Page 10 THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER Clarence Moore Is Sentenced 12 To 15 Years For Murder (Continued from page 1) ed sentence. Hudie Early, reckless cfrivinp, fined ?50 and cost, drivers license revok ed and given 6-months suspended sentence. Willie Davis, non support, ordered 10 pay $.uu a month to child. Olinton. Truitt. reckless driving fined $50, given 6-months suspended sentence, and drivers license revoked Jimmie Jones, Eugene Chapin, flerscnel Keiley, assault, given 18 months suspended sentence upon pay ment of costs.! William S. Brooks was granted a aivorce irom Alary S. crooks. Buster Casey, larceny of auto, sen tencer! 18 ti M mnntlii.- Floyd Ford, housebreaking, fined ou ana cost. Paul Penland, larceny of chickens, sentenced a months. Johnny Green, house breaking, fined ine cost and given 4-months suspend ed sentence. Bill Inman, violation prohibition Jaw, sentenced 3 months. May iMoore, violation prohibition law, sentenced 2 months. Sindy Inman, 4-months suspended sentence and cost. Ellis Forga, violation prohibition law, on two charges. Fined cost and given 12-month,s suspended sentence r.a loung, violation prohibition law, given it months suspended sentetnce upon iiavment of cost. Millard' Brown, public drunkenness, nnea and JO-day suspended sen tence upon payment of cost. Homer Messer and Grace Messer, violation prohibition law, on two counts, given 18-months suspended sentence upon payment of cont. Allen Cagle. larcenv. 6-month sns pt'TVIed sentence upon payment of cost. Frank Williamson, non payment of iaxi dim, ordered to pay $12, and giv en it months suspended sentence upon payment ot cost. Claude Rogers, assault, sentenced 12-months. Tom Inman, assault, sentenced 18 months. Julius Whitmire, non support of child, ordered to pay $ii.00 a month, given o-months. suspended sentence. Carter Boone, non support of child, oruereo to pay Jtuz.&u a month. .Robert Caldwell, nml Hnhert H per, assault with a deadly weapon, ' scuiciiceu :-montns, Lester Franklin, 'disturbing public worship, fined $2f. nn,l nln a... suspended sentence upon payment of l-osis. Robert Singleton, disturbing pub lic WArchin KnnA t1?i ....... if,, limy H'f, vnu jjiven 4- iiionins suspended sentence. CLYDE NEWS Mr. S. E. Connatser, principal of the Clyde district schools, and president of the Haywood County Teachers, as. sociation, nas announced a county- wine teachers meeting t Ka haM .Saturday, feDruary lo, at the Cen tral elementary school in Waynee ville, at 10 o'clock. The ireneral tonic for discussion is Character Education." Fred L. Safford. orinciDal from Fines Creek scnooi, win speaK on Ihe f unda mental Factors in Character Education." Carleton Weatherbv. Wavnesvillp. principal speaker, will speak on "Student Activities Valnahlo fr.- Character Building. Thomas Erwin, pnncipal of Cecil school, will dis cuss "Character Education Through the Regular School Subjects. Superintendent Jack Mpsspt will be in charge of announcements, and the Rev. Albert New the devotional. Special music will h fnrnioi,H hu l-Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr. Ur. H. I. Hunter, president of Western Carolina Tea rhers' "V1 Intro ' .u. win oe the principle speaker. All teachers are urged to attend this meeting. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY n Ance Phillips Gets Years For Murder CLYDE TO PLAY FINES CREEK The Fines Creek basket.hall ma will meet the Clyde teame Friday night, February 14, in the Clvde gymnasium. The game between the quintets is expected to be close, but tne Liyde sextet is confident of vic tory over the visiting team. WEBSTER GAME POSTPONED The ha.skethall t'ampc in tha ri,rAa schedule were postponed last week The Webster game was called off because the school had closed tor severa davs. Tho irnmo with Waynesville was postponed on account of inclement ivntV.ii- The Webster game will be played at an eailv date: the Wn game will be played Tuesday night, reoruary 1a, on the Clyde court. NEW FEATURE ADDED The hitrh school literarv suntv Vim aaeo a new leatuie in the program. For the last two mpptinov i.u,.i-,r dent has had the privilege of being on tne program. A roll call has been instituted and as each pupil responds he Clllotes sirintnre. 1 - - - f - - I .