THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE. X. - THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1935 - hi,. ?r:?!'V''iH-.i conjunction ' ' ,'.rtv wideawake folk, VSV .We immediate loca :J ' ,vL'"L .amp in the county to rr. v moirram which is :r1;trn-'bu::'lintr of the potato ., J an-! inauguration of :e -''.' in work Dri ll , ,,;;:-;aii'. -1 . r ... erosion program, ""cm ' l- is Diobable that ,,,.,:. u::l "' nxH'.i. """V m -u ; ,,f these es'jr,'.--1 rOUNTY AGENT w D. SMITH'S c o 1 u m n : ' i ,, . IWdnes- . .,i h annual rent's Conference until Saturday the state ex ' .lun-iet super '.ml a number of .', -V- "that a number '' of agricultural ' - , , ,ii-cussed and the at least a part .auern the local will attend oirres: . Mr Mel ki of-:! Tr.u -i:r-Mr. :'- -WYM' . l'.'I'U: i: in ii e Mr. i't. ir''t. tit'.e to as ,,: k on the farm of n has now been com- r.ukeii and a nuni--hted farmers who wok and. thought , niiijrram are tle- i :,,.l that it is one which has been in ...unty in a long i-.t-1 - are ready ... '.Traced iust i .lie, luvause they in most logical i ! moisture conser- Friday of last and Mr. Crouse ,' :h..- county meeting :r ri spective com ttni.aiion and discus i.'M'hw and projects. many of the boys mabii to iret to the ;i- nrptifyini? that i A- soon as it i u-e will visit all of the: i projects indivi , -an: ime, ach mem ber should be working hard at his 01 her own individual projevt to make all of the progress passible and anv help needed should be asked for. Mr. Crouse and Mr. Smith are very much interested, but it takes a lot of time to visit more than 200 boys and girls individually not to mention the 3.500 tarni homes in the county, as they would like to do. It will be impossible for the Farm Agents properiy to supervise the work of girl club members who select such projects as sewing and cooking. i he girls who care for crop or live stock projects, of course may have the same supervision as the boys. If the assistance of a home demonstration agent were available a great many more projects would be possible, as well as contests, club camp, et cetera, which are confined now largely to the boys. From the requests and interest evident to the county agents it is ea?onable to suDixise that at least 10!) girls would be active club mem bers in Haywood county if we had a home agent. Mr. T. T. Brown, asst. marketing specialist from Raleigh met with the Haywood Wool Hoard anil decided to hold the Wool Too!. 1 he date aim price will be given later. Mr. Brown states that the market looks more favorable later in the season. (go tn (Cliitrrlt mtuaij L5A1T1ST CHURCH The'.a: .-e: vices wi;l be he!.. a; the BapttM church Sunday-at 11 and 8. The Bap:;.-: Tia:n:nii l'n:oii wU meet at 7 o'clock. ' The inspiration gotten at the meet ing at the l'resb(U-ri..n church should make a'.! of u more loyal tc our churches. ol TKl'STEE'iS SALE lay, May -7, 1U.35, at elev A, M.. at the court house l' ii ui Waynesville, in i Huiity, North Carolina, sBi-ii I'ru.-tee will sell at :y. iu the highest biddw :ih !".. owing lands and a:,d . jing n Hay Xc.f.h Carolina, and . j ai;, . described as fol- ; w.ap in!:', i.: f iv.-.-. of 'an '..:a .M. :! Ji, T.a : ;. '0'':;u f . . "ber 2, . T, r-Mav V .:i a ?takt in Ellie i i"'. and runs S. 22" :;. ,. . 71" 30' E. i6 i." ii center of Camp v N. : W. 101 feet to :. , -o C;evk; thence S. '1 (v.. :o the BEGIN ,.;:. liiii of an acre, iViiii; 1 1.