THE MOUNTAINEER, WAVNESV1LLK, N- t 1 ' i Daniels Heard By A Large Audience Sun. (Continued from laje 1) division of the products of industry that can be devised and provides a living wane as a minimum in every industiy, the reasonable reduction of the hours of labor, the abolition of child labor and the abatement of pov erty," Mr. JJaniels said. In the portion ot hi addiess de voted to lii li .n ru-;u -sudor Daniels said in pari: "It has often been said in the United States, .somewhat facetiously, that the only one hundred per cent American i.- the Indian. Ah the rest of us, coming from all nations, are in that light aliens in the western hemisphere. In the tally days of the eolonies there were too few William I'enns who recognized the ligliti of the Indians and who treated them as fellow human beings. Later, due to Indian war.-, often provoked by land hungiy immigrants, a distinguished soldier, whu had been engaged in war with fierce Indian tribes, declared in his unwise wraih, "The only good In dian is a dead Indian.' OHJKCT OF I NT K It K ST "Tne Indians in North America have been despoiled of their land's und driven from their hunting grounds, Icit in spite of a policy to ward the Indian that brings no cred it to our country, the Indian has per sisted and today more than ever is til - object of interest and considera tion by thoughtful and humane men, U'ho are seeking to secure for tile In '!i:!n every li.h' to which he is en tilled. Association with the Indian show's that' he i, possessed of funda mental virtues some of which his white neighhui might emulate. The Indian. a! ively few in num l)er. and dnv 'ii from pillar to post, i.s an ln'.et.i! part of our popula tion. In the great assize this gov (i nine!:! will lie indeed by its atti tude 'nwaiil rlii'-e fellow human '' Sivtr.s among us, " At i !, i . f Montevideo n.nfi rcri.'i' much "e' '";'i: -i-iii M'a- -hown in re jra ui to ','. 'um of an Indian 1'; ii A . . 'i .! a,-- in Mexico, . i '.I 'll;'. I: . al an a i 1 1 1 1 ! -, ! ar- !.-. !' a -a! ei .. n. ij I ii - 'lian. ! I'Ui I '. ;. a ad in a sivti'in win :e a.aiiV Ipiudii'd Indians reside ii- ui' i-'io ... and friend -, there is mure, in' ' hi 1 hi.- eoM'.ri'e t h an in. ,.f ;li'.. I'nited States. V)... : IV' 'ril i" '. eniinerit -inliu-inaniv a- inanv believe decided to m mmmm Iin TV deport the Cherokee Indians from the eautjiul mountain homes in western Noilh Carolina to lands beyond the Fathe,- of Waters,' there was dis .res.s and piotest among the Indian; ,v;.o loved every crag and peak, every mountain stream and valley in this land of tne skies. Under military escort most of them were driven from their homes. The stories of their privations and sufferings that came to them as they were herded in the march through swamps reeking with malaria afford no pleasant reflections. ".Many refused to go. These betook themselves to the inaccessible heights and coves in their mountains, and lefus'.-d to surrender their righto to live in the land of their fathers. 'I hi.!,- .tusi-i.ndu nt s abide with us now, and our government i.s belatedly un iei taking to right some of the wrongs .nllicled upon their couragf-ous an-e.