-..u i JVVH Jf a maximum quotation of historical importance, ihe society meets every Friday afternoon. PUPIL HIT HY A ITTfl Dotson Palmer, n nunil in iho ,tr enth grade, has returned to school. liotson was struck by an automobile recent V and Wile a nnHnnt r, (U - " ,,, im; Haywood Count. v II uays DELEGATIONS The State School Commission has found some. Comfort In the snow nnd cold weather. The dolt-Rations that this department in Raleigh- finds dally wauiiiK on Uh doorstep are said to tie tew and far between. SCHOOL CLOSED Fit in V ThtM'O W1U nn rhnnl in cninn n i Clyde last Frwlav due to wpntner inn. ditions. The school buses could not make the routes. (Continued from page 1) aisles, trying to catch every word of testimony aoout the 3o-year-old mur der. Several times JuHcp All PV haA rt can tne court attendants to give more iresn air. .ot at any time did order nave to oe caned. During the ent ire hearing A v.k wi 111 snirt sleeves wearintr a ksht shirt, new suspenders and new shoes. He was well shaven extent for- ,io neatly trimmed moustache. Not a gray hair could be seen in his head, and he showed sicn.s nf h&lnr, ki health. 6 He showed no siens of - concern during the hearing, often mumbling something tn h twirling his thumbs. Once or twice he spoke to hie lawyers, but for the most Dart 1US at listening coit word but looking- neither to the right nor left. The sentencing of Phillips brings to a Close, one of the mnu iir,,,a,,l . - ....... w.iuoua, cases to be tried in a Haywood court. He came back here in nD,.,mk. - - ... l v 1. hi 1 w see nis twother m Pigeon township, and later arrested. Solicitor Queen tnat a true bill, charging j minus tor muroer nnd hpon w.t,, ed by the grand iurv in th Pokron term of court in 1901. But PhilliDS u .i i . ' iiau never Deen arrpRtm fni- der until last month, if : -Wfc. J 111 ill c diately after the fatal event on Christ mas eve in rjuu, although he is said to have returned to the ..,r,., 1 times ourincr th naut feiu oo u , , , . - 1 jvma, lie had been in 14 states since leaving Tuesday morning- when was passed. Philli while Judge Alley reviewed the case. During the past few days Phillips has been bothered with einmoni. t ui -, nuuuje, and was snowin? man., v,,,; tered when appearing in court again x ursuay. Final argument mt tvio.i v... t? t- Alley. Jr.. ami Wiliium t 1.. (l , ' ........ iiniinan tor the defense, and Grover Davis for I " " fjr White House Evaporated NO JOH, WEDDING CALLED OFF T...' - ' . niiiaie .1 UcIL-e llohoit T c.-il.ln ,.e Fremont. ().. has just received this - tier: 1 am returning, this' marriage ih-i-omc ..,,, use I didtrt Ret married My HWee.llicart' lost hlu ...,.1 ....,, ' 1 c II IIMVC to OOHtlWinp rmi. OLD AGE PENSION CONVENTION A state-wide rnhvention of the North Carolina Old App Pension As sociation will lie held in-Durham--on Friday, Ketiruarv ihi "th -n.. t..i, T. Hiiitus i.f uKh 1.. lnt will discuss Plans. GRANDMOTHER OF COACH PASS KS The faculfv anil snrlnnt Ka1 the school extend thei .oacn and ivirs. .in men in ho rmoc n.y of their grandmother. Mrs. Sallie tnpps. MOVE TO CLYDE Teachers movinc to CI the second semester are: Mr. and Mrs. James Misspo Romim M.iri hannan, Mary Davis, Margaret Ter rell, iMizatX'Ui Mct:racken, and Mrs. Hilda Halliburton. ftlOUNTAIN JOE Well, friends, I Jiate to al ways be talking about the weather, but what in the sam hill else is there to talk about? 'Cept, maybe, about the farmers. They are all behind with their work, and one thing is sure this spring, all of us will start farming at the same time. The lazy ones and the smart ones all together. I have built so many fires this winter I can build 'em with my eyes shut and I can also go to these Burgin Boys and buy stuff with my eyes shut, and still know that I get my money's worth. Never do I have to worry about getting full weight, or the best goods when I trade with these boys. Burgin Brothers AT TDK PKl'OT PHONE 334 Burgin's Dept Store PERFECT. DRIVER Thirrjr-eiuhl .years miles id" a uloiiioliile ;in ac.eide.Mi, ii liclet intr. nut f rom 11 Ira 111 iiiii half niillinn driving 'without or even a bawl cop, is the rec ord of. ,loseii S. Corlelyoii : of ll;r uiiitli. X. .1. As ,1 reward ho Kot a loiiii.limeni.iiy letter last week from the Acting Motor '.Vehicle C.'omniis "ioiii'r of his state. ' .' JUDGE OFFERS TO PAY A case in 'which the 1m,i,- it,.,i 10 pay tne sum at stake to end the 11 Mention was discloseil in ......... burvr court this week- Circus 7,i., ' "enry Jiinnsiin, of Allendale, said nie issue over an acre of sandy Lex union county land valued at J10 iooh inree days to try at a cost of approximately $500. He finally sent wo,,, 10 tne litigation that he w, 1,1,1 pay Ihe price of the land if one of mem would deed to the other. MR; .MORGAN'S FAREWELL liefore