-. same. lot or .'"liveyed in a deed : i w idow ), to Dewey 1;. ' U e Mull, dated -a.iiit to the power i :n the certain ' wuted bv Dewey Myrtle Mull, dated i. . ami recorded in "'it" 1 Id, Record of t "t: Haywood County, ii day of April, 1935. . T. W ARD, Trustee. Tomato Plants For Use In Cannery Will Soon Be Ready T. II. Rogers, field manager of the Haywood County, Mutual Canning As sociation, announced this week that farmers who have signed up for acre age for tomatoes would receive no tice soon that half of the plants were ready for planting. He advised set ting the land in proper condition. He said: "Broadcast fifty per cent of the fertilizer and work well into the soil. Put the oth r fifty per cent in the hill. A h 7-5 fertilizer at the i ate of 000 to 800 pounds per acre will give good results." He suggested that the plants should be se deep to encourage a heavy root system. Thu is essential in sup porting a large plant with a heivy crop of fruit. Fines Creek News l,' F V'i:; H CAROLINA, 'VM' HAYWOOD . .MA: ilK STYLES, te ai. 'i... '' i'.' Kl,;'V given to the jr.- ai-plica'". 'u will be made -'-."!(,;' North Carolina , Par.:u f Jli. Maggie . " env-:ed a j.lea as an ac Kbiuaiy Ter,: 1935, of ;vr (,'u,'t of Haywood wa M-ntenced to jail ' ;-'o v..a-. . ",' "i ..nay, VJ.U), . , mamjif: styles. ", Mav Mr. and Mrs. J: I'.. ( ; rpcni' a nil' .uneo the in;i I'l'lage t.'liK'T..' I,-ona Hello, t." Mr. Manl'or.l Kishor. on April JT. Mr. anci Mrs. Fisin r are 'makin' their Ii" in" .villi Mr. an.lM is. : K. V. Fisher. Mr. Wilson Fisher kail a.- lii u.-!.t las! week-on. 1 from CulloM lu-l Mr. Sleu I. .'ii A list in. .Miss I'earl and Mr. ltobirt .l.unis aia- lo ov ; 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 i I a k suinnn r sih.'.d .11 Ca rsi n -Xs w,la n Cull.';;'', Jeft orsmi c'ity, 'I'. mi. Mr. Sam .Mii'i'.i.-k.-n lias letuiii'.l home for the siuniner aller alteiolmu Appalachian State '1' Collet;'. ;tl liooiie. N. C. .Miss Kat hr n I re. lie Ins reiui ii.-d home 1I ..IU Co I S.'ll-.Yw loo ll ( '..II. ge", Jeiierson C.ty, Tcmi. where sh.- has l.ei-n ill school. Mr. and -Mrs. lad. .lames and '.. ligh ter. Kdna. were the su.-si.- of .Mi-, and Mrs. K. 'A'. -Fisher Sunday. Those enjoying a Ashing trip to Kavcnsford duriiiy the past we. k in cluded: Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Oia-eno and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Salloid and family, .Mrs. F. i', ,ireen and family. Mr. and Mrs. .Mark Fi-ruusoii. .Mr. W. 1J. (!reene and 1-in "Ii C.nei)e. WANT ADS Gentleman 58 years old would cor respond with lady age 25 to 50. When replying to this ad, give full natnc and address. Address Mr. X, Y box No. 023, Waynesville, N. C. Mav 23-30-June 0-13. pd. J Took Cardui en Weak, Nervous aSt.T?nou8h' for Cardul u t Say" enthuslMtlcally teh?ic ltofstitS. foil f'w7 "e UAed Cardul at mS-Aw years." ba nervougnMS. I Paxwi!11 faair bottte oC U uh n tertl'y c"du nt-l-i i " not bnfit vein MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route. Real opportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh Co., Dept. NCK 21-VO. Richmond Va. I'd. ., --- v.Kraui oent- do. not t.n YOD, FOR SALE OR RENT One Mis- sion Upright Piano. Keasonaoie price for etiher. See Mrs. J. L. Stringfield, Love Lane Pd SALESMAN WANTED IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS -ou can make good money with a Rawleigh Route. W help you get started. No capital or experience needed. Steady work for right man. W rite Rawleigh's, Box NCE-245-2, Rich mond, Va. tVMJ C 1 I VFrek milk" COWS. W. T. Shelton. . May 2-9-16-23 Royal Typewriter Co- I. A. AKRIDGE, Aegnt standard and Portable Machines r SALES RENTALS eP;i"-s. Ribbons and Supplies Rebuilt and Second h , Hand Machines. Arcade Building phone 2142-J WAYNESVILLE M K T 1 i 1 ) 1 S T Paul Hardin, Jr.. I'as:or We who atten.led tiu- reivai ,-er vices at the I'l estn terian church have been greatly henetite-.i in a .tpiiitual way. Most of u.