THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1935 SOCIETY PAGE Local Items Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor Phone 137 THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESYILLE, N. C. ews i . InV.WlV COS- Contract fortnightly' Xrnoon w"h J.--" ?" ,:.-s. The t-:an :ables . Vv:r.ft was fcvs- ; t , r-.ying the : ,; , Mrs. Mr? bi-n Allow m. Cf the "11 H- .efc. -1 . i ... end ! lA' 0: Raleigh. 5rf .' ,,r C.i Richmond, :i Mr- ! M. I ' .u with l:-', a,J! at their N: Mv Miss May ' t i Winer. It .cn 4:, is a I rr the remainder I AW Personality WyShop. Of Permanent 'trmanents ing and Marcelling Special!;- HONE .'.(Hi li'ixvro.i;- Lit. ma nai ! l'lnli. ' Ik Wo-luii. T!in.ii-li i:.v;il lof bvani I'.irloi' MR. AND MRS. CAROL BELL HON OR HOUSE PARTY the intermission of the dance held at the Seven Club on Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bell entertned with a party in compliment t Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr. and the members of their party, who are being extended manv courtesies during tneir visit. Those enjoying the hospitality ol i onH (r Rell were in addition to the house party, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wot Vine Dr and Mrs. S. P. Gav. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., Miss Louise Stringifteld, Mrs. Ruth Williams noma. Mis3 Mary hdizaDeth Lrawioru, oi Newport, Tenn., Mr. Jinnny Neal, Mr. Chas. E. Ray, Jr., Mr. Ed Mears, VroA s"oro-urvn Mr. Frank Fer- 1,1. A IV... ' Si ' guson, Jr., Mr. Lockwood Sharpe, of Canton, and Mr. BoDDie Simmons, ui Rome, Ga. CHARLESTON VISITOR HONORED WITH PARTY On Saturday afternoon Miss Jose phine Davis, of Decatur, Ga., who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Grady Boyd, at the Hotel Waynesville, en tertained with a contract party in compliment to her guest, Miss Mar-o-orot Hass. of Charleston. S. C. The living room, where the games were enjoyed was arranged in bowls of flowers, with shades of lavender, pre dominating and these colors werv further noted in other accessories. In the counting of the scores .Mrs. TJvoa T .fins' was found to held the top score und Miss Lucy Black was thp winner oi the consolation, own, .. as tVip Yinnnr truest, were pre- tt O .,, fc. " " sented attractive prizes by the hostess. The guesit list included, airs. cimnes RaHe-ett. of Knoxville, Miss Ellen Louise Killian, Miss Babbie Way, I .one. nf Old Hickory, 1UU- V J - (IT - Tenn., Miss Jewel Hipps, Miss Lucy Black, of Columbia, b. i. ., Martha Neal, Mrs. Ralph Prcvost, Miss Frances Butler, Mrs. w mtener Prevost, and Miss Catherine uadgeu, of Richwood, West Va. Miss Henrietta Bain, of Asheville, spemt the week-end in town as the guest of Miss Margaret Ashton. r iMiss Lillian Phillips, of Nashville, Tenn., who has been a visitor at Ridgecrest, spent the weekend in town as the guest oi ivev. anu i. H. W. Bauncom. MR. AND MRS. BARBER HONOR GUESTS AND BRIDE AND GROOM As a courtesy to the members of their house party composed ot Miss Lydia Roux, Miss Rosa Kuux, Miss Lydia Vicknair, Mr. Henry Koux. Mr. Charles Vicknair and Mr. S. 1'. Voisin, all of New Orleans, and to Mr. and Mrs. Whitener H. Prevost. who were recently married, Mr. ami .Mrs. Rich ard N. Barber, Jr., entertained' with a cftiiltrflpt nurtv nt their h.m rm thp Dellwood Road, on Wednesday even ing. r.arHpn fliiwpr in a v;iri-tv of shades were arranged in bowls placed in the rooms where tne games were enjoyed. Attractive prizes were pre sented the winners of the top and low scores- After the completion of the games the hosts served an ice course. The guest list, in addition to those already named included, Mr. and Mr.-. Colin Mclnnes, Mrs. Ralph Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan, of Syiva, Miss Mary Ashworth Barber, Miss Louise Strinfcfield, Dr, and Mrs. S. P. Gav. M is Marv Sti intr.'ield, Mr. Joe Welch. Mr. Jimmy Neal, Mr. Clyde H. Ray, Jr., Mr. Frank Ferguson, and Mr. Edward Burns, of Charleston, South Carolina. MR. SHOOl.BRED GIVES SMOKER TO GROUP OF FRIENDS Pursuant to his annual oustoin, Ml. John N. ShooMired entertained a group of his friends with a smoker on last Friday evening, on the anni versary of his birthday. The house was arranged with quantities of flower.s from the garden of the host. Various card games were enjoyed. Among those invited w're: Dr. .!. F. Abel, D. D. Alley, R. H. Blackwell, W. W Ulaekwell, J. R. liovd. R. N. Barber, 1. A. Baker. Rev. P. Hardin, Larry Hardin, liar- ,len Howell. H. M. Hall. W. 1. I.te. Joe Morminp, Dr. J. R. MeCracken, W. L. Lampkitl, tiuy Massie. Kev. A. New. 1). 