1 1 n4Y. Jl'LY 4, 1935 THE WAVXESMLLE MOUNTAINEER '"""T-d it MAGGIE I. i p.e..--e ,.-t of Denton, L Si-:zcr. , . " have been hold ' J. u; Maggie for . i, jr.-iderable in- .i.jin. LTKIX NOTICE t. .; a- executrix of :it. G. Francis, de . notify all persons agatnst the estate of .'.'"iV same with the r , r Court of Hay ,".' .; before the 30th . .; ,.r this notice will nr ,if their recovery. - .ntiebted to said es- ake settlement at Page 7 ALONG THE SKYLINE With the R J!'.;., MAKV r:x. r. I'OAN' FRANCIS, tate of Wm, G. Fran M;;C-Mav Jo-June 6-13-20-27- ;., aM by SALE TRUSTEE'S virtue of the power T-C l- txecu:c.i by Lizzie Lenoir, rV' V y, Trustee, under date Winter -'2. l33, securing the , lesfTiipn. said S ',f "-ra-t Urinj? recorded in the ' -he Kt-pwter of Deeds for f,W .County in Book 34, at Page f; it,,aU;t having been made in the i ;': t.f raid indebtedness, and ? , ,,t tin, hnldpr nr holders if, ;he undersigned Trusteejwill, I M il uav oi iuiy, iimo, ai joor in Haywood County, h Carolina, uiier tor saie at puo aiiitiuii, for vah, to the highest icr. the fvllvwiag described prem , to-wtt: Irnir and t'emg m tne Jown oi lavresviLe, iiaoou ewunij, v., BEG1.NMNG at a point on wn Street, corner of Lot Number fomurv belonging to j. sm. wnue, ,i runs thence N. 31 8' E. 1G0 feet iti .line of ml White's lot to cor ' 'of Lot Number ti; thence N. 58 f V. To feet with line of said lot t . C. battertnwait s lot, Seen and heard here and there. . . Seems good to ee guests at the ho tels and boarding houses again . . . sitting in locking Ichairs or. the porches. . . Dr. Johnson, of Miami, has a -finely bred bird pup that fol lows him everywhere he goes . . . . but he's three laps, behind the' ladv who was here lat sunnier ... she bad a mil of a moiihev whkh she carried in a little box . .' . . it woj.J come out cautiously to lick ice cream from a spoon . . . and then scutre back. . . Beach pajamas are grow ing in popularity here in the hills . . . at least with those who Wear them . the rest of u just turn and stare. . '. Dora H. is one of the few girls I know who will lug her own golf clubs for eighteen holes. . . The Manin Drothers have moved down vn Church St. . . opposite the Masonic Temple. . . . And the Pure Oil people are iu.nae ine prettiest Service station in town. . . Mr. Frank Milkr always sits down at the veiy buck table in a restaurant. . . Exclama tion overheard;. . . "Tha, goodness sakes!", . . People are making use of those information circular? put out by the C. of C. . . Mr. Donald Dun ham watering the flowers around his place. . . A hopeless desire to see Tom Lee, Jr. working in that garden plot next to his place of business. VI. .e' , wa ! bUo, atter. an spei: tnut rigu: U.K. Still your.g nurchair.s i a lew dav vn ept ! he g wii ; . : i a t t l'e ait aii h others, was ion given by (How's my 1 he reports the facts and -u.ar tra.it puiling a , with- smg j Pretty Black Widow Spider Kef uses To Bite -' ii'tu ;.':. t' ack u V;ov a r-!)H-:an r. nor cave 'T ! or t lie a spid, .. Here's 1 : .,'.1 : rbv, At..;: :'V el'V ou i a,;. ha: in '. i -ear ad !u ie of the led to With ''. .U- ear-old o Ni w.-i-iJlolv. pporiunity to i.oimt.) ' Dionne Insists On Receiving Income Of The Quintuplets Questions and Answers Texa niav FN 1" Kl.u The -b'.aa w: i'f:otnou but 1. What res is nil ant bv : iiors ii oeuv. reopie ol the state of Ohio are kindred spirits yf the Rambler. They like to go places. In Miami, St. Petersburg, or Orlando you will see hundreds of Ohio cars every winter, next to New York and New Jersey perhaps more from Ohio than any other state. Of course Florida cars predominate here in the suimmier bur we have lots of folks from the state tnai s round at the ends and high the middle." NavI the pro- point marked by a 20" 56' W. 135 feet Satterthwait's lot thence along and li.nbtr to- a hit; thence , ith line ot .-an Bmwn t i eet : :h Brown Street -65 feet to the be jtirgr, the above being the 2nd tract a I'eed from 'Clem S. Smathers, et u Wm. Tate and John H. Smath-btarii-s .'