-M-RSPAY. MAY 2, 1935 THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE. X. ill Mm pau entered me naiiwuy inmi uie UtiD r'Ui and H"s? tw0 relaxed from the 'rU'l'lity of their strange panto nine, "tin tmstltMl out into the kitchen jnd Martin smoothed the covers of Elliott's bed "'It'1 8 ,ian1 tnat trem bled slightly- -Now, the hoy's going to he nil right," the doctor suid. "I'll look in tomorrow. Quiet is going to he essen Ul for a tew days. You two women til right?" A close observer might have noticed tint Aunt Em's eyes were oddly avert- f-i from John Martin's searching saw that her breathing was quick. "Why, it inl0'lit be handy to have a futn In' the house tonight." she said, "ttwly onoiish. "I'm ". , . Tin won dering if Mr Martin would stay, lie ?oull -deep on the couch In the living .. ,ro"ii;. I "I'ri iv irlad to," the man said and cleared his tlir..;'t simrply. "There ihni.'N! - something I could do . . . I He l,..J.!oiked at Dawn on this lust mi !' seemed that his voice caught 'tver so sll-'htly. I So it was arranged tint he should jtay 'through the night and the doct or left I Aunt l.m carried t ?o light out of the Ikk i''in and placed- it ot; a table la liiill. Sin loisilc l, liere and t'.ere," (rtn't'led "i'o a viiiie-ty of minor t?r-f-dHiis.aiid .M'all'y urove Dawn tj bed tin' .iiri's .protests of sloepless- J Al " i'. . s! .'.fixed blankets on t!ie IliH.: r.miir couch while.. Martin sat in tie -Iiirkeued'iHwIrooiu. . That done, she Iwk'iirod t'l 1 1 i in from the halhvav. They ciiiironteil one another there Itinc moment. The woman's., .ace orM '(needy and she sctmed at a loss is. "U'l jit s!i; Il I say?" she asked. In a hisicr. '. ' 1"N".:iin'." t.ito man rep! led. "There nothif- ;;i all to ; be sa'd . . . Is &'.-':" (! "(Hi, ymt saii me such a starttu-r",k i "Y 'M're die first one, . , . I'm '. '. , 'si b. i. lull of-things, to talk, now, k'ini' .'" lie iti.iil.i an odd gesture toward the nil iiii.i ; '! '! aiiout. "tte'r- in.. the upstairs front room If 're nwilcil," si.e said. "Is . . . is re a .. tiling you need yourself?" H" ili.i imt reply for a moment. S-'ii. 'i.avily : "Yes. . '. . Your help, likely. . .. i litt.lt. i,inr. . . ." : V The wi "tnai. did h stnin.'p fhinw than seiche I up her npron and pressed tU!iii.v ii-niiist her eyes. 'Mn t r metrbor!". she sobbed. (. . "i'h, w.hafll happen In this house mr T wqhile-,-' Martin muttered. "'Yes I whio;!" . She left hint, and he moved almost I'fflngty into the Hying room. He H a. ;ong time just within the rli.i',l vnd then went slowly about, f1!" i icturs to tnble, from boob shelf mantel, hands in his coat pockets, wore thK old photograph he stood a loii iuten-ai; beside that worn T:.h remained with bowed head, toht who la suffering . . . or rV'P-1' 'AVhea he approached the 7 he was to sleep that night 'ra i seemed to fair and he half 'th slan,rvt to his knees. He j. '".'ace. down to the blankets and Wdd r? C;"''J them, gripping, un.ti tl.e knuckles showed ten i. sreut, snuaaertng i , " '"ui nis deep chest. t!r ' : , ! Th"" "d Ey Blalne prowled U ! mshl 116 hal let John a stree l he drove ttrongh the v tten'i proceedel to a livery he,stal"e1 h'3 team. but llay w had 8'gbted Ben E1U- :m"oo beL )U8h he t00k P "' cbed Z the post offlce and begal S' he dld nt him. i r?ti irtci f i - . wntlT mi nuuui town Dut '.,.1.1 . i ' " .uJa DUUJe lit' aiL rt?1 Iocate Ben's t !.!ch: ,13 The aura of r"Sted wlnd0W3 had J0De by on rm becffme fainter 4 rtn,i ?' we"t dark. Blrd- lfcc? boor', vl ened' And er almies PrVed fr'"tless he V es,y aay. along down the hich -through '-a lighted n ;jkln,aw wiih hasty Th. 6 drew back lto ie!S man wl?nn r be,CD rs Wed out. He v Went 'wlftly down the alley and then struck out past the depot toward the tracks. "Well, now!" Bird-Kye muttered to himself. "Saints . . . Why all this rush, I'm wonderin' !" A chill which had nothing to do with the temperature of Hie night struck through him. Red Bart, fleeing town? Surely, he went as a frightened man might go. . . . Or as one whose er rand Is completed. Out Into the street, then, went the Irishman, and into (be pool room. "Has atiybody here seen Mist her El liott ?" he asked loudly nnd men looked up from their games at the query. Yes, this man had. two hours ago; the butcher had talked to him at about el''t. . None other. To the dance ha!!, next, and bis queries were repeated. Then hastily buck to see Ben's team still standing patiently In the deepening snow,, .past. Iawn