The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entn ince of The Great Smoky Mountains National I'ark Head by Thinking People VOL. LVII NO. 24 WAYNES VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till RSDAV. MAY lti. li:l. Chamber of Commerce Drive Getting Results v.,nhi Drive To Be Continu ed Today. Outlook Indicates Third More Than Last Year v.a:.v.;.e late ednesday were . r.s.1.;ve for funds fur the Way- !M- , , ., .,,l.l CnUIUDl OJ. vuiiuueivc uuiu u-t ear's receipts by thirty cent or near the' $2,000 About eight hundred dollars mark. in.nar.ii last night. ;cVt,iai of the committees at work '. la VC liau iioi juuue iiimi ic- ? Wednesday, but planned to ,-omn ete and tnorougn can- Ullii-c f all business places and indi- va.- .v;.;ua. .-lore fie weeK enus. nnnittees report that the it the countributors are their contributions this miijeri:y .oji'liiit' vea!'. A number are paying cash in- .-uud i Otiicwis making the usual pledge. i-i the organization were . i. i i jjjt-j at tne response mat naa made; Orel) Every committee making a report stated 'tb-.l the spirit and co-operation en the art of the community was far belter than at any time since an civilization has been organzed here. Chairman of the drive, J. W. Ray, Mjiro.swl h'niself as being pleased with :;-. .amass thus fa., and was c-iT.tiiitiit' that the goal would be reiK'hi-'i. :A numbe,. of people have volun tarily .'one -to the Chamber of Com merce' utlire ind made contributing without being vallei on. A tfltal of Zi busiinss mei: are in I'm field mak ing the ill ive. The drive, formally got underway inimediateh' afbr a 7.30 o'clock 4ill'ttiiaM iicwiik. ,'haii nun Kay esplaired the set up of the drive, and called upon L. M. K.ihe.-i ii :' a few brief remarks. The member .-hip of the five commit tees ttu! TK, a- .1 of this number 21 wen- pii-sent at the meeting which was a hreakfa-t at V. W. N. C. Cafe. Those present wre: J. W. Ray, ' Hurst Bui'rin, W. L. Lampkin, Hugh Ma.-Mc, !.. S. P. Gay, Charlei E. Kay ( vrtis Russ, Harry M. Hall, Eniniett Ballentine, J. B. Silei', Geo, A. Brown. Jr., Oliver Shelton .Felix iftovall, 1'aul M.rtin, Guy Massie, E. 1.. Withers, H..W. Woodwa d, L. M. Rivhis. ii, C. N. Allen, Ralph Pre vst, an C. A. George. FILLING STATION MANAGERS TO MEET The (iiiinp station operators of th co. .m- nity. will be at the Chamber 'if ('o.iineiej office Thursday r-igh'., May 2:.!. at nine o'clock for the pur pose of organizing ir to a "Courtesy Squad."' , it w;u pointed out the filling Na tion managers are the first and iast person greet tourists j-v the com munity, and the mai.ner , in wh'ch this i- dene determines the reaction ! a ':a'i'e degree on the part of vis itors. Maps, literature and folders will be supplied the managers by the . Chamber of Co"Mrerce, Plans for the meeting were made this week when President Charles E. Ray, F, L Withers and oil company 'strict .managers, W. L. Hardin, Jr., 0. V Bell and Jarvis Campbell met . ar.ii. oisoussfil the set-up in detail. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMHERSHIP DRIVE "000 2900 2700 2300 2300 2100 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 Jt.llO 2400 2200 2000 1S00 1600 1100 1200 1000 K)0 .600 400 200 700 500 300 100 SEEKS OFFICE tmtmmmmm iii .TiW.Jj , ... . (., ,; 1 Li i (i in i J t l.VDi: 15. JIOKV Clyde R. Hoey An nounces Himself As Candidate For Gov. Cn. a i.Iatform of social aii.'l- eco nomic betterment, Clyde K. Ihey, Shelby iav:y-r and Denioi-ratr' leado'", Wedinsday announced to North Car olina Democrats that he vas a candi date for toverno. His aiinunoem nt jmt an end to he months of speculat inn over what he intended to do. He