Uth Last Day jo "We For Loans I r"7hTare involunta-V- ::''r. :neir mortgages are, ' : .. rhe Home U :' -.'I That June 27th i '".-.'V' rilintr new applica- v. recently passed 'u . ., . :ti) riav ex- i,r :he receipt ol r'". "-The general tests n v ... all newly filed a;i;'w- . a- those now .J? of the corpora ''. ,(. rule, the apph-"'"'b't-n involuntarily "' nn)r:rage on June V " '-, .default occurring The First 500 Miles Are the Sanest m , us aynewood THEATRE LnTr'rida-v' June 13-11 Vdinal Richelieu,, f (ieorse Arliss and Star J ' Cast Saturday. June 15 hen A Man's A Man" O'lirien and Star Cast. and Tuesday, June 17-18 ider The Pampas Moon" ft Warner Maxter and K. 41 VOU DrviN6 SO I Gotta takv rec s OP TMS CAR. I'M NOT Supposed to tma mors THAN 30 MILES PER " HOUR TWJJ FIRST SOO MILES I ITS FUNNY HOW CAREFUL MOST DRIVERS ARE ABOUT gSFAKIKg THg'Fj CAPg IN , THE FIRST 500 MILES NONy, WHVAJ?E YOU 60INS SO FAST?, we've PAST 5o miles NOW CAN STEP un it: - AND HOW CARELESS A LOT OF THEM SET. FROM THEN ON ABOUT BRCAKIN6 THEIR OWN COUNTY AGENT W. D. SMITH' co 1 u m n Seems to me vpu A LOT WORE 1KTTE RESTED J-v?E OF THE CAR THE SCO M '(. F "THAN VOO VJ TAiv.hij W?E OF US SECOND 5oO MILES'. IN TWflNs A were r .arr. xMt-N - (lallian. nVtdniMlav. June 19 Society Doctor" tViriiinia llruce and Chester Morris fdav and I'ritlay, June 20-21 ieore White's andals Of 1935" All Slar Musical hows at ill') and 9:lo y mission 10c and 25c ':'.:( cut of every ten automobile i .Monti which iii 11134 involved tfi.'vltig errors resulted from too ri'J-'h speed, it Is shown by reports ernpiled by the Traveler Insurance Co; ".;Mny. This fact is brought out In !i.r, ;"-iviis way.: by the statistics on ar ''.obile accidents, among which i.v i .'.c-s.e : rate ot death in 1031 per ac cl.Kv.t r.n highways was more than . 10 J per cent greater than the avcrajre. , f r all accideu's combined. This .shows that the highway Is no place f r a driver to be "asleep at the switch," , Tiie rate ot death per accident on curves was 131 per cent worse last ' year than the average for all acci dents combined. The question has been asked, "what does the driver ; think about when he goes around a ; curve too fast or on the wrong side ' of the road?" j Government mortality statistics 1 show that the rate of death from au j tomobile accidents continues to mount faster in rural territories than in urban districts. In 1933. the latest year that such statistics ait available, the death rate from auto mobile accidents increased 6.4 pr cent compared to 1932. In urban districts It increased 4.5 per cei l, while in rural territories It In creased 10.1 per cent. From 19C3 to 1933 inclusive, the total death rate from automobile accidents increased 5S.7 per cent, although in urban dla- ' trlcts it increased only 32. S per cent. In rural territories, however, the rato of death jumped 101.9 rer cent. Many motorists fail to appreciate the fuct that "the person who always drives at a reasonable rate of spaed, saves gasoline, trouble, money aud human life." Don Hcrold In his cartoon above hits the nail on the head. He wonders why drivers usually are so ireful breaking In new cars but afS id careless with their own lives and the lives of oth ers just as soon as the "breaking In" distance has been traveled. Our truckinc aloiiir nicely. M, nam m iiis crfn t veryone who has be impo- every p. ace in tmu : your piobleius. l.as; talked the niaf.er of program is oing voiiei is working to met around to a contract, but it siole tor bun u jjj,. l0 o help you with winter u hen w e w.z over with yeu ue Ma:rt! that it wou.d be necessary during the suni- iiKT to meet m iiiou;. unin tne next tew 10 stait these s:iate how to sa vs meet '!;, ai spray te d. the Holds. c epe-cl liomon f,,. .1,.. 1 . . " u. .. im i 1 1 11- .nan oeetio and control the bHirht of 'oinatoes. If you haw noi airea.iv done so, jret on hand Magnesium r senate tor bean beetles ami lierdeaux Mixture tor tomatoes. I",e .cadv when these t limps are needed. The bails ano disease do no: wait for vou 0 K'ei i-caav. n-y workim; vegetables when the dew is off ;o .10 o.ner work when your vev'eta hies are wet. Our trucking program o be a success, must h.