.!. '? .1 1, 'HI, - '. t i: u THURSDAY, JANUARY THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 11 1 " Triplets Arrive on Christmas QAFETYl Slogans 2, 1936 'I'. 0 ir.i AS HE SEES ThT ! ! V V ? ' ,pE55i HUMAN SIDE Q'LIFE I ' ; V;:" lender konu-:-s long ao; i also, 'r.uz I .:.:'-i&ifift -') Ait': Bob Weich. Mo-. t.kcs jrit the square L ' L ! , f 5 4 an' Render kortu-i's rour.dfU off puny WY . , i early in life su a to be ab'.e u irivi- sx ' an' take; but thar's a!iu a few that . L NV.N ' 1 never d, :':uy Iim t - , bir. kaint: r. V" V ; " ' -' . 'Xsif 4 Bis, Sin.,.-, Too.' :. .-. .. , if 5 - ' ' , . : ' ,i : ii ' -- -J. ' -1 ' '-S. . '-.' v ' -. ? Big'' Chri.stniiis u.jiiz what a Christmus we've ,u- thi.oo! Unkle Abe don't re . ever seein' one to come up t.wuz the fattest, fullest, triiidliest, costliest, corkinest, i -ivinest, rip-snortinest, b.iz-;:fl.,t-an' BEST I think Ves-sn-ee an gloary fx?! hows better than any thin;; "happy days air here again." never seed siU'h a spendin' .-.;: us in all my born days if no- . l.az eny money ier odoui ou iav.- ' will be becaze we spent all ',u'r' u ember salary an' give an or 0r. .linuary as well. X- tver boddy in town seemed to c . .1 tht. streets the wek before Chr-tmius yes. an all the cuntry oitt--- emeil to be in town. Then numey'wuz a-flowin' like "Noboddy's Bi2r.e.-" (skuze it). On Sat. an' Mon (?av' before Christmas I don't bleeve thar wu;:' nuff of of the cuntry peeple -taid at home to slop the hawgs, an' in town not a-nuff to turn in the fire alarm. Well, L'nkle Abe took a trip endur :' tht- hollydays an' what do ye think'.' The trane wuz so krowded that he wood a had to tood up if he hadn't a-hiti an' ol' man. While on his trip an' while smokin' one of Irv i-n-..-h see-uyars (8 inches more or !(.-). 1 fell to meditatin' an' reflect -ir,' a i. '.:! bit- on the past 12 months, '('nr..! .i-iiniie better, maybe a darn belter." thwat I. "Still." ..:' I to myself, "aiter al '.,vi:ti : r the weeknesses an' mistake k i.'i::tn.:i to mankind I reckon I ort not ;,i kompiane; speshly since I didn't Yt e.'tv of my HI iizeezes git me down, ir.anadgiHl some how '.o keel) out f t.hv ln'i'l-Une. In 13;! -1 over MS ,000 persons were killed in automobile accidents and a million and a quarter were injured. Of this million and a quarter 1"0,000 were crippled for life, l'rive ar.ely and larefully. Tht reckless car driver got out cf our jail in ;t days but the man he ir. jdred lay in his bed six montho drive sanely and carefully. nnv on tile ground ri'-e n-w (.Mon.iay) we've had :r. evril yeers. Ever bi)i Jnow that comes Unkle Abe is reminded of the shore nun "Big Snow" of lSSti when it sr.ode fer 4 days. I: wuz more than waist deep to a man mutch too deep ye see fer ittte boys an guru to pit out in. It took the men fokes a long time to cut roads throo that snow so's they cood reech the places they had to, wcod-pile, barn, etc. n -. h i Abe haz ti'ide, to keep the n.r.ij t all niz old irens an' mane .-inne-'r.ew onw.- 1 likt, .ii think that with 2 or a ex ivptshuiis everybotidy haz took the jnkes an' jibes in this kolyum in the veiv best of yoomer jist like John B-.y I d-d - "I'm a-sayin' sump'm abouc ye this .lolin," sex I to him some time wee ago "tr -to-it, Unkle Abe, I don't keef whatcha say I understand it," re : plide John. . Ye (see, as a politikal henchman, John haz wore off all the square an' Won't Stan' For Fish Mr. Edhur, Unkle Abe is a-gittin dog-gone tard of bein' called Fish.. Sumtimes fokes call me McC'racken an' Lutherwood- an' ye no that's bad a-nuff to take; but I jist won't stan' fer Fish. A man called me that tuth er day "Whitch Fish did ye think I wuz I no I don't look like the Kingfish," sez I. "So, I thawt ye wuz Mack,"' lie repliile. Santti Claus brought a most generous holiday gift to Mr. and Mrs. Clarctic? Huprecht of Cleveland when ho presented them with boy triplets on Christmas Day, the three of them weighing 