THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER f r LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS 5 X. PHONE 137 Mrs. Fannie Ora Weston, of Grtvns boro, was the guest over the week-end of her daughter, Miss Frances Wes ton, at her home in the Kirkpatriek Apartment-. Mrs. Weston was en route home after an extended visit to relatives in Tennessee. .Mrs. Ruth Craig, Mrs. James Pal mer, Miss Josephine Davis, and Mrs. jack Messer made up a oai-ty spend, ing Wednesday in Asheville. Mrs. J. Rufus McCraoKJii, who h&s been a patient in the Biltmoie Hos pital, returned during ths week to tier home. Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Pu'.rh Prevost, and a party of friends were among those motoring .: A-:helle f'urirsr the week. Miss Mozelle McCrackn, who is a freshman at the Greens do r College for Women, will r.rrjve today and spend the Christmas holidays as the ftuest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MeCracken. Miss Mayme Leatherwood and a party of friends were A&heville visi tors during the past week. Ih and Mrs. S. P. Gay left Sat urday for Fountain, N. C., where they were called on account of the i!laes of the former's mother. Mr. James Palmer, who is a stu dent at State College, arrived from Raleigh on Sunday and will spend the Christmas holidays with ls oarents. Km route home he went by Davidson College, where he visited Mr. Mack Davis. Mrs. E. J. Sloan and Dr. William Sloan will leave this morning for Durham. On their return home they will be accompanied by Mr. Bobbie Sloan and Mr. Ernest Withers, Jr., who are coming to town for the Christmas vacations with their fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dicus and a party of friends motored to Asheville on Tuesday. Mrs. Cameron C- Lewis and Mrs. Bess Lee Page, arrived on Wednesday from Charleston, West Virginia, and will spend the Christmas holiday season as the guests of their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee. Mrs. James M. Long, Mrs. Syda Ray, Mrs. Fred Marley. and Mrs. Nana Shankle were Asheville visi tors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Killian, who have spent the past month in Stark and other points in Florida, returned home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lauriston Hardin, Jr.. and a party of friends were Asheville visitors on Tuesday. Mrs, William Hannah and Mrs. Jack Wav spent several hours in Asheville on Tuesday. A iii-u m iU- of ISuildiim and Loan stiH'l, iim-iis January tir-t. Plan " o lake a few sliarr. Mr ' M. ISuli uoll. M t ivtai . :"lv I say fellows OUR CLOTHES For Men and Boys are right in Price-Quality-Style (V) tt and being Christmas Its A Good Time To Buy A Suit or Over Coat IpM Among Us nfe I WOMEN With only four more shopping days the business of .selecting ami Christmas gifts becomes an urgent matter I doubt if the stores in Way nesville have ever been so well suiilied to rill your pin needs as this year ami I am certain that the decorations in the shops have never been so color ful and inspiring of the Christmas spirit everywhere is seen tinsel in jjlit-tt-riner silver and sold with reds and greens. LETS GO SHOPPING CLYDE II. KAY'S FI.OWEK SHOP Here may be solved many gilt prob lems vases of every description Indian articles and what is lovelier than flowers at Christmas? ritkKAPr NATIVE WOODS Everything from waste paper baskets to a bracelet all in wood latest item buttons made of walnut shells 14 of an inch thick and you would be surprised at (he intriguing design and artistry when the thins is polished. ALEXANDER'S D1U i STOKE Toilet articles of every type perfumes fountain pens-'-eb'eks stationery and if they haven't what you tall for in stock in -4 hours your order will be tilled now that's service. MAKTIX EI-ECTKIC I wish I had space to name the devices of-modern convenience offered there everything from the baby's bottle sterilizer to a washing machine radios refrigerators. It's educational just to visit the shop and see all the things we women could do with an elec trie current if we had the appliances. t". E. RAY'S SONS Here you can not only supply the whole family with lovely and practical gilts but get your Christmas dinner with all Us extra trimmings in the grocery department -there is the children s de partment men's ladies' toys counters of toys and If you waul to Kive a man in vour family a hat they have the cunningest little hat boxes to notify him to call at Kay's and make his own selection and as for th- inducement of cash prizes to shop there ask one of the clerks to tell you provided ou haven't -heard the good news and I was about 'o forget e en if you aren't- planning to buy a silk tiivhtie take .1 lo.-U at ihem- y "U nt'Vi'i s:tu ue!i .tlu for sl.! k OM 's EXCHANGE If .01 .ire I.u-,y l. m. k.