TfflBW mm The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great S Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People XLV1I NO. 34 VOL. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THl'RSDAV, JI LV 2 , 1933 RK LET FOR PAVING SMI 284 " r - T - CM ON jeSs Hannah, 39, Instantly Killed In Auto Collision vim,in Of Champion Fibre Killed Early Wednesday On Dt'llwood Road .if Hwf.ah, 39, was instantly i ii i i ; lvj,en me smau ryausiei tic eu;riirx, collided with a truck u-::h aoii" wood, driven by Fred a'rour,tl 8 o'clock Wednesday XV n the Dctlwood Road, near :4 T T.,1,,I, When the . officers rushed to the ctK t., investigate the accident, .1.. ,txil fViof Hannah rivir.g on tie wrong siae 01 me anil that owing to the curve he rvit Jim I've this in time to turn Tfa. ks cf the roadster and -ruvk vvr.::f! nis siaiemeni, 11, was ri'crnl. by those wlio were present. )I ;!y stauil that he jammed his with '.-uch force that the truck inaiit- a circle in the road and when 4e tw vi.:!ideJ the roadster was X'mpit-'.c'y demolished. Hannah was found to be dead when dlj inK-y was recovered from, the Young Moody was accompanied by his brother. Though the truck turned completely ever and was off the pave ment, neither one of them were in jured, iwr was the truck damaged. Fn-d 'Moody is the son ot uraay Moody and 'the truck was owned Dy Kyle Campbell. Hannah, who was alone at the time, f , i a 1. was returning, irom nis iurms wum at the Champion Fibre Co., where he was -employed on the night shift. He was en route to his home in Cove Creel;. V Dr. J. K, Westmoreland, county coroner, stated tnat tne accident was Unavoidable. Mr. Hannah is survived by his wife and eight children, Velma, Ralph, Bessie, Zehulon, Wilford, Fred, Ver- tie, and Urean. A Group Who Sought Action On Highway No. 284 . , iwi'Myj m. 1 .1 , f f , r SSiS:S,f """"'"WlWNWIWMKInnin (, termS- r'llS! i . . , i .. rj"V'r -i.iii.ii. J ' . . ' O w'--'-'"-?--Vft- vv-v t ,vIS., -I I Y$t t wtfk li j Harley Hyatt, 50 Buried On Saturday Last rues were held Saturday mornmg fr Harley Hyatt, 50, who passed away Fridav morninir at his home in llazelwood following a ling ering ilines? of several months. Funeral services were onducted at the home, with Rev. C. L. Allen offi ciating. Burial was made in Green Hill cemeterv. Mr. Hyatt was a native of Hay wood county, and the son of the late Taylor Hyatt and Mrs. Rosa Young Hyatt. ihe deceased is survived hv hia wdow, the former Miss Cecil Rob ersen, and three children, Harley, Jr., With and Virginia, his mother, Mrs. lounjr Hyatt; one brother, of Whiitier. and two sisters. Tlio above, is .the-croup that mot hero last Thursday ti-.lisou.: llif;liuav ,. '4 i KmH'liiif,'. U'lt to riKtit: Dr. ,S, 1'. (lay. aynesvill.-: I 'a ul I t.i i is,ll :ii.nn1 , n.l m.i Standing, left to. nnht: .J. Howi'll, Waviicsvillo : V Curtis Kuss u, iicsville I J. V. Hay, ayni'svillc; J-:rms.t 1.. Withers. Wavnesvill,,: W 10 I:,-, 1 : i 1 1-. 1 cli n l. ville; Frank . .Miller, aynesville: A . W. Z:ukerv, lticvard: 1 Mar I la ur i Id l:i.ird . vard; li. S. Marsh, Waynesvillc; 11. 11. Pnttoh.' Jirc-varil V 1' Cash liivvard and 1: . Mr. W. T, Sheltui.i. attenil. d the mee lms Inn was nut , , wImh (he d, tur,' .is made la v;!h. t,i llreyard. A lea ii.h'r. Dreva t il . -leiiiz. aynesville; 's 1,., Wavnes V M. Itre I'l evsi . 1 laz. Iw.i.i.l. 650 Acres Bought In Soco Gap By A Retired Capitalist James A. ('. Davey To Begin Immediately Making Spot One Of Section's Show Places Kosa Wvis, rs. Ralrm Tnv. Svlta M f,rtl Minie, of .Macon rn: -ntr 16 Make Initial Hike Of Club Here 0f ... 1 . "laiati, Llie ni si, niKV ,ne sea-un Was a decided success, 'w ram d:d not dnmnon tu oni,,. Kvu lire vuiiiu- .a;m of ihe i.mi.n :i. ...v. '"ned out Stin.lnv tko tone. I'h, lor tli l.j..a,;. 'i.