THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH ulhr iHmuttainrrr Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Phone 137 Main Street Waynesville, N. C. VV. C. RUSS Editor VV, (;. Russ and M. T. Bridges, Publishers Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year, In County -$1-00 (i Months, In County 50 1 'Year Outside of Haywood County ..$1.30 Subscription payable in advance Entered at the post office at Waynesville, N. C, Sec. nd ;la-ss Mail Matter, as provided under n.i- .At of March :i. 1879. November 20, 1914. Norlh Oirolina --, PffSS ASSOCIA110N : , THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 MOKE HOIS K S N E El) E iVl NT HIS ( O.MMIN ITY II' Wayiii'SvilV is : maiiitair. v v r:mk ;;s a lcailini: .-.uniMHT tourist .enter, there must be piMvid. ,1 i;i(,re ami Letter accommodations than theft' are :,vailab!f present. If Vaym--.ville expects to enlarge and in due" pe'ipl.' tu come here, there must be more u. uses f. r rent. To s-ty that there is today a need for fifty more houses within this community would n t in the least be exaggerating To say on top of that statement that :here is also need for im provement and painting of To per cent of those already hi use is not . 'tfoinjr beyond the bounds of reason. Work is to bet'in immediately on th? Gor don Hotel with the improvements and new furnishings costing several thousand dollars. The owners of the hotel realize that without modern facilities and an attractive, inviting' place that they can't expect to get business. The owners of the (iordoii are to be commended for their forward step and business judgment. There are a number of lots in town that would afford ideal building sites, and with a crii.g demand for houses it seems that we would do well to interest those who have capi tal to invest in houses. This community is ftir from beinir over-built. A GOOD SAFETY MEASURE The installation of automatic electric sig nals at the railroad crossing on Highway No. 10 at Canton is one of the best safety precau tions made in the c unty in some time. Although not a blind crossing, there has been a nuiaber of accidents at this particular crossing, some of which have been serious. With faster cars, and an increase of thoughtless drivers on the highways, every pre caution taken to assure safety for those who drive carefully is money well spent. HAYWOOD "BOYS" ARE DRY Representative J. T. Bailey was one of the leaders in the house last week who led the light against increasing the legal alcoholic content of beer from ..2 to 5 per cent. The measure, how ever, lost by a vote of 55 to 31. Lining up with Mr. Hailey included Rep resentative Ii. E. Sentule, of Brunswick County, a native of Haywood. he drys are proud of the two Haywood "boys" and their stand; while the wets maintain that the piace Hayvvood is dry is in the 'vgislature. FALSEHOODS IN THE COl'RTS Is it possible that the devil has so organiz ed his imps to that state of sinful sordidness that one may go out and commit crime and others come along and prove them clear by falsehood? Probably not, yet that is the case too often. No offense is more detestable than falsehood or perjury. Of course, the man who steals your purse or robs you in any way is a very undesirable citizen, yet it is doubtful if his crime is as black as the man who deliberately falsifies to defeat the ends of justice. What we need in our courts is a system of ferreting out the falsehoods in court procedure in our country. The witness who deliberately and knowingly swear? falsely for either the prosecution or the defense needs to take the place of the defendant under indictment. Our country, our homes, our lives, are un safe when dominated by falsehoods. Williams ton Enterprise. READY TO PROTECT THEIR PROPERTY Bold rr bberies are once again being staged in this community. This seems, however, to be in keeping with the wave that is spreading in other towns in Western Nortn Carolina. During the past few weeks a number of places hae been broken into, and as high as $100 taken from one place. This timely warning mighr save some .would-be-robber his life. There are a number of places in Waynesville that are well prepared for any intruder. A number of guns have Ix-en wcl! placed, and also several night watchmen placed on the job. Some places have men on duty in their stores all night, and these men have been given guns with instructions to use them when necessary. Sometime a-ro chicken thieves in the Rat cliff Cove community got so bold that citizens there armed themselves and kept watch over their flocks by night, and the chickens stayed at home from then on. The citizens of the community don't want any trouble, or any shot robbers, but it is a known fact that they expect to protect their property to the fullest extent. ,! r Random SIDE GLANCES By W. CURTIS RUSS WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY The following story comes from Albany, (ieorgia. : Hitched to a plow, sixty-three-year-old Hansom McCoy, a blind Negro, paused at the end of a long furrow, freshly turned, and re marked: "The Bible says we have to live by the sweat of our brows and that