Mc Manus" house to find only a faint light In the hallway, and from there to Able Armitage's at a run. Had the Jude seen lien Klliort? He had not; and 'excitedly Blaine ex plained his empty search, the hasty d -parture of lied Bart, the neglected team. Able dressed and they went out to gether, searching the town, inquiring of late passers. "Somethiti's happore-1 !" Bird-Kye de clared. "Somethin's went wrong with th' b'y, Able! We can't 'olnd out what ut Is ontil mornin'. Thin, believe uie, we'll have help a-plenty !" "How so?" "Lave ut to me, Able!" Through the night, ten minutes later, a team went swiftly westward, They left town at a gallop; they brt.isted high drift across the way In frantic plunges, came to a Mowing rtop at the Hoot Owl barn A moment later Tim Jeffers sat up and In sleepy bewilder ment fought ore the man who shook him. and demanded that he wake up and listen. The storm subsided before sunrise. It was a vast, rolling country, and across it, from Hoot Owl toward Tin cup, went teams. Five of them formed a sort of procession drawl: g logging sleighs. Across the bunks planks had been placed and on the planks stood and sat men; they were silent men. Who drew on cold pipes, whose faces were set and grim whose eyes betrayed excitement. The Hor-t Owl crew, this, following Tim Jeffers and Bird-Kye Blaine to T'ncup to solve a mystery. In an orderly r. tinner they left the sleighs and .aunt In groups while teamsters unhitched and led thlr horses into a livery barn. Af le Armirage came hurrying and he, alone, was welcome In that plinlnnx of Intent men. Others of the town saw him gesticulate as he talked with Jeffeis and Bfaine, saw him shake his Nead and spread his hands as one will who has no in.wer for a pressing question. Old Tim turned to the .crews' and motioned them to him. The men gath ered close and listened while he spoke briefly. Then the compact; huddle broke, Jeffers emerged and started for the main street, that body of shanty boys falling I?) to mr.-e shoulder to shoulder behind him. It was a strange spectacle, for that peaceful Sunday morning I Doors were opened ; men and womeii peered out. Then they emerged and stood to vateh. Now and then one hailed an acquaint ance In the marching company- but none replied to such greeting. Has tily caps and coats were donned and along the sidewalks followed a grow ing crowd of the curious. The breath vapor of the men rose In a cloud. No other spoke. Far down the street a small boy ylpped excitedly, across the way two women were mut tering to one another, flinging quick, excited questions, disclaiming knowl edge for fitting responses. They swung Into the main street, old Tim wallowing In the long drift at the corner, his men trampling It down be hind him. On down past Abie's offlce, past the pool room and then, without a word of signal they halted. . . . The halt was before the bank, over which Nicholas Brandon had his offices and bis living rooms. The silence as they stood, every one of the hundred faces upraised to those windows with the lettering which pro claimed the tenant, was portentous. And then Tim lifted his clear, Strong voice.. :.: J-. "Brandon !" he shouted. "Nick Bran don I" . - "Brandon I" Tim shouted again and his men atirred behind him, swayed, giving up a low, short mutter. "Come out, Nick!" a teamster shout ed, voice thick with repressed excite ment. "Ay, come out I" another cried. Movement, then, where th cy had expected movement Up above a face appeared In a window. Nicholas Bran don looked down upon them. They could see his lips compress as he dis cerned that crowd. (To Be Continued. c COUNTY AGENT W. D. SMI TH 'S c o 1 , 11 " 1 m ,;'e ! :( tani'iT: of t:u- i-o'Jir.y ,vnu- :,,;hc o'umv ageiu t ' d:'U tu-n.-h ::.)-. Twt-inv-tive or thirty wete made last year, and eai-h tanner who had one is liidu'Ht- A I . i ! . . .. . I e,i his. vith the benefit he r.as got from and recommends the same i par t lee to ol her. Manv t':irm,.vj i . .. planting ensilage vt:i this season w-ith which to fill the silos ah-eadv built T bei"t tr fi'anned. This ens.. ige ,.)rn will give hot it result th;u. other co-n or cane, but either is g.od ieey. i ne county agent am; a mm. agrm in anxious to help any farmer to plan for next winter's feed' needs if anyone wishes ii. Ask them' if you have problems which you are not sure. i It is already time to think about the 1935 potato crop, beyond the planning. It is already proven that Haywood 'County