1 BE iHffll IUNI8IB3 18 Pages Today The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood CountyPublished At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National ParkRead by Thinking People WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA THl'KSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1933 IwKIBIBGSSuIIIBhu SLV" ' 40 y ANNUAL C0U1Y FAR OPENS TUESDAY Inter Program of Chamber ofi Commerce Is An Elaborate One ii-ii xTi. mi : l Organization mil nate This vumei. auujiicu program Will Keep Mem bers Busy v director;; of the Chamber of -,-m.rce met last rnuay in;iic iui ;f"Vr roctftinu at the Hotel Way ,':'', 2"d made formal plans for '-e j? ..(. . i --Vf program iw me wiuki ,,,;';, Wlt.-l lresiuein, v.uaiic i-.. hTprttntijr a number of pro- Stvtra! .n:iu-r ousiness matters trt e.ipo-cd ol, unel repo"s given one '-w' committees, uui- -he cctg-t - o! the evening, Uonaui Er.sn: cam.- : ana presemeu bcvei- jjgge.-'.:!'!!.. Die one in particular -Witt tilt1 rXlC-Me r-UiSC til ion ' .. . II.. ;tri o,v.u. w.K-ri- violations oi traffic 5 in town had been the source of im trhK-!M on the part of visi- c m-i . i :i home ioiks. He thai something be done to stop Anion? the matters discussed Fri y.tver.iiig. and calling for action sre: The -ortranization, sponsoring more s! newer post -card views of the com- iKity. Working: vvilli county officials to lea the Waynesville Furniture Plant. A general beautincation program, is establishing a nursery for grow- $ seedling' for. hemlock trees. Hake an etlort to have old bun- :Kt property cleaned. A general co-operation . program :hthe highway and park officials. General survey and . provision of we adequate dance halls. 'tion lit fellowship among eom- ur.ities of county. Those attending' the meeting last '"fewer?: Frank W. Miller, J. H. Jwell, Guv Massie. W. T. Shelton, 11, Hardin,- Jr., Charles E. Ray, M. Kicheson, K. J. Hyatt, E. L. .hers, Ralph Prevent, W. Hugh la-iie, ami W. Curtis Russ. MrictP.T.A. Meets Here Tues. Tie Fir.-; District Parent; Teacher satiation will hold a meeting here i.te .iethc(Ji?t church on next Tues J;i October the Nth. Delegates are Jeeted from the 18 counties in the 'm. Mrs. Wilbur Devendorf. of Aville, district president, will pre- fc- C S. Freel,,' of Canton, is the f'tt the Haywood council, and Ui 1.1. Ailev is the cenernt rhair- ; of the -meeting, with Mrs. Jack t'fr 2 vice chairman. lie Erne r:i in ho foot nrori hv ires ly Mi-s. W. B. Avcock. of J-KP", stilt nresiHpnt. nnH fTvdp v,r''a:e P'intendent of public ''M'tiaii. , Variolic rnnferenro'e' -will 'J-A by the state chairmen pres- -oi)chf.m will be served in the "fiToiu of the church at 12i30. Ma rians Told Of telephones In U. S. C. Carwick, district mana- " "I JOUthprr, f1l ;,''as the speaker at the Rotary neve Frid.-iv vt.' o i. "his-. 31st fm, ,,.,-fU -.HA ;,Ld of the development of the ,;e and the reaction of the -fl trio sprviM H.V.....I. vi- 3 ,s ''Mideririg. Wen, : i i , . .. . . . -'W - ' "t'tau oi the latest ?f ,the 'P"one, especially mental ; and . over seas ser- ?3a"tLampklT1f !ocaI manager of the ''pT,a ..charge of the pro. y s attendance was one M CCRt' mak'ng the second J per cent meeting in as many Mbf Pon,--Miami; "Ed Flew W'v and Bowen Henderson, ''e. wre guests at the meeting. JIAY FAIR SOUVENIRS -'yaU')"uI if Anyone in the ;.j -."ore fouvenirs of the old A ti; niy fairs in the way ' L Mrs- W, C. Allen, who ladv many years as one of are Amor' her co1 !Sf3 p , '"''owing: Manager 1&fj5.' l'toa LPantry Supplies :'iicrk ' 191. 