is what I am doing." Guiding the plow was his wife, Sall'ie Anderson McCoy, who said she and her husband were earning up to eke out a living from the soil. McCoy said he was working toward the day when he would no longer find it necessary to get his corn meal, salt pork, coffee and other feedstuff's from relief agencies. Although blind for :J0 years, he said i: ha I been only (luring the last three years he had had "to be on the county," He is a man of medium size but his wife says, "he is a -mighty powerful man." He has to be to pull a plow through land laced with miss roots. His wife guides him by her voice. She said they had rejected an offer of a mule because McCoy was willing to work and "I couldn't plow no mule," Some of these able-bodied huskies that hang around complaining of nothing to do could certainly do as well as the old blind negro in Georgia. WHAT MAKES A GOOD TOWN The best job that a Chamber of Commerce, here or anywhere, will do in the future will be that of looking well to its own household, of concerning itself with purely domestic prob lems, with focusing its energies upon conditions that locally abound with a view of making life more attractive, business better, people happier and the atmosphere cleaner and more salutary. The fact jry grabbing day is behind us. The civic genius of motorcading and otherwise whooping-her-up has lost its edge. Communities are going to grow because of energies expanded within rather than efforts directed to affairs without. To that end it becomes a Chamber of Com merce to turn the light inward and ascertain from within its own environs what duties are incumbent upon such an organization touching upon the needs of its own people. A d once that is intelligently done, it will lie found that r. community's business and eco nomic expansion depends, moiv than anything else, upon its social and cultural developments and opportunities. Good schools, a contented citizenship, a people living in satisfactory adjustment one with another, the absence of classisms and cli ques artificially erected such as these are the assets a town must have to take wings for tomorrow. The Charlotte Observer. WE HAVE SAME CONDITION HERE The Sanford Express says members of trie committee appointed to raise funds to the amount of $1,000 for the relief of families in needed circumstances in Lee county discovered a family of children keeping body awl soul to gether by living out of garbage cans. Upon making an investigation it was discovered that the father of these children was earning $20 per month and that it was going for liquor and in the slot machines. This man should be strap ped to a whipping post and 39 lashes put on his bare back. Monroe Enquirer. Some people will do almost anything for publicity. In Illinois a 19-year-old co-ed re quested that she be allowed to spring the trap at the execution of a condemned man. Her request was denied, and rightly so. We are of the opinion that if her request had been granted that she would have failed to have performed the task. Las' week Colin Mdnnes had just bougnt his two children a kite each, and with a longing look in his eye made the remark that as a boy he would work for hours on a kite, anci would never think of flying a "store kite." "After working for hours," he said, "it would usually take me about five minutes to land it in a tree." Speaking of kites . . . there's nothing that thrills a boy more than to have about four hundred yards of twine out on a good kite .... ami nettling can upset one more than to have it break away, unless it is fail to fly it when a crowd is looking on. For myself, I've experienced every one of the abo- thrills and disap pointments . . . and for a little would like to get out wi'h a kite r.jw. 24 Years Ago I in Real Estate Transfers Since nudist colonies are in vogue, I have been trying to think who 'would join from here. Look out for the dust . . . the jan itors in the court house will likely get after it this week. I Charb- K. Kay,-Jr., t...k' me :o see see his recently placed plants and shrubs . , . and tney hmv promise of 'leing as pivii.v a u;c buildings he is trying to get turn onwn look ugly, ami that'- ayirg a lot for the plants. He evidently ha ado; ted the slogan: " wfi. siu'v Mil Up with the beautiful." A certai:. vung lady received a ral' fr.mi New York the other night from her be-t yiung man friend and !ne i .iari'ers in the home made it im P '.-s;hle for v m to discus.