EBB 'mam wHniEiEHi fhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 39 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1935 rrfBamE. Erk, 68 mack Early Friday r Member Of Wood Novelty ! I !., War Manufacturing .. Buried In Native State Of Penn. V Erk, 68, senior member M?, u'nna Novelties firm ithe-r..i wflv last Thursday 11. -vr ,, ... . :'Vv Erk' Death was due to a k f FAtad been visiting friends the J lie died, and was stricken on hcme He died. a few minutes ?K carried to his' son's home ixtte Friday-to s5 fer funeral ser f f interment. Mr. Erk form-':t-r , ; ttnmesdale. and was f, 'the family plot, where Mrs. s buried several years ago, J deceased was born m Pennsyl cn.Au t 4, 1867. .. f thp firm f Erk, WHO i il ------ 1 He was in the north on a bus a" -he time of his father's death. Marker At Cherokee fill Be Unveiled On unday Afternoon, 3 sited Daughters Of Confede racy To Hold Ceremony On Reservation In Memory Of War Indians IT'S AUTUMN! Old Man Summer of U'35 pass ed on into history at t:3y p. m. Monday afternoon, giving his place ever to Queen Autumn, for a reign of three months before she is chased from the throne by the white-haired, snorting Old Man Winter. The official beginning of Au tumn, set on last Monday, arrived a few days earlier and began getting things in shape for her reign, but sending cooling breezes and early morning fogs out as an announcement of her intended arrival. Work Of Auditing Tax Books To Be Finished This Week Auditors now working on the tax collector's books are expected to com plete their work by the last of this week or the first of next, it was learned yesterday. Tax Collector D. A. Howell will be given the 1935 tax books on the first Monday in October, and at the same time make settlement with the board of commissioners for all taxes collect ed to date by him. Since last December an entirely new system has been ?et up in the tax collector's oflicn. which maktj; the auditing much quicker and not as complicated as the system used heretofore. Tax Officials Of 16 Counties To Be Here Friday At 2 Discussion Of Present Tax Laws. And Foreclosure To Be Principal Topic lie first district of the United -, ...ill tjgnters, w me tuiuegeracj win Lu cnp.'inl ppremonv at the Cher- !m .-..-. -- -ife Indian Council house, on Sunday t.mnmi at Cherokee. Sentember the Eiik,at 3 o'clock. . A marker in mem rnf thp fhprokee Indiana of North inlina who served as soldiers and kits in the Confederate Army in kWar Between the States, will be wed.'' He principal address of the ocea 11 will be made by Mrs. E. L. Mc- t nf Svlva. A cross of military Srrice will be presented to Charles jwiteh Long, a Cherokee who saw nice in the World War and is a Isstendant of a veteran of the Con state Arms'. Hie marker to be erected on the tool House grounds-will be built of Irjve stone and cement. On the side pf the marker facing the highway hprp trill Ko a hrnrwo c lnVi : At. the ml this slab, in bas-relief, will be rptaflrlnf a Ivninrd C.hornVeo TriHlflll fcd below this .will appear the follow- p? inscription: "In Wflnnr nf TVineo Pvgua f'Vliarn- h Indians Loyal to the Confederacy jM-wtw lommanded by Col. Vvm. H. fw. trected by the Daughters !' e Confederacy of the First Dis- fe.VV,. A. Hvatt. pirn irman of the amittee in charee of the arrange- N. will preside. Other features mm program will be: AssemDiy Dy the Boy Scout buglers; call to ;fby Dr. Harold W. Foght, Supt. :M Reservation;, invocation by Rev. '? Thflvnncnn' vii,-,-,Qi.t-c! Kr TVTrs. Rsto.n. Thomas, of Asheville, dis- leaner; music by, the Cher- m,l!p niinvftit. mflccntfl tinri -e memorial to-: "Our Loyal Wfflrftris '. -Y.XT IVTve' '- W. " nj'att; . accentnnr'fi of tlip Wfi- -a! by Chief Jarret Blythe; salute flas, led by Boy . Scouts of school, n n1 tio nrnwrnm will ;6 With iW i,i.,i..t.i!, nt . Vl' .. ... y inw.icutaULrii vi v w . .presidents of , the district. ree Caught With 49 Gallons Booze eputy 'Sheriffs Dewey Cook and " ITiOnilKnn - Ll.