rm-RSPAY, MARCH 26, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER j C. Brown Believes Crotalaria Will ' Grow And Re-Seed In Hayw ood County This New Plant Makes Excellent Cover Crop, But Stock Will Not Eat It Note: J. C. Brown, in charge (Ed- High School, h;u -civil e 'JOii'f M nkin jved here from Florida, has naa a 'uc - . . i. : V, Via u-rltfls (if ;d about wiiii" r M iny growers and farmers of Hay. 'i Lvunty have asked the writer his opinion of Crotalaria as a cover rrop fr this seceion- Being native a nn'iion where this crop is used Irensivelv and having had considera ble experience with the crop, the writ r believes a Bhort discussion in (the columns of this paper might be well worth while at this time, even though he does not consider himself an au thority on crotalaria. This crop is a tropical or sub-trop-,.tll pUnt. the first plantings in this country being made in Florida. The iliin.ue there seems to meet the re quirements of the plant, and it has proven one of the best, if not the best, cover crop in that state. Cro talaria is used very extensively in orange groves and, to some extent, in the northwestern part of the state on general farm lands. The Univer sity of Florida, in co-operation with the extension service, determined some few years ago that an acre of crotal. aria is worth about as much as seven hundred pounds of nitrate of soda ap plied to the soil, while cowpeas and some of the more common legumes were worth a little less. In fact, cro talaria was found to stand at the head of the list of soil improving crops w hii h can be grown In Florida. The writer does not know what the com parison would be with your clovers j;rown here. Crotolaria will produce a growth of three to eight feet, depending on the stand and fertility of the soil. When sown thickly the stems are from one-sixteenth to one-fourth of an ituh in diameter at the base. The writer has seen stalks, however, pro duved in isolation which measured two inches at the base. If a good stand is had the plants are close to gmhi r there is no danger of produc ing such large undesirable plants. The leaves of the crotalaria are hroader than the leaves on cowpea . plant's, and they are distributed along "limbs" which grow out from the main stalk. The yellow, flowers re yemlile those of the snapdragon. Re needing is assured by the pea-like pod bursting open, scattering the seeds in all direction. s In sections having warmer winters than western North Carolina, the plants require about six months for seeding to maturity. The seeds are usually planted in March and begin to scatter their mature seeds during the first cool days of October. There are two common varieties of crotalaria. the Striata and the Specta luns. There Is verv little difference in appearance of plants, but the latter is preferred in orange groves because of lis superior height and heavier growth, and also, because it is not bothersome much as the first va riety by the green pumpkin bugs. The black seeds of both the Striata and spectahilis are easily distinquished due I" the fact that the latter are heart Miapoil and much large than the Mnata. If there are those who are irlter in Irving this plant as a soil btnM.-r top this section the writer uwg"st the following: obtain onlv a few seeds, ten to wenty pounds, plant after all danger vf fos.t has passed and early enough ' avoid the hot sun. and. finally plant very lightly. I he smallest frost would be dls-oM'-ious and the crotalaria will not oderate hot sun. After, the plants re up eight to ten inches the sun Alii have no undesirable effect on .hem. One of the most common mistakes s I'lantmg too deep as some of the est stands the writer has seen were f. "in seeds planted on a prepared soil OLIVER H K ijv SERVICE' AND PARTS fho OMVER, Disc Harrow, with long frame. Cut-out or solid disc. The bed builder. Prices In range with farm products. CARD EN S E ED Oniou sets. Cabbage Plants, Peas, "lunadi. Kaddish, Snap Beans, Etc. TOOLS. POtHLTRY WIRE, FERTILIZER FI E LD S E E D . Highest Germination and Purity ASTVRE AND IiAWN GRASSES, CIjOVERS, lespedezas seed POTATOES. FE RTI LI Z E RS Farm Hardwar e FREE PLANTING GUIDE Pecially for Western N. C. Handy chart. Pertillier rccommenda-tUm- Spray Chart. Farmers Federation ,,, (INCORPORATED) VaynesviIle Phone 344 Canton - . Phone 221 Henry Francis Sows Lespedeza Seed On Top 10 Inches Snow Few farmers in Haywood Coun ty work as hard or harder than Henry Francis, and few accom plish more than Mr. Francis. One reason of this is that he takes advantage of the seasons and the opportunities that Mother Nature offers. This was proven last Thursday morning when he put on heavy rubber boots, and minus his coat, went to his field and sowed les pedeza seed on top of tin inches of snow. He explained that the melting snow would carry the seed down into the ground, and thus provide an ideal "planting." Mrs. Ed Bright who saw him working, commented on the fact that his unique method of plant ing lespedeza was the most sure sign of spring to