MAY 2. 1935 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER r I I CIVIL COURT CALANDER MONDAY, MAY 6 rail vs. Home t- r:tei:'.:lr Corn vs. Hemphill f r Fv Kel. Dept. of Conserva- !.iCha:n 101 Hall vs. iass Penland I .. Justice et ux i v. Young f ,f Joshua Fitzgerald Francis et ux et al LchanU'H'n taiix -o Lj.O.Piott TUESDAY, MAY 7 Ward vs. W.G. B.Messer Mil'. U vs.uaacj Fibre C o. vs. ai. T U -iwfuwl -erwoou. --""-' - Hood. Commissipner T ifV Ins. Co vs. LKnam et ais r.picn Mat Home Mtg. Co. risvis. ei ais j et a vs. Victor Bryant, Trustee WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 p1 , L-tive Asso n, vs, .Raiff Inc. et all :S VS. Swift & Co. et al vs. Bright Comm'r. vs. Evans et al a vs, Justice Ferguson . s. v. v . iucracKen Ferguson vs. G. M. Fish Jhers vs. Fidelity mnK et ai N'ew York Life Ins. Co. Medford vs. Carver Hood, Comm'r. vs. Warrenest, et ux et al ' THURSDAY, MAY 9 Medford vs. Grindstaff Hood, Comm'r., vs. McCracken Acasia Mutual Life Ins. Co. vs. Hannah, Trustee, et al Moody and Mehaffey vs Carver Phillips, Admx. vs. Julian & Life Ins. Co. of Ya. Hood, Comm'r. et al vs. Willis, et al Hcod, comm'r. v. West et al Hood, Comm'r. vs. Willis, et al FRIDAY, MAY 10 Rickman vs. Justice et al Pattern vs. Cons. Bond Co. & Patrick Hall vs. Pressley et ux State Ex Rel Alexander vs. Mease, Gdn. Hawkins vs. Hawkins Messer vs. Messer. et al Hood. Comm'r. vs. Crawford, et al H. B. Atkins vs. Brooks, Trustee, et al Boone vs. Boone Hood, Comm'r. vs Haywood Institute et al M 0 T 10 X I) 0 C K ET SATURDAY, MAY 11 National Bank vs. Waynesville Furn. C Cox vs. Cox Bank of Clyde vs. Haywood Institute et al Hood. Comm'r. vs. J. H. Haynes et als Fidelity Union Trust Co. vs. Price et als Shoolbred s. Shoulbred Allen vs. Allen Bank of Clyde s. Haynes . 1 al Hood. Comm'r vs. Haywood Institute et al May Term Of Civil Court To Convene 6 $0 tn GUtttrrlt mtimij ESVILLK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH K. P. Walker, Minister. ' invite .'you. to uur sunuay at H:4,v Sunday. The Sunday if ertjuying great . growth in jsr'nu-nti. Adults are espe- ivited aytor will speak on the need rival at the 11 o'clock hour. itian KniKavor at 7 d. m. itrmretitiir Wednesday 8 p. m. sill he triad to see you at all If of this rhureh. BXESVII.LK METHODIST au! - Hardin, .Ir Pa.ctor. iiar,i-e ai .our church services a steady increase during : Six W"tks. Help us to make Still more.; , t whooj at' J:tl5 a. m., Mr. ri;h the superintendent, .? ohurih service, with ser the pastor, at 11 o'clock. : me priy'u ii eet at 7 o'clock eninjr. t iWrt. f the nastor Rev. ''" . i t' ("ullowhee, will ;: oVlcck. You've ' 11 '' 'U'l' be glad t.n i .vs to all of our Yf.s II I K BAPTIST we started: the f VOU PAY. PEITMAY COST ""'U llk'' .'" x-mradiciioii. ?''