leaving Washington, after the weeks df KiillinK at the hands of tne memliers of the Senate .Munitions '"' t.tee, J. P. remarked when he told them Kood-hye "I have had a line time--and I Would hot have missed this investigation for the world." KING OF HOBOES" ANGRY WATV STRKET ruoxK 74 W E DELIVER GENERAL AGAIN IN THE LIMELIGHT lii' Manns MePlos- key. '42-yeai's an artillery man nun- nimaniler of Fovt I'.rairir. X C win. spoke the hislorie World W'ai- word:! retereat hell no. w e Just -ot : tiei v" -is drain- in t'ie news.. Senator 1: accused the seereiarv War of dlscriuiinatimr against (he ueneral liy failing, to reconuiiend him for promotion, hut later, withdrew his protest when the arniv regulations of Such .pronioiions were explained. it was June 3, 19 is, -when the Ger mans; had. launched a mass attack atrainst the French line. McOInKkey's Ira tier j- took a position : to relieve the French- Field "Artillery, riBht in plain view of the German observers, under a heavy shell fire. The Commander of the French Reiriment reninr,ivi.0.i with Colonel MeCloskey. : ' "It is impossible to remain here " he miid. "Surely you are ..going to re treat." 'netreat Hell Xo We just pot here," answered the American -.artilleryman. .left" Davis, "K'inL' of 11,, thi.s week, that he is all "het this business of trvinu to li'oes out of 1 Hi',,, ;!.,. "Why. s.iv." be evnl,, the recent ordiii.ime ..f 1. iainst ilic-in, "fin M:,ni, i ne .itinerant' .men and Wi made California, what it is i Davis contends that a hoi bile btit lie works when t In 1 .... 1 nn nun a Hum or a, tt work. , boes" said up" about keep ho- iled. after 's Annelcs nt, "it was omen who iKht now." 'o may be re's n job imp won't I J. B. IVEY HONORED At a banotiet held in rbnrb.Me Tuesday nitrht celebratinc- thp acti. anniversary of the founding of the nrm of J. B.: Ivey one of the bwr,w in the South, J. I. Ivey. founder, was presented a handsomelv bound hnnt of signatures of the ivey employes and executives. The presentation was made by the oldest emnlove Annie Lonp. LEGISLATURE Kventually It may be necessary for the Governor to call the Legislature in special session, ag some have re manded .hut" Congress must o-et a hit further nlomr before the Governor will be able to see any such necessity. He is of the opinion that the time to consider enactment of a State law to coordinate with Federal arts nn cneini .security will tie after nnnm -h I completed the Federal set-up-not It .In . More than n spreader. A soil builder anil Insuramv for tt. good crop. Onion Sets Teas, lsloomsdalc Siiimuh. ltadi-h Cabbage, l'lant.s, Ix'tluee. GARDEN TOOLS Field Seeds Known Purity and Germination I.i:si'F.IK7..S si:i: oats : ;has.sks. i.o F.ns 1 WW lf.c Field Fence, Roofing SEED POTATOES Irish Cobbler, Rose. Maine grown. FERTILIZERS I.ime, IJone Meal, Slieep Manure Farmers Federation (IXCOIJPOKATKI)) Waynesville Phone 344 Canton Phone 221 Full Pack Rip Tonatoes 5 Full Case (2 doz.) ..... GELATIN DESSERT Asstd. Flavors NO. 2 CANS $1.35 pairkle 6 2i5c 13 RrnlroM ClSn Sultana Broken Slice Poimeappie 2 - 29c Choice Evaporated Peaches 23 c Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery I (Lfl "0""0"Qk IT Quartered Prints b. Fancy Blue Rose IONA PEACHES M ice LARGE CAN , 15c Lard, 8 lb. ctn. ...98c Fat Back, lb, ... ...10c Sugar, 10 lb. bag . ..... .. . ,49c Prunes, nice size, lb. . .... . . . . 5c P&G Soap, lg. size . . . . . . ... .4c 14 Oz. Bottle Catsup . . . . . . . . 10c Iona Flour, 24 lbs. ... ... ... , .75c Three 5c Boxes Salt ..... ,10c . SS 1. . f Pound WELCH'S Grapelade, jar . 15c RAJAH Extracts S . 19c SULTANA PEAMT Butter13 DELMOXTE Fruit salad ?an a 21c GRAPEFRl'IT and ORANGE Juice Blended 2 cL2 25. srxxYFiEi.n Soda age 5C IOXA Corn 3 "caJ 25c $hondmotlw& PULLMAN LOAF SLICE!) OR UNSLICED ;V'. ':.?':9c'V'-;: ROUND ROLLS 2 d 9c WHOLE WHEAT SCICED OR UNSLICED 16-0Z. Loaf O.. . Eight O'CIock 0FFEE Mild and Mellow Iona BEANS Cigarettes, pkg. 12c Brooms, WHITEIIOrSE Milk IT 15c SULTANA CHILI Sauce IT- AXX PAGE BREAKFAST COCOA, 2'7-lb. cans ' 1 5c ' ANN PAGE -." Cherries 2 c?Ma.. 25c CHOCOLATE DRINK COCONOG, z-lb. can 19c 10c (pJwduoL SuqqsudioiUu! Bananas, 4 lbs. . . . . . . . . ....21c Green Peas, 2 lbs. . ..... . . . 15c Green Cabbage, 3 lbs. . . . . .. . 1QC Lettuce, lg. size, 3 for... ... . 25c Fresh Tomatoes, lb 10c Greens, any kind, 3 lbs 25c Apples, cooking, 3 lbs. . . . . . 10c .- ti tt i t iiare; 29c 17c ....... .1 1.1 ""imiii; on it, amending here and adding there.

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