lhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood CountyPublished At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National ParkRead by Thinking leoPi VOL. xlvii NO. 26 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. MAY .!(. 193 faptain L. E. Perry I Uncle Abe Rearing T0 TALK ? high- Rnripd Wednesday t Green Hill rondudor oruThern Railway Pae .Way After Suffering stroke Of Apoplexy While On Duty VV . .,, held at the First rrh here Wednesday af r'l'ainain L. E. Perry, 72. who passed away early ,!., at his home on the &'f, i The Rev. H. W. Bau- .,f the church, the Rev. STm f.avis. pastor first Baptist T. ..'iTAsheville. and the Rev, ,t'. ,,'.' Candler, a i:':,n,ien: was made in Green Hill tnn-cry. ' '. ..' i'.., , v suffered a stroke of 1 :V'.".' u nn his train as eon .,' near Willets Tuesday a He was carried to nis he Pellwood road and never rrt'air.t J. officiate- To Get Questions Incle Alio, having roeuperaieil from liis recent illno-s which ws said to liai- liecn the result of too much ramp Mew. made a IkiIiI challenge vo-ienlav when lie off ered Id take (in any and all iiie tions to lie an-ucroil in his, i-vl-mil it. Now uceoiilin;. to l iiele lie, you need no longer worry about your clillii ult ii olil m- jn-( nun them over to him hell soli,, tin-in (mi he a). Another i-olimini-i of The Moiiiuaiincr. The Hamliler. M-enis to lie snooping around more since the weather has warmed up. and is jit-t l i 1 1 the low down on a iiuiiiIm i- of things,, . .keep up wiih theM fellows each week in this paper. c,.r.d-J.-:.'r U'rtk age k. me en : at Reedy a son of bunt'- ami Vr3:- A:!ivi of ? wa- .i Htmler- Hc 1k-i ii H.y. Boyd, i dauitli.'-c Wathov Ralrieh, cent in na Captain i f i i -- . c r '.. vcars ago. t-Z'S :..i"lnriret Perry, of that n;.i:.tn "'' . f xt, His father was a native vi 1 his mother was Dorn Virginia. n, .am,- to Waynesville ... ,. nnd for about Win 'the livery business, lie en (rw -he employ, of the Southern Kvwav ,V2 vears ago, but during his ""' - ,' ! Urt in haves oi ausence or . hi', business., for several wa- en the police force in ami for a time was chief there. At another time he ruier near Mills River in i county. u i vi veil by his widow, who e their marriage, Miss U' i 'daughter of the late J. H. Ky Hill township; two Miss Salinda, with the Hank and Trust company, i ml Miss Margaret, a stu , Woman's college, Green- K' and about 30 two years bore. Tiio active pallbearers will "Be: L. String tit-Ul, J. W. Killian,. T. Unll'l'l! II nil William Rabib, all Wayne-ville; , Dr. tit.v i'nw;,n;. and J. N. of A. A. Nichols, biu K'rank Winkler, of Sylva. tirich, villi'.' and Butler I Locke Nelson, Chunn, L. of P. Al- Ashe- Hazelwood Team Is A Leader In League Asst. Secretary To Be Named For Place In C. Of C. Office The board of directors uf the Cham ber of Commerce decided last week to employ an assistant secretary within the new few days to work in the oHice during the next four or live months. Applications are being received, and should be addressed to the president , or seijetary of the organization. Another meeting will be called within a few d'ivs to fill the place. Plans for several programs of the summer were discussed, and the dif ferent committees presented to the board their program and the amount of money needed to carry out each phase of their program. The hoard took them under consideration hut did