is a bmthei-in-aw O. Max (iard ier, forniei' governor. Wi'h Mr, Hoey's formal announ cement, the field now has four as pirants for tne office. A few day: ago Lieutei.ant Gi vernnr A. H. Gra ham announced, and pivvious to that two Charlotte attorneys nvado their announcem. nt John A. McKm and Col. T. I.eroy C. W. Miller Buried Friday Afternoon; Pioneer Citizen The Oldest Husiness Man Way nesville Active t'ntil Few Days IJefoie Ills Death In Last rites for Clarence Watson Mil ler, 87, pioneer citizen of Waynesville, who died Thursday morning following a heart eUack the previous Sunday were conducted at .' o'clock Friday afternoon ' -at the First Methodist' church. The 'Rev.' Paul Hardin, Jr., pa tor of the church, assisted by Rev, W. A. Rollins,, presiding elder of the district, officiate'!. Mr. Miller was bo in in Wythe County, Va. on Feb. (i, IMS. Just after the close if the War-'Between the States, re came to this section with his mother, brothers and .:sti his mother, brothers and sisters. They first located in Cashiers Valley, but shortly after moved to Waynes ville.. His leather and harness shop is the oldest business llrm in Xbe town. It has been operated continuously for more than fifty years. Since taking up his residence here Mr. Miller and his family have been prominently identified with the reliinous, civic, and social activities of the town. .-. "..-'. j Mr. Miller had served as aldeimnnj of the town at '"'.different times and) had held menvixMship on the school ; board for a period of years; j Hp was a consistent member of the! iTAthnHic .hnrrh for: fia vears and I was the oldest member of the Sunday schcool, which he attended regularly durimr the entire time of Hs connec- tion with the church. He served for manv vears as secretary and treas urer of the board of stewards of the church and was active in the Men's Bible Class until his death, having been present as usual the Sunday be fore he was taken ill. The principles of his Christian faith were exemplified in his daily life: Pure and simple justice he prac ticed at all times. He1 was absolute ly without malice. He did not con demn the faults and weaknesses com mon to humanity, but always with a charitable defense for those who . fab-. tered, inspired others with a spint o, frvonp. Modest, conservative, he represented traits of character, that made him one of the finest citi zens of the community. Or, rwntipr the 22. 1874, Mr. Miller . ;j fiiS Fannie Benners was IlldlJini iv ..x..- " . ',.A Willis, of New Bern- He "' -,', tie 1? SUl lac'i, fr of Srton, Kv.V Pavid W. Mil- Jr., ot Lxingxoii, ni . , ler. of Atlanta, ba.; Oriffin. Ga. and Miss Ho-; Kirkpatrick, Ulna .uiuiri, - - ,1 r n,-frt D. Perrv. ail ol WSle: T sisTer, Mrs. Iura wflson; of Brevard, and three grand children, Miss Marjr Nell M Her ,of Lexinrton, Ky., and Miss Sad e Fran ces Niles and George A. Ndes, Jr., (Continued on back page) , June 1st Set As Post Card Day For This Community $10 In Cash Prizes Are Being Offered By Chamber Of Cohi mene For Little Work Illegal In StatesvilleGOeta Saturday. June 1 n.ited as jHi.-t card nuinitv. t, ha i In en ilesi iiay fo, this com- The purpose i.f h0 ,Kcasion bein to get every pcrsun in the comn.a nity to mail out at leas', tv post car.i views vf this section to friends i-way from here. The nhm r'Hir;.i!i,,.!i oj tne iHHUi.ity committee of thu l nanioer ot l ommei c session hist week. m a special The Chfmiicr of Co:i;nierce (Tir ing cash nrizes totalinc ten dollar to the four persons s-'-ilinp -?he must onliis for tin day. The ditTer.nt fun's of town handling po- caids wi ! have workers sellinjr the views. The prizes w'll be: first, ;?,"; second. J-MO; third, 1.50; and fiurth. It is known that sovtva of the !irm. will pive individual pmis to the 'iit-ni-lier f their gtoUn who c th- nint ards. The committee i:i y- v'r',n:: our the plans wa of the oDinicn that bun-, dred, of car.iis- wouhj be sen", awav from her'i" on l'o.