"TVv i 1 : r. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1935 r urtrhiiiiMi w. II llll til II 1 1? jl VaJ ' - - - i - Lrd BreaMng iHenaanceAitw"i nuai baptist Meet MODERATOR .Meeting At uuu . . .,, , i hurch Havinsr RatcUir - jjjSt Convention m . , -f attendance in the his Tjt jrfct' present rs l i::c,"nir session of the 50th I: v lPc ' of tne Haywood Bap-lm- .. or Ra'elirr Gove r i .iocjaxxiiu. . lb:' A- ....., ivsierday morning. iP;:it 1 ,,..,n"u-iU -continue through IsrKSvu " . , nomjnation ;ay.ar.J 'V , .moH in the af- t m,lprator of the as an.'i tuwin iiaynes, cici. ).-;ai-t-. ; ..vmreh was adn church was admit- ..... Q s si ( Livti i " rs - n A churches up to 36. All but -t-ie iitiv a s . o: s session. t were: Dr. Greer, of the Mills KifVmlW; Rev. J. C. Owen, .: , nviimam Kev. xl. W. tS' a &'0. F Burnett, Kjiuii'i v Vrt tins. iw of the features of the pro- ist-rti irura tne ''fhf.'inr.ei, served picnic style, was " . . L. ,..a ?VllVl MP'. Irnwfe man me ciuwu, .nu.vu teu the church, co.uiu eat. luilt Show Plans 'fnmnlete For Bia: V v - - - Display On Friday IPlans fur the annual yuut enow, b-r.surtd by the Woman a. Club, nave La n..(.: 1 hP SHOW Will UC Ui' in the Clyde H. Kay Duuaing k Main street., lornieny occupies vy ju:g:r.tr fiuni the inquiries coming the ;-huw i this year gives prom- tcf btini; the -uest-. since the attair ted. There will be fwrnber of interesting old quilts,, as kil iu many new unes just compieteu -tit -hj, i):i.-t Year. Those it) iharjr'e are urging that all make entries do I -he ,,',-SiH'k on Fridav morning, as It show will be opened -to the public tit) ock-tk. Anyone wishing iurtn- l infnrmatw.il siv,, nskpd tO iall Mrs. IP. Gay, president of the club, or one I the ii.,uvin-!; members: Mrs. U. r . trktwriclc: Mf. Johns M. Queen, Ib.-.H. W.-Iiaueom, or Mrs. Grover Davis: .V.:-o A-umiiii: in for attention will I the (ii.-ti'ay ,.,f handmade articles. la w:-.i : ni' tu izes ottered in this (loiilinued mi Itack I'ugi") W. (i. liYKRS Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rhinehart Pass away Within Week's Time Within a week death stalked into the home of Mr. and Mr.. John P. Rhine hart, of Saunook. and called both of them. Mrs. Rhinehart havfiiw: passed away a week ago, and Mr. Rhinehart on last Sunday. Funeral services were held at the Tleasant Balsam Baptist church for both of them, with Rev. Ben Cook of ficiating Tn torment was matie in Plott cemetery. Mr. Rhinehart was f0, and Mrs. Rhinehart 63. iSurvivfing, .( e eight children: Vnurtti Mrs. Willie Guv. Mr. Geor ge Sinpleton Mrs. Dva tArrhgto-ri, Derry, Richard, Edward, and John, Jr. There are also 27 grand children. Both of them had been in ill health for seme time, Mr. Rhinehart hav ing been in bed for fourteen months. He was for 10 years foreman of Bar ber's;: orchard, and had been farm ing since leaving there. Pall bearers for Mr. Rhinehart were: R. N. Barber, Sr., R. X. Barber, Jr., Thad Guy, Herman Burgess, Mon roe Oxner and Dewey. Noland. Car Theif Loses Shirt And Car In Attempted Robbery DEAN OF WOMEN If by any chance wu happen to see a yeung mar. without a front in his shirt, ar.i ha.f of his ovet alls missing, you m ;y rest assur ed that he is the one M. D. Wat kin caught trying to make a get away with or. i- of his Used cars. Mr. Watkins, owner of W'atkins Chevrolet-: Company,' noticed a Ford rcadster from his used car lot was missing Tuesday night, so he started out in .search for it, knowing that it had but little gas in the tank. He found the car on the Dell wood road, with three men push ing it towards a rilling station. As Mr. Watkins drove up one of the men ran. but the other two remained at the car. Watkins grabbed the driver, who happen ed to be feeling slightly "high." by