1912. Miscella "al r ,omen- 1906 Manager !sy v ,bltSl Lalies work for s. veral blue ribhon -fnr on- To Speak Friday 1" ' i r 1 ( 1 TOM I. .HMISOX Rotary Club Will Entertain Boosters Club Friday Night First Of Series Of Inter-City Civic Club Meetings Will Re Held At Seven For the first, time in about four years, an inter-city meeting will be held Friday evening with the Rotary Club as host to the Booster Club, of Ilazehvood. The meeting will be held in the Methodist church dining room at -.seven o'clock, with Tom P. Jimi son, of Charlotte, as speaker of the evening. No civic problems, or proposed com munity ' programs will be discussed. The main ohjeet of the meeting be ing a get-together, fellowship gath ering. Special music and other entertain ment features have been arranged, and indications are that about fifty will be in attendance. There are several special' "surprise . features' that have been Worked out by the pro. gram committee. Dr. R. Stuart Roberson is president of the Booster Club, and W. Curtis RUs, is president of the Rotary Club.. Funeral For Mrs, Reeves, Held Tues, Funeral services Were hold on Tflesdny' afternoon for Mrs. Amanda Reeves 71, widow of the late James Reeves, at the Cove Creek Baptist chur.h, with the pastor, Rev.. Forest Ferguson, officiating.'. . Interment was in the Davis cemetery at Cove Creek. Mr-. Peeve, had been in failing health for some time and: her death was not unexpected at this time. She had been for many year.s a faithful member of the Cove Creek: Baptist church. , -She is sun'ived by ten chi.dren, Mrs. Zona James, Leicester, Mrs. Sal lie Howell, Cove Creek, Mrs. Florence Noland Iron Duff, Mi . Maud Evans, Mrs. Cora Jenkins, Miss 'Vera Reeves, Mr. Robert Reeves. Mr. Pink Reeves, Mr. Gordon Reeves, Mr. Charles Reeves, all of Cove Creek. Two brothers and four sisters. Tom Craw ford, of Clyde, F. P. Crawford, of Iron Duff Mrs. Marv Downs, of Iron Hurt, Mrs.' Laraina Smith, Macon county, Mrs Florence Garner, of Franklin, and Mrs. Harriet Bryson, of Iron Duff. Also 36-grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Frank Underwood Wins Ford Prize Frank I'ntierwood, service man at iM'. n.irarc. is the nrouct owner of an engraved pold wotoh presented to him bv Ford Motor Company as a prize offerpd in the Charlotte district of the Ford Company for service ren dered during the past few raonms. rn,,.- ,-,Vi. vt-aci n trill to Atlantic X III- 111. t I'.i-- -t City. 1 .nt Mr. Underwood prizes l is watch as much as trie w-muv.-. first prize did the trip. . The Charlotte division takes in vrth and South Carolina, part of Virginia and part of Tennesse, It is seldom that such n vvize oi th.s w ture is won outside " ' - District Meeting Of Junior Order Coming Here 4th Several Hundred Expected To Attend. This Is Annual Fall Meeting Of Order Funeral For Rev. J. W. Campbell Held On Friday Morning H f a L - J - a . ... ti-it'iun .wemoaisi .ihiisum Kill ed East Week Hy Train At Stoneville Larger Fair Than Last Year Indicated Members of -he Junior Order I'nii ed American Me.hani,-- in ;(,,- .-ei-uiid district of .North Can.Una wiii meet with the WaynesviHe t , nil 1 , IT'! Oct. 4th. The district -:r..-'.;:,iU -n :t membership Jl Western North Car -lina councils: - Buncombe, Ikroier'-w Madison. Polk, Haywood and Tran-C-vania counties are expected to !-o 'opiesented. Attendance" will run into hur.'dn u.-. it is expected, as the combined mem ber: hip of the L'l councils have a iikm boihii) el' more than l!,0lH. The -es-.'.ui w;l! be senii-annual . meeting. 1 iu -' gathering in the afternoon I' - o".-'o.-k. woi '., :;; the hall over I bo 1- ir-t Na: i- 'i i Rink. The night ;c----io!; will i , ! 