M4Y9. 1935 THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESV1LLE, N. C. Page :e of OF .,mtrv ?4LE I P01es 10 a stane on top 01 a riage; EXECUTIU.N thence with the top of said ridge, I vf n y 0 T" i I . . . 1 NORTH CAKJLJ-a. thence N g0 1? poks tQ a chest ST-VJtv 0i HA.VcinR COURT, not tree and three ches C0L ,- THE SUPERIOR tuuin.( v g4 . w to & S v Ii. H Z1GLAR t-EBGts- Fv,ution directed o; , u-l.Vi. Sher- j. " t.f E. 60 stnut pointers; stake in E. H ! Jones line; thence with his line N 1 v. 43 poles to a big sugar tree stump on the county line of Haywood and Madison; thence with said coun ty line to Jesse M. N'oland's corner; thence with Noland's line to a branch to a stake; thence down the branch South course to the public road, ' fre tne cTrth Carolina, r:. L'Un ' u "rA Hav of June,' a soutn course to tne puonc roaa, Monday t,"?3? at the! number of poles unknown; thence irWaUviUe. Hay-! down the public .d to the BEGIN- to 1 ,HH'I 1" .oil Coan-1'"- ... North Carolina, oi t-V bjjder for cash to sat- w ...rian all the ngm, u s :'-r;; ,h the said u. . ,J is: . .fndant. has in and ftrg'f.: ' ;nt, described real estate, t ;t; t hems on Jonathan Creek, L'r- Jtk Township, riaywoou Jaw-. -) joining the lanas oi containing 100 aeres, J. K. Boyu, ". o!lows: . . if a- on tne lui f ""'r . . ,take on tne west " r'L Lad; thence down the Iim ... t- ii miles to a smau bank of the road; ' W. 20 poles to a on the top of ridge; thence 9 p . i' nee the r . i '.Cs as follows: S. irioui me"-; w 75 feet. I1 u- -m feet; S. 59 14' W. 100 VV. 100 feet; S. 69' , f et; S. 25 10' W. 100 fL, k 3V W. 100 feet; S. 32 V ,. S?V i 44' 30' W. 100 feet; S. W. 40 feet; N. 85 U .iarvc r K Doles to a : noles to a stake " i: iiwn tllP n l.hvi'Ii s line u..... white thorn at a cu!i ; i' K. ,'i poles to a stake m-e S 30 W. with the lme -') pries W W K'l't tl! )1 it' in the .: W. ' NING corner. more or less. FIFTH TRACT: In Fines Creek Township, Haywood County, X. C adjoining the lands of W. P. Ford and J. P. Haynes old tract and BE OIXNIXG on a stake in the Hay wood and Madison lines and runs with said divide three calls X. 5 30' W. 18 poles; X. 0 E. 16 poles; X. 20 10' V. 5 poles to a stake, W. P. Ford s cornet ; line West (var. 2 The Human Side 0' Life AS SEEN By L'ncle Ab "hizaelf VNaynesville, The Purtv. Mav see a rabbit clime AND TOLD "Did you ever tree lid you ever see a lohT,r ri.i- u rt" you ever no you never. Did rur they jit kaint do it. don't vou see." An did you evct see a fi.-h lie on dry land, fokes ? Well, aea-rdin' to a fish story L'nkle Abe hvee-d here in Waynesvi'.h- tuther dav, it bein done out west 1 think it' wuz. It seems that out in a seita.ni west ern state that wuz a lake an' in this lake thai- wuz a Ir.a. k,ir. Vw i thence with saidi drowth kuni alony - . s aiuut'. - ha -jo) poiesio "iiwh in ciniii u:ii.ime an tne to a stake, Fold's corner; thence South (var. 2' 45 ) 40 poles to a stake, corner of Jasper Haynes home tract; thence East (var. 2 45') 307 poles to the BEGIXXIXU, con taininir 7( an-pe more or less. Be ing the same lands described in Book' as 40, page 40(, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C. This the 27th day of April. 