-tois. Better educational oppor tunities and aid will bless them and make them increasingly a valuable element in the population of Western North Carolina. A NEW UNDERSTANDING "Not only in the United States, but in all Ihe country south of the Kio Grande theie i.s a new and better un derstanding of the ipirt the Indian must play in the future of all the Americas. There is lack of under standing of the Indian, even among ethnologists, and those who have mis takenly thought more of the Indian is an 'ethnological study than as hu man beings of like passion and hopes as other peoples. "The future of .Mexico, Central and South America are largely -related to the wise solution ol" the so-called In ,ll. ,,i .,.,,), I, .m I'Yvr ticonle know, due to the lack of knowledge of the In dians to the South of us and the de fective statistics, the large number of '"J'inj in this hemisphere. Of the ;,; o,, ,,...., people in 'Mexico, fourteen are full Indian or men with mixed Indian and European 'blood. "The future of all countries having large Indian populations is, of course, dependent largely upon the education, the industry and the character of it settlers. In most of them tile .line: ion of public policies 'and indus try and education have been in the hand- of the European cipnquerors -.- 1 ;..i dos.-viidants. A . iii''! i-.D CIIKISTIANITV j o mo.-t ol' the Americas with i,;ri'.e Italian population, the Spaniards roii'.'ii' Christianity wit h al I. it s light -nig-, the printing press anil o; and university. The In tlv in mo-t stales, accepted Chri-tianity, but until recent years have not been generally trained in the .schools. -They'. have been tillers of tl'ie soil, the workers who looked I' i i- o'liidalice to the in 1 1 or eduent eel d I. oiaii w hite-. - I'hei ill- to I'.. .ot'sniered . ioloo- ;( I w een man wa V. by as indeed a I illle, ileeol (1 Conie.. w hen he wa.s M-inic short sighted so 'in intermediary iiid be.isl,' Such coiici.p lion of the Indian, due to failure to leco'nize his true n Utilities,- is respon- r,,v the tieriod when then db MORE ICL- FASftfc FREEZING SAVTi MONEY Rememb,;i this m choosing s. refrigerator: 1. You should lnavi one which keett foaii' safViv at temper atures below 0. 2. Yow should have one that freeze? plenty of ice and des serts .quickly even io the hottest weather. The Frigidaire '35 oiovides a com plete refrigeration service because very model has the Super Freezer, which is a gteat development in household refrigeration. Come i and let us tel i j m more about the Super Freezer and why Frigidaire '35 saves you money. Martin EleJ?rnc Co. PHONE 31 (go to (lurd? mitaij ' 0AB9Y (fVRTIE W.AVNESVTLLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bible .school promptly at 9:45. Mr. L. M. Richtson, Supt. Departments for all ages. Sermon at 11 o'clock. The pastor will bring a message on "The Chris tian Benediction." Visitors cordially invited. , The young people's society of Christian Endeavor meets at 7 o'clock The midweek service of prayer and praise, Wednesday 8 p. m. There will be a study of the third great question in the Bible, namely, "Who is on the Lord's Side?" There is quite an interest in these midweek services. Come out and join in this service of studies on "The great Ques tions of the Bible." "(Jiace Church in the Mountains." EPISCOPAL iRev. Albert New, Rector. Sunday, June Kith is one of the great historic festivals of the church. TRINITY SUNDAY The Rector will preach at both j morning and evening services; 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. The Sacrament of H v Commun ion will be administered at tilt H o'clock service. . Bishop Gribbin will visit the Parish on Sunday, Augu,t 1-th. for Con firmation. Anv dc.