THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1938 Page 4 THE WAYNES YILLE MOUNTAINEER !' C js THE STORY CHMTtJJ! ' -A Alan Giirtii. pros pector, In n I'l'ai'iiitf lo leave for liij mining; clulm In tlie l'"ar North, a plane landa at the airways emergency sta tion. In It se Hurton Itamlll, million aire mlniuer niaarinite, his daughter, I-i I lth, and Vivian fluxliy, pilot and mill iner cnglnoei. BcHoving him to be only an Ignorant "iro.-iuM-tor, the men offer to make an air trip lu (lurth's claim, al though they refer to the platiniim-lienr-ilng ore as nearly "worthless." I.ituh 'Kamlll, product of I lie Jaz BRf. plainly howa her contein;L fur Garth. CIIAPTEIt It. 1 hroiiRh Garth's iilJ ance tho plane kooo reaches the rluiin site. Huxby and Hum ill. after tnakiuK several tests, annuro Garth his claim is nearly valueless, but to "encourage" young prospectors they are willing to talt e a chance In investing a small amount, fiemilne the treachery that lies ahead Garth secretly visits the plane and removes a small part front the motor. CJIAPITK III. Iliixby ami I.ilitli taunt Garth with his "gullihihty," hut their tone toon changes when they try to start t li r" crippled plane. RntuniiriK to short they try lo force Garth to tdve up the, mlsvini; part. Garth tnan ;iHP3 to .set the monoplane alri ft and the current (limes U. over the f.ilN, when It Is v. re. ;i il. fie points out to th cm :i;;t;il trio that ho is their only hopo in c. u.i d i n ;r tli'Mit out of the vil ilernei, :iinl . l;:ii hnil v.'Olilfl il to nil. Hi? linisliril lln- inning of :i nun' cnsiri ii('( ( icfni-i.' In; replied: "In 'tliu first 'phiee. I'm too busy perform in!; needed work lo ;i i-t as lady's maid. jn t no second fiiaic, mat limine is not Illlhy. You'll say it's (In- most de licious aspic you ever tasled. Abon the rest, douse your head l:i Hie r;n. 'l'lint will Rive vou a combined wash and bracer. If you wish a. smoUe there's Hie lire. Tor (.'osnietlejv Ml soon be milking up a balelt of urease and pitch mosquito dope. Mv final .dose of,.froKHp went on loo thin to Inst Ions'." She looked lier distrust- "(.rease and pitch When I have a hendnet?' "Soon ns we start traveling through brush It's a question which will go first, your net or your stockings. Dope doesn't snag on branches, and you'll 11 nd if n belter cosmetic than rouge and powder." ' I'gli ! If I use your n.islv dope at nil, it will be on my legs.'' "No go. You'll be scraping agumst rocks and running upon snags. Won't have any knees left If you try the Highland stylo. Mow about those lynx skins for leggings, along will) moos'j moccasins?" For (he first lime since thev had met, the cirl gave bun a genuinelv friendly smile. "Jlmi's decent of vou. Alan. How soon can vou make them''" 'Cut we a sleak off Hint nearest log of moose. While vou're niokins it. 1 11 see ivhal can bo done " Nheu she returned tip knife ami -vt.nted to broil Hie great slab of meat I kIio bad shred on hi. I ll 'nl nil t 1 1 1 iv i i r ! of lynx- skins. A few knife stroke- ..put off lb" grcnl hair-padded paws, and flit t lie legs in! 0 tliongs. When the .i.- brought Inn: his broiled moose steak, he showed her how. to. wrap a skm ai-cimd each lei: like a hiuii cJJ.ped 'legging, it ivilli lie Crossed il. ...e. , 'J here you are. Miss Kamill; Irs 'a pair or leggings" such, as our an cestors wore . wIi:mi thev pirated I lie high Sims in vilsma ships and sailed tip tin Th lines with Heliglii-if ami Ilorsn." liuxhy at nil. blinking, Ihe linn . 