THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1S36 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 President and Mrs. Roosevelt's Christmas Card 3 The Greenville Market Has Sold 6,097,000 POUNDS A Gain of 134 Per Cent Over Same Time Last Year Bernard's Gain Is Even Greater There Is A Reason We look for prices to open equally as strong, if not strong er as at the close FOR CHRISTMAS SALES RESUME JANUARY 2nd AT BERNARD'S NO. 2 The most of the little crops are sold and more than half of Christ 1935 'Mfc Ray Christmas ;:.v ::i:;::i:'ivsv?vi:: v "SfSSsligf The President f?",' t V I"- ' W ' ....v.-,.iw.',vw,.w.:1' This Is a picture or th ennstmas card sent out oy the l'resiJent and Mr itolt,v,.i i didn't get yours you ini-ln want to keep this one ca.e you W. D. SMITH The Haywood County Burley Con trol Association met baturday att pnioon, December 28. Although cli siatic conditions were very unfavor-..bk- lor a meeting, yet more than two thircU of the members were present. Triese committees have been very co tptrative during the past two years nd have spent ferely their time in discharging their duties. As a result ..? their hard work and conscientious effort more than 99 per cent of the producers of Haywood County signed tontractP. These committees spent more than :wo hours in discussing the result of .h program and plan for the future. Plans were made to adjust poundage s equally and fair as posisble. Plans were also made to hold educational meetings over the county at one or more places in every township and at :hc ,ame time give al eligible signers an opportunity to sign the new con tract. If weather conditions permit these meetings will be held during January. It i? expected that the potato pro .tram will be worked out in the near future, also the county agent is ex 3ectin to get the necessary blanks within the next few days to go ahead with the potato program. I This is just a New Years greeting to all the people of Haywood County. This week finishes two years of effort by the present County Agent. Theee two years have been filled with hard work and conscieutious effort on the part of the county agent for better rural conditions. Some of these ef forts have resulted in success, some are not so good. : If we can be of more service to you in the year ahead than we have in the past let us hear from you. We know by co-operation and all efforts directed in the right way that we tan get results. If we are right minded to work together, we do not know how far we can go. Now if never before is when Haywood County folks should all pull in Jhe same direction. We are counting on you to help us make a better 1930. V. D., SMITH, County Agent Kkher you will dispose of the bull when he is about three years old, or He might dispose of you. If he disposes of you, that is se rious, and you might need to worry If you dispose of him, well, one of two things is going to happen Kit her you will find your future herd worse, or 1. will be tietter than the old herd. If it is worse and the bull is gone, you w:!i not worry. If it is better, you will worry for you will forever after tell about what a fint. bull he wum. MORAL -Huild a pai to keep your old bull without worry. .MR. DAIRYMAN. WHY WORRY.' When vou buv a vountr dairy bull. one of two things is going to happen, Either' you will handle and manage him well, or Vrtti will rtni If you handle and manage him well. vou need not worry Rut if vou don't, well one of two things is going to happen Women's Coats Reduced Fur Trimmed 50 Sport Types 25 Children's (8 to 14) .... 25 BARGAINS FOR YOU G. E. Ray's Sons POTATO ALLOTMENTS FOR 1936 Applications having Farm History. For farms on which potatoes were grown in any of the years 1932, 1933, 1934, the largest possible preliminary sales Dases shall De calculated by ap plying Options (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), )7), (8), below the corrected and adjusted farm history, and in caes where personal history is properly in- rf'lllHurl in Annlintln K.r o1c an- plying such options to such personal mstory. i ne options to dc so applied are as follows: (Jet Bills For Your Options. (1) The annual average of sales in the years 1933,1934, and 1935. (2) The annual average of sales in the years 1932, 1933, 1934. (3) 90 per cent of the annual av erage sales in the years 1934 and 1935 (4) 90 per tent of the sales in the year 1935. (5) 80 per cent of the sales in the year 1934. (G) 70 per cent of the sales in the year 1933. (7) 60 per cent of the saleg in the year 1932. "Hords of gullies now remind us We should build our land to stay And, departing, leave behind us Kelds that have not