THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Society Clubs Personals PHONE 137 MRS. T. L. GWYN, Editor PHONE 137 ft 1,1 : : ( : I i i i ! - 'of J WEDDING OF COUPLE AT BETH EL OF INTEREST IN COUNTY The marriage of Miss Jincy Owen to Mr. Ernest Messer was rt.-ently announced. The ceremony was per formed on Saturday, January 11, by the Rev. V. A. Holcombe, pastor of the First Baptist church at States vi!le. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. T. l Owen, of Canton. She attend'-d Mars Hi'l College and grad uated from the North Carolina Col lege for Women in lit.'l-l. She was at W. C. T C. during 1931-35, and is at present teaching in the Bethel school. Mr. Men.ser, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Messer, of this countv, is coaching and teaching in Bethel High rchool. Ho was graduated from Car. son Newman College, Jefferson City, Tennessee, in Vi'.h. The couple will make their home at Bethel f r the next few months. ATTENDED WEDDING IN ASHE VILLE AT NOON .SUNDAY Anion;; thos-e from Waynesville at tending the marriage on Sunday at noon at the Haywood Street Metho dist church in Asheville, of Miss Edna Mae Lively to IMr. Frank Rhinehart, were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shelton, the former the uncle of the groom, Mrs Charles E. Ray, an aunt, and Mr. Charles E. Ray, Jr. Mr. Rhinehart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Rhinehart, of Ashe ville, who formerly resided in Way nesville. JWis. Rhinehart was before her marriag 'Miss Daisy Shelton, daughter of Uie late Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shelton. A wide circle of friends aind jrelativcs in Haywood county will be interested in the announce ment of the marriage. Dr. and Mr.s. Robert H. Stretcher, who have been the guests of various friends during .the past two weeks, while their house has been repaired, following the damage done by lire, returned this week to their home. HAYWOOD CHAPTER MET WITH MRS. F. E. ALLEY, JR., FRIDAY On Friday afternoon Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr., was at home to the mem bers of the Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, on the occasion of the regular Febru ary meeting, the vice presiilent, Mrs. No bit Garrett, president, presided. During the business session notes of appreciation were read from the Old Soldiers' Home in Raleigh, and the home for Confederate women at Fayetteville, thanking the chapter for the checks sent at Christmas. Plans were made to send quilt i scraps to the home at Fayetteville. As a committee to draw resolutions on the death of the late Mrs. Hassie ' Brown Killian, beloved and honorary member of the chapter, Mrs. Will Hyatt, Miss Margaret Stringfield. and Mrs. John M. Queen were appointed. Mrs. Noble Garrett had the paper of the afternoon, "The Work of Our State Organization." She reviewed the accomplishments of the chapters of the state, and outlined in detail the financial obligations and other goals set for the Haywood Chapter for the coming year. During the social hour Mrs. Alley was assisted by Miss Robena Miller in serving. MRS. R. L. PREVOST ENTERTAINS CONTRACT CLL'B THIS WEEK On Monday afternoon iMre. R. L. Prevost entertained the members of the Monday Afternoon Contract Club at her home on the Balsam Road. iSieral spirited progressions were enjoyed. Members present were: Mrs. L. M. Richeson, Mr.s. James M. Long, Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr., and Mr.s. C. C. White. Special guests of the afternoon were: (Mrs. George Anderson, Mrs. Hugh I.Mafssie, and Mrs. Robert H. Stretcher, with Mrs. W. B. Evans, guest of her daughter, Mrs. 1 4. M. Richeson, Joining the group for tea. Popular Visitor Weds m,,mm:m BACK FROM MARKET Through a!i the ice and snow we have bronchi thousands of dollars vvxth of new spring "merchandise for your ap proval. We will be delighted .'to have you come in and see all these new' goods. w & '' ' - ' ' .. :?yvs, : $. , Vv yj-'t"H 4c-K: ; 'f ' - ' ' . 4 -Hfxf$, Miss Sallir t ' " U place m S: UV I Mills V vanoali. (ia lose IiiairiauH in Mr. I(ibiai Ste. nil SiHinlay. Fchiuarv the 1st. New Jigger Coats inr. IJeautiful Plaids C! it 5.95 Gad About Coats With Finger Tip Coats . . . . . at 9.95 0 The loveliest Print Silk Dresses with navy and pastel back ground. At Prices You Can Afford To Pay. S3.95 $4.95 S5.95 S7.95 New Eighty Square Prints, Desert Cloth and Wash Silks We are really very springy here and if you will come in, we believe you will agree That Spring Has Come To This . Store AMERICAN LEGION Al'XILI ARY HULDS MEETINC MONDAY On Mondav afte Legion - Auxiliary met th hn of the-president. Mrs. K. R. Cumn with Mrs. Marion Hvatt nnd her mother, 'Mrs. C. A, Iiarr, as associate hostesries. After the usual opening ceremony, various matters were taken up. Mrs. George Plott, hospital chairman, re ported that she had sent postal card to each of the nntienr. nwiimn.i tn the auxiliary at Oteen, and she read a note ot thanks lrom the Ward Daddy. : A motion mulo t the men a valentine with the customa ry package o" cigarettes fur February. Various communications f mm t-,,i officials were read. During the social hour the hostesses served a .salad course with the vnL Online motif. The president announ ced that Mrs. Ida V. Brown and Miss Ila Jean IJrown would be the host esses for the next meetinir. THEN. Y. I. CLt I If AS DELIGHT-. 