THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pre-School Clinics Planned By Health DeptThis Month Twenty-One Clinics Will Be Held For Children Entering School Next Fall To Hold Services The Haywood County Health Depart, ment, with the co-operation of the Parent-Teacher Associations and school officials, is making arrangements for the pre-school clinic, which will in clude only children whose age wiil entitle them to enter the first grade of school at the beginning of 1930-37 school term. Asa preliminary, the school author ities are asked to make a complete census of all the children who are en titled to be examined, finding out the names of the children, date of birth and the parents' name and address. It is the aim of the health depart ment to protect all school children and as a preventative measure, vac.i naions are given against small pox, typhoid, and diphtheria. All parents NOTICE OF COMMISSION ER S SAM; IN Till: Sri'KRIdK COl'KT STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA. COINTY OF HAYWOOD, THK FKI KKAL LAND I SANK OF COLFMIUA. vs. H. K. L. K.itrlilT and wife, Calif 'Iiff, Ci. II. l'almer, Krniie t'rym. Reeves. Ailmrx. nf M. II, Itecves. deed., S. R. Felmi't, and W. ;. Francis, Administrators: W. II. Hurin and O. (). liui-gin. Trading as lUimin Hris. Mrs. J. T. .lories, C. V. Clark. O. L. Brigs. Chair man, 1. 11. Walker, J. W. Boyd, F. 10. Messcr, and J. I. 'Way, See-retary-Treas., Trustees AVnynes ville Firemen's Relief Fund. On Monday, April 20. );)(!. at elev en o'clock, A. M., ut the court house door in the town of Way nesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner of 'the Court will sell at public outcry, to the hinh ent bidder for cash, the following described lands and premises, lyin and beinfj; In Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, ful ly described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 21(1 acres, more or less, situate, lyiiiR and 'being in what Is known as the Ratcliff Cove, on the Ratcliff lioad about three miles Northeast from the town of Waynes ville. in Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference, to a plat .thereof made by .1. It. Terrell, ''Surveyor, April, 111 11, which plat is now on file with the Federal: I,and Rink of Columbia, s. C, and beiiiK bounded as follows: North by the lands of Dora Ratcliff and Hardy Liner; on the East by the lands, of Hardy Liner, Albert Francis, and LoRo.y Francis: on the.. South J.y the lands of Hock Ratcliff. and on the West by the lands of .!. R. Medford and Dora RatclilT. Above plat was copied by W. .it. FnuieiS, Attoriiov, 1 -,. This b(dii the same tract of land heretofore c-onveyed to R. K. L. Rat cliff by .1. R. Medford and wife Lul.l Medford, and I'eaii RatclilT by deed dated December 1, 1 ill 11. and record ed in Hook 4S, pane L'o I, Record of leeds for Haywood County, together with the lands heretofore conveyed to the said R. K. L. R.itc l.lT by .!. N. Ratcliff and 'wife, .Mary Ratcliff by deed dated September 9, l!)2r, and recorded in Rook L'l, p:u;e Sf,n, Record of Deeds of ilaywnod County. KXCIvl'TI.YC from tlir above con veyances a tract of a (I I.; acres, more or less. Conveyed t II. II. Liner by d(;ed ilated ,1a mlary 1 !i. 1 In.' 1 , and re corded in Rook .17. pai;e ITU. to which deeil reference is 'hereby m.ide. This sale is marie pursuant to, un der and by virtlie of the power', id ale conferred upon me niy order ,ind judgment of the Superior Court of Dayvood County, dated March Hi, 1936, and entered in above entitled action, and wherein the undersigned was duly appointed Commissioner f the Court to sell said lands' -to satisfy the judgment rendered in this cause on a first note secured by deed of trust, taxes and insurance advanced by the above named plaintiff. This the inth day of March, 193G. M. . STAMKT, Commissioner of the Court. No. 453 March 2(5 Apr.2-9-l. j0 cV ' FATHER HOWAKI) V. LANE Holy Week Services Will Be Held At Catholic Church Special services for Holy Week are announced by Father Lane of the Catholic church for Monday. Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri day nights at 8 o'clock. Everyone of the community is invited to' attend and listen to these very timelv and appropriate sermons for this' Holy season. . Several non-Catholics have kindly offered their contributions in making the program a Holy one. Solo Ava Maria by Mr. Evander Preston. Solo Miss Eva ' Lent herwnod Trio Holy Hour Mrs. Tom Spur lock, Mr. Ix'ster Potent, Miss Iris Chafin. Monday, April '. My Souls "For what doth it profit a man. if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what ex.-hange shall a man give for his i-oul?" Matt. 16:2(5. Tuesday, April 7 A Sinnor"Io penance: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Matt. 3:2. Wednesday, April S The. Call of Christ ,"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matt. b':'M. Thursday -A' Friend "I am the bread of life." 'John 5::in. 'Friday. Anvil 1(1 -A Savior "And bowing his head he gave up the ghost." John VJ:m. should' appreciate this ojipoi tun ity . give their .children the advantage this health check-up. Plans are to hold the clinics at following places anl the dates houi't: designated: Monday. April 13th Bcnvcrdam fl-fm Put ton . . .1(1:30 A. North Canton . . 1 :(I0 P. . Tuesday, April 14th Morning Star . ....... . 0:00 A, Pennsylvania ... ......... 1 ll:::o A Clyde 1:00 P. Mond.iVi April' 20th Iron Dull . 11:00 A. fiock Spring .10:00 A. Fines ( reek 1 :00 P. Tuesday. April 21 -t Maggie . . . . . .. . ... 0:110 V Dollwood . . ...... . ...:0:(l() A. Rock Hill . 1 :00 P. Wednesday,. April 22nd Cruso .. ,. '..-.. 0;0(l A. Cecil . ii :.:o A. Bethel . . . 1 ;00 p. Thursday, April 2:!rd Saunook .. . ........... . ;i:ni A. Allen's Creek 10:00 A. Hazelwodd . . . . , . . 1 :00 P. Friday, April 2 1th .Tunnluska' .. . . , . :(! A. East Waviiesville . 1 0.:!0 A, Central Elementary , . 1:00 P. :md of the and BOYS! (JIRI.S.' I. EARN AVIATION A chance for hoys and girls to jcin the Junior Birdmon of America, thriv ing organizatation. for air-minded youth of the nation.. Full page de voted to, aviation every Sunday in the Baltimore American.-' (let your copy from your favorite newsdealer. I Mountaineers Com plete Successful Basketball Season Local (Jills Team Scored 66fi Points Against .521 For Opponents By Tom Rievcs. The Waynesville Mountaineer sixtet has just completed the most success ful campaign since Coach Carleton Weaiherby took charge of athletics at the local high school six years ago. Playing nineteen games," including those in two tournaments, the girls lost only two, tied one, and were victorious in the other garnet;, scor ing (Hit! points to ;S24 for their op ponents. In winning the first annual tournament of the newly organized Blue Ridge Conference, Coach Weath erby's team scored 105 points to 153 for the opposition in three games. To win the twelfth annual Western Car olina Teachers College' tournament the Mountaineers defeated four teams as they rolled up 155 points to 97 for their opponents. Captain Sarah Welch of the Moun taineer team was high scorer and out standing player in the Blue Ridge Conference tournament. She was high scorer of the Cullowhee tourna ment with 7i pointy to her credit, as well as being high scorer for any single game with ol points. Welch. Milncir, and Phillips made the all tournament first team, and Buitoss and Jones were placed on the second team by the Western Carolina Teach ers College tournament committee. In making this record the Moun taineers defeated all Haywood coun ty teams, including Bethel High S.hool, and the high school teams of Hciidersonville, Sylva, Mills River, Weavcrville, Swannanoa. and Tryon. Below is a ummavy of their vecord: Points scored by first team for wards in scheduled games: Welch 1 S.'