Washed away. When our boy assume the mortgage On the land that had our toil. They'll no. have to ask the question: 'Here's the farm, but Where's the '. soil?"' Minnesota News letter. APPLE ORCHARD FOR SALE Situated in Avery County, N. C. on State Highway. Two dwelling hous es, electric lights, running water from lasting spring, 1,200 trees stan dard varieties, 20 years old and in healthy condition, 4000 feet eleva tion, 70 acres good land, storage basement. A bargain to quick buyer. TELEPHONE OR WRITE Byron E. Williams NEWLANI), N. C. Mav we "follow the sucirestion in this poem by strating the new year i nmaking a bank account of our soil, by putting something back into the soil and .conserving what there is al ready there ? If we expect to enjoy the modern conveniences and good living, we niust think in the future, and plan for it. TIM E L Y Farm Questions and Answers Question: How much fertilizer should I use on my tobacco plant bed? Answer: An application of 200 pounds of a 4-8-3 mixture should be applied to each 100 square yard; of bed. If a lower grade of fertilizer is used it can be supplemented with from 50 to 100 pounds of cotton seed meal provided the meal is thoroughly mixed with the soil. AH fertilizer should be broadcast and mixed thor oughly with the top three or four in ches of soil. Do not use tobacco trash on the beds nor any manure contain ing tobacco leaves, stalks, or roots. Question: How can I keep my chickens from picking out their feath ers? ": Answer: This trouble is caused by a small mite that gets into the skin near the base of the feathers and eause6 irritaion. To ge rid of this mite the poultry house should be thoroughly cleaned and sprayed with a solution of three parts of crude pe troleum or carbolineum and one and one-half parts of kerosene. Dip the hirHc in a tllK rrtf amino- iwn Annual of flowers of sulphur and six ounces' of flaked soap to five gallon? of tepid water. Be sure that the solution gets to the skin. NOTICE OF BUILDING AND LOAN MEETING The annual meeting of the share, holders of the Haywood Home Build, ing & Loan Association will be held at the office of the association in law offices of Morgan, Stamey & Ward on Tuesday, January 21st, 1936, at 7:30 o clock, p. m. for the purpose of electing directors and any other bas iness which the shareholders desire to (Transact, All sharehold'elfi are urged to attend. , the whole is sold the rush is over you get quick sales at Greeneville double daily sales prevent your tobacco from remaining long on the floor to damage, as at other points. Greeneville Could Sell In Six Weeks or Less Time AH The Crop Yet Behind We give below a list of a few of the many good safes recently made these averages include the tips and red grades in each and every crop offered IOUNDS AVER. W. T. Teague, Leicester, N. C. ... .817 $34.07 C. S. Smith, Rose Hill, Va .1272 32.64 Randall & Wells, Leicester, N. C. .1776 33.66 C. G.Payne, Barnard, N.C 506 33.80 W.B. Miller, Afton, Tenn. ..... ... .458 36.80 N.T. Robinett, Rogersville, Tenn. . .340 34.00 Andy Franklin, White Rock, N. C. .1624 35.62 J. M. Rogers, Leicester, N. C. ... .622 36.00 Cooter & Shepherd, Greeneville . . .1986 35.09 A. J. Hensley, Marshall, N. C. .1176 33.61 Davis & Massie, Leicester, N. C. . 1384 34.00 Davis & Ottinger, Greeneville 1156 33.00 J. W. Rader, Mosheim, Tenn 528 33,56 C. T. Combs, Jonesville, Va. 2420 33.00 Mrs. N.J. Busier, Gate City, Va. 1378 32.00 J. I. Swiney, Afton, Tenn 1310 31 .71 R. I). Park, Greeneville ... .... .822 3L9I G. W. Roberts, Barnard, N. C. 508 32,51 Sank Harrison, Greeneville .658 33,90 Payne & Fillers, Greeneville . ... 2028 34.42 Matthews & Martin, Afton, Tenn. .626 35,46 Payne-Hamilton, Greeneville 486 35 J 7 J. M. McCarter, Cosby, Tenn. . . . ...776 32.38 C. F. Lowery, Greeneville . . 650 34,00 E. G. Bowers, Greeneville . ... . . . .1924 32.18 Lula Myers, Greeneville 418 35.17 W. B. McLain, Van Hill, Tenn. . ... .516 32.48 C B. Scott, Afton, Tenn. 1282 36.80 S. L. Goode, Nickelsville, Va. 520 34.20 Isacc Harville, Jonesville, Va 704 33.95 Sell your tobacco with those who are judges and by instinct KNOW tobacco at a glance be as energetic, as considerate and cautious in the marketing of your tobacco as you have in growing and caring for it and do not let a big portion of the money made by looking after your crop properly, slip through your fingers by not selling at Head quarters Remember that Greeneville leads the Tobacco Belt, and that, Bernard's lead Greeneville. BERNARD'S WAREHOUSES 40 Years Experience GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE This Dec, 31. 1935. S. H. BUSHNELL, Secretary. No. 430 Jan 2-9.