-iv,. ,...,..., 1 i,,n .i ll . I. . . . . .... uie way tnrougli. How u.-wiK some ot your old s.aKe your your Klan a bout loco stalks tomatoes, or it' von nr.. oin to stake them, how usmp some old rye or wheat o nuuen the LM-ound Plants atte,- :ho last out what weeds the .straw later 'ecu tVnind to li truckers. about s t ra w under vour cultivation and come Uirotiirh .calf before this tout. Mr. Case will help decide the winner, and the prize is oil'ered for most proxies in fat tening, and management, of the calf, takinjr into consideration appear ance, hand. uitf, and posine,. County Agent will Klad to talk, the matter over with those who are de termined to get into the berry grow ing iame and stay. The County Ajjeut is spending a!! the time possible this week and next visiting- potato fields. Already sever al vasts have been made. Kveryone who has potatoes free of disease should have them ceitithd. The in ui. aliens are that we will have a hip demand foi certilied seed from this mountain area next year. We exp.ct to have a suitable storage house ready to take care of the crop. Mr. H.-R. Xiswonger found it im possible to be in Haywood county at this time. He expects to be here some time during the month of June. He is on a big jo'o now with the farmers in liurke and Mcl'owell counties, maiketing Hod .Latham raspberries. Any fanner who wishes to g-et into the berry growing game should jrive it careful consjiiei'Htion. We have some rich possibilities here, and the 'WHKX DOKS KLKA1. HAY WOOL) OUXTY CUT KLKCTKIC1TY ? This question is being continually asked by the farmers of Haywood county. They want elect 1 icity for the.! homes and at a price they can pay. More and more people are say ing we have all the energy that com ing generations will ter need in our streams, if we can only tiud a way to gear it up and put 1: to serving its. The farmers are perfectly willing to pay for what they use, but they are not willing to pay enormous pio.itc to selfish interests. The ques tion is frequently asked, wOiat is the justice in closely built commu nities getting the In'iietits of elec tricity when the rural areas are ig 110! ed? If the power companies will not serve rural America then why allow them to block the efforts of others who will work it out so that our rural people can have the bless ings of electricity? Why not have eoopetation of the towns and rural communities in working out this prob lem'.' Why is it that Haywood coun ty has one of the greatest power plants within its borders and high tension lines run diagonally across the county and only one rural line? This condition has existed for six years. How much longer are those responsible for this condition point? to allow it to continue? 1 hose things worth while bv Win UK CONlTM'Ks o Tin.; 1 ' ' ' ci. fit rKiui'.iTs hnv good f II Cn, , s 1 iav 'em !''.'! th. Oct. 'J about fed bv . k taking a in unemployment or other misfortune 1 beyond the control of the applicant.. I'u'1'.' The corporation Was created to nro- ! .ro-a.V tect honest home "-owners who are in temporary dirliculty and not to offer lower interest to mortgagors, or to save lenders from past mistakes of judgment in making excessive loans. , The Asheville District office will remain open until midnight, June 27th, to receive all applications.. .1. R. . Morgan, of this city, can furnish any information desired about, the loans. . Buddha Looks Jewikh In Knb.'. a large city jM. .1 span, is a seated brorre figure of I'.iid.lha with a distinctive H.'brai,' cast. to A stake on the bank of public road, same couisc 1 I 1 u poles to stake in R. L. (ireen's line; tlntice with his line X.'iiSV-K. 10 poll's to ihe HK til.NXINCi, containing two acres and seventy i-oils. Deed for lot" dated June 2:2 .l'diri, Registered in Book Xo. 44, page !!, liiiord of Deeds for Haywood ('own ty, Xorth Carolina. JACK MKSSKR, Secretary. .1 i;rt 1 :i-2o. ( oiintj .Ills 1 1 Veat call' the llabv I! I for inter 1 -' 1 a. h I'I'l.k best eef iii : 111 . Sh alb in and lour lahv Keel' Club nn m w in .ho lllclllber is niakini;' his fa '.test. A I'll IH' 11111 mi' ulv. 1 all ( . ul member will I'ol'Ulhly to ,,. ,l;e 'I her incniber. 