the arm, and continued to hold it against the doi r until help a me. As Mr. Watkins rlagg,,, a pass in car, the man ho w: holding made a desperate ."lunge and out of the ear he went, but only with about halt of his clothing, as Mr. Watkitis held the other half in his hand. The last seen, the man cleared a high barbed wire fence and briar patch, making good time through .a corn patch, hol.ung the few remaining clothes ;n .place as best he could. Mr. Wat kin. got his car back; a handful of clothe; a bruised knuckle and quite a "kick" from the exciting event. Officers Seeking Hardy Rathbone, 36, Charge Of Murder Shooting In Hurricane Section Sunday Afternoon Took Life Of C'ephus Cagle fehway Group Not To Come Here For August Meeting like state highway commission will ll come here l'oi- a hearing on Sat- had been tentatively nlan- Iti-tead they will snend vhe en- h three nays ol their stav in West- tiXurth.Ur.iina at High Hampton County, city '-officials, and heads of N "organizations here and. '-Hazel-M extended' the commission an in- tation. -to hoi-i the August, meeting Mr. Wayniek renlied that Plans had N-ay teen inane with High Ilamp- : the August liieet- I'tee -m.tinbers of the commission, f'iinan .wayntck, W'. W. VVttOd- '-.J. rvKy iount, and Frank W. t1' art cXtin'-ti ,! 'to- r-nmp tViroua'h York Rite Masons To Gather Here On September Second Summer Outing For Masons To Be Gala Affair, With Trip Into Park Scheduled W'aynesville and the Great Smoky Mountains, -National I'ark win De-tne mecca for a host of York Rite Ma ennc art c their ladies not only from this state but from the neighboring tatoe n'hon the I, rano council 01 ivd-tli rnrnlinn Rovfaf and Select Masters convenes here on Labor Day in Special Summer assembly a new feature inaugurated this year, the pro gram being as follows: 1:00 P. M. Luncheon for Grand offi- rprs ' . 2:00 P. M. Conferring the Degree of Thrice Illustrious: Master at the Ma-. onic Temple by a team headed by John H. Anderson, of Raleigh, Past Grand Master and Grand Seeretary of the Grand Lodge of North Caro lina. , cil of ""North Carolina. Reception of OUINlNTOWI 'DECORATION distinguished visitors and address of v ' ' nY TO BE HELD the con- The sheilff's dai.ii tment is search ing for Hardy Rath -one, 3tt, who is charged with the murder of Cephus Cagle, 20, in the Hurricane section of this county, near Madison county, Sunday afternoon about two o'clock. A renort of the homicide, ns re ceived by the sheriff's office, was that Rathbone .went to the home of his father-in-law. Harrison Rathbone, and there found Cagle sitting in the house. Without Uttering a word he walked over to ('agio, stuck a pistol in his side and sent the bullet through his body.. -.-''-.. ( agio got up and walked : about d yards, where lie died on the edge of- tht .Woods in a briar patch. Kath 1k ne left the scene immediately, and no trace ha5 been had of him since. The scene of the killing is just across the river from the Ijig Kehd section, and the country is so rugged that it would be almost impossible to find a man hiding therein. Sheriff J, C. Welch and Coroner Dr. .1. R. Westmoreland investigated the killing, and deemed that an inquest would not be; necessary as there were eye witnesses to. the killing. New Furniture Store Opens Here Announcement is made .in' 'today's paper of the opening of the Medford Furniture Company, at the depot, with Boone Medford and Homer Henry, as. owners. V The store is occupying the build ing next to the Ferguson Grocery, with the second floor over the four adjoining buildings being used for display and storage purpose?. The new concern is almost in the same rilace where Mr. Medford enter ed "the furniture business in 1112. later selling his interest i'n-,1 