(s,, the hikpr l'pn.'hpfi Wfc $ carr.n. u r. u tic. T --..vie L.ty wcic LUIII- "'ea, ..n :nut f v. a ;,,r An 1. T,l- ,-1 J Dot he r ' a l"e nlKe euuiu nea,K !'nK0d the group walked to ltd trl ''!' -f ' e' and Purchased melons s,., --i-. .. watermelon least -""'"persons Lick- K. L. fix who had planned it too rainy, but those Mr. .,u Wf.fl. J .1. ar.d V r tj , lne storm were: Mr. W a A n Prevost,' Mr. and Mrs. IfclrrV- n t'i"' Mr- and-Mrs.' Colin ."r, r: a,nd Mrs- Stuart Rober )K t an" -M rs- Arthur Ledbetter, Ed v ' 1 Ferguson, Miss Daisy Lionel m-?-r"et Boyd, Miss Peggy -iJ Margaret Hyatt and Xtv, ."f '""J Jidnnes. ?aC:r -V h'kers are plan- ewj". uu ttooa Koad. Those car can PO'ng who do not have a -! -o arrangements for get- Pe a:T.'V?uiKry Club, the meet- on bv ir ' un ounaay atter mm c?,'-"'n? the Chamber of 'ea r of iv" Bradley will be the T. ,i,c tTniirt . .. the clu-b will at the ,m . niKnt, juiy the tntlhefficf f the Chamber of lzcn .;,,,L vvhlch time the organ !'e Perfects rEXXlXHlETION" Al PIFDMONT SUNDAY bv fe ". -ennis marrcn ar- V1 at e Piedmon F'Jr nf -.emoon at 2:30. . f' VIH hevine' outstanding tf Covw the match. They "mi h and Trench Coxe. 0 The largest real estate sale to be made here in a year was completed last week when James A. G. DaVey, retired capitalist of Old Greenwich, Conn., .bought 650 acres of the Campbell lands in the Soco Gap sec tion. The land is at the very top of the mountain and is in the inter-section of the proposed Parkway and Soco Gap-'Cherokee highway. All of the acreage is mountain land, and is just over the Line in Jackson county. While here Mr, Davey purchased nine horses, and stated that he plans to build a rustic home on the proper ty. It is also his intention to make this one of the show places in the section. He is the son of Mr. Davey who founded the famous Davey Tree Surgery organization. Mr. Davey's brother is now governor of Ohio. He has gone back to his home for a , short time to get some trucks and a tractor in preparation to begiwrng work on the property. He expects to spend about ten months of the year here. The purchase price of the land was not made public. The deal was made through the E. L. Withers Company, Mr. Withers stated that other similar deals were , being worked on at present. Couple Marries InlCourt Ends 2 Busy Hardware Store Here last xhy ii lia i-il wine siore was I'lloM'ii us a place I.. 1m' inallieil ls mil learned, lull iiovi'i-dieloss, Mv. Williums, of Knovville. and Mis (iarreit, of ('anoi-svllle, .,'. were married here' Monday' aflrr ikioii in lenlon's llaiilnre Sforc. on Main Slreof . Iiiiki' link of Ixdls I'.iinie.l (lie la kuroniid lo the Mi'iic, m wliUJi .lusliee of I'cacc It. M. l'allii'i-woiMl performed ilie cere nioiiy. Xeidier I Ik- liriil'e or ui'oom knew Mr. Demon, owner of tile store. It was through Mr. I.eaili erwood that tlie request for "spaee to Ihv married In" was niiule. Another Air Show To Be Presented The Good Will Fliers have return ed here for a second week's engage ment this season. Those in eharge stated that a much longer and more spectacular show will be staged this time than last, with up-side-down flying, lops, spins and the als army tj-pe drop test of the parachute be ing given. John Crofford, pilot, lias had five years experience in flying, and is using a four-passenger plane. Both he and the plane are licensed by the government. All flying is made iiom the McCracken field at Hazelwoon. Four Local People In Auto Wreck Near Oteen. Car Smashed Pour local people were bruised and cut last Friday, when a heavy truck belonging to the State Highway Com mission skidded into , a car driven bv Ernest L. Withers on the highway just beyond Oteen. Mr. Withers and his; son, E. I,., Jr., .William Medforil and Wallace Mar ley, were en route to a district Rn tarv convention in Lenoir when the accident happened. The pavement was wet at the time, and the heavy truck hit a furniture truck then the Withers car, crash ing the entire left side in. It was said that at least 11111 damage was done to the Car. . The highway' truck' was.