The Wayne sville Mountaineer - Published In Th County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cnjnnn SPfTlfvn ' -r- : ' lii - i .nmv. ci iiH v uurM 1 1 oca Girfe Win The Cullowhee Tournament Fines Creek Had 34-Inches Of Snow, And Drifts As Deep As Ten Feet 112 Children On Bus Forced To Spend Four Days With Citi zens In Community Digging Out Of Drifts Covered with a S4-hioh blanket of oioiv. and without contact with the outride world for three days, was the plight of the bines Greek community last Wednesday. itiursday, and Fri day, following' Tuesday's snow storm Late Friday afternoon Coman Francis, man carrier, of Clyde Route .Onf, pot into the community by horse back, and at 11:30 o'clock Saturday the first car was able to Ret through the highway. At Saturday noon, 81 convicts were incased in dippinp away a 10-foot nnow drift in the Kush fork Oap on IIiL'hwav zmi, accormnp to Miss Mil dfi'd Kooiman, teacher in the Fines Oeek schools, who was a passenger in the first car pettinp through. The deep drift "was near the home of (Jradv Walker. Fred L. Safford, superintendent of the Fines Creek school, measured the snow to he 34 inches deep in several places where drifts were not piled from four to ten feet deep. Telephone communication was in terrupted by the storm on Tuesday and Was still down Saturday. Thirty-two children from the White Oak section, were compelled1 to re mam in the Fines Creek community, after the bus stalled in a deep snow drift. 1 he children remained in the homes of Fines Creek citizens until Saturday, as the road from White Oak to Fines Creek remained blocked Most of the children forced to spend the three days away from home were from the first and second grades. The trroup was divided up and about six remained in each home. An average of till make the trip in the bus, but on luesday the attendance had d'ropp' to ;.L'. The Fines Creek school remained closed during the entire month of rrliruary, and plans were made to teach on Saturdays in order to make up lost time. With the closing last weeK. it is expected the closing date wm tie about the tenth of May. An epidemic of measles, mumns and flu fias cut down the attendance of many of the high: school students. The epidemic caused the basketball teams to drop out of the Cullowhee tourna ment. An interesting incident coming from luesday s storm is that of Dr. R. L, Walker, who made a call on Wilk ms ( reek, and was snow-bound. He reached his home about 18 miles away, about .Saturday at noon, ac cording to the reports getting here. His car was abandoned, and horses were used for the remainder of the trip. Horses and mules in the comma 1't.y.were at a premium for travel all during the week-end Keliable reports coming from all sections of the county show that rines ..Creek had1 the deepest drifts anil trie heavipst . snow-fall News coming from Fines Creek e.-terday was that school work was rfr-.imicil on Monday morning. ''RAXSACTIONS IN Keal Estate ( A tteoordort to Monday Noon of lliis Week). .. Beaverdam Township . w, Cogburn, et ux. to L J. Tat- ilon, ... KoWnson to B. Wise, )V )se to H. a Mills. il- ' Mills to J. L. Westmoreland. f'Kvto TV,.-r.,u; . z- V. Ferguson, et ux, to Hershel ween. Annie and Addie Rhodarmer to II. J. T. . w tT 1 J?0rK lownship T if 'Priy to James Heatherly. (xipourn to J. L. Tatham. Ero,rnaS M Coffburn to Yendell O. Mrs. A v.! McGee to C. S. Peebles. p "aynesviUe Township "-Jtrpuson to Newton Caddy, w U borrow to Carroll Morrow. i; '' Mitchell to Wnlto PoaH for " Stamey. tr, to Taylor Med- t.fei'rtfrage Bond Corp. Tr. f irst More Relt " J w. Elephant Emblem Belongs To G.0 P. Jor teT' N" Y Whether of Af ri elephant can origin. an elephant is an 3is C. "Pr?me Court Justice Wil A Ulette has ruled. Uon of r) "n Pomcai organiza t0 find moatwu,ociin' hav i-ant,. but Justine : sha-""?'