.liatt- of lUth of July, 1912, i rmn-iii d in the Office of the Reg- tr of l' oils for Haywood County in l-.'k of I.i.e.ls V,;',, at page 572, and o, Wine the- same Deed as eonvey- to rrni l.umdr and Lizzie Lenoir, wife, from .1. H. Smathpra nnH fV, and veoi,r,led in Book of Deeds at pane Office of Register of 'is for Haywood County, to which M aii'F page reference is hereby !''!! a ni' re full and complete '.foil of said land. ffhis the 21th dav of June. 1935. DOYLE ALLEY, Iriisti o for R. H. Stretcher. No. -Jane 27-Julv 4-11-1S. The Rambler's nomination for tin bett of the current magazines The Reader's Digest. NOTICE OF SALE . Ir.iitr arid hv- virtue of t-hn an- rity given to the undersigned as Imnus.-kiiier nf the f'nnrh in a raoiu ni the Superior Court en- fJ "Aoaoia Mutual Life Insurance npan.V, i'iaiiiUir, v. AV. J. Hannah, "itee, U:o;u T. Alexander. Miss ft Eotov, and Mis. Nora Atkins, rti'iaittv,' .-ni.T by vitue of au- "j !u.-n. me undersigned as itl-O 111 a c llain diind nf tmt nv. f'M by (.), J'. Aloxandi.i- ml wife U-l 'Ja. i',):25. and l-Hcnrded iho Register of Deeds 'bhty, in Book 11, page i Deeds of Trust, de- made in the pay- tcdiiess and the ass- tte oJlic ilaywoud (' Ticcord e i jvra iH-ci: For no reason at all I've often wondered what the author of such a book as "Lamb In His Rosom" thinks of somewhat kindred stories like "Stars Fell on Alabma" or "So Red The Rose." Or do they read them It's interesting to hear a Floridian and a Western Carolinian arguing over roads. The gentleman from Florida says Carolina curves are nerve wracking the Carolinian says the straightness of Florida roads' grows, monotonous. And so it goes, but let it be. in fun, gentlemen. You folks from the sun.shine state wear inn your tires ml tin- curves in 'July ami August and then in January and Feb ruary we'll step on the -throttle- be yond Augusta. Where is the t'n.t,.,) j, ...... mm . , ..... . itary Acauemy ioc-atcd-.' were is the I nited St Academy located? 4. What is the rami- ,f the wo man whose cow is said to have caused the Chicago tire by kicking over !t lantern? 5. In the alphabetical set-p now being employed by the government what do the letters AAA stand for? (i. What well known juv.nile ac tress plays in ihe motion pietuie "Our Little tiirl?" i . u nat is the name u en: I'ost Master iJeiuTj.!'? S. What doe Alma Mater mean? f. What do silk worms eat? 10. Name 10 famous animals of tht. Bible. 1. Side dishes vr relislies. West point, N w York. Annapolis, Marv 4. Mrs. (fleaiy. 5. Agricuhui al Ai ciation. . Shirely Temple. 7. James A. KniU v. S. Foster Mother. ' '.. Mulberry leaves. 10. Noah's dove, Joni'.h's Solomon's ant, Balaam's ass ham's ram, Balkis' lapwing to bite u w the i ::(. el gi.ed. ui'hnuia. c etyj'ij. as m Noth- iand. ju.-tment Asso- of ShAa's camel, M, kids, I.az.-. rus's dogs whale, OX, Joseph's Household Hints chicken: with a . and s , duck. damp ce how thing t of th red liavir,'..: tfer. titt'.w . and liavi:-: Mcr '( 'mission ot to make ilit-iTtKf - f f Hill! sr. :h Car,. j,. a: , p Mil.T, linubtedness thereby ioiuested the trustee 'IH'i-ty hereinafter for ; been appointed Com "Mi't and directed ' as the Court in said ao s a le , , t h e u nde rsi gn e d , H' (i, as Onmmissinnpr. V". will offer for sale, to r'Hwr tor cash, at 'the !"'. at WaynesviHe, on Monday. Jul v 22. o'clock A: M tViP itsriiiied property in the Vl-F,..viHe; ... " .lu J: in the town of "(--, ttaywoud Cnnntv M r the:. East side of Hay- t ::: :. .