- have resolved that our spiritual life shall be richer and our loyalty to the church shall be stronger. Let u do everything in our powe,, to make that resolution a reality. The church sclionl aseir.b!e.- at 11:45 a. m. Mr. Hugh Sloan, super intendent. Chuich services at 11 a. m. and S p. m. In the morning ;he pastor's subject will be "True Wis dom" and in the evening hour he will preach from the text 'Who 1 My .Neighbor. the young neop'.c meet at 7 o'clock in the evening. We are always happy to have visi tors in all our services. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHl'RCH Uev. Howard V. Lane. Pastor. Fifth Sunday after Easter. Morn ing Mass at li A. M. Sermon, "The Easter liospcls." Benediction of the l-.e t : S a::i.r . ... y.. M'"t:.:.g Ma,- " a"; K.-.iY;kl;iY"a: ' S A. M T.-.O. ThJ:s,iav. May ,.d, :? A,cu...-.,.r. Thursdav. A 11 -' .f ij::c,:, Morning at 7: so. "Grace I hurch in M una:ns" KPlSt'ul'Al . Rev. A:bert Nt. Re, tor. On Sunday, May -V::;, -ervues w.i: be: S A. M. The Ho!v CoT.mumon 10 A. M Fhurch S.'.io . . 11 A. M. Morning prayer and ser mon 8 P. M. Evensong. Thursday. May 30th, is As.-ension D'V. which will be tittimrlv ivln-t-rv ed bv a c; lehrition of the Ho!v I'om munion at 10 A. M., an 1 an address on the ascension. Evo'-vbo lv cordia'lv invited to a'1 our services. Mrs. Charlotte M. Caldwell, 89, Buried State To Get Over $9,000,000 From Gov, buneia, services were held Tuesciayl wASU!X.iT..N n,.,m, ,-.,r.,lin: han afternoon at I a.mer s Chapel on: ,.,. .,..,..,. $:i r,44 isi f,,., the i n;a.i'"i!irr lor aiis.i i narioite -i. Caldwell. 85. who rasped away Mon day, at'tfr a lingering illness. She is survived bv three daugh ter: Mis. W. A. Palmer, Mrs. C N. Palmer, an 1 Mrs. C. E. CampleU. The.e also survive '22 grandchildren : n i .'; gre:r. grandchildren. Read The Ads half I'llla-n .1. dials s,-i aside from the ..rUs (,,,- hiilnv.u street, anil ci.ute .H'Miif 'liiiiinalion. The .iiiiount s,-t aside f,.r liiuhwas ',. streets and r...ds i,.r this stale was ?1.7-'o.IT;t for tmhw.n -i- uluay Krutle seieu atl. lis ,iid i-r..! .a t 1,01 a sum of 43 I'.'.s n.ade Ne York. Teas u .l 1'ennsylvani.i le.l tlie slates with the amounts r-eeive.i WAYNKSV1I I E I"!tESl?YTERlAN CHl'RCH The revival ha- b ought a crea' . ess'iii; ;o our church and commu nity. Now lei us keep the good wink going liy being, m our place in Hod's house next Sun. lav. Sabaath school !l:4."i. Mortiing wor-sliip 1 1 a. in. Tlie ra-tor will speak on the text. "The Memory of tlie ,lu-t is I'desM-d." An invila'.ion will be eiven for per ! to unit ,- w i-h t In i hurclT. 1 'h i ' i n l-'n.iea v or 7 p. m. I', aver - 'vi e Wednesday S p in. Work On City Park Goin: Forward Fast A crew of mop now at work on beautifying Highway No. lit, between lure and Hazelwood. The work is to continue for the summer, and the crew of men will he increased Later The approved project calls for twenty men to work on the job of street and highway beautification. Work is going along at the city park on East .street. Excavations have been made for the wading Pool, and the 'wo rest rooms. Concrete will be poured soon. The Rotary Club furnished the f!0 bags of cement for the wading pool and the Civic League provided $"() worth of material for the 'est rooms. Oscar !- Hriggs remirted that scores of visitors are looking over the work each week, and indications are that large crowds will make use of the park when it. is completed. ItulllIIM. S.I I VM stint i'l '1 .1 V I :l S K cms If. .cei'.ih. ... I.i'vv i .1 i v - a '. I ill 1 . V . t . .. . i I, li St. .III. --lo V .1 w .111 a II . 