- " . -l-i TT H?I'hil!' :Harrv Snyder and W I f : wuh iJ gallons of liquor, Wf tated: twp automobiles, both j.- veiong to Hehiphill. : e men wel'e given a hearing vtilairistrate F. D. Ferguson, and .wund over to court under a $500 two. officers in this case are ;;.r: Mvo of the best in the county, much of their time to liquor olmenTiirn In s Of Law Floridian Impress ed With Waynesville John E. Junkin, Sr., retired newspa per man, of Miami, ig spending sev eral weeks here, as he said: "Avoid ing the last of the summer heat back home.'" Mr. Junkin's plans before arriving here were to spend the most of his time hiking, but found that the call of the golf course was too great, and has devoted most of his time on the local course. Speaking of the local course he commented on the fact that it was the foundation for an outstanding course, and that he had played every day thus far. and would perhaps con tinue until he returned home. "Waynesville is an impressive town. It is modern, and impresses me as be ing an ideal place to live. One of the noticeable things here is the fact one sees but few negroes on the streets, that is so different from most Carolina towns.' City and county attorneys, tax col lectors and officials from sixteen coun ties are schedule,! to meet here Fri day at two oVU'i-k a: the oourt house, with Prof. Albert Coats; director of the Institute of Go oinim-nt of Chapt 1 Hill, leading a discuj-sion of re.-t-nt tax laws and changes. The purpose of the mooting is to have a joint discussion of problems involved in tax colletcions and fore closure proceedings, together with practical methods of dealint with them. Ai) effort is being made, to bring some clarity out of the existing confusion and arrive at some uni form understanding. Meetings have been held over the state with similar groups, and have the hearty approval of Attorney Gen eral A. A. F. Seawell. A number of letters have been mailed from here to those in other counties to attend, and bocaue of the importance of this discussion it is expected that delega tions from all of the sixteen counties v.-i'l he present. The counties included in this meet ing are: Rutherford, McDowell, Mitchell, Vaneey, .Madison, Buncombe, Henderson, l'olk, Transylvania, Hay wood, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Clay, and Cherokee. Insurance Plan Adopted Here By Building & Loan Announcement Made Of Methods For Protection To Associa tion's Stockholders Contract For Road From Bethel Towards Springdale To Be Awarded On Third A;;:'., ur.ee :n out of a . t surance for stockholder wo d Home Building and 1. :t:u:i of this citv was mad :n f the Hay oan af-oo:- lv S. 11. Wanted Pictures Of Old Fair Days hushno.l. secretary and trea-unr of i the a-soohtion. This plan ua. work- j im out with the Security I.:!V. and Trust oomvn'.ny, of Win-;, r. Salem, with W. Grady Southern of t,hat company, originator of : he special insurance feature. Mr. Southern will ly hi re for evera! days to a--!st Mr Hushnell and hi- associ.it ;on in the inta!lat ton of the plari. Mr. Hu-hneil, in a Utter to the MnekhoMers. making the announec nu nt, told of the os-ential features of the plan, whereby the borrowing .-t H-kholdor may at imall cost insure h:.- t fe for the unpaid portion of his i btiMtng and loan stock. Tins guar- j .itttus Mr. Bushnell said, that the , :u itgage would he paid otT inimedi-ate-y at death, thorehy leaving the family , f the stockholder a homo free' of debt. To the investment -took-, holder, the - insurance provide- foi payment in oa-h of the full in,- val ue of the s'ook immediately a! d,alh.' Premiums may lie. paid at the otlice of the assooiat i, n along with refular ; installments on stock. , Mr. Southern, in ooninient inc. on th.ej flexibility of the plan, pointed, out that it is adaptable ' those whose stock ha- bien running for several years ar -well as to now suncription 'Visitor" Thinks Waynesville Is A D Tight Place One of the many "begging vis itors" who regularly stop oil' here. w.is in town Monday, trying to get music from a worn-out three string banjo and donations from passersby. after several se lections, which discord and a harsh voice failed to blend, be passed his hat to a group eating at a lunch counter. He failed to get a dime from e crowd, s turning to thr own er of the place mumbled: ' 1 rns is ilie d est bunch of rascals I've ever met.