-i.ioK i ue lands oi ua ;,,;,., Jlary g Ectorf i iflvMr'1 r'ivn as the lot of X A- w- Rich and lit, I I'll- -1 I r-s-.t Seeing the bellhop waiching vig ilantly. in front of the Gordon reminds me of the eternal battle that's waged between the bellhops of tw'O hotels in the little town of Ba.xley, Cm. They call to every tourist car that comes thru. If you slow down you'll have a boy on each running board, one urging you to the right aid the other to the left. If 1 wanted to get tourist trade I'd. put out a sign saying "Soft .Beds and Good Food" ami then make it a point to : have both as advertised. The hardest bid I ever slept on in my life was. in a hotel in Augu-ta. nil.,- and the incest tourist homo I ever visited was in Ocala, Fla. After pieking geese lllb them dipped in corn meal it cleans (hem. 'the same lie done alter scolding- lis h. ('(Hiking cauliflower . in half and half water will prevent the odor while cooking as well as the "college cabbage" white. When you buy berries removt from the basket, spread them ' or loth well rati milk Usual keep them apart Amariiiu, ov" spidt r isirt vicious 'I he fact that one r fu-avi adds to my conviction that is highly ovei rated and ma I: really is a pretty !;:::., The .specimen I u.-i'd m ; nunt had the fed am: . ki.u-s mat-King mc:e iuiniv fiBa ! otht-r I've see::. ' She a, Ihdy ::- vna.ious, and spun a wen as tine as silk over niv t.t.d as she ran to the tips ,.f my fingers, paused and moed .-lowly til the palm and wrist. The piSiixrs extending lr.vm its mouth worked continuously. Sevnal tunes the spuier paused a'nd I grew taut, 1 expected to feel a twinge of pain ...m in see a leu niarK appeal the case of a mosiUito bite, ing happened. 1 jat.tK'v! at it with the tip of a pencil, ad but crushed it m ,,iv hand and let it dii u tango. 1 regret that it did not lute. While my theory that the nwet is not dan gerous has been absolutely substan tiated. tht. effects, of stub a bite are still uncertain. Governor Not To Call Legislature KAl.F.UJIl. -(hue, inn Flu inghaus told newspaper ci : espc,mleM he has . imeiisuni t calling a su, ial sion of the legi- -ature for t jlt. pose u clearing up the li.tiir mm in .No rtii i aiolma. "I see no necessity fnr a special -ession," SJ,id f,js excellency, and added that the cnuit . ,,nM .... thi- sitiiai i,,n. hp tti.nii'lii 'AJinost two .months ago the hgis lature authorized (lovemor Kiiring haiis ;o appoint commission to study the prohU-m of li(!uor 'control. To date he has made no move to name the niembeiN ,:,f t. cnnniissii.n. Hell (Uesti(,n t)n (l)(l is nun committal Tore !::,.. O the 'Ju:-i:l Me PlOlllle, wife ai: .f. as P, 'vnaiiciii Hoi I'apn '1 of Ihe 1 I I p., is t:va 1 n'.uijie, f.i i li, . :s--.Hid -.tie live iIh, : s in 1 iv, M- ,,f ha in. ' lllldrell uiole'- .Olr ''I I'V Die I'anaili.in Counterfeiting Mill Found In Convict Camp In East N. C. i.. t.n i lo inn contracts, f money the a a ones of IVivnl Ci tel. 'so dec lie h.l.i -e.,ei f.iio-i-f.t (.uhcr lint ("loil s.n.l (i'i.,i tei ins w olllil ;io ex , n Tlitrd'ore. the house xv. mis 'ta-iher- x 'o,i iniloi-st-nieiiis .in ' xx ill eacn Iimiii lev emu . 11. oiii.u io !:.,- : areil in telliuv r.r ;i iv.'.l f:-,.in il, xx . i l,l full , xx ith 111,1 ,,! picl Ihe her u i i : he l-i'i I'M! .M l .i t "iil-i.t. ll'.'iMncl and a .'!)-. The no I. I'll! null lix , I In the i 1 MY line's 'oie-nli i cl ("a nadia n ell! I'l.l, amp hai-itu-Ks. pending their I'Ul'f.ilo" ni, kit I'll. in ,i xi hei i com ie p.iic time nirnuii! . S Ml, l ,,,, u e) ut 1 K.i pei an ''.:-h. i ". ermucist plalilied to LmM i 1:: ni-.nnvK v. iV. :iot em-u-,!. Ami the "(mints-" will temaJn of the King. Hoth I'apa and Mamma fiiinin lutterly protested 'awainst th which took control of the iimtmiplcts out of their hands ami will have no more, truck with the (oiveriunent until the Mil is mnilo tint! and yonl. W 'ik- Mo lids lull iiite.i out mraettor. otltlU HUH l'wo Die When Locomotive Explodes In ( e o r g i a in the engine rail- BKASWFLL, t!a. Two men wen Killed and a third injured explosion of the boiler of an hauling a northbound Southern way freight train. The dead are Y. 0. Alexander, of Atlanta, the engineer, Wild Jiispelr Parks, of Atlanta, negro brakeman. The fireman, negro, was severely in jured. The train was running at between oil and ;io miles an hour al the time. ses- pur-ltua- subjeet he Read Tlie Ads Mil'K HI I I (.It l'l!) III A'I' -t Voi k - 'I'hii ix ix o cliitdi en xxer,., lost ;unl returned to their par- xiits. and elr.hl rescued Sniidax nan New Yorkers Mi di(.'ree heat :x Inmiei s had lo lie :s an estimated tifid.