-; anything b it the weather . . . both parties were mor'iried . . . the young lady because or' her failure to talk "sense" and the young man because of the cost and a'l he found out was the vvet-.thcr condition-. . . whatta world. if the hamher of t 'onuncive here wants to get u nudist eolony, they have one talking point ... no mos quitoes ... and. t h t point alone should sell a nudis: on any community. Guy Massie -took time off to take me 'through., his n-. w funeral home re cently. ... and is he going to have a nice place . , . the floors are covered with the kind of carpet that makes you feel like you're walking in quick sand. Edwin Fincher has a profile like a well known judge in this district. These new all-steel top cars re semble in some respects a bald-headed man not that all bald-headed men have heads a.s hard as stell, but just the outward appearance. Few people use more gestures or expressions than J. V. Killian. Tom Rainer tells the yarn on him self that in one duy before the war he bought over $500 worth of clothes, but did not buy any more for three years. About the cheapest and best thing to eat when you're real hungry is vanila wafers and- cheese ... I made a meal of this in a country store Mrs. Newly wed "I took great pains with the cucumber salad." The Unfortunate One "And so did I." This is to announce the action of the m the North Carolina General Assembly who reported un favorably on the child labor amend ment. What most parents really need these days is a goodbristling law that woulu assist them in putting j ineir mie yuut.ters . to work at some wholesome employ .lent. Anyway this is not a "child", labor amendment, for it includes young men and women of sixteen and eighteen, many of. -whom think they are old enough to leave school, get married, and who knows more than iheir par ents or even the law-makers them selves. , (rortunately many people live down that wise, heedless ige!) ; Moreover, the fact is that: neither Northern Maine, Southern Florida, nor Western Oregon are supposed to know or say , wmit we need here in North Carolina. MRS," W. T, CRA WFORD. Stop Getting Up Nights Make Tni 25c Test Use juniper oil, huchu leaves to flush out excess acids and Waste mat ter which irritates the bladder caus ing, backache leg pains, frequent de sire, burning, scanty flow and get ting np nights. You are bound to feel better after you get youi regular sleep. Get juniper oil, buchu, etc., in frreen tablets called . Bukets, the bladder laxative- In four days, if not pleased your druggist will re- iuna your zoc. w ajmewville Phatr nacy. . HAYWOOD (From the files of March 10,1911.) Mrs. J. V. Keeu ana cu..jrtn spem Tuesday in Ashevilie. Hon and Mrs. V . i". Lee visuea friends in Aslieville the nrstf c. the week. Mr. Laurie Hardin is spending ,ni? week in Jacks m county on business. Mr. Ed Kronian, of Ashevilie, spent several days ti.b week with Mr. anu Mrs. A. M. Simons. Mr. W. . Bieese of Brevard .spent several days in town this week on business. Miss Minnie Boyd returned the last of the week from Raleigh wnere ihe has oeen for the past two months. Miss Florence-rYice U illiams has arrived from Florida and win spend the summer with her mothe. and sis ter. Misi; Jenn;e Ray w:l arrive next week from Converse Culk-ge .n ipai Unourg, to spend a week ak honici with her family. Miss Giaje Lee celebrated ner birthday anniversary on Friday at the home of her parents. The usual games were played and refreshments were .seiveu the young guests. The Musical Club had a very de lightful meeting with Miss Mary Caldwell on Monday afternoon, i'.e Sijes trie members piesent, M,ss Oaid well had as .-pt-cial guests Miss Grace Bowles and Miss Alice Quinlan. A delightful program was given. I The Sew-So Club was beautifully entertained on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. S. H. Bushnell at her home on Walnut street. The prize, a beauti ful hand made jabot, was won by Miss Clarine Lee. Dainty ref rt - nients were served. On Monday, April the .'ird, the cit izens of Waynesville wiil be asked to contribute to the new book fund of the library association through the medium of Tag Dav. SOUTH KKX RAILWAY ADVERTIS ING WAYNESVILLE That the Southern Railway authorities are in terested in Waynesville and this sec tion and are going to do more than ever before in the way of dvertN:iig the many advantages and attractions Ar t p. Pao..nMJ -.- "co.ciuam low Board of Education J. H. Kirkpatrkk r . Clyde l own. W. G. Byer, to L. F Bon-a-Venture, IiK-Sprinkle. Crabtiee Tow;:..-- . Welch Meiser to R. . .... Fines Creek T,...iP,, W. S, McCraeken k Pigeon Tow E. B. Rickman tj Jo, .M Ma... J. W. Rhinehart to I. as eviuenct d by the a past few cays. Vie.v- ville, Eagles Nest s..;j , have been taken. It u- vic'. f the coming season w... t. the history. WAYNESVILLE IX rH, - OF THE SK TO BE WklTTFv-- Waynes ville will r0n-.e to he " yet. is to say mar.v ; . 1.? are coming to Waynesv;.! she is entitled to them"uy S' And the world la ' finding t ,rj-'? will find it out mu'e and mn' F. F.Fogg of Boston, staff -.J. the National Magazine, arC.J town and will meet with UhBm Trade and discuss some afv:. for Waynesville. ' Job Prinfiii EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 the young man's rompers j O i ) with CLARK'S HS Xr-f' - ' ( best 6-cord thread. f Read The Ads THE SECRET OF KEEPING WELL The secret of keeping well is to consult your Phy sician frequently . . . especially when you feel tired and "run down." If taken in time, serious illness can uuall? be averted and you will be many dollars ahead. WJien vour Doctor susrirpsfi ihat vmi hririir our Prescription to us, he does so because he knows thai j will be hlled as he desires and only by a REGISTEht PHARMACIST. AS K Y OUR DOCTOR ALEXA NDERS DRUGSTORE Opposite Tost OS Phones 53 & 54