The Best Advertising Medium In Ha,wKl County Pablishti M The eMm j. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 3S JWXSVILLE, NORTH CAUoOnT nil., TinvAr Held Up For Lack Of pledged Lumber are on the list ready r - . ,itv to ioreiiian ustat .V. tn complete tne city par. lumber and cement is furn- hcse wno uimet wun tu it was teamen R. A. office this e- TrAlP('L "".uo 'oca t. t Br theJ:he a total of more than wn raid out in labor ark project. The work on ' Hi : which is on East street, got ir -nring. and a wading sr.i a Jem Happily Married Sixty-Four Years THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 furnace has stream running l.i 1 1 1 ne k he park has been banked i steps and bridges finished, u-; what the cement; ana mm be: for. iU n , . , . j , .i,e lower ena oi me ytitv iu l ' Koon rim strutted r ., i wv-" -s ... i,a vpflfiv for use. vv . Sis be assignment "At I.;! ffeeK L"C ....... i. nnt and nut on a ;.-.- iinr iiLtiioi tan r L ni i wi-is-m . i. .( .Vo ncn omce. saiu, l" ' , .'. ... o novV JvniM- ifa-on 01 me . V" e" h? project is not ,1MUC"U : '. ' i:1a nlanmnir now - will tut a m k""""' , . . i. ; (irct nlnea shane hv lire tne pa'" '""' -- - ,t conns, and considering the fact lit the cm alien iidc ii hi.c ' ..,.,, -this nroieet completed. fund Available For Students Wanting To Attend High School Ccnn-.v Siiperinte-ndent of Jfcxluca- jtJack Messe.r, this week received iinii frem the director of Youth Aaninistratum in Raleigh, for appli- I'joas for ..federal funds for stu- i ur.ablt- to attend high school Tn lis ccwirj-. Ad allotment of six dollars per ! 4 the amount that the stu- tan will receive upon approval ot It applications. This county is to lire 56 -white students and two col mi in in this project. Tiose wanfting the applications list be between 16 and 25 years of ite, and must be of a family that was peliel m .May. 1935. It was .point-: d out that the would provide the students -with clothiT.g and books for 4e school term, ' X .Mr.- and Mrs rit'd f(.(- (J4 years, photo. . M. :. Ti-antham. Mr. Ti-.-tntham is f Clyd. ci and f , haf ln'cn liapjiily niar lif is mi. 'n,is is a ,-tvviit Clyde Couple Wearing Their 65th Wedding Anniversary KF1M OF MR. AND MRS. aiFfORD GREEN BURIED Records Broken KM'oi-(ls were miis)io1, stuit-Joi't-tl and torn iisundii- Saturday in the ottitc of the Hosister of Ifc-eds liere, when Sir. llayncs issued four marriage license in evaetly twenty-live minutes. It was t lie busiest twenty-live minutes in Issuing license that the otliee has had, it was said. While there's no direct connec tion, there was u material increase In the niimlH'r of reiil estate tran sactions over the week in fact, the largest nunlher ;recordel in a number of nuuiths, even K'r lii(i a year or so. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Trantham, Of Clyde, In Splendid Health Despite Age Twenty Arrested As Highway Patrolmen Enforce Traffic Law It was lanuerlice business :ui mag itra;e's court here Monday nuu-ning, when highway pjiti.:n-.,;-. hrv.uhi twenty defendants befere .da.stra'.e C. H. Atkinson for viu'.a'.iv'ii of trallic laws. Mr. Atkinson deposed of ail the oav, most of which weie nnnor. Judtrmetit was suspended upon pay-nier.-. f costs. Many of the twenty ventured out for 'nitriit j.ri ir.g w:th out the proper light. on their cars and by proper lighting, the patrol men mean two good head' :j h: and a tail light. Some of . the defendants, however, were up for speeding wreck t driving. For the tir.