13 pounds together. CORNFIELD FILOSOl'H Y "Sre;iis like ue con t have big snows like we yt ee -o. ' -eil a trail tuther day. No, brut hi r. an' it scent- that we don't have hia preeehers. jin --, law yers, eddyi ators, . lators. eet.. !! we yooee to. eether. Two-Minute Sermon I5y Thomas Hast well vt wonnertii. (ieveio;:nent aliu won derful m!i.V. e- but we .have been mi bu- buiiiiir.u it that wo have fail (VI to learn- h. w to run it. The re ul. u that it run- wild like an en- itbon- 1 flon't mutrh like It!y i.ay of ''eivilizeii" the Ethiopeotis they ooze bomb- an" masheer. gun-, on ail that rexist. Now we'll be a-gittoii New Y arV cards about the time our duns air be in' mailed so that we kaint appre shiate the new fer thinkin' of the old. Foiinrf the Rite Kliniate Accordin' to the story. Gene Sut ton, who had bin v.orkii with the CCC boys on Mt. Guyot, come to town an' walkt into one of our barber shops "What's the matter, Gene?" axt someboddy. "Oh, I'm sick, tard, weak, hungry, sleepy an' mos t froze to deth I reck on the altitude up thar don't agree HIE AKT OF MANAGEMENT 'Hit i'f nil tins turmoil and confusion upset our scheme of life Cir- miglilv- ichot the ilotaiU of ('d to build w ; jt.V, i not ;k. and tn.it we choose to 'call tite . ie lii i -inii ri-es a in. fart that to., me is sun clear. - That is that wo have not. yet learned how to manage life and liv.ng. In our industry, and market ing ar.d transportation et up we have built a mighty, machine, capable wit!., me, er ump'm" replide tiene. "Have ye pot a good fire'" he axt as ho made h.iz way toarg the itvr of the shop. Well, Gene went to sleep, an' the boy "run the heat" on him thinkin' they wood make it so hot lie coddn't sleep. But not so Gene slept 10 hrs. by the clock, an' they had to move him by force on closin' up that nite! He found hiz altitude. whose erea'o:. los .1 i! building, b.a- tu gU i t thin it (ho moans of con trol and i he safcjru.-i rd- of a sane and noi nia! ai tion. . To ! i u the present hi i'-iiit,-. to which the genius of man has reached in all' lines of human cn iii aor k a thrilling 'and a niagnifi-(i-iit flung and man might well, as did the ereatur of tiiis universe on the mt itiorablc morning of crent ion's dawn, vtcp bai'k and view Ids handi work w it h t ht. words "it is good." Hut it i- well to reniember that all of these fruit- of niatchless skill, of t r;uisi I'lident genius are only giHKl when they serve f the fullest, man kind. And this is the lesson we must learn the lesson of management, of so ordering all our doings that one day or one year will not undo what another has done. The greatest prob lem of this depression and the lesson it should teach is the necessity for man, while building a modern, worm, Firearms cause ."100 accidental death- among hunters each year. Don't drag your gun through the fence afttv you. Don't bring a loaded gun home. Don't "warm up" your car in a closed garage. The exhaust produces carbon monoxide gas which kills with out warning. Every year between 500 and 700 deaths occur in this man ner. to also know how to live in a moderni world. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE rOWER OF SALE contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Hubert Liner and wife, Debrayda F. Liner, to Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina and Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees, under date of June 1. 12S, securing the indebtedness therein de scribed, said deed of trust being re corded in the office of the Register of Deed of Haywood County, N. C, in Book , page , default bay ing been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and at the request of the Ii.iMi-i - thereof, tho Undersigned Tfus- i,.,. u-d.l on the .'ird dav of February. It' ii'.. at 12 -o'clock noon, at the i 'out Hou.