r THURSDAY. MARCH 26, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER i'J;1 junaluska P.T.A Plan A Supper , Received too late for last week.) ' , T..olVa P T. A held its Mr"neeting in the school audito W"dav night. March 12. with I;3 rui'avich, president, presiding. McS:ona!s were conducted by Rev. It-ir'Jp' rr;noipal speaker was Sirs. n n of the district health de t"nen: triving- purpose, organiza. 1 ir Van for pre-school clinic to h'he'd at Junaluska school on April 'v-- Mary Rathbone gave purpose round. Plans were made t te a-ooiation for a supper for all pn btrof the association to be given f fr last meeting for this year. i,- Glavioh insisted on all mem y' being present and asked for half viav to be given to the grade hay "n r the most parents present for this imt ing. Contributed. Stuttering Cuckoo in Scotland (jirvan. Sc tliiml, lias a cuckoo which Editor The Mountaineer: I read The Mountaineer with pleas ure. You and Mrs. Gwyn and Uncle Abe are giving Waynesville and Hay wood county the best paper we've ever had. Just keep it up. Your trulv, E. W. GUDGER. 'GETS MORE INTERESTING" Editor The Mountaineer. Dear Editor: I should also like to take this op portunity to tell you how much 1 enjoy the "Mountaineer." I believe it gets more interesting each week. I al ways eagerly await Friday morning and my issue of the paper. Yours sincerely, ROBERT U. SLOAN. Duke -University, Durham, N. C, March 16th, 1930. jiviiit' Its call. Read The Ads ( harter No. 6551 Reserve District No. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYNESVILLE IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 4, 1936. ASSETS 1. Loans and discounts . , ... $177,300.71 ;. United States Government obligations, direct and, or fully guaranteed 27,2 18.25 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities 2(58,130.73 (i. Hanking house, $8,400.00. Furniture and fixtures, $1.00 8,401.00 7. Real estate owned other than banking house ................. 6,512.03 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank , . . . 37,837.29 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection .......... 209,296.35 jO. Cash items not in process of collection ... 77.90 13. Other Assets ............. ....... 1,191.17 Total Assets . .$736,328.46 LIABILITIES 14. Demand deposits of individuals, partner ships, and corporations .... . . . ...... .$288,033.24 15. Time deposits of individuals, partner ships, and corporations . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 189,223.04 16. State, county, and municipal deposits 121,362.51 17. United States Government and postal savings deposits ........ . . ......... 14,741.93 18. Deposits of other banks, including cer tified and cashier's checks outstanding . 1,617,76 Total of items 11 to 18, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and, or invest ments ....... ,.,....$136,101.47 . (b) Not Secured by pledge of loans and, or in vestments .......... 478,904.01 (c) Total Deposits . . .$615,008.51 27. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid 29. Other liabilities . . .... . , . .... 30. Capital account: Common stock, 500 shares, par $100 per share .....$50,000.00 Surplus ........... ... .. . 30,000.00 Undivided profits net . . . . 28,684.51 Reserves for contingencies . 5,631.50 Total Capital Account ............ . 7,000.00 3.91 111,316.01 Total Liabilities ; . . . ... ...... .$736,328.46 MEMORANDUM : Loans and Investments Pledged To Secure Liabilities 32. Other bonds, stocks, and securities $ 94,000.00 33. Loans and discounts .' 14,000.00 34. Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) $108,000.00 35. Pledged: (a) Against United States Government and postal savings deposits . v . $ 10,000.00 (b) Against State, county, and municipal deposits , . 98,000.00 (h) Total Pledged . .$108,000.00 Slate of North Carolina, County of Haywood, ss: I, J. H. Way, Jr., cashier of tjhe above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the aboe statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J.-II. WAY, JR., Cashier Correct Attest : '.-..'