not pass on any appropriations, pend ing the final outcome of the drive. The 1'if-t reports of the drive indicated that about $2,000 would be raised for the organization this year. The trnX- is MIC he ' ie rjUftVle played two. !o i Tne C'-R hii Hazelwood team, of the West-i-.h Carolina Industrial League, of the three high teams in i u ;ie at the end of the .first :. I'nV games having been i:h three in the column and team- from Brevard and Bea e.ihe same record with a per- uf .Cot). Last vear the Ha i team won the pennant for ings of the - follows: W teams in the 3 L Pet .000 .(500 .(500 )()0 .500 .400 .400 .400 Baptist To Meet In (anton Sunday I -V.-.-ocia! ional Sunday ' '; -!; i 'l'.ay.-. will be held at the ; '.' (";,''n ; Ilpptist, (fiurclv, th N;' ''' -'i'e'-hv 2nd, at 2:30 o'clock. ' :, Rrown. of Clyde, asso '','' ;- Sniiday school .leader for y.' ' J; ':, 'vill lip in charge of th - M : ;. . :x:::'. ''' theme of the meeting '!!! ", u. ' "' '" the . people to Bible leakers of the afternoon y-: '"j! v- . aoyner; Mrs, Joei Liner, ,. I ncerwood. and Jack 1 i i in lints, r f the Bap '..L"' "'''."''' ' ' school?' in the county, '' and pastors of the .,. '. ' " ri quested to attend the Last Rites Held For A. E.Allison, 67, Who Died Monday Funeral services were held Wed nesday morning for A. K. Allison, fiT prominent farmer of the Jonathan's Creek community. Mr. Allison pass ee' away at his home early Monday from a heart attack. He had been in ill health for several months. The services were held at the Shady Grove .Methodist church, and Rev. T A. Groce, of Candler, officiated. The deceased is survived by his widow; two sons. Fred and Olis,. am five daughters, Mrs. James Clark, of Detroit, Mrs. Essie Gantt, of Char lotte, Mrs; Waldo Greene; of Fines Creek, and the Misses Wilma an Mary Allison, at home. History Of County Is Being Sold Now. No Later Purchases "In the next four Weeks, we ex pect to have promises from a thous and people to. buy fop'tv of 11. ? "Anna's of Haywood County," W. (' Allen, author of the book stated this week. 3T "The. edition will only have a thous and..' copies. Some people have said they do not wish to 'make a prmi-e but wilTbuv a book when it conic ou-. when ..mi.- is. There will lie no th(!- I i.(h) k when it comos will be printed for. ear says he will take one... he printed, than-we hav tui.b liar., .lit. . jvr-o io mil ni'om (I mi; hay copy .vlio DancePupils To Appear In Recital 'P-PXiniately in the I, n, at the n Monday 25 people will take nee recital which will high school audito- night. June 3rd. at buy." .Mr. Allen continued, A . small advance nayinct't cents is. al! that i- asked. of th :it;- this- tinie. ' Those ntithor receive naymenf , arei Mr-. Gwyn. Waynesville, M: -. A. I Clyde, -J; A. Fi anci", Vaynesvi the author.. '.I it:;. bin-el :-d tc I I -rot k, e, ani '" on School of The Dance. ' .' he program will be Th trom Asheville. special ' Whridren from 4 to 5, Up , 1 1 aTui national character - toe dance by Aletia Martin -ill be the ac hate Bonne er Hut .!... f-n ' . ""u nas oeen t. a,.i..;,"",."1K an operation at r-t to L .;aMt, as: re-'r-n vt Z i n,0re comf ort - Nnesday night. Miss Jordan Wins Two Coveted Prizes Miss Rose Klixaheth Jordan. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, R. I). Jordan, of Norfolk, Va., the latter formerly Miss Helen Briggs. and granddaughter of Mrs. G. C. 