THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 President Puts New Farm Cost At Half Billion Will Take That Yearly, He Esti mates. Likely To Be Present ed Daily Now President Commissions New Banking Board WASHINGTON'. President Roose velt t'S-timated officially for the first inn1 this week that the new farm pro gram would cost about $500,000,000 annually. He said the tax bill necessary to iWt-r this sum was not yet completed, hut from other sources it was learned that the bill will probably be sub letted this week. Representative Ki.bert L. Doughton (D) of North Carolina, chairman of House Ways ;:d Means, and Representative Wil liam B. Bankhead of Alabama, Dem-ci-ratic floor leader, after a confer. ,;ie with the President, confirmed :!::. program. .Meantime, another financial prob lem has arisen to plague the Admin waation, although it had been an- iimTiiployed UD to July 1, lflat?, when :he next year s appropriation win tie available. to meet tne neet, it proposed to transier irom many other 'locations. Practically every depart -. ..x ,u tj-,,:j. i i.i i IIR'JIL. Lilt? I liu, woum iiiive to contribute to this hat passing foi , i c - nrn a the oeneui. ui lira. lh-ie are tire inciiilicr.s t ilie new itMi-ral reserve auk board. Ictt to riuht. Joseph Ur.i.loriek of New iok. Kuiialtl Uaiisnii ,, llrmtia: John MeKee i!' Ohio; M . S. Szvtii'zak tit lllniolw. aiiil Murriucr l-.eeleH. ih.i i rma n ot lle luianl. iik lln'v reeeiM'il llieir eoiniiusslons Irom President Koosevelt Railway Fireman Killed By Icicle Grim Winter claimed the life of a Southern Railway locomotive fireman Sat ii: day in a bizarre accident as a freight train struggled over icy rails near Alexander about 1 o'clock. The victim, A. II; Griffin, f0, of Knoxville, was killed by a huge icic le projecting from a clitf, when he stuck hU head out of the cab window to look for a semaphore signal. The tragedy occurred about three quarters of a mile this side of the rUiinombc-Maiiison county line, and Mr. Griffin's can. found beside the I track a few feet away from the jagged j stump of the broken icicle gave mute I evidence of how he was killed. lie. made. 'ho sound when the huge arm of ice crushed his skull, and Engineer W. .). Ford of Knc-xville, did not see the fatal accident. He was looking out his own window on the other fide of the cab. The train rolled a few hundred yard farther and Mr. Ford shouted at the fireman: "l.ook for the signal!" There was no answer and Mr. Ford turned to discover the fireman had .-jumped over, his skull cave in! Tin y found the cap and the shattered fragments of the great icicle back where the tragedy had oocun-ed. The train went on to Marshall where an inquest was held by Madison , utili ty authorities. The body was returned to Knoxville late Saturday afternoon. Southern Railway official said that lMBBISIij DOROTHY LUCILE FRANCIS On the morning of January 28, God in his infinite wisdom, &av fit to trans. plant to His heavenly garden a beau tiful flower by removing from our midst the soul of Dorothy Lucile Francis. Dorothy had brought happiness and sunshine to her home and community fur almost eleven years. She was leved by all who knew her and was the idol 'of her playmates. She was loyal to her Sunday school which she attended regularly, iiy her pleasing .-mile she brought joy to all with whom .-lie t ame in contact. Though she will be most keenly missed bv her parttnkS and brothers, -he will be missed by all who knew her. Her place can never be filled in the the hearts of those who loved her. T II E Lost Leader I5v JIM ATKINS "A bud has been plucked from our garden, And planted on yonder shore; To grow in the Master's presence. And bloom forever more. "As pure as the snows of winter, As, fresh as the lillies of May, As .sweet as the roses of summer, As bright as an autumn day. "We weep because of her going, And our hearts are filled with pain Hut in spite of all our sorrow, It is Dorothy's eternal gain." Contributed by a friend. DOYLE ALLEY WHEREAS divine providence has viivntly called our professional and beloved brother, Doyle I). Alley, from 'his life into life eternal and in bin parsing we have lost a distinguished and able lawyer and the state a use nil ami honored citizen. To us his death is shrouded in mystery. We i-an not understand why, at the high noon of hip professional carOer and at ,: Ire -beginning of his greatest -usefulness to his family and his state, that ne -houkl be so suddenly changed, 'o use the language of one of America's greatest '.lawyers: ' "He had not passed on life's high way the stone that marks the highest point, but being weary for a moment, no lay down by the wayside and, using fiis burden for a pillow, fell into' that dreamless sleep that kisses down his velids still." 