1 slinke-down o. ino-s ,'iii'l spruce tips had done jittlo to soften ihe stony :j ground, lie rubbed his si ill rued bail: and. hips. ' (.unround those rocks !: 1 ho engineer looked at the eaten sleak in ;arih s band. "How about break rust?" "Help ourself to all vou want. Along with your own, vou might broil steaks for Miss Itainill and her fa ther. Miss Kannll is about to take a lesson In sewing. She will soon need a pair of moccasins." The last remark checked the girl's intended refusal. While Huxbv sul lenly cut the three steaks and started to cook them, she carried out Garth s l suggestion to grease her lyni skins with a chunk of fat. When Garth finished his meal, ha threaded a needle with smoked catgut and showed (he girl how to sew the thick moosehltlc. Holes punched with the awl made the work fairly easy. Within n few minutes she caught the: knack of bundling the awl and needle. Though her studies were irregular, they promised to hold. He cut out tho mate cf the first moccasin, and an other pair smaller in size. Mr. Kamill crawled from the lennto, stilt, hungry and Irritable. But sleep and the open air had whetted all ap petites. As with the broiled liver, the three chechuhcos millionaire, mining engineer and fastidious heiress went at the hot meat with fingers and teeth. They were down to bedrock to the f undaraenlals of living. All the ele gancies of civilized eating were ab sent, even the supposed necessities forks, plates, seasonings. Yet the es seotlals remained. They were hungry, lis uiww and here was food. It was neither as tender nor as savory as bad been the liver. None the less, It was food. At the jnd of the meal, Garth said that the first need was to fetch in th. forelegs of moose. Miss liamill rose with her father and Htixlij. "Sorry," Garth fold her. "Your fa ther need all the walking he can get. Someone must stay to mind ttie tire. I might mention there's a shallow rock pool a little way along Hie bank, beyond those alders. You'd find tic water pleasantly warm for a dip." "Really? That' not so bail." "Yd. Only lie mire to keep the lire going. U v ill hold off t he wolves and wolverines." Huxby took Kaiill's arm and start ed off with him after Garth. They kept in the rear all the way to ihe muskeg swamp. I'll is time, instead of lynt males, a family of wolves Were feasting on Ihe moose meat. As siiht of tho men, (he whole family bristled and growled but starl'vi a slow retreat. "Shoot, Garlli!" urged Mr. Itainill, ''They're makiti; oil'." "Quile all 1'iL'lil," (,'arlli replied. "Good thing l hey "re gorged. I might have hai ;.. waste carl ridges to gel. rid of them. U' I'd like lo know is why tln-y rho-.,- ihis solid meat, in stead oi' ; he 0H.1I." As if in answer lo ihe ipieslion, a snarling growl l'ir deeper Ihiin Ihal of the wolves came from the border of the muskeg hen Garth had killed Hie bull moose.- 'p out of the thicket reared a huge grav bead. Massv forelegs Mrokeil apart the willow 'stems ' Willi chisel like claws eight inches or more long. It was a grizzly a lull-grown iirsus hombilis. Garih believed the beast lo be as eirge as those monsters of Ihe -same breed that ruled over the southern Rockies ami I he Sierras In Hie earlv davs wnen Indians still were armed onlv with bows, and the few while hunters earned onlv muzzle loading llintlocks. The ears of ihe great she-bear were flattened hack Her little pig eyes glared red. Ihe monstrous law gaped lo let out n roar of defiance thai shook the solid ground. 'Good ( ill' Mr. Ramill gasped "A a bear!" Hixby gripped Garth's shoulder. "Shoot, il n. you! Shoot, or gire me that rifle!" '.Shut up," Garth ordered him. ' J bat roar is only a warning. She'll not charge if we mind our own affairs You and Mr. Kamill take bold of tiiat nearest unloin leg and start off ipiiet Iv. Jon t hurry and don't run." The COt"l certaintv of Garth s lone compelled bencl and obedience even from lluxbv. Mr. Kamill was itireadv reaching. up for one of the two moose legs that bad nor been pulled down by the wolves. Ihe engineer hastily turned lo help him. As thev started off. (.arlii took the other inimangled leg on Ins shoulder and sauntered after them. The grizzly mother had not repeated her roar. Had thev run or given any Mgn ot hostility, she would have charged. As it was. she stood, an enormous quivering- mass of curiosity, watching their quiet retreat. Her jaws bad closed their ferocious yaw, and her ears were no longer flattened back. Garth s gray eves twinkled as he glanced hack over his Shoulder tit the "That