'Briggs. of W avnesviilc has, recently been, nresenu-d with a bronze medal bv the French Govi-ai ment. The nrizes offered by the r rench Ministry of Forpiert Affairs were, for competence, and ability in the study of the French language, Such con- tpt linvp been rondneted before in only foii other American hith schools, Cleveland. Ohio. Columbus Ohio. Ixiuisville. Kv.. and Greens boro. N. C- These schools having been selected bv the French government because of the unusual French in structions offered the students. After winning the first prize Jordan was eligible tp emer a contest held for irgm:a high ctnonto in which she again came out winner, with the prize of fc.lmlarshin in illiam and College, at Williamsburg.A a. Mr and Mrs. Troy W yche and two small dauehters returned on Thursday from Orlando, Fla., wner they have spent the .'past six months. WAY BEAUTIFICATIOX . 5"V T.., ? .1? J "v4 II.I.l AM M)i:lso Hi; Highway Beautifi cationTo Be Topic Of FHA Official . r.-ci William An r presentativc. of ing Admini.-i uitioi day and Tui , vicinity. It is expect id tha; address a puo.;,' iik c. terested in the wmk (ration in Wavnesvi an ilucy, sjecia c l ioeial Mo u wi:l spend Men i: ! week in this Mr. Ilucy will i,g of those in of the adminis le oil .Monday, at Hazelwood on Tuesdav. i project now umder considenk tion, that would come under the work 'ol .11 1. liuev i.- tne beaut iVatiuu of State. Highway. Number' 10.', Tin highw ay having been- .-c'.ccti d, a- lb one in the state, oil which then1 is th most travel. The hour and the place of meeting will be announced at a late,- date. Young Democrats To Meet Here Fri. And Elect Officers The Young Ociiiocratic Club id' Haywood county will meet at a ban quet here Friday night at the Hotel l.i'Faine, at 7;:!0, at which time the ollieers for tl;e coming year will be elected. J'lans are being made for a large attendance, as there is always (juite a bit of interest in the election of of ficers foe the club, Those in charge of arrangements, of which Dial L. Yates, is -chairman, stated t!tt tickets for the. affair should he secured before Thursday. Mrs. Chester Coglilirii, (,f Canton, wil be in charge of the ticket sale there; while Mr. Yati-s-will have charge of them here. Dr. C. C. Crittenden Named Sec. N.C. His torical Commission or that '"(' . . 1 1 ii Ucc e in I.-I i r :. ii tmi t arelii Dr. A -t i.- the annouiK c.nieii C, Crittenden, (jf the his iieii' of v; .;vers-it.y ol en named to i y 1 1 i g I'ro he oilh rd-i bi w:s i in in i . i:. ma tile Historica m io'-t ii M. W, (I'm "'liiin' , Miss state school a Siiio Marv History in- r.-e will be Cniver Dr. C.-i ivor.k a. recent. io'n :t k n ( irat Wake .t.he ' a u" hoi tU'Vicle.-.- A volume f h ' brought- ;''. div. I'l-e"-.: ttenden a-, the. I'tiivi recbynifio o .the Mt'( ii iv ; K-le: oi'- a ... , 'Th' ROTARIANS TO MEET (iREEN TREE TEA '.'.tt-v.'la:'.' r ey. l'r-' in , r w r,-ph:.e:-.'r:'r..l. :- ia :' v.H 'v: Com :, I 1 7 !,' ! i l i c ..)-., rT.'iWI ! Ve.i hi?! that this North! servfd. a AT J ROOM I (Post Card Dav Is Set For Saturday. GirlsJVill Sell I'lans Are To Have Hundreds Of Cards Of Loral Mountain Scenes Mailed A;)v " whi mild if Coi Inters: :.: ; : f,ir, ii.,v is being :-.:uigi:t :,:c.i oy the ity com in r.tec of the Chamber i" laa. is steadily prownnr. 