jHlTtSPAYiMARCH 26, 1 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER In and u or 1. i ui n' 8. 9. traffic WAYNES VILLE AND HAZELWOOD 1936 CAMPAIGN FOR MOTOR SAFETY an effort to do my part to holp reduce automobile accidents make traveling on streets and lilghways satrer, I will use great to: Drive t moderate speed, on the proxr side of the road, and corners. Observe traffic signal- Not pass cars on curves or hilLs if vision is restricted, stop at stop signs. lie particularly watchful for pedestrians. (jive iiand signals before turning left, right or stopping. Refrain from driving If under the influence of Intoxicants. Keep my brakes and liphlH In proper condition. Kefrain from reckless driving and be fair to oUier drivers In (Signed) Sl'OXSORED BY THE ROTAKV AXD BOOSTER CU BS The following signed the above pledge during me pasv ween.. Rich Inman, W. S. York, John L. nv'is Ira Marcus, Carl Hightower, L S Davis, W. V. Wyatt, William lixter Poteate, Frances Liner, W. L. Hardin, Jr., S. W. Whidden, E. B. McCIur'e, Leo Hill, Robert Hill, Mrs. Walter HiH George Hoyle. Jack Kelley, Mrs. R. J. Hyatt, Mrs. T G McGee, J. W. Boyd, Ida Mullis, George G. Garrett, J. F. Abel, J. W. Patton, R. T. Boyd, J. R. Richards, Frank Battle, Miss Josephine Davis, Mrs Jack Meeser, Miss Louise String field, C. A. George, W. A. Bradley. W C. Medford, B. F. Davis, M. M. Noland, George A. Kuntz, Mrs. W. F. Strange, G. J. Kelley, M. T. Bridges, j c Rose, Henry Gaddy, Lawrence Kerley, M. Payne, Gertrude Worthing ton, Mrs. R. P. Walker, J. L. String field, Frank M. Davis. E. C. Moody G. C. Ferguson, Lloyd Phillips, W. B. Hill, Mark Galloway, E c Hampton, Bill Wyatt, M. C. V'yat'. Mrs. Earle Messer, Evander Preston, Mrs. W. B. Jones, D. D. York, E. J. Hyatt. Jack Messer, J. C. Miller, Carrie ' Hill Misi W A IT TV xr ,. ...... ...... , iijtttt, a. ntrwiuu I Cook, H. W. Burnette, F. C. Stovall, r. u. uarren, Joe Liner, A. G. No land, W. H. McCracken, J, E Hen derson, J. W. Underwood, J. Dale Stentz. G. S. Stentz, Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, Mrs. C. N. Sisk, Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Jr., Mrs. T. L. Bramlett, Marion H, Lancaster, Phe.be Preston, Mary Kline iM flier, Mrs. M. H. Bowles T. G. Mass ie, Mrs. S. P. Gay, Mrs. Grover C. Davis. Richard Buckner, L. L. Badcner, Sr., F. H. Leatherwood, W. T. Crawford, E. H. Ganshaw, J. G. Gibbs, C. L. Al ien, G. C Plott, C. L. Rabb. C. E. Weatherby, Ben Sutton, 0. L. Briggs, T. L. Bramlett, Hugh J. Sloan, C, L. Grahl, Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr., Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr. Edna McKay, Robert Clark, J. F. Hodges, Sam Cabe, J. R. Thomas, Jr., L. M. Killian, J. M. Murphy, Gladys Dieus, Ellen Louise Killian, Bill Swift, DeBrayda F. Liner, Mrs. M. D. Wat kins, T, L. Gwyn, D. N. Caldwell, Mi!as N. Ferguson, Lawrence McElroy, E. T. Sawyer, E. L Withers, J. F. Battle. F. H. Harris, C. N. Alle.n Claude R. Shipley, Oliver A. Yount. i Ration To Fatten Broilers Is Given DOROTHY FRANCIS It is so (rood to know we have a home -failed a "Heavenly Home," and that we have loved ones who can go there. It is so sad to think of our dear children leaving us, yet we are proud of this home. Our community was placed in a srioom of sadness on the morning of Jan. 28, 193(i, that one of our dearest little girls, Dorothy Francis, aged nearly 11 years, went out from us. God called her as one of our most be loved and affectionate children. She professed faith in Christ during the summer of 1935, but did not join the "church. She was very attentive in her young years in church affairs. She was one of the most