1935, J. C. WELCH. Sheriff Haywood County, X. C. Xo. 335-AIay 9-16-23-30. 'NOTICE OF " COMMISSIONER'S SALE .ak. (.'vide up bv deirreeze. hv 1 de gree at a time. Will, ever tir.e that hike wood dry 1 ,.euree thui wi-e karp wood bury nizself in the mui: 1 degre" yes si--ee; so wl.en the lake wuz plum drb'e u) he tor she. the seks mout bi wuz found down sum distance in dr.- ei'.h srtor s'umberin' like. We'd all thev d.uie wuz to aLe that oi' dadiiy ka.p j. (or maw karp, as the .-asc mout be . brush the dust t ft of him-h.r an' 1 t it sleep on til1 the wmter rains i-ome when it wu.: peert :?s ever. -, nooe .' na; :.; i.iiv se, .... p., He y mak.n" y atr in .v.- voies. ail kir .: .1 s . ; e Now, this man fur- whoze n:x? az t.'.e d:twv This bein' will '. eceive lish: tisi, sea ." - l.i Owen s e S. 1 J 3 r ; ree; i . 13 i.i; E i M F W. 12 -p.W, E. 4 p.-: y K. i: N- - 4 p.'.-; .K' i'I'i eK Cv.'.'l nrxNiN I'-p.ii 'i' F- 30 poles thence down poles; S- 7t! . 10 poles; S. 10 poles; N. , I 6 p-ile--, S 34 J E. I) poles; 20 E. 4 poles; ,.,.,U's N. 49 W. t .1(1 V. 11 noles; N. 4"J :n K. 12 polos; -N. !, v r,.- ,!0 E. 4 poles; -)0' 0 E 18 -4 V. lit - - poles; N. 19" 30' :ti-- . 22 pole?; N. ,.. ( i-iissing the main fork - ih.Ti'e up the West fork s- H4 W. 23 poles to thp i; ie.ni: the same land 1' '1 Ferguson bv T. N. w t'e. b- ;eed oatod Feb. oi.iil.nl 'ti Book 75, pae f 1 1 ni, wi) KEsr i;vixg, :ht. I'nini tlie tv.iegoinf, and ,ilfv Wd traet oi land and p.-v.'in-e.-hua.-e ami lot known. i.s tlif U. H. faun resilience rwarueu to um L. H. rerguson. fts Lis litnne- ij by a jury on Jiii.u C, 1931, the ' being- lully dcsr:f'ia as loili'W.-: EGIN'.N'ING at '3 stjk 10 fe. t .' of the Xorthea::., coiner, of li.e H. l-'ergu-tuN (Iwellir.g' house niul . t.vwv -- 10 T;". to- a stake ; West 100 fett t.v a fcUtkc; ::e S.. 1IX) i':-fi vo stake; t!:. !if !0u f.oi.'t to a nt--l;t ; ihoiice N..!b et tn the ,ji)int of b( jf inning. SECOND TH Ct: 'uUthan-'Crne-: Township, Ho; i County. X. C, end King l.vt 1 ami 2. .f the D. A. Owen pror f as survv'.v vt and phs.lt d by R. V. Me, surveyor.' -Oil tK- !th dav iJa.iuarv. l!i''2. vlmu i on ;iid recorded in Rotik B. pain: iJ" fid of Man of Havwood Count v.! e V- and being, r.a.t of the Uiid.-1 ' Line . I. avis and H?.?ter Owens ivta un,Jer the 'as- Vv ill and Test- o 1) uv.lt' Denasci' I hoinainng 2.!i a"res, and I.'-! 2 cuntaniuig 2 acres whim davl are fully iles-'rhed as follows: f:n a. a stuke in the v:iins mils ho reel o"ly l iml is that . an the alb waiiee-; o"k i u n ai men. Abe, A. Ii. ess y keerof tile re le'.tl 1': .V'uunt'Me On Monday, Niay :mh, 1035 at eleven o'clock, A. M.. a' the eourt i i -i I. . . i". ix : 11 . nouse ioor in me wi n oi anes ue, ,1(n;s r1ilkt, Mu ,1lul,1 Haywood County, . ... the under- (,,u . jn ,hi, k(lvul; Xw si'fneu e om.nissioii"r oi uie i. oiu i. -Hn ,..,,. K ,j win resell ai puo.ic ouuiy, i" uu highest hiddei for cash, the follow ing land and premiss lying and being in Wryiu sville Townsii-p, Hay wood County, North' (Vlolina, de scribed as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 15':5.07 h-tcs, more c.r less, situate. Kins and be ing on the waters of Richlr.nd Creek about oa.