- tooli refn;:i 1'roiii the h .': ai mill; o it I'nney Island heaehi exaniiucl io,, do 11 v'axxh. . now i i" on i ne cases. " The nicUle moulds wen made from wooden Mucks with inner forms of ( eiiu ru. They received lead al!,,v and UtlNl-MJ nil Ules Tlux v.s;i taken .v viliirils who louiid u in ex.iiiiiiiinj.- ijti.u is at ''amp 1V1U while the null xveve Ut ii xx one ownership ,,f tin not estaMislieii The .lii-ccnt moulds tvere con(l:;e;t: ed at -U ll.son and Mr Cawley has !.! cured a eoni'i ssiou fnim ,,t(. i,1;,n necteil with the counterfeiting scheme he said. . " AOM I MS'l'B ATOK's; XOT1CF Haxiiig ipialilied as Administra.er ol the estate of Mrs. I aura N'oland deceased, late of Haywood County .North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against' th estate to exhibit them to the under signed at Waynef villo, N. C, on o before the l!ith day of Mav, lD.'iti, o this notice will lie pleaded in bar o their recovery. All persons indehte to said estate will please make settle ment before July I, IlWfi. This the I'Stli day of Mav, l'XU. . 11. NOI.ANli, Administrator of Mrs. F.-mra No land, deceased. No. MM) - 'May clO-Omie (l-i;!-2(b2 July -1. SEE US FOR SHIRTS THREE FAtOUS UHANDS Arrow Piedmont Tom Sawyer 0 h e a p e r 1 n Th e l o n It u n C. E. Ray's Sons Work Shirts 19c up 1 place, uncovered in the lefiiger- becoiues liardciK d in add a lit t.Je vinr-gar an ator If your glue the bottle just to soften it,. A teaspoon -of vinegar beaten int boiling frosting when the rtax-ir is added will keen it from .being biitlle and breaking when it is being cut. Also a fea.-poonfu-l' of vinegar to i a-'h pint nf hominia'le yrup will piivin it candying! after it stand-. A weeK or so ago one of Waynos- ' Read The Ads Tiif I-.-.r- 'nesx- a. on rte: 10, P. 18S3, which in ihu run ,i t-. xi i00 County, in 111. Vj ' r'", y," pages 110 f-hkn p e, ' eh -ame lands :,h- r:.. j"- aim wne convev- U-'x-ns '.ilriL- . Ti.,.i - f.' oi -) , . hum mm- tne.21st r-iii.to iay 01 Mafch, 1925, l iter "rf, ' M m. tne 0ffice of the a $ri 01. naywpod Coun ;M bomZj ,n.ore luI'y describ- Fpii..::"'! as in owe Vii LUIS sv , ovreet i now - the hrm-o illUe southwest ,. ) -, ,. anu runs ' tin - . 'o a siaxe, j;au- on ZCZX the Battle otv.p i:. "uiiam Khine- l; thence v-irv? "68 ! n J 6 th the West. hnnn. :fi t. . 1 Battle lot. N, 9.1 ' 'j -m t,.a',the Northwest .12:? BaUle lot: thenPB M f sa,H . A'1,0' a stake in the East I5 -l!'of ai ! hhs r.i l Containing a,i . i acre. m. n 'hKA e"'C"i and does onnvov P A. w BSMaitted in said AaJt arm AT A r. , . 4X. It Ifh Trt 111 --si rta 5;i:UKGE H. WiAren ?;';-" f,f ne Court and NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, July 22, i:i;j5. at eleven o'clock A. M., at the Court Ilou.-e door in WaynesviHe, Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, I wiH !iffer for sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the fullowing de scribed property in the towns of Crab tree, Iron Duff and WaynesviHe, more particularly bounded as follows: -FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in Cra'otree Township, tin the Kui-h Fork of Crabtree Creek, containing Six Hundred (W)0) acres, and being the same tract or boundary of land conveyed in a deed from W. H. Silver to M. J. McCracken. dated January 1, 1U12, and reeored iii Book !54, page 411,. Record of Deed:; of Haywood. County. SECOND TRACT: Lying and be ing in Crabtree Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, containing One Hundred and Fifty ( 150) acres, more Or less, and being the same tract or boundary of land conveyed in a deed trm v . u. MctracKen anu wife, M. Ellen MoCracken, to Manson J. McCracken, dated August 2, 1802, and recorded in Book 