-o door in Haywood County, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auc tion for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol'owingr described lands and premises, to-wit: Lying and being in the city of Hazel wood, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: BEGINNING on a stak? in the northerly margin of Main Street J Hazelwoud, N. C, said stake being l'tt feet from the easterly margin of Bal sam Street and runs with the said Main Street, South Hl deg. T0' EasrS do feet to a stake, Mrs. Fisher's cor ral; thence with Mrs. Fisher's lina N. ihg. East HO feet to a stake; t her.ee north St' deg. .'Ul' West (parallel with Main Street ," feet to a stake; thence S. 2 deg. West 140 feet to the. beginning Being the same lot of larul conveyed to Hubert Liner and wife, Debrayda F. Liiar. by deed dated May lo, l'.t2S, from lee Fisher and wife. O. E. Fisher, t ed ill Book No. Phis December 27th, iy.V INSURED MORTGAGE BOND CORPORATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, M.-10.UH TRUSTEE. No. t2S-Jan. 2-y-ir-2;!.:;o. same being record -at page ISO. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. R. C. LEDBETTER vs. BERDELL L. LEDBETTER. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in trie Superior Court of Haywood County wherein the plaintiff is asking for a divorce absolute on the ground of two years separation; and tho de fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hay wood County on the "1st day of Jan uary, 1 ..". and answer or demur to the' comnlaint in said action, or the. plaintiff will apply to the relief demanded in This ".Oth day the Court for aid i empUint. of December. 1 Cler., No. . W. G. BYERS. of Superior C.-urt. Havwoi! Countv. -Jan. 2-!-l'..2;:. Women's Coats Reduced Fur Trimmed Sport Types Children's (8 to 14) ..25 HARCJAINS FOR YOl: C. E. Ray 9s Son s a (Continued from Vago 10) V lu.iriN Brouchton, Supplies R. D4 Office l'.'ri;iison, lp, Salary. August Fcruvm. Melvin, Salary, August . . . . . i . Kiii' hft. Kfliiin, Sulary, August Ur.'.v A (ireech. Mimeograph Machine Farm Agt. (nfiee lini lireeeh. Express for Farm Agt. office .. ll.u.naii, Wm.. Salary, August Maim', Kflwin, R. I.', 1-2 l'hone rent for office Haynes, Kdwin, Clerk to Board Hi n.lerson. - J. E., Salary, August Howell, 1). A;, Sdtary, August H"ell. 1). A., Phone rent for office . Hyatt. W. A.. Salry, August Hyatt. W. A., Mileage ft Expense. Hyatt.- W. A., Mileage ft Expense Johnson; ( has. M., 1932 Adv. Taxes ................... Johnson, ('has. M., 1991 Adv. Taxe Ki'yr-i i"rint. Co., Supplies CSC office M.isf.ic'4 Dept. Store. Supplies Indga. , Mftro Troducts Co.. Janitor Supplies Courthouse M.'tro Products Co., Janitor Supplies Courthouse Mills. Dillard, Self Indg. Mich.-ll I'rint. Co., Supplies HI) office . . ......... Moo.iy. K. ('.. Janitor Supplies Courthouse MoCrackcn, Albert, Salary, August N'i'ix- Printing House. Supplies KU office Nolind. Crady. Tax Hefund B. O. Presley Nolamt. I). J., Salary, August .................. Nohind. (irady. Salary, August .... . . . . Ohserver" Print. Co., Supplies Tax office Observer I'rint. Co., Supplies Tax office Office Equipment Co., Service rendered Farm Agt. office . . , QamUn. .Mary, Clothing for Bonnie Rich lli'.v, .1, W.. Salary, August ... "', "oh. Salary, August .". . .. . Rj. Hob, -8 Stills ......... Kay. Mrs. R. L.. Washing for Jail ' Rhinehart. Mrs. Callie. Self Indg. Selig Company, Supplies for Jail sk. Ir. C, N., Miliary, August ......... -.- ......... i .. Sorrells; (Jur. Epsey Messer . . . . milh. W, U., Salary, August . . Smith, w. I).. 1-2 Phone rent lor office ........ Smilh. Vernon, Keep of Jim Ewart children . tite of N. c.. Salary, Fire Warden ................ StrmgfiHd, ir. S. L., Prof. Services County Doctor Swe.iringen. M. E., 1-2 Phone rent for office . , lii nipson, Mrs. Bonnie A., Services to Morganton (nurse) ru, m-r. ; Dave, Salary, August ........ 4 . tril,rw,wd, Elliott, Fisher Co., Typewriter for Tax office . y.ivnisville Mountaineer, Office Supplies (Auditor) ....... -J ''' ' C, Salary, August ....... '"'Mi. J. C Sheriff, 1-a Phone tent for office ....... . v,1!