1 "Yet after all it may be best, just in the happiest, sunniest hour of all the voyage while eager winds are ki-.-ing each sail, to- dash against the unseen rock and in an instant hear .''.ne billows roar above the sunken hip."'-: ' ,'. '".,.'' Therefore, all we can do is to pause and shed a tear in loving tribute to hjs memory and abide in the faith that God does all things well; take a firm f hold upon those things he held, "hie and aspire to the lofty ideals !'f the profession he practiced and j ,ovf(i; and express to his family our sympathy and extend a helping hand. .BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Haywood County Bar As sociation request this Honorable Court to recess in memory of our deceased brother; and that the Bar Ass6cia ''n meet to the end that the mem- hereof may express their sym pathy and pav tribute to its former member.. Be it further resolved, that . v''Py hereof be presented to the S'trk of this Court to be incorporated '"to the minutes and that a copy be Transmitted to the Secretary of the awociation to the family and a copy y ven to the press for publication. HAYWOOD COUNTY BAR ASSO CIATION, W. R. FRANCIS W. T. CRAWFORD, S. M. ROBINSON. Committee. Since the beginning of time, each succeeding genilration hay;, vainl ! sougnt sometnmg new. iundamen tally this quest, however, noble, has been without reward. There is noth ing new. We hear much of the New Theology, but (Jod is old. .Much of the New Psychology, but the mind is old. Much of the New Astronomy, but the stars are old. .-Recently, we have heard much of the New Deal, but the desire to relieve human needs, human sufferings, and injustices is old. We also hear of the New Lib erty League, but the story of the Money-changers, the story of 'op pression and the story of the I. us', for I'ower are all old. The tiae.. s ! history, especially of sacred history, is tills seems to lie a sacred preroga. tive, is fui! of instances of treachery of brother of Uu same house-hold for the sake of power. Outstanding among these are the Cain and Abel, and the Jacob and Esau a (fairs.- Tem- perment is old. Achilles- sulked - in his tent and refused to meet the ad vancing enemy, but thank God. he lid not join the foes of Greece. His heathen honor forbade this. Retri bution and vindictivenes.s are old. K'aesaf died by the hand of his friend Brutus. Why then all this pertur bation concerning a recent occurrence of this very old and common, ex tremely common, frailty of human nature. The acutcness of the pres ent situation is more -marked proba bly because it comes within the realm of our own purview and experience, and more probably on account of its agrant obvious cause. Why should we be disappointed or surprised . Recorded history did not accord to this LOST LEADER any of the at tributes of a National leader. In fact history has proven the contrary. The Democratic Presidential nom inee who lads to earl v the solid South. thereby destroying the tradition of more than a half century of unsullied Democracy, has proven himself not only lacking in the qualification.- nec essary for leadership, but as a men ace to its bodv politic. Whom then Iocs he lead ?. Among others, a small gang ot Administration Ant i-doters. I.Monopoly-Wongers and Predatory Pirates. W here shall ho lead t hem ? 1-l oin whence they came and wither they belong, outside the Democratic fold. They are none of us. Pack in the Nineteenth Century a desertion very similttr to that of the present, when William Wctrdsworth, a com panion and contemporary of the great ictorian poet Robert Brown ing, forsook the rank and file to be come 1 oet Laureate,-.