moving to Sylva., and four year ago to Can ton, and he is now owner and mana--sre-i ' of 'SI'uder furniture Company, in that city. Mr. Henry, former superintendent of education of the county, is. well known throughout the section. He will be in charge of the new place, -r.d will be assisted by Mr. J. Med ford. . - ' The owners stated that a- c.m.pl". line of furniture would be carried. Mr. Medford just returned f roni '. a buying tr-iri last week for the firm. Who Is The Oldest Person In Hayw ood Since the "New ArrUals" eol iiniii ha shown a marked increase l'roin week lo week it would Ih iiiipussihlo in pick oul Ihe youili:-t'-I m i i In llatwood futility, hut rut her eay to find the uldo-l. so The .Mountaineer Is Mt'kiii); the oldest person in Haywood foiiniv. I'o you Know who It Is.' II no. send in i heir name and addi-es.., please. Mere's what we plan lo do when we Mild the oldest person. (.ol ' their picture lor the paper mid :i lonu iii'liole .ihoiil thciii. Now Woll't A'OII hell) Ms find llie r,liliwl IM'i'son living ill Haywood fount'? Last Rites For Mrs, Nathan N. Ferguson Held On Saturday . .ST Deceased Lived Here For Fifteen Years. Passed Away At Her Home In Atlanta i "' ' ) Schools Of County To Bejrin Work On Next Thurs. Morn. Officials Urge That Parents See That Children Are In School The First Day Miss Anne Albright, who was re cently .'named Dean of Women of Western I'arolina Teachers I'ollego at Cullowhe. l'holo hy Sherrill Funeral services for Mrs. Nathan Norwood Ferguson, of Atlanta, were held at .the Presbyterian church on SatUMiay inorning- at 10;1!0 O'clock, with Dr. R. I'. Walker, pastor, and Rev. Paul Hardin. Jr., pastor of the Ffjst Mhodi: rfhuivh, oll'ulating. Special' music -whs rendered by the choirs of the Presbyterian ami Meth odist churches.-.. Interment was in Green Hill cemetery. . Active pallbeaieis Were: W. Fau (ette . Swift, Drayton Perry,' Frank Ferguson, James W. Killian and Leon Killian. Mrs. Ferguson was the former Miss Rosa Fgan, daughter of the late Mr, and Mi. George W. Egaii, of Charles ton, S. C. Immediately after her mar riage to Mr. Ferguson, son of the late Judge and Mrs. Garland - S. Ferguson, she came to W'a.vnesville to live. Af ter residing here for fifteen' years, Mr and Mrs. Fergu.-on moved to Atlanta, where they have .'since lived. M i s. I rgu.-on, ' du'ring her , resi deiice 'her.' w'a an ,'tctiye nieinbor (if the. Prosbvte-riin: church and in At l.in.t'n v:is active ill the. Druid Hill ! l'lesbyteri in church. She led an .un selfish life and wa.s beloved by all who knew her. Surviving, are ''her husband and two children, Mrs. Sadie Frances Climer and .-Nathan Norwood Fergu.-on, Jr., two bio! hers, John (' Fgan and Jame,- Ki-m ar.,1 -si' vera nieces ana Sherman Free, 18, Killed By Truck On Highway Saturday Sherman Free, lS-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Free, of the Al len's Creek community, was almost instantly killed early Saiurnay after noon, when a truck, alleged to have been driven by T. ,1. S-priggs, of Cop perhill, Tenn., ran into him on High way No. D) at the school' street in Hazelwood. The truck ran into several guard posts and knocked them -over. The truck was slightly .damaged. It va- said that -Free was on the highway coming towards Wnyncs.villc facing the approaching, truck Snr.ggs wit.- r Tuesday - af 11,1 waived trate. C. B. over to the rior Court. Funeral services were held. Sunday afternoon at the' home with iiijcr HK'tit tit Green Mill i emelery. The ileee-'.sed is .'survived by one .brother and bis iarents. Annual Dahlia Show Date Set For September 3 Indications Are.Tjiat This Years Show Will Re One Ol' Rest In History - t c.uecieu 10 come tnrougu . "'s-( . i u IrnU.i. t, , ... i.firanJ Mactpr fnl owei hv rr'iwn- inursaav en route io"'"'." " : . . . .. n fefvsv u:..i. I,. ' .:. rri.ferrino- .nf the Roval '.Masters le P. M. Leave .Masonic lempit: R meiiibtrs ' of the commission will r-'u-t tram Kaleigh to High Hamp- I.