1 n ;!K, t..f;rai -'-kiiienia.y cii. ,d tiiioitorrum, to which the ihiMh i- invited. R. 11. Oiltlaw. el' A,hevii!e, deputy ivi lUe in:r,c;, v;;i ne in c!;;uge. .At. tne ;j, -M-.-sit n rciiort.- from nil the councils w ill feature '.lie program. Included .-hr ihe night ,-e.ssion at 7:d(! will bo the ,hcw dig of a three ret! motion jdcturv, illtist i ating . ac tivities "f the .Junior ttrder. Chil dren, --from the nr;ani.at ion's, homo at Lexington will present jj . port dun of the program. Other officers; of the -econd district, who will assist in conducting the meeting are B. II. Harris .. of . Bi!t nn re, K. R. Bartlett, of Asheville. V. A. Peebles,, of Candler, the Rev. P. .1. Mason, of Biltmore,. Ravmond. (). Filer, tif Mars Hill, Garfield Wood, of liidtmore, Tom F'errell. of Canton, and Tom Canps, of Saluda. '. a 1. ',1!.. 11. uit !i, a" Hospital Ward Vacant Just Two Hours In 8 Years For the lii'st time in t !i ,. Iist,.-y of lire Haywood County Hospital, the woman's ward, known as t lie ."dg- ward" is vacant otiie day recently, loll foe only i wo !..! s Two loons nfti-.r Hie last i.it irnt had lo.-n ,j iseiia rKe,l. throe entered the hospital mioI were l'l; d in i lie -:.k wa'i-U." I - The ward- .has live ht ds. in it . 'lit eon aei-onim, , ,l.ii, - Thj unusual n-e.n-.l of 'two Ikoii.-.- ..f vaeaney" ci'.es som,- i,i.-', . . I i.i cod"' w hieh the ho-idlcl Olliit;; in t his conn t v. - Opening Of Beauty Shop Set For Friday Mrs. Ruth Craig 'tvnnoiinci:- 'the opening of the Ladies Loong:' of ' ihe Personaiitv It' auly Shop, on Friday evening, ()jioi-er the. -lih. The old Royal pit i-e-: ha lieet; i- .iiverteil into a very attractive lounge, refurnished and redecorated. The" evening will he featured by the, modeling "f. the- last word in .-.manicures,- hairdress and cuts, The models will". 'bed introduced by Mi--Frances Weston, .of the shop. . Another feature will be : the floor show staged by the Sherriil Dancing school, of A-he villi . Miss athryn Sherrill : will do an acrobatic dance, and Miss LaBruee Sherrill will give a ta)) number. Local students of .the .school, including The res ia A l!e,v Idvo lyn Craig, Mimi Goslene, Doris (Ivahl, Mary Lee and Betty Jean Alley. Jane Dudley; Francis, Mary Ellen; Boone, and Emily Wortdall will dance as well as several students from Ashevillc; - The public is cordially .inviteo". ; attend. T- t-. tffrtmrrv. of Ashe- -Mrs. IV. .uuiuf'" . .v ville, was a Waynesville visitor the Shelton Laurel Revival Success ' Revival .services, have close;! this week at Shelton Laurel, one of the mission tenter.: of the Salvation Army in which Captain Cecil Brown 'has been working since, last February. The meeting was conducted .. by Rev B. H. Vestal, of Winston-Salem, as sisted by Rev: and Mrs.: Sherman Pat terson, of Hendersonville. 1 The attendance has been so large that it was necessary to hold most of the services out of doors. .1 fiere were fifty t'ot fc amversion.s I.irjng the meeting. - " ". . Beginning last night, Rev. , estat i conducting a joint revival service at the Fines Creek Baptist . church, for the Methodist and Baptist church es of that section. He will be assist ed bv Captain Cecil Brown. Mr. i M, :!:od, Stc'leN'd'e. havinc; cone t'o t e t c years ag. '. lit firr.! !v 'U ', I p :-:or-a!c at Audi o-. 1 1 dvh'.. ;: i - . i I r s .-on City, l.eiieti r. Cino'd i-. Mil; more, Walnut Cove, and li;i .-.r !lr a,i-. in t he minist i y ;;5 years. . 