-brought lorth the following from the pen of Brown. ing: "THE LOST LEADER." "Just for 8 handful of silver he left ' us, Just for a ribband to stick in his coat ; . Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us. Lost all the others she let us de . vote; They, with the gold to give, doled him out silver. So much was theirs who so little allowed; How all our copper had gone for his service! Rags were they purple, his heart had been proud! We that had loved him so, followed him, honored him, Lived in his mild and magnificient -.' eye, - Learned" his great language, caught his clear accents, Bethel And Waynes-, ville To Battle For Championship Fri. (iames Will He ('lose, Say Ob servers. County Champion ship At Slake WEEK'S RADIO PROGRAM Advanced program of leading sta tiorv for an entire week, another page devoted to interesting personalities of radio folk. One of many EXCLU SIVE features in the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN- You- fa vorite newsdealer will r serve your copy. Griffin was married and leaves his willow and three children. He entered the railway service on January 10, l'.Hl. 666 l.liii(l-Ta()li-ls Snlvi'-NoM- Irop- SALVE f..r COLDS price .", I Or, 2.e Helps Prevent 3S Many Colds M0-OllL l Especially designed aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. fir ., i Regular Sat 30$ ru.t.i.A. ..1. . vi VlCKS Vatronol By Ernest' Messer. Friday night, February 11, will be another big night for the Hethe! basketball teams. On that date Bethel will meet W'aynesville (ill the Bethel court in the second cage contest be tween these teams this sea.son. The first contest was played January 24, with the Bethel girls winning js to -I and the Beth"! boys losing Hi to t-'O. That, however, was three weeks ago, when the pivot play upon which the W'aynesville girl are banking so much was incipient. .That play, as iwa.s recently demonstrated iie:iin,si I Nylva, is i caching siich a; state .of perfect ion that it is hard to stop. ; It has long been the highest scoring play ill basket ball. The ''.Bethel boys also will be wit-er ami better prepared than they' were January 21, when they were-defeated by Va.vnesvil!c. The games Friday night are apt to be very close. The W'a.ynosvilic girls are rated to lie a.s strong, or even stronger than the Sylva girls, and Bethel defeated them last Friday night by the narrow margin of six points. When one considers that' two weeks ago, W'aynesville' tied the Sylva girls 21-21, and that Sylva tied Bethel 2.'i-2.'!, Hi,. W'aynesville girls may be rated as being as strong as Bethel. If Bethel is able to defeat the Way ne.s ville- girls Friday night, she will have virtually won the Haywood j county championship. On the other I hand, if W'avnesvillc defeats -Bethel, I the two teams will lie tied . for th championship. Since, therefore, Waync.-ville has the only, team .other than Bethel with a chance to win the Hiampion-hip, tln4 game Friday night may he classed as a champion ship game, with both teams determ ined to win. For the pa-t week Mrs. Rogers has been .shifting the. Bethel jine-up, with the purpose of stopping W'avnesvi'le's pivot jilay and getting Hargrove; Stanley, and I'enland in yhape to put through the winning shots Friday night. And, according to the Bethel players ami fans,' they can and will win over W'aynesville, but by, very narrow margin. Made him our pattern' to. live am to die! He the and the nine breaks from the freeman. He alone sinks to the rear and . slaves! We shail march prospering-not through his presence; Songs may inspirit us not from his lyre; Deedf; will be done while he boasts his quiescence; Still biding crouch whom the rest bade aspire: Blot JUt his- name, then, record one lost soul more, One task more declined, one more foot-path untroil, One: more devils' triumph and sorrow for angels. One wrong more to man, one more : '' insult to God! Life's night begins! et him never come back to us! There would be doubt, hesitation . and pain, Forced praise on our part the glim mer of twilight. Never glad confident morning again." Read The Ads Help Kidneys Lf, lTy 'oncUonmir Kidneys mc Kladder make you nffer frnra Getting LP r,ighta Nervousness, Rheunwtio ft ttlfT'i. Burning, Smarting, etching, or Acidity try the guaranteed iJoctor PrerriPtionCyBtex(Sias-tex) 4aaFfiV "Must fix you up or money " ' OoU 76 at dnuotuU. Irvatmeru wmrn ! i7nnKin aiuair.n relief . Sold on lrooiiad tnnrer-back guarantem. FRiCaESS INF0RMAT1GH -for those VutteriDR from . STOMACH OR Ill'dllENAL I UCi.RS. Dl P. TO HVPr R ACJllUTV-POOK lK,f.S TiOV, AC!"