-iruus o! being con firmed on that date at e i equested to notify the Rector at on.e, and receive the necessaiy instruction. Everybody is cordially invited to all our services. V A Y N E S V I L L E METHODIST Paul Har.iin, Jr.. Pastor. The chur.h -school assemiMe-s at 'JAr, a. m. Mr. Hugh Sloan is the supei inter.detit. A class for young men and young women of college age has been organized for the summer months anil will meet in the pastors study. Mr. Hardin is the teacher. Join it. Church services, with sermons by the pastor, a 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The League meets at 7 in the evening. We are delighted with the increas ing nutrlnr of visitors at al! our service-. Make our church your chur- h while you are in Waynesville. We aie always glad to have you. " '! HAND-WOE, AND 9' " Farm Problems And Answers Question: How j worms in my tobacco" " "" Answer: The !,..., ' for this damage i tt"e 'j?' meal bait. This b ma'-ie-'"'; ly mixing 50 puun.i- . " with one pound of a;-wV' A small pinch of thi- m.'x.'J, be dropped in the .'eiii,-, ', early in '.he morning -A bacco bud is open, bvz'.r. ai." as early ad possible after -r are sei anu repeat evtiy days until the phi:; One peck or twelvy p., mixture will cover ah acr plants. iack- warilncss. was one io uu u-raum In one country, aii eminent authority, declared that in sonie period 'many Indians are an integral part of the ui ii L estate or pro)erUes ot live farmers; they live pn them anil puss from one owner to another along wi'.h t he property.' "As long-as Itiilians were so re gauled and :-o treated, who would exni'ct them to advance? NEW DAY UECKONS . In the United States under the wi c and infoi mod leadership id' John Collier, commissioner ol Indian at- t'airs, a new and better day beckons to Indians ol the United Mates. ,ns takes of oilier days are being correct ed and the Indian now stands on his own feet, conscious that the govern ment understands his needs and is -.solved to give him a fairer oppor tunity than lie lias kiio-wn. "In Mexico the Indian has found new i.m.l wider doors 'open to him, Ho llas been assured of a chance for ad vancement'. The. Mexican government proe'tain calls fo,. the building of 7,- ' nun new school bouses, the allocution f land t.; Indian, fanners and a moil n! system of public health, together with' a higher wage standard and better working conditions." Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were tender- ..! 'in in form a! lutiilu nil at the Park wav Hotel Saturday noon, with .some lift. e'en or . twenty loeal people . at tending, limvie li itely after the luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Daniels loft for a short trip t'o Sy'.va before i-.e-turiiing to Asheville fin- the nighty Mr. Daniels told the group during the course . of. the . lui-i.'heon that he had heard Secretary Ickes niako the statement that work on the Parkway must begin immediately. It is Mr. Daniels' personal opinion hat the area now in the park prop er is. only the beginning of a tre-ni-.MidcHts park of this entire section, "e also stated that he saw no reason v iv work shouldn't begin a', once on the Parkway. The teacher had given nut the suh j.Ti "water" anil askeil th.- pupils io write a short coiiiposit ion on lh.- -uL-ject. One liny had i onsider ihh' troiil.l' Willi his eri'orl hut this H what he wrnie: ' is a vW. y o .lio'ii.! w hirh turns lil.u k when you in it." Jugoslavia roreiti I'orests cover more than 30 per cent ,f the area of Jugoslavia. Walrus Hunting Pull of Peril Walrus hunting In Creenlani is ot the most dangerous callings In tfcat country. His Share Ills hjuhlie. s, tlie hog, possesses -H teeth, but tin; opossum has oil teeth It lid knows how to use thein. He 1 liNunlly hungry and eat.t until ho Is Stupid. Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among1 the necessities of home 13 a good, reliable laxative. Don't, -be without one! Do your best to pre vent miuiUoti. Don't neglect It. Alien you Iii'l any ol Ita dtBgreabt syiaptoms conu.iR on. . . "We hail) UMid -Tlieilford'4 . Btack-Druiit'lit for 21 yenrs and have fo and It a very useful mrdlcitie that every Iiinuly oiiBht Io h.ive in thi-tr liomp." writes Mrs. rs . .., ..!,.. Tovt, "T lukfl Blftct:- l ri 1 V II H K -1. U l l, i n'U . , ' - - - HlMi'mht for hlHoilsncss, culisliliu-llon una' , .1... ,1 l,vntivi If Ollll'iltr. 0 is neiided. I have ulwnys found Bluci Unioatit ' Blven good results." BLACK-DRAUGHT WANT ADS 11- a I'l'i'i, c I U..,, I , .. -Ill tii-N VV . 