fhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking IVople XLV11 NO. 31 WAYNESMLLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI KSDAV, Jl IA 1. l;i.l." WAuto Wrecks ear Here Friday l u riivuik Overturns, In- rimr" 1-m.r. Three Cars (rash At Medford Farm ;i. injured in two , Friday afternoon ii one wreck near other at Medford The "',v ..sin Id ;Vr .i "-- .Kt wa; L a h ;au- ., ,:, juries of some were XKg erious. Saunook occurred .1,;.. when a car from ;'. make a curve and '.,.'... .;,! times down an lTa-hing against a tree. a wet at this time ,. B. Smart said evi :hc car was traveling ,.f -need at the time. P u .Ktikins, Lanton, miss coward, Balsam, Alvin r I'-i"- r,. aim jyics uau, 'r"n' "'"v.-.rt all taken to the ' 4'.';;'; .vc,e treated for severe .."pi Mrs. Jenkins was Sa-ur.iav, and Jyles Hall, rVVa Sutured leg, left Mon ; ln,,mH-. The two other occu L of'.hH e:i: are expected to leave . L-n'.-a' .-cmi'time during the i-- t- - The wreck 't the Medford Farm L,,.,i 'ator in the afternoon when 'jTvar-'flashed into each other. cr on vm,nK side of the r0?d' ,f jrvin i.v a woman from Ashe '"e wa- -aid. to have been the cause "-L wreck. Two cars turned over, l a'! 'brii were badly damaged. (Kvupamf the Asheville car were -i Limiv Wallace and Mrs. J. C. ' fii "hvh were carried to the hos al'hff. At tirst it was thought a' Yl-. Mark's condition was se--libu' -he was dismissed Satur iv. 'Mr. Wallace left within a few wrs after admission.- , So an - have been made in eitn r case. . . . laywood Boy Makes iood In Judging ontest In Raleigh On :,.i-c -2 ! Vocational Agricul- bre bi)- from over the state met Raleich to judge livestock. Haywood -.county, as well as the i-ftern part of the state, was rep sente.l by .!-oe Rathbone, of Fines reek, ho having- won' second place i the elimination contest for West n i,rth (' -n ulina held at Swanma- li Mav 11. which entitled him to tier the --lave contest. 1 In the at Raleigh-Joe tied pother hoy. for first place with a ro ot in'' luiitrtng poultry, ne, o, tiwl-other boys for first ice in itnUrinir sheep with a score 97.5. '.'.' He f.o'.. -.i tbe tpfltn which h to K.ui-a- City in October, but pide a hiiri. i -eore than the other l?re.-iT,'uf.;vo- of. Western North pro'in.i. Hi :, Shook, of Buncombe tr.ty,. I.y . -...riii- thirty points. "No Cause For Worry' DR 1 rT( y vpynOLDS e Hoaltli Otlioer Health Officers Find WNC Free Of Infantile Paralysis Dr. C. N. Sisk Makes Formal Statement That No Cas?, Or Typhoid In County During Year wo Noted Artists To lie Heard Sun. ' ' an ttnouncjtmont it isteidav, music 7 i v ;.. -vule will have an 'iiar two well known u-ts who will appear '-hurch Sunday, r tiierson Rose, better i aiids of radio listen to coast as "Joe Em Ilvtuns Of All Church s:ng at the 11 o'clock H -e will play his own I ;a'e; 'Mr. .1 "'urain. y ompar.;:- Fr-iy, the or, rster in r'ioloro.' Mr. Hari P over -i 'S church service Mr. violinist and director ra of the Erlanger i--.airo. will be heard. a companied .by Mrs, 'M'rcssed great pleas- oge of having Mr. ar.d Mr. 1-rosolono to sing and y i- 1 d a treneral invi- to hear them ptariansToMeet M Gordon Friday e local v. "T. . "' -. . r new ' . ' uu? will, begin tire I haviiB fnday s r.t Qr,Ti -oiling room 01 vne Craf. ln- 35 the Wests of Angus anaeer of the hotel, at 1 e be- atYn i w year, and the Ts. i"of new officers. r ll h! au-uminff their dutis P;" Dr. R It ll5urJis Russ' Pres" stretcher. vic nc tr- The t ?ri' "-etary-treas--W- of ditors are: kr 1r- C. N. Risk.- Jok i. '':a dford, Ernest L. H. Stretcher. Over ihe signature of Dr. V. N. Sislrf. dd,s.tr).