? Rogers 4(i Burress l.'il Other players during the season were Phillips, Jones, Milner, Raines, C. Wyatt, M. Wyatt. Messcr. Winkler, Caddis, Kellett, Stentz, and Rathbone. Score of Games: Way. Opp- Clyde L'O 0 Canton M 1,'i lleiidoit-otivillo 51 4 Bethel L'l 2S Fines Creek 21 12 Sylva 21 21 Henderson villo 51 5 Bethel Hi HO Canton 51 11 Fines. Creek 54 15 4 ::i Svlva Clyde: Swannanoa Saluda-'l'ryon Canton eavi i vilic Mill- R t i Svlva Beth.'l Totals 2K 40 )0 Oil 15 n 20 .'!S 20 :i24 Fag? Sawyer Wins Declamation Fvent At. Cullowhee CoL li.'ist '-'.Friday evetring siv oontoMant,. from the ..' WtiytieVville High. School spoke before the Public Speaking Chili of Western Carolina TYacher, Col lege at CllHowliee. Fa'gg. Sawyer, s l'':i k inf- "Spar!acti to t lie Gladiators," won (ir-st poit ion, am: a , I ! , as a result-,- represent hss .ch()d :i' the liti.-il for the county championship o be held at Fines Creek on. the evening of April 11th. llavrd 'Stent.., declaiming "The New 'South;'' Won second hotioi-s from the judges who were selected from among the public speakers of the college. The others to make this trip were .loc Johnson, speaking on the "r.vo 1 u t ion of Peace,'' Joe Davis," "Un known," Ben Brysin, "A Man With out a Country," and Frederick .Nhh ols, "The Xew Frontier.'' Those doclaimers, with Mr. nm Mrs. I' rank' Nichoss, Grover Davp W. Thos. lieeves, who tn-companied them, were entcrtaine( at supjier 'in the college dining bail by Misfi Ann Albright, dean of women. 1 It's the Most ECONOMICAL CAR Ford Ever Built From the long-wearing Laked enamel finish nncl honderizing rust-proof treatment offenders, to the fuel economy of the Dnal Carhurctor, the l ord V-8 is built for long service at low cost. Com parative records kept by a large national company o er an operating distance of more than 30,000,000 miles prove that the total operating cost of the Ford -8 averages 41 less than the Model T and 17 less than the Model A. That's proof of Ford V-8 economy. . J : YOUR FORD DEALER 'Same upon request. An vp, K O. R. DETROIT ABEL'S GARAGE PHONE 52 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. CHAMPION MOTOR CO. PHONE 196 CANTON, N. C. Quins Acquire Twin Cousins The famous Piorne quintuplets acquired twin cousins wlicn two daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pionne of Chicago, second cousins to the Ontario Pionne George Pionne, father of the new arrivals, is shown inspecting the stork's gift with his two sons, Louis and Francis. Military Intelligenca The term military Intelligence came Into uso during the World war to designate the work of securing Infor mation coiicernliiK enemy activities. It Included n spy system In enemy terri tory, apprehending of enemy spies, the liilercopllnj; and decoding of enenn eoiiiiimnicalions ami oilier worK of a sei ret n.i I ore. j NOTK'K OF KKCKIVKKS SAI.K j On Moiulay, April f., HKHi, at eleven ochvk, A. M at the court houise door in the town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the uiule.r Kjignexl Receiver will .offer for sale at miblie outcry, to the highest, bidder for the terms of one-third cash, and the remainder in two equal annual installments bearing interest and NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. NOTICK Having qualified-(is administratrix of the estate of H, G. West, deceased, la-U of the County of Haywood, N. ('., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on r be fere the ,'ird day of March. 