-dialf riile froiv the ci.rpor-at'- limits of t.e town of Waynes--ville, and about oi.e ,i'iile in a Sesl-t'-rly dir-;ctioii from the court house of the town o Wavnesville. in Wy nsv He Ir.vnship, ( ourtv ol Hay wood, State of North Cartdiin, hav ing such shapes, metes, courses and eis'ances as will more filly api.i?ar Dy reference to a plat therco:', nude by J. N. Shon!bred S'jmyor on Ftbruaiv 2oth 1:12', nor. sv.'-vy which hi mud- ot pat-, oi u. - ! 1 . ' t i ' i i si. a o l 1 w 111 1 -I I eja: i.t.ui o. - oi- - u i . il i' i r l'nkle Abe un'U fiii'ther tlie best k.im i-n 'bhei'.e ti-.li H' i ince- the It n't g i be ; fill li.-lu'i:- t.oni Bevtty Kui.ner S kales. M, -j;a. leceewi otut ''.") ' u L- rmn7 etters air a'.. su:ns.;.u alike an' run' sair.p in thi-.: "Dva Miss j-iwm "Now that e h.t. :.;-h: High i-n-ule. e u: ;-.ea.f, want to make a b.oomin' sufksess out of yotvself. To do this ih.irs one ui way. that i- to jine our Bewtv kulche,- Skule teech the noo.t art ot Kama- t-'Miigs a. eer to be he.n tne e'' the l. no thai they t: oeti mu'ii y jis' -t , ik ..M' SUin fiil.;' .11 uveh von -. to aze k.'.i.n' ams. Kleek ters an kt m;: espers; lIso tow to :;eem, pitss, t.v ..t. kuil, t.im, pas.e down, fuzi up. turt' yank out an' dr. w lines, make lips and bie over an' 'ithtiwize improov tin. femineen bed a V neck from 25 .o loO pur cent -i , . . . i ". r. :e . .ie ni,t:ct 1 1, .1 you bav fo 1.'N u .til. "!'! . Ku!. in1: i? a ice.ent art. Komtidensha.l.v, it startcu up when the. Faie efi-.." koinnu-nct reclym' moi '.' on their looks thaa on their braties. The staiup.-od is .vow well under way. an' nir bii-ncs-i is to mkocge it -,.r.' recp the l,arvit. 1'urty soon til the '.'are s-el s wih be pa.-hents of the Iteuty sb.o'. suk m the bed, 'oo r.o. Vt, an' sl'ni nf ti.i iitane'i' s men. ) hei. you may n -i ash.-red thai. Hewty Kuleher w.dl bi th most protiitt.b'e b.oe-s a,M"i; l he sun. i.'Minh- ties to beet l.u'.g-ll' ;;".' ti 'lll' t.'shcn.s," Canton Man Killed Monday In Wreck A slippery bridge approach as the scene of death Monday for Jas. R. Hyatt. 4l-year-old employe of the Champion FiL-e company, when the roadster he was driving spun crrily from highway 10 near Pisgah road and turned over twice in a field. Mrs. Hyatt received cuts and bruises. Four automobiles have turned over at the same point in the past eight weeks. Capt. Cecil Pryor of the rural poliit- anil E. Gabriel, opera ter of a nearby garage, who pulled Mr. Hyatt from his wrecked car, both safd. The accident occurred at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Gabriel and Tony Candler, attorney, who saw the wreck, said that Mr. Hyatt was driving at a mod erate late of speed. It was raining, and as he crossed the bridge over a small stream, heading toward Ashe :f. the car began to weave when it struck smooth macadam patch;ng. Later at the Gardner hospital, Mrs. Hyatt said she thought something had gone wrong with the brakes. The car turned completely over in the field, then righted itself. Mr. Gabriel ran to the car, and then a car following the Hyatt's machine, driven by their son, Jas. Jr., arrived stopping quickly. Mr. Gabriel and young Hyatt pulled Mr. Hyatt from the ear, and at this time. Mr. G. S. Gard, Asheville