-tl health Vifiki.r, the Chamber of Commerce sent out yes terday some fifty letters to newspa pers and chambers of '.commerce in southern states the statement : "There has not been in this county this year a case of eithe,- infantile paralysis or typhoid fever. This section is served by an efficient health department, and health conditions are: Iwtter than ever before. As district see no reason why- forego visiting this section at this time." The statement also carried in it a quotation from Ir. Carl V. Reynolds, state health' office. Hi.s statement be ing as follows; "While infantile paralysis has been prevalent in the east central section of our state, to date we have had only normal incidence in our western or mountainous areas and ' in 'the coastal region. Recalling that North Carolina is a very long state, some 650 miles long, the comparative iso lation of the coastal and western or mountainous areas from the abnor mally affected areas is quite manifest they being some '200 miles removed." The decision was made' to send out the statement after a group of -about a dozen hotel, boarding house and business people met Tuesday morn ing and discussed the situation, 'fhe general opinion being that the vast amount of unfavorable publicity be ing given the matter should be offset by authentic facts from this county. Additional copies of the statements of Dr. Sisk and Dr. Reynolds 'may be had at the Chamber of Commerce 'of fice.' I,t has l.len suggested that copies of this be sent out by board ing houses and hotels in all mail. Cannery Scheduled ! To Begin Operation ' At Hazelwood (it hi 1)1 KK 1. xl'KAKKK Additional Warehouse He limit At An Karl For I annerv pare Date II ! Tlu llaywvM r iivry at lia.i .v 'ion about .1 a!y r,-1 has contract- Haywiiod ari .la. k-".. the growing ni , actes v( tomatce- ,.iui beans. The. tomato a.-n a"bout one million v:an the supervision of tne e. D. D. York, of Bethel. Mr. T. H. k fcti -or for the caniu-rv. Davi.s and Mi. Robert charge of the niai ki ting Canning operations vi with the canning ot bm- w 1 -J'. Mat I., ma: Hi pt' u.il l an il opi-ra-sociat ion ucer i: ltu-.- I,..r :e:v '-'oil acres of required vn under at ive :v sti pervi liiink e are m canning. Miimcru e )C1 rie.- aiui romatoes huckleU'iries, and beans will follow. Under the plan ol operation tins year one-half the crops will be soul on the green vegetable market and the remainder win oe canned. 1 in plan will git the cooperative an op-I portunity to take advantage of the higher green vegetable prices and permit canning when the prices arc low. Green ve-geta contacted and the plan which quickly obtain graded produce is also th shipments ;'i . : i I 1 pi 111 u ,,! Inn, l.-l 1- 1 mk de buyi rs have been are enthusiastic for will permit them to truck loads of we1 at one point. There probability that express will be made to distant markets should prices and the crop warrant, A contract for building additional warehouse space at the cannery has been let to 1. V. Phillips and Co., of Waynesvillo, for immediate const rue tion. The local cooperativk' is joined with three other similar oriraniza- health officer I Hons as members of the Land OTho anyone should (SUv Mutual Association. Inc. The organization furnishes management, sales and accounting men and facili ties which would he beyond the roach of an individual cooperative. The other cooperatives tire Mountain Val ley .Mutual Canning . Association it Murphy, Shady Crove, Cooperative Association, Soddy Tennessee, inid Carolina Mountain Mutual Canning Association with canneries at Green Mountain and Cranberry. The Land O'The Sky Associat ion will market green vegetables and canned goods for membe rs under the Land OTho Sky and Southern Sky land brands. Offices of the associa tion have been es'taMislnvd at 111 Main street, here. . Haywood Physician Honored At Recent Medical Gathering Dr. J. Frank Fate. Canton-Clyde Physician. Namvd Ollicer Of 'New Me lieal (Jroup CI.VDI taincel .) netit phy was t Icy "Teniics's Hon and session a Kiioxvilli '., (Spiei.