1: is the ' 'c !' the committee that hundreds ,! VVil "c s'!d on the ,iay which l.en designate,! a- Saturday. ha .'line 1,1's!. Tile object if : gt t every person to buy and mail Land '0 Sky Group Buys 2,500,000 Labels To Use On WNC Canned Products L.F. Reiger Suc ceeds Father At Balsam Hatchery ie mowmen'. is to in the .community at lca.-t ten noiit cards, depict ing seem s of this section to friends not living m -.lie mountains, puferaidy tliose rc-idiiig some dis '. Hit uwav. : wol be mi, I 011 the streets l'.ach tirni in town coop ! I ae 'their own sales cards will lie up in puck- Only penny cards will r .-aie and the cards will ill lots id' ten. mail ten, twenty or cards Will not be a oiie, but if the public into the :-.alc as ! ' e haiuhor of t oin- l iesh Fruits And Yejretahles Of Seel ions Will Re Offered On Markets Through Cooperatives it iicy s 1 'lil'll ( I'CS Mild m: lid h pubhcit y publici'.y for be imi much oi l he ( dianl ai- is to spend I lhe funds on. local ponsibilily of In- apprcciat i c.tia n a I The cards Sat uniay. elating mi'. girls. The ages of tell be ottered !', be sold only l'o buy and th.i'.y of these hard-hip on any generally eii'.ei lu'inu urged by no nv, it w ill in a n mu, fill' l!ll section. 'lhe impoitaii . tin- coiiiimiiiil y , ai emphasized. The her of ( 'mil im 1 1 1 : , the greater n , raised by sllh-, l 't pro eiiii ii ; . ii.t pi rsoiial I'llor! i n iiy 'eveiv cil this I ime. The Chamber of Commerce is oiler ing ca.-h prize.- to the girl selling card- a.- follows: lir-t, t'.t.W; second "2.00; third, and foiirlh, $1.00. Tin fi i ins will also give individual prizes to the one in iheir group .-filing the most cards. I 'iims cooperat ing are, A b xandei 's vYayiiesviilc Hook Store,- Waynes villc Pharmacy, Clyde II. liny, Jr., Kagle Five , and .Ten, Smith's: I h ug Store, aild MaKay's, I ' I ii riiiaey at Hazelwood. Among the girls who will sell' cards aie, Martha Way, llaseltine Swift, Coiiinne Wagenl fid, Nan Hardin, Joan Phillips, Myra -Phillips, Sarah Halibut-ton, Louise Stringlield, Sarah Welch, Mary , Willie Rot ha, .Margue rite Murphy, i Margaret Ashton, Jane While, Tbomasiiie Stringfreld, Martha Hiclis, Hazel Miller, and Mozelle Mc Crackeli. Those wishing lo sell and eiili-r the, i-olltesl sh-ould be al the Chamber .of j Coliimei'ce offiie by eight o'clock I Saturday niorning, Hazelwood Revival To Begin Sunday; Methodist Church Leo F. Kcigi'i', who: as auperinteilc'lenl (if Fish Hatchery near nounced Monday, has 1 superintendent since h e appointment t he Morrison In re was an Hcn the acting is father, F. J. a 'VI va ! -Ivan hndi vili. Ill'gi i b ii i ' Ii : t on will daih ,1 l.h ,f . ' ! Wlei nut r ,f .Ii d : . i: I". Keiger, resigned a month ago to ac (upt a pollion with the leiinessee Valley Authority. The appointment was made by .1. I . Clark, State com missioner of fisheries. Before coming here about 30 days ago. Mr. Kicger was superintendent "f the lisli hatchery at Cleveland, S. l .. a post he l.eld two years. From l:'2.'i to 1 :,','!, lie held the position of assistant superintendent here under hi:- father. Trior to that time, he had ben w lib the bureau of fisheries of lhe 1'. S. (.', i eminent. lie 1- ;i native of Manchester, Iowa, wheie he wa- educated and trained for the work he is doing, Mr. Ricgcr said thai 'about 1,000,-' 0110 lingerliiigs voon will be ready to he I urncd loose m I he w al ers of Weslein North Carolina, lie vailed attention-to-the fact that the hatch ery is holding the hatchings out longer now so that the lish may get larger .before letting them go. Thai, lie said, is a ruling by th,' Stale (lepartineiit. Worthy of -.mention, lie said, is (be fact that lhe hatclu ry i- becoming increasingly popular. A large num ber of people i-it She place daily. Last Sunday w as pel haps , the big -j gest ,ay for isiiors, more than 000 ha ing l- !