1 1.1 ' --..ei ooo'iuio i u.. c- arm, to ti-e in l amp. .Must be rea sonable in price. Address Harry Wilson, Canton, N. ('.. New C'ol-log.- ( ' i ) 1 1 1 muni' y. P'l MAN WANTKD. I'or Kawleigh Route ,( SDO families. Write today. Kaw Ieigh, Dept-. XCI'-L.'lo-.SA, Rich mond. Vn. dune Id 27, pd. (iK SAI.K - refrigerators, 1 break fast -ui'e. - dining i-'oonl tables. 1 i w:n" ni.ii'hine and 1 victrola. I'liom: lT'J. . pd (I'.-ntlcman ah years, old would cor respoiiil with. lady age "J.") to oil. When replying to ' !ii ad. give full name and addres.-. Ad. Ires- Mr. .V. V., box No. Ii2:!. Wavnesville, X. ('. Mav 2-; :;i)-.luiie (i-i.-:. rd. "When a man goes to a sewing bee he can expect to get stung." Baby Elephants Playful Haby elephants are as playful and Intelligent ns dogs, snys a zoologist Quesnon: Is U a - ., ,.: ; cross breed poultry? Answer: Cross hie-i r, -coming very popular wl;.-, try producers. Thi reeds apparently step- U:i ; f the prog-eny and ti,t-: a n.2ner percentage ot ..vab pecia'ly if purebred parens r. use-!. This is especially de- broiUr production -work, ticn to e;rz production, a rir atii i- cross should be a.iva h it should not be carried 'j clii-cks Malaria ill :t (lnysi COLDS lil-st ilay I, A X All VI. TIIMC and iiiiii 'rablels: Salve Xosc limps. SUNDAY Mon.-Tues. Wed.-Thur, Fri.-Sat Matinee Night . June 16-17-18-19 20-21-22 Asheville. FJ. C. 25c 1' i A rib-rattling fun cyclone about stage-struck wives I and thunder struck husbands. Beginning Friday, June 1 4- Continuing 10 Days Rubbing Alcohol 19c Light Saving Laid to Fianklin The credit for the .origin of daylight savins Is sn'd to bflons to Itenjnmln ; Fr.-inlillii. $1.00 C ardui Tonic Special . . . . ... ... 2."e Feen-a-ment For . . . . ..... ... $1.00 Flit (Moth 15a jr Free) 15c Put man Dyes :$ for Fint Milk of Magnesia . . v. . . . . 23c Energine Shoe Cream, white . . . . . 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste ... . 25c lilack Draught . . , . . . . . , It was two years ago that we opened our store and promised our customers that they could always depend on SMITH'S QUALITY, and at reasonable prices. . . .we have full filled that promise, and today are appreciative of the business which .has been given us. In celebration of our second anniversary we are offering some special values to the every-day specials which has made our store the headquarters for the thrifty-minded. Here are just a few of the items specially priced for our anniversarv. mm V THIS COUPON AND 25c ENTITLES ME tVonVoVTHE J CARA NOME PERFUME AND POWDER COMBINATIONS ' i Name . 1 : ; Address . . '.: "-.'': ' ' ; . GET THIS POWDER AND PERFUME and COMBINATION WITH THIS COUPON only SPECIAL V CHOOSE ANY TWO OF I THESE 4 FAMOUS ITEMS Each of these items , has place to fill in your home. Each is guaranteed full Strength and high- est quality. Save I now. 69 Choose from Pint KuDbincr Alcnhnl inn ats.; Mi 31 or ni t Rpynn MilV rif Mnjrnfia lob Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 EXTRA SPECIAL this resular size CARA NOME FACE POWDER and your choice of one of these CARA NOME CREAMS $3 value both for Mickey Mouse Sand Set 25c Pint of Almond Hand Lotion . . . 24c ego Era0 DURING OUR TWO YEARS HERE WE HAVE FILLED HUNDREDS OF PRESCRIPTIONS WE FILL THEM ECONOMICALLY CORRECTLY, AND RENDER SERVICE T- -t'Ca. r: ii : P-an:, 'i-'fit-;. :ra'-n - -irr.-r-