can produce seed potatoes as good as can be grown even in the north. If you have plant ed good or certified seed this year and plan to raise for seed this year, your crop will need to be checked trom time to time in the field din ing the growing season, according to runners of the state Crop Im proving Association. If you want his done please list your name with the county agent's office in order that time can be made for your 'crop f - be visited. Io it just as soon as nos- ible. The Assistant Count. Agent is anxious that all -I II Club memlvors who are planning to fit calves for the fat beef show in Asheville on Oc tober realize that it is none too ear 'y now to be hard at work on this project. The calves need to be put on feed immediately and given proper care, .in order that they may stand a chance in the contest. The prizes- in this project are 'worth the clioi rr j Kvery club member should have liisj club vork started now. Press of other work has niai.e it impossible for the assistant agent to visit the club mem bers as he wished to, but 'a schedule of meetings 'ii to be arranged im mediately which will enable, him to meet and confer with all members. Kveiyone will be checked as to the work already accomplished in the project. No one .should wait to be gin his project -until' Mr. ("rouse '.has made his personal visit. If there is anyone who has for some reason not received a project record book, he should get in touch with the office at once and one will be provided. Old club members who have finish ed projects but not yet received club pins will be given the pins as soon as the completed project Ixioks are sub mitted. The .terracing. demonstration was held up Tuesday of this week on the farm of Albert McCracken. In o far as known this is the first tors racing demonstration in Haywood Count v of farm machinery. It was very interesting to listen to the comments of the farmers who visited the .farm during the day Some could not see anything more to it than ug'y trenches around the hill. Others could see that it is needed in some places, while others could see through the whole plrojet to the day when each pasture or hitside would hold more water and thereby grow better grasses, which in turn stops erosion. More than 200 hundred farmers saw the work going on. The response is very gratifying. A number of our" farmers spoke to the county agent during the day and asked that we get to their places just as soon as pos sible. Farmers who want to cooperate in this program should speak to the county agent as soon as possible. We are ready, and other agencies are ready to help the farmers of Hay wood County save the soil. The outlook for a good price for wool is not very encouraging yet. Much of the wool tha'. was pooled last year is yet unsold. Farmers in other sections of the country think that this is a good year to pool their woof, however. The County Agent has had expression from several wool growers saying they think we should have a pool again this year. We want to hear from other farmers and see Shoe Repairing BRING THEM TO THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP Next to Western Union A Famous Family Of Men's Hats KNOX - DUNLAP - BYRON .... ' C. E. Ray's Sons A COMPLETE CLOTHING SERVICE Try At Home First. . .And You'll Never Regret It u m n ::a: w -::eu..i ,i , i'elp ;he stute ma: kef i-. it' we wan: In.. -e:: .houlii come to a jec:- ii date. an gvt the ig spe.-ial but' we a: ti early Al. tobacco commit teem i n of Hay wood county are meeting at the court house at 1:.'U Saturday afternoon, -May 4 The purpose of this meeting is to consider any problems which neeu aueuiion of the association. Al ie- unnnistieu nro nils .n-,. to It.. is-1 completed. 'OH T. SAl.K l.elton. Fresh milk cows. V May .-;-1 (-:;! OT- On Min ... i . A 1 -"'tl .ilain street or between A l..v.,,,.i.,..' i is .. ., , .; .... .i.... , .i aim i. r.. nay s nons.i .-. miir .f .1..L i.i... i:i i '. ", -1'iUf Ml) tioes. l inder call Mountaineer. MAN WANTED for Rawle:gh Route of SOU families. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. NCK-24S-.SA. Richmond, Va. May fj-lti-ao SWFKT POTATO, CAHHACK, ON ION; and TOMATO PLANTS $1.00 per 1000. PKPPF.R and FCC PLANTS. $-.00 per 1000. Leading s.neties. Prompt shipment. DOR RIS PLANT CO.. Vald.ista, (la. April o-May L'-O-o SlKADV WORK COOD PAY RKI.IABLK MAN WANTKD to call on fanners in Haywood County. No experieiice-or capital needed. Write today. McNKSS .CO., Dept. K., Kreeport, Illinois. pj FOR SAI.K OR RKN'T .