-il to The Moun Mf 1-raiiki l'ate, (tt)iiiiV dcian of Canton and 'Clyde, ed third vice president of e 'alley Medical Assoeia I'ostgrtidtiate Assvmibly.': in t he Andrew Johnson Hotel, , Tonn., June 2tj-l!7. In being elected to this post Dr. Date, becomes North Carolina's only representative ollicer of the newly formed organization. The assjH'ia- tion -elected , three otlicers rep ing the three states inclinled Tennessee Valley project. Dt Koust, of Norfolk,- Va was second vice -.president, and Dr. Richardson, of Williamsburg, Kentucky, reipn -ntative, as vice president. esent in the C. T, named A. A. is the hfst Newell To Fill Presbyterian Pulpit Sunday Jake. Newell, of .Charlotte, ouU standing laymen of the state, will occupy the pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sunday at the eleven o'clock hour. . Mr. Newel! is an attorney in Char lotte, and has the distinction of being teacher of the largest men's Bible class in the state. He was sent to the Holy Lands by his class. In speaking of Mr. Newell. Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the church, said: "He is the dryest of the dry? and believes in the Bible just is written. He is a wonderful and I believe the church filled." t. , . ( The speaker will use as his subject: "Camping In The Tents Of Lot." as it speaker will be "Event Directory" To Be Published Details For New Theatre Are Now Being Completed Janus K. Massie conferred Tuesday with Heni-y Irwin Gaines, architect, of Asheville, regarding final presen tation of specifications for the $11, 000 theatre building to contra -tors. Mr. Massie stated that he expect ed it would 'be ten days before Ihe bids woti'd be opened, but intimated that work would begin imniediali ly. The tcniMiVe .plans have been a prov ed, by Mi- Mtissie, iuid 'Mr. (iitines is making the final detail work on Ihe blue prints now. SUGGESTION : The suggestion has bccri made by a pastor of a local .church that the church column in this 'paper.', he clipped anl put . in convenient ... : place- in hot.;-. b).ic(s - and ?Ki':rding. houses. . Hegihning this week, a -.directory of 'Lvints of the wei'k" will be .publish--d in this paper, and in co-operation with the ters .of i made an etic placi A 11 bo oihers a i ( liamoi i r.owti id' e-ent.s w peoic w Chamber of Commerce, pos, 'he' ''New.s mat t or" will be ditril)un.' s m tuwn. .i dine, h.nii e leqin-sleil of ('ooilliei 51, li . w eek i hV!i ill J 1 in t lie -t r.'ig- format.ioi.-i !u bei' of (di. ion d l urn vii'ji ni'tcsi jrr. ' nd n "lMle ,-a!l ion by. I oi .give.- Ill - an.! -I d. Ail li the 'l: t tili., 'I ill 1 1 Hie lay my mil in. Masons To Have Special Program , . n. i Vayne,s.vi'l noune.e'l ' 1 ennrm uu iea ik. iMlli is wick ioi) .-orvii ' .Vr' tin 0. Jiiaslei' N'o. : 'hat :i Ti-gula-r Would be lieid a1 ihe' lodge room- in the Ma-"nic Ti mplc Friday at p, in, A -M :a. ; io;:ran ha- inicn -pi.e p it t ij for . f hi -. iiii'i-t ing, and a special in Vila! h:-ts."ben" i-s' 1 In till i.it;tnr Ma-oi)s. to attend. "North Carolina Better Because Of Democratic Leadership," Says Byers it- rea -f! ep,es Witcher, of r1 her 1 : Who has be11 the fc;cr''V!n' Mrs. Nora SV. r wk for stay of sev June Tax Payments Amount To $20,000 According to a statement made late Tuesday by Tax Supervisor D. A. Howell, Haywood taxpayers loosened up during the month of June and "put out" in fact, put out to the tune of $19,179.13 in cold cash. Mr. Howell collected $12,516.59 in 1934 taxes durin June, and $6,662. 54 in delinquent taxes during the same period. . , With the June sum taken off. there fs a balance of $80,615 yet due -on 1934 taxes. TT.e total taxes for IM being $311,501.64. , , The rush in the tax collector s of j;j ei,u SatiiTvlav. with tne end of the month, because Monday saw one of the busiest days in a long time there, when $1,146.60 was ex changed for tax receipts. Mr. Howell and his assistants haye Wn literally "snowed under with tax money, and have been somewhat delaved in making out the delinquent list "for advertising, hut announced it-would be done according to law. tie r.V )' kc-y- - W : to. .the Vo-JIIC !l. s Work of tie-pojnt-exam- Uyers, "AH the Rood things that "h.