100 Attend Sdiool Of Instruction At Bethel Last Friday Idle scliool.of in-tuiciivn 'held iill ier t'he da Us pre.es ef the Haywood ( 'oulrty ; Council of t tie pan. ill Teacher a -social ions at llet hel on last Friday, was attended- by nearly a -hundred mothers anil, teachers. Mrs, C. S. Freel, of Canton, president, presided. Mrs. Jack Mosser was the general chairman, and Mrs. C. 11. Church, president of the Bethel P, T. A. was the local chairman. The meeting wa s, . featured by a proinani (if unusual' merit, '.Among tht prominent , leaders in the - move ment'' present and taking part were: Mrs. W. E. Langford, Mrs. W. Deveil dorf. both of Asheville,, .Mis,. A. J. Hutch ':- of ('anion. 'r-. !'. ! A'lev, Dr. C. N.. 'Sisk'. Mr-, .lack Messer, and ilr.:. dean Dilb n, of Waynesville. $783 Spent For Hunting License llayowo I ( .unity . huiiler-. paid- a ti ta of $TS:!..(1() for 1,'ren.se.-. 'from die l-d'h t.f September to the first of Oc-toln-r, ac((ii;diug to a report tiled liy Came Viarden !. (', Plott, Mr, I'lot't . ,-tatcd I hat in-lica! ion-' ware that an eipial number of dicen-es would, be sid;.l within the next, thirty day-, lie tiloi report ed t h.al I h num-b'o- (' hunter-- l hi., yeai- d far aheaol (f 'tho-e jn recent year . Rei.r!.J corning in are tdi-'rt. a .huge iiiiiiider of squirrel-: i"1 one ri-a.son -for Ihe -nrini-bio-. hunters. HaVwood School Boys Attend The Tenn. State Fair .'hi : 'rilin,-;l.-iy. morning,: September 1 , t Id) I y-one boys of the Fiiit's Creek and Clyde High Schools left bv. truck for thi- " Tennessee Si a '. c gl-'air at Xa.-hville. They were accompanied h-" W. I.. Fitzgerald, teacher, of vn--asion. !. agriculture in the . two -rhoo's, ..Mtrk Fiergurou, of Fines Creek, who drove the; truck, X. V. Ferguson,, of F'ines Creek .. 'and. -Ruf us. f. inland, of Clyde.. 'Friday and Saturday were spent .it the fair, the. return, irip being "tad" on Sunday. This, trip was very' instructive, as well as enjoyable to the . boys since this f' ir is one of the outstanding state fairs in the. South. Approximately 20,000 people visat- ed, the fair ground on Friday and a much, larger crowd attended . the auto races tvituraay, Th(. most notable horse show in Tennessee fair history, took, place .- , H 1 in. the coliseum: including jooo.-o. the greatest Arabian horse show in the United States this. year. These horses were brought from several foreign countries, including - Arabia and Etrvpt. Featured at wis snow was. the exhibition of Al Mashoor, one of the finest Arabian stallions m iW wnrhf. a milk-white horse form erly belongintr to a descendant of Mohammed Ali, ; who dived in the Syrian desert. Al Mashoor. had not been shown at any other fair. Outstanding, too, were the sheep, beef cattle, and dairy cattle; shown, there being a large . number exhib ited from other states. ' - 'I Rev. .1. W. Canip'cc'd. co, w.ho was', born a't.l r, ;i:v,i in H.ix wed cainty.l w s '.killed when .-truck !-, ., tram last ; Ve.iiH -il ly afli incoi ;i; Stoneville, lit iu'ckingluim county . Finn :a! m-i v:,-, . w, :-,do Friday in Hunccmbo c.-;in:y a; ;,. Acton M.i-thodist i bin ell. with : i:c llcv. T. 1 J. ' don and the Idi . T. A. Crtec. A-ii.-vil'ie, c.tliciat iiiir. 1 '(' lCI-'.O' ; Mil iy ,.,) ),v . !, i.-'i 'it''-. Mr-, d. F. U :: . A-'ic ' M: . d iron Ca--:a.l, of l. n ': '" X. i'.. c.n 1 Mi-. Id. 1 1 r; lliintb-v . 1 - ' c-i..,: . ('.. and oil- - n. Wd ! -' -'."'' i ". -I r., ,!' Site;,. Mdc. and !'- :: I : : . C. 1'. ef h-!.;d -, W: I . el V- - d!e. T. I , . I !', ":. oi.' an i !'i - i -.- I-'. I '.nrobi d ,-;' t a':t- o. and ! Three Tents of Exhibits Are oecretarv ot b air J ai -ranged, special I 1 - 'X I . I. SMI I II era Artist To Appear In Concert Here Monday Eve, The Woman's Club will present Hi concei t op Monday evening--' October Hie 7th. in the .Methodist .church, I'dda Vettori. ili alnat ic soprano, of the Met'.roptdi'ian 0n'ra Compi.ui.v, and William II. Ziiiiinei nian, dr., iiiiinist, of Asheville. Miss Vettol i haK In i n ('iigaueo tin the. tenth sensiai by flu-' M et ropoli mil Opera Company, ninl is recogni'.ed a one of the grealesi singing actio ses of this generation. Her inlerpicia: five-ability is unexcelled. : She. ha a most engaging per.