."v J. R. Boyd," 1 (SEAL) ; j t. Noland, ; . D. Reeves Noland, Directors. ' ' Swori to and subscribed before this 18th day of March, 1936. SYLLA DAVIS, Notary Public My Commission Expires Dec. 20, 1936 Test Flights of New Zeppelin Prove Success p .f isdL V fy,,:.,, . .. Th. Hindenburg, LZ129 jL This unsual photo of the new German Zeppelin, LZ-129, christened the Hindenburg, was taken in its hangar at Friedrichshafen, Germany, nfter the ship hud successfully passed its test flight prepara tory to being commissioned for transatlantic flights to United States this summer. 1-3 AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE 0T LIFE Yest-sir-eo-siul wo don't -hei p big snow! Who have "01' Fahun' vo had about the winters' env more.' 2 uv-i'in this winter. But aiter all the snow wuzn't hard ly at; deep as reported llnkh' Hubo t'oman sez that who ever reported it to 'be . 30 inches at -Canton tiiust a mezured it in the drifts. f last i sent THE CAI ZIM V-IT Al l. Don't guess wo'do a had tin bad spool if Unkle Abe hadn't out hiz last "Sines o' Spring" l'rediek' shun . . a lot o' people have bin a-axiu me lately why I up an' dim it. Well, all I can say is that I've never node thorn sines to fail before. that most all voro tribe haz a prly tine sence o' yoonier. HKKES TO THE GAL OF TODAY.' 01' preechei s ;hout thar nint no hope, That our modurn gals air gone Gone to the dawfrs, or sumwlnr eke, Since modurn ways nir on. With pettin' partys, paints an' silcb. The dance, strong drink an' shows, They .swair she's "oh the road to rum Whir it ends noboddy noaz." Sum parints seem to think the same, Hut, "pleed an' hope an' pray" That xiimhow Sis will weaken not Wlien conies that evil day, But that ai-nt it, Mr. Editur, . . the rale cauzo of all this last disturlH'nee in the elemints wuz the fackt that me an' Ikey, Wayne Rogons, Chan Burress an' Sam Bradley went fishin' the day before an' kotch so meny .suckers sposhlv Ikey, that we left too much vackvtiin in the waters of the Lake all of a suddent, ye see an' got the disturbence startid. UNKLE ABE GITS LOADED AT It happened lite this , I wuz up on Kami) Branch an' Al len's Cr.. a lookin' .aiter' the intrusts of the Deer Ol' Mount'neer an' I'm a Sun of a -Crun if neerly ever man I Went to .didn't- want to pay hiz sub scripshun in corn nieel -or.taters! Well, ye no, a man can only yooze jit so .mutch coin nieel an' taters, speshly when he's alreddy got pell-a-gry . . sa aiter a while I got mad an' swore I woodn't take eny more spuds nor corn. moo neethor So, at the nex place I told the man that I thawt the Kditur's shoes wuz a gittin' a little bad, an' that my britches wuz alreildy wore into a hole at the .sect . . an' we 'lowd as how he mout help us out 'bout 1 buck "Not got eny money," sod he, "but I can let ye have sum taters" "Taters hell no!" sez I, an' pleezo don't mtwhun corn meel-r-I've al reldy got my ol' Ford full o' both, Whv. man. I've got so mutch eorn meel I'm liabul now to be 'rented on suspishun," Then he changed fiiz t bacKer to tne other side ; "Lem me sec," sed he, "may-be the ol' woman's got a doller," Well. I node rite then that a doller wood puity soon change hans . . an it did. I tell ye, Mr. Editur, "the ol' woman" is off en our best bet. "Unkle Abe's a little hard' fer me me to reed," sed Dock Bigham, but I alius stick to it till I git it all red." "Ortn't to be hard for Dock," re- plide sumone that's the way he tawks." BUT Ilere'tj to the gal of post-war days, An' the gal of (lie gran' New Deel; I give this toast to her sterlin' worth An' to tell her jist haw I feel: You're as good a-stuff as yore parints wuz Maybe stronger an' more wize; An' you'll sail rite throo with colurs up You're o. k. in yore Unklog ize! Mrs, Stentz Is Ap pointed Supervisor Mrs. J, Dale Sten'.z has been ap pointed supervisor of thirteen coun ties in Western North Carolina for a survey of Federal Archives, The plans are to include a survey of all public reeords of state, county and towns, and also assist in the formation of recommendations de signed to insure their safe preserva tion and facilitate their use by offi cials and student. There is no processing tax on beef and mutton. Yet beef and mutton prices ate just as high in proportion