-,! lhe ground- ai d buildmg.s during the day. R. Funis Senlelle, j A Canton Lawyer, Passed Away Sat. h'linei'al services for IJiehard F.nnis Senlelle, Jr., .'2, ( 'anion lawyer, who died Saturday al -The home of his parenfs. Stale KVpresenlal lie and Mis. K. K. Senlelle, of ,! nil )i port , Brum wiek eoiinly. were 'held id 1, o'clock Monday afternoon in (he vardl oi hi.' r.einei -.,'liiisl cliuieli m Hay, Wood eoiinty. Hirialua.- in lhe mar by 'Melliodi.-f Chiireh eeinciei y. (If cialing were (ho Key. .. M. Woodard Land O' I he. Sky A-so( lalion, located in Waynesville, and. which is (lie cen tral or control body for four recently Organized farmers cooperatives in the mountain region of Western y i Carolina and Tennessee, has fu llered two and one-half million !; which will lie placed upon canned duels of these vaiiuu- coopcrat; . . during the season of IP;!.",. These p,o d uc Is will be sold over a territory comprising eight ,,r nine siirroundilil- I'i.-lrihutmg contracts have been made in all th.se slates s of flit m e canned good- have been made. orgamzal ion- w ill al-,, ,!i-- ceiitra; b,Jv states. already add sal already Thes, tribute through iln iiesn iruits and vegetables which arc giown under contracts already made Willi llltlL' growcts throughout the-.: mountain ...unties. There has Ii, . n , out r.'iet. d to dale l.i.V, acres of vi g lable crop-, a poi l ion of which will lie eainied and a port ion sold on lhe fresh mark. I- of he Soulh. ' ' ' ii,. five ,-e,i,eis lei collecting, canning and disi i abut ing these pro ducts, four ..f which arc localed in lhe Western section of North Caro liiiu and one in Tennessee. Those orgairizjilioiis are si rid ly fm-mers' coopei iitive organizal ion-, organized for iin primary purpose- which is lo furnish a market for its growers receive lor lliem the highest an, n, i- hi, i: lo ible an pile. ; be d'i- r.i.W' i :n ii O The !,h.. Ileial ill airtabl ,iit. ,1 i !a,. I,, his m,v A ll: ilii" at it i .1 k !,. li e i" 1 1 cries. I. op will gai izal ion I he. v cooierat.li es and is by pe.oide. w ho have' Tiad eon -lib n.ible experience in Ibis particular line and w ho ha e been in-: riimenlal m building Iln- oigaliizatioii t he pa I few months. All prnilur!.- handled by lhe orgaiiiZiit ion are cunt i a, led for, coiitiai'ts liavine been . ign'ed which provide a cerlain purl ion of lhe pr,. ducis to In- canned, ..no! he r lo be inai keled ,,n t l,e fl es, fi n 1 1 ..ii, i yeg elalilc niarket, lhe giowcr 'o , re ceive cerlain advances dining the lime of delivery of hi- (aiuni- jiroduels, all prodllvt' lo be pooh d at I lie .lid of w hich a ,-el 1 leiiu nl Will be inaile and each growi r will I'lceiv lhe -ame lb" an, Ih Over! and . Mr. Ion ,f, three' I'lloil Re. lcl'ive I, Have I ogblj K. ,nd, and ii loi neys A V. .1, VMer. Il.ii i i (': hi "li Itioiilh- Alle ami. 