.' I a as itinonioiiile f'f lr imTnrl. IP raiP. imii, ...... " VA, Usi,,ns (..U1 M(Me. !' Mlf-KllimlM you I J "l"u' "tverasr,..'' Ia-I iw ,n J f r ..'"" own I 1-Davis Co. Tephone Belmont Covenant Plan w-Lich is a program of tithing, and the finances of the church for the mnth of April have been almost double what it was in March. . The teachers and officers of the Sunday school will meet Thursday evininjf at 7 o'clock for supper and then the regular meeting. I'rof. Jack Messer, the superintendent, will conduct - -a study course next week, using the book, '' "Huildinjr a Stand ard Sunday Schuol." It is hoped that all teachers and 'officers will take the course. Regular services for next '.Sunday. Business And Pro fessional Women Hear Two Speakers The Waynesville Iiusiness and Professional . Women's Club met on MonJav evening at the Hotel Le I'aine. Mrs. I). I). Alley, President, presided. Following the business session, Mr. W. (i. Byers, Clerk of the Supe-ior Court of Haywood vouiltv, discussed the Institute of FOR ALDERMAN I hereby 'announce myself as a candidate for member of the board of aldermen. Any support given me will be appreciated. DR. . II. LINER HAZEI WOOD PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH O. C. La mini ni, Mtuu,te. A s;ifcial children day program will be given at the Sunday . choo! hour Sunday morning. The reguli-r church service will lollo.v. Rev. Wristoi; H irtseil, aslor of the Oak Forest Presbyterian church, will preach' at the i veiling servke at 7:45. .' FOR ALDERMAN Vote for ). S. Rhymer for Town'' Alderman. I promise to give ou my best. a 12th, the Rev. W. P. Chedest. fornipr pastor, will prea evening service on May Other special sneakes for the summer season wi'.' l.e a'niourcedi lafr. : : Eight of our young people at';id j ed the concert for young, jieop'.e of. the Asheville Preibytry at BVick Mountain last Friday night. The young people have recently organized a ''choir and arj givirg special musi cal numbers at all .services. . Plans are being made for our an nual Vacation Bible School. An nouncement of the date will be made Tatur. Come and worship with u.-, FOR MAYOR 1 hereby announce mystlf as candidate for the odice of mayor in the coming cit elec- d .V ontreut, tion. i our support will )e ap preciated. .1. H. WAV "GRACE CHURCH IN THE Mi)UN-TAIN'S" Episcopal Rev. Albert New, M. A., Rector Sundav. May 5th. 10 A. M. Church School. ill A. M. Choral Celebration of the Holy Communion and and sermon by the Rector. . (Sermon topic: "The Shepherd of our Souls." z i Everybody cordially invited to all services. elM'cks Malaria in 3 An COLDS first day TOXIC and '.. 1,AXATIVK liquid Tablets Salvtv Xom' I)rls Royal Typewriter Co. l. A. AKRIDGE, Aegnt pndard and Portable Machines L ALES RENTALS ' mtons and Supplies Rebuilt and Second 1 Hand Machines. m 118 ArCafe Elding phone 2142-J onaviL-LE, N, C. FOR ALDERMAN I am a candidate for re-elec tion to the board of aldermen of this .city. I will sincerely ap preciate your support, SAM H. JONES FOR ALDERMAN I herebv announce myseit as candidate for re-election, to hoard of aldermen, town of Waynes ville, suhject to the action of the voters on Tuesday, May 7. 19.13 W. L HARDIN, JR. FOR MAYOR The undersigned hereby an nounces his candidacy for the office of Mayor of Waynes ville subject to the election of May 7, 1933. Your support is earnestly solicited and will be greatly appreciated. W. T. CRAWFORD FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself as a candidate for member of the board of aldermen. Any sup port given me will be greatly appreciated. T. L. BRAMLETT FOR ALDERMAN I am a candidate for a member of the town board of aldermen, subject to the action of the vot ers on May 7th. The support of the voters will be appreciated. M.M.NOLAND The May letm vf nvil court will env. n- (it -re en M.iy sixth, with Juttee rau , l'rsuliii. The cases l'e :ie.u-,l are few as ectn- pri-vious CMtnts. i.t.