RCH THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAYMARCH 21, 1935 NG. irus: :.Nen I a in Irops. Tmont Per Canita In t C I tveY" t T nwpr Than 41 States h (around TThLs Stale Was iver ' MO Per Person .yey ShOWS t. UnMns. Jr.. E- :...,.c;tlr News tr.i- L" ,f pov- that Knrth han 4i "i"5' Is "lfc' L.ntal about the cost -srf tff3' r the cost of coun; ? f;"naHl 'the cost of mum f'!'': What really mat -r Aven-; CI ;:, ;de o' a-nee .N. nee W;i ,J! Iff win of r;,( 'e of B aij rr.a ' W. to po,. deed of -wis a: 'tfiu: 16, 15, a: .t 1S'; H0RGAJ- eys tin 1. , 41 111 f. ItclutJ j I ., field Of gOV what government within any given e ;.av have inex , me.it, and expen , 0r some other j;',',,, t that should ... n North Laruuu Yll government, in Yj how we compare this 'respect. Vt. Census Bureau '.lied the results of Y of state and lo wering the year -3- r.'.ti't snows u rJoH aggregate cost of LT wnMn the state was CT ti-iii million dollars, ft"; Y: to per capita basis, t-du'u!;i! North Carolina XV.tv.m among the states, f .' iu- where all government if" ' ,.,,th rarolina. Ar- r)u.v' Mississippi, Ala lieorgia. . The cost in th, cheapest. Ji', 4.' per c? lna ueiuw nuiu. Xevada. the It re Yva- $131, or mor- than '11 ' ;e coit in North Caro ' Tiivenige P"r t pita cost for ;J?-,uwas 76.80. or nearly ?fli a- for No-th Carolina. ffi-'e- --me in mind that the :6h., !;, vear W32, md that 13 af ve.rnment in North ( at Thi lds are clasisified reduced founiv governmenv, uue vu , i,,n and maintenance of !id -Otioois, ai o fss .'n.If'-vev-val million dollars. HAl t. JSIO OWJi.. f , i. .nm..nt:ll costs lerlverul headings. First covers -ratjpn ami .nainienance u kcikioi irtinePt, or current operating sTThe ''total for "his ran to nearly miBion dol' us. This covers gen- 1 government; protection "to per- i aid property, heahh and sani oni highways; ehar'ies, hofTitals 1 fcrreetitfi.st, sclols; Jibraries; cation; dt ;dopment and conser of -rtural resource; ar. 1 i"is- ,,n lour, the main item being pen . ' " i' des the current operating c its e'are the costs invo'ved in the Jon aiK maintenance of public enterprises, which are revenue ltinc: irterest on debt: and out- s itiainly for permanent improve- -4 For North Carolina interest luri,-,- item, runnintr to nearly enfe-eigh million dollars, f COST BY UNITS The total cost of state governmnt r tie year 1932 was almost exactly mi nn i n irs I hP COSt reQUCeO Twr esiii- basis was S14.54. and jrth Carolina ranked f ortyftifet ifiic thp states in this resDect. One- Ari of this sum was for interest la view of thp fapt that our state rowrnmenf bos creatlv relieved the coujties and municipalities of their . 1 K f 1 tomer tuotions, our rann oi iony firsl in per capita cost of state gov ernment is surprisingly low. Evident ly the ate is stretching its dollars. Th few. states that had cheaper state tilw in Vip South. State government was more expensive Wt caoita'in South Carolina $21.97: Virginia $17.47; Florida $16.94; Ar Vstf&f $20.93; Louisiana $39.38; Ok- ... .. ei-no. 1 tic HQ Tn only one Southern state, Mississippi, Wis state government as much as one dollar ncr capita below the cost in Nerth Carolina. Strange but true, acco. jinn to the Federal survey. ST he- atrirrccate cost of county gov err.m.r.t for 1932 was $46,439,000. E I'jVri! 'n a per capita - basis, the amount was $14.37, and North Caro lina -.ranked- 17th among the states. Ill 'th-'' enrffs. .roint.v crnvprnment i Xih ( afolina in 1932 was expen. are i:i;nji;iro(l with other states, al Qi '-Ui-'h -':; that time counties had been :. rahly relieved by our state gc eranu nt, The main relief -to -coun- -. hfvi-ver, has come since 1931-32. V -i-a'-y tates counties are not im P' t'ar.; units of government. The av f)vw ; --or capita cost for all counties 3'". United States was $12.88. , T-,v ..ost of municipal government ;K -Xi'Th Carolina aggregated a little er 25 million dollars. . Reduced to rtr capita basis, city population ."??'',. the amount was $23.08 and "rth Caroliua ranked 34th among -,tne ,;a:e.5.