-t Card hay an i that :t would he , .no o.' the best methods of getting viiws ol lie section into the hands of prospe-:ti visi'ors. V,- ery peisur is reiues'.id in send at leas t ten cards. Tne total e st b-nig only twenty cents, as the cent ear is wi.l be idferv' fo,- sah those. woi'King the ti.w.n. Firiii.s selling can'., w'll -elect groups of lad'cs which will ropn tnem as salesladies... No spec'nl one i by th- sent S'C my tun. or diMrlct will bi alloted one the ntire an.l ' open. to Work Started On $5,000 Purol Gas Service Station Wurk trot urdmvay this week on the new $3,000 Puiol Station on Mtin street next to The Mountain eer oSiee. V. J. Canlpbi'il. district ilistribu t..r, si-t"i! that tb" contract called for tl.e building to be completed b June lath. The station buildi.njr wild be nf the Knglish type, and the v a.b rac': and gi-easin' anpaiati; will be in an inclosed room, ho Mated. This beir.g the 'atest in service, station di -I signing. The site will ho gra ied ..nd grass and shruhbiiy set out. arouni the station. Ore of the features: of the station will be the new Myle comput ing pum,is. which snuws the motor ist 'the exact fist nf the ga pumpi'i! into the car. Three "(Si rooms wili ii,' in the station men, women orcd. s as it is liiovidcd and col- .Mr. Morgan, of (last tr.ii tor. . Tentat ive plans are to ing lot just back of the l ampboll stated. 'ilia, con- ;r. e a pan. ation, Mi Chain Letter Idea Fails To Interest Waynesville People r I'atronV of the: AVaynesville not oflice evidently have jit tl.e use for the chain letter ('.nideniic which is. sweep: ing the1 ('(itintry,, .according . to Post master J. 11. Howell, as little or no increase has been noted at the local pot oflice in mails. - Mr. Howell received the following notice from'. Hasliing'on I'eci ntly: "Tlie attention of a'l postmasters is (ailed to the fact that the so called 'end a dime' chain ' e 1 1 e r - h em e , and similar ent erririsi s. now being oi crated through the minis at va rious points, is in . viol at ion of postal ln tery an fraud statutes. .. There were .several .individual'.- here the first of '.the." 'week' peddling- out Chain letters for a dol'ar each. Most of them were from A.-hevil!c and cited several instance? where nuichases: of the "guarantee letter", had received quite a. bit. of money, - . As far a- could be. 'earned few. if anv. Vayne?vij!e people took stock in 'them. FMiie people, he-re have re ceived a- many a fifteen chain let ters, but" admitted they had thrown them in the wastpbaske. If anyone has received even a dim-? via the chain letter the fact is r"t known. A dozen or so innuiries failed to re veal anv such person. ', Onlv one chain telegram hs .ef: herethat ore was '- r "ve dollar. Mr. And Mrs. Thompson Leas? Park way Hotel The Parkway Hotel has been leased L.. M. and Mrs . n. i norr.risoii, oj i .i ---7J ' ' .V ' r. Tbev have been here the pa?t. to rmen three weeks getting for,n after .'hi 20th of this- montn Mr and Mrs. . 1 hompson aie oui ctonn-orc tn VHVine. Vliie. ar. L,.. Wn nneratine the Mission Inn at Lake Junaluska fc.r the last four winter they were seasons, inis jasi- associated with the. Alabama Hotel in Winter Park Fla., one of the most popular hotels in that state. Chicago Citizens Plan To Locate In Waynesville Soon Mr. Mai) a 11 n ion it; . nf New irk l ily, wlin i ii'inljii; Mime Imio a( llilleit'! soul .1 e.i Hie l iliU.,11 ,, lit,- Menu laiilii i- 10 Mi. I . I . I i-her. a liieud nf lu i- in t hi ay,i. Mi., rtlior nil.. a plaiuiiiif; m inoi,,r i t iul, luiiiuii' m iuieii'! el 111 1 hi .'ili,in alir iiailin 1 he i;lier, thai lie (eoi,le, 1,, iiue In way ,,1 aM i ille en loiilo .lIlCIX'. Mr. I'ilier ami Mr. I 1:1 Ihill 111. 