SOCIETY PAGE T Society News Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor Phone 137 Local I tenis JACK UORTHLYGTON GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY SATURDAY Ja-k Wur:hir;gtori. yuunj? son of .Mr. ini Mr-. F. K, U'orthington, en tertained .-me i,( his friends on Sat urday afternoon at a party in ob srvanee of his birthday anniversary. He wa- assisted in receiving his jfuests by his mother. A coiur elfwt p:r.K prrva:kj ;n the decorative features of the party. After the p'ayiritr iramr.-. an ice cour-e Wis served. Bailors in many color.- were pre.-ented the truests as fav'r . Heipini; Ja k ceiebratc the occa sion were: idiadys VVaiKer. B-tty Ann Matm-y. N'nL'in.a Matney. Mary Ellen Boor.e, Jan.? Dudley Francis, Aiiey. I'at-y 'Ayr.. Billy I'avi-, Oren Coin. Bobb:- Lee. Ii?k Iavis. Billy How,-l:. Z:b rur:.,. Bi'liy Hannah, and K sintjnd- Hanr.ah. K.VERFTT McELKOY GIVES PARTY FOR SMALL DAUGHTER ):. Monday afternoon. Mis. Everett M-;-Flr.y entertained with a party 3 the lawn of the Hotel Gordon for her ma.'l dauhte , Bi!! e Carrod Aj rlr.iftor.. The occasion marked the ---h birthdav ar.niversalv of the. y..anif honor guest. Mrs. McE!ry w.- assisted in r.-eivinjr the guests, by Miss- Eeviyn Miltvn and Miss Evelyn Moody. I Tho-e present were: Claramae and; Jean Co:hrane, Mary and Jack Ram-i --v. Anna Joe Miller. Eleanor and Xa-ali- Thomuf.n; Bettv Bradley, .. r i France? Cunningham. m Mi-- Haz.i Ma--ie. who was a tu iert durin.' the pa-t year at Mars H;:i I'lj'.'.e-s . ha- returned for the .iinnir -at.n. -and will be with her parent-. Mr. ajtd Mr-. J.m Mas:, j ( The Responsibility Is Ours To Si-.- That You Receive K This Store Fashion Ritrht and Quality-Ri(?ht Merchandise For This Sea-o;, - O.'.'e-r GORDON HOSE In Sheer Chiffon and Service Weight Cord-in' iviuvatii;.n - for Quality and Style is sect ,ni to none . . . and we a-k that ynu discover for yourself the .beauty and 'vaiile you K't when you Iniy (iordon silk stocking Ask t. .ee -(iordon -'."i kli.r- in their nev Fall d' rs at our Hosiery Counter. MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE ' ' A (i 0 0 I) ' I. A C E T 0 T I! A ll E ' ' MR. AND MRS. NOBLE GARRETT ANNOUNCE THE MARRIAGE OF DAUGHTER Centering keen ir.t-!est, is :hc r.ouncemer.t of Mr. and Mrs. N'oole Garrett, of the marriage of ti daughter, Mis-5 Edna Garrett, to Mr. Frei Prather Hutton. of Green.-,b . . which took place in Danville. Va.. on May the 11th. The couple motored to Danville, accompanied by u sma.. er.up of friends fr m Greensboro.' where the bride was attending schvo.. Mi-s Gurett is a popular member, of the younger set of the town.' Lat week she graduated from, the Greensboro Woman's Co. -J lege, which .she entered after gra'!-. uation from the Waynesville H;tn School. She is the granddaughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Frank M-v,dy. of Frank-1 iin. who formerly resided here. j The groom is the son of Rev. a' ' M.-s. J. R. Hutton. of Greensboro. He1 rert-'ed hi.s education in the schools! 'f Grecns:Kro and was jriadua't i from El on ('n'.h-tfv. He i- a member, of the American Business Mm -Club, .i" Greer.-borci and i- associated wi'n the Lucas Waldr.m Companv, "f Gr-rer..-boro. ' : Mr and .'1 s. I. -. c aie now. Spring Bride i:de :lle. After ,V ' ' t ei K t ' Si -r thr-iUSfh the r.'-r: part n: in Wa ! ' y A i re O l -Rort v:s honevmo-m ; here. trip bvi MICV Htl l rUAllll li III TTON Mr.- )Iii':'!. i- !:- r-.i !.,-, M J-.'dn afte'r wn: the- SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOYS PICNIC Un hun wy Mr. :rg:. .i:zem're en tertained his das.