-. The average per capita 3 COSt -for all nit; 5 Ofof -Iv35 " or "early twice the cosi in lonh Carolina. For these and other J, facts see the data which annear eYse- I'here in the News Letter, or secure j a copy of Financial Statistics of State I Uureau of e Census. AUTO ACCIDENTS . hat caused most of the automo- pi.e accidents last year? Read the "cresting story taken from insu- "nce companies" statistics on the rea sons -fiM- to 4- "iioiiajjs. vine oi many in teresting articles in tVio A ekly (issue of March 17), the big AMfdt t BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Buy vour ponv from i -f favorite newsboy or newsdealer. "City of Chureho.- Jhe name "City of Churches" was fw? t0 BroWru, N. Y., because of e large number of churches In pro ration to the population. It was also Thlr t?'Mlco City by Humboldt, chnr , were the time 360 churclieg to 400,000 inhabitants. Letter To The Editor LEGION SUPPORTS EDUCATION PROGRAM The Honorable J. T. Bailey, Representative Jlaywood Lour-'y, Raleigh, N. O. Dear Representative: At a regular meeting of this f ost hvld March 4th, the members thor oughly discussed Superintendent Er win's educational program wherein b requests $22,000,000 for the schools in K'nrth Carolina, and pledged their full support thereton and authorized the undersigned to convey to you their views on the matter. This organization has one hundred ten members who are residents oi thrpp townshiDs in this county, and we are one hundred per cent opposed to the cut of $oyt,i3o irom tne pro nnsp.l annronriation. We under stand that to be the tentative recom mendation of the investigating com mittee, and feel that any slicing o. tha rpnupfitpii annroDriation would be detrimental to the cause of education and that it should be accorded no to. erance whatever. Wo hplipvo that our legislators are men who are capable of weighing the merits of the situation and' want to do the right thing about it, but there are influences which would allow stones of investigations to be left un turned, therpby resulting in unwise and unfair leeislation under the t:s- guise of economy. Such eccomy as cuts in the school budget is f lse and savoy-s of no measure ot equity. Sacrifices, if nectarv, outrht tc be made in other things less e-s itial, in -rder that the education ot ou. people might not on'-r thrive, but hav the very best that we ca:. af fore The amount asked for by r. kr- win repreen s a mm'niuni, yet scant- ly safe financial outlay fo-- the de cent and oraerly condn-t ot educa- tinnal in sit i t it twins, jinil if er,j ted. would allow instruction to be carried) nn Trt Bn -h a manner as would nro- duce hfppy-minded teachers and pu pils by providing lor r.em trainings i o necessary and vital in tneir euu ational endeavor. : We ha.e been informed or good au- tl.O"ity that some of the schnls, un der present conditions, io net alway hnvp snfficipnt fufe. knd sanitarv suo- plies to make the personnel comfo,- able, i'hii condition is deplorable. Transportation at pre en t ii unsafe snH inHpnuatp. anil wp have knowl edge of specific cases where children are lorcea to leavt nome oeioie uy-lio-ht. t.i patch a bus and then cannot get back home untu after Tjrk. This causi then, to either have xo wait ia the cold out of doorp or sit in a cold schoo' building (due t fue economy) waiting their turns to ride on over-crc -vaed buses, un account, oi insufficient appropriation for Attend nrc Officers, manv cases of delin- quence in attendance are in evidence; office expenses necessary to aaauuis tration are greater than funds pro vided: health conditions are oiien danccroiii because there are not viiough clinics and heaitn eaucauon in He homes of school children; li braries cannot be considered "hit-or- miss" adjuncts they are as neces sary to education as the daily diet is to the body, and should be kept up by replacements and additions of whole some literature under the supervision of efficient librarians; two very im- rfofit hrnnphp nf education are be ing sadly neglected, viz. Music and Vo cational Training, uasi, out in least, the meagre salaries of teachers, nrinpinnln and other officials are hot oiiffvMPnt.. in these times, to afford them the necessities of life. It would follow that competent educators are cppirincr and Till continue to seek more remunerative employment, if this situation is not corrected. Thrp is hut one remedv for these distressing