-' A few minutes- later he was out again., on the street singing, "I've cot one thill dime, and I'm going back to Mania tonight on tliat--1 ain't staying here no longer." True to his word, the last seen lie was near the post ollice head ing south on the road to Atlanta. tl Two Hridses Will He Huilt. Dis tance Will He Shortened By A Mile H The Moiiniaincci' is anxious to l)j Sa I ii nla y of litis week, any piol ii res (iiken ill' 1 1 it' lliiyuoinl County l-'ii lr of the years gone liy. It' yon know of any. this paper will appreciate your gelling I hem to us by Sal ii relay noon. If there is any speeiiil rvciKs of the "Old 1'nir Dtiys" that me otii slaiKling in your inintl, we uonltl also like to have lliein liy noon Sal uiiliiy. Hvery effort is being niaile to revive some of the pleasanl inem ories of the "Olil Days at Hie 1'tilr." Won't you Iwlp ns get soniw of this material together'.' e mil gc aid that the idea originated with ling ..lid loan officials who have from experience seen the mod for such, a feature. "We have merely t-ik.ii tliiu idea." M. Southern said, ami applied our experience to the w Local Committee : To Adjust Debt Work of the volunteer debt adjust ment committee in Haywood county is being continued and expanded un der supervision of the Resettlement Administration. H. A. Osborne, Can ton, is chairman and C. C. Francis, Waynesville, secretary of the local committee. The debt adjustment program, in augurated in l'j;i5 by the Farm Credit Administration, has been transient-o j by President Roosevelt to the -Reset-.-, tfement Administration. An alloca-j 4-lv. .f c-r hillinn dollars from the; Works Relief Fund has been made to carry on the program throughout the nation. .Members of the volunteer commH rnwivml 'no .compensation. LC(J im,v , Many of '.them' have': even, pa.d, tnur.j own expenses when, as was often the case, their 'duty' called for travel, i he ; allocation 'made -lor tnts woik s -ca.i' n dofvav, expenses .-of , the vol- , unteer coniniittees and for super visory service. The county . committees were ap pointed for the purpose of trying to avert court liquidation- by preventing 'bankruptcy or . foreclosures. .. ltMs their dutv to attempt to bung debt ors and creditors together, to see it an amicable adjustment, mutually sat isfactory, can be arranged. In addition to settling thousands op individual cases, including- a numoer in this county, county committees have had great influence m the. res toration of credit stability and in de veloping the. practice, on . the part of all creditors, of making reasonable adjustments to: :avoid court liquida-. UFarmers who are in financial dis tress should ; consult a memoer pt their county committee. The commit ' . .ut. tnr rnnntv are: J- .Itaynbyde.EWei.s,; ,-ille, and D. Reeves No.land, Route 1, News Articles Must Bear Writer's Name Several times before, attention has been called to the fact, that all news sent in via mail to this paper must be .signed. All news matter received un signed is not considered for publica tion. This paper is always glad to receive news, but the above rule must be complied with if publication is ex pected. Work On Church Annex Progressing rking out of a practicable plan that as appeal to hoi rower and pivesioi like." P. T. A. Council Of County To Meet The Haywood Council P. T. A. will bold a school of instruction at the Bethel school Friday, September .27, between the hours of two and five, il has been announced. For the occasion, two state officers have signified their intention of be ing present. Alb principals, teacners and parents in the -county, are urged to be present for this meeting. Mrs. C. S. Field, president, will be one