AfGtST 22, 1935 fpA Program Out- eVH Bv Adminis gA. Coan, Jr. coo Around $25,- Si v--' yed As Desireabie Bv Mr. Coan t,i The Mountaineer.) THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYXESVTivr N. C. Au.uiiiaiKAiUK ; 1 1 i : -I II' ' (inn -uf-, an address before l runVina County Commis -VrWa:!on at Wrightsville ss .. viministrator, George ft " t- oJtlinea m simple p. a i:s and purpose of -s Administration, be carried the security of a . Pi-.,irye l' -...aL-e might .' '.:. nf the counties f V,.K Cl fr('fr'1' n'i0rp understanding of the '."Jram to transfer workers r, ;i:. to fo. i., .vt twelve months. .'fff-.i-t is bein made- stated , Toan. to sneed 1 i 1 ... . L. o ts aa, ii gIU UegUl a i-inj t'rr:-:'.. flRwj ha. been completed. 3,01)0,000 in projects has SS and approval. The ap of -hce projects will lmme 5 place thousands of North Sate d over Slrvlinn with the R.ambler GEORGE W. COAX, JR. Carolina workers on Works Progress -luiiiinisiraiion pay roils. District offices for the state have been located in Elizabeth City, New Bern, Raleigh, Favetteville. Greens boro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and Asheville, with a district director anil administrative staff familiar with for th,- Would v, past few days this column t- bi'iin l,ji' ...,..-.i i I'i. . ... , vi.,., niuufil llOU,,,! ll'W- r-,I!v hPPH h-,nin., !,... " I I I ;1S I cVt-r .-loud: s an-i - siir, fthv: ':i;r lr... .1 mt ilv wettest merchants h.;,, . . ,h wiU prolyl, ly i,,t, shining hri-h the time tins :s printed l )u man tnakinu i !.;,. ,, raver the clay. . .it w.u so i,,..lUt;rui:v an, Iy done I thought it must ht minent 'miniMer. . l'h,,'k, sw. . .and it w.,s :aw new flock if initials. . x y National Y.mih Administr.ui. Always sonietudy who w;in's to mo I 11 !l :l liTTl t.ini ..I . . ' Orleans. , an.l u. S..IV lln',.v Lons will l,e ..ur next pres'nlertt. but another man fr. ni the s:inu oi:v says nix. . .It seems pvurvi,,,,!,. is trying to invest monev in md! form of annuity these tinvs. . but they'll soon bo laximr that too . or people contuse the two words enect and eneet. . .and so do I e re not so modern. . .Louis, the sixteenth, had a forty million dollar i year deficit. "Smilo 'Vhe m?U .,v.." story. With Robbing Circus riiion The l.ieav,.. I.;.i;. ville is iivel.ip:!ic d;::i,-; rivle out from t-iun takes time ami men tractive lawns and bi'ry. ; ' l-eaunful nrtli the '.: mnv. It !;- dui'e at ::ful slirub- Hainpioii inn lav H.U lurniiii; away kiu'-i I'm- -,i;i vivkri. And I heard a louiisi hrittteiiiK on a meal she B,t in llrysou City Iho tnher day. They were an elderly c-ur.'le. stand ins side by side. When -hr turr.e.i and noticed that he was stivjiL,- into space and his mouth slightly ..,ji,-u slie g-ave him a lieUt but km: upin-i cut to the Jaw. He closed h;s mouth I CAN BACK UP A WHAT TH ATHLETES M SAY CAMELS NEVER INTERFERE WITH MY CONDITION ' AND I GET A LIFT' WITH A CAMEL TOO '-..'1 nWAXWk'.VVWj.'.'.' Vi '..-.JB nfW.-.wi "AV-W,'.'.'.'.'.-1 lV : i CYRIL R. HARRISON 7-Coal Polo Star ARCHITECT E. M. Johnson r SCHOOL CLOTHES For Bovs Girls Teachers SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR Value Quality - Style C.E. Ray's Sons IT'S THE Pe r n is we a t That Causes All The Trouble! Halitosi YOUR sis and "Pink Toothbrush" be entirely cured, (if you ever had either of them). MJ not suffer from athlete's foot, but if you con eto wear clothing Saturated With Prespiration YOURE GOING TO HAVE "B. O" AND PLENTY OF IT You ' ' . , fUarc(best friends won't tell you that this is so, but it's to k. ' and ,he nly way to prevent such a condition is nave Jour clothes Cleaned and Pressed At Regular Intervals And that's h one of th fiW re We come into the picture we operate ft's secti St and m0St modern dfy cleanin? plants in sinec. ,n' and we kow the dry cleaning and laundry ,ess from A to Z. WayneswUe Laundry, Inc. BOYD AVENUE Willi llio ixissihlo exi eptliiu nf Hie assassination of Lincoln 1 doubt if the death of a pulilic character over t-reau'd nmro in mont than that of Will Holers. Men who man the wrecking triu-Ui do a rush business ilurinir wet spells like the one we've had during the liast week. I've seen them untanlin;; three accidents in the last few das. and there