111 K'UI lhe ,ai MH k-eiiil iiiili Ml. Sai.ineiiix a Ml u to ,, leaeil Willi tl- , onnn . lhal li-. I'ih. i- i iliiitii-iu 10 11111111 vinli an iilea nt ilii tier pei 111.11: 111 1 ej.lem License Tag Cut Will Hurt Small Counties, Miller Average County Will Save I. (KM) On 'lags Atul I. use .s 1 00. In .es Highways Frank W M state "ignway yi . terda : aa. i moiiile l,i eiiM abciu! a nil icii ' tori.-t of tli. mean a mati rji; builoing. I He ,;vi I age : ' tm inl t t i. vhe oiim i.iin, " si at ed I if1 iicffin in auto. tg would in. ail! at ..a-v ed t lie mo. but w-uid alse i-i t-iihu.'i.t e1' road a iail lounty wit, lo.-e annul liltl. noil in new road and will save about 5-1. IK o on , iceuse ags, he 'l i e larger counties have ds tiny want, therefore, tl-e "e- making the iia M I e sla'ed. all the ii- i ' hey wore 1 1 light tor tin reduction. : The li.-c-iM' tag -ate lias Ikcii re ducted b;- ,lu' legislature fiiur. .r)5 con: s no r hundred weight to -1(1 cent-., or rilioi.; a 'J? per ee.n.t reduction. .Mr. Mille" stated thnt there had ken some talk i.:i Raleigh of putting :!".' highway natroiiiicii in cars- of a iistinctiie . o.or i a t lu-r than' wi nio tori '-cle. No -definite decision ha beer, said. reached on this maUir, it wa. Large Crowds Are Attending Revival At Presbyterian Rev. John H. Williams Is Deliv ering Inspiring Messages Twite Daily Inspi tohn H daily evarge inspira e-l by laree aiiiiiences, liev. V i. nam i.- ilelivei ihg t wife t I lie I 'res by t , i ah, cl i cli tic ines-sage'-- inat arc ln.o.i ioirel. The Rev. Mi. his second reviv.i will he re in i lulu Je..' s peaker. ", ill. am- is in a 'a : ei -i being kill 1111-.' and fl'i ' 'l he cho:i d the. I'rcsibj ler'an The morning' . at ten ii'i loch, ; vice-, ai' id;' fit. of t he ' e '.vn , Jio Sundir. evening tile C! -hoi r. ervi'ce.. Hid tin The . ! polled 111 Vl' oneil an- held daily I veiling ei tilei chui.che llieir regular services fi the meet ing. '- The v isiting evangelist has announ ced the following as his sernloii sub ject for I he remainder of the vsi ek: Thursday : morning: "The greatest t hing ill t lie world." Thursday evening: "Fruits of I'c pi n'cncc." Friday morning: "A'ha lack I yet." T'ridav evening: "The 'faith that saves.:" "'-'. -' i tj ..: Saturday morning: "Vhat i- iifi '.'"' . Saturday evening: "The rent, veil." Sunday morning ( 1.1 o'clock) : "lie l.t'ion in the home." Sundav evening: "If. not Chri.-1, hen what?". The meef ing was si-bcduled .- close Sunday, but since such an interest has been shown, it is expected to last through; Tuesday.: Iiefinite plans were not complete Wednesday, but will be announced from the pulpit Three Killed As Car Near Canton Wrecks Saturday Three Canton 'oys Killed And Two Others Injured. Driver Escapes Injuries Three Canton boys were fatally injured, and two members cf the W. . N', C. Industrial . ba.