of the speakers, on the program, J.B. Poteat Passed Away Tuesday A.M. Presbyterian Women Of District Meet Here Today A group conference of the Women's Auxiliaries of. the 'Presbyterian churches of District Number Due, which comprises the organizations in Waynesville, Canton, and Hazckvood, will' meet today in the . Presbyterian church. Mrsj. W. Faucet tv ' Swift, district chairman, will preside over the meeting. .'Among- the special speakers on the program will be Dr. Robert Hedinger, of Asheville, Mrs. Butler, a retired niiusioiiarv. of Hraz'it ' who is now visiting in this section, and Miss Cor nelia" . Taylor, who will have charge of the Bible hours, Mrs.'- Preston Thomas, of . Ashevi'lOo;, Pre.sbvterial secretary, of Foreign Missions! will receive the gifts front the auxiliaries for the White Cross work. The meeting -will begin promptly lit 10:,'ill and lunch will be served at PI-:3I, and .will- be followed by an afternoon session. Singing Convention To Meet October 6 The contract will be let October third by the State Highway Commis sion for ;i.ii miles of road, ami two river bridges on Highway No. 1281, from Bethel towards Springdale, it was learned here this week. The new route will go to a point about live miles down the river, and will save about a mile from the pres ent route. The two bridges, crossing Fast Fork and West Fork of Pigeon river will be built ut a point near where the old bridge was torn down. The project will probably cost If 100, 000 or more, but the funds for this wiil come from that which was set aside for this project last year and will not take any from this year's funds. The road will be twenty feet wide, and the two bridges will lie built of reinforced concrete ami 17til00 pounds of steel. Since this road is a federal project, the bridges must have a minimum load capacity of U tons. This part of the program winch will eventually lead to the paving of all the road from here to Brevard. Contractors are already at Work in Transylvania on that part of the route in the l.ookmg Glass ( reek lion. Surveys are being vvorkci 'for future lettings by -the "com in is see up ion. i '-.!. n plans it wi-ath, are to begin work the latter Dan - tht.- n,-.r .",.'( it to Sum-lav ' scln the Kii learned- Si ill 10 po; mining, - present. chin . on the root week on the :ol annex- of eh, it 'was gaged. oomph :. i unilor'wa that 'par The w liiiddly. Baptist ; hi ; week. .. - . ' . ' ; .fil'to'-n. meil - are. busily en- I t pii.-liin' the -work toward-'! The" brick'- work is well , y. an 1 plan- are to complete j V .early", next ;week. ' ; oi l; litis heen pushed forward and is ahead . of .sch'-du'e, Tm 1 . ed bv Mathis !.:.,,! y : The fai lin-i r;nd to, ovirani Canton,-hi- honie wing a ii i iteilfe, of' pes ed away at av nioi'iiin'.-1 ,..f ,11 Ptoato:, 7-years ohl. i i.is wife, a half lii'nth' is-,, .tllld Otic '-' - tei ,'. Ml nt i ii-;il i ar'o.n:i. decoa -i A was : ;( pi ,,f :h .-l-'iL'CMi Valley .- m :i.ct'-f pa" 1 1 ,'.;.: the Route" early ,'ino-s. urviv , Fro.! .lane in .ni'iil ( i-t :iu), llvi c oi n I ho Ihc- V ii: 'mi, aniiouii c-jialige htl'l lie n , ii' lie meeting viiiir- been niov- : h, K'U kns homi: aitkr Sl'KNDl.Nt; liKli SI MM lOli WtH?5" atrImen continued their . o .uivnivl. ,j . - - . : an T cnlrcing trarhc laws, s::g v aJe''aSe of. about six. a day -rieii. '. before "magistrates to 0!t''6f ii, ' "' r ' ' ' case3 were for improp- N fcj.i , n"e others were sneeding. 5;toi starts3 ,d!'ivins- Since - the deiiw- r" campaign, a ma W ,a.3f has been noted in - ..' violations.- 1 . ' X" IUMAGK BY FIRE '4avre.el,artlenf was called out 't ci an u answer to Oil V -0l1 barre1 tack of the si r. ' .--ei'vice Stot;., r,- tVo V Clyde Rotary Club Has Uuique Program :V The Waynes'ville Rotary.. CI ' got off to a good ff'fS bv having one hundred per cent at feyndance,gand also by hav.none of the most unique programs of the year, wit.v M. D. Watkins in charge. - Mr. Watkins prepared a ui question for each member of the club "BSrhe one hundred .e cent attendance treieth-nesv.lle So'otheJ-from Miami- :' inirni ANNOUNCEMENT j : Mr.: ait.i Mrs." J. Edwards Jaynes, of ; Lake Junalusk:i, announce the -birth of as an, lames: Edson, born Sent. .. ji:j5 Mr-. Jayne was before her marriage, Miss Freda Finchev.