beloved in her Sunday school class. All other children looked to Dorothy as their leader. She will be missed and mourn ed by all who knew her. She leaves her mother, father, and two brothers. Eueene and Joe, who are both members of our church. We know they will meet their sister one day in the better world. The family has our every sympathy in their grief and our prayers that they may take this loss as our Heaven, ly Father meant them to. Up to Heaven another angel. Has hecn taken now we know, -Oh! Dear Lord, we wish to live, So wealso there may go, But dear Jesus oh how lonely, For we all do miss her so. Father and mother here so lonely And tin :r darling baby gone, But in Heaven she is happy In that bright celestial home. Just keep smiling little darling. Some day there to you will come. But my darling how we miss you, None on earth can never know But to the will of our dear Savior e must always humbly bow. ",e ..will- follow in your footsteps. Tne very best that we know how. Goodbye Dorothy, 'till we meet you tp in Heaven before God's throne, Lpon the cross when Jesus died M our sins He did atone. And when we pray to our dear Savior He will nt cave ug ai alone. .:- . ; . Therefore, let us strive as church members and parents to set an ex ample before our children to emulate hr .example, and to cherish her memory while she walked among us. Let us try to remember her as a nower plucked from our best garden, "jewel from the home and community. , JhaJ 'we as the Sunday school ex iict the, family our sincere sympathy, vXnf? that God may comfort them in their bereavement and sustain wem during their sore affliction. SmLe ask that a opy be placed on the ?u"aav school record and a copy sent 10 p bereaved parents. MRS. JARVIS MORROW, MRS. GEORGE LINER, MRS, ROSA WILLIAMS. Committee. JulianPrice Not In Governor's Race (ieSEEXP0RO "I v definitely not to be a candidate for gov Pri 0f ?iorth Carolina," Julian sCd'arTT'-T 01 the fferson DickS I? Llfe Insurance Company, certifn y J"any of the prophets as a irubernatorial aspirant, stated. Mid V, j8""' has been reached, for bvi- .I?ce 5n a statement issued the onZf10-?' "deDite th fact that 6erv ,or important pnblic made 1 f0Td 7 sach an office has m I ,,rf m?ndous appeal to me, nor hicv mmd,ful the great honor of thl nv?lved in the governorship great 6tat. When broilers are to be shipped a distance to market, it does not pay to put them on a fattening ration bo fore they leave the farm. While en route, the young chickens lose weight, and any added fat will be lost much more rapidly than the more solid flesh, explained C. J. Mau pin, extension poultry specialist at State College. But if the birds are to be sold lo ically, a . fattening i-ation wliill pfut them in good condition so that they will bring fancy prices. Good commercial fattening rations may be obtained from feed dealers, or the poultryman may mix his own. Maupin recommended a ration com posed of six pounds of com meal to four pounds of flour middlings with enough skim milk or buttermilk to make the mixture pour readily from a bucket. It will usually take about two pounds of milk for each pound of the dry ingredients, he added. If milk is not available, water may be used. In this event, add to the ration enough meat scraps to consti tute 10 per cent of the mixture. For seven to ten days is long enough to keep the young birds on a fattening fees!. Bring the chicks up to broiler size in good condition, Maupin stated, and they will not be hard to fatten when being finished for market. For the first six or eight weeks af ter they are hatched, the thicks should be fed a good starting mash. Plenty of milk or