-eball team were hurt when a roadster in which they were riding overturned near Canton about 1:00 o'clock last Saturday af ternoon. . Nolen Purges?, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Burgess, was dead when he reached the hospi-al here. Clyde Stevenson, 12, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harley Stevenson, and Arthur Haw kins, IO. son r,f Mrs. Chester Hawkins, died at the hospital. Hubert Justice, 2". of Canton, and Ralph Goforth, 2?, of Hendersonville, were dismissed from the hospital here Monday, after beinf? treated for shocks and bruises. C. J. Poss, driver of the car, was uninjured. Business Activity In City Breaks Six-Year Record TAKKS Oi l U K M i New Town Officers Take Office. Way Names Chairmen Hoard F.xpec led To Meet In Near Fu I u re And Name .Km--., plovees Of ( ily The new I.m,ii o el' alilei nu t: mayor 'me; I Ir t hen fir- no Mondav 1 1 : i' li: an. I t . -. K 1 lie ea:. otlire. . lino Ilii)' i .'I A s. ' ! 1 i :m e! ,ng va- -h day I eli!. at w'Sm h tune. M; 111. nied ! 'ie i ha i i-nien of I he departments, and d i.-cii-e. of l in porl :.nce. l he appoint Kieiit . by Mi . ! I ;li I t dlll'elen man. i '!' I.V were as follows ; Sam I.I. .Ji.m'r-, ch.-i 1 1 malt o li i e ji ;i.-i i t minis. T I,, liranilett , c ha 1 1 mail el sa.',it.,"tj hi and c metei y. M. .M. Noiaiol, cliaiiniaii u a' i r and finance. The oc'li'il ;.- cVioc!ccl tu call mee: ing- wit hill-1 lie 'iiril lights ha e a w da s will be .- It loll--. Ill W-as olli. el - . ha! no nii'i'i" hi John. a I u li i li 1 l ine a pp. nut mi ni iua a ith io till up l-i 1.1 t I Mill i do r va i I II - tow ll ,'fi;.-; II V "I ii.i.,i W'l ll III. th, op: ilia i" Ih- i. Tin !' van appiii of Cl c!;-it!: i ill II elll'lli 1 1 -ll'li.-l I - a- : e. i! I' He h; Il'.ed II" to ,,lc.: e t ike ilti, e iiiimcih Horace Ferguson, 5(5, Killed .'By Holt Of Lihteninir Thurs. I'rominent Hay wood V a r m e Killed In Iron Dull" Section During Klectrical Storm l-'unoial seivic.s were he, Sunday oli. ."id, light I0..1" of afternoon fur lloiacc Fergus who .'was instant ly killed lale day afleiiioort when -Muck ( nillg lis he Hie:iei t he f ion! i faiii-lio-.i l- in Iron Iiulf town-hii. I 'I'fie services wore, field at the Metlio- dist--church heie.' with Ib-v. ,1'aul Har din,.. Jr,, and Dr. Ii. J', Walki", olll (dat ing.. .Interment-.-.--was in (iieen II ill ceiiit'tery. . . Acti ve lalllK ar I'. were: .1 Tony ll.-ivi-, .John Queen, ' liav'i-. Sam l al e. K. - . Welch, , Frank Wel.-f.. and .Joe Davis. .John Itiyson and family live in the house owned by Mr. Ferguson,, anil five members of the Brvson fa mil v were tsunned by the bolt Which killed Mr, f'erguson. Ilershell liiyson, small son. of Mr. and Mrs. Bryson, Was knocked ; into the fireplace, and slightly burned on the shoulder. The bolt tore, a 'hole ! wo . feet .square in the . house. . , . . .Mr. :. Bryson stated that he was knocked unconscious for a short time. No other damage was -reported in the section, although the' storm was terrific. . Mr. Ferguson was a member of one ! of the most prominent families '; in Western N'orth Carolina. He wa the I son of the late Dr. and Mr. W. K For"'.-on. The ;c:ident occurred near j the o'd family hoire of the Fergusons on tie Pigeon rivi r. . '. ?:"rv:v'fiL' are his widow; his only n J'r. Charles Ferguson; two daugh- us, Mrs. Fred Boone Medford and Mrs. Linwood Grahl, both of Way nesville; and three brothers. J. C. Ferguson, of Waynesville, Z. T. Fer guson, of Fines Creek township, and T. V. Ferguson, of ..'waynesville. Freddie Crawford, Duke University all-American tackle of 1933, and now a motion picture player, i.s spending a few days in Durham with friends. Crawford is under contract to Fox Studios, Holly-wood, California. His latest picture is-"Dantes Inferno," which will be released soon. ,..'- I : ',-'.