- of the Barberville Sunday Sch-jol with a picnic at S'co Gap last Sunday. The L'roup motored to (iap in the morning, after which they had their Sunday -cho d It-sson t noon a picnic lurch wa- r-nioyed Those present wvre: Mi,-.- Smith, Mi-- Neva Smith,. Mis- Yelm 'I'l-esslev; Mi.-- Mvr'.le Smith, Miss kL-!;!:etta I'h:!!ip, M -- Marv Etta Smith. M:ss Mamie Prvsslev. -Miss ::.j".y, Mi-.s Haze! Mat hi.s; !.-- Fiances B.i: !--. Miss Helen; Mi.-s Edna Mae P.urress, Mis. L'icv Head. Mr-. Vi.-iri! Sizemore, Mr. and Mrs. Mir-hall Hannah. Miss Mary HERE ARE JUST A FEW Warm Weather VALUES .3 Pennsylvania Tennis Balls , . $L19 Pt:Minoyl, high- grade mineral oil 59c 25c Black Draught . . , . . , .... 15c Children's Parasols . . . . . . . . . . 29c One Gallon Thermos Jugs $1.19 500 Sheets Facial Tissue . . . 39c Pint Miik of Magnesia . . . ... 34c $1.00 Wampoles . . . . ... , . 79c raws en Ruby Sizemor-. and Me.ssr.-.-Ben Phi! lip-. Jame- Phillij).-. Paul Burress, Fh'k-s Whit.-, Wade Divi... Tommie M Elroy, Ray pres-ley, Mack White, Melvin Eerguson, and Julius Davis. MRS. MITf HELL HONORS DA UGH TFR WITH LOVELY PARTY On Wednesday afternoon Mrs.i Robert Mitchell entertained with a lovely party in compliment to her daughter, Mrs. Tom Taliaferro, of Raleigh, who will spend the summer season with her at Hillcrest. Orange as in attractive aji'iangements weie used throughout the rooms. Following the games a salad course was served, with coffee served from a beautifully appointed tea table, with Miss Anne Jones pouring. The gue.-t list included: Mis. Hugh Massie, Mrs. Diana' Black Shoolbred, Mrs. J. Wilford Ray. Mrs. N. F. Lan caster, Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., Mrs. William Han nah, Mrs. Woodson Jones, Mrs. Lau nston Hardin, Jr., Mrs. Frank Ther lell. Mrs. James Tutweiler. Mrs. Carol Bell, Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs.l Bess Lee Page. Mrs. Mary Saumenig,' Mrs. Harry Marshall, Miss Louise, Stringfield.Mrs. J. F. Abel, and Miss! Martha Stringfield. I ATTENDED TWO DAY INSTITUTE' IN CHARLOTF. THIS WF. E K . ."rs. Jean Iilli:i, supen'isor . of nurses of the Health Unit, and Mrs. H. H. Harte, nure,. attended a two day 'in.-titute on "Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick," in Charlotte the .first '-f the week.. The institute was' held under the ati-piees of the Amer ican Red Cro.-s. . WILL ROGERS VISITS RANCH OF MR. AND MRS. (DI BUEI.L .( ITIZKN Of interest . to., friends locally is "the.-'following from the Santa Bar bai a Press, of California : "On Wed nesday, Odin Biiell, owner of Ranch eria, held his annual roundup on the ranch. Will., . Riigers,. well known; writer and cowd.y,. together with Fd Vail, owner "f. Jalama ranch, and Santa Rnsa Island, stopped at the ranch to see the local buys rope and brand the calves," . Mrs. Odin Buell is the former Miss Josephine Thomas, daughter of Mr. and. -.Mrs. James K.. I nomas u.m'ka; i ( Lit; outs .stri'tl l 'TX i Tne Mjiilay Afternoon Contacr tJiub, he!', t.-.e r r-ifuiai- y.ipler . oartv. which i va. n .-uccv .! of n:irtt;r.uj, on Fsin'ay t-'.' at tr.e h-.'ine of Mr. and Mr.-. L. M. RtchesOn luarititie.- of gaioen tloweis decor aU-d .the !"m:iij, w.'.ere the game- were lr.v-- pic-e.'.t were: Mr. and Mrs. lame. M. Lnng. Mr. and Mr.-. Jerry ..iktf. Mr. urM Mrs. R. I.. Prevost, mi: and Mrs.. I . ( . U'nr.e, Mr. and .'i: -. j .:;.- AV.. Ktliiam. Mi.-s Nancy ivo.ur. Mr.-. EJi'-.iie A .ley; Jr., and .d : . V ai:otv Llacku eii. tommy c.tns i-;n.,oys birth DAY PARTY Mati r Tom.-cv ur ...-,' ung -iu- Mr, an- Mr-. . Cu:t:s. observed n:- '. .i:.'h birthday by entertaining a .group of hi- f riund -, on Friday af ii i.oon. Po'.k and white were used w:;h pleasing re-u.t.- ;n the party a.-ce-.-n: re.-. The gje-t- -included Nancy Walk er, Bitlie M:. Brule, Peggy and Billie Sweii jnger. Eugenia and Louise Martin, El-ie Greenland Henry Foy. . "' - .'