agent for the Na tional Cash Register company, ar rived and Mr. Hyatt was taken to Gardner hospital by Mr. Gard. He was dead when examined there, Mrs. Hyatt was taken to the samt? hospital in another car. Her injuries consist of severe cuts and bruises about the head. PLAY AT CLYDE A three-act musical comedy, enti tled "Miss Blue Bonnett," will be given at the Clyde High School on Friday evening. May 17th. This is Ibeing sponsored by the Clyde Kp worth League. There are 14 in the cast besides a largt elsjrus. A Famous Family Of Men's Hats KNOX - DUNLAP - BYRON C. E. Ray's Sons A COMPLETE CLOTHING' SERVICE lie Lov.il To The ( ommunilv. . -Try At Home First In to IV. 1. of ii. J. S'oan, attached to tne witr. the I t lumibiii, ii'.'.' tie t I i 1! -i.e.' f 1 un, i Jist wa.it to say .'ite hero th ine an' 'hi Ivlitrr air now o,i th b, si of turms. He lets I'.-ik'.e Ape' copy ii m "az v..' an' col!-, fur icon l;t r.turi-T hainr set down on hizj ha, in samt in t. n - s'l-e:-. 'Yd'., ,1" ,'- nutli'.n' lil-e r..moi,v i,i i: r. i. ii.i'1 UN an' in the lleoioci al onr.y. Sei.ce the h;cY skrli ihe gal ;'i::jy:ites air ie -d ; ; is ' in !....: ti Ye:. : an' did fell ' the The i niu-h I 'We is to f o .nooki, .1 1 l.e'l'l ,' li-.i',-!iv"i in I:, i elct, i, don t ; ,g a y-o.ui)" man'.- Fa'icy thaw- of l.ove." ': . an' uml'iue- "I nidow Oi's hachli'i- Mo. An. M... Kiiitiu. ye ever noli- t'.iat when tl.ee ol' r ,l,i ''all in '.oe well, they ail iiin.-t he!rle-s .' sine ,- this: TI i-li (if 'hev an .-- "n kiic one I -,' sceei.te,!. f.i i -V 1'' tip ill' you fok: ei" n. Ihrir hiin take mi -Jin ig fokes,! , ,1 Lord, I he sum ' i- ironi $;00,000 Set Asidi I For Parka 1 N. C. Loi'isl;iliu c - CJ A Ol 'I' .hr.i win Mel. I I: I l. uo iOO.c R I lands Th' tlHlii'i re-r.l' tit:. ' i 't .:. .10 I'd t: NOW New l!).l." Molel S2 ROYAL ( U()YN ELECTRIC ( LEA NEK I'-i- liteh Hit In I -e-l I H.t. i erovwt Mioili I il tlx la .oiui. Knu.l ail-ei'ii-eil In .'H"I I lulls. ke ,ui I ii-.lir- lliiint .lolll' ual anil al.iila I t.'inei; t' ii I- cleans mm t-iis i.u.c-s i in( limit. st.i iilUti Ii- "letii - -.-I -r n un11 ' ii nul i' eo i Oi' ' 'i IMiiiii $ 29 .95 TERMS lY $1 W ELM Y I lee llniiie lleliio.isl rm In.) MARTIN KliECTRIC CO. Wiivncjsville', N. C. C C c t'l. .s ti.- M'iilil yr.i ;. o.a l.e iij.i i A l.i i '! M I '1, a, a stuke m the a of the oad, corner ol ' 'tnd '1, ant, runs wito r 1 S r o W. 41 po'e 4 i" in the center of the roaa i of l.i-s Nts. 2 anu 4; then ' A. lo poles to a stake an (. reel ; thence up the it ...onnild- o tVn r"t N", 1- then X. 69" W. l'J.rf P -a -ne bi't!irn;ni? corner. Being'. lam I'nnvmmn n IT II Va -V f-lhe .hivis, et al, by deed "i Jan. K ii I Pee 524. . ' ' " 'WlN.Jiv-r. . ..... . .: ,. ltoBf p " ,"u",p wanpo.nt- ,.y'-r "v iumiiin, tne same I "8 the eiinj , Pr ot the 76 aere tract It Dan ii. .1 , P- ' ties oi tne PHP V e heirvofthe law of 420 in'. nd r"ns as follows: s ,9 i P.N. 3o E, 15 423 4? ,h a white oak; LV.fln, N. 4" 45' h ,e:,N fiv K 9 poles; N. a- F,1"' 21 30' E 9 poles; ! ' "ro t0 'take; thence iuipo s?: ( ,ariat,on 2 I linei a,?tone the boun- Sou-, 1,1,1 -0orne tract; fc, ' (riation 2 45') 120 l- thpanv(rn;r of the 76 r- ivarun iu io acre i!'BFriMl;4j) 3(Vt poles W r11', containing 991 'o U HP '"R same land i" rern V dped dated Oct. I rerded in Book 62, page f Jl'P.TW Tn . . r T r C I Be'"K n F.nes K ,vMC 'ed .af!ld Coutlty- Mv,:.,; ) ii 1 ' i wo 1 f i to tne hurh' Mav 27. l!i the Cnnv H.,1'- 'j avntsvllv ! : ' Froperty: THh Wi.niC 2 AND HOUSE: Described ns follows; BEGINNING av r. P'n? ; Grcen'c lint; thence N. :1 J 1.1 rwn'pa tn n'lhl IO TOad with saitl road N. 