-loaded with workmen, who Were thrown oyer the road. Four beinir knocked uncon scious. Weeks. Pickens Is Acquitted In Case Number of Sentences Dealt Out During Past Few Days Of Session Hy Judge Alley Additional Contract Slated To Be Let In Early August. Im mediate Action WantediOn 209 Fines ('reck Koad Presented As Necessary Link In County Hy Delegation Tuesday U.M.KICH It looked like a reun ion of Haywood county citizens m the eapitol thi.s week, when two delega tions from the county appeared he tore the state highva commission making pleas for early complet ion of roads in the county. Highway No. l'O'.i known as the Finos ( reek Koad. was presented lo the commission .as otic, of (lie most important toads- in the .county, and that lor several years the survey of the roa.l had been made hut no action taken re car. ling the improve ment. The commission gave i he delegation assurance that they would take the matter up regarding early improve ment. The road leads from the inter section of No. 1(1 at Lake JtinaUiska to Hot .Springs. The road being paved from Lake Junaluska to ('rah tree. Among those -appearing on this del egation were: 1. Reeves Noland, Dave 11. Harris. II. Arthur Osborne, Plcm nions, Madison county, and Mr. Aug Woody, of Madison. Home Guard Back After 2 Weeks Camp Company "H" of the 120th Infan try returned here Sunday aftef spending two weeks in Camp Glenn at Morehead City. , . , Officials of the group, which con sisted of 64 men, reported an inv esting, but uneventful inP, "plenty of rain and mosquitoes. . The comoeny did not . bring back the coveted cup for being the out standing machine gun group. A member, of the local unit. First Sergeant James E. Binso n, was given tne distinction f 'n"on. of the four oldest met. :n camp from the point of servw. 2 Stills And 1300 Gal Beer Nabbed Dewev Cook and Charlie -Fulbright, Depu'tv .sheriffs,: captured a 40-gal-lon still and five' -'hundred gallons of ivppr near the Big Bend section last week; No arrests have been made. r.arer: Rov C. Reeee and Dewey Cnnk captured a -iO-gallons still and SW gallons of beer in the Sandy Mush section of Buncombe county. Methodist Revival To Begin July 31st The first nieeting of the revival services, which will be held at the Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. Gipsy Smith, Jr., will be at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, July 3ist. '.-""-, ".-:'. (In Sundae- .lulv the .'Htfl, .Mr. Smith closes "a nieeting. in one of the Targe churches in Deftiiit. aaer which he goes to Washington, D. C. and will arrive in Waynesville m time to conduct the meeting on Wednesday. Members of other denominations and all visitor? in town are cordially invited by the pastor. Rev. Paul, Hardin, Jr., to attend the services. Tht. July term of criminal court ad journed Saturday afternoon soon af ter a jury returned a verdict of no guilty in the case of Howard IVkons in which he was charged in conriec t ion with the death of Ruby -Clark. I he ease took the greater part o three days. Judge Alley passed sen tenee '.on a number during Ihe la of the week, among those being: George Raines; assault with, deadly weapon, six untruths on roads.. Joe Sutherland, lined $.r() and cost; Wilson liumgarner ntid Ira Singh ton,-larceny, 12 months on roads. Eva Wilkes, li months at labor at county home for larceny. . Hud Smith, Carrol-Smith, 'iitf Ho land and Thurman Suimnev, assault Each fined $20 and oosits, except Sinn mey, ".he ordered to ny- fourth ' costs. : Julia 'Gibson, three 'months in ja . 'Roland I'embroke, larcenv, costs and three years suspended semenei .May .Vloore, Koba Karnsey and ( on rue llaney, Hisordetlv conduct, two veat in jail. Marie Mcdford, d isol dcrly '-.conduct vear id jail. ( uinniissionefs nave au- H he i ity to hire out. Howard Gentry and .'Cay K .rkpat- i ik, public- ilrunkentiess.,. live years :st-K'ridtii sentence Upon paylnen' (if -costs. . . Everett .McElrov, 12 "months sirs ponded sentence for violat ion of pro hibition law. : .. Lush Havnes, four niohths tin road for possession of liquor. A 12 months suspended, sentence for retailing. " Troy Smith, fined SaO and given (i months sUsnended sentence for wreck - Ics,s driving. Denied right to drive car for 90. days. Gus Boone, fined $.r0 ' and cost's for assault, .and given fi-months suspend ed sentence. ''.Jacob. -Lenoir, fined ?")0 and tosts for assault and fi-months suspended sentence. James Snipes, . fi-months suspended sentence and payment erf half of Costs.' '..