-Farm and grass lands of the W. R. Kmsland e.si.ue. .unail inn' s o suit nnr- chaser. See,.), .administrator.' llerman Kiiisland, 1 1 1 -1 S L'o-o l!pd FOR thn RKN'T e travs -Nice Frigidairo with Phone 77. ApiTS-'Jo-i N'OTICF Stockholders of the WaySiesvilte Library Association are hereby no tified that there will be a meeting of the stockholders at the- library building at four o'clock p. m. on May 10th. lO.'io, for the purpose of considering a lease of the library to the Town of Waynesville, and such other business as may come before the stockholders. This Mav 1st, lil.'l.S. ALICE QUI NT. AX, Secretary. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE on Monday, May 27th, P.I.'I5, at eleven o'clock A. M.. at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood ( ounty, North Caro lina.T will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at pifblic outcry, the fol lowing lands and premises, lying and being in the town of Hazelwood, uaywood vouniy, .-n. i ., ami more particularly; 'described as follows: Reing lot No. 7 of what is known as the Grimhal! Park Addition, which said map, plat and subdivision is duly oi reeoru in the otlice ot the Kegistei of Deeds of Haywood County, N. (':., in .Map Hook Is, Index "(i, to which said map, plat and subdivi tion reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said two lots, and which said property is more particularly described as fn lows: li EC INNING at a slake -standing in the center of the Southern Rail way tr;ek, comer to lots .Vij. C and 7 of Block 4, as aforesaid, arid runs thence N. l.'C l.V E. 100 feit to a stake in the margin of Georgia Av enue; thence with the margin of Georgia Avenue N. 71" -4.V. W. fl.'io feet to a stake standing in the mar gin of Pine Street, thence with the mau-jfin ' of Pine Street S. 17" 21' W. H'O feet to. a stake corner, to lot No. 5; thence with the divisional line between lots N'os. fi and 7, 337 feet to a stake, the BEGINNING corner. Reing one of the lots of land conveye ! by J. R. Morgan anil wife, Cora Wrard Morgan, and FiW. Miller to C. A. P.!a.k and wife, Leila M. Black, by deed dated June 11, 1928, and recorded in Book 77, page 2.ri0, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. . Sale made pursuant , to power of sale contained in that certain dee of trust executed by C. A. Black and wife. Leila M. Black, dated March 2fl, 1929, and recorded in Book 23 p- re 109, Record of I)eels of , Trust of Havwood Countv. This 2fith dav of April. 193'. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. No. 333 Mav 2-9-10-23. .NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, May 20, 1935, at elev en o clock A. JV1., at the court house door, in the towin of Waynesville, in Haywood County, North Carolina, I will gell at public outcry, to the high est bidder for cash, the following lands and premises lying and being in Hay wood County, North Carolina, and 3 more particularly described and bounded as follows: hhCiINMNci on a haw bui'r. elitT near -li! public road, and runs S uth lo's Kast ;i poles to the .-enter ot old i-oad ;'iiieiue South ;iT'j West lo ivies; South .t Sast lo l-; poles to '.tie d. i.n. p. i.i:.- between N. K. Owen and Mo'.'.ow; thence with :i:e divisional line Xoith b'.l West, 4: poles to tlie branch; thence with the branch " poie; thence North -l.'f Kast, ! poles; North til Kast, l." poles to a st..ke in fh.' edge of the tiottom; thence Mp the ridge North -Jti1- West 2o ;ole,s to a stake near the top of the ridge; thence North fni Ka.st. L'tl poles to a stake, .Nelson-Ferguson-Monow corner; thence with the top of the ridge as it winds with Fergu son's line, to the BKUlNXINt!, con taining l'J acres, more or less, as po survey of J. A. Parks, Surveyoi, Sep tember, l!L2, and being part of the 1. . Owen land: Sale made pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by V. H. Ferguson, dated May ":hl, lUlis. ami recorded in Book at page 170, Record of Deeds . -r . . n ... "UM 1,1 "aywoou i ounty. -i-'.i. t.i.c . . . ., ' "s i.-'in nay oi .-prii, i;i,s,. I j; mhucav J- h- '''OKliA.N, Trustee. -'-!