- - r':"us ait- cliaL LUC i.ui"T st.n will go into the . Murphy sec " tndav and ..A 'omb l -. iiuu nic jc i n. n i - M?y. and back ; through here "". -e-Saturday., or. early oun- Jtnin,-s5ion is on an inspection r; -nPe and have not made any ; w entertained; lormally Dy "s oti, the trip, it was learned. aeani.TWomo t f Presented At LaKe Saturday at 8 ..--'Iranta, 1 "Mother of yf lt. II P n ,. - -it u- sta'-Vpt vaiiiah,-wm oe k o e auditorium at eight .aneed e.e.'.ing, u was an- Jiore than 10U rtktB,nl-'.reco?nition of being one N-ed" au:if!11 of its kind ever "-ior tment deals with' the fc,jj ; the church hn o- - t1 Lit1,. tIs 1 'E- Terry, director . suijr T vuciv llill, la Crm iB "thor'of 4 ill "hi ' cJharp;e of only 25 ch!Lmade-th being the rvj. 'sr. Clt thP m-fil :-..; fnr'a eponif virlp fri: a secluded SDOt in -v rtvoot. Rrnnkv National Park where the program will be eontinuea with picnic supper, open air address and " just at' twilight amid a natural setting of the park the impressive cer emony of the Select Masters degree will be conferred on a large cla.s of candidates bv Doric Councill of Way nesville the first Masonic degree to be conferred in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. v 9:30 P. M. Entertainment for visi tors at Masonic Temple. The ladies of Waynesville chapter of Eastern Star is co-operating, with the Chamber of Commerce plan to entertain the visiting ladies, leaving at 2:00 P. M. for a four hour fcenic drive via Cherokee Indian Reserva tion to Newfound Gap, one of the beauty spots of the park. On their return the ladies of the Eastern -Siar will entertain with a picnic supper at the City Park. . , The program closes that night vu.n an entertainment at the Masonic Temple consisting of mountain music and dance contests the feature of the : k.i, ..(ni,i dance con- test between the famous Soco uap Square Dance team and a dance team from the Cherokee Indian Reserva tion.' .'.'''" ;v.' V , ' " ' ' Special invitations have beensent to York Rite Masons of South Caro lina, Tennesse and Georgia and a large number of visit ors are expei cteb tv . - j nf the Grand II. ! ciii . and -si' vera nephews. Out of 'own relative- ami friend !;t;eniing the funeral were, .Mr. and Mrs. ThUi.-ton G. Climer, of Atlanta, ija., Mr. and -Mrs. Norwood ..Ferguson, f f Newport News, Ya , Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fgan, Mr. ami Mr-. Alvin Skinner, Mrs. - F. G.. Skinner, Mis Marian Skinner. Miss Josenhine Skin- o i ' .,t.. hp "nth there i ner, and Miss Elizabeth Skinner, all . .. On SundayK.AugvUst the .oth tin I Mr; Jame" Fgan, Mrs. be. a de cor anon of ihe mlan V(,rot. Mrs. Leon Culler, all town cemetery, with preacn.ng, o ,.. , , .. g-. c Mr fergu- at 11 o'clock, in the mornmg and vn, h- H the aiternooa. ocv. . lv..,,,,,. onff Garland S. Fergu- .spread a, neon an. a program ,;. - - ,f ahi ,-- ... ing will be enjoyed. . V ; ..' ;.".-. -- ". ": ' " Flower Show Attracts Large Attendance; Many Exhibitors In suite of the rainy weather of tire rShwd'by the Communi tv CJub which was held, on , Wednes da v afternoon and evening, was. ; a ucce- from every standpoint. , Whilp there' were not. as many flowers as in omeof the shows of the past.whicn was w be . expected after the heavy rains,, every entry was of a mgr. or.rriinir to the opinions expressed by the judge.', who were professional norn-is. One encouraging feature, to those in charge were tfk wher;ctg exhibitors, some of whom had never made an entry before. .One, . ot the aims' of the comm.tre cf the-.club, having been since, the first to welcome the entry of the email erower. as well" as the large one. Attracting Unusual attention was a whke oblorig pottery bowl, arranged in white flowers, combining gladioli, rosM. small dahlias, and wansonia, Another arrangement of d'dphinium ..it quality, and perfection . of ' the blooms, exceptional for tliis, .