date. Large Mule Weighs Almost 2,000 Pounds What is believed to be the largest mule in the world is owned by R. Falk Carter, near Reidsville. ' The animal is five year6 old, and weighs 1,960 pounds. She is well broke to harness, and takes a 26-inch collar, and stands 19 hancte high. Large draft horses sometimes weigh more, but this ig said to be the larges Missouri mule to ever be seen in North Carolina. This statement was made by a man who handles 50,000 head of stock each year. Orowing interest in regard to co operating with the TVA in hotter farm management demonstrations has been shown hy the increase in inquiries received by county agents of Western Carolina. just after a rain, the seeds being earr ried in this manner to a sullichiit depth to insure germination. The writer suggests, furthermore, that several plantings be made on small plots, beginning about the middle of April, or after danger of frost, and make three or four plantings each week. The writer is of the opinion that crotalaria will grow and re-seed Itself here and that it would be an excellent cover crop. However, by no means plant it with any idea of forage since no variety has been developed that will be eaten by any stock. The writer also states t hat any '.quantity of seed c!n be secured for ten to twelve cents per pound, and, although not in the seed business, names can be furnished of dealers selling for these prices. So' far as the writer knows, there is little or no literature published on this plant as handled in the United States. my yiiir,afBBaB4aBPqFHia"M MOVE up to high-priced car performance without the extra cost! The thrill of driring a Ford V 8 can be matched only in cars costing hundreds of dollars more. The Ford V-8 is responsive. It picks up more easily. At all speeds you get the smooth, effortless flow of power which means truly fine car performance. And in a Ford V'8 you get this performance at less cost. In bringing the V-8 to the low price field, Ford designed an engine, which with the dual downdrafl carburetor, simply takes the gas used by a "V of similar size and splits it into eight equal charges. In fact, the Ford V8 with its sparkling performance and 8 cylinder smooth ness is the most economical car Ford ever built. Definite cost records of large passenger car fleet owners show actual savings in the opera tion of the Ford V-8 over previous Ford models. Test this great car yourself. Get behind the wheel and drive it. Feel the thrill of modern V8 performance. Then, remember, that it's over all economy is greater than those -i i famous Ford models of past days. Yo UTrOTa Dealer Abel Phone PHI I MTV - - W. D.SMITH Application for emergency crop loans for 1936 are now being re ceived at the County Agent's Office by S. S Williams, field supervisor of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan section of the Farm Credit Adminis ration. The emergency crop loans will be made only to farmers who cannot ob tain credit from any other source, as provided by regulations issued by the Governor of the Farm Credit Admin istration. The money loaned will be limited to the farmer's immediate and actual cash needs for growing his 1936 crops and in no instance may exceed $200 to one farmer. Farmers are not eligible for emer gency crop loans if they can borrow from an individual, production credit association, bank, or other concern. Farmers will also be considered inel igible if they have an application pending with Resettlement Adminis tration, have received assistance from the organization this year or are in debted to the Resettlement Adminis tration for an unpaid loan. What "To Plant This Week Complied by Kdltor Farmers Federation Newsi Edited by W. D. Smith FLOWERS SWEET PEAS Spencer Mixed. GARDEN CABBAGE Set frost-proof plants, Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch. BEETS Early Blood Turnip, Cros by Egyptian. LETTUCE Seed, in cold frame or garden: Grand Rapids (curled.) Ln cold frame only, N, Y. Wonderful, Ice burg. GREENS Kale, Scotch or Sibe rian, Mustard. ONIONS "Potato onion" seeds an te be preferred. POTATOES Green Mountain. RADISHES Oal. .Mammoth, Icycle, Saxon. SPINACH Rloomsdale, for spring and early summer. TURNIP White Egg, Early Mild.. FIELD SEEDING LESPEDEZA Korean, Common, Kobe, Tennessee 76. CLOVERS Red, Sapling, Alsike, White Dutch. GRASSES Kentucky Blue, Red Top, Orchard, Rye Grass. s uaraere 52 Waynesville, N. ArClClXiSS'S'iieSr in nutrition at - . nmw ij As in the past, the security for an emergency crop loan will consist of a first lien on the crop financed. Landlord or others having an interest in the crop to be financed will be re quired to waive their claims in favor of a lien to the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration until the emergency crop loan is repaid. Checks in payment of approved loans will be issued bv the Regional Emergency Crop and Feed Loan offi ce at Columbia, S. C. A good mineral mixture for hogs consists of the following: Limestone 5 pounds Steamed bone meal ....... .5 pounds Salt .6 pounds If a large amount is desired: Limestone .50 pounds Steamed bone meal 50 pounds Salt . .. 