- Elephants of all sizes. Pron"a "aturewere politicaly the Win Cullowhee Tournament Set l:Kt wei lllfi Ihe Dt-S his0 tn" ahiivc wi re quite rommoa in llayuxiod County 'k, when highway forces-were rt-quiivd 1-0 work ditvs in olear "U(,h f'lnlts. some of whu-h juloii l.-ji to tiflta-n feet liiltJU lel)ONAL HEAJIUI'AKTEKS ,N- WIXSTON-SALI-Bt ROBBED Wnston-Salem. Vinrii a v;it, local chairiniin, .said headquarters of the "committee for McDonald pro gram" here had loen lists of Dr. Ralnh W. Mr-nonnl-r, .i.n. porters in ti va&Sor governor seized. Two Electrocuted Friday In Raleigh A lf-ymjiT-old wiiite bov fnim'Gas tonin, nnd u negro from liridsville, ftcre el'trocutel nt State Prison, in Kaleigh, last Friftiy. The -w'nite boy pays with his life for taking the liveis of two jnen in -GnKtoniu. Tne nogm 1 Utf l nil nr j I" t I For the second time in two weeks, t ho local tvaski'I liall team of Ihe liili M-l-iool brought home a touniJimeiit trophy. Week before last (hey won the lllue Ri.Im! Tournament, ami l;usf Sat.urdav nljht wnn out over Hethel In an eMia period contest to win lite Cullowhee match. Heailin from left to vinhl. Mattic Mae Messer, lkr.e V Inkier, l.onlse Kaines. Jo Ann Phillips, Uuh. Hurress, I let soy -Milliner, Captain Sarah Welch, Clara Wyutt. Helen Houei.N. and Kvelyn Jones, a member ol the team was absent when Ho ''holograph was made. . I'hoto 15y lloim-r Havis Of in was put to death for an assnuVi tn a ivhite school teacher. Italy is said to be trying to blend ; ,i u,j u iiwim ir.r.M mat a slot maenine i not a lotiery forces. We have tried tht nvir bore Th.,i i,i.i,r, l,.,-.. i..m.,i ..!,( .i;n - - - - ' ' l J tW, I jf 111 J V U U .1 IV , lllt.L 11 H V Latest news from the Orient would seem to indicate that the .lap bull is in the china shop again. A high court in Florida lias ruled mat a slot machine it not u lottery HERE IS WHAT ONE ADVERTISER SAID: ..v-v cm.i ' 0 AN6 OAv . . V ' ,c.l- .-.C 1 3 0 v-x,e -i 3 Vo- . t:- v - " v v . v,e cO'v ( ft! i r? AO H Captain Sarah Welch Outstanding Player. Was Hard Contest (iame Went To Extra Period With liethd In rial (Jamo. IJoth Teams (JimxI Hy Tom He ves, ('ouch Carleton VVeathcrby's .Moun taineer sixtet, playing ,m top of their tranie, won die annual Western Caro lina Teachers College tournament hel at Cullowhee Thursday, Friday, and Hal unlay of last week. The winners of the annual lilue Hidire Conference tunnin mi-nt ,m,l runners-up for the county champion ship, displayed a splendid brand o basketlmll to repulse their old time rival ly defeating Hetlnvl 1 1 ih School m the linal Kanie by the score of li7-2ii The outstanding tournament Western North (Carolina, under tin direction of Couch Charlie I'oindexter wiiti played Ix'fore one ol iAw lare;es crowils to witness panics in this sec t ion of the slate. The Wayncsville anl Bethel pirls as well as the Cherokee and Edney ville Iniys, won their way into tin ii rials by defeating some o the bes bitrh school oullils produced in West ci'ii North Carolina-, and the lival tfii'l won ihe trophy by downing one of tin smoothest ni.'K'hiiies to ever iilav oi a hi.rli school hnskctlKill court. To ojion the scoring, Stanley, a (jrreut, athlete, .slipped in a Held jroal, and then another before Welch, oulsliind iti player of the totirnanK'nt, jrot a free throw for the Mountaineers. Hotliel pot two more points to make the score the preatest marpin dur inp the enti.i'e pa me.