THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY Page 6 ALONG THE SKYLINE With the Rambler' Seen and heard here and there. . . Dr. N. M. Medford took his son, Phil, fishing the other day . . was going t how Phill how to catch 'em. . . Phil caught three fish before his father could get his own hook baited. . . The town was blocked off the oth er day for the motorcade . . . from Chattanooga . . . and stayed block d three hours . . . the motorcade was two hours late ... a big bus broke down ... it was carrying part of the band . . . and what's a parade without a band: . . Hut when the visitors finally pulled in about everybody in town was an the street to welcome them. . . And theres a job that the Rambler would really set off . . . astride a motorcycle . . . leading a parade , . . with the siren wide open ... "a man's reach .should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for?" . . . Which reminds PLANTS SU'KKT I'OTATOKS IN.rto ftica, I Ju l Triumph, Nancy J fall anil Texas White. TOMATOKS Kurly Annus, liolinlc HcM, MarglolM-, lied IttH'k, and Livingston (jlohe. TOIJ.UC sown from .luclys I'l-ide certified seed.. SWFJST l'Kl'PF.IJ California Wonders, Hull Xusc, Kuliy Kina and Hot peppers. ci-xf.hy plants All Plant Doiihle Rooted. See or write D. D. YORK Canton, N.C.,Rt. 2 (One Mile fromHethcl High School on Sunhui'st oad) me Dr. Walker says the Presoyte rians are going to have a meeting . . starting May 12ih . . good fishing Doctor . . . but I'm afraid some of us are hopeless. . . And remind me, later on, to give you some' Easter im pressiono. . . Wonder if you went to the Chamber of Commerce bantict? . . . the Rambler did . . they let any body in that bought a ticket . . . . and lots of folks bought 'em . . they had a swell crowd . . . and Pres. Ray prt sided like a veteran. . There was something said there . . . and there's been something said since . . . about a manuscript . . . ask Oliver Shelton . . you'd think, to iiote one of the speakers, he'd been robbed. TV PsmUm'.'na. Itif Senate will reject a bill on tinn fnr tVio heat snoor-fc mclo at the Hround that the nine, basic- fond arti L. M. Richeson. Legislature Observations -by-ORAL L. YATES S.nce last writing' the Revenue Bill passed the Senate rm the third read inn, nearly $5,000. (Kin. 0(1 short of the Appropriations Bill. The House failed to ro.icur with the Senate and th bill had to uii to a conferees' coriimit- Itee. Th- cuniinittee st'hmitted their report to the House Friday and des pite the flip-flop acrobatics so long practiced by both branches of the ienerai Assembly, it now looks as if the Iievenue and Appropriations bat tles are about over, and the two money bills will be enacted into law without much further comment. However, there is always the possibility that bill the Congratulations ko Kditor Russ on the ilaywood County Rooster Edi tion of the Mountaineer. are not exempt In the now stands. The Legislature has one more high ly controversial problem to settle be fore goinK home; that is the proposal that the State of North Carolina sell liiiuor. The Liquor Kill which passed The Rambler wishes that some of 7he House would put the State into these fellows who are slipping out of""' retail whiskey business in all wet town for a little Sunday fishinpr counties of the state, pi nided that would bring him a trout or two. counties voted wet in the S'ate That might help him to forget some election to be held June eighth. The names. J wets did not like the 51-county busi ness, but. it was the best they could Graduation is in the air. Some mighty fine young people are finish ing their high school career right now they'll be thru by the time this goes to press. The Rambler predicts that it will be several years before Waynesvil.le sends out another class! that will surpass the class of; '35.! The best of good fortune to each and every member! net. will Few believe that 51 counties vote wet in less than six weeks from now ,-md in all probability the Senate will cut the number of coun ties to i'5 when the bill conies up for their consideration this week. The School Machinery Bill is beint: prepared in the Committee on Edu cation and should be presented to the House this week. It is the desire of many here in Raleigh, as elsewhere, that it will have a book-rental pro vision in it. The writer thinks that this is one of the finest things the School Commission could do for the people uf North Carolina, Hazelwood Team Scheduled For 21 Games This Season The complete schedule for the Ha zelwood baseball team in the indus trial league has been announced, with 21 games slated to be played be tween April 27th and August 31. Only one double header appears on the schedule, and that is July Fourth with Canton. The morning srame will be at Hazelwood and the afternoon game ct Canton. ll92i The official sehedu'e "" April 2 May 18 HaLlwoV May 25, Barf0Ur hJ, :: June 1, Hazelwood e'A' . June 8, Savle a h , June 15, Hkze'lwood . June 22. Rri-.j .. guest of relatives the week-end. Ashevilie overt Assistant United States District At torney Roy Francis was in Kaleih the first of the week, shaking hands. It is rumored that he will be one of the leading candidates fir Lieutenant, 'iovernor in 1940. Major and Mrs. .7. Hardin Howell and their son looked in on the Gene ral Assembly for a few minutes one day the oa-t week. Also, the Honor- ble V. T was extended the Floor. The writer had a very pleasant chat with .Miss Nell Campbell and her sis ter, Miss F.llen Campbell the latter part of the week, in the lobby of the Sir Walter Hotel. Those attending the Presbyterial ; Banquet at Black Mountain Friday' were .Miss Louise .wears. Miss Vera Hosafflook, Miss Jean Rourk, Miss Anna Bell Rourk. 'Ma-c-'s Rose, Miss Ida Jean Brown r" 1 I ouise Black, Oo irevard : H..i... , SECOND H.HFlr i j '-""on at Hi. icjwoua at. canton July 6, Hazelwood Julv 13. Fnl-o ... , July 20, HazelCr.