THLRSDAV ILLY 3 SOCIETY PAGE Society News I Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor Phone 137 THE MOUNTAINEER, WAVXESVILLE. X. C. t f..,. Local Items i f I MI i 'OKRINNK WAGENFELT HONORS GUEST WITH PARTY On I- r..;av evening Ml-s Wagei.fe.t gave a par: jr. compiime.nt to her guest, Mi.-s Margaret R.ehards, of Co:umtu.-, Ga., wr.o .-;rnt summer r - J ' her guest: Miss Wa car rite,: was receiving qur: ;re- m:-w.-: Mar Josr S. (' M:-5 Pi M izabeti r.e '. i were cnjoyfeti Among- those M . - - I,.,!:;c Marsh, mpfciri. Miss. Sarah '.'.i- I i d and Miss viva. , Mis? Rock Hill, Ma ir-l-tatf. .-. ar.'i f .mi W a d -Sviva. .1 St?.h!. a' MKI The I ' Vifi of ' Leagues -.- Margaret r ford iter. Ernes' M, .' Bob H.,.:..a: Marley .la'; J Frank Miss Pat of Ashland, Ky., Jeis. Dillard. of Atkins K-n.r;f'h Martin, and Cheny Sha kford, and MUs Withers. Wagenfelt K . n;:i LEAGUE TO HOLD, JULY :T!N', AT .soro (,.;' nivn League, ar. organ iza-i- Tv,:'trs of :hi- Kpwurth if th- MtiviT churehe-s of ,V. rr.d th July Gap. on the aftr i tnh. Picnic supptr -i'. i ar. ir.teret:ng pro- : i ; . . v-'t st!iJ f"r the- For Your Next Call JOINT HOSTESSES GIVE FIRST OF SERIES THIS SEASON On Friday afternoon Miss Nanny K.i:iar, and Mrs. W. F. Swift eiiter- a.i.e-j w;.n a contract party a: trie r. .-.'i.e of the fui nur. in compliment :.j Mii. M. H. Evan-, .jf Harr;.-,burg. ?a., who with hrr fa mil v ha been '-he .'j-.-t of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kithe-.-n. For the oc-ca:n tr.v huy-e was u-cu rated in quantities of jrarden. riower in a variety of .-hade.-. The party on Friday was the rii.-: of a .serie. of affair? with which Miss Kiliian and Mr.-. S.v.f: wi.i entertain luring the coming seasoi.. After .-cveiai interesting progres-.-ions, Mi-. W. W. N'.iman, of Grif Ga.. heiji the sc-uie and Miss Helen Goidey. ,,! Plca.-antville, N. J., .-at the -o:..- elation. Mrs. Evans, the hon t i-'iiest, was al-o piesentea an attractive R:ft. Among thoi'- invited were: Miss Alice guinian. .Mrs. R. L. Lee, Mrs. Gradv Hovd, Mrs. George -Anderson, Mi-."Robert H. Breece, Mrs. H. H. Atkins, Mis. Rufus Siler, Mrs. Rich ard Barber. J:., .Mrs. Hujfh Massie, Mi. R. L. Pievost, Mrs. Rt;n Colkitt, Mrs. Jack Way, Mrs. Janus W. Kiliian Mrs. Rolx-r: H. Stretcher, .Mr.-. L. M. Richfeson, Mrs. Lowry Allis...n, of Ourhani, Kuest of Mrs. J. M. Lonjr, Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt, " - W V. Norman, Mrs. J, W. Sea- .... !. Harder. U:v;:-'.l. Mrs. Laurision ilanlin. Mis. Jerry Goikitt and RUe-t.-. Mi-- He'.ene Goldey, Miss ilel-i. Trumbore and Miss Betty Beyer'', all .f I'ieasantville, N. J. J'.irnnsr the (ri'"up for Ua were-: Mrs. W. B. E.-tn-, of I'ittst.-m, I'a., Mr.-. D. M. Huwell, of I'ittstburc, I'a.. and Mrs. Luis I.. Uzz.el. ..f Wii-onV Mill.-. i iruest of h il-itierhtei, Mrs. R. II. Sti-' ti-hei. HorSE PARTY KNTERTAIKED AT I'.R ANNi-iH f REST WEDDING OF POPULAR VoL'N COUPLE TOOK PLACE FRII'AV Im,p.ressive in it .-impiicity. . characterize'd by ditrnity, wa- marriage ot Mis? il'ia ; H. W. Crawford and Mr. Whitci-r I'revost, which was -oleri:r...ze-Frida' morning at ten o'clock a Firs: ' Baptist church. Rev. H Baucom, pastor, pel formed tr.e mony. The alter was effective.;.- aria with standards of jriaduatn.z ' he. ding an anpenu-i.t - - f wh.te drhnreas. white and yellow irla- with tht entire backstn with ferns. Prior to th - ceiemonj aid X. Barber, Jr,, ac: Miss. Grace f docker on eran, gave two violin .