1 e : . I . . i'l . . uril v .1 ... i 'ii ri . ni-L v . ,1 epu ! --lo i ll' .1 I I e-! .1 1 vv . - null "II .III';.., .0 Ml . ' 1'MIU .1. i'i-smiI les III' 1.1 1 lie- 1.1: ....M-t.-- 1 'AI I N IS 1 K A 1 1 1 1'.'S Ml I 111: ii uu ant EVIDENCE ROLLS INIR Having ipiililie.1 as Adnnuist iiitoi of the estate of Horace C. I'eiiison, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Caioliti., this i to notify all persons having claim- against the estate to exhibit them to the undei signed a'c W'.iyin'silli, N. ('., on or befoie the JL'n'd day of May, 'XC, of this notice wdl be pleaded in bar of their it'covery. All persons indebted )o said estate will please make settle incut befoie June 1, lPSo. Thi.s the 'JU'nd day of Mav, 1 !:!... T. W, I'EKCIISON, Aiiniinistiator of Horace .('. Eer-.".1-1111, deceased. No. I I May -'.'!-: June 1. 'Jd 27. Amazing C,-i "Tootprint Facts" ftathcrej from Coast to Coast PROVED PROVED 4H MDKI Mil KSI HI l MIN-SMII-(ri'ucully .ii-chUhI. i O ) I) V K A K MAKtilN ol SAFhH lliiu i-urn guUkvr In t-iitt'rilvm-y. sri-miHisi' :oki 111..-. I'ltDI M I ION PROVED SEE OUR LOCAL EVIDENCE! SPECTOR FA U ROT of the New York Police Tracks Down I he Kvidenceon How (loodyear's (reateni Tire Stnnds Up on Care of Ci-i Users! NOTE? Rro,S fi.. comrU-te Ihiithnl ttary In The Saturday i.entng Foil. A ft All-Weal lier introduced U"U after "llilrd deflree" road leslii has r".ore ilian lived up (o its claims has proved itself better than we. said It vias. Stacks of evidence clinch the case! Co me see (his uslonlshinij tire that costs YOU no extra price! Sure! GWyeiH ore UUAKANTKKl) AGAINST KOAU HAZARD os well us dtctfi ABELS GARAGE I'HHONK 52 ASH KVILLE KOAU You'll Be Pleased With The Job If You Use KUMFEES PAINTS in i T'h. oVt i : The wearini.' seals up ailultei-M so am KURFEES 80 and 20-No other paint like it i'i 1 1 : p, i i;.- 1' . 11.1 l'"l li.ul lore's K ll.l'l'ees. I'ore r 'i l.onjte i;..-;i.:i ; .'.;.'.:...-'"- I'm-.- Znie levidi-1' ..,..' .'.....'.'..;'.. .-''" '" 5 ' Timed Willi I'lirc ( oloi's. (.round anil Mixed willi I'ui'r l.ins-i'd )il a nd llryci-r-llial's i'll. et ni (Hiantiiy YS" ''; i ."f I 'is if- 'ai lionnte I.e ol ink in le.-s in., k.-s nil do- difl';ri'ii-i. - m 1 1 illli- Ihillill'vi llll.l :y e:irilli Mlliili'lies. ' ' ' Mi'; Pure Carl,.,n;it.'. Keii'I scientifically reinforce,! with 1!"'; I'.iife. Ziiu- Oxide, lorrils we. therpn.of filni that is proof against extreme li"! .-mil. eol.l w e., the, . ll bi.les tlie tiio pores keeps out (lannmess lind stands tli.''-.rivag.-s of vi,tlier exposin n lio linlf ,,.,1 ,,;,!, ,1... S,v- ..ur tio.n-y l.y pa i n t i i ilt your house to stay paiuteu; paini n wuu 20 It's s.ife; relialile. e.e,.,n..irrie;l. tillH'r pailll like ii. o- vn ' . i . . 1 a tough sillf aee. Lead ui Kurfees KURFEES PORGH AND FLOOR ENAMEL , Ilore'saqulck dryinK enamel for porch and floors of wood or concrete for outside or Inside use. Easily applied. 10 colors. FLAT-TINT WALL FINISH LAT-TIH! 'AILFIM Here's a soft, velvet-like oil finish for walla and ceilings. Dries flat with an egg shell finish. Wash, able. 14 colors. DIM-TONE-A DULL GLOSS ENAMEL Here's a dull, satiny, water proof finish for walls, wood work and fur niture. Dries quickly. Wash able. 18 colors. GRANITOID QUICK. DRyiNG ENAMEL Here's a quick drying enamel or stain for floors, furni ture or wood work. Unex celled for wear and beauty. 38 colors. KUR-FRES-CO (Keg. U. S. 1'at. orf.i K. MTA It V" WAM. V ATI X For Interior Walls uiui CHIIiikx, Itctidy for wlicn mixed whli i -old water. It will not rnl off. It re maiiiH lit for nso niuiiy ctajs lifter iK-ing inixel. Made in pure while ii nd sixteen delicate wall l Int n. Send for '.rotor rard. ... Phones 13-157 J X di ri el tMHHifal; ASHEVILLE, N. C.