THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Society Clubs Personals PHONE 137 MRS. T. L. GWYN, Editor PHONE 137 MONDAY AFTERNOON CONTRACT YOUNG PEOPLE'S CIRCLE HOLDS ATTEND DINNER AND LECTURE CLUB HOLDS MEETING Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr., was the hos tess of the Monday Afternoon Con tract Club, on the occasion of the regular meeting on Monday. Spring flowers in shades of yellow adorned the living room, where th tables were arranged for playing. Members present were: Mrs. R. L. Prevont, Mrs. James M. Long, Mrs. L. M. Rk-heson, Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mrs. C. C. White, Mrs. Robert H. Stretcher. Special guast of the afternoon was Mrs. Lilly B. Raymond, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and two children, Eloise and Fred, Jr., have returned from a fortnight's visit to various points in Florida. Mrs. Lily B. Raymond, of New York, popular Waynesville visitor, has re turned from a visit to California, and is a guest at the Hotel LeFaine for the spring season. MEETING TUESDAY On Tuesday evening the Young Peo ple's circle of the Methodist church held the regular meeting with Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr., and Mrs. C. C. White, as associate hostesses, at the home of the former. Mrs. DeBrayda Liner, chairman, presided. Miss Bessie Boyd had charge of the program with Miss Iris Charm, Miss Louise Campbell, and Mrs. Woodson Jones taking part. Miss Mildred and Miss Helen Medford, ac companied by Mrs. M. H. Bowles, sang a duet. Mr. and Mrs. James Atkins had as their guests over the week-end Dr. and Mrs. John Shackford and Miss Elizabeth Shackford, of Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. John Shackford, instructor at the North Carolina University,, Miss Ella Shackford, student at Bre vard College, and a friend, Miss Frances Goforth. IN ASHEVILLE FRIDAY The following attended the dinner in Asheville on Friday evening, which was given in honor of Miss Lena Madeson Phillips, president of the international Federation of Women's Clubs, who addressed the group: Mrs. Jean Dillon, and guest. Miss Maude Shop, of Lake Santeelah, Mrs. Doyle Alley, Miss Caroline Allison, and Mrs. Joe Liner. Mrs. John F. Hodges, who was call ed to town last week on account of the illness and death of her father, the late James R. Thomas, spent sev eral days in Harrogate, Tenn., the first of the week. She has returned to town and will spend a couple of months with her mother, Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. S. R. Truesdale left on Wed. nesday for Rock Hill, S. C, where she will visit her daughter for several days. A I V Whelher you sew a great dea, or only occasionally, our new assort ment of A. B.C. Fabrics will inspire you to make something. The prints and colors are downright irresistible, and you have the satisfaction of knowing that the colors which so attracted you will not fade . . . they're guaran teed for permanence . . . and that the cost of a dress made of these fabrics is infinitesimal I 22c A YARD UP APk i PS i Fabrics of all Types and Prices Priscilla fast color dress prints in a large assortment. Yard wide, pretty and serviceable. Per yard ... . . . . . . .". . . ........ 10c Johnson Prints, plain and fancy colors. Excellent for school dresses. Per Yard . '. . . . . . , . . ; . . ; . ... 15c WOMAN S CLUB MEETS AT HOTEL LeFAJNE The March meeting of the Woman's Olub was held on Thursday afternoon at the Hotel LeFaine, with Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Jr., and Mrs. Ralph Pre vast, as associate hostesses. Mrs. S. P. Gay, president, presided. For the oc casion quantities of jonquils were used. Mrs. H. W. Baucom, chairman of literature, announced that "A Midsummer-Night's Dream" whicn would be shown some time in April, would be sponsored by the club, with the date to be announced later. Mrs. Frank Ferguson, chairman of welfare, stated that she had furnished clothing for two underprivileged children at the East Waynesville Waynesville school. Mrs. W. T. Lee, Jr., social chairman, announced that the club would sponsor a Fashion Show on April the 2nd. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, chairman of the nominating committee, gave a re port, with all officers of the .past year ijiecommended, which was accepted in full by the club. Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., was elected as a delegate to the state meeting which will be held in High Point on April the 7, 8 and 9. Mrs. S. P. Gay, by virtue of her office as president, will also attend. Mrs. W. T. Lee, Jr., and Mrs. M. H. Bowles, were elected a, alternates. A motion was made to donate $10.00 toward the expenses of the delegates. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, correspond ing secretary, stated that she had sent a telegram to Mrs. H. T. Hunter, on the occasion of her mother's death, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick read the recommendations for the merging of the Woman's Club and the Community Club. A vote was taken regarding the matter, and a large majority voted favorably. Mrs. H. W. Baucom introduced Mr. H. C. Wilburn, official of the museum, of the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park, of the North Carolina i side, who addressed the club on his work of collecting material and data, and the buildings that will eventually he erected for the housing of the col lections. The hosteses were assisted in serv ing by Mrs. S. P. Gay, Mrs. Felix Stovall, and Mrs. M. II. Bowles. Special guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Charles Miller, a former mem ber, and Mrs. A. F. Hunt, of Boston, Mass. ... INTER EST ING EN (I A C. EM. EXT A X NOUNCEI) IN HENDERSON The Charlotte Observer recently carried the. announcement of the en gagement of Miss Elizabeth Benners Burwell, of Henderson, to Raymond Auburn Manship, Jr., of Henderson, and Lauririburg. Miss Burwell is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Willis Micajah Burwell. The latter was Miss Josie Hyatt, of Waynesville, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyatt. The .bride has many friends and relatives here, who will be interested in her marriage, which wilt take place in the early summer, in Henderson, N. C. COMMUNITY CLUB TO OBSERVE I6TH ANNIVERSARY The regular monthly meeting of the Community Club will be held on Wed nesday, April the first, in the club rooms. Mrs. M. G. Stamey will pre side. The program will center around the loth anniversary of the organiza tion of the club, with Mrs. W. T. Crawford giving a history. A musical program will be presented, with Mrs. Robert II. Stretcher, in charge. The members of the social and executive committees will be hostesses of the afternoon. I Rev. Fr. William F. Murray, who has been the guest of Father Lane for the past three weeks, returned Wednesday to Corona, Long Island. ! Mrs. Franklin Fricks and small son, j Franklin, Jr., of Sylva, are spending j several days this week as the guests I of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Martin. W i- .Tnrlr lUfiuoi1 ...... ..... ..wv.. aiyviit several days in Raleigh last week, where h. attended the North Carolina Eduval tional Association, which met there " Quadriga Prints, 80 square in the seasons smartest patterns. Per Yard. .'.vv. . ... . . . 20c FKEE until April 15 with each purchase of dress patterns amounting to $2.95 or more, you may have your Choice of any McCall pattern in stock. C. E. RAY'S SONS THE NEW SAFE METHOD ; OF BLONDING Drab Hair With BLEACHOL Light Hlond Platinum Golden Blond Blom-hes, ' but Is nioret than I lial it in a new truly SMientilic and revolutionary development, esiHwinlly comixnmdod to Insure MrfM"t rewults. The Personality Beauty Shop PHONE 306 Mrs. Th omas Gamble and srr.a1' daughter, who have spent the par month as the guests of the fornu"-"'j aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. JarnVs Atkins, have returned to their huir-c in Asheville. YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THESE! Now You Need them and they are Here mu . wit Spi v w 1 1 :j'iMm Vassareitt Foundations Hew VASSARITTES With Notable Hew features new G 0 S S k D S With a Type for Every Figure and Gloriously New Underwear Goldette, Munsingwear, Vanity Fair, Knick ernick, Bryan Mawr Slips . . .Whatever1 is nw and smart in Underwear . . . Tailored Gar ments that are demanded by Spring Fashions. Let Us Show You and Fit You C. E. RAY'S SONS Fashion s Latest In Spring ' Shoes! C. E. Rays Sons Shoes for the Family C. E. Ray s Sons