5, page '3(8, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. THIRD TRACT: 2 tracts or par cels of land lying and being in Iron Duff Township, Haywood County,' con taining Fifty (50) acres and Forty (40) acres, respectively, and being the same lands convey ed in a deed from Nelson Howtll and wife, F; E. Howell, to M. J. McCrack en, dated March 1, 1887, and recorded in Book "Y," page 265, Record of Deeds of Hay-wood County. FOURTH TRACT: A tract or parcel Of land lying in Iron Duff Township, Haywood County, Sixty Five (65) acres, more or less, and betng the same lands described in a deed from Nelson Howell and wife, F. E. Howell, to M. J. McCracken, dated January 28, 1898. and recorded in Book 10, page 422, Record of Deeds of Havwood County. FIFTH TRACT: Two certain tracts or boundaries of land lying in Iron Duff Township, Havwood County, containing Ninety-Five (05) acres, and Eighteen (IS) acres, respectively, and being the same lands conveyed in a deed from J. M- Green and wife, Mary E. Green, to M. J. McCracken, dated December 20, 1898, and record ed in Book 11, 'page 257, Record of Deed: of Havwood Cointy. ' QiYTtr tt? ATT- A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Iron Duff 1 ovinship, Haywood Lounij contain ing Nine (!) acres, more ,r les.-, ' ahi being the same' lands iies. i llied in i deed from 'I'. . park anil wife, Lyda 1.. I'ark. to M. J,.-McCracken, datnl November 2'.i, r.MKt, and recorded in Hook Lil, at page 272, Rn-ord of llet-ds of Haywood ( iiutlty. .sky 1--.N 1 It 1 KA( 1 : A .tract or pan t 1 of land lying and being in Iron Dull' Township, Haywood County, containing Thirty-seven I.'i7) acres, more or le.s, : and being the same tract : of land conveyed in a deed from R. L. Davis to M. .1. McCracken, dated January 8, l'.mO, ami re. (irdtd in Book 21, page diil, '-Record of Deeds of Havwood County. Kl'.iHTH TRACT: A tract or boundary of land lying' and being in Wavnesviile Township, Haywood County, containing Twerdy-eight I'&Y acres, more or less and being the same lands conveyed in a deed from L. A. Stephenson and wife, Harriette E. Stephenson', to M. I. .McCracken, dated February 21, 1894, and record ed in Hook 20. natre tlo. Record, of ileed of Havwood Countv. NINTH TRACT: A tract or par eel of land in - -.' , - Township, Haywood t'ounty, . cnntainr ing -Eighty-six -186) rods, and being the same lot or parcel of land con veyed in. a deed from .Nelson Howell to M. J. McCracken, dated th- 21th dav of Decemhier, 1MO, and recorded in Book 26, page 12. Record of Deed of Ha-vood Countv. TENTH TRACT: A tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of the Pig. on River, in Haywood County, and containing Three and seventh-eights (3 -H acres, more or less, and being the same land con veyed in a deed from R. D, Gilmer, Trustee for the heirs of James R Love, deceased, to M. J. McCracken, dated October 18, 1900, and recorded in Book 24, pag-e 4, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Reference is hereby- made to the foregoing deeds and records for a full and complete description of said tracts of land, as is herein fully set nut.' Sale made pursuant to power of 5ale in : a deed of trust executed by M. J. McCracken and wife, Jennie McCracken, to J. R. Boyd, Trustee, to secure $10,700, dated November 9, 1932, and recorded in Book 32, page 59. Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wodd Countv. This the 22nd day of June, 1935. i J. R. BOYD. Trustee, d No. 360 June 27-Ju'iy 4-11-18. SiPk(WI n Beginning . NEXT WEEK The True Story of " Nine Months In The Big Bend" by LILLIAN ODUM Teacher and Instructor in the most remote section of Western North Carolina For the past nine months Miss Odum has been work ing in the Big Bend section of this county she has had some remarkable experiences she gives the true facts in her article which will be exclusive in the Mountaineer. A ho Exclusive Pictures

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