- .'in him I. 1 1 e . 1 11 or.i. r here and ! 1 ei I 1 in 1h.1t il will ! L.-n-r Hi. m in.-t ..f u- . I-. . In -no made 1 llii li- MKs. HI M, V(,I l' ikl.i: II' . KOOM A lll.e pi. ice ! - I - K . ll.rij.l- 1-1 ; u l i ii . , .1 Sil lula y night mi 1 1 pel : She is 1 i k l in oi di ' - 10:. .ill - - - i 1 i I 1 li i 1 :-.- ii- ! cl.ll-le i,. I, .:'.:. i .--I. kit-. ill. 1 plum piuUim:-, M .sSE'S I I I1MTI Id: Mtllii: i'.-- u-iii.n i:i.. i in . i j 1 1. i ' t . i . . I ! ; i ii ,i ihing inert- I h. i li sniiicihinw f.-r ill. In. u-o- -ei cry i him.-, he:.- Ireiii i nus r.i milllc-fis I reiel'tll lli.tlcetl sei. e g ood look j 11 s: roolllj i.i'll.l I i lli'Sl s o: display- -radios lire, .mil mii.iH - .uoI ! lie ciiiini ngest' , Ivair-s for ! lie . liildrt-n. AIKEN GII'T SHOP Merc .. will lilj.l that small d i t hiet i ..- i hi in; y . oi have been looking for as well as panel n-- for y our liooke.l rim, which wmild make a swell eifi for si.nn- "f the .-Xpert hookers, iilmiu low n. Hospital News Dr. John 1'. Saunders, Dr. William B. Sigmunil, and Dr. Thomas, of Asheville, made professional visits to the Haywocd County Hospjtal dur ing the week. Mr. Hobert Hyatt, of Waynesville, is improving after undergoing a operation. Miss Madge Parktr, of Canton, is improving following an cperation. The condition of Mrs. Robert Hoop er, of Hazelwood, is improved. The condition of Mrs. Snyder ie mains about the same. Mr. John Caldwell, of Nellie, left the hospital on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Burress, of Cruso, who was severely burned a few days ago, is improving. Mrs. Jack Rathbone, of Hazelwood, is improving following an operation. Mr. Bill Bryson, of Balsam, con tinue.s to imuprove following the am putation of an arm. Mrs. Frank Gilbert, of Canton, is improving after an operation. Mr. W. M. Urendle, of Candler, is improving. The condition of Mr. Howard Stev enson, of Clyde Route V. remains about the same. Mr. Charlie Carver, of Maggie. -'n-slight'y improved. Mr. Robert Palmer, of Nellie, is improving following an operation. HE A I TV 'SHOPS -1 i hi hk rlU.' litem all 'togi-t her The l.a Can- .The .ruAiiu. and Tli' Personality. Arcii'i llicir w indows a .Christmas picture? if there had been a pri.o"f.-..;- Che ui'si allraclivc iudow --1 vyonibr which one would have been ;,.. winner a cheek for .-a pcrinancnl is hard to beat as an accejitable .gift in live feminine world. .McCRACUEN'S 'I.OTIIIN; ST IKE They ale having a "ltemodrliiig Sab just go In and see for yourself bargains sueh as are being offered don't happen often in these parts. Ill RGIVS WINlMtWS BOTH MAIN AND DEPOT You 'II liml gr. i e, ies -clothes toys. 1 heard a man say there wis :i top in the Depot siore that he just had to buy it made him feel like a boy again you'll lind sweaters and gifts for the young and old and the stores an- all IVstoniis ed with decorations thai make you feel like it was Christmas. CLYDE II. HAY 1 have wondered as I have gazed over the well arranged window who fixed it John or Mr. Hay.--I'll hand it to them 'lie en sembled effect Is a perfect picture of everything a JJia" iu.i'!.- MASSIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE And while on 'he subject of Window dia pluy.s Hasn't Hugh got a swell lay out the .lighted. Christ mas tree with toys on one side and all tile lovely things both top and under that appeal to the fair sex "ii the other'; The crowds have been daily growing I suppose you have read the ad about the Jir.!l;IM) in.ttli of living room furniture that is to be given awayif not ask one of the obliging clerks and they will explain as for gifts you can .stall with the man of the house and get something for the whole family. SMITH'S DRl'G STOR10 Toys aeeessories p.y-fumes ( 'hrist mas candies in large boxes and small packages games- stationery' ; a-nil many answers to your gift questions.. - MEDI-'OKD'S FERN IT! 'HE COMPANY Here y..u w ill li-tid a -'brand n.-w stock of goods---just fresh from the factory - t her.- art- a sui 'prisiu.'; num ber of attractive gifts lam ps- smok ing statul- tui'l end tables from 51, 2 ". to 3. 'in. Ittlll'S DEP.Mfl'MI-'.NT S'l'tlRE Here will be found' s-.i.-iithini; i i una In f sister big ami: little- Daddy and snia 11 hi a l lu-r t hey lia V i- sinpiis- ingly lovely silk underiiiings tit trstoundint p: o e pa ia :. .: i' ' d roasi s suits --i i .a Is ta ke a look yourself. .-'..''. ''... ISOYD I C It Mil HE OMI' !la. will i-e 1 1 -1 ..i ':,V.:y .r.n-i i. a I . iiifts .f..r thehoiiie, that are ' equally d-'cora I tve;M:e ly..- f -ifts t':it give pleasir tb. rough. n: the year. I ;i,E I l E Al TEN Xovcr in the i.i :-! -. .-: ihe Jown have tittraetivo. gifts tind toys hi-.h , .fi'.-r--,! -the i . 