-t olIn-e the twenty were allowed to o, their way upon payment of Cot.-, ; a; warned by Mr. Atkinson and the palie'.man that the next "11 ip" would be serious a.s well as expulsive. At present theie are three patlo'iiium from Asheville to Murphy, and it is expected that the fourth will bo added soon. The two serving this district from here to Murphy are Howard ,1. .'m , of Moore -.county, and K. H. QuJ-.n, Jr.. of -Stale-ville. The fouith irtau would probably establish head quarters here, while one of the two al'ovc Would go t,,i Murphy otlu r Krankll'.i, and each toward the central point. Waynesville One of N. C. Towns Slated toGet Armory TRANSFERRED id lh irking The pttrolmen aihled by the act increase the stat are :" t in iat among tin legislature ro force. Dr. Gudger Tells Rotarians Town Is Making Progress EAZELWOOD Funeral services Glenn Dale, infn Krs. Clifford Green, who died at tha m at a o'clock Saturday '. night, conducted at the home Sunday tenoim at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev, J- C. Landrutll nthViat-eH Rnr-ial "Green Hill cemetery, Wavnesville. sines his' 'oarents rlie .thiA is am-ived by. three hrntliers LowSs: inev. an,l (; . .,,. fe. Pallbearer ',, i.M.U.-" Eugene, (ilenn and Oordrm Radian visitors ENJDTIXG THIS AREA , y 1 aainett ana son, Wnv i canaaa, arrived here Sn,i M ,. , 1 eeis visiwng Mrs: f w. At:,., .. n: Mr Mir., o" ; "" V"" r,r e "ii- i cuuneciea wixn tanadmn i'ntmn.i d.: i,t. mae several , u P(iints- of interest 'JiicVv . , vtrs s -Being. SM sold on- th TERX ST A R fH A iwvn 0 T TONIGHT AT Dr. E. W. Gudger was the speaker at the Rotary Crab last Friday, and he pointed out'sf.mne of the needs of the community, that to local citizens might appear to be small, yet to the visitor loomed out as eyesores in the community. "But nevertheless, the town shows every sign of progress. It is indeed encouraging," he said. His suggestions were constructive all the way through, and he urged that immediate -attention be given the seemingly "minor matters." Re moval of: sidewalk sigtns, especially "in from of the service stations was one of his suggestions. Repairing of "broken sidewalks, being another. I Dr. Gudger was imphatic in urging' i that the towns of Hazehvond and 1 Waynesville get together and build : the sewer line to Pigefn river, past ' Lake Junaluska, "He intimated that the . non-sunnprt of town officials on : the part of the citizens had been cause of much delay. ! Wilford Rav had chr-.Vee of. the ; program ja.t Friday. M. D. Watkinsj will be ;n charge this week. .: I . goe? own a . "Happily married sixtv-foui years, in-excellent health, and enjoying- life," easily tells the storv .f Mr. mid Mrs. M.E. Tranthat.., of Clyde. ' "en . loons vvoum never indicate such long life, however, as both could pass- for much younger people than eighty-nine and eighty, respectively. Neither of them are feeble in fiict-- far lrom it. Mr. Trantham wnere he pleases .-and doesn't waiKing stick. , And as one of their children ex pressed it: "Dad and mother are al ways anxious for The Mountaineer to come to them, and it is sure a welcome visitor. Dad reads it with out glasses, but mother has to use glasses to read." .Mrs. Trantham is a native of thi.s county, while Mr. Trantham was born in Buncombe county, coming here immediately after the War Between the States, Mr. Trantham was bottr. at Fair view on March 10, 1H4C. He lived there until February 28, 1S".2 when he enlisted in the Confederate Army in the