- W lh addi-d a lii'ld pool; Harprove of Ik'thel pot two points from the court, and soon afterwards Hurress, tall Mountaineer center, pot an overhead shot. Welch made pood two free throws. The quarter soon ended with ' Captain Welch nassinir to Roireru -from the outside. Soon after the second quarter start ed, with Bethel leadinp 8-7, Burres.s tied the s'-ore with a free shot, Har prove then made twi. points over .Jones' shoulder. Stanley pot a lielil LVOnl hilt W.'ls :i)lll rllllHimr ,nil IJopers of Waynesville made a .effort pood. Al, this, sLaw of pame the passmp of the Mountaineers ivocaine erratic- M.amey pot, a beau tiful held poal and Welch equaled thi i or i ne locals. A tectinwal was on Slaniev and Welch -continued make all yif t shots po throu-ph the hoop. Bethel's forward were com pletely doiniiiatinp the play a.s they continued -to do throuphoufc the entire panic, oassinp the ball with rhythmic precision. The half ended with riiil li)s passinp from the lower court to It-urress of VVa vnesville. The scores; Bethel still- Iciidinu- M-l,'( As the half olieiicd Welch missed an easy shot. Soon afterwards liar prove of Bethel look a beautiful shot lor two nointf.-. Kopers and Wel each missed a foul for Waynesvill but W(ich made a field poal.' Hcnsn added two points for Bethel. pot. a free throw as Stamey reach oyer the line to foul Roper's. Waynes v!lh'- continued In miss wiv ch.ds Milner fou-led Stamey but sh- mi ooiri au.empis. Hero the quarter end ed with the score lH.M m . Bethel's favor and with their puards. in pos session (it t he . he. filial quarter.-found ITn .".mi -Ht-nwin- pcthnp points to match inose oi wor n arid Koirers Wuvno fir-Id the all- to lch id h ed 0V 1e YOUR MESSAGE IN THE MOUNTAINEER REACHES OVER 7500 READERS to PEOPLE PAY TO READ YOUR MESSAGE IN THIS PAPER If It Is For Sale, It Will Pay to Advertise in yillo called time out with Bethel 'lead- -mp and three minute-' left play. As play was resumed WaVrre ville tied the score-when Burres.s shot after receivinp an excellent, pass from Phillips. Welch pot one of. two and the ; Mountaineers took the- lead at 2.'!-22. . Stamey pot a field poal and Welch tied the score, by taktnp one of two pift offers, and the repular pame ended at 211. - After a -five minute nisi rwvrl.l W!k resumed for three minutes. Cap tain W'eleh made a free throw pood, and .sent her most beautiful shot of the pame archinp throuph the rim from the center of the court. Bethel called time out,. Harprove pot a field poal and soon the pame ended with the Mountaineers in possession of the hall, the tournament tropby, and the first victorv over Bethel ll'io-1, tv, Cullowhee tournament in seven years. This play by play account sounds like the forwards did all the playinp, but it was the Waynesville g-uards of Jones, Milner, and Phillips who won for the Mountaineers.--. Their splendid playinp held the preatest forward combination in the tournament to a medium as time and time apain they fed the hall to Iiurress to Welch Waynesville's crack-shootinp forward' j,ioc-uis ana summary or 'Waynes-'-ville's play in the tournament: Mills River (20) Waynesville (29) P,a"ln,? ? Welch 10 ivici,au t. Ropers jA.osuii o Hurres "r,"am Phillips Henrien t ... .rones McKinney Milner - Wyatt 13 Waynesville (52) Welch 18 Ropers 9 Durrees 21 Phillips Messer 2 Weaverville (13) McCurry 5 Holcombe Phipp -Penland 8 Hampton " oi tne (jr. O. P. (Continued on back page)