-n'o.-, Heart at Thv Sweet Vd c," by Saens, and ''Souvenir Powtique." by Filrich. Mr. Walter Herbert ac-fo-npanieii by Miss Crocker and Mrs. Barber- sansr "Becajse.' by d'Hall lot. The bridal ch"ru frnm Lohengrin The bridal chorus from Lohengrin wi'.s used as the pro.. -sicjiia: ari the wielding march !', urn Mdidelsohn wa- 'ho proce-si'.na! theme, lluriia' the takintr of the vows "I. dn-'.r-ium" by I.izt was softly rendered. LUXCHEoN HONORS BRIDE Hor.-r.r.,' M.s Wilda Crawford, populai oridc o: last week, Miss Mary Sti .r.gtieid, t-r.tcrta.r.eo with a i- arjaoir.ted .uncheon a: the ho.T.e vi r.n parents, Ur. ani T . Str.ngrie.'-;. ...r. Tnursday. Mis Th. ie-ts w re seatcj at one h..-r. wa.- c.vetea with i large tab.e, I na; w. lsOMie ic at-j h the I an ! fi.i' . Mi. nipan.e the pip R:.-h- -M Sain' wo;"... i Mi-. E. j . . Mr-. Be .: --.wet Pea - noteu in utr.ei t the arfa.-r. presented the hvr.or 3 l-.a-t uoZt-n si.'.cr tea- e ci.oser. pat nr.. The du ioi, Miss Mary A-h-Mis. (. vl.n Mcli.r.c.-. iVaenfcIt, Mi-. --. Maiy ya.iiaii, anu an, of Syl'. a. Serving a.s u-hei Mclnne.-, Mr. Clyde Ben Sloan, and Mr The i! 1 1 '1'in wa - at 1 1 i were Mr. C-l:li H. Ray, Jr., Mr. Aaron I'revost. id. ,) by hi- broth- Mr. and M:. J, C. Patrick ha'.e as .e.i gue.-ts, Mr-. Nettie H. Ihilr.cK, Sti.-tt.sbro. Ala., mother of the o' and Mr.-. Emri.a Jj.c'k.eJ . "I J,. a-, 1 e.Xt aunt of Mr. Patr.cii Mi .Mr. arm as their gtlc-t-Few, of'tiieer, of Mr, '.'atn: . w. Mi- C am jv.e. Dot and have E, :::e:e- A parly ( 'ampbeli. an.. Mr.-. Mr-. L. II The Personality Beauty Shop We h'nuranloc ali-.rii( (ii)ii ilh eei uiu. Mr-,. ( fuljr hacks her w. nk uuli li! years uf . pei ieiief and study of pei iiianent miiiii; and other hrancln-s of cosmetology s i-iitnt-, are: Miss Marie I'lott, HMU-sville: Miss rrances Ves ion. (ireciisltoro. I'Oli MTOINTMKNT Phone 306 Walter Herbert, Baritone Teacher of Voice Mr. Met lici t wHj teiU'h in Wa.uicsOllo tluiin- the stitiiiner miuiilis. A spei ial courso. cm. plinsiiii!; Kiel inn. Itreatliin. anil .Systeimttic (K' 1 or Iiiroiination Call Clyde Ray Phone 89 During the hast wepk Mis Mar- ai t Sba.kfor.i and Mis. Elizabeth Sh i kfnrd. have entertained '.vi h a I . 1- Party at Itratiner ( rest, tno hiiirn . f their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Atkins.. Mrs. John Wiarkfofd, of R.M-kHill. S. ('., moth er of the young hostesses, ha chap i rni'eii the group. Dunns: the week the party have 'a! en nvmy mountain trip., anil have "tn'.-yeil several informal affair, will eh have been given for them. The guests included Miss Caroline Coker. an. I Mr. Frank Martin, Mr. Louii 'u'o. and Mr. Cherry Peaty, of Rock Hi'l.'S. C. Hugh J. Sloan Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Waynesville- N. C. How Cardui Helps Women To Build Up Cardul stimulates the appetite and Improves digestion, helping women to f et more rtrength from the food they eat. As nourishment la Improved, atrengtb In built up. certain lunoilonel pelos go war and women pralee Csrdut tor helping them back to good health. . . . Mr. C. Batlllt. of Hlnton. W. Va., wrltea: "AJter the birth of my laitt baby, I did not teem to get my strength back. I took Cardul 4 gain and was toon sound and well. I have given It to my daughters and recommend II to other ladlee." ... Thousands of women unify Cardul benefited them. II It does Dot benellt YOU, consult a pbyslolau. ( Un-Seamly Behavior! 