-eason of the year were grown by W. T. S'ne! ton. A large bowl of a great, 'num ber of perfect gladioli, .in gorgeous shades, of rose, lavender, yellow, and pink, entered, by Mrs. Felix Alley, drew the attention of everyone.- Sharing deserved -. '.admiration with the flowers were the, beautifully ap pointed luncheon tables. W hile .Mrs. Een Colkitt, with a predominating vellow effect won the-first prize,, the table and its. appointments .by .Mrs. J, Wilford Ray. attracted all house wives, in its blending of colors . m China, flowers l and the ; tempting grapes, with the crystalled effect. Judges for the show were: Mr. and Mrs Latta Clements, of Asheville, and Mrs. T. A. Frazier, of . Clarks dale,. Miss. The following in-their estimation were the prize winners; an prizes being cash: , . ,. 1 Best floral arrangement lor din (Continned from Page One) from I :' '.. r post ing a 2,0(H.l bond, a hearing , before Mag'is Atkinson, who 'hound him November term of Supe- Tlie schools of the county will be gin their llloo-od term on next Mon day, according to word from Jack Me.-ser, county superintendent of tducation. Stress was made of the importance of having all the children in school for tli.' first ,lav The allotment of teachers by the state is based on the attendance tor the tirst lew days ol school, and the co-operation of par ents in seeing that the children are present 'he tirst day is most impor tant, it was pointed out. The list of teachers for the schools is as follows; Waynesville High M. 11. 11 ' -. C. F. Weatherby, K. J. Kolieson, . -Allen, Evelyn Underwood, M; .h i Mock, Anne Albright, Ethel Ci. ..r, liessio Hovd, Margaret A.shton, Mrs. J. M. Kellett, Mrs. Lucy Tate Jones, Mary Harber, Mrs. J. C. Patrick, Neil Henderson, Thomas Reeves. Home Economics, Louise Edwards, Agri culture, J. C. Tignor. llazelwood Jesse C. James, Frances .Garner, Marv Stringlebl, Mrs. Sam Knight, Fannie Pearl, Felmet, Dai J Uoyo., Fva P. l.eailu rwood, Mayme l.eatherwood, Margaret Hurgin, Mrs. Eva Price Cole. Saunook Frank Ferguson, Jr., Fleue Fisher, Kuth Allen. Allen's Creek W. L. McCracken, Margaret Walker, ' Mary Emma Mas sif. Ceiiiral Eleiueniaiy- White Mease, Mrs. Sam Ijueell, Debrayda F. Liner, Ova P. Ferguson, W'ilda Crawford Provost, Frances Robeson, Lois Har rold, Annie Dee Kirkpatrick, Annie Roe Ferguson, Mayo Hurr Morrow. East .Waynesville Ernest Mc Cracken, Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Eliza- tbeth lleiirv, .Mibtri;d Crawford, ( laude Rogers, Fula Patterson, .Mrs.. Annie P. Lcdhottcr. Lake J una lu ska J. Ilailcy Fran ces, Siephnie Moore, l.os Thompson, Mai'V Kat Illume, - Mrs, Earl Messer. Dellwiiod C. F. Owen, Theda -Garrett, Fstelle II. Seizor. .Maggie Nerval lingers, N'ell Campbell, lldna Morrow, Kuth Moody. Rock Hill d. .1. lioyd, Mary Lou l.eatherwood, Louisa Medford Hoyd.: Uiwill-e I.eal.beiw-no.1. (Jiludia llovd, Avis Medford. Edna Boyd. Fines Creek High Fred L. Saf ford, Harriett Hoyd, Mildred Iella Koo.man. Fines Creek Ele.nielitary Mark Marion i''ei-gus,-n, 'rank Kirkpatrick, Nell Jifstiic, .Pearl . lames, Malxd Clark, Elbe lay Green, Lucy Fisher, Konnie Duckett, Wiin. -Glenn N'oland. Ilurricano School Lohi Kiikpat- rick. Redmond , School Clyde High Seho -it, ( )..' J. .lame (( onl ilini'd Kuth l.ed'rd. I S. K. Connat- Margaret 'Terrell, i Hack Page) . Final arrangements arc being coin pleted tliis week for the annual dahlia show here,. Tuesday, .S.epteni ber third, it was utuioiin.