-es arc sl.itcii for this the first J A Huns si heduh i! t l'.ireil with X.. lare tei n The jury tiameil for eek is as ffll. ws K. I'. Huffman. l'.ca cnia in ; Taylor Holers. Fines e'reek; (.'. X. Allen. Waynesville: William Messer. Jona than i-reek; T. O. McKlroy, Waynes ville; J. 11. Huri.t . ritieoti: Lloyd I'.rasty, Wayne.- ..U ; .1 1.. 'Walker, t-'rabtree: .1. S. Heno. 14eavrrd.ini: 1.. Hargrove. ISeaverdam: J K. Downs. Beaverdam: IWvv Xeis,,n. Wa licsville : H. ii. Jours. Heaverdani : Frank Fin est. Waynesville: W 1 !l -.i iirove. Heaverdani: Devoe Mevii'..; 1. rlyde; ilenn F.rowti. "!.!. : ilmifi' Mi l-:irey. Waynesville. Asa t;iui;n, I'iteoii! Floyd 1.. Wels.ei. lUaveialam: Wiles Snyd. r. W.. tu svillo: Frank A Hall, l!ea . .i i : n ; o '1' Mci'iai ken. Way !ifvi)lr: and llut:h 1). Justice. Fines 'reck. Sec, n, i Week. Hossic Terrell. Clyde; H 1- Whitiier. Waynesville. II t' Shook. 'l,lo. J W. T.afiue. .loti.uhan t'l i-ek . W. (' I'l l, , Fines Ovek : II A. liohinson. i d.ini. I.. A. Thoin ason, Ilea Veld. i In It I' Ketner. Ivy Hill: t'has 11 la .iu n II. Feaverdam: W. T Conrad W in;, Oak John Tittle. aynesv ; J, T F'ay ' , k. i'lueon; litifch- H. l..r. la '.i , i dan; . W M F.tii -nctl., i-,l.ini J M lleiilitic. I'ly.le, W illis Kil l- i, an i,-k F.eaerd.ini. i' W. Fvan'klill I ' ., , . ,i.. la : ami ,1 1: Sil vers. 1 a a i i ,1a in Lcngood of Enka. Frank Teapue to Eula liinsty, both of Waynesville. j Luther Christopher of Canton to Bonnie King of Candler. Robert L. Reeves to Clara Sn.ath ers, both of Canton. Tb Firtt Arbor Dy Artior clay, a lesal holdlay In many states, first was ahcrvel In Nebraska on April 10. IST'J. on whtoh occasion more than I.OhO.ikki treen wer planted. Read The Ads A Famous Family Of Men's Hats KNOX - DUNLAP - BYRON C. E. Ray's Sons A COMPLETE CLOTHING SERVICE He Loyal To The Community. . .Try At Home First s MARRIAGE LICENSES recorded lo Monday of till- week ) Steve both of Claude Walk, i- :, .loniit hiinV F. Ilivanl lieil'tia Messt'i, Creek. l' Canton to lUitli (lovertlnieiit as Utitinu'il by Ih Al beit Coates, of Umpel , Hill, ill a most, interostiiir; a'ul impressive manner. Mr. H.u-rs took up in do tail the various etiunty. olliees and uiyd each nK'iiit' t.) triiuaint theniselvc.s with eounty anti state jrovernmelit in I ho t-ext book of Haywood county. Mason Swearinon, manager .'. of the National Ket niploymont service of Haywood county, discuv-ed at length the services which have been rendered this county thro'uuh the National Reemployment ollke and iil'Ked the Business and I'rffessional Women's Club to cooperate with the reemployment otlice 'in.. encouraging unemployed women and trirls to reg ister and be availtible for -positions when called. .Mr. .Sweariiigen gave statistics on the number of place ments, both men and women, which have been made since the (itl'ice was open in October, l'JM. Refrwihrncnts were served during the evening. The following were present: l.ouire Fry, Mrs. C. K. Har bin, Fvlese Davis, Mary Cjg iimln, I la (jieen, Annie Isawver, Mart'arcl Hur gin, Frances Hurgin, Carolyn Hyatt, Maigai'tt Ashton, Mrs. ...lean Dillon, Mrs, Kdwiiv Ilavnes, Ruth W. Kotha, and Mrs.; I). I ). Alley. . Laxative combination folks know is trustworthy The confldr iice thonandfi of parents luo-e In good, old reliable, powrtrri'd Ther'lfrd fl Bl.ick-Uriiupl.t hio iiromi'ted tl.rni t,v Ket the now Syrup ot lilack-Draiiflit tor tin lr clillufn. Tl.p r.