11 Your teams would behave properly, rrf 1 madam, if you sewed with ly O ' CLARK'S S52S I best 6 -cord thread CTy er. .Mr. Kulph J'reot, a- o. t mm.. The bride entered with her bro:her, Mr. Fred Crawford, who cave her m marriafft . ' She a sina: ' whi'.. liouele suit, with aei e-soi ic-- of i'-HUTi (due, with a finely woven I-'rem ii with tou"he,s uf the contra -tiiiK blue Velvet.' Her (lower.- wire a -hi.ulde! col-sage, of deep yellow rose buds. Mrs. i'rt-Vost, who is uiie. of the j ( inenibers of the younger set of the town, is the dauirhtei" of .Mrs. VV. T. ( 'i a vtfoi d and : he la'e 'Diitrres--man '' Cra-wfonl. and t- ber .of Mif of the m..-t. r..,niini'iu faniDe- in Wi stern Nor-th. l art., ;,e: anee-'i. - havinir be. n for leiu i a .nti- ir.akfis vf the hisitoi-y of thi-sivtion.- Her brothel- nh itave lier in marriage is the All Americiui Ta.-kle from Iuke I'nivt r.-dly, She was educated in the local M-honI--aml attended the State Califortrs n-at-lt-ers College in San Kiaiieisi o, and the Sta"e T ai het's t' in l'', eder-ick-but jr. Va. The irroom is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. R. I., I'revost. He i- a graduate- of the Wayne.svilie Hitrh School, and of the Sehoid of Coiiirncr-i . ot i he State I'liix er-ity. wh re he wit ii member of I.amba l hi fiateinity. He is one uf the ynuntfer proiii.mti tmsiness men of this section, holding tto. rw,,lt,,n ,,f stl o..i'i !, t c.mli.n f the Unausta Manufacturing '-.Company of the tnvn of Ha.elwoixl, of whieh he is the reemvly elected may or. Mr. ami Mrs. Provost. left by motor for a fortnight's .trip to various norths erri ooitlt.s. For her iridii; away tht bride donned a yellow knit sport suit, with l coming blown . accessories. Upon their return to Waynesvilk', the couple will reside on Brown avenue, v AI.Al'-AMAi VISITOi: HONCmED UtITH ftUN'CO PARTY On Fridav 'evening Miss Margaret ! Dieus and Mis-s Lois Hietis honored iheil guest, Miss Mildred Sparks, of Bessemer, Ala., with a Bunco party at the home of their parents; Mr, and Mrs. J. P. D'uus, in Belletnade, In addition to bunco many oth games were en loved during the even ing, after which the hostesses assi.- ed bv their mother served ices am cakes. The guest list included. Miss Mo zelle MeCracken, Mis. Hons Messei Miss Fivelvn Underwood, Miss Ruby Brendlt , Miss Marv Snvler. Miss Mildred. Brendle, Mis F.milv . Siler Miss.: Myra Phillips;, Kay Burtrin. Bil Darr, IVmgla.s Moore. Glenn .Wyatt Tonvmv Murrav, Howard Hvatt, Joe vnnlew Tavlor Ferguson, Otis Mas -ie. Grav Austin, Thomas Picus, and Thomas Swilling, of Ashevillev AMKKICAX I KtilOX AUXILIARY HOLDS JUNF. MEETIXU The local unit of the American Le gion . Auxiliary held the regular J urns meeting at the home of Mrs. E. B Camp, the .'president',, on Monday af ttinoon. The uua.l cere-monies. mark ed the opening! .During the transaction of business the routine report- of otlicer.s . and ehairmer of committees were present ed. A general discussion con cerning the financing, of both the state and national . obligations was held. ; roiiowiiig, a orjyi patriotic pro gram, Mrs. J, Harden.. -HWeH, pre sented the Auxiliary with a maple gavel,, which she had purchased in Jamestown, Va., with' the following inscription: "Jamestown, ; Settled in 1(307." A rising' vote of apprecia tion was given Mr. Ilowei; for her generosity. During the social hour, th.