water should be Want Ads Want Ads are one cent a word for each insertion. No ad is taken for less than 25c. SEVERAL HUNDRED acres of grass land for hire for pasture. Located in Waynesville, Iron Duff and Crab tree. Will also consider selling above lands Mance J. McCracken, Waynesville. War. 19-26-April 2-9. : FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey cows and heavy springer heifers. W. T. Shelton. (Mar. 5-12-19-26.) FOR SALE About twenty-five acres of land, some good timber and run ning water, on highway between Waynesville and Lake Junaluska. See or write Mrs. Mattie Leather wood, Clyde, N. C. Feb. 28-Mar. 5-12-19. CABBAGE, Onion, Tomato, and Col lard plants, all assorted, 500 plants, 75c, 1,000 plants, $1.25, prepaid. Sweet Potato, Peppers, and Egg Plants, all assorted 500 plants, $1.00, 1,000 plants, $1.75, prepaid. Good plants, prompt ehipment. Dorris Plant Co., Valdosta, Ga. March 6-12-19-26. Try CARDUI For Functional Monthly Pains Women from the teen af to the Chne of life tore found Cartful gmxBtHy helpful for tt reief of fractional monthly pains fine to lack rf jrart toe rigtrt ateengttt tram the food they eat. Mrs. Olt Hrn8, of Bbscx, M, writer: 1 uwed Oardul wea a lrt tor etmp A fnm& H rwry betMfllL I h nmratly telWB Crdol twrtat ft tnr f Ht- I "T ,m. had "3 at be P Z'a. a ner;i7 run-down eoatSUtm. Ofcroul ks fMlpfd mt ffreatly." Thos!MI ef wemen tMtlfy CartTal beti Bted tbem. U I ilM M"m OKI' Wanesville And Bethel Girls On All-Star Teams In the annual Cullowhee tourna ment three Mountaineers and two Bethel players made the all-tournament team selected by the coaches of the high schools represented. Captain Sarah Welch, "Betty" Mil ner, and Joan Phillips, of Waynesville, Stamey and Hargrove, of Bethel, and King of Flat Rcx-k were given this honor. In the tournament Haywood again dominated by Welch being high scor ear with 78 points, and high scorer in any game with 31 points. Stamey was second in tournament scoring with 72 points and Hargrove next with 56. Burress, of Waynesville, Justice of Bethel, J. Parker and Parris, of Sylva, and Britton and Heddin, of Mills River, constituted the second team. Hill, of Edneyville, Vallineourt. of Swannanoa, and J. Sellers, Green, and Sumner, of Sylva, won first team selections for the boys. On the second team was H. Sellers, of Sylva, Pace, Pilillo and W. Pryor. of Edneyville, and Hornbuckle, of Cher okee. Hill, of the Edneyville team, with 42 points was high scorer and was voted the best athlete in the boy's division. Democrats Hope Birthday Party Will Fill Chest Birthdays of Democracy's patron saints are also pay days for the Dem ocratic party. Announcing that $300,000 was net ted for the party treasury from 250, 000 Jackson Day dinners Jan. 5, W. Inquiry Into WPA Affairs Assured WASHINGTON. A sweeping in quiry into charges of graft, waste and politics in administration of the WPA throughout the nation appeared cer tain as Democrats joined with Re publicans in seeking approval of the DavLs resolution calling for an inves tigation. The inquiry was indorsed unani mously by the Senate Committee on Expenditure in the executive de partments. Senator Lewis (Demo crat) of Illinois, committee chairman, promised the inquiry would be fair 'and thorough. He invited all com plainants to present evidence to his committee PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings will be opened as soon as the committee can arrange them, after the Senate approves the resolution introduced by Senator Dans (Republican) of Pennsylvania. In deference to Davis, the committee first will investigate the WPA situa tion in Pennsylvania. First demand for the