-fv.i to Xorth Carolina have, rofoe . hands of leadership of th,- In in party," . was th-' renter of ;.h note address nnole lat i ii k !y Hvers. .clerk of i-'i'ir; ?o : .tho.uso nds .f-'athei;ed at the Democratic Convention iti R.U--J ,Mr. Byers climnxed the .i:n'i of Dnytc J). Alley, presi.l-fit organization, hy rpvi--;in,Lr a.ni!: Inc.ont. both state am) n:iti--nal Pies of. Demorratie leadei ship.. . The address made by .Mr Was in part, as follows: ""I like the word 'younji.' particular-, ly as applied to Democrats, beeause, according 'to my way of thinking, Democrats never grow old. As long as our people are filled with hope and faith In our. Party and are continu ously looking forward and striving' for better things in our State and N'a- tion. then we never grow old. -'I have also been unable to find in the ranks of the Republican Party in this State any youngster? and the reason is obvious, since the Republi can Party of North Carolina has- noth ing to look forward to, and is utterly ashamed to lock backward. The Democratic Party is here to ptay, although at times it may suffer temporary defeat, the principles upon which our party is founded are as old as the human race, and as ever-( lasting els eternity itself, because It was founded upon the principles of humanity and justice, and i on the t fupt tier, prhicinif il.mt lite f-overjmnaif .(.X(sts: for .the bcnelil: of tliosc: wlio :.'f to he-igwf-tjfd. '. ' . "Our lcn-iy .Jias always been -jilde to rise to any si.ttia'iiin whi:.n caljc-d niion for .leadership in Xottlj t.-iro-li.na. . In the yi ;, r 1922 a srcrii. i Imtd of fin;inei;i! depression ,yi!S nvi-i'liaiiK-inc North '-Carolina'.- In. "i'.io'l ii J-.ok- ;d as. if -the financial striK-tUrc of Kaiion was about, to tumble, Our i'a--toi ies were closing; . our Hanks' .-ind finaneial institutions in the Si a te .were rapidly failing and the people of tilts State, as in former like occasions were looking to the Demooratie. I'atdy of Xorth Carolina to weather the storm and lead them, as one Mr. Hoover said, 'out of the wilderness:' ' "Consefuently, the Legislature; con sisting of a majority of Dem or rats, all good and wise Legislators, many of (hem having served in the LegMa tures of years ago, met In Raleigh and under the leadership of that incom parable ptatesman, that faf-sighted fi nancial genius, that great patriot, and fine DemocratJohn C. B. Ehringhaus, proceeded to take Charge of the affairs of Xorth Carolina, and with all the de pressions, and the grief and all the sorrow hanging over tne state, ..un those holding our bonds in the mar kets of the world calling upon us to pay, it looked like an imposcible situa tion, but as I have said before, the leadership of the Democratic Party of Xorth Carolina assembled in the pon (Continued on page 7) Variety Of Activities Arranged For Fourth Funeral Services For Mrs. J. M. Gwvn Held In Canton Sun. Stores Will Ho t lost-d. (Jolting. Swimming, Hoa tins-. Danc ing On Program 1 1 nil. I, juu-ior' of of Canton. a member, ho. read by her . (iwvn. by a Mother Of T. Lenoir (Jwn, Of This City, Came To Haywood Fifty Years Ago Funeral e;- kv- i -1- held on Suit day al'iernooi-i ;u -i uVK. k al the re--ideiice in ( rtti:-n I'or Mi. Aim li.i Foster llwyn, SJ, h,i pa-..,, I away on Saturday nioriiiny:, ;,l'u r a In i.f ill ness. Interment was in the lii'een llnl ci nu-lei y at Waym Kev. (,'eorge Hammond tlie i'rcsbytei ian church of which Mrs, tlwvn was olltciated. iHirihir the srviee i wo of the poems written dauRbter, the late Mary 1'. Special