Roar Is Only a Warning." huge beast. He could not have asked for a better bugaboo to make his com panions behave. Safe out of her sight, he told the two to halt and get the moose leg on a tote-pole. Ilusby at once started to curse him for not shooting. "Go try It yourself," Gartby replied, and when Huxby drew away from the offered rifla, he nodded approval. "You are wise not to attack a she-grizzly with cubs." Spurred n no doubt by the knowl edge of that gray monster behind him, Mr. Ramill managed to hold up bis end of the tote-pole all the way to rump. There be sank down, purple laced, wheezing that the exertion had killed him. His daughter sat by the fire brood ing. Though refreshed by her bath in (lie warm pool, she bad begun to feel ihe craving for drink and tobacco. She had done little stitching on thi; moccasins. Hut she livened to horri fied alertness when Huxby told about the grizzly. Garth fcrestalled an outbursc of hysterics. "Keep cool. The old lady will let us alone of we keep clear of her cubs. Keep up the fire, and she will shy clear of you. She doesn't fancy fire. Ilurrit her paws trying to rob me of a roasting porcupine." A look at the gold pan showed Garth that the moose muffle had be gun to dissolve. He cooled souk? of the gelatinous broth in the small pot. Mr. Ramill not only gulped down the drink. He smacked his lips and asked for more. At that, both Huxby and the girl were stirred to try the rich drink. Garth was glad to have all three take their fill of the savory, highly nourishing dish. He knew what was cumins. He asked only that the pan be refilled to dissolve more of the muffle. The tlirei- were accustomed to the free drinking of their kind. They had already begun to feel the lack of the usual cocktails, mealtime wines and between-meals whisky. This was ag gravated 'by tie lark of tobacco. To ease them as much as possible, he broiled lynx meat on a grating of willow sleins, hasting it with moosj fat. The lender meat kept (hem oc cupied mil,! Ihe mulTle broth soothed I heir jangled nerves. There was a limit, however, to cat nig, ami once us oncer negan lo pass. Iheir eraiiig relumed more intens llian bet, ire. I ir.t Miss Ramill. then Huxby. and Ia.-t of all Mr. Rami!': began to make inum-al remarks aimed at Garth. He ignored them for somi lime. Tin'' rem.:rks become more of I willy and sarcastic. lie dropped the moccasin upon which li had been sewing, and picked up bis rille. 1 ve had enough hitters and sour berries, thank you all. Feed them to yourselves for a while. I'll go get the sleep 1 missed last night while actin: as guardian angel of vour sweet slum hers." CHAPTER V Mate Woman. lar up Ihe tundra slope, above the trough of bis platinum placer, Garth lound a dry-moss-budded- nook on the sunny side of n boulder. He lav down pulled ins buthrim over his eyes, and let himself tall asleep. A full eight hours laler the sun swung around its wide circle until ttie shadow of the rock lell upon flarth. Roused by the pa.ssing of the warm rays, he pushed back his hat and sat up. He came down to the camp. Mr. Ramill sat beside tho lire between Ins daughter and Huxby. Two of three pouches ihat Garth had hidden under the moss in the leanto lav 0n before the men. Miss Ramill was emptying the last contents of the sugar pouch into a pot ot thick tea. she was lirsr to see t.arths noiseless approach. "Hall to the chief," she mocked "Mv dear Mr. Garth, you are most fashionably late to dinner. Will yoi; not join us in a cup of tea;' Her father turned to rye the unin vited' guest wiili a shade of uneasi ness, "oii see we found what you were holding out on us, Garth. It's the onlv trick vou failed to put over.' Huxbv said nothing. He tensed readv to spring up and fight. , Garth bud down bis rille and j.'atne forward. He ignored the wary hostile look of the mining engineer, nodded tc Mr. Ramill. and took off Ills batterer) lint to bend low before Miss Ramill lr a polite bow. 