-Wfess- es of the afternoon, Mrs. Hurst Bur gin and Mrs. Eli McGee. served ices and cakes. The president announced that Mrs. Raymond Hvatt and Mrs J. Harden Howell would be hostesses of the July meeting. Illpo-- of W.v. i. 11. I- . Fergj-- : Wefr. !!'. . Mi-. V. .1.' il.e, and Mr. j ;ii and Mr. and !' I i abti te, re- 'ew i,i t New.-, they vi-itui . A, Figu- iiai.irtvfi.t a serious opei- a: .. n W, i e -; - i . Illo'.! w : : h Mr . unr. re: I-'ial. now .0 -pending itue-. Coiner Haywood ..u-:iie-s in B'.-l-a few da v.- hei .. w!r .M. l all, of TiiomasviKe, ha.- a-- d .:hurue id' the Kagle o-lll & '."c . here, .-u. li e. iing 11. C. JlcBride,. .eft reeeiltly to e.-tablish a live i er. rc.v -!i'.i e in ( 'anion. Mr. Me.i, Ili:t. of - Mi-i oim r.;. S. ! '., and Mr. V. A. Sai.o; . -, of And f-oli, S. I ., siien; the i iiek-ent. wilti Mr. aii i Mis. WiiJ in ( lianibei. Mi-, Marv 1- tail v Sturkey and lit tle !i.s Cfoiyn ILtt, of McCormick, S. ('.. ar.- -tiemliug tht .-UMiiiier hsre. i - Mr. ami Mrs. William Chamber. will leave on tlie Fourth to spend a two Weeks' vacation witxi relatives in Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Carleton, of Statesviile, who have spent many summers in Wayn.svillt and have r.unis.-ous friends here, aie the guests of Mrs. E. B Camp. Dr. Carleton will return to Statesville after a short visit, but Mrs. Carleton will spend s-.metime here. Mrs. J. A. Do'.an, of Clarkesdale, Mi.--., has joined her daughters,, Mrs. Thomas Frazier, the former Miss Margaret Io!an. who has. been here a fortnight, at the summer home for thr remainder of tr.e season, Mr. Frazier, who ha been here, ha? re turned to Clarkesdale. Mr. and Mr. T. I.enoir Gwyn had - their gue.-ts over Surdiy, Mrs. Luia Gwyn Hickerson -and Mrs. Ro-t Powell, of Lenoir, who came to at tend the funeral of the late Mrs. Janu-s M. Gwvn. Miss Babbie Way and Miss Martha Xeal, who have spent the past ten (iays in Winston-Salem as the guests of relative and friends, have re turned home. Mr. Joe Rose, of -Cincinnati, spent several days with hi family at Bal sam during the week. On his return. Sunday, he will be atvump.tnied by Mis. Rose, who will make a short visit in Cincinnati. Rev. and Mr-. Paul Hardin, Jr. had as their guests over the week-end, the hitter's parent. Mr. and Mrs. E W. Reel, and Mr. and Charles E. Band, all of Sparran'mi g. S. C. -s v Mi- Mary' Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boone, of -Andrews, was the guest of relatives in town during the week. ''.;. Mis. Lauriston Hardin and young son. Bobbie, .pent the week-end in Tit tidor-nnville With the former', par-vtll-. T Mr. Odir, i; Josephine Tho'i of Buellto:., i , day and wii; ,,. former' parer.'t R. Thomas, y ', Mrs. But!! Tenn. and nia.i, sister, Mr.. J... -'--'. M- --'-sils' ' ' '" '--t-.t-U Three Competent. Graduate Operators to serve vou. 'WORK THAT PLEASES" Featuring the famous Helena Rubinstein Brand of 'osmetics Lady Fair Beauty Shoppe Mrs. Lawrenvc (ireen, ownerl PHONE HI -..i-...i-..i..i.-j.-J V.-,.-ts..-l-.,..,-l--..-l-..