-onality . and liic audience is with her Irom the mo ment of her entry .on. the iage. The following in- tbc iiiogiain I-h i will be preselil cd I A groiin of ,.-ng-ii Miss 'ettoii, a "Thank, be to . (Ill r - t , h God." I Mokel'soll,' ( ..iy l ".Minor a 'nil .Maim." Sinn - , . I ( (-'li-n.' -e Love l.y t ie I, I land , d -"Shoe.-," Manninc ' "id A : tlx N;trk .Ktl.nl',.' Gaul. f:; " (domhei 1 a," I ! ti vi- I'eccia ; A - no . ..!. ''I he l-'oiiiiiain," by Godov.-1,;, , by illiai'i 1 1 . '. i in inerit'.H ii, ! . : ' a ! la ba n -1 a, Mduniell) Itizel in '- ' time, by Ml-" ettori; Piano -solo, " anzoiia," b l.is.l;- And nii'iib r, grooip of -mg- by Md- d Vet t,,!-i,. i ire in' ling 1 to- f-diov.m-: : ;,-' 'Cloud , ' b Chaile;. b !'am i M '..una," d.coagiii, c "llu It a- bye II l'l'.," I t 1 In- . ,i-,-"Tbe I'ddt'ei ing I s 1 1 .-'-. ..' ' Kiannr, "I'a.n." .U' J an,: f , l.itt'e' Solic," V...-'.-; Ilie Last Riles Held Saturday For An s. J.P KuykeiKlaII575 K vents Kach Day i Final jiiepa : atiou- arc being made tor a much larger Hayivood ( outily Fa;r than was hid la-t yiar, altludigii last year's fair was a succes- from e'.ciy .itiitle. There will hi' coii-i.icr-ab!e more exhibits on hand when the fa ir opt'.'ls nt xl Tuesday morning, tie coiiluig to Socielary W. l'l. Smith, who has he, ti cheeking up on them for !l;c p.o week. in fai t, the exhibits will be i hough it,' wini ant a thud tent to be erected, ;n-ti.id . oi' ihe legular two :.- u-cu la-; yea r. t'lie (cut wild he I or crop ixinlnl-. ,-huh ,i coo.l :, jn-' work. 'etc. I he -0, 0'id tent will be for lic--iock, a nd ' o': - j . win 'e I he I bird w idhe foi iiida.-tri.il and met nautili exhibits. Tile tent- wii! arrive here .eitlni l-'riigy in- Sal ui day, and workmen to begin iiiinieiliatly biii'tling -.lii-l v i -and pells for the dill'eretlt exillblt-. The (oil I s: will be icady to receive ex bibits mi . .Monday, ai.d nil i xhiioi niu-i be in plaee by ten o'clock Tues day, according le tin- fair ollicia!-. The fair, will foiinallv open at tioon ! Tue.-ila v and con! in ue t lining I r Sat urday. , ndiilg late Saturday night. Krau.s'e (in-alei- Shows will pro v'iile the niid-wViy attraction-, and the -anio tlirilling fioo act a. tagcl last year will lie given twice daily. The six people performing th:-- ac! arc lilted as one of llu- be.-i troup of trapese artists .in , the country. Their stunts n-,, year thrilled liim dreds. Till teiil- of the ..-how.-, and the exhihitoti tents will be mi arranged mi a- to fonii a wall aiound ihe fair groiuiiK, and the only opening will -be the gale. Persons trying to fc in iini U-1' the t'epU w ill Lki ly' get -into, a "jam,' it was -saiil by an ollicial. The fair will be on (he lot. -adjoining the Belle Meade Playground- and alionls plenty of parking space, and in tin-: event of lain Will not make walking un pie :i ii I . as the lot drains Miiicldy. The hi! I- ji-t a few; feet oil' Ii"-h i L'dnyay , and 1-; i.-iily reaehed, 'Idle fair oilh'ia!, have ;n ritllged for more than i-diMi m pr. ininm - to be given away, and tiii , t - get her w 1 1 h niiicli j ii-1-1 ma 1 wink on the paid of the fair olih i : I .and pnbdeity i-. ic sponsible I'm- idle largo exhibj.!,, lllat will I-,:.' how-n. Tin- ex lido! w ill bo mm e . i ban "t'll 'm! ;!.::o e of la. ! year, l( w:. , I at id, a lid tlie -itlemlanre thi, year -iioiiid fat -urpa - lira! of ji-t year. t:ie il.iy la t year line at ! I'lidance aiiioiinti il In over 'd.nild -paid adnii--sioll--.. '' - Guard wdl'l in; :nn hainl ,at the ex liibitinii ' i'-i' day .'trol night; jo pro 1 1 : tin ;.