'oii are too kind, mv dear lady. J could nor deprive anv of you o your "You Are Too Kind, My Dear Lady. I Could Not Deprive Any of You of Your Sweets." sweets. 'Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow ' You may recall the rest of the quotation." Mr. Itamlll went red. What If Llllth did happen to And these things you were hogging for private use? We need them as much as you." "Far more so," Garth amended the statement. "I don't need them at all. Go right ahead and waste what's left. You of course are certain there'll be no emergencies on the way out no oc casions when a pinch ot tea or sugar may make the difference between life and death for you." "How frightful," said Huxby. "G;uite so. While you're about It, you may as well make a clean sweep. Here." Garth tossed the gold-mounted cigar case to its owner. "Oh, go that's how Dad lost his smokes," exclaimed Miss Ramill. "Who's the real uneak around here? Steal all those cigars, and the gold case, too. Then come whining be cause we've kept you from cheating us out of our share of these things you hid. Hand over the cigars. Dad. My throat's still rasped from the vile smoke of that willow bark Vivian dried for our cigarettes." Riiuiill handed the case back to Garth. "Wa-vvait!" cried his daughter. He waved her away. "So. The Joke Is on us. He know what Is ahead. We do not. We've emptied the sugarbowl and bulf the teabag. Tie up that bag and the salt, Vivian, and hand them to him." Garth shook his head, and bowed to the angry-eyed girl. "Thank you, no. Miss Ramill has taken charge. As I recall my Anglo Saxon, 'lady' originally meant bread cutter. She was the one who rationed out the food. I figure upon at least live weeks before we reach the Mac kenzie. Miss Ramill will keep charge of the salt and tea do with them whatever she thinks best." She Ilared. "I will not: I'll do no such thing.' "As you please. It's a matter of utter 'indifference o .me. More than once I've gone for two months on meal alone. You're quite welcome to throw ihesc pouches into :!,e tire." He glanced around, taking slock (if Ihe camp. "K very thing iu keeping, i mm.. No .-wing done on ihe mocca-i:,, mulTle a:i eaten, 'Woodpile nearly used ni,. Voii'il l.eliei cook and eat all Ihe meat ou can before ihe resi of. the wood is burnt. When the lire goes n I . we'll base plenty of four-footed visitors to relieve us of those, moose legs wolves, foxes, wolverines. Also ravens and inoosebirds. Even Mamma Grizzly and her children may turn up.'' There followed a silence, broken at last by Miss Ramill. She repeated her first question, but iu a very different tone; "Mr. Garth, may 1 pour you a cup of the tea';" 'Thank you, 1 do not need it. The rest of you will. I suggest keeping it for breakfast. You'll have no other taste ot sweets for over a month, un less we lind a bumblebee nest." f Continued Next Week) Lady's Painful Trouble Helped By Cardui Why do so many women take Car dui for the relief of functional pains at monthly time? The answer Is that they want results such as Mrs. Herbert W. Hunt, of HallsvlUe, Texas, describe. She writes: "My health wasn't good. I suffered from cramp ing. Mr Pla would bo so Intense It wou'd nausea! me. I would Jut drag around, so sluggish and 'do-l"..' My mother de oldfd to (tin m Cardui. I began to nwnd. That tired, sluggish feeling was gone and (!.; pains disappeared. I can't praise Car dui too highly becauss I know It helped tw." ... if Cardui does not help YOU. onsult a pi-Jclan. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. M. Hargrove, de ceased, late of the County of Hay wood, this is to notify all persons having- claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home at Canton, N. C, R. F. D. 2, on cr before the 29th day of November, 1936, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. Air persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment .to the undersigned. This the 29th day of November, 1935.. MRS. W. M. HARGROVE, Administratrix1 of the estate of W. M. Hargrove, deceased. No. 422 Dee. 12-19-26-Jan. 2-9-15. Notice of foreclosi re sale OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia. Plaintiff. ; Vs.'