'i9 W, 4 poles; thence N. .42 V'.- 15 poles, N. 6V2 W- VI pole-, S. 2S W. 6Vr poles, S. 34 E. 15 1 5 ro-es to a sKeon iiii,i,i:i "in j J'M.v I: X. A4Alt4tiit.iiiut .11 ,-.u.-i.L, I" l'1 on fot' t . ue ! : : (iam- OPiC of.- these t ulitate th-tt) 3-4 E thence it; , .' n n. : e I- they .-e i e iiere. at toe ti""e of the land-r.f of the I ilgt .os. (ne may wonder h' v these laiye tite- eepd the woodman s ixc of a few years ago wren so mpny sawmill,1' were 0,eratinR .n this aettioi., hut ( tVi. n: h.v been und .r , , - j in the maioi.t of thn. h, .. " . i (- t i . Imp- thp nro.pyt.on ot .kne U. ft. roiM !. no s to staKe in r u. -" - , .. poi-a w. " " E ,ice' aw are now bnnz .it undr .omo anH sevpntv rods. 1.1 tut ".' 'W r a - ,,-' corner ' a tollows: BE- r'estnut stumn. r" thp Pllc.nll . T, -IWOOl-ll I E. 21 nnU. - Deed for lot dated June 22, Registered in Book No. 44, page bJ4. Record of Deeds for Haywooi Coun ty, North Carolina. THE PANTIfER CRECK SCHOOL HOUSE AND SITE: Described as follows- BEGINNING at a stake m the cen ter of the pub'ic road and runsV 89 deg- E. 6.15 chains to a stake, thence S. 21 deg. 27' E. 3 chan.i to a flint rock in brancn; thence with branch S. 72 deg. 10' W. 3.02 chains; S- 87 deg. 27' Wi 1.44 chains; N. .53 deg. W. 1.05 chains; N. 42 deg. 30 W. 1.19 chains to a stake in center of road and center of branch: thence with road N. 1 deg. W. 0.30 chains N. 33 deg. 35' W. 2.25 chains to the BEGINNING; Containing 1.94 acres. The Board of Education resenes the right to reject any and all bids on this property, which m the opinion of the Board is not sufficient com pensation for the property. . . By order of the tsoara oi JS12 CANNON BALL DUG UP INT DELEWARE LEWES, Lel.--.A cani.on ball, ?P- - f . .. :-..u- in ,limnlpr nroyiinjteiy iour liit-ntrc v..--.- poles to a tion April 16, 1935. inT, a. -spring;! JACK MESSER, SecreUry. ,i;...Av-prpH hv workmen excavat ing in the business section Of Lewes, Del., near tht canal front wh..h it believed to be a -elic of the Var of 1812 when the town rf Lewes, was bombarded by British warship.s. The ball was picked up in a load -vf earth. This little town, settled in 1631 by the Dutch, witnessed the first and last naval engagement of the Revolution. , The first a, in 1776, when one ot the small boats of A M S Roebuck vsa, captured while trv.ng to prevent the landing of powder: being sent to American forces. Merchant- "Any Rac lady?'' beer?". '.-. . Ras. Merchants-".V ell tips, lady?'.' E- H. l.cer tii,Ml"s. a: if I ilrank 1, it- Sth WARNING! May is Last Day to Tax i IM s Those Failing To Do So Will Have 2 Penalty Added To Taxes and Be Liable of Prosecution. GEO. A. BROWN, Sr. Tax Supervisor 2m-.-. No. 338 May 9-16-23.

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