10 pounds Mr. Rufus Page, assistant Exten sion Forester, was here last week visiting a number of farmers in the county. Fall Garden Con tests To Close 31st March 31 marks the closing of the fall and winter garden contest spon sored for the home demonstration club women in the state by the Extension Department. The contest began Oc tober 1. 1935. The extremely bad winter this season has curbed garden activities decidedly, but it is expected that some good records will be in the ofiVe of the home demonstration agent before April 10, by which time the two high scoring contestants in each county must be decided upon. Monthly records giving list of veg etables growing in the garden and the number of times nerved on the family table during the month are re quired, and a story of the garden is to be included -with -the records. Following is the statement in part sent out over the state as a reminder to the contestants and the garden lend ers and president in the various clubs at this tinie by Miss Mury K. Thomas, Other Crops OATS White Spring Burt, Rust Proof, Fulghum, RAPE. -.'.Spade or plow in all manure avail able on rest of garden. Lime garden if possible, but leave lime and manure J off potato land. J Finish all fruit tree pruning and dormant scale spraying, (spray; oil lime sulfur with arsenate of lead . or nicotiiio sulphate, tollow the i state recommendations. CommmmUM unn thrtmgh Vi pr month mm unpaid puim I Standard atxmory Mamp Including bmmpnrt and spar a tirm nam. ON TH 1 AH -r Sr-fko.7 QruuMrm. , r.M. B.S.T. Celasbia KM. V.Ug. TMfcri aa CHI, Frifajr, NBC Bl Nmrt, (!) T.M. B.a.T.Ualu4 Trt Knn blaH u4 Grmij Cl:t( r.M, WBT. C. py i,ne nome aemonsvmuoii agtuii, mi each county a few days after the contest closes. "State winners will be selected from among the county winners- after a study has been made of their rords. "The gardens will be rated on a basis of their efficiency, as shown by the contestants' recorde, and the sto ries the contestants write about the gardens. "The four state winners will re ceive prizes of $20.00, $12.50, $7.50, and $5.00. Equal prizes will be given the four county home demonstration club councils which have the highest percentage of their club members com pleting the contest. "First and second prizes to the county winners will be $5.00 and $2.50. No prizes will be awarded in a county where there are fewer than ten con testants. "In writing their stories the con testants should not exceed 600 words. Among the things they should bear in mind in writing the stories are: "The family's interest in the gar dent. Was it planned according to the family's food needs? Did it prove adequate? Location, size, and when planted. Type of soil and fertilizer used. New vegetables grown, Aver age number of vegetables used daily. "Surplus vegetables for sale and for canning. Expense of garden, and its estimated money value. The effect of the garden. Hot beds and cold frames, The first of April meeting of a FERTILIZER Use BASIC 1'UIA'EIUZBI) FERTILIZER Heoiuse tests show that we make it Riusic and Pulveriaed the dif ference in results will more than Pay Your fertilizer Hill. Leading ISrands of HASIO PULVERIZED FERTILIZER USE Rasic Ten-O-Four for com Knox Vegetable Special for vegetables Knox Potato (Irower for Pol aim's Rasic Magnesia Phosphate In The (Jreen : Bordered Bag Only. Our dealers carry in stock for your convenience llasic Pulverized Fertilizer. (Process and Product patented.) SEE OUR DEALER Hyatt & Co., Waynesville Knoxville Fertilizer Company Economy Owner's record shows V-8 OPERATING COSTS AVERAGED - II Of I rcc than 41 fO Q MODEL T .. m mm 11 V C C fcUuiM LESS From the records of a nationally : i known company over a total operi tion of more than 30,000,000 miles. Nam upon request. Champion Motor Phone 196 Canton, Number Of Places jj yf V jjcl VICtJ The United States tivrl service com mission ha announced open compete itive examinations for the following: Junior astronomer, marine engin eer, agriculture engineer, junior vet erinerian, clinical director (female.) Details may be obtained from the local post office. Iyespedeza growing Is on the up swing in Wilson County. About 20. 000' pounds have been ordered by growers in that county this season. Described as one of the quickest plantings ever seen in I'umlirn Tounty, about 7S per cent of the potato crop Is now in the ground. Haywood county home demonstration club will be that of the Allen's Creek Club on Wednesday of next week Other club meetings will follow on their regularly scheduled dates. The subject for the April demonstration is Egg6 and their varipus, use in the diet. Good attendance at the meet ings is expected. Itpite the disa greeable weather during the early part of March when' the chibs held their last meetings tho six rlubs in the county had an attendance of 71. With April and what is hoped may be fairer weather tho attendance should increase considerably. than MODEL A Co. N. C.