( h. J. C, Carrying patient to Morganton .............. J '"' ' C., Board ft Jail fees (prisoners) "est, J. F. Burial Expense Andy Wyatt (Veteran) ..... Vhitner, Betsey, Self Indg. . . . . .... ... . . . . - "hitner, Betsey, Mattress . . . . "right, John, Watchman Furniture Factory ".vatt; Lillian, Work uv Tax office .................... . , September 16, 1333 (..they, T. j. Jury Ticket - ( has National Bank. Bond int. due 10-1-iS R. ft Bridge 2 Henderson, Mrs. W. H., Supplies Robert Justice Jhool Sinking Fund, Fund advanced 3-1-W Bond Matur. ttetls, w. W., Supplies Mrs. Tom Brown .............. Westmoreland,. Dr. J. R, Examination body Mary Rene ... ""ggms, Mrs. Sarah, Tax Refund ....... i.... CLAIMS FOR OCTOBER. IMS Alexander, Pearl, Self Indg. Arrington. Dona, Self Indg. ......................... Peil, Anna, Self Indg. ............................... d;x, Jm, eelf Indg. iley, John, Self Indg. Bradshaw, Monroe, Self Indg. Caldwell, Lizzie ........ lhMin, Martha, Self Indg.".'...'. Carver, Wiley, sis West Betty. Self Indg. . . . . ........................ (arver. Mary, Sell Indg. J finrtopber, DeB,,. Self Indg. . . .... . . . . . ... ..... Clark, Rotand. Helf Indg ...'.... . itshaw. Julia, Self Indg. .... vi8. Ue, Self Indg.T.... .................. "avns. Mode F... Self Indg. rake, Lee, Self Indg. ... ,'., Joe, Self Indg. .......... ... "art, Sancy. Self Indg. fTra. Jim, Self Indg. ':'0'en. Laura, Self ndg. ford. Mm. R. W., Self Indg. JfoodMn, John. Self Indg. ... ';f-en, Rinda. Self Indg. .m.n. Talitha, Self Indg. ....... Miff in. Nelson. Self Indg ... (Wy. Mary, Self Indg. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . ....... annah, Mark, Mrs. Marshall Cole Hrrell, Josie, Self Indg. Hw-el. Lizzie, Self Indg - eatherly. Mrs. Tom, Self Indg. '"dee. Bob, Self Indg. Inman. rnoebe. Self Indg. . 'ustiw, Wm., Self Indg '..-..; ; . r.o7 . 41.67 . 30.00 . 41.67 lso.tiri . . .f.O . 63.00 .. l.HH . 58.90 . 41.67 100.00 .. 4.3.1 . 00.00 , . 33.00 . 31.00 138.49 . ao.r,3 . 21.70 . . 3 .09 . 11. 75 112.50 . . 3.00 .. 5.6.! .2.1 . 41.(37 .. 2.40 .. 4.10 100.00 100.00 . 11.14 . 17.NH . 11. 0 . . 2.70 . 41.67 . 30.00 , 30.00 . . .1.00 . . 3.00 . 89.78 310.00 . . 2.00 100.00 . . 1.88 . 7.60 . 15.00 U04.00 . . 1.75 .. 5.00 . 74.00 . 99.00 . . 6.00 125.00 . . 2.78 . 11.00 413.10 . 20.00 , . 2.60 . . 2.00 . 2.1.00 . , 6.00 1.10.00 105. 25 . . 9.4-4 304.61 . . 2.20 . 10.00 .. 7.05 .. 2.00 . . 6 eo .. 3.00 . . 4.00 .. 3.00 . . 3.00 . . 3.00 . . 3.00 . . 6.00 .. 6.00 . . 6.00 . . 5.00 .. 4.00 .. 3.00 . . 4 00 . . 5.00 . . 3.00 .. 4.00 . . 5.00 . , 3.00 . . 4.00 ... 7.60 . . 3.00 . . .1.00 .. 3.00 . . 3.00 , . 2.60 .. 5.00 .-. 3.00 . . 3.00 .. 7.60 .. 3.00 . . 3.00 . . 4.00 l.acky, Jim, Self Indg. , ... ............... I.illdsey, M. T., Self Indg. Love, HenrV, Sisk Child Mease, A If, Self Indg. . Messer. ('. II.. Self Indg.. .'.'... Milli'iider. Jane.. Self ndg. Mills. Mrs. N. 11.. Self Indg. Moore, Knlilia, Self Indg. . . . . ...................... Murray, John, Keif Inilg. , . . Murray, Manson, Self Indg. McCracken. Roy. Self Indg. Norris. D. W., Self Indg Payne, Mrs. J, T, Self Indif. Peacork. Marv, Self Indg. , Presley, John, Self Indg, ......... . . .............. . . . Price, Jane, Self Indg. . Queen. Kli7.alcth, Self Indg ......................... Reynolds. Kaimie, Self Indg ... Reno, II. (;., Self Indg. l-'ioh, Ada, Marion Israel, Riling, M. R., Bonnie Hirh Rogers, White, Self Indg. Setzer, Noah, Self . Indg . . . Smart. Mrs. Ellis. Self Indg . ........ : . . .-. . Sniathers. W. S., Kathervn S:iia(h"-r., SmathcTs. Ella, Self Indg. Stanley. Lottie 'A., Self Indg ....................... . . Swavngim, Wm., Self Indg. Trammell. Ed., Self Indg. ; Trantliam, Mrs. W. K., Self Indg. . . . . . . ... ........... Trull, Harvey, Self Indg. Cnderwood, I. on. Self Indg. Vick, John. Self Indg. . . . ........... , . . . . . . Warren, Addie, Self Indg. Welch. Mrs. tlradv. Self Indg. . . ... . While, J. P.. Self Indg, ............ , .. , . . . ... . , . . . . West; Mrsi have, Self Indg. . ...... .-. . . . ........ Whitener. Hetsey. Self Inilg. . ; .-'. . , . . Wilson, Lizzie, Self Indg. .. Wyatt. Joe. Self Indg. Honnie A. Head, Mothers' Aid .' ............ i . . Welch, Annie I... Mothers Aid ......................... Wood, Ilattie ft.. Mothers' Aid CLAIMS FOR OCTOBER, 1935 Allen, J. (.. Salary' lor Septemls'r Allison, .liirv is, Salary for September Arringt.011.. V. C., Digging grave for indg. Ashevilie S.lnd Co.. 100 gallons .tar Black. J. S., Salary for Septemls-r Boyd. I). I. . Tax Refund ................. i. ........ . Hurkhead DeVaml Printing (to.. Supplies for Tax office ... Murkhead-DeVand Printing Co., Supplies for Tax Office..:, livers,' W. (i.. Court Cost Welch Suit Byers, W. (;., Telephone Rent . . . . . . , ........ . . .-. . : . Caldwell, Di N.Trip to Fine .Creek for Indg. ............ Canton Enterprise, Advertising ........................ Canton Eenterprise; Tax Advertising ......,;....,.. . . . . Camp. Mrs. Carter, Nursing Rathhone 12 days Campbell, John B., Sheep killed, by dogs ................ Cathey, T. J , Salary for September Chafln, Iris, Typing for Attorneys . . . . ..... . . .......... Clark, Carolyn A.i Salary for September ..... i ......... .. Denton, W. T,, Supplies for County Fair ............. Edwards ft Broughton, Judgment Docket ............... Edwards Sand ft Gravel, 1 Yard of Washed Sand Ferguson, Melvin. Salary for September . . .... . , ........ . Ferguson, Ie, Salary for September, Fincher, Edwin, Salary for September Freeman. Tom, Hauling tar ft sand from Ashevilie ........... Oaddis, Mm. Taylor, Self Indg. Gentry, Edith, Nursing Rathbone 1 0 days Gilland, Jewrie, Housekeeper for Mr. Allen ............ . . Creen, Western, Self Indg. tlalsey Griffith Co:, Supplies Auditor's Office Hannah, Wm., Salary for September Hares, Edna. Court Stenographer Haynes. Edwin, Prepartiiyc Tax Books for Haywood County Haynes, Edwin, Telephone Rent ... ; ................. . , Haynes, Edwin, Clerk to the Board ..... J. . . . . ....... ... . Haywood Supply Co., Food ft Provisions for County Home . . , Haywood Supply Co., Supplies County Jail ............ . Hawkins, John, Trip to County Iforoe .................... Hay-wood County Petty Cash Fund, Drayage . . . . ..... .. . . . . Henderson, J. E.v Salary for September ............... . . Howell, I. A., Telephone Rent ..... Howell, 1). A., Salary for Septemger .:. v. . Hyatt, W. A., Salary for September , ... . ... ; -. . . . , .-...'... Hyatt ft Co., Janitors Supplies Hyatt, W. A., Trips to County Home ................. , Hyatt, W. A., Traveling Expense Keyes Printing Co, Supplies for Accountants . office ..... .; Killian, Nanry, . Services on Pension Board .............. Martin Electric Co., Repairs ...... i ..... .. Martin Electric Co., Repairs to Elevator ......4 ........... , Martin Elertric Co., Fuel for Gas stove Martin Electric Co.. Gas for Stove ....... ... ......... . Massengill, S. E. Co.. Drugs for Poor ; Massie's Department Store, Supplies to Indigents. Massie. Furniture Co., Burial Expenses for Indigents ..... Medford. Ir. N. M.. . Professional Service ............... . Messer, Mrs. Rebecca, Self Indg. ...................... Miller. L. A., Repairs to County Jail Miller, L. A., Repairs to County Courthouse Moody. Columbus C, Sheep killed by dogs ............... . .'1.1)0 . 7.10 , 3'.oi 00 . 4110 . r. oo . .t.oo 3 (10 3.00 s.01 3.00 ,. 4.00 4.00 3 no 3.00 3.00 2.! r.o . .1.00 . 3.00 12. .10 . 3.00 . 3.00 . 3.00 .. 5.00 10,00 r.oo . 7.7.0 . 3. wo 1 0.00 . 3.00 . 4.00 4.00 . 100 3.00 . 5.00 , .1.00 . 3.00 7,-f.O 2.50 3.0(1 111.00 1 4 (II) lli..l)il $30 00 . 41 (S7 .1.00 . 10.90 5(1,(10 . 2.00 . 18.2.1 1;")9.98 .. 6 00 . 1.88 . . 4.00 , 16.00 168.80 36.00 . 10.00 200.00 . . 0.00 . 60.00 .20 47.09 . . 3.00 . 