-It) No. a,'!0 NOT1CK -Apr -Mav OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, l oii.N l Or HAVWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. The IVdeial Land Bank of Columbia, s. Al.len Howell, Sr., H. B. At kins, Nora Swift Atkins W. A. (liill). Smathers Will Spivey, Will Spicer, M. G. Stanley," Trustee, Citi zens Hank it Trust Compa nk, i leo. H. Ward. Trustee, W. W. Blackwell, Annie Dee Chanselor, Walter C Chaiiselor, Mrs. L. ('. I'ar beck, Mrs. R. II; Blackwell, Haywood County. Isabella . Fei gu-oii, W. P. Underwood. Oil .Monday, the Kith day ot ll'oo. at 12:00 ii 'clock M., at the May, court house in Waynesville, Haywood Coun ts. North Carolina, the undersigned l i in 1 1 1 1 s s hi i ie i' of tlie l oiirt, will sell a: iHiblic (Hit cry to the highest bid der for cash, the following described lands and premise., lying and be lli in , Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina,, to-wit: All .that certain piece, parcel or tr.ct of land containing 2MI acres, mure or less, situate, lying and being oil the Balsam Road about T. to G bull's, from Waynesville, N.. (,'., in Waynesville .-. Township, County of Haywood, State of Noith Carolina, iiaving such shapes-, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof made by J. W. Seaver, Surveyor, made 1920, a'lii attached to the ab stract now tin file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, the same being bounded im the North by the lands of R. V. Welch estate, on the East by the lands of R. V. Welch estate 'ami Will Spivey, on the South by the lands, of Will Spivey and the R. '. 'Welch estate, on the West by Jackson 'County, .1. S. Melialfey ami R. V. Welch estate. This is the same tract of land heretofore conveyed to the said Alden Howell and H. B. Atkins by .1. R. .Morgan, Trustee, by deed dated January 27th, 1919, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C, in Book ,ri2, page l.ri and also the same as described in a judgment and de cree registered in ltook 52, page 11, Record of Deeds of Haywood ('ounty. This sale is made pursuant to, un der and by virtue of the jMiwer of sale conferred upon my by order and judgment of Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, bear ing .date of April Kt h, l'.KW, and ren dered in the above entitled action and wherein the undersigned was duly appointed' Commissioner of the Court to sell the above described lands to satisfy the judgment rendered in tnis cause on a first note secured by deed of trust taxes and insurance advanced bv above named plaintiff, 'this the Hth dav of April, 1935. A. T. WARD. I Commissi. hi e- of the Court . No. 225-Apr. lH-25-May 2-9 NOTICE OF TKUS'IEE'S SALE On Monday, May Li, 19.15, at elev en o'clock, A- M., at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, in Havwood County, North Carolina, I will soli at public outcry to the high est bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in Wavnesville Township, Hay wood County; North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGIN'NLVO at a stake in the Hyatt arid Winchester line, corner between Tracts Nos. 34 and 35, and runs thence with the line between said tracts, S. 4a 34' W. 10 chains, 98 links to a stake; thence N. 85" 55' W. 4 chains, 2 links to a stake; thence with the line of lot Nos 38, N. 40" 30' W. 4 chains, 24 links to a stake; thence with the line of lot No. 37, N. 4 34' E. 9 chains, 44 links to a stake; thence along the Southern margin of a road way, S. 72 25' E. 7 chains, 14 links to the BEGINNING, containini? 7.R9 acres, and being lots Nos. 35 and 3G, of the R. A- L. Hyatt lands, as per survey and plat of Terrell & Terrell, recorded in Map Book "B, Index H offlce of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County. . Subject to the right- of-way for a roadway along the Northern margin of said lots for the adjoining lots, md including the rights reserved over the Northern margin of adjoining lands for a roadway to the public road. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R. K. Hall and wife, Ella Hall, dated April 10, 1927, and recored in Book 19, page 2.57, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. This 12th day of April, 1935. GEO. H. WARD, ' . Trustee. No. 22G Apr. 18-25-May 2-9. TUl'S I'KK'K. SALK O.'l .Moll.fay, al .. lock. A. ', .1'. e.fVen :. iii-e dti.ji .e. li.iy b.li.i, 1 Will f:.e n.ghes. w .:;g .anil. " ! i -an: . ;t, I'.,:.!.' ai: . pi i-ii, 1:1m,1.V N I t '.aie oil Lane or i :i n .Main Being : J. 11..K, i i.i t .v i, X. I . ;: . ne: ot K No. 