War Between the States. He remained in the army for the duration of the war. j After the war, Mr. Trantham came-! to Haywood county, and shortly there- j after, met and married Miss Marga- ' ret L. Jarrett. The wedding taking) place on March Ti, 1-871. Trantbnni wis b- rn on March : Is Solomon Sutton, Who Is !)3r The Old est Haywood Citizen Several weeks ago, an an nouncement was made that, the oldest person in Haywood county was being sought by this paper. Several names have been sent in, and thus far the oldest person re ported is Solomon Sutton, -of. Jon-.' athan'.s Creek. Mr. Sutton will be !.' in March, and s in the best of health. If you know of an older person in this county than Mr. Sutton, the ' publishers of this paper will apprecii.Ye hiiving tfheitj- ' nam immediaely.. Just as foon as the oldest per son hai been determined, arrange ments will be made to have their pictures made ami a special ar ticle about their life will be pub lished in thia paper. Of course, the panel' will bear all 'the cost of this. ; EN? - i Huilding Would Cotst 2 1.000, and Would He Huilt With WPA Funds I'aii-oliiiaii A. It. smart Mr. I liekol oiinn II tills i 1 is now iaUiihilg in 1 lie -11 lei. a.l tec st rvniK Hi tins lor a hwiiiIm r of ea i s. Ink' lei i iinrv he rnade inaiiv triends. Last Kites Held For Fred II. Marley, 46 Local ERE Teachers Return from Raleigh The teachers w ho have :ng for tin- na-t several- Mr 8, IS Mr en! s They u'reii, f ami Mr-. Trantham are the par f till '-hi'dren nine are living. a'o have fifty-three grandehil-ixly-four great grandchildren I 'W'i vreat-great grandchildren, "'a- children are: Mr:-. J. A. Brown, Moeksville, N. C. ; MISS MARION Mt'DOWELL RECEIVES FELLOWSHIP meal Chapter' of tVio f'aeom a.3'i-- a: U-,e Masonic Temple tiff- : t'10CK- An initiation s ai-pT , e Program, All srTiw , 1 attend, and. vis- " tr: , '"V- ' it'd a n eV'n mg tl. organiza- - t Liie citv nark A tOOi all Upper. Was 5pUOl t Q An e'iiio'vhl".timi mc aendance. ?ert Gives ress In Henderswnrille Add; "s . E: A:bert 'ew. ... Miss, Marion McDowell, of this city, was one of twenty college, graduates selected to receive a fellowship during the coming year in the division of social work at the. University of Pitts burgh, according to a sneeial . com munication to this paper j rpm Dr. M. C, Elmer, director. Miss McDowell i.s a graduate of the Woman's college of the University of North Carolina. She is. the dttugh ter of Mrs, C. H. McDowell and the late Dr. C.H. McDowell. 1. (' i. y w. Mr- Tianthani, Clyde. . Tianthani, Gretfnsbo-ro. '.. Trail! ham, Jonathan's Creek. -T.-..I. Fisher, Lake Junaluska. I. Trantham, Clyde. . J. H, Tr-intham, Chicago, III. Charles T. Trantham, Bakersville. Mr-. J, M. Baldwin, Asheville. I: interesting to note the an-n.iver-arios; that fall in March for Mr. :u I .Mr-. Trantham. Both were born, in .March and also married in: March- : ..Miss Janie Brown tor visiting friends Woodbury, Ga., this has returned af ir. Atlanta, and week. beiii 'months in the I'.Kr, scnuols id Haywood county, under, the y.ijh rvisii.n of Mi-.- .laniu Brown, he id of .the; group, have re turned aficr .-pending two week.- in Raleigh. .While then' they attended an I1HK -chool held at State College, with ;hr- l'(c''tv:tij- subjects iel;itive t ; tic 1 ; -v.o, k' b 'ing -t lid ied : Lit' ra i , ; home i-o : k ,;s. -oria) alio economu-' ; pro Mem .recreation, health and by j giene. ami nu.r -.ery school method-. Among tho-e t tend i n tr the .