investigation was made months ago by former Gov. Gifford Pinchot. Forbes Morgan, secretary of the Democratic National Committee, say6 he hopes to get campaign contribu tions from 600,000 buying tickets for the next party birthday celebration, April 13. Jefferson's, natal day. President Roosevelt has promised to give the main address at the key celebration in Baltimore, to be held under auspices of the Young Demo cratic Clubs of America. His speech will be heard by radio at hundreds of other Jefferson birthday parties throughout the land. Costume ball are being favored as a form of fes tivity to mark the occasion. Read The Ads Comptroller Finds Banking Improved WASHINGTON. In his annual re port to Congress, J. F. T. O'Conner, Comptroller of the Currency today noted a "material improvement" in the banking situation as reflected in periodic statements of condition. The report, covering the period end ed last October 31, said only five national banks had failed since inau guration of Federal deposit insurance January 1, 1934. Ellsworth Back, Gets Bir Welcome SAN PEDRO, Calif. Harbor craft whittled a deafening din and 25 planes droned overhead Saturday at a "wel come 'home" to Lincoln Ellsworth, the explorer, recently lost for 51 days in the South Polar icy wastes. He ar rived by liner from Australia. Ellsworth, appearing fit, said he realized a four-year ambition when last November he flew over the Ant arctic continent in his plane, the Polar Star, piloted by Herbert HaHck Kenyon, former Canadian World War pilot. "I wanted to fly over the polar caps of both the North and South poles and now I have done so," Ellsworth said. He flew over the Arctic in the dirigible Norge, in 1927. Ellsworth told of his Antarctic ad ventures when the Polar Star ran out of gasoline 16 miles from Little Amer ica, the objective after the Antarctic continent crossing, a 2,340 miles' flight. A blizzard held Ellsworth and Hal-lick-Kenyon in the plane three days. Then they set out on foot. Sixteen days later they reached Admiral Rich ard E. Byrd's Little America camp where they stayed until rescued. Rainfall in Northwatt Pacific Northwcit states recelft about 70 Inches of rainfall la a year, whereas Arizona ami Nevada get lea than 10 Inches. SKATES REDUCED 50 Pair High Qual ity Bail-Bearing $1.07 HYATT & CO. At The Depot For 'Better Spring Cleaning USE m ; . w " m sjn-Diiv r X 5 (l lHl Hi S The ' Wonderful Weslc-rn Norlh Carolina Product . 1' 7 - J A BOON TO HOUSEWIVES! I V Jjp 1 , v imS I'unilt). n sail' ut ull Leading Vaers. HMR Wllf ' Opx. : -ItiS I! 2c 'J:t 5c ' I ' - T iWYfTTI":! For The LAUNDRY I fslWy , ' . . UJ ' fcljliisiife Whitens the Wii-sli. .Removes Mil- . I W ' - - iijt"i , . . h SSSsmf,.m d-w and Stubborn Stains. Especl- j ' J ' ' i - - '"'w'l"r' allv effective In rllmlnntinir fcpotf I ) fi ' i tt, , , Ihiih.u..iJ . hinvnwJ."' ' 'f , ! h, '4 ; ' from babies' undwijarmunts and I r i , t f x .i r r " "J " sUlns from sheets and mattress If . ' ,,'. U'" . I For The BATH and I MEDICINE CHEST I 8e-Hy deodorlzea I and disinfect tho I garbage can. Bo-Ry provides an antiseptic and refreshing tub bath. Destroys all traceaDf body odor. Excellent ftimt aid treatment for cuts, bites and poisons. Prevents Athlete's Foot. Removes stains from tile, etc. For The KITCHEN go-By eleans and deodorizes kltoh- dralnboards. cnopping dowis, breadboards, wooden spoons and ether utensils. Whitens and brightens the sink. Deodorizes and . purifies dish cloths. For General HOUSEHOLD CLEANING Cleans and bleaehes stained and weather-beaten reed and wicker rural ture. Whitens and brightens woodwork. Deodorizes and disin fects the sick room. K52s