- i pi!WIWlWI.WlW.'WIWI'W!l mil'.llllkWIlllM!WWWIII i I - 1 : -te ; : i s "' . - I (I'hotii 111 Iiiili' Mliillo lieillc) 1 i; .i i it ii w j Veral New Firms Coming Mere. Much Huililin):. and Improv ing I'nderway In ( om-nuinilv l'i'nlialil no lie week or cii'li inoiiiii in i lie ui l u sour ha ecn a 1 1 1 1 1 lminc- aelill in Waine- a illii'ilii; (lie mii one. W illi iwo nci iiici-eiilillle fniii nio i - imo low i.. ami i lie nouoi im Ion on ilic iiiil of liner oilier lo come licit- ad ded lo lhe la i I lhal no lc Mian ll'ree M-i-iice 1 1 1 ion arc now under eon si run ion. (iiiilonlxcdlt -uiiir lie liiill i nihilum to a ncu lii-li m Kenls .Several Ituildins Klllilli; III.- ial iceU Ih, .1 II. Sniailiciv ha i-enicil -M i-al IniildiiiK, all lor Immediate oceiitm nej , lo Open Dress Shop Mi. and Mr. Umlcr. ,. I al.c 'iii. I In., were eie, le.l here j iNicida . Ilic will opcii a die ho, in ih, Iiiiililin iicm ii Mi iiiidci ' li in; -ioi- lhe linil, liny i to he i-i-noMiied III' Sinalhci's siiitl. To Open Man Slore n Juno hrsl. M. II. Kahlioll of IHili I'oinl. uill ocii a iiutn's sioii in ll Ii.illilio Mini iii-cimicd li I lie in ol looiii. .'lhe jiool i.ioiii will oil ii i.i l In- li:ieincnl oi Hie IniildWiK. I'liis hilliliiiM ,lll al-o lie if liotalcil. To Henioclel HuildinK In-, siiiiiiiii-i-t, i ii i i-ii.l in Ix-gln viovli iniiiK iluiicli io make luo iorc mniiiis ol' ih ImildliiK on Malu Sirci'l ik'cii pled iinlll ihi wtt-h liv (.HMIiei it in I -Icr. (and let' Mr. a ml Icr Moves'- Shop lai moii-il . hi hni- nc In ( ti iiit -I i siio'i laonic -'t-milc. Vli- )ul oppo- lo i he iiinllei place l lion Kaolin a I sho." ie ".", Sandii ich ( Ivde Uav. jr Moving t liile lia.i. ..r.. ty hli-ine. Itolll tlli' lion in ih it 1 1 1 1 inoiiiii hi Hoc. or Mil III SI reel llM'll -collsll'll. (I'd yrei'll lion, on 1 1,,- hi; and I I.i, Im,oiI I. Mull II lo he vei l i leai irti. Inn im i lo il hU- .'ilia hi t ecu here Set era I p , 1 1 ic a re inj- lh- liillliloe- he cooimci Inn,- Ih-cii Sf.. sillied. $5.00(1 Station fioiiiK l'p Win k i linllel'll a on the ST,. nun 'lain . reel olliec. I ii i I ncl( t ri ice siai ,on on he l Minl.-iin. ci Station (ioinu l'p lr. "Smailii I iiiiiiii-iiiiji 11 io,l, cllii- slalioil ,11 collier ol' lliiy- iiooil and I 1 i,,t slceel. 1 In- liuililjuy will i--ii-'iii an onil.ii ol' alioiit Js;t. -01111, In- slaieil. No iiiiinii-s have lleell ilic, 11 lo.llie liuiriacillelit ol' I lie lalioii. I'iiaiifle Station Improved nl. men liaic iilsu taileil 1101k on 1 lie I 'riii in: lo Se 1; h i- si a I ion. , , 101 a l , ', I li- I'lanl. Kail, anil liliilci- .1 lex.-i ( oiiii,'in.v lease. niiniliei' ol ili'tail cil iiiiiroiciiiciil are In illy lii.oli- ( I hi lal ion. Places lieinj- Tainted Viilo li-oni ilu- iiiiii-ovetiieni. anil clian-e- alleaily inelilioiied. Ilielc lias Iieen a iiiiIiiIm i' of liiiine- ioiis- on Main Sii-eei dial liac leoeiveil li'cli coal ol' jiaiiu ilinln' the i,i. (utI,. Old House Torn Iown The Iioii-c tin Main St feel, known n tin- Slfine lloiio, next ti, I a 1 1-It, n ,1 .Motor Company I na ii all torn (louii. Building Trellis For Flowers '. II. Hay Imilt I he (en lloHcrs uil Sons arc liaviiiir a irelli III ol tlie t(ire (in uhieli nn. Clubs Donate S100 In Cement To Park The Civie League fia ' iorfiUe, $.70 towards the purchase 'of cement, to be used in ouilding re.-t rooms at the .i'fiy park which. -is now being de ve'oied on East street. The Rotary Club ha purchased sixty lags of cement to be used, in the construction' of a . wading pool there. . Charles Russell . is foreman of the work at the park, and Oscar I.. Briggs is general supervisor. A gen eral invitation has been -extended : to ' the public to visit the park and make FUggetiosns a.-s to the arrangements. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max, Min. 9 ' SO '' '.' 49 10 40 ' 55 11 75- 63 12 ' . 77 47 13 7 54 14 S7 45 15 78 67 I

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