1). Perrv. Dr. S. P. Gay. T. L. Gwyn, R. L. Prevost, Dr. R H. Stretcher, Oliver Shelton. W. T. Shelton, Dr. C. N. Msk. u. Rotha. J. W. Reed, E. B. Camp, E. 1.. Withers, Rev. R. P. Walker, C. H. Ray, A. Ward, Ben Colkivt, Jerry Coikitt, Roy Francis, Judge Wm. H. Cimluilt r, M. Dieus. Judiu Win ston, Dr. Tom Stringliekl, Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Dr. N. M. Meinoru. t. E. Burn, Edward Burn, t naiiesum, South Carolina. !ECAN KRUNCH I JWy'i Sensation i. . . . Toasted Pecani mnd Krunchy Candy Jet 11 Mliing NEW A RO Lin a ICE CREAM ecan Krunch" ve a nmst pleasant surprise coming in this crim. . .jul chuck full of Pecans and Pecan Snhstitiif ps are not as COOd as final.:''. balers- can 'Jin hulk. dishe? r fftno. Your party will be a success when this new dessert is served. pcial Introductory Offer (Sunday at the Plant) 1 3 rnnt 35c Jeni Carolina Creamery FITTER trc JUALL. Manager PHONE 10 LOVELY EVENT AT LAKE Mrs ,T n Ivev of Charlotte. Mrs, J. W. Shackford, formerly of Char lotte, now of Rock Hill, S. t ., anu ' 1 '.Atin -lv nf VVilvnoS- ville, entertained with a : beautifully appointed tea Friday afternoon, hon oring wives of platform speakers at Lake Junaluska during the current Church-Wide Pastor's Conference. Between 300 and 400 women called during the reception hours from 4 to li p. m. For the occasion the Boat House Tea Room was attractively decorated with baskets and vases of flowers from J4a'uska gardens. Specimen dahlias and arrangements of garden flowers in pasted shades featured the decorations. The long tea table was covered with an imported lace cloth, centered with a floral ar rangement of butterfly bush gladioli, queen Anne's lace, shin sta daisies and baby's breath. 1 wo smaller bowls of flowers were arranged at opposite ends of the table, flanked by wax candles in crystal holders. In the receiving line with the hos tesses were: Mrs. James Atkins, Sr., Washington, D. C, Mrs. li. nern, Greensboro, N. C, Mrs. Robert t.. ;M'Cutchin, Greencastle, Ind., Mirs. Wm. S. Sadler, Chicago, 111., Mrs. W. F. Quillian, Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. L. L. McGoogan, St. Paul, N. C, Mrs. R. E. Lewis, Lumberton, N. C, Mrs. J. C. Lentz, Durham, N. C, Mrs. E. A. Cole, Charlotte, N. C., Mrs. W. N. Ainsworth, Macon, ba., Mrs. rrarm Siler, lake Junaluska, Miss Emma Christenson, Chicago,. 111., Mrs, D. S. MalTett, Lott, Texas, Mrs. Mary Gun- nell, Dallas, Texas, Mrs. ueorge Stuart, Birmingham, Ala, . The following, young giris assisieu in serving: Miss manna way, ,n --' Nan Hardin, Miss Margaret Shack ford, Miss Virginia Kern, Miss Maria Aldridge, Miss Carolina ereeqiove, Miss Daisy Holler, Miss Margaret heth Shackford. Miss Jane Stentz, and Miss Dickey Peck. BENEFIT PARTY ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD The benefit party given on Thurs day evening at the Hotel Gordon, was both socially and financially a decided success. The affair was sponsored by the Woman sciuo.anu the receipts will be divided between the Waynesville Public Library and the Civic Park on East strec't. The lobby of the hotel, the use o which had been generously donated by Mr. Angus Craft, was attractively arranged in quantities of summer flowers. Those reiving were. Mrs. S P. Gay, president of the club, Mrs. Richard N.PBarber vJr.. M.ssRMary Stringlfield, Miss Mary A Barber Mrs. Lauriston Hardin,-Mrs. Cohn Mclnnes, and Mrs. Woodson Jones. ' The two grand, prizes, which were drawn for after the close of the games, were won by Mrs. R. L. .Lee and Miss Lowe, a guest at the. Pal mer House. Other winners of the orize all of which had been donated t,y the merchants of the town, were as follows: Miss Ethel Craig, Mrs. v., Ptectnn :Mi Council. Mrs. Minna Butler, Mrs. HarryFrehn, Miss Louise Strmgfield, Mrs. Francis Maie, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mr. C. t . u,. r Sisk.