-"": .: ' 'July 27, Beason at Hai August 5. Ha,ei.... ' "-.d August 10, Trvon August 17; Balfour' August 24, Hazelw,,,' August 31, Savle a' D Mome ot White 1.,.. When, at last, "while ir,.. found, their home wilS i '. "t f the republic of p. . '''' What? Oh, yes, those Easter im pressions. Sure they'.-e a .little late. But you see, they've dried out! Rain . . . falling steadily . . with no break in the clouds anywhere . . . the earlv morning sound of church bells . . . people hurrying thru the streets . . . more rain . j Easter clothes . . . men in light .suits and white shoes . . . trying not to Ap pear sett-conscious . . . women in a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders and young son were guests over the week end of Dr. and Mrs. C. K. (.roves at their home in Ashevilie. R. M r after a .Boston. L, I'revost returned Sunday ten days business trip to Mrs. Dan Watkins and Mrs. James L. Mrs. Frank Bell, Stringfield. Soto 100 Pure Ready Mixed Paint Pure Carbonate Lead Pure Zinc Oxide Pure Linseed Oil fa De W aw I r Made in the South to Withstand Southern Climate 0. E. S. TO HOLD MEETING ON THURH')AY EVENING I The Waynesville Chapter Number lbo O. E. S. will have the regular stated meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. I With the work as outlined for the coming year, new intertst is aroused among the members in the various anticipated projects. M's. T. L. Bramlett is urging each member to be present tonight. ..RIVALS IN IIAYWIOOllI COUNTY I Hum to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mas sie at the Ilaywood County Hospital on April the 2(.lth, a son, Francis Stanford. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow, Parker, of Canton, at the Hnywoodl County Hospital on Anril the 2!Hh,i a daughter. i COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD MAY MEETING ON MONDAY The May meeting of the Commun ity Club will be held on Monday aft ernoon, May (ith, in the club rooms 'Mrs. Will Hyatt will have the paper of the afternoon, "The -El feet of the 'Great- Smokv 'Mountains National Park on Western North Carolina Mrs. R. N. Barber, Jr.. chairman of Music, will have a short program. Hostesses will be Mrs. W. D. Smith, Made in Memphis Paints & Varnishes for Southern Climate Junaluska Supply Co. JERKY LINER, Owner PHONE 263-J LAKE JUNALUSKA Try at Home FIRST .It's a Good Investment little of this conscious . . women in a and not at all self-conscious . . still raining . , . those funny new s'yle hats the ladies are wearing .... turn ed up brims . . like a soup bowl .... . and, if you ever wear one of those you can wear anything . rain . . . Mowers everywhere . , . . wspecial'y in the churches . . . and lots of cor sages . . . which, with the exception of Clyde Ray, is hard on the tnen , . . or do you suppose some ot the ladies bought their own? . . . beg pardon, take it back . . . more vain .. . . peo ple going to church . . . among them ; a lot of "oncers" t . , it hose wio only go otne a year . . ; Easter morning ... people straining their necks to see each other . . , women taking quick inventory of other women s Easter creations . . a spirit ot joyousness in the air . . a little less, rain . . . churches pouring their crowds into the streets . . apparent ly nobody -in a hurry to get home . . loafing along the way . . .car park d along the curb . . .prinking dopes . . . not the cars, Oscar, the people . . . and oh yes, rain . the dinner hour ; . . ar d out they come again . . . but it's still too wet to parade ... so it's back to the car again . . . . and away we go . . . . all afternoon . . . not ne.itrly o many heading for church for the night services ... the' rain has stopped i . . maybe we suddenly de cided it's WET . ; . Easter . '. . . ,-i newi life . . . resurrection . . gtet a new out-ht . . . or resurrect an oid one! (Mr. and Mis. Jim Boyd, who form erly lived on Jonathan Creek, have moved to town and are ocupying an apartment ' in the Quiesenbury House j in Main Street. C. H. ('. MEETING TO UK HELD MAY KITH The May meeting of the Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will be held on May th-! 10th at the Hotel LeFaine, with Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Miss Robena Miller, as associate hostess es. The program will be on "Arling ton," and Mis. Will Hyatt will be in charge. Southern Memorial Day will be observed an dmemorial service? to all the Confederate Veterans who have passed away during' the last year in Haywood County will be held.1 i i Mr. V, S. ', of Denver, Colo., is on a visit to this county and. is the guest of Mrs R. A. Sentelle, and after a visit with, her will bej with Mi. H. N. Seiltelle, and other relatives in the county. Mr. Shep pard has been residing out of the county foi the past 27 years. Mr. S. ('. Welch, of Washington, I). C, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. Howell Way. fl ORIGINAL Three Big Days Thursday-Friday-Saturday i Mr. office ville. R. F. Duff of the local TV A spent the week end in Knox- Wuai.ita . PINT Almond Hand Lotion 2 For 40C 100 Puretest Aspirin 2 For 50C MI 31 PINT SIZE 2 For 50C Klenzo Facial Tissue 200 SHEETS 2 For 26c scaouoo0 Speedy by Abel's Garage ''fWm, xXvjmfi) 1 r. we repair your wrecks to f -L FORD PRICES DELIVERED Tudor Sedan ............. $651 DeliUie Tudor ........... 715 Coupe . ........... . . .". ... 635 Coupe Ik-Luxe . . . . . . ..... 701 Fonr-Door Sedan ; . . . . . . . .$717 nelnie ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 Tudor Touring Sedan 737 Touring Sedan ..... i .... . 78 AJUj TAXES PAID. . .SHATTER PKOOF GLASS ALL AROUND . 'MM MMMMMMMMM 1 i1 si rug ; Mow on special display, the six most popular designs in genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs -the original, labor-saving, money-saving floor-covering. Priced to save you moneyl Boyd Furniture Company PHONE 197 DEPOT STREET