-.- Elzie Moore, resisting officer, to pay costs and given 6-months sus-nin.lpi-l sentence. i Ed Ray, dynamiting fish, fined $1001 and costs, and given ,'10-day suspend-' ed sentence. Thirteen defendants were suspenn ed judgment upon payment of co.ts. HIGHWAY 20C "CONTRACT LET The commission' also let the con tract for the con.sM'Uction of High way No. 20t! m Jackson county, from Tuekascigeo towanl (ilcnville. This contract went to F.. W. Grannis, of FuyetteviljK', fkV . .57,77-14 n. tract for structures going to Hobbs I'ealxidv Construction f'o ., 'harlot li fer !fl!i,772.5!l. This road when completed will give a direct route from Sylva lowhee to Cashiers Valley, via Oil Large Audience Hears Judge Alley Work On Highway To lire vard To (Jet Underway At A : Early Date In Transyl vania County With a cai;icity audience in at tendance, Judge I-'elix E. Alley, of the 20;h judicitil district, deliveied his lecture: "Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Man and the Son id' God," a' the First Methodist church on Sun day night. The service was spon sored by all the Churches .of ihe town, with their usual Sunday nighl services being omitted. Judge Alley asked tha: the congre gation serve as the jury to hear the testimony he presented, itv e- tajb lishing the divinity of Jesus. The two issues which he brought' out were: ! 1 1 t , he exhibited the proof of the fact., that, there vva.s a man , by the name of Jesus, who preached to the people and ''.wrought miracles a,- set fort h by t he .teachings.- of the Hible; Se'ond, ."Was Jesus the Son .of God'' " In hi- usual elouerit and .-cholarly manner, .1 udge Alley pre seeded vvitlli the presentation of his evidence: As witnesses he drought f.n-h the lour vatrgelists, the postolic fat hers-, iar- nabasi Ignatius, IVtlycary, and otheis, the Rinnan historians, the Jewish his torian, Josephus, . ;ind 'he life of Jesus, him- e!f. (Rev;- Paul Hardin. . Jr., pastor of the church," extended a welcome'" -to the large crowd assemibled, and ex pressed appreciation oi tne two num bers rendered by the choir of the Methodist' church of f'anton, com posed of 2a pi ko'l voices. 1 rayer was odored ov l(ev. k. r. vvaiKer, oi the T'tesbyterian church and the ben- lition was. 'given by Rev.. H. W. iaucom, ol the i;aptist cnurcn. Miss Mary Barber To Speak Sunday Institute Reunion To Be Held Sunday Announcement was made yesterday by Jesse James, president ot tne Havninnd Institute students. that the annual reunion would be held at Clvde on Sunday, July 28. the tentative program is to have the business session at ten with the principal speaker at eleven. A picnic dinner will be a feature of the day. Visitors have been invited to at tend, wrjh the Haywood people "furnishing sufficient lunch." On Sunday night, July 28th at 8 o 'clock an addres.s on "The Holy Land" will be . given in Grace Episcopal church by Miss Mary Rarber, who recently made an extentled visit to Palestine and OberTAmmergau to witness the Passion Playj Miss Barber wUl speak of what will be of special inter est to all Free-Masons, of King Sol omon's Temple, or the Morgue Of Omar. The lecture will further be interesting by the exhibit of many curios, which will be explained by the talented young lady speaker. A special musical program will be given, and an offering for the insu rance of the church and rectory will be taken. The general public is most cordially invited to hear Miss Barber speak on "The Sacred Spots in the Holy Land." . i ' i Hy W. c. Kuss. RALEIGH t'ontraefs were award ed Wednesday afternoon by (he Suite Highway Commission heie for im mediate construction of ,.T miles of ilirhway No. - Waynesvillc to liievard in : he section know n as the Looking Glass Creek .section in Tran sylvania county, which is four niile.s Iiom the top of the mountain. The section being rated as one of the most scenic in the western area of the state. The contracts for Highway 2S-1 wore awarded to W. II. Anderson, .of Ashe ville, for $i:H.2.'