-a teacher . in, the Ilayyvoo'l -, cpunt' schools. '..'-. Mt-s. Wi turned i.i ; C. afte i-r hen h Anna . D'i-' r homo in sijen'iitvg i: She wa ( hant - has !!:-! evti.c. r I'dth sur.i iei e for : the (-iter part 'of the' slimmer, and ilur ii; time her two mV, 1 Frank and iliid and their families visited heie. Mr-, lies ('hunts, is. one of W.'i.v-.-ilie'- lie's t; -tei --. She . '.'i'e ! :: Da Vi-'a -Terrace. II. P. M.o.-s...)i..e-.. county singing col cod yc.-lciday 'that -a made, m the -. cl.H-dit tlii - vt'itf. the .date , , in, i ruin tliird Sunday in Novein- to .'the lir-t Sumiay in. October - ttih. at the Kdneyvdle high sejieo,. eight lililo.s from Hend'T-onvilio'- on i he' 11a t I 'a vo road.- . The change' ',wa-- niiide bocau.-o. of ueiitlor 'hat 'usually come in t lie tatter leu t id said. ' ;Th:" .coll-vciition wood, Pol k, lltinconibo and Hi ;.di r. o:i ( oiint i "Ail -ingers in -'the invited to ai-tctid iinil anil .oil's?" books. 1 h lii'O-in toil o'lhu'K," announced, ' ,- ' ' ." Funeral For Harry E.(:!uirch,5:?lleld: Neveliilier, ie includes Htty , Ti aii-ylvania, ' tei-riiol v ' f.ri' I 'lij-ing friend:- o siiigin;!; w-iil . Ihe ple-ideti Rural Electric Line Survey To Begin Immediately Rtial communities of Western North Carolina wishing elect ric line service will have . the opportunity tu apply for a survey by acting imme diately through the county agents. According to-deorge M. .Stephens,, member of the Rural Electrification Authority for the western counties, the Raleigh office of the Elect rilioa tion Authority 'phoned him Monday morning', that it is putting two men in (he field to .make survey in the Western North Carolina counties to report on places where electric line extensions are practical. It was an nounced that a meeting of the Elec trification Hoard's consulting .engin eer: will be held in Mr. Stephen's of liee at the Farmers Federation M. Asheville oh the '-'morning- of Septem ber :!0, to give the field survey men their inst ructions. : Application for surveys and check ups by lie.se field men are to be made at once through the county agents, or iliiecl to Mr. Stephens so that' they may hi' cared for. in. the survey work which is to -start immediately ami is to last, only a limited' time. Applica tion, blanks and full instructions aro". being .mailed this week !o all , utility agents in the western :-:octinn. Woman's Club To Sponsor Concert By Opera Singer :The V niiU J coicerl .by .M epKii-ic soprani ; '( 1 1 ii i-:t ( em h i I on Moilday 7t li at S : 1 r i .Vl-tss. V et tori 1 in A hovillo ( Fid ;t ,f 200 Attended Outing Of England- w ."'. I1T 1 Walton Company Employees W ed. - I ' ;!. . til sor lee- -Ma-; ie . Fum ial 11 inoi.iiiiig l'of 1 1 art : liro'iinivoiu ' real M.aiiii. F!a., . i. one : n estinta''. 1 cfwd et ever two hunilrci; 'composed .ut' employees am, Vamilie- of England-Walton Compa- inent several hour, Wednesday aftei'noon at Belle Meade Playgrounos enjoying games and contests: ami enii etl their frolicking with a barbecue supper. -."," : , . . It was the first event, of its kinu that the employees, of the company ever held. It was entirely their own get-up, and everything was in cnarge of the men, and the women agreed that the food would not have been better if the best of their sex had prepared it. The ferns wheel was turned over to the children . for the afternoon, while both men and women engaged m various contests and games.- Winners in the different events vere as follows: ...':-, Marshmellow and string chewing, Miss Louise Whisenhunt. Dre--up, and quick change, Mrs. Helen McElroy. f Fat ladies' race, Mrs. Colin Mclnnes ladies'; race, .Mrs. Lean Wvact. ' Banana eating .