-eh"ol : were: - Miss Khonie Allen, of . i ! . : Mr-.!. C, Long, of Lake .1 una in-ka, . M - - Maule Mc.hatrey, of Canton, MK I: .1. .Mai hi y. of Ili'ilvvood, Miss Kaih-; eriiie O-len fie, of Clyde, -Mr-. Blanche -rh c, of Crn-o, Mrs, Fred Winfiehl, of ( anton, (Mer . Burnett, . of Criiso, i and Mrs: Grover Caldwell, of Hell :: WOnd. j From -Wavnesville-we re. Mr. -RuiUs ' '.F!:ir.w-:. .Mrs'.. G. F. Boston. Mrs; Ihi- ? mer JuisUce,' Mi- Helen Medford. i;-s Mary Pauline :Plott, Mr?. D-1 Maney Raines, Mrs. Cum; B. St amey, -.1 .and' .Mrs.-Rose Moody. ' : ' Simple , yet imjiressiye luneral ser-vin-s were conducted from the First Presbyterian church on Sunday after noon by Dr. A. A. McLian, for Frel II. .Marley, Id; former Lenoir phar macist, who-e death occurred, while he vva.. iiuiu' ti i a;i d. in the llaywood ( 'oiinty llo-jiital, n a n.'-vilie. I n tor ment folioue l at Helicvicw cenretery. Allhoueh Mi. Mar ey had riot been in the he-1 of heiltii lor several year.-, lie had been ei rt.iealiy ill for less t han ; two wick .and In d. a . h w as ent n ely ; h i - . i me. was Widely known and lnirliiy l'e-;ieeted ill l.eiioii Well a- the' !) r town- in which he hinl 'lived,-'; such as !,) Fort. ami Wavin-.-yillc, and ,. tin- in w-s c f hi- (i--sin:' was a di-t:nc! ! li' eh jo hi- friend,- here. r -iu'iyiiig at the I 'nivcr-ii v id' t ii t o 1 1 ii a ' .-. si hoiil of plia i iiiaey, 1 Miali ii,. iji-aduated, lie follow el !.i:-i'i--.i.'ii I" ally' .operating. Ma, ;. ' ! I u vt Stole heic for I- yoai,. S.ia-e that lime he bad lived ,i- l.' i o : . U .I I of and Wavne-ville, inJig In en i eg i.-J e- ri d plia rm.-o i r t a' , I unexiu :t Caih-d , Although no ollicial word has U'e'n I'viiwd, the ollicials of Company "H" of the l'JOth Infantry are elated evi r the in coming out of 'Raleigh thai Wayne-ille has, heen included Ms one of the IT lown.s in the state that will get a S-Jl.opo armory under the WPA -et-up. Captain Geoige Plot:. First Lieuten ant Paul Martin and Second Lieuten ant Grady Boyd, of Company '" " have been i'n clo-e touch with the tor since it was first mentioned -months ago that an armory wa- li able for Wiaynesville under the i administration. rclegianis and letters ueic li.--inii -cut from here yestcrdii), and more will K loday In iM'half of I he armory. Olliecrs of foin iaiij II" arc niakinu e'ry effort lo bate i be local iroje( ( anions l lie lii -i approved by ollicials. Tin' project bus been approved, ami now It j ninttcf of uettiiiK the money allocated. L'ntative sfiecilicat ions have al ready heen received, and the plans call tor a brick building 110 feet square, and with L'U.OOII square feet of drill ground. I he only o'digat lei: .-f town is to Itirnish the site. Much lime has been spent inn this matter, and olli cials believe that they have a .site that is available that will be ideal for the building as well as t he. drill grounds. I he huildimr. w hile built for the armory, will be for 'community use, providing ample space for dances, serving as a convention hall, also ideal for Mower shows, quilt shows .'end the like. The building will not have seats provided by (he government, but it is estimated that .some 5 Hi) seats could easily be placed on the .floor of the hall. A stage js ' included in the plans. The local Home Guard unit i.s at present holding the drills in a build ing neiir tin' depot, but an ollicial poinled out that this was entirely in adequate, ... Company "11" has made a distinct rwcord in the slate, by the machine