conditions, and that is the full and complete support oi m en tirp loffiolnti-p nrnirranl for the school budget as outlined by Sjper intendent Erwin. We members of Varner-Rhinehart Post No. 61 of the American Legion in the Department of North Carolina intend to give this matter oi wurae ina tno philrlrpn in this state our staunch support, and we urge you, Mr. Rpnrespntative. to suDDort this: mat ter and the matter of local autonomy to your utmost ability, not only vot ing for them, but using your good m fluence to the end that favorable leg TclfltTnri in their behalf may be over rtpH Kv- (loini? so, wc orp euro that, we shall all find deep satisfaction in believing that we have done the right thing. With every good wish for your good health, your continued success and a profitable session of the Legis lature, we are, Very sincerely yours, ROBT. C. RHEA, ; Commander. CHAS. M. BE ALL, Adjutant. Less Than Third Of Haywood Babies Are Now Registered North Carolina parents are classed as "fair" in their response to the ap peal of the Bureau of the Census, the State Boa-i of Health and the State ERA for a complete registration of babies born in the state during the past year, Dr. John H. Hamilton, di r ctor of the Division of Vital Statis tics, is informed. North Carolinians had reported ap proximately one-third of the number of births recorded for 133 on the little cards sent out from Washington up to the eno of last week. Recorded births in 1933. reached 75,122 and al ready in 1934 the number has reached 79,350, by which Dr. Hamilton es timates that complete recording will show at least 80,000 births last year. Haywood county parents have re ported in the present "Register Your Baby" campaign the births of 212 children during the past year, or 292 per cent of the 727 actually recorded births for the year 19-'-'3, up to last week, as .-ompared with about 33 per cent for the state, Dr. Hamilton said. This indicates that fully 50,000 parents in North Carolina have had children born to them daring tjie past year who have not tilled in the buff-colored cards distributed by the Postofiice Departmen' to them from the postofiice from which they receive their mail, said Dr. Hamilton. The children who have thus been slighted may have occasion many timi-.s in the future to condemn the parental neglect tht vital statistics man said. The campaign is about to end, but there is ye' time for parents to se cure these cards from 'he nearest pcstcice. the State Board of Health or from the field or case workers for the relief organization, if ,tl..y have misplaced those received earlier, and get -hem to Washington in time to be counted nd checked at the State Board of Heal'h in Raieigh. (So tn (Hljurrlj mtJmy "GRACE CHURCH IN THE MOUN-I TAINS' Episcopal i Rev. Albert New, Rector. On the third Sunday in Lent, March 24th, our services will be; 10 A. M. Church school. j 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. regular morning and evening services. I Monday, March 25th, being the! "Annunciation of the HI ssed Virgin Mary," there will be a celebration of; the Holy Communion at 10:30 A. M. at which time the members of the Woman's Auxiliary will present V. T. O boxes for Missionary work through-! out the w .'Id. At 5 P. M. on Monday there will be a Lent devotional service and medi tation. Everybody cordially iiivited to our Lenten and all other services. March is missionary month in this church. Special offering in the W. M. U. for Home Missions, and an of fering in the Sunday school the 5th Sunday for Home and Foreign Missions. Here Ihe lilting music of "The Lucky Jade" and see the cule chorus of "Peppermint Sticks." WAYNESVILI.F. PRESBYTERIAN t'Hl'KCH Dr. R. 1. W i'ker, Minister. Our Bible school is on the upgrade and Mr. L. M. Hiciieson, Supt., is soon going to laun.h a drive for new members. Don't wait. Come Sunday. The pistor will tiring as a third Sunday in Lent n xt Sunday morning, Titus "2:11-12, the subjevt being, "That Amazing llraoe." It rains every Sunday but our con gregations are good nevertheless. One said to the pastor this week: "A man needs to go to chinch Sunday in order to live right during the week." There is much truth in that remark. Try it and see for yourself. Christian