as pork. What's the answer? TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND It E-1 ,EEF S KLEIilt ATES Well, the lokal He-leef got paid off last Thurs. an' we heer the boys bugged eech others necks an' sclo bratod the blessed Event that aiter noon an' night. The Mayor', Coart had a kongosted dockit. on Fri. folerin', the majority of the defendants boin' on the fed eral pay-role, it was reported. One defendant laekt -I bucks bavin' all ttie costs, but sed he'do make it up out of hiz nex check. If this wuzn't a five kounlrv we mout set up anuther Alfyltel fund, say W. A. T. H A., (Watch All The Kost Adniinistrashun) to lind out how they spend their money. I). A. V. MEETING I). A. V. Mooting at the court house Monday, March :U)th, 7 :.'!() p. m. Hope that all eligible members will be present, matters of -importance to lo discussed. Yours comradely, EDWARD GREEN, Adjutant. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of trust exoeuted by Ralph W. Ensley and wife, Beulah Ensley, to the undersigned, dated Feburary 15, 1927, and registered in the office of tho Reg ister of Deeds of Haywood County, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 21, page 27, and also by virtue, of a cer tain judgment of tho Superior Court of Haywood County, rendered om the 7th day of January, 10;t5, the undor sigliod Trustee will, on Monday, the Kith day of April, 1936, at eleven o'clock A. iM iii front of the court house door in the town of Waynes viUe, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, the following described! lands and premises, to-wit: Lying and being in tho city of Waynoisville, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, and. de scribed as follows, to-wit: BegitiniiiK on a stake the North side of Beulah Avenuo 1!0 feet from a stake which is 10 feet North of a white ouk, corner of Wm. Herron'a land and runs thence North 1 dog. 10' Wtt 150 feet to a stake; thence North SH deg. 40' Went 140 feet to a stake; thence South 1 deg. 10' East 150 feet to a stake in Beulah Avenue; the nop with .said avenuo South 88 dog. 40; Eiust 140 feet to the beginning corner. The above- dscriled lot of land be ing a part of the tract conveyed to R. W. Ensley (Ralph W. EnsJoy) by deed dated January 21, 192,'!, by J. It. Thomas and wife, Josephine Thomas, and1 record! in Deed Book No. 59, page 4(il, record of deeds for Hay wood County, N. C. Notice is given that ten per cent of the purchase price will be required in cash on the date of the sale as an evidence on the part of the purchaser of good faith. This 9th day of March, 19:H3. INSURED MORTGAGE BOND CORPORATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, Trustee. Johnson, Rollins & Uzzell, Attorneys. No. 452- Mar. 12-19-20-Apr. 2. "Goin' to re-sindykate it?" axt E. K. Herman. Yes, E. K., an' how about gitteii you fer my Bookkeeper an' Private Sickatary? "Afy kompliments on yore stuff, Unkle Abe " this from W. W. Davis, who runs wild on the Grassy Ridge with Bill Cole, et-al. Theze boys it the Mount'neer out to the 'mind' sumhow, I no, cauze Zob Price sed he red ever wurd uvit." "I'm a-keepin' up with ye Unkle Abe," sod Dr. France Davis, of Can ton. .'. Weil, I found out Jong ago, Doc, Refreshing Relief When You Need a Laxative Because of the refreshing relief It b&i brought them, thousand of men tnd women, who could afford much more expensive laxatives, use Black Draught when needed. It U very conomlcal, purely vegetable, highly effective. . . Mr. J. Lester Boberson, well known hardware dealer at Mar- ttMTma, V- wrtfmi 1 TtainlT nt twommaod BlMk-CrugM a iplmdltt Ei.tn I hT takaa U for eonlptloa nd tb doll fxllnct that toUov, ua hT fcmdll rtrj ttilotorT." BLACK-DRAUGHT M Your 1935 Town of Waynesville Tax UST BE PAID! The Law Requires That We Begin Making A Levy On All Personal Property on the FSirst of prol We will on and after the above date begin levying and garnisheeing on all taxes now due the Town of Waynesville. Additional Penalty Added April First Pay Now Save Extra Cost J. W. BOYD Tax Collector for Town of Waynesville, i 1 1 1 s t t f I ! ! "I: "X 1: V : J.

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