- iJVSPl.PSIA SOt R STOMACH. I.TOI NESS. HEAR fill UN. CONST I pitih R;i nHI Tli SLEEP Lf.SSNF.SS OR HEADACHES, tCt TO EXCESS ACIB. Aak tar a frwr copy (rf IWtard's MmsMm- Clyde Pharmacy. Smith's Drug Store. Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among the necessities of home Is good, reliable lax itlve. Don't be without one I Do your best to pre vent conrtlpation. Don't neglect It vbea you feel any of lti disagreeable symptoms coming on. . . "We have used Thedford'a Black-Draught for 21 years and have found It a yery useful medicine that every family ought to have in their home." writes Mrs. Perry Hicks, of BeKon. Texas. "I take Black Draught for biliousness, constipation and other ills where a good laxative or purgative Is needed. I have always found Biack Draught gives good result." BLACK-DRAUGHT During FEBRUARY" Combining GREAT BARGAIN OFFERS with a NATION-WIDE CONTEST 10 Chevrolet's and $3000 in cash .... ... . -,- :X I mt - Y ASK FOR DIIAllS 695 PRIZES in all TWO NECESSITIES for your FAMILY'S COMFORT Al Extra iirlhday Savings Aches, colds, iiuliKi'.stioii don't linger with those two PUKKTEST aids to good health in your hon 100 Tuttanr Aspirin Tablets and pint Ug IbwaCt Milk Of r. Maanesia Dotn tg for J i l' i ii H IP v w A BEAUTY CREAM for cvtry complexion problem Smart women on them. Jonteel cold cream iiouid SKIN AND TISSUE CREAM NANO CREAM 39C 3 for $1 BIG SAVINGS on this tested If ' combination! !V7 For a clean, m 6 u t h . s w e e t breath ,' . . use Mi 31 Solution; for tired, aching muscles, I'uretest Rubbing Alcohol. pint Mi 31 ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION pint TtXilSat RUBBING ALCOHOL -J m both for 59c Toiler 4.00DS 50c Jasmine Bath Crystals . . . 39c 35c Jasmine Cleans ing Cream . . 29c 35c Jasmine Vanish ing Cream . . 29c 25c Hex all Shavinff Lotion . . . 19c f Cascade I WRITING PORTFOLIO I it i:ali. iii:ii:iii:s 50c Vapure (inhalant for colds) "i, oz. 39c 50c Kexall Order lies, GO's . . .39c 60c Hygienic Pow der, 6 oz. . 39c 45c Analgesic Liquid. 1 l,i oz. . , . 39c rriiKTi:sT imioih i is 35c Camphorated Oil.'loz. ; . 17c I'orie A i id Pow der, 4 oz. . 13c 25c Ol.vcerin Su p- positeries, 1 2's 19c I'linriniK-t'iilh-alM 50c G. E. Sodium Phosphate, 4 oz, 39c 20c Zinr Oxide Oint ment, 1 OK. . , 15c ititi sm:s ; 29c Kleiizd Hair Urushes 59c lc Kleli'.o Tooth i:ru lies . . . 13c 2for25c ' statio.i;iiv ,5'0c. I .oril ' Ifei Itj mori; Vellum. Slation'y 39c 25e Commercial Lnvehipes.lOO's 19c XAMIV Cottage ChocohiteSi 2(4 lb, . , . . 59c Horehound 1-lrops, 1 li. . . . . 19c $1.2.r Mineral O i 1, 32 oz. . . . 98c vi nv. i ooi Symond's lull Vanilla Kxliact, 2 oz. . . 19c "$50,000" Chocolate Syrup, 7 oz. 2 for 15c l-'irNlahl Suili'N 25c Adhesive Plas ter, 1" x 5 yds., while of llesh .19c $l,25:Clinii'!il 'i'her niometer, 1 min. . , . 98c in inn:it : $1.25 Ladies' Saui- . taire Syringe 98c Ladies' and Men's Dress ing Combs . 19c ' M'ASfillKS1 KlenzO Facial Tissue, 500's . 29c Cahirex Vacu um Bottle, pt. 79c .TlMtctCC Milk ol Magnesia TOOTH PASTE 19c 3tea5 Cherry Bark COUGH SYRUP 39c 50c SIZE AGAREX X H Plato or Compound I V Pn, 69c y MILNOL Antacid laxative 59 c f Stag shaving I SOAP BO Wl I V 59c y f I r ' . o sou iin r Jasmine anc l I FACE POWDER I 39c With Every 25 Worth of Merchandise Purchased on the Birthday Sale YOU CAN 3UY Teaspoons, oranjre ach apocris, iced tea fcpoons, etc. Dinnrr forks, din-. for O Mch nr knives, dessert sponhs. salad forks. ''tablttppoons. Stock, up this economical way. ' 5c 8' HIS IV'trflArfMr .V. , ILASOL (org 39c Small 19c 7SSSSi THEATRICAL COLO CREAM 59c ) This Coupon and 25c ( Brinft yow the Muc in 3 charm of Cr Prove to yotirst'lf NOW the supt- riority of these 25c Klenzo SHAVING CREAM 19c I JCOD LIVER OIL TABLETS I xx "or y 35C Stag brushkis SHAVING CREAM 29c Jpo Huieteiit" BREWERS YEAST TABLETS You Save When You Buy Here Bring Us Your Prescriptions

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