging Contest The buys liom tin- Bethel Chapter of Voiing Tar Heel Farmers of Amer ica won tic seed judging and seed identification contest held in A.-ho villi-, Saturday, February 2'i. 'I tie lie! Fiel team w as composed of Hill Hyat t, Steve t 'at hey, and (iieiin Chambers. ( hambers was decltired the "Grand .Champion" of the contest, having -scored tin- highest, individual si i ie on both 'phases of the conte.-t. He in.nle tin- highest .-.ore nil record iii judging .-r-ed's. Bill Hyatt was iirsl in .-'ed ident i lira I ion, and Steve Calbey .-inked third in total scores, while Hyatt stood fourth. The Waynesville team, composed of l-.iigeiii- J". a mi-, (iarrett Reeves, and John .Chambers. won litst place itf seed judging. Twenty two teams from Western North Carolina competed in the con test wdiii h is sponsored each year by the teachers of agriculture and the l-'a rtiiers Federal ion. A large, silver trophy is given the scFiool having the team that wins for three years. The team from Bryson City won last year. I. A. McLean, agriculture teacher at Behel, coached the team. L'ist year he was coach at Bryson City. Many prizess other than the .-up were awarded the winners. W. H. Darst. head of the department of ag riculture at State. College, was . in charge of . the- contest. I Cancer Specialist I o Speak Here Soon Dr. W. I). James, cancer Specialist, will lecture at the court house hrre March Ittth, at .7:30, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. Homer Henry,.' chairman of the health committee of the Woman's Club. Dr. James is coming here at the request of Dr. C. N. Sisk. district health officer, who is co-operating w i'h the club in having the lecture open for the public. ( Officials of the club and others are making a special effort to have a large attendance at the lecture. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max. M n. 21 - P,r . ".) 22 : . r.t ""-.'. ?? 23 64 29 24 ": i .':.: "''."- 17 2a . 00 "'"".' '-''; 2fi 62 32 27 48 ' U

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