Endeavor 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 Come: vou are invited. WAYNESVILLE METHODIST Paul Hardin, Jr., Pastor. Sunday night at 7:30 we are going to have a service that will be slightly : different but one- which we think you will like and enjoy. It will be a "Sermon In Song." Certain facts of ; the life of Christ will be illustrated ' by the use of significant hymns. There i will be congregational singing, solos ' and duets. Vou will enjoy the music 1 and we believe that you will be bene fited by the sermon of '.he songs. Remember the hour 7:30. The church school convenes at 9:45 a. in., Mr. Hugh Sloan, superintendent. Morning church service, with ser mon by the pastor, at 11 o'clock. The young people meet at 6:30 in the evening. Come to church Sunday, ami re member the "Sermon In Song Sunday night. ST. JOHN'S CATHALIC CHURCH Rev. Howard V. Lane, Pastor. Third Sunday of Lent. Moraine Mass at 11 A. M. Followed by the Way of the Cross. Sermon, "The Sacrament of Penance," by the pastor. InsbruelUons fM- the children on Saturday afternoon at 3. Morning Mass at Franklin at 8. The public is invited to attend. check si COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES in 30 minute Liquid Tablets Salve Nose Drop THE . WAYNESYIL1.K CHURCH BAPTIST Regular services will be held t ext Sunday. Sunday 'school 9:35. Morning worship 11:00. H. T. U. 6:30. Evening worship 7:31). FREE! FREE! FREE! Each Suit Sold From Our J. L. Tailor and Co. Line From March 1 1 until Faster Will Receive Two Months Pressing Service FREE. RUY NOW AND SAVE A PRESSING RILL FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS. Each Suit Guaranteed 10(P Wool And positively tailored to. your own Individual Measurement. CENTRAL CLEANING CO. MAIN STREET PHONE 113 Next Door To Wayne wood Theatre Down Stairs YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE CHEVROLET NOW ON DISPLAY if ( fi j (TO AlffiZStss If - ' fit mfuM saJ xaai&. MM "jT AT . THE CHEVROLET MASTER D 4 DOOR SEDAN DEALER ADVERTIStMENT LIKE SHORT STORIES If you enjoy reading short novels .;it KrA turn interesting stories JWU Will " " , every Sunday in the American WteK- ly, the big magazine wnicn cu,,. every week with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite newboy or newsdealer. THRILLING MYSTERY STORY The unusual exploits of the French police are told by H. Ashton-Wolfe, noted criminologist, in another ot ms stories of baffling mysteries. One oi many features in the Am Weekly issue of March 17. the big magazine which comes regularly with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMER ICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. TIm Word "Money" Th word "money" is said to be de rived from the Roman "moneta, the name given to their sllrer by the Ro mans because It whs coined In the tem ple of Juno Moneta, 60 B. C. ARISTOCRAT OF LOW PRICE CARS HE new Master De Luxe Chevrolet the Aristocrat of low-priced cars-- is now on display at your Chevrolet dealer's. We are anxious to have you see it . . - for it is the finest motor car that Chevrolet has ever created. . . , You have only to look at this Master De Luxe Chevrolet to know that it provides fine car quality in every part. try unit of the chassis is built to the finest limits -r oi- tn crive vou exceDtional New Turret-Top Bodies by Fisher (with No Draft Ventilation) New Blue-Flame Valve-In-Head Engine Improved Knee-Action Ride Weatherproof Cable-Controlled Brakes Shock-Proof Steering :'; -." --:.. v .' .. - (., :'.. CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR QUALITY AT LOW COST new performance, riding comfort and reliability. And yet this most brilliant and beautiful of all Chevrolet models is even more economical to operate and maintain than the thrifty Chcvrolets of other years. Here is the outstanding example of quality at low cost for 1933. Vbit your Chevrolet dealer , . . see this new car and ride in it . . . today! CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. Compart Chrvralrt't (m Mitrrrd pnrrl "" "T ta.l.... A Kstnerai mow, w f U i in Chevrolet Company VV . . . . xtt vt, n v WAYNESVILLE, N. C PHONE 75 S A L E S AND S E R V I C E

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