have been others. Any tn" will skill if the road is slick enoiiith There aren't many children at the I'lcdiiionl hut they're an at tractive hunch. And ttie ve oi everylKHly up there layin- jnck stones. Kveu I'aul Hyatt That wan a pretty pood , :n-toon in the current marine. Tin re had been an aooident and when the internes tried to put the victim in the ambu lance there wasn't room the ambu lance was full ,.f lawyers: SoikcImmI) said that l:lijuh made his prayer entirely loo rcalixlr at the Ike last t'rlria in-, prayer tor rain u;i ed .'did Iiiih: ntiMit ans or- ' in Theso and oihei- il animals uill he anion vl.ei, Tl. I'aiuoiis', t ircus s,s "in'ii next .Monday problems coufrontinsr their respectivi' . - mniunities. On an approved YVPA project, the Ki.ierai Government wi'i pay the total labor cost and other 'than labor cost.-, including materials, rental of equipment, etc.- tip to twenty per cent cf labor costs. Ail projects must ha've.the spon-oi'-hip of a local gnv-i-rniiit'iitiil ajrtn'cy, such us board of commissioners, aldermen, etc, with careful consideration heinjr Ltiven to the type of. project, that it may be of useful and , permanent benefit to the community, and at the same lime, he of a nature that the community can furnish adequate labor of a type suitable lor the completion of the project. All projects under the PVVA supervision will 'be com pleted with funds allotted at the time of approval. Especially desirable projtcts to submit for 'P. consideration are sanitation and drainage, tanh to market -roadways, rural recreation playgrounds, airports, school build- mps and also gymnasiums where the total does not exceed $2i,00l, stated Administrator Coan. Ninety per cent of workers on WPA protects, will be selected trom relict rolls, and only one -member of a fam ily may be employed simultaneously on work projects. : To be eligible for work on VPA projects, it is neces sary that registration be made with the U. S. Re-employment Service, ofli ct.s which are located through the state, as all workers will be drawn from U. S. Re-employment rolls. WPA workers in Xorth Carolina will re ceive the Security Wage, ranging from $19.00 per month of 140 hours for skilled labor, to $39.00 per month professiomal and technical workers. on WPA projects. While work projects are given first consideration, adequate provision 's made to assist other members of the f. mily, with C C. Camps to care for youths, and an educational program to assist needy students. It is the desire of Works Progress Administrator Coan, that North Car olina'' obtain its tullhare of the red era! grant, and that the money thus obtained be used in a way that will be of permanent benefit to the state and assist the recovery of business to a point whe.e every WPA worker will be able to. obtain permanent .'Work in private: industry. ; Mr. Coan requested individuals, local civic groups, municipalities: and state rianizations to .irtake a epm.rV.e-te investigation of WPA possibilities and offered the services of. his state and district staff to assist those in terested in obtaining full information reg:'rding the WPA program. mm The Mountaineer February 1 wa : hditoi Last rebruary-1 '.was -si n; to Wa- ni'sville to .lo mountain' nii.iotiary work for The Sal vat ion Aimv in this section of the slate, 1 ja(- jun lin ished my lirst si inoml;- work here, and would like t -'. trive the ligures to the public, jiinl ih.ank .;very one who lias given tin it sutipor; to this work. 1 have two well, nre-anizoil Smidnv school.-, at Shclton Laurel and Hurri cane, with an average weekly attend ance of T." at each ldaee. have con ducted 72 religious services in the couny school houses and churches, held Hi 'open air services, distributed oOO religious bonks and magazines, .spun ,r)l," hours in visitation from house to house, with 22 hospital calls, distributed .TJ0 garments of clothing, 5 - pair's', of shoes to needy families. We have' held three revival campaigns wi'h r.j professions. I find there i.s a great work to Uc done, extending God's kingdom among the mountain people who live too far away from the church, we cannot measure the Work that has been, -done this short time by the few above fig ures. St. James says, "He that con- verteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." In His Service, MISS CIX'lL BROWN, Captain. Box 57, Waynesvillo, August 20. PLACING TIIK TOMATO KICHMONIi, Va The Virginia Supreme Court of - Appeals ha.s de cided mat the t.'inato is a fruit, not a vegetabli. Tin issue was pre sented in connection with a lower ' " : ruling excumg -em .iV-; duty a talesman who had explained j he were busy, pickinsr tomatoes. I file law exempts t i ll it growe i:arcs',rng hi conter,; on of coai.i apply The higher ci in ito ili'iim; a herb widely from service "any while actively engaged in s crops," ;l,i it was the the appellant that it o a vegetable grower, un ; pointed to this to il "A South American cu'l ivaled. usually, as an annual for its fruit. Hospital News DECORATION OF CEMETERY Decoration day will bo observed at the Crabtree Parker chapel Meth diet church, Saturday, August 24th it has been announced. The decora tion will he held all day with a picnic dinner bung teatu'ed at the noon hour. A general invitation i- extend- to nil l .,H,,,,,1 I ALL NEW, DOUBLY. ENLARGED TWICi: ITS FORMER SIZE CANTO N ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY AUGUST... 2 ADMISSIONS Mrs. L. A. Young. , Mrs. Mark Putnam, Mrs. Oscar Smathers. . Miss Lillian Bremer. Mr. Hobert Pressley. Mrs. N. C. Pope. Mis Martha Mck. Betty June McCracken. Mr. Alonzo Warren. Mr. Ither Thompson, Miss Effie Leatherwood. Mr. M. B. Murray. ; ; DISMISSED Mr. Ither Thompson. Mr. Alonzo Warren. Betty June McCracken. Miss Annie May Amnions, Miss Mazie Shuler. Mr. Howard Norris. Miss" Christine Medford. Mr. Mack Cathey. Mr. Clifford McGee. Mrs. Etta Morgan. Mrs. R. B. Gibson. Mrs. Ernest Earlev. Mr. G. W. Noland. Mrs. Clyde Roberts. Master Lee Parks. "'..''. : NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, September H!, VM, at eleven o'cloclv, A. M.. at the court I he use. door in the town of Waynes-J ville, Haywood ( ountv, North -Caro lina, I will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the fVinwing lands and premises; , . iH' at a -sarvjte' tree at SiiilweH's Branch, and runs N. '8'." E. 74 poles to a small black oak on top of a ridge; thence with the mean ders of the ridge, N. 27 1 2 W. 3D poles; thence '. 17 ' W. 12 poles to a small lot os upright rocks on a ridge; thence N. H' W. 14 pules: thence N. 22'" . 11 poles to a Span ish oak: on a ridge; thence b. 70' . If! poles to- a maple on a branch; thence W. 80 poles to a small Spanish I oak on top of a ridge; thence with the) ridge as it .meanders, S. ('" W. 16 poles; thence S. 3 E, 20 poles ; thence S. 13 V E. 4V poles to a sourwood on a riage; thence S. 7S E. 83 Vs poles to the BEGINNING, containing 51 acres. Zi acres on West side of branch, v and JhU acres on side of branch. I Being the land deeded to Joseph Sanford by L. McElroy and wife, Cenia Mchlroy, May 10, 15)06. Sale made pursuant t o the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by S. C. Haney and wife, Hester L, Haney, dated April tst, iy.ii, and recorded in Book 23, page 200, Uecord fo Deed of Trust 01 Haywood County, This the 16th day of Augusr, 19.'i JERRY -M. MAS.SEY, Trustee.' No. 380 Aug 22-2y-Sept. 5-12 I Nv wallacA -M if ) Ol AND Hl$ I! y J I Sll. AFRICAN j STEEL ARENAW 50 FEATURE ACTSv I : NOTfC'I" All persona -will hereby take notice that the undersigned will apply to the Parole and Pardon Commissioner for a parole each 'having-'' been convicted in the Police Court of the Town of Canton, Xorth Carolina for operalini? a bawdy house and sentenced from said Court for a term of Beven months in the Haywood County Jail, pendina completion of the State House of Cor rection at Raleigh, North Carolina. All persons desiring to protest the granting- of 'a parole to each nf the undersigned will make thit fact known to said Commissioner of Paroles, Ral eigh. Xorth Carolina. This 14th day of August, 1935. Connie Haney Reba Ramsey. . No. 379 Aug. 15-22. . Performances Sponsored By Champion Y. M. C. A. Skeet Club Get Your Tickets Early NOW OX SALE AT Y. xM. C. A. SPECIAL ADDED FEATURE "REX" Famous Movie Dog and Company Direct From Hollywood ADMISSION PRICES REDUCED Children 25c-Adults 35c CIRCUS GROUNDS Champion Ball Park 2 Performances Afternoon 2:13 Night 8:00