-.'Contest Wvatt. :,'. .",:..; The 'hret-U-gged race for ;.niei-. Robert-.'Lo'we aniRichard Sweanriger. Mixed: race, , boy and ." -g:r!, Ju.n Wagenfeld,. and. John Foigty. 1 : Horeshoe pitching contest, .K')'..i,ej. Shields and (Jean Parr:;. , ::, ., '; Tug-of-war, Homer Moore, Raleigh . Mills Ed Swayngim,' Julius Davis, Lcuis Byrd, and Charles Compton. Several visitors, were invited out, to attend the outing- : ' ,. .Those in '"charge of the afternoon s event were: . . , . , F. C. Comnton, L. M. Rxheson, Colin Mclnness, E. C. Wagi r.ftid, W B, Winchester, S, H. Lane, J. Shields, T. G. Stump. C. H. Boring, Dwaine Robinson, R. A. Gaddis, J. Raulette, Leo Martel, V. M, Rhea, and Fred Farmer. . Indefinite plan are to make this an annual event, in view of the fact that the outing yester-lay was such a success from every standpoint, held -at . the on Sunday E. ( h-urch, o.'!, i'.-tiite -.broker,, ol. who die d -Saturday niorn- , , , ii. . . : i .. t iti a- t he llavw ooo.. e oirniy iiospnoc Feilowiiig the .-ervii-e-', the' mody ac companied by his wife,', was taken to Miami, whole ititeitiueri will btemade. Mr., and '.Mi.-, Church, who have bleu coming to Waylie-'ville for years, as guests of M''. I '"'.tiid Dunham, .a family' connection, ai riveil- in. town on e, ..:.,,,.. ... .-, , ro -v is 1 1 ill; ill ;'. , I the Dunham. Hcu-e. The condition GoribiiTi. . f.V,;,;,'.i, ,, -).,n-,l. been isuffer- r;r,.-;n ! in-' with 'a heart affection for sonic yiis, uran ! t jmrv became alarming on Friday and hewas taken to the Haywood, county Hospitals vfteie hi' 'itrtw steadily NVorsC.' . . , ',: ; ' Funeral For Mrs. X C. Harris Held Mrs. J. C. Harris, 79', of near Clyde, died in ah Asheville hospital, at: 5:.40 o'clock. Monday afternoon. . Mrs. Harris was the widow of R. T. t Harris SVip i eiirvived bv one son. J. R. Harris, of .''.Clyde,- two sister.-., several grandchildren, anci thp loi lowing daughters: Mrs. E. J. Willis, of Arkansas; Mrs. J. R. Clark, of near Clyde; Mrs. C. , R. Robinson, of Cand ler; Mrs. Fred Newman, Mi?. W- ( Flynn, and Mrs. J. Paul Murray, of Canton. The funeral services were held at the Oak Grove Baptist church. ii! sponsor a V'ett'ili, di-a-'i " tile Met l ,,jioilt:in- f Now York City, . evening, : O, I iV'i' "' he -ii t he Methodist church is spending a ft.'vv'wi eks- as the "Ue-1 of Mi. lilaiii'he i.oftain. and the local oigan izalion is very fort unate .in se-'uring, hut: for this uiiex poet ed aimearance here, : ', Mi-s Vet torio- po e- e a i :ch voice with except ioiiiil- Mielody , anil : sings' with mtich depth of feeling. With her natural beaut y . of her tone her train ing and 'experience she never f ii!s !A 'make a st rong anneal to , her audi ence, both to - children as well a .'... .... ... , . I... , .u i ', adults, sue announce una sue gladly sing any i-equest numbersi Adding much, color, to the pi ogram :. will be the numbers. h. will sing in . costume.- Patrons -of-the concert an1: Pr. and Mr-, S. P. O tv, Mr. ai d Mi-. M. II. Row'- -. Mr. an 1 Mi . I tiur, f Hardin, .Ii:., Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Eee, Jr, Rev, ami Mrs. Paul: Hardin, Jr.. '. :),. Mrs. W. liaucom. Mr. and Mi s. '('; J'.: Kirk,pat,rick,.Mr. and , Mr..' R" H. Illackwell, Mr, and Mrs. (irov r ('. Davis, Dr. . and Mrs. N. M. Me t fotd. Mr. and Mrs. John N, ShvoI bre.i, Ur. and Mrs. Robert II.' Stretch-, or; Mr. and Mrs. "John M. (Jueen, Mr, f'lydiJ Ray, Jr., Mr. and Mrs., .v. , liar leV) Howe'.'., Mr--. Hugh. A.. Love, Mr. and Mr; M. G. Stahiey. Dr., and Mis.. J. Rufu-i McCracken, Mr. and,, Mrs. Wor.ds'oP Jones Mr. an.r Mrs. . Paul . Hv;,-: ' M ' - - Man' in t Terrell, Mr. and -Mrs. .laIc"Mcsst-r.."Mr and Mr'-R-chaetl Ha.;,or. ,.Tr Mrs. D. M.. Kil l;:iri... Mi;ss Nancy,, Killian, . and . Mr.?; Re . Nt' 'RarT'er,. , ".'',' APPOINTED NOTARY C. R. At kin -on ha-, hc-en. appointed bv. Governor J. ( . , r.nringuau n notary public of this county. Mr. A-kinsoii was recently "named" a., mag istrate, also. He is maintiimr.g head. quarters in the court house. ; : ';.

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