gun marksiiiiiship a I'd Iky .of the com pany. And during the cotton liiill slrike last fall they weie o'li duly ill the strike area for a number of weeks, filling their duty to 'the "eoiuilete .satisfaction of olfieers," vva- the. re port. It is expected that delinite action will he known soon, and the leport from Raleigh .Was that the building would be under const riietiou uilhin week- .after- I'm nial approval, n wa,, al-o one i;f Hie IV towns, I in the report. ,. -' foil 111 At':. No,tl, ffoin 300 Hear Plans Of Reviving Old Age Pension Bill Plan -.p. w 1 i '- I 'I He .sioi.c a: 'tld I'm I at. ho -'li-ath,,-- 'Surviving aie hi- Mr-. I." i -e .Clarke Marley, I- . Hal. w ho i - oi l he.-i ru e-iier I 'nivei -j ty , where he i- -enior ela-.-, aini - parent.:. Rev. and., i" aii'i two sister., ' ltd M- Margaret AV. K. Fishi'r, slate manager id liie t!d Age l'i ! i .,. pi .ii, aii., i a ciowd ol - mm- duo gal lie, 1,J .,; , u. court hoii,-e here Monday - ,,uoii j,iaM's won-, in. h in:,, ,, Kk j,,, t'v-mii.ior:' to pre-en; to (,'iin d.y: dnvoric.- ne.xi if- Ike I-flnl .: - I . . , '"-1UI Ol .U1U Scisai -! fut'eh here,, -Wafe .( i' ,-iJl'4Wr at tho rBvn- which was held 't'lay of Uliis Cbr dm.' spoke nn "H,.r w fjrfl:,: lhe audience was TJ..-,. a'?'rict. The Hplpo-ntoc fatw of'-the Henderson villP Robert Honeycutt, 65, Passes Away Robert Honeycutt. fi5, was buried this week at the DeTP.vood cemetery, with the Rev. Mr. Rv-ten, Methodist pastor conducting the funeral. Mr. Honeycutt passed away fol lowing an- tlinesr.'of several months. He is survived by his wift and sever al children. - e rn a ' h Dr. doh wer..--d: anf II. -i . .. - T i : 1 1 1 1 1 111 he i-e Mailey. II C- M-f aplii: ,f (I'd -TV : rei - were: of M!k:'n, .01. . I ' i : V-.VM.'-Vi'le M i "in, of -poll- rajiain . A li- Ike Caplin and n, ':'; Paul .Black-' and ..I. R. f.H.i: I.i-noii. Lenoir j i . name - on,t lot gi e.-s ' w hen ; i. January, ... ' "W n i rid . n.iving in -tin- pa-l'.-.-t. - .- ion liii-'ced Hie soi;- i o h i ait a nvi-ed pian; to ire sent next year. : ,",v r, Fi - net- went into detiil of what. Hie plan would mean to the old peo ple, a to I What encourage men I. had iil'i n i ("-ei ved.' ' . Vi ry-liiile, if anything',, can. he ex f'Vclcd until lhe :mee;iiig of, the .-tii'e i gisla.ari' -again in Iti.iT. according .to ph-iis ; iiut.irud by Mr., as t he federal governmen:. . plan- are to go niie-half on the "deiii" With: the. states.. Patent Granted Haywood Man Fall And Winter onWave Motor that May Mean Big Change In Making Power Dr. J. F. Massey. Former Hay vood Mtin. Now Living In New Jersey, Makes Machine liidvidfd f" ptivs t": Traffic SATURDAY t;mes here a 1 . - - 4avier summer wa1 traffl.- Sal :?1Ji street rhn. 14- : v, aParkin "-"-ernoon and v,?.s e Iff? e taken, i- ion-: MISS MARGARET JONES 0URIED AT HVDEK MT tm thC PSt ZentlToy most of Funeral services were- held at the Hyder Mountain church Sunday after noon for -Miss -Margaret Jones, u,. i. Mr aA Mw.- R. A. Jones, of Clyde. : , , ... The voung girl died at the hospital here aftef- a lingering illness. Rev.. R. P. McCracken conducted the fun- Cr Members of Margaret's Sunday .',i.l .u..; crrnrled school Class swiuui uais o..v4 f..- .c!n some waj acted as flower girls, while cousins u noil Konrprs. ) A'".!-' 'man' is earne . t liintic i aln mt a J. F was i r itistani-.' where a Haywood torgihg' ahead V in the '-world.