1'ieba! ' "'t'. StatV Ilrif Sneci Per each '111P.II! till t) a e ,alf , lv M, 1I1.-:. hi!' meiuVr. In tour. M r. Crou-e jM; scoie card v. hi,-) each melll.l)er ;it 'he tour and (n li will sc., re each ca 'vollse is pf-iividllH' ..1. iii.-ii 101: pri'ie m of the hi -lies I s, "lanageiiient.. and .f. leniiine the winner. ber who. is teeding ;l rail' iai'1 iciiiair at tent ton, t .1 l.e rum to I'.i'. 1 lining of li . ach ineliibi r Mr I'ne dollars in neV to the owner oring call. I are, ''(ling- will ilo l ery club meni- shoiilil pay Uie halt breaking, feeding, and care of his Travel anywhere ..any day on the SOUTHERN AfareJbr every purse...! PER MtXB ONE WAY and nOUND TRIP COACH TICKETS for Each Mile Traveled nOl'ND TRIP TICKETS Return Llmll 15 Dn?l for Earn Mile Trnvelwl ROUND TRIP TICKETS Return Llmll 6 Month. for Enrh Mile Traveled ONE WAY TICKETS for Each Mile Traveled Com! in Sleeping and Parlor Cart on payment of proper charges for space occupied. No surcharge. Economize by leaving your Automobile at home and using the Southern Excellent Dining Car Service Bo Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel K. II. I )c HI "I TS, l)ist. rasscn'i .f;cnt. Asheville. N ('. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM RESALE OF SCHOOL I'ROl'EKTY More MUes of Real Non-Skid snueijr 43 GARAGE Asheville Road Monday, J'me 2-1, 'X'". The Board of Education of Ilav- wood County Will offer at public resale to the highest bidder on Monday, June 24, 1935, at 12 o'clock, Xoon at the Couii House door in the City of Wayriesville the following School Property: THE WHITE OAK SCHOOL SITE A XI) HOUSE: 'BEGINNING at a-pine in R. L. Green's line; thence N. 17?4 E, poles to public road; thence with said road X. til) W, 4 poles; thence X. 12 V . 10 poles, X. b 1 28 Vz AV. G!2 poles, W. 12 poles, S S, 34 E. 15'. l-.i Lady's Painful Trouble Helped By Cardui Wny do so many women take Car dui for tne relief of functional pains at monthly times? Th answer la that they want results such as Mrs, Herbert W. Hunt, of Hallsvllle, Texas, describe. She writes: "My health wasn't good. I suffered from cramp- Ing. H7 pln would b so Intense It would nauseate me. I would just- drag around, so sluggish and 'do-less.' Mr mother de elded to give me Cardut. I began to mend. That tired, sluggish feeling was gone and the pains disappeared. I san't praise Car dui too highly because I know It helped me." . . . If Cardui does not help TOO, nonsuit physlnlan. Shoe Repairing It Matters Not How Badly Worn Your Shoes Mav Be... We Can Fix 'em as good : as New BRING THEM TO THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP Next to Western Union ,sPeedy I iRCI'C rnrr lireTN1 sorbam- ( oh-i see plenty ofthem-; . .. c ; "DtLO UHK AGF -too i PONT YOU EVER ftfT ' WHEN THEY OQIVE OUT 1." , .-xnvJU u. CET LONESOME OUT fhfr jM THttR AUTYMO BiLES. . T 836') - (Fr -C FOOM HEREIN THE STICKS f -V " ' T. .... ,$717 i IM'I.n.te , . . . . . . ..... . . . . i Tudor Touring Sedan . . . c . 01 by Abel's Garage 35 be first FORD Slivered Tudor Sedan . Heliuxe Tudor Couie ....... ... Coupe DeXuxe Four-Door Solan . . . . IM'I.n.te , . . . . Tudor Touring Sedan ToiiriDg Sedan It's Cash We're Collecting ' ' for TAXES Not Excuses AIX TAXES PAtD. , .SHATTER PROOF GLASS ALL AKOVXD I I Don't Pa I off Paying YoursIt Might Mean Trouble THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL TAXPAYERS WHO HAVE CLOSED THEIR TAXES KY. NOTES. AND ALE DELINQUENT PAYERS WHO HAVE NOT CLOSED THEIR TAXES UY NOTES, THAT ACTION WILL HE INSTITUTED ON JULY FIRST. THIS PROCEDURE WILL ADD EX PENSE TO YOUR TAX HILL. SO WE ADVISE IMMEDIATE SETTLE MENT. -.",'.'-'.':'...- D A. HOWELL Tax Supervisor of Haywood County