- and '-I. exhibit .. dlie.dier ill' -lei '-. i :, 1 tii i i, : ha; a - un-d fair olli- il-i-i at 1 ' had: b ,'":.r loch" , "ill .had Be 'I'enni i r husi native o! lived . 'in fole ( OtlU -,ee for a n-iiid. died Mr-. .1. P. Kuykeiida! In r home in Ha.i'lvvooil W' liiiesday Ili ghU She several, weeks. M i s. Kuykcndal! . w.-i- Puiieonibe county a nd llazeiwood for 'l'l year ing here be 'lived in nu tube r -if vi a ' - 1 1 ii- in 1 :'-'. Sui viyihg are four sons. John (;., of ( 'incir.nat i, Ohio, Wade, . df Black .Mountain. F. E., (if Hazel wood, and Chailos; of Saniiiset, Fla.;, five daugh ters, Mrs. J, R. .McElroy .Hazelwood, Mrs. W. T. (iuei-ii, Hazelwood, Mi.-. Thomas Elliott, dof Old Fort, 'Mrs. John Bell, of Briol.. and Mis. T. T. Muse, of Allen's -('.reek, .'near here, Mrs. KuykendallVwas a member of the Baptist church.: The funeral ser vices wotc conducted at the Baptist church Saturday and burial made in tli'-in Hill cemetery.. Officiating min-iter.- were the Rev. J.M. Woodard, pastor of.: the Hazelwood , Baptist church the Rev, O. C. Lundrum, pastor of the Presbyterian church, i-.nd the Rev. William Pruitt, retired Baptist minister of Waynesville; Tie- A' Ille li'lll-l -I i ;. - .-Login'!. 1 oed- r will i.ri.un Legion : a t t he gi ouild s al ii he tiilicei's . if noodi Ii -' inalntiiinei wi'l a! o ha ! ail tinii I, d'h nil- fai leg r, and -. . I ha I (In y woiilif see tigtiih tliiee.yeai-, alt "olli. i.'ill v". oik. rated r on duty will (-in -, j; v, a. sa i"i n .nihil . siioir-oi-ed milh paiti'e wear . It last: h n d'-'i- I ou'. the fair Ihrotigh ough the fair is li full r t he Hav- wood (lurtity rair. As-iciati()tr. The admission charges will be ten eetits for children under twelve and twenty-five; cents for: .alb over, that age. "';' . .Special events have been an an.gc I for each day of the fair, and this is, believed will I'dd considerable interest. . Tuesday will be Set'-.'.- aside as a special pie-.-diowing iif the cattle that , will iie entered in .the 1'at Stock Show ip Asheville on Wednesday... The cat tle will be (in exhibit from ten T.ues- ' day morning until .about two iii the; afternoon.. Wednesday will be school day. The schools of thp county will close f or the day, ant! all school children v.'i.ll be admitted free. Flveiy school; has been reciuested to have at monica team to enter as i one- har- the contest at have, reported 'a-rearintf to Legion To Meet Tuesday Evening '-.- "" : j The local post of the American Legion will hold their regular month ly meeting on next Tuesday night, Oc tober 8th, at 7:30 p. m. at the mayor's court room, over the fire station. Special entertainment is being ar ranged by a committee for the meet ing, and a large attendance is desired. ten o'clock." i, Se that- theii' d tcani- go." : .At -id') in the afternoon the e'e me.ntary schools will give stunts... This, feature promises to he very entertain-, ing, : anil, prizes will be awarded to the winning teams. The school dav will not end until the scries of dances to be given by the high schools of the countv.at eigljt o'di'k. The Waynesville, school will give a square dance ; Beth-. el the old Virgin i." ri-el : Fines Creek , a Swedish (idnce, . and Clyde the old Virginia rc-ol. Prizes .will be given to the wittners of the dance team. . The choirs r.f . the. county will .stage: (Continued on page .1) first of the wees Read The Ads for Outstanding Bargains