30.00 41.07 . 41.67 . . 6.00 . . 3.00 . 30.00 . 6.88 . 4.00 . 11.1S 63 00 46.25 952.70 . 1.88 . 21.10 . 91.12 . 3.40 . 3.00 . 2.39 41.67 . 3.70 1.10.00 .10.00 . 2 10 23.7.) 100.60 -., 7..10 . 2.00 10.74 ; 6.76 41.1S . 20.03 ,61.32 78.52 69.97 . 2.00 . 5.01) . 4.35 . . 6.10 . . 9.00 Moodi. I' Moodi. P.. Mull. Mrs. Mi-Crai kvn M ('r;i( ken MrlliOl ,1,1. Hoard , ' , .l.itittor Soppli.'- . .. . . . C. Supplies to Iridlg.-lit-Hill. N..f In. Ig ...... ... Mrs. Haiti.', ym, es 011 I Allwrl. Salary for ' .September ....... Kan.l.ilpli. Tax Refund ... . Nt-ivs I'rint inn House,, Supplies Auditors. (Mine .. Nolan.!. II. J., Salary ior -Septemlier Nolaiid. tlraily. Salarj for -September ......... Plotl. Hem-. I'.' ililvs tan vinrk Poslon, W. It., 2 stills raptured , Ray's. C. E Sons, Supplies for Indigent ...... Ha v. Mrs. II0I1. Washing for Jail ..... . . . . . . . . Ra.l . Hob. Salary lor .Si-ptemlrer RaV. J. W., .Salary for September Ho' Emplovment- Office I 2 I'llone Rent (bark rent) Hbineharl, Callie, Self Indg. Selig Cunipar.v. Janitors ' Supplies .............. Sisk... Hr (' N . Salary For September .......... Sniitii. . !.. Salary for S.-f.tr'inls'r ....... ... . - . Smith.-' W. I , Telephone Kent , Smith, Vernon. Care for 3 children , . . . . Southern Stamp A- Stationary Co , Supplies Southern Stamp ft 'Stati ry Co.: Supplies Standard (III Co. of V J.,' I las ft (ill for County State of North Carolina. Salary Fire Warden . Slringfirld, Dr. S.I.., Dm tor Hills for Indg. ... Swavugim. James I;,. SerVi.es on I'en-.ion Hoar.l Suearingi-r, M. E. J'tione Kent Teague, l-'arnest W, Tax Calculator .......... Town of Wayiiesville, l ight ft. Water Courlhoue mm of Waynesville, Lights ft Water ( .oiirttiouse for Ke Kmp for Co. Alt Home , Waynesville W-.i.v nesi ille Waynesville Way ne.v ille Waynesville Wayln'sv it!.' Way nesvlfle Waynes-ville Wayliesvilt.. Way nesv ille W' .I . IO'Hl tile, Wi.yoevville Wei. h. .1 ' Wel.b. J, Welch; J. Wi'icli. .1. Welch. X Welch, J Welch, It.iok Store. Sunnlies for Silpervisura. "It" Hook Stun', Supplies for Hnprrviaurw Off if Hook Store, Snpiiies for Auditor's Office lldw. Co.. Silpplii's for County Home liihi. Co., Supplies for ( 'Onrtbous.' ...... Ildw. I'n., Siipplies fi.r Courthou-e. . . . . . MountaiinMT, Tai AilyiTtising . Moiintairi'-er. Supplies Auditor's Office . Mountaineer, Supplies Clerk's Office Mountaineer, Siiplies Higgler of Di'eds : I'b.liin.icy, Trip for foilg. ............... niarrnacy. Supplies for Indg. C . Travi'ting "ipeiises i ... . , ('., Hniiifniining Jury . .:, ... C, Sillary for Sepli'lnlM-r . .... . . .. ... (':, Waiting for Court (',, Telephone Herd ... ... ..... . . . ,", . . .' . . C, . Hoard , tor . i'liMaoT- ................ C t rip to Marshall ordi r 01 ('. S ( . . .. Welr-u, Joe, . Trip to County Home , , - ... Wells, .1. M:. Burial Expenses . . .......... Westmorland, J. R., lnxestig-ation Death . 'Sorrel-Is ..... Wright, John, Watching Furniture Factory . . .......... W. W. N. (!. Cafe, Feeding Juriors ................ Smith, Mary M., Home Demonstration Work............ Thompson. .1. E-., Tax Refund .......... . . ; . . Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co., Bond Maturities Chase National Bank, Bond Interest Chase National Bank, , Bond Interest ....... . . . . . .. Ernest L. Withers, Prem . Tax Collector' Bond CLAIMS FOR NOVEMBER. 1935 Alexander," Pearl; Self Indg. ....... ., . . i ....... Arrington. Dona. Self Indg. ,-......... Bell, A)ina, , Self Indg. ! ... . , ., . ...... . . ............ Biddix, Jim, Self Indg. .1 Bradley, John, Helf Indg. Bradshaw, Monroe, Self Indg. . ................... . Caldwell, Lizie, Self Indg. ; Calhoun. Martha, Self ndg. . . . .... .-. . ... . ......... Carver, Betty. Helf Indg. Christopher, Delia, Self Indg. ........ : ......... ... Clark, Roland, Self Indg. , .. . ...... ...... Cutshaw, Julia. Self Indg. . . . ... ..... ........... Davis, Irfe, Self Indg. .......... ... i ...... Davis, Bode E., Self Indg. ....................... Drake, Lee. Self Indg. ,i. '..'