1 I L MEETING On Friday pveninc 'Mi A'vin' Vn. land was the hostess of the regular fortnightly,- meetinir of the M V 1. Club, at the home of her sister, Mrs. rs. u. tamp. Sewing and knitting were enjoyed during the evening. Those Dresen t. for th were: Miss W'ilda Fincher, Miss Mar- ! garet tiurgin, Miss Mildred McCrack en, Miss Frances Iiurgin, Miss Jo sephine Plott, Miss Lillian Burgin, -viisR .iartna Ictracken, and Mies Lucv Jones. Misa Nolanrl wo iml.i. ed by hei; sister, Mrs. Camp, in serv ing. WOMAN'S CLI H TO HOLD FEB RUARY MEETING The February meeting of the Wo man's Club will lie held on Thursday afternoon, February the 20th, at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John N. Shoolbred, with Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., as associate hostess. Mrs. S. P. Gay, president, will preside. special guests ot the afternoon "Will be Mrs. -II. T. Hunter and Mrs. Charles Gullcy, of Cullowhee, and Mrs. Grovef C. Wilkes, of Sylva. A short memorial service Will be held in honor of the late 'Mrs. I). M. Killian, honorary president of the or ganization.. A musical program will be present ed by Mrs. Richard N". Barber, Jr. .Mrs. William Hannah will review "We Are On Our Wav:" hv Pwi.L.nt Roosevelt. -'-' BENEFIT I'ARTY TO BE GIVEN AT W A Y E'SVI LLE COl'NTRY CLUB ! Tonirht the f'ommnn'.tv rinh will"' give a benetit party at the Waynes-! vine i ountry t lup. Attractive prizes will be offered. Those wishing to i make reservntions are nsknsi n ,ciil Mr.s. James M. Long at the club. 'Miss Victoria Bell, field so nervisnv ofthe western district for the ttate welfare department, was the guest the first of the week of her brother ami sister, Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Bell. ' :'. Miss Anne Albright, dean of wom en of the Western Carolina Teachers College, spent Tuesday in town as the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. M. Beatty. Massie s Dept. Store "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE" announcing AN EXCLUSIVE SHOP FOR LADIES featuring ,';'''.:: EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND MATERIALS in v.' ;:, ':-;;;;.V-:.''; Dress Coats ;:;:.;:,:''-;.,-;;:;;'":!- All Moderately Priced Shipments Arriving Daily WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FORMAL OPENING SOON Fashion Skoppe In The Lobby Of The Personality Beauty Shop Mrs. Jack Messer, owner Josephine Davis, manager COMMUNITY CLUB HAS FEBRU ARY MEETING The February meeting of the Com munity Club was held on Wednesday afternoon in the club rooms on Main street, with a large number of mem bers present. Mrs. M. G. Stamey, president, presided. The club was fortunate in having as the guest speaker, Dr. W. R. Wunsch, of the Black Mountain Col lege, who addressed the group on "Education," with his remarks cen tering around the problems of educa tion of today, as applied to the teach ing of the art of living. He spoke i-of how a person spent leisure time as ! the greatest test of character. ! He told of the establishment of the Black Mountain College, which is more ! or less a pioneer in new methods of i teaching. He stressed the point of ; the ideals of living in a community i and the personal responsibility taught each pupil, regarding the group. Reality is the student and not the course of study was brought out, and the fact that many non-essentials in life often direct the essentials. Teach ing must not be confined to the class room, but applied to living to vitalize its meaning, was his theory. The speaker was intorduced by Mrs. M. G. Stamey. Mrs. Ben Colkitt, chairman of fi nance, announced that a benefit party would be given at the Waynesville Country Club, on the evening of Feb ruary the 13th, and urged that all members make up a table. The president stated that several donations had been made to the --i being raised by the clubs of the t to defray the expense of opera for two underprivileged childrtr.. Members were asked to wr.: . senators regarding the applicatkn . ' WPA funds toward finanir.i: . .. nursery schools. Mrs. Ernest Ht va donated a new grate to the s: . the club rooms. Several communications were from various state officials o: federation, which were followt,. i, . discussions. At the close of the meeting the : tesses, Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt, y ' Harry Rotha, and Mrs. L. X. . served coffee, sandwiches, and car.- - Mr. Joe Sloan, Mr. Billie Pivvu.-. and Mr. James Rose spent Sunduv Greenville, S. C, where they -,.r-the guests of friends. Mr. Ben Colkitt is spending sc-ver.i! days in High Point this week or- v.i iness. Mrs. W. H. Luther returns! ,n Sunday from Savannah, Ga., whe"? she was called on account of death of a cousin. Miss Margaret Burgin had a? her guest over the week-end Miss Lena Allison, of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Russ had as their guests on Thursday Mrs. Fos. ter Bennett, Miss Myrtle Bennett, and Mrs. Roy Tillotson and two children. 1 an Gloriously New Distinctly 1936 f Smartly Becoming Fetchingly Sweet 0 Sophisticated but Subdued Marvelous Values at Moderate Prices THUS--- You .have described the new spring clothes beins, received daily by our Ready-To-Wear Department. Make your selections now. Let us lay them awav while you pay as convenient. Nelly Don- Nelly Don rides high again this spring. As al ways, the bery best in cottons. Smart Nelda Crepes. Gorgeous colors. Expert detailing. Attractive prices.; Suits and Goats- Suits are modish. Sport patterns and sport coats are in demand. Fresh from New York's smart est tailors, we have the very latest. Let us show you some finger-tip sport coats at $5.93. Just Re ceived. ' BELIEVE IT OR NOT You can buy at home the very smartest in Ready-To-Wear. Fifth Avenue merchandise is found at 0 1 1 mm