-tight recently, ' tylien the .A! -Sty 1'ress carried an .Irtiel" wave hiotoi'. invented liy pr- Massey. of that city, Dr. . M.issey born oh -Fin"s v'reek, in this fiii- emls j It'Tr j nr. I hrointv: nnd hss been- in New Jersey for inanv years. , He has iniiiiV friend ,'tni! relatives here who will lip in! i.e..) in the work he is doini-'. Dr. yr.issey lives at ft South. N'eW-port Avenue. Ventr.or City. X. J. . Dr. Massey is an uncle of Z, R, Massey. The article in full, is a follows: The ceaseless motion of the ocean waves has always caujaii uie imagi nation- or inventors ami entrineers. ii way could, be found to harness what quantities of power r-ould be uses.., : Xow a well known . local Dr. J. I". Mass.ey,. hns l.e.-n l-.i a fiatent. l'.v trie . ;ov'-p;nimt ','w.i ve raotiir." whi' li- l'r. Sl r--i lieyes iriay have nia r,y imp.,,! ;:.-, ni If,. Ijel'i"ves' that liis niotoi-' , )i.,i-- s ,-r h i' . j i r'o l , I e in--,- ?! .'.!:., !i i ,17. -vi m ventio'ns -of tbf i lype- faip-d.' As Drl Afassey exppiins i t' ,,.' ' .' motors that were l.nilt years 1'ed to make, allowances for th- ris" I and fall of the :i'l''--- and other nn- -. certainties, of the of f-an. His fny'.n- iion is so arranged niai it .win iutii tion, he believes,: under all conditions in fair weather or foul. It can store up power, clistribute it as needed. Dr. Massey started work on his in vention about a year ago, as a hobt'V. He was ill at the time, he said, and had read an article in the f-'unday Press relating how wve moter in ventions had been tested out here 25 years or more ago. Although a prac . (Continued on page 8) i A fall ami 'winter, garden conic.-1 i !.c.. ;o.' s'.agtd under the. superVi.-ioii of M:ss Smith, county home demon--t rat ion. agent. Any home garden g: o'vn by a iuial family in North t ;,r oiina is eligible. Contestants ' wi-h.:n-.' .to enter mu.-t see Miss Smith before Oct. 1, i'.id.i. The content wi.'l :ri-; for. six .month. There must be at least 12. contestants before tho-e in the county are eligible to enter. '-. County awards are as. follows: Fir-t prize, .?o.00; second prize, ,-;2:00. The winners in the county ',' contest will have a chance to co ii jete for the slate p: izes. . w n aie: f irst, .$20,(10; sec !,-;; 2.",b; third, S7.50, and fourth . o.d'l. Key-Making Outfit 'I he Watkins Chevrolet ( ..inpar.y have' in.stalied a mo.iein key-making machine, which duplicate any key, for any kind of lock. ' Mr. Watkins exp.' 1 that all that . is needed to . dupilcak1 .' keys is, the number. Patterns : for every by num-: ber are mi file and it ;.- in---f. o if adjusting the machine ,. ',.. rk ' key, ''''.- .,r-, ! b'la -tik BAPTIST WOMEN T MEET SUNDAY AT 3 Women of the Waynesville divi sion of the captist church will meet wfth the Ratcbff Cove Missionary Society Sunday afternoon at three o clock. The Baptist State Mission Day of Prayer will be observed. Those m charge are anxious that a delegation from each church be present. HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT'S SCHEDULE .Miss Mary Matgaret' Smith, Home Demonstration Agent for Haywood and Sw-ain count :'e.s, has, thefollowing schedule for,: meetings with the wom en this week in Haywood: Wednes day, A lien '.s Creek church at 2 o'clock Thursday, at Pines Creek, school house, at. 2:.30 o'clock; Friday, at Shady Grove church, at ?-mv n'.'ll-. Saturday, at the Cecil srh nnl ' nco ,1 9-P.n r,'nlr.l- Ml 4 1. ' , . . . ' v V4V-.S. . .in me w omen oi tnese communities- are cordiallv invited t.i Jattend the meetings,.

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