-'",-. A. Francis, W. T. Denton, M. A. Leatherwood, C. N. Allen, Executor of J. tM. Mock, Deceased, E. J. Hyatt, W. A. Hyatt, and W T. Shelton, Trading and Doing Bus iness as Hyatt & Company, Part nership, Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action on the 9th day of December, 1935, in the Supe rior Court of said County by the Clerk, I will on the 13th day of Jan- nary, 1936, at 12 o'clock M at the County Courthouse door in said Coun ty sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor the following describ ed lands, situated in said county and state in Waynesville Township, com prising 78 acres, more or less, ana bounded and described as follows; All that certain piece, parcel oi iract of land containing 78 acres, more or less, situate, lying and be ing in Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina, about three miles from Waynesville, and having: such shapes, metes, courses and distances as well more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof, made by O. O. Sanford, C. E., dated 1920, and copied by W. R. Francis, Atty., and on file with the the Fed "al Land Bank of Columbia, and bounded on the North by the lands of W. D. Snyder and Oscar Rhodar- mer. on the East by the lands of J. A. Franoia and C. C. Francis, en the South bv the lands of Elmer Bryson and W. H. Liner, on the West by the lands of J. A. Francis and J. M. Krancii. , The terms of sale are as fo.lcws. CASH. , , . All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the -lerk of said Superior Couft and no b.u will be accepted or reported ;, n.oir.- chnll rlnosit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dol lars as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited en his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said land--will be resold a-, the tame place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said de posit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 9th day of December, "19oo. M. G. STAMEY, Commissioner. No. 421 Dec. 12-19-26-Jan. 2. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Mrs. W. P. Leatherwood, Admin is '.rtrlx of the Estate of W. P. Leatherwood, Deceased, Vs. Eva Leatherwood, Clara Starno?, and husband, Fulton Starne., Ru fus Leatherwood, and Louise Leatherwood, by her Guardian Ad litem, W. T. Crawford, Heirs at Law of W. P, Leatherwood. Deceased. Under and by virtue cf an order of the Superior Court o! Haywood County, .North Carolina, dated . De cember 9th, 19S5, made in the Spe cial Proceeding' entitled, W. P. Leatherwood, Administratrix of the Estate of W. P. Leatherwood, Deceas ed, vs. Eva Leatherwood, Clara Staines and husband, Fulton Starne?, Kufus Leatherwood and Lcath- "t woo'l, by her guardian ad litem. W. T. Crawford, Heirs at Law of W. P. Lea lie: wo jti, Deceased," th. under: signed, Ctnunis.sinev. of the Court, will, on the Llth day of .lanuary, U'-'JO, at 12:011 o'clock. M., at the courthouse door in Wayr.e.-viiie. Haywood Coun ty. North Carolina, offer for -ale to the highest, bidnc: he following de scribed lands and premises, to-wit: 'FIRST TRACT: Lying :nd being iii Haywood County. .North Carolina, and bounded a- fo!'.. ws: BF.Ci IN NING; on a chestnut on the West side of Mountain, Leatherwood and Queen's corner and runs thence N. 89 W. 56 Ms poies to a stake in a field, 'A. Howell's corner; thence with Howell's line N. 1J K. 103 pole- to a stake, Kinsland's corner; thence with Kinsland s line N. 8s E. 40 poles to a chestnut on a ridge; thence up the ride N. 4o 30' E. 27 poles to a stake in Jno. M. Queen's line, Kinsland'!; corner; thence with Queen's line S. 1 30' W. 127 poles to the Beginning, Contain ing 39 acres, as per survey and plat ot Guy Messer, made December 1935. BEING on True Love Moon- tain and known as a part of the W H. Curry Tract. Being part of the tract of land conveyed to W. P. Leath erwood by Geo. H. Smathers and wile by deed dated June 1. 