music was rendered . hoir ot selected voices. Pallbearers wire, 11. Ailluir t Is lionu-, .1. T. itadey, Clvde lliidi brand, lr. Albert t'line, I.uther l'less and K. M. I.iile, all of Canton. Mrs. Cwyn wa.s the daughter of Alfrcii and l.ctitia Cray Foster, of Crccnsboro. She was iti ilea ted at the Kdjre worth Seminary, a well known hoarding school of the state, for eirls j tip's and TO's. Fifty years atfo, she came to Hay wood county, with her husband, the late J ame,s M. (iwyn, and .they lnvame the owners of the Lenoir l-'arm in the I'lgvon Valley, which was later known as the Spritigdale Stock ''anns. i.Mrs. (iwyn was a genthvoman of the Old South, a personification of its best traditions, of i haiai tei . Chris tian faith 'and sweetness. A ,fcv year.s ago she moved from -'the Spnnijv dale farms, (o Canton, am) had made her home tin I'ennsylvania Avenue, to be near her dauc:li:er, Mrs, 1 ed Telen. Muring her re-sidence there she has nunle iiiany friends. Survivmi.': are live ehililreti.- three daughters: Mis. Carlton C. Curtis. ill New York City; Mrs. 1.. W. Shook, Tarhoro, and Mrs. l-'red 1'i-den, of Canton; two sons, .lame.s A. Cwyn, of New York Ci'y, and T, Lenoir Cwyn, (if Wiiynesville; two -lers, .Mis. Holiert Calloway, of l ynehliiiig, 'a., and .Miss K'i.ahet h Coster, of ('anion, ; i Mil i- jjcatidehiildreii, .l-'icd, ,laiiiev Cwyn and Khzahoih I', di ti, of ( an ton, Atiiie and Lemur Cw yn Slioek. of Taiborn, and .Mary 1'atin ia Cwyn, of Vavnes die. Tiu-siiay nigiit were '.e and cuinmunit v were .unh in ,i the I-' 1 hat 'a l;i v; san, aliii KiorHui-. manner." 'I'heio :.H-uijy no !' outstatulnig ev en; .-cheil-ule.l for tile day. the viMtors and e.'.i: et.i(ciu .in- i.p,.e.ied to crowd ihe jrelf ciuivs, s and swimmmn places. An op u liandieap' golf tournament v!l. he staged at the Wayne.svillo Country Ciub, wi(h several j'l; -offered. -Li the afternoon at thn , i spcial ev.iu for hi, lies will be J, ..i. hie hole will be played with olio v . the . :.ecing:. i, be dono from a n, .1 spring. The management of Hell. Meade Playground is pi-ejiaiiiiy to,- a full day of activities, ranmjr from tennis matches, diving exhibitions to swim ming race. .' Ihe new ferris wheel will bo operated all daw Mr. Mu-us said, and a special lunch will iw serv ed at noon. In the afternoon the barbecue siip ( i at the City Park on Kast street is scheduled to jlraw a large crowd. .Special music will be one of the fea tures ot entertainment at the har heiue. The sunix r is beinir sihiii- soied liy the Civic League, with the proceeds going to further improve ments on the paik. The activities at " Uiko Junaluska will give away to t hose in aynes 'y for the morning. The saker of the day finding it impossible to attend. The afternoon at the lake will be featured ly ra.es of canoes and row boats. Swimming, diving, golfing and tennis will le participat ed in throughout the day. The high spol of the outdoor.-activities at the lake will be the fireworks from the hill at the electric ..cross in. the even ing. 'Immediately Will be a movie. MeManiee in "The The day will tie .Mcaoe Willi a ine" exhibition afterwards there featuring (iraham (lift .of Cab." cli ma Xed at liellc siiinirc danee, feaiur lanees hy" ti ams f rom Tliose From Counlv Took Active Part In Democrat Meet Soco Cap, Candler, Lnka. Ciinlon, , and 'hcl'okcc. The stores of the town will close for the day, according to a petit ion", signed by them Monday. All puhhc oltiees will al.-o .remain closed for :he day. Rogers Finds (iood Rean And Tomato Crops In County I 'u ld Super isor I 'or Local Can nery' .Suggests 'Thai Koth Crops I5e Sprayed "'llll(- I lii- hut Weal her eoilt t) Ill's, 1. i ei v iiiiioi 1,-int to -ce hat' bean , '.re kip" pia.Vtd u.ilh inal'llesllllll j a I.: e ii -1 ; ! , ij-iiig. six to i .ghl ; talph- (looii)'iil , i:. i In j-iiMou . ,; waii. ; Willi IWo lo thlee .U I h-nnr lovlel ' to'; thiee. gallon- of - w at ei:, " -aid T. I II. Kogi i , ! ( i--a j -. ' '- e ! 