- Mrs. Steelly, Mrs. Frances, Morley, Mrs. Ben cV.kitt, and Dr. S. P. Gay, MISS MARGARET MeCORKl K IS BK1DE OF MR. S1DNKY MARTIN In a ceremony characterized iv :m- ple beauty, Miss Margaret Chen.iu'.t I McCorkle, only daughter of MrP. Mar garet Deacon McCorkle, .of o Char-' lotte street, became the bride of Mr. ' Sidney Allison Martin Saturday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The ceremony took place at the First. Pre-Sytei:an chnrih. hevi!l, with th, lv..v !? O. J. Chandler ofticiating in the place of the Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell, pa tor of the bride, who is out of the ci;y. Palms banked the altar ami were interspersed with white floor bas kets rilled with white gladioli and white lilies. Three tall white stand ards, graduating in. height and each hearing seven cathedral candles, wore placed effectively at the back and on the side.. Larue bows of white satin ribbon ma iked the families' pews. Miss Linda Schartle, church oi ganist, pie'sided at the organ and played a preliminary program as fol lows: "Serenade," by Wider; "O Sole Mio," by di Capua; "1 Love, You Truly," by Bond. The processional was the wedding march from Lohen grin and the recessional was Men de!t-ohn's wedding march. The bride had her mother for her matron' of honor and she were a powder blue lace gown in long lines with matching blue picture hat and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses and blue dophinium. The only other attendant to '.lie bride was Miss Margaret Lieon, maid of honor, who was attired in pink niotisselilie do sole made mi I'iukcm. lines and she also carried pink roses and blue del phinium. Her picture hat was of pink. Mr. Douglas McCorkle accompanied his sister to the altar and gave her in marriage. She was lovely in a heavy ivory sa. in gown in Princess model with high cowl neck and long tight sleeves. Her tulle veil was fashioned into a coronet and held in place with piays of orange blossoms and fell in Ju ii train. Her arm bou quet was of white roses and lilies of the valley. The best man was Mr. 1' red K. Manin, of Waynesville, brother of tli,. hi-uliMT-roinii. Csbers were; Mr. Frank Martin, another brother, and Mr. T. N. Massie, both of Waynes ville, Mr. Capehart . Nichols and Mr. Douglas B.idgctl, of Cuntun. Aflor . the ceremonv. the bride chimin. ,1 in 'a "traveling suit of blue triple sheer crepe with a pink net blouse, blue hat, and blue accessories she wore awav a small 'shoulder bou Min.t which she had detached from the center of her wedding bouquet, this being of gardenias, The couple left by motor for New York, where they will nail on Mon day afternoon on . the S. S. "Hrit tanic" for a three weeks' honeymoon in Bermuda. Upon their return they will take up residence at ! Char lotte st rect. Out-of-town guests here for Wie marriage were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant, the hitter's sister and mother. Miss Homesill McCorkle and Mrs. A. A. McCorkle, of Kings Mountain, cousins and aunt of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gruen, of Durham, cousins of the bride; Miss Margaret Deacon and siser-, Mrs. Anna With row, of Lexington, Va., cousins of the bride; Mr, am) .Mrs. E- P. Martin, parents of the bridgroom. Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed E. Martin, brother and wife,. Mrs. Paul Martin, sister-in-laAV, all of Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Flicks, of Sylva, sister ot Hie bridegroom; the Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Lynch, of Glen Alpine, the lat ter also a sister of the bridegroom. - The bride was graduated from the Abbeville High school in the class of llKi2, attended iiiltmore Junior college one year, and then attended the Uni'vesity of Tennessee. She is a 'member of the Chi Omega sorority. She has ..lived in Asheville all her life, but. her father and mother come from old and prominent Virginia families. She has been