'kw I A'.dition to in.: runs South S!i No itazelw ooii, N. i l.i hast wan the iii.ii'inn of Mam Street. Jib .,-el to a stake in center of St'ate Highway No. 10; theme South 41" .'ill West ai.out 12s feet to a stake in North niaigm of Kentucky Avenue; thence North S.s- l.V West with margin of Kentucky Avenue, about 50 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. .'SO, in Block "B;" thence North 22 3o' West with line of lots' 30 and 2, about 358 feet to the BEGINNING, being the part of Block "A" West of State Highway No. 10, in Brookwood, as per survey by J. W. Seaver. Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon the umlersiyned , trustee by virtue of he power of sale loniainoa in that certain deed of trust executed by John F. Bass and wife, Hallie V. Bass, dated October 27, 1931, and recorded in Book 29, at page UV.i, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood' County. This the 20th day of April, 1935 I. L. COUNCIL, xr Trustee. No. 331 Apr. 25, -May 2-9-Ki. notice of f rust EE's Yale7"" On Monday, May fth, 1935, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina, the undersigned will sell at pub lic outcry, to the highest bidder for cadi, the following lands and prcm, ises. to it : BEGINNING on a stake in the center of the railroad, E. K. Chambers corner; thence with Chambers line W. bi F. 3ti poles to a stake; W. 50 S. 20 poles to a stake; , .29 " S. ll pof s lo a chestnut oak, Chambers corner; ihen.ee Willi Call Oueen's line as fol -V'TICK oK lows: S. 77 E. 20 poles to a black ".:K: .S- oi'' E. 20 poles, to a hickory; S. .Nil E. .!0 polos, more or less, to. the center of the railroad; thence with the center -of the railroad to the BE GINNINt;, containing seven acres, more or less. Sale made pursuant 'to power of sale contained in that certain deed of' trust executed by John Rogers and wife, Dolly Rogers, dated August 3, 1921, and recorded in Book S, at page 21, Record of Deeds of Trust, nf 11 ay wood ( 'ounty. This April 5th, i:i:i5. .1. R. MORGAN, Trustee. No. 221 Apr. 1 I -IS 25-May, 2. NOTICE OF TRCSTF.E'S SALE On Monday, May 1.1, 19.".5, at elev en o'clock, A.M., at the court house door in the towii of Waynesville, in Haywood County, North Carolina, 1 will sell at public .outcry to the high est bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in the town, of WaynesviUe, Hay-"..' wood ("ounty, North Carolina, and more particularly, described as fol lows: -.'BEGINNING on a stake on this hank of Richland 'reek, at the South west pier of the old iron bridge across, Richland Creek; thence up the eteelc S. 30' E. 4 Vi poles to the mouth of the Shingle Cove Branch; thence up the branch N. 7(C W. 8 poles to tha old rock corner; thence North 1 pole to the branch; thence along the olJ Shingle Cove Road N. 82 E. 8 poles to the end of the old iron bridge abutt ment; thence S. iO E. 2p oles to the BEtilNNLNG, containing one eighth (1-8) of an acre, more or less. Being the same tract of land con veyed by R. D. Gilmer, administrator of M. H. Love to Alden Howell and Kimsey Howell, on the 27th day af October, 188G. EXCEPTING from the operation of this deed all lands taken by the Town of Waynesville for road through said lands up to this time. Being the same property conveyed to the said John R. Carswell by Shu ford Howell .'and. wife., Annie Howell, by deed dated the l.'lth day Of ' Sep tember, 1917, and duly recorded in the-, office of the Register of Deeds in Book 50, page 72, Record of Deeds for Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. R. Carswell and wife, Annie M, Carswell, dated June 24, 1929, and recorded in Book 23, page 131, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This 12th day of April, 1935. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. No. 227 Apr 18-25-May 2-9 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of the estate of C. E. Ray, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, thi is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said de cetised to exhibit them to the under signed at Waynesville, N. C, on or before the 4th of April, 193t, or thij notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 4th day of April, 1935. J. W. RAY, MRS. MINNIE RAY, Executors of the Estate of C, E. Ray Deceased. No. 382 April 4-11-18-25-May 2-9. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Haying qualified as administratrix j of the estate of Kenneth E. Ferguson, deceased, late of Haywood County, " North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynes ville, N. C, on or before the 17th day Of April, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th dav of April. 1935. JOSEPHINE C. FERGUSON, Administratrix of estate of the de ceased. No, 328-r-Apr. 18-23-May 2-9-10-23.