'i iiiaiiarei , . 1)1 . M..;. ,. d :;. MulUal; banning' I A -oi-iai i i r i , : hi:-. t k. j . I he fit -t pl.-iii! ing ' el" l an- was . j.' Ml r-llilM ill tli'i- ; .. .1 io, by"- j;t, k nf nioi-niri-, lie vani. iitn i! li a ie.-i.oii-.'hie .amount, of i a in--vu; Inn 'hi,- next li W W- ( li'. lie i-rop vvi'il be pll'ltt. 1'f til. 'Cici. ; ;' ; dm ' .' ''plant bean-i even up to .!:i'v ;.'. a h m i ui i i . - - r hi;: her Inai ket. -.-'. Mi. iKojfei i siaU-ii '.- that bea: lii-uughl 'l.b'' the ('aiinct'y should he '!! r. a r a j he in -tin in t lie pod not l.-ngci ihaii a .match hiad. . "Tiic-re is yet time io set tgmatc ii!;i),ii':VV (H'..;v;ii(i. "The plants can he ' se; iiul as !a!e as .July 10th. Since''' 'In.' pi ice to,, iioth cannery and ripe .tomatoes is veiy -good. we. arc 'anxious president, succeeding DoyK; .' .Alley. ' to iiit!;(-ae j h,e aercagc," he contin-. J. A.. Aboi'nathv .dr.. -W-. ' vic'e--prcs'i- i -tied; ' IcTit. Mr. Rogers: stressed Ihe . fact that , : .-... ; tomatoes should he sjnayed by ti;:- j'Uoidcaux mixture, in ordt-r to wat-i j 'off diseases and keep the vines g; ; : :i over a longer period. Tin II lywi.iod eotm: ', , fell fai n ii h'- i-on-yenl ion in' l(ale ;'l l.-i-t we 1 if ' li Young leii.ioi ra II 'tool;. ; ti : t i' e ia ' t do run'- 1 lie en! jr.- lin e: - 111;1, i tie HaVWo-od ':e!,.-i','. ion .i.:ii l :i l;.i.ed . .'.rof.d in till in Ii. t heiti;: jit- ' i l;t ' le lil'der. I 111' he- i eouijl V , 'Wake. 'I'ovie Alley, wlio :vas pie-riilent la- I 'yi ai, lire ided.-nid W. C Her'-. ho I; ; ,,r. i-oiii i , ,.e!iy.i-i-'-d ; h. Key-hot : ;o Id re-- of he eonvenl ion. A riitd. ;;' .' the Haywood do'loa' e ' .i-'fy;i;;j'r . r i p . 01 i - iiie);iri( !; Alan -on Swcaririgen. 1 ive II.. Hai rC Mis.: I'tai! Ju in-.-, thai L. Vale . V. .Roy Krancis. ; l'ei(ii-r :.h(i'. -ii Midi ot.iC piitd-ineitiljer-li; i t etnlen' : '2,'i', 'c'M-il.pri.'--inir 77. ( lub;:.. Th;'' va 1 1 lii;je-i ni.nnl)(;r j)f ('luo-. "' n ( v-)-' pai l iripaie in a eonyeljtioi:. Soio : ;V(i() , vei-e prcsf nt. ' '.:' .Mr -.'.lit. re- I;, rnoi-nix '.y;i:.. narn Hiking Club To Re Organized Within Next Ten Days Th;' jn;t ia 1 meeting of several local people with a representaliw . jr'ro'jp of five from Th'? Carolina' Mountain Club, of-Asheville, was held at the Chamher of Commerce -'here -Monday evening. A discussion was made of the plans for organizing a club here to. make hikes the year 'round, President Ray Mated that a meet ing would he called within ten days for organization, and all persons in terested in joining a hiking' club should leave their name at the Cham ber of Commerce so that they may be notified of the meeting date. Dr. Stuart Roberson, of Hazelwood, and Dr; S. P. Gay, of this city, are taking the lead in organizing; the club. Some score or more have intimated their intention of joining. Those here from iA6heville were of ficers of the Asheville club, and in cluded Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Tennent, Roger Morrow, Miss Barbara Ambler, and Miss King. (O AAA 1? ,,4JI C 5UUU JCjAJC t ll.ll vUUIl At Lake Junaluska Janus Atliins, manajrer of Lake Junaluska, announced yesterday that the number of people at the lake was far ahead f the same (period Of last year, and for several previous years. Monday, July 15, will maik the opening of the Young; People's As sembly, and Thursday will see the opening of the church-wide pastor's conferencce. Some two thousand arc expected to be in attendance at these two conferences, he stated. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max : Min 20 . K.'f '52 27 M 51 8 85 '. 44 29 83 K4 30 C 86 59 1 . 84 47 2 .-" ' 91 ' 43

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