....''''' Mis- Harriet Boyd, accompanied Mis- Josephine Nelson ami Miss Sarah Jane W.'.lke r to the Home Economics amp, to be held at Fiat Rock . this m.;nth. Miss Walker and Miss, Nel son wo.", the trip by their projects in the home economic's class in the Tuvns.hip High School. '... Mr. and Mrs. Brvan Smith, of Waynesville and Canton, left Wednes-l day afternoon, or a few days visit to Lookout Mountain, Tenn., vhere Mr. -Smith will be one 'f the at tend "n's in wedding., .of Miss Martha SmaHwood to Mr. Harry Milligan on June the S-.h. . '' :. Miss Helen Sisk, who has attended' St, Mary's during the past year, hasj arrived fn.-ni Raleigh, and will spend thf sumrr.;r vacation with her parent-, Dr. and Mrs. c. N. Sisk. Waynewood THEATRE Thursday and Friday, June 6-7 "Ruggles of Red Gap" vvilh Chas. Laughton. and ('has Ruggles "1 Read The Ads THOUGHT! LIME SHERBET Sod thern Dairies feL Saturday. June S Rocky Mountain Mystery" A ith Randolph Scott and Star Cast. Mod. Under th. Setlleit Syfm of loborotory ProtHon Monday and Tuesday, June 10-11 Mississippi With Bing Crosby, W. C. Fields ar.d Joan Bennett Wednesday, June 12 "McFadden's Flats" ith Richard Cromwell and Betty Furness Thursday and Friday, June 13-1 1 "Cardinal Richelieu" ith George Arliss and Star Cast Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 Admission 10c and 25c MISS PATSY HILL GRADUATES FROM SALEM ACADEMY Miss Patsy Hill, granddaughter of i Mrs. Charles R. Thomas, and daugh ter of Mr. Tom Hill, of New York Citv, arrived home on Saturday night.' MiVs Hill was graduated last week I from Salem Academy, of Salem. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Catherine Hill, who spent' the past week with her in isalem. Mr. Mack Davis, who has been at tending Davidson College, has ar rived to spend the summe,- vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Davis. . . MISS CAROLYN H AVNES GRADU ATES FROM MEREDITH COLLEGE Miss Carolyn Haynes, daughter of Mrs. Claude Haynes, received her de cree last week from Meredith College.1 Miss Haynes has arrived and wdll -pend the sunrmer with her family, here r , Jir. ana ilr Washington, L. r., short time in t-j-.v forYnerly resided ir. ing his home or. Miss Grace Cror:.t day in AshtviLe w:-"--Elizabeth DeLaet. Mr. and .Mrs. Dovl their guest the iat-.-Jack Puivell. of Ok'.a Fr,. , -. V Mb-s Abbie Fa;.v been a studir.t at tit University tor Worn-:, -y ; arrived during the A...r; -oend the summer with Mr., and Mrs, Homer H Mr. and Mrs. Graiy ' . ..ung s?n, of Addie. w.-r.-ove- :'"e week-end vt Mr J. R Boy'. Foods Better and Cheaper FLOUR Roll Call M)C Yukon's Western si. 10 Yukon's Best . 81.19 Lard, 8 lb. carton . . .$1.05 Coffee SANTO Three pounds MOc BLISS one pond 2 It J. F. (i. SPECIAL one pound Health Club BAKING POWDER 10-oz. size 2 for 15c 32-oz. size 19c Tomato Juice No. 2 can 3 for 25c CATSUP 14-oz. 2 for 25c Salad Dressing Half Pint . . . . . . . 10c One Pint . , . '. . .... 17c One Quart , .'!lc MATCHES large size 6 for 25c SODA 6 Boxes for 24c BON AMI per cake 10c Soap, 6 for. . . . 25c Powder, 6 for .. 25c giant octagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c ! slip a ':' CORN FLAKES Two pkgs 15c PUFFED RICE Tvo pkgs 25c WHEATIES Two for 25c 19c Pound UNEEDA BAKKR- Premium Crackers Pound l 17c Choice Native and Western Beef VEAL CHOPS per lb VEAL STEAK pe lb. 2jc SAUSAGE per lb ljc Delmar BUTTER per lb. MorrelFs Pride BACON per lb jjr CHOICE SPRING LAMBS Lamb Shoulder per lb. 45c Lamb Chops per lb Leg of Lamb Lamb Stew per lb per lb Jj 12c THE FOOS F e at urin g F r eh Vege tab 1 e s H5 Mr

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