1909, re corded n Book 28, page 175. SECOND TRACT: In Haywood County, North Carolina, and being Lots Nos. 103, 104, 105, i06, 107, 108, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58' 59' 60, (il, 62, 63, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, .137, 138,139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 and 146 of the Liner-Coman Subdivision at Lake Junaluska, as per survey and plat of J. W. Seaver. made January and February, 1924, and duly recorded n Map Bonk "B," In dex "L," office of the Register Of Deed., of Haywood County. Being lots conveyed to W. P. Leatherwood by deeds recorded as follows: Book 71, page '266; Book 63, page 97,-Book 63, page 270. THIRD TRACT: In Waynesville Township, Haywood County, N. C. Being a part of the Moore and John Morrow lands, and beginning at a hkkory and runs N. 60 W. 1 chain and 71 links to a stake; thence N. 23 5' W, 6 chains and 80 links to a stake; thence S, 87 30' E. 4 chains and 63 links to a stake; thence S. 2 30' W. 0 chains and 89 links to a hickory, the. beginning-, contain ing 1 94-100 acres, more or less, and being,' the first tract in the deed from James Reed and wife to W. P. Leatherwood. dated April 10, 1919, recorded in Book 53. page 156. The terms of the sale are as fol lows: The first tract herein above described will be sold for one-half of the bid in ca.-'n and the balance payable in two equal annual installments se cured by a purchase money deed of trust on the same. The second tracts consisting of lot? will be sold for cash. A purchaser may have any of said lots sold separately. The third tract will be sold for cash.. This the 9th dav of Dei-ember, 1935. MRS. W. P. LEATHERWOOD, Commissioner of the Court and Ad ministratrix of W. P. Leatherwood, Deceased. No. 423 Dec. 19-26-Jan. 2-12. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE On Monday, January 6th, 1936, at eleven o'clock. A- M, at the court hous door in Waynesville, the under signed will offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder, on the terms of one-third cash and the re mainder in two equal annual installments bearing interest and secured by deed of trust, the following described Sands and premises in the town of Waynes ville, and adjoining the eoroorattv lim- ) its Of the town of Waynesville, known as tne naywood b urniture Manufact uring Corporation property, and mare particularly bounded and de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the cen ter of the Southern Railway track and Southwest corner of the H. W. Wes cott lot, and runs thence S. 34 E. 251 feet with Wescotf's line to a stake in a ditch; thence S. 22 SO1 w inn feet with the ditch to a stake; thence S. 51 30' W. 204 feet, to staV. in line of Factory Street; thence S. 41 30' E. 258 feet to a stake in Northern line of street; thence S. 49 30' W 17.; feet passing Mrs. De Neergard's cor ner at 20 feet iri South side line of said street and with the line of hv !ine to a stake on the N. side line said highway, Mrs. De Neergari'-. Southwest corner; thence S. 83 W. 100 feet with said line of sa;.' highway to a stake; thence S. 72 1 v !00 feet with side line of said high- jway to a stake; thence S. 78" W. jiiij I feet with side line of State Highway to i stke; thence N. 88 W. 300 feet w.-: I .said siu' line of s,aid highway U; j. a stake; thence W. iw feet with sij, line of saiil highway' to a stake, thence N. 50 feet to a stake in cente of Southern Railroad track; thec N. 52" E. 1230 feet up the center .:' track to the Beginning, containin. 10.71 acres, more or less, subject the rights and easements of 'I.. Southern Railway. Said land will be subdivided ir.t parcels and a map exhibited at .-ai i sale, and the property will be offer..-: for sale in parcels and then a. i whole, to the highest bidder. Sale made pursuant to an order of the Judge of the Superior Court, mad,, at February- Term, 1935. of the Su perior Court of Haywood Couaty iu an action entitled, "Citizens Bank an.i Trust Co. et al, vs. Haywood Furai ture Manuf acturrnfr Co., et al." anu the sale will be subject to the approval of the Court! This the 30th day of November 1935. J. H. HOWELL, Receiver of Haywood Furniture Mfg. Co No. 419 Dec. 12-19-26-Jan. 2. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Dee Clark, deceased, late of Haywood County. This is t notify alt persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned a1 her home on Cove Creek, N. C, on or before the 15th day of December, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, AH person indebted to said estate will 'please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This the 4th day of December, 19.'!." MRS. NELLIE CLARK, Administratrix of the estate of Ph. Chirk, deceased. Dec. 5-12-19-26-Jan. 2-9. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. By virtue of the power vested in tlu undersigned Trustee, I will on Satur day, the ISth day of January, 1936, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, Hay. wood County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following lands and prem ises: Lying and being in Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, and particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT; Being: in Ivy HiH Township, and being part of the How-ell-iMoody farm, BEGINNING in the center of the road leading to Jona than's Creek, Queen's corner, and rung' 'With the center of said road South 81 15' East 100 feet; then South 88 30' East 58 poles to a stake, corner; thence South 24 15' West 321! feet to a stake; thence South 42" 45' West 233 feet to a stake, Queen's cor ner; thence with said Queen's line North 15 East 496 feet to the BE GINNING, containing 1.13 acres, more or less, being the same tract of land described in a deed from James W. Reed and wife to John M. Queen, dated the 23rd day of August, 1922, as re corded in Book No. 59, page 195, et seq., Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. SECON TRACT: Adjoining the above tract, and adjoining the lands of Taylor McAbee and the Garrett lands, and being part of the Howell Moody farm, BEGINNING at a stake in Dellwood Road, and runs South 15 West 7 Chains and 45 links to a stake; thence South 45 30' West 10 chains and 32 links to a stake near base of a large pine; then N. 49 W. 6 chains and .06 to old stump ; thence North 38 East 5 chains and 90 links -o a locust; North 5 30' East 2 chains and 21 links to a stake; N. 79 30' East 4 chains and 83 links to a stake; North 43 15' East 2 chains and 12 links to a stake; North 22 East 2 chains and 18 links to stake in Dellwood Road; thence along said road South 64 J 45' East 1 chain and 56 links to a stake in said road; thence South 71" 20' East 1 chain and 65 links to the BE GINNING, containing 9.72 acres, more or less. Sale made pursuant to the power of said contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Harry Lee Liner and wite, Henrietta Liner, dated me 20th day of August, 1925, as regis tered in Book No. 16, on page 57, et seq., Deeds in Trust of liaywoou County, North Carolina. This the 17th day of December. 1935. S. L. QUEEN, . - Trustee No. 426 Dec. 19-26-Jan. 2-9-16. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR rri,-i .,i,-j ...,.,,( nf the estate of J. R. Henry, deceased, late vv vsvwuvj V 11T nuuu, North Carolina, this is to notify all fciouus iiuving claims aKaiiiM. ,r7. tate of the said deceased to exhibit mem to the undersigned at wajm--ville, N. C, on or before the 14th ".day nf TWomkoi 1Q9fi tViio notice Will be pleaded in bar' of their recovery. All nercrrtio ?r,loKf 4 4.n coirl octflt1 Will - . Z' ' i , ., null, l i . .?... - 1 please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of December. 1936. HOMER HENRY Executor of the Estate of J- K Henry. : .: . ' ." No. 427 Dec. 19-26Jan. 2-9-1.6-2;.. NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between J. M. Long and W. A. Brad ley (Long and Bradley, General Mer chandise, Hazerwood, N. C.) has been dissolved as of this date. This the 12th of December, 1935. J.M.LONG. No. 435 Dec. 19-26-Jan. 2-9. I