-ed this week by Mrs. S. P. Gay, president e.f tin Woman's Club, sponsor of the event. All indications are that this year' 'dt-p!ay of dahlias w ill : bo far better, and larger, than some in previous years. Wit b : favorable weather con iliti.'iis, and more enthusiasm on the 1 1- the larger growers, it. is o"- pai ; oilt- luv.eil ...a new .. high-. recorti ior standing exhibits will bo made. -I. 1-,.. . i.rr.i- :'i 11: ! held -ill the I II. Ray building on Main street. j I i-.,.lo in charge of the show stated ) that; '-Yeryone wa-- urt'oil -o -place., ilahiiJis on, exhibit, as it was a eooniy utrair-even reaching out and. having, cxhiidts flow iitlier sections . of .fiii..: :inii eYen South Carolina. More details of 1.h- show given in next week':, paper. de this will be 100 Employees At Unagusta Mfg. Co. Buy Life Insurance tire Hur.died . :o;,;o. , cs '.f the I'nagusta .Mafi.uf;: : aring (-orpora-t'ioti. engaged, in the . manufacture of furniture.: at Hazclwi.. d, ! live re- ,,.,'1 :v become eligible to life in-u- j rar " i:rotect:on in am yunt? ranging from 1,000 ;o ?:i,00(l, each, according to -alary received '.hi ough the a.dop ; iot! "of a groun. iiii'icv by that ' gan- ization. ... .'. , , . ..,,. The policy involves a t"-l or onO and is of the contributory type, the employees and employing . company -harin'g ih the, nayment of the premium-. . It was issued, bv the Pruden tial Insurance Company of America. Al Capone's Big r Car To Be On Dis play Here Saturday A I Capot.ie's $-!0,HOO. lb-cylinder bullet-proof limousine w ill be on d, play here Saluruav -of "this week in. connection with the 'million-dollar "Scarface" at . t lie Wayriewood Thea tres . ' '" , The car is the one Hie famous gang, ster used to make so many get-aways from the '.police, while be rulei.l gang land in Chicago before going to Fed ( -;i' prison for (lodging payment of income taxes. An advertisement elsewhere in the palter gives a description of the car. Show ing i f the . picture., will begin at eleven o'ebuk Saturday morning. "Scarfi.ce," the Howard Hughes spectacle ' 'which will be Seen at the W'a vnewood Theatre Saturday, Au gust, 21, will doubtless be the last gang-' picture.- for the reason that it presents, a striking study of criminal (onditii ns in the United States, that it exhaust.-- ;he subject as far as the screen is coiicirned, In the picture, noiiee and: civic authorities Kie l shown . n-oPorating in alrltation for a .' -govern nieht. curb 'upon the importation i f firearms, t.hi being admittedly the most effective method of scotching the gangster. PUBLISHER HERE Number Of Visitors Attend Local Rotary Twelve out-of-town visitors made their attendance at the Rotary Club here Friday, being the largest num ber of visitors for the year. The scheduled program was post poned and a few brief remark? by members and visitors on the life of Will Rogers was reviewed. The program was then turned over to Major Lew Brown, publisher, of St. Petersburg, who gave a report of the international convention in Mexico City last May. . Mr. and Mi-. '. R. Griflin, "of. Va! dosta, Ga.. ; were here this week,, spending their' vacation. Mr. Grif fin is publisher f the Valdosta Daily Times. ; He. reported excellent, prices for tobacco in his section thi.s year, and made mention of. the fact that a gen eral improvement wa noted in all lines of business. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date- Max 15 : 2 " 16 17 17 IK i 2 , 19 20 "3 "l -1- 80 Mtn 49 53 53 56 47 49 50 41 SEE THE ADS OV PAGE FIVE j, .. ... f- if: p shoWn. nnK Bine Crosby, ine uianu - (Continued on Back Pape) ! entered by Clyde

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