in the Emer gency Relief department of the city of Asheville for three years. ' Mr. Martin was graduated from, the Waynesville High school and received his degree from- Duke university in W28. He is a member of the American-Business club, of Asheville, He is low sales manager of the Ashe ville Gas company. His family . is pioneer and . prominent in Haywood county. Asheville Citizer. ; WEDDING OF INTEREST TAKES PLACE IN FLORIDA Of keen interest throughout North Cnrohiin and Georcia. owintr to the prominence of the two tamilies, is tne ! announcement ot tne marriage oi .uiss Evelyn Miiburn and Mr. Charles Alton Lee, which took place in Jack sonville, Fla., on June 20th. Rev. K. N. Davis, pastor of the First Bap tist church, of Jacksonville, in the presence of a small group of inti mate fiier.ds of the couple, pronoun ced the mari'iage vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Milourn, of Macon, Ga., and i a popular moniiber of the younger social group of that city. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Mr. Lee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, of Waynesville, who re resided for many years in Raleigh, where Mr. Lee was the Chairman of Corporation Commission of North Carolina. He received his education in the Raleigh schools and the Uni versity of North Carolina. He holds position with '.he directory depart ment of the Southern Bell Telephone Company. He was formerly located in Macon, Ga., but after the tirst of August he will be transferred to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are now the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, at their country place, on the Fairview Road and will spend the coming fortnight here b fore going to Atlan'ta to reside. Miss Margaret Bell and Mis. Aus tin Garrett, of Wilmington, N. C, are the. guests this week of Mrs. I.ucile ley.' Mr. and Mis. Walter Dungan anii daughter. Miss Mary Alice Dungan, and son, Pat Dungan, of Elizabeth ton, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. MeCracken. ill fTTYKvTT i Can Summerjruit jvr "Winter days Wlttl "TUB SWEETEST SUOAR. EVE ft. SOLD " Groceries at Ray's MISS HESTER ANN WITHERS ' GIVES PICNIC SUPPER On Thursday evening Miss Hester Ann Withers, entertained with a pic nic supper party at the home of her eousin, Mrs. Joe Rose, at Balsam, in compliment to Miss Marion Calhoun, of Asheville, whose marriage to Mr. John G. Murray took place on Satur day. Miss Withers and Miss Calhoun were classmates at Agnes Scott Col lege. The guest list included Miss, -'.A my nf Atlanta. Miss Botty Fountain, of Nashville, Tenn, Miss Carolyn Rose, Miss Marion Calhoun, Mr. John G. Murray, of Charleston, S C, Mr. H. Grady Hardin, Mr. James Harden Howell, Jr., Mr. W il liam 'Medford, and Mr. E .1.. Withers, J'v:- :-W- '' V:. CAMPBELL REUNION The program committee hascom pleted plans for the Campbell re union, which will be held on Sunday, July 28th, at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alexander Campbell, at their home at Dellwood, Exten sive plans are being made to have the meeting of unusual interest snd of the family and tnelT friends are invited to be present. Hull Call ........ s:,f UI I li U Yukon's Western ........ .$1.10 1 LiXJVJ IV (Soft Wheat ) - $1-2C Rice () lbs, for 25c Grits () lbs, for 25c Rio Coll'ec , 2 lbs . for 25c . Pints , . . ""T Fruit Jars ....:.::::v.s Jar Rings G doz, for 25c Bulk Vinegar per gal. 29c l , S Ounces .. -.',13c UllKe S JfiOiincts . . ; . . . 25r Mayonnaise Moum-v n- Yatch Club Pickles 15c Monarcb Deviled Ham 2 for 25c Sandwich Spread 10c Stuffed Olives 10c Premium Flake Crackers 1 lb. 17c IIFI1T7 Soups ' :5 for " ' 27t' HUN lie riakes ... .2 for 2:5c IlLillliJ Ketchup 2 for. . . . . . . .27c Heavy House Brooms 25c Galvanized Buckets 10 qt 20c WaiOubs YOU WILL LIKE OUR MEATS T-Bone Steak per lb, 25c Sirloin Stea k per lb. 25c Round Steak per lb. 25c Veal Chops per lb. 12c f Premium Sliced Bacon 3oc C1Aj--7Q Sugar Cured Hams 23c U W 11 1 O Picnic Hams ... ... . - - - 21c Dressed Fish 15c C. E. RAY'S SONS GROCERIES MEATS, CHEAPER AND BETTER

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