1 ...ei; f-iitnt! li.-rc ' as . inti r iv of a uti rit i nan' 1 1 eial s i , i . J 1 1 v as w,. Let Us Show You Suprise You With Our Splendid Values Half Our Stock Now Marked Down Offering You Over Two Hundred Garments At Bargain Prices. Exclusive Chatham Homespuns $25 C. E. EAY'S SONS I HAROLD'S .DEPARTMENT STOH1 III. y ,..,., mi-.- : ., . , h-' '., sin. i ' h'-ae - good -looking 'at i rt lin: . pi-.i'i '--a nil liaya ya.ui i t ii 1 )i aier yvool d rcss f Avi:ild isiiugi st. t haf sotneojie buy it fur M'.ihl (! f.od for th. -:!;. .:' ti.i enlur for, it',; fh- slia. ! y!n-. likes i .'" well in ; DE.NTo.N S hardware and hardware company Here at these two places may he found, the, heavier toys so. ih-ar m children as well as useful gifts that would be appreciated 3'i.". days of -,..' the year to the home maker. GARRETT ElRNTTl ItE COMPANY In their window this week they are displaying it very unusutil inl.iid table lhat vvould add a touch to any living room. WAYXESVIEtiE PHARMACY-Cigarettes in Christmas packages perfumes vanities candies in. the most fetching boxes a perennial consolation to the perplexed boy friend who considers this and that and ends by sending a box of candy. WAYX ESVI LEE BOOK COMPANY' Here you will find that unusual Christ- mas greeting just to suit a certain persons native pottery writing ma--terials the "Smoky Mountains National Park etc." stationery that everyone should use-yoU will find Christmas cards "with greetings from the "Land of The Sky". ANXAIaS OF HAY'WOOD C'OE.N'TY Which is a gift supreme to the mem bers of the pioneer fanilies of old Haywood a gift to be treasured by this generation and passed on to the next On sale at The Woman's Ex change and The Waynesville Book Company. C. S. AEIEN & COMPANY For a complete line of Christmas gifts from the baby's rattle to the Christmas turkey- may be found at this prp- grtrssive HlUJt: ill na:iuuu. AMERICAN FREIT STAT If you want fireworks to help you celebrate you will find a variety of sparklers and all types of 'crackers" also ,. fruits and candies. I,()(; & BR.I)EEY -Here will be found the usual full .stock plenty of things for the kids -ns well as gifts for the grown ups. .Mr. .Bradley has an unusual selection of toys this year guess he has more reason to think about such things than Mr, Long used to have. A N" D ONE BIG ADVANTAGE IS yoU don't have to buy a couple of dollars worth of gas to reach these shops nor waste two or three hours on the road to go and come for they are right here in WAYNESVILLE. ''-,' ' ' "'' : ."".'. How Cardui Helps Women To Build Up Cardul stimulates the appetite aaid Improves dltfestion. hclpiiii? -women to get more ttrrngth from the food tliey eat As nourl.stinu-nt Is Improved. Mret'.glli Is built ii. cert.iln limciioicil puitu to Rwnv Hint tomrn priilso C'ulduL tor hi'tpmn tliem liurk to (,'ooii . . - Mrs C E Ratllff. of Klnton. W. V.,' rU.-s ."Attor the birth of mv licit Imby, I did nut !" lo get mv streliKth back I look I'lirdul gulii nod noon somnl nnd well. 1 have given It to mv daughters and recommend it to other ladles " . . - Thousands ot women testify Cordul benefited them. If It does not beaellt YOU, consult a physician. BIRTHS Born r-j Mr. and Mrs. Kdtfur Swayn 2ini, a -on, December the 11. Rot n to Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Moody, a daughter. December the lS:h. NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between J. M. Ixn$r and V. A. Brad ley (Long1 and Bradley. General Mer chandise, Hazelwood. N. ('.) has been dissolved as of this date. This the 12th of December. 193o. J. M. LONG. No. 4'2: Dec. 1!-Jt;-Jan. 2-0. A life time of carefulness may be destroyed by a second of carelessness. Pre Christmas Specials Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of their Personal Appearance Shampoo, finger-wave and choice of arch, manicure or haircut 75c Shampoo and marcelle 75c Facials .HOc and up SPECIAL l'HU ES OX PERMANENT WAVES PHONE f..S Make Vour Appoint nienis Earl Open evenings hy appointment Jo Ann Beauty Shop 3 5 ' Shirts Galore Shirts are a specialty with us. We carry a large stock cf splendid patterns and models. We can .show you most anything, and would be delighted to do so. Prices Rirht Wk- to Sl.i)") is the price range of our shirts with ;in espi'cialiv large group at 97c & 1 ,3f5 Ties Our ties are right. We have the nicest selection you could imagine. Pat terns of all kinds from the extreme sombre to the gayest 39c Up ARROWS FOR CHRISTMAS For Christmas, Arrow shirts and ties make most acceptable gifts. Known the world over for their style and quality, they will be welcomed enthus iastically by anyone. Your Choice Of A Thousand Gifts I EH m s i C. E. Ray-s Sons s

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