!i.iK. The dru.tures going to the Rickcnbackcr ( 'on.stt'uc uoii Company, of Union, S. ('., for $,r0,:WL.r)0, making a total of $181, (!27.5(). ..-."... The letting came soon after a del egation from Haywood and Transyl vania counties appealed in a special hearing before Chairman 'of the Com mission, Capus M. Waynick, During the course of the hearinjr the fact was brought out that an other $100,(100 had been designated for construction of pait of the road on the Hay wtiixt county side of the mountain.-' This com met i.s expected to be awarded during August. Just whether, the $10(1,1100 will be spent on the si retch of road from Woodrow to Springdalcdr on the was not stated. The highway has been put on the Fedeial Road system, which is an as surance that i: will be built. Mr. Waynick" told the delegation Tuesday that the commission had already com mitted themselves- as "going ahead anil building the eniiie road." The point the delegation was most inter ested in was 'when." To this quest lion, Mr. Waynick gave assurance thai as soon its funds w re available. (lne of tin1 points made by the delegation was the .fact that High way No. 2H I goes through the 1'isyah National Forest and also connects the Park with Ihe Forest. It. was for this reason that it. was put. on the Federal Highway sys-tem. The comimission is busy ibis week making allotments of the funds for the coming year, but it will be some time before any delinifc amount, can be .."ear marked" for the work on this road. He did say, however, that some of 'this year's funds would go on No. 2S 1. I was tin' oiiiiiion of the (dlicials . that a total of approxinuitidy $500,-. 000 would be needed to 'complete the road from Wavnosville to lirevard. O'hers were of the opinion' that it could be built, for much less. Engineers have almost completed; the. lield work tin . the entire road -and ihe otltce work Will Ite completed ill time for the Aigu"t meeting of the . (pmmis-ion, the delegation was told. The .nevv proposed route will be six miles shorter than the present route, making, the .distance about ,'i I miles. Mr. Waynick promised the delega tion that he and other members of the commission would 'be' in the Way ne.sville section within the next few". Weeks, arid make a personal survey of the road. The entire membership of the commission later informed Frank W. Miller, that thejr plans were- virtually complete for tlie trip. While the actual construction of the road in Transylvania county will get underway soon, it is the general belief tbat it Will be- so met ime. before the road all the way i.s completed. After conferring with Mr. 'Waynick on the matter, the delegation went into de"fiil on the matter with R, Getty Browning, locating engineer of the highway commission. Mr. Brown ing made the unsolicited statement that in his opinion Highway No. 284 would be one of the, most important "highway feeders to the Scenic Parkway." .-. . "iThere are scenes to be had from the proposed new route of the high-. way that cannot be found anywhere else some measuring up to the many views of the Parkway itself,'' he fti'ted. ;". "The peopje of North Carolina are not fully aware of the value of the, Parkway to this- state. I know that when it is, completed that the people will flock into North Carolina via this route by the thousands it would be impossible to even fence them out. In Virginia there is a stretch of 27 miles of the road now ready, and the cars literally pack the Entire length of it at all times," he conclu.t edt' ''"-' :'.--.. -' ' '- , " Although members of the delega tion were not present in the after noon meeting of the commission, it (Continued on back page)