-i r tiks nlfV t, 11. e poft-dered Hluck-Dri.urht the yeiiiu'K-rs probably Hi- Jin J. r i: uhfn thpy cu'inav tla-Ir chlldl' i iuvr ol f-ui pts . . Mri, C W. . Adam?, nf Murray. Ky . writes "I iiuve used Thedtorrt s n;,u V -rim hkM nu nderl about thirteen yturx laitiiiK it tor bilious nes.. Plnek - pTioiKi ' itrls w;p!1 ami I toll alwavf tileic,-,,! -j,ait tl," refill' I wtaited & potxl ble ln::i.:!ve. lor my ch' I have 1, u i id Byrup of Black-Drpught to t . Just t.-iut'". 3LACK-DRAUG HT SOIL . . . FERTILIZER . . . CROPS. . Due to the long wet spoil thi ground is packed ;md planting will be late. With the bi'st of tilling mmji of the soil's plant food will he locked up in clods and unvalu able to the growing crop. We can't take the clods out of oiir soil but we have taken the clods out of our fertilizer. There is scientific evidence as well as abundant farm tests which prove that when we ITLYKK1ZE and make BASIC our fertilizer the "added values" created, add at least ONK-THIK1) to its worth. The way to get a good crop from late planting i.s to push it by heavy fertilization. It would be well this spring to use on-half more fertilizer than usual and in many cases more than that. Nothing will pay better. Ferti lizer is cheap and farm products' are bound to be high when this crop i.s marketed. Raise A Kot To Sell. I'se; BASIC l'l'LVKKIZKl) FERTILIZER a paten fed product F. S. Patent No. l.)18,0. In the (ireen Bordered Bag only. '"'. ' Leading Brands Of BASIC ITLVERIZEI) FERTILIZER BASIC TEN-O-FOI R KNOX TRIPLE "A" KNOX POTATO (.ROW ER KNOX V Hi; ETA 1 1 1, E S P EC LA I -PI LVKRIZED 3-7 -.i. BASIC MAGNESIA PHOSPHATE KN0XVILLE FERTILIZER CO. SEE OCR DISTRIBl'TOR HYATT & CO., Waynesville Trv At Home First. . .It's A (iond Investment. A5TIC - PAIN J net &&7 A Paying Jnvestment fa There is no mystery about the savings- yuu get with Pee Ceo Mastic House Paint Immediate savings come through greater covering capacity each gallon covers, from one to three hun dred square feet more than cheap, bargain paint. By far the greatest sa ings come through longer wear rang ing from one to three years longer than ordinary paints. Be cause IVe (lee Ma.stic House Paint does la-st longer, you save not only the cost of an extra coat of paint but also the cost of putting it on. And labor runs from three to four times greater than the cost of the paint itself. Cheap paint i.s expensive at any price. Pee. Gee Mastic House Paint Costs a little more per gallon but the extra cost is repaid many times over in greater covering capacity and longer wear. Come in todav for an estimate. Waynesville Hardware Company pi11' R. G. COFFEY, Owner A U T H O R I Z E P A G I N T We Help Pay Taxes. . .The Out-Of -Town Firm Don't. .Try At Home First.