'Will. we l e ; , aild Cln ,il lornev Wall, r '' ;. Wavn. It. amount pi odllel the I .aiie , a rry 1 1 M. v aili ' f III i n le; lelivei i 'ill 1 1 ceiv pel" fiollll and : e, , I f- 1 Si (lellMi("l., 1 I li i - - hi ,- a In ia ' and --, namely. I .a ml hi i n . Skyljmd in,l w a -w a - in Cm been i at el va i i Will Land g i ea t Mu. II: pi initio!' Will III ale nid Harvard of the,.! tourist lo t lie inoiiniai 1 1 hei e !p III a. will "I'll,. w i i ! tbe bill the iv wh en l. , h'gb d bv Km h Mi W. ! ,1 t, .if I ha . Mc.l i bn.lhe;', II: . .'.-.(. t.,'r-.,-. : l aii'ioga; T .prod i,.,rl. formal OpeniimOl Masie I uncial Home I'oslponei! Har old's Depart ment Store To Open On Fridav luneTlh I host ( lOin I o ( ol leo e Re(iies(ed lo See Mowle- M II li Ann. i tii- of -at W mcr foi bus - buil ,v,l I'l M.. II HK'MU aytii',- H- nt'ss; img ol K P i e 1 and ilr en .ill. wa- nil: 's tie", -W 0,1I: .June -Hai',:, on Fi i recently vtnaied ,om on Main ',rei ban, owner of, t h that a . complete- The T ir C jb regular weekiv mee. 1 ree 1 ea Room, on stead of at the Methoi': week. Mrs. Rung, owner of is doii!i:.f: to the libra ev pa'd m for ng a; Main hold, th : r.e Greet street, in church this Tea Room, the mon th! day. 5EGLEAVOODY REUNION WILL RE HELD SUNDAY c.otnrng and ch'il dry goods w to be a coir he. stated. Workmen. Have the repainting and bunding. Mr. Kabhan came from High Point. Watch next weens Mountaineer fcr comp the. opening. s for men, d be ca; ri(- be handled, dipirtment open th. in y' th' here bu.-i m i .-oim n I o It ! tore," W pi: hi ' ; ..Ho -y-, wi-h, tryni'svi : nn ing it tran.' ' -i-iit v. I r - w 1 1 I'lll V y for I Hike .' it:iet all, st OTpl Ma if th, crc lege: over. The the Jno. has fi.de I.,. li list.. start'c renrod ! work on ling of the to Wayne.-ville ssue of te netai. The s:of idual ve tie in, thi. l"h- ipapcr Space Devoted To Storv On Smokv Park ' -I I I SI V TO MM I I The The Segk-W'oc'iv rear. ton-, -wul be he'd Sundav. June 2, at the home of Steve AVoodv on Cataloochee, it v-as announced this week by F. W . Woociy, of Canton. All members of the families are re quested to be present, and to bnr.f? a well-filled basket of lunch. WILLIS HOlF TO IF KNOW V AS MAPLE LEAF INN The Willie House, which is being run bv Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McClellan of Palm Btach. F :a., will be known a "lhe -Maple l-eai inn. Thev have been loir.ed th Cincinnati Star-T;mes (ievottdi .a thiid of a column of .-nact last week to the Greit Sni'iky Mountains: Na- (ional la-k. lhe article centered nro'jnd the fact that the nark ha" ibeen transformed from a virgin wil lerness to a great national play ground, and will offer much to interest ivisitors during the 19.35 tourist 5-ea-on, '.' tar w local chapter meet in it tic their daughter. Miss Eleanor Alice Scott, who has been a student during the past vear at the Virginia Inter ment, of Bristol, Va. Mr. M. H. Bowles will leave on Sunday for Durham, where he will attend the summer school at Duke week byi University. He expects to comnlete work for his Master's DegTce. While Mr. Bowles is at the university. Mrs. Bowles will be the euest of her nar- ents m Irwinton, Ga. ' 1 I i ii n r r gu:ar meet ¬ ing at the .Masonic I em pie I hurfiav. . June fi, at eight o'c!"ck, atcrrding to an announcement'--made ycstircav bv Mrs. T. L. Rram.e::. wio thv matron. All. , members are urged to attend. i d visitors are rtvi d. THE WEATHER 'OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT ra' 23 24 25 2t 27 2S 29 Max. 70 it) 71 78 78 Min. -iS 54 40 36 41 37 56