. Duckett, Joe, Self Indg .......................... Ewart, Nancy, Self Indg. .....;.,.... Forga, Jim, Self Indg. . -. Gallien, Laura; Self Indg. Gifford, Mrs. R. W.. Self Indg. ........ ... ...... Goodson, John, Self Indg., Green, Rinda, . Self' Indg. , . . . .... . . . . . Green Talitha, . Self Indg. '. Griffin, Nelson, Self Indg. ...... ,: . i .............. . . .. Haney, Mary-. Self Indg. Hannah, Mark, Mrs. Marshall Cole Harrell, Josie, Self Indg. ... ,,. ... . . . ..... . . . . . ....... Harvell, Lizzie, Helf Indg. ...... i .......... . . . ..... Heatherlv. Mrs. Tom, Self Indg. ................... Hodge, Bob, Self Indg. . ....... . . . , . Inman, Phoebe. Self Indg...... Justice, Wm.. Self Indg, Lacky, Jim, Self fndg. ........... '. ...... ...... .: Lindsey, M. T.. Sisk Child .......... i ........... . Love, Henry', Self Indg. Mease, All, Self Indg. Messer, C. H., Self Indg. Millender, Jane, Self Indg. . '. ......... , ,. Moore, Fidilia, Self Indg. ......................... Murray, John, Helf Indg. . . . . , , . . i ............... . Murray, Manson, Self Indg. v....,....;,.......... ...... 10) . , . . . . 3.1)11 3.1)1) ...... 2.011 4 1.H7 ...... '.' . .1 K . . ..'. . . .1..M . .. . 100 (Ml . ... 1011.00 3.0i) 10.00 ...... 4.80 ...... 5.00 30.00 41.67 . . . . . 10.0(1 ...... 3.(10 . . . , . .18 02 .... 3 1 (1. 00 .-'...- 100 110 ..... .7.1 .'.'.. . . 7 .60 lo nn-nt 3.11.1 . .... 3il5 . 34.70 ...... Ui.H'.i .-. . . 'J.iii no . . . .. . . 2.011 ...... 3.84 ...... -; 22.70 .. ... 87 42 . . . . '104.2:! .... ,7o .' . , . . 3 (10 ...... 3.6(1 ...'.'.' 14.1.1 ; .71 . ; 2.7a . . . . 303.2(1 . -. . , . 21.50 ...... 10.00 . .-. .19.4.1 .". . ... 3.40 ..... 41.70 . ... . , 12,30 ....... 12,60 . . . . 125.00 2o-00 . :. 2. nr. ... . 44(1.3(1 . . . . . . 9,00 . . .... 8.00 . ... 4.1.00 . . .". . 20.00 . ... ... 2.1.00 . ... . . 4.00 . . .-. . 60.00 . . . . . . 2.68 . . 5,005.00 .. 2,631.00 .. 6,614.00 . . . . 600.00 . 2.00 ; . . : 6.00 . . 3.00 . . . 4.00 ... 8.00 . . . . 3.00 .'..', 3.00 . . . 3.00 '..- 3,00 . . . . 5.00 ... 4.00 . . .. 3.00 ... 4.00 I . . . 6.00 ....3.00 .:... 4.00 ... 6.00 . .; 3.00 . . . . 4.00 . . . . 7.50 . . . 3.00 . . . 5.00 ... 3.00 , . . . 3.00 . .-. s.so . . . 6.00 .... 3.00 .'..' 3.00 .'. .-. 7.60 ... 3.00 . . . 3.00 . . . 4.00 . . . 3.00 ... 7.50 i . . 3.00 .",' 6.00 . . . 4.00 ... 5.00 3.00 ... .1.00 . ,. 3.00 Mi -Cr.iok-en. Hoy. Self Indg. Notri-, II. W !, Sell Indg . ... -'' 1'avi).'. Mis. J. '!' . Sell--'Indg Pea. o, k. Marv,- Self Indg, Pre.ley. John, Self Indg . . . . i'resl'-. Maggie. Self Indg. . . . ...... . . Price, Jane, Self Indg. guei-lli' Elval....lll. Self. Indg. Reynolds, Fannie, Self Inilg. Re'noi II. (;., Marion Israel Hii-h, 'ia. Bonnie Rich Hiding, M. R, Self Indg Rogers, White.. Self Indg Setzer, Noah. Sell Indg Smart, Mrs. Ellis, Chan. Worley : Sniathers, W. H.. hatheryn Smathers ............ Sniathers, Kiln. Self Indg. . . Stainey, Lottie . Helf Indg. ................ Swavugim, Wm.. Self Indg Trammell, Kd, Self L dg.- Traiilhiirn, Mrs. W. F... Sell Indg. Trull. Haney, Self Indg I'lid.-rwoodi l.on, Sell Indg. Vicli,..lohn. Self Indg ... ... . . . Warren, Addle, Sell Indg. W'eli h, Mrs. Gradv. Self Indg. ... West, Mrs. Dave, Self Indg, White. .1. P., Self. Indg. .... ... . . Whitener, lletsej , S"lf Inilg. Head. Honnie, A.. Mothers' Aid ................. WeU-h, Annie I. , Mothers' Aid W0.01I. II iltie It.. Mothers- Aid, ....... . . ... ....... CLAIMS FOR DECEMBER Arlington, A. (',, I Crave.. Indigent . '-. Allen.. .1. .'-.. Salary for October . . . . .:, Allison, J.lrvis, Salary for October ................ Black, .1 S., Salary for October livers, W. :,, Phune Rent Chase National Hank, Bond Interest ........... . Central Hanover Hank ft Trust Co., Bond .Interest . Chase National Hank, Bond Maturity Central Hanover Hank ft Trust Co.. Bond Maturity Cathey, T. .1 , Jury Tickets .... ..... . Cathey. T. J , Salary for (k-tols r ................ Clark.. Carolyn Allison. Salary for OcIoIht ......... . .Cathey.; T. J., Postage Auditor's Oifiio . . ..... llen.lon',i W. 'I'. Supilies (.'ourtlious'- ............ . First National Hank, Bond Interest ................ Ferguson, Mrs. M. 11., For Mary White ........ , . Fiirher, Edwin, Salary for October . .... .. . . Fergusxm, Melvin, Salary for October ................ Ferguson; Lee, Salary for October ; . ... .. . ., Gillien, Miss Jessie, 3 weeks for J,- C. Allen ........ Garrett Furniture Co., Burial Supplies Howell, I). A., Supplies for office . . . . . ....... Howell, I). A., Salary for Ortober ............. . Henderson, J. E., Salary for October ........... .. Hyatt, W. A., Salary for October .............. Hannah, Wm Salary for October .............. . Hyatt, W. A., Mileage .................. Halsty ft Griffith Inc., Supplies for Clerk's Office . , Henderson. W. Bowen, Audit Report ........... . Hyatt ft Co,, Supplies Register's Olfice ......... Johnson, Chant. M., Adv. Taxes ,.: Johnson, Chan. M, Adv. Taxes , .... Keystone Envelope Co., Supplies Clerk's Office . . Kelley's Taxi, Traveling Expenses . ........... Liner, Dr.- W. II., Professional Services .... ... . .'...-. Masaie's Dept. Store, Indigent Supplies McCracken, Albert, salary for October ........ McCracken, A. J., Supplies county home ......... Moody, E. C, supplies indigents, .............. Massie Furniture Company, burial suppHea, ....... Mitchell Printing Co., supplies Register's office, .. McCracken, W. H., telephone rent .............. Noland, Grady, salary for October, .............. Noland, D. J. salary for October, ............... Noland, T. T., Bacon, . . . ., Observer Printing Hbow, Suplles tax office .. . . . Patterson Sewing Machine Co. ten machines . ; ... . . ... 1'rtce, Weaver, extension ladders ,..,....;........ Ray, Bob, salary for October, .... . . . . . ... . . . . . Ray, Mrs. Bob washing for Jail. ,.........' Ray, J. W, salary for October, Ray, C. K. Sons, supplies indigents, Raiff's Dept. Store supplies indigents, . ......... . Sheehan. Arthur. Work Bank Building, Standard Oil Company, gas and oil. .... ... . . ... Htringfield, Dr. 8. L., professional services . . . . ... , . Smith. W. D., salary for October Sisk, Dr. C. N., salary for October, State of North Carolina fire warden, Scott, W. II., court cost ....................... Sweartngen. M. K., telephone rent .............. Smathers, Mrs. Lou, refund, dog, . Sanford, R. O. tax refund Underwood Elliott Fisher, supplies auditor's office. West Brother,, suplies county borne, ............. Welch, J. C, salary for Octolver, . . . . . ; . . , . . . . . Welch;- J. C: telephone rent : i ...... .. Welch J, C, board to prisoners;1 ................ Wells, J. M Funeral Home, borial indigients, .; Wright, John, watchman Furniture Factory VouTig Paul,, traveling expenses, ................ . 3 00 4.00 ... 4.IV0 . 3.(1') :).()' . 3. on 3.00 .'.:, .1.00 3.00 'i-2.60 3.00 3.00 . 3.00 , .1.00 10.00 , 3.00 7. .10 3 00 r..o 3.01) 4.00 4.00 3 no . - a 00 . .1.00 , 3 00 5.00 7. .10 10.00 14 00 16 00 2.11) 30:011 4 1,67 .10 00 . . . . 1 8(1. . 7,2 1M.III) . . -. 1.-654.12 1.1 ,M5. 00 (i,()(i.l)(l ' ... 2 1H.0I) ... 200.no . . . r.o. no ;..'. 3.00 3,00 1.412.(10 .1.00 . 4 I i 7 . . . 30.00 . . 41.67 . . . . . 9.00 . . . 27.50 . . . . 2.10 . . 1.10.00 . .. 41.67 . ; , .10.00 . . . 63.00 . . . 1 1.60 .... 4.66 1.000.00 , . . . .50 . . . 54.60 , . 105.68 , . . 44.50 2.76 J'.'.'. 2.00 . . . 32.35 . . . 41.67 ... 27.60 0.35 ... 90.00 . . . . .'..er. 3.60 . . 100.00 .. 100.00 "1x5.82 . .121.00 . . . 1T.S0 . .. 30.00 .... 5.00 41.67 , ... 3.60 .... 4.66 . ..30.00 . . . 17.77 . . 171.00 .. 100.00 .. 310.00 ... 58.14 . . . 10.00 .... 2.82 . ... 2.00 ....3.00 . . . . 1.00 ... 16.00 .. 125.00 2.75 .. 408.00 ... 82.S0 ... 26.00 .... 2.00 y 1; it 1U 1 1: r,4 1 1