-t-..lvr:rt WTv T K '.r '; ',T.'TVjiV; and .Mrs, W. ( LUXCHEOX GIVEN AT THE JONES FARM On Saturday at noon, Mrs. V R Odell, of Durham and Con.ord who is the guest of Mrs, Rufus L. Allen, was the hostess of a luncheon tender ed a group of friends. The affair wa.s given at the Jones Farm. . The ?uest list included, Mrs. Will Lambeth, of High Point, Mrs. Fuller Glass, of Durham, Mrs. Sheikins, of ttadesboro, Mrs. Rufus L. Allen, and Mrs. Paul Garber. of t-,i Mi-. Helen Ray has returned' to her home m Brainier avenue, aftel vi it in; hV g"'ndiacnts a' Vniov j tt Miss Ann and Mis. Juanita Kos left on Tuesiay for hattanooga. T.nn., where tiiey will spend a wa-k before i et inning to their home in (Julfpoit, .Miss., after spending a month with their uncle and aunt, Mr, I ."ft- I, .. . 11: 1 1 ooiuwen Mrs. George Haidry, Ji., of Wash ington, D. C, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. C. Bnggs. at hi home on Last street. lip. Mr. II. W. Ilouehins. of Richmond, spent the week-end with his sister and brother, Dr. and Mrs. X. V. Lan caster. ' On his return he was ac companied by Mrs. Lancaster, who will spend several weeks with hr patents in Richmond. .Mis. G. C. Brigg-i had as her guests for the past week, Mrs. Christophel Murphy, and her daughter, of. Sa vannah, Mr. and -Mrs. C. P. Pate, of Charlotte, and Mrs. G. T. Hendrv and her son. Mr. Hendry, of Blackshear, Georgia. .... -Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chambers,: Jr., of Atlanta, will arrive Friday -and will ypend the week-end as the guests of Lev. and Mrs. Paul Hardin, Jr. . , -rs- Thomas Stringfield, Miss Alice Stringfieid, and . Miss Thomasine St ringheld, motored to Birmingham, Ala., during the week, and . are th guests of the. former's sister, Mrs l M. Porter. v' ' blisses Mary and Xett ie Cm sic spent the week-end with their sjster,. Mrs, Ernest Webb. a Tmt v r On Sunday they motor-ed tn a'-i, -'-: ni.'' where: they attended the Webb reunion. Again Better Service Again we provide you with expert service on quality merchandise. A member of our Ready -To-eaf staff has just completed the course in corset .-fitting' given by the Gossard Company in Atlanta. ."Georgia. Full Stock Of Foundation Garments Mr. G, O. Mercer, of Ran J-, ri who formerly resided in thU cL-nn and was for several years editor of the Cherokee Scout, of MnmV,,r.-u spending sometime in Western Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Thiirman v ri it and two children, of New Bern, are spending this week with the former's mother, .Mrs. J. L. Williams Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Evans, P,ttc. ton, Pa., and Mr. an A l u Ecnns, of HarriVm-.-- u .'.. I..' i, , ;. v-.f., a iid nave been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rieneson. have returned to their nonies. .- -.'-.-. Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson left during the I vek by motor fur. Rirn,ii,, i , tS wrlprp thnv will W . . . 0 'V Ul uests ot their uulll. " .'' '". ;''.-." Mr. and' Mrs. L. M ' t?:..v , . - ,vnsou nave a, e,r guests the latter Vaunt and "nee mt. and Mrs. D. M. Howell, of Pittsburg. Pa... and tv,, -r ',; mondeVIrS- C-M-,Richeson; Rich mond a., who w,ll spend the sum met here. . .-. . Muss Grace CroeV-pr ot-of ti-j f I Our Ready-To-Wear Department is siork ed with every ordinary style of foundation garment and in various grades. With our trained corsetieres, we are prepared p''Pcr-v to meet your needs for foundations Gossard Vassarette Munsingwear Three Lines Outstanding In Corsotrv I Then for underwear Smartly tailored and cool 3 mountain breezes you have only to call lieny New Kickernicks Just Receive! C. E. Ray's Sons SEE US FOR SMART COTTON Vin:& I -.-?.! ka and Durham. day in Asheville with her sister. Mrs" nnzaoetn ueLaet,