1!IH7. or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thiti the Und dav 'of-March. '.VM). .1 KAN M. WKST, Administ'.rafrix of II. G. West. i hi m.u r i j ri jd Api j 'j fo;ureJ by deed of trtwt, the follow- ,,in: described lands and premises in the town of Waynesvtfle, adjoining the corporate limits of the town of Waynesville, and known as the Haywood Furniture Manufacturing Corporation property, and more particularly described a follows: BEGINNING on a .stake, in the cen- , ter of the Southern Railway traek, and :outtiwost corner cf the 11. W. West cit.t lot anl runs thence S. 34 E. 251 feet with Weseott's line to a stake in a diteh; thence S. 2Z 30' W. 100 feet with the diteh to a stake; thence S. M" :$()' W. 204 feet to a stake in line of Factory Street; thence.S. 41' 30' E. 2"S feet to a stake in Nortfu n line of street; thence S. 49" 30 W. 176 feet, passing Mrs. Pe NeerpirdV orner at 20 feet in South side orf said etreet, nn! with the line of her line to a stake on the North side hne cf said highway, Mrs. Ie Neerganl's South west corner; thence S. SH" 30' W. 100 fet with said line of aid highway to a stake; thence S. 72' W. 100 feet wjth side line of said highway to a stake; thence S. 78 W. 200 ft with side line of State highway to a stake; thence N. 88 W, 300 feet with said side line of said highway tt a stake; thence West 100 feet with de line of said highway to a stake; thence North (SO feet to a stake in the cen ter of Southern Railway track; thence N. 52" E. 1230 fi-t up the center of track to the BKXMNNING containing 10.71 acres, mono or liss, subject to the rights and i-.iements of the Southern Railway. Said land will be sulxfivided into paivcl and a map evhibiUiI at said sale, and the property will 1 offered for sale in pan.els and then as a whole, to the highesit bidder. Sale made pursuant to an order of the Judge of the Superior Cmrt, made at February Term, l'.Mti, of the Su perior Court of Haywood Vtinty, in an action entitled, "Oitiae.nH Hank & Trust Company, et al. s-. Haywooil Furniture Manufacturing Vrrntion, et al." and the sale will U .subject to the approval of the Court, This (ith day of March. l!3tl. .1. II. HOW.KLL. Receiver, of Haywoel Furniture Mfg. Corpe. No. 4.r)l Mar. 12 10-2f-Apr. 2. A I AMOI S FAMILY OF MEN'S HATS BYRON - DUNLAP KNOX C E, RAY-'S SONS A ("OMI'LETE CI.O'I lll.Nt; SERVICE Try At Home First You Will Never Regret It BOB!) j - tW 1. PROOF of "jf TH l Cos! ktf Qu'" J Safer Food A''vc, l"''Ai, , ' vvvf. R ; 3. proof.. V U ti Faster Freezing I it'a'ed .,' lo"-' 11 k More,ce m l ' -ii I W'- ( '"L'"r,(liil'Timi'JI"i'i'i 11 Vf- --ZTT""- W . VW NEW PRICES AS LOW AS l fi 4. PROOF of Mf PI il More Usability m k m S105 ' I ' J 5. PROOF of . Vp ' Five-Year 0;'""'1'!'"''IM "o y " Protection Plan fafSskmsisi Xphutkiioh If BUY ON PROOF Save money now and for years to come Only Fnpidaire dares to build this Food-Safety Jndnator riKht into the cabinet visible Jtrorjf that foods are kept at Safety-one 1 emperaturc, be low 50 degrees and above 32 degrees. You should not be satisfied with mere claims, nor with only one or two stand ards for buying. Demand PROOF of AIX TIVE! Come in and see the PROOF that Irigidaire saves you more on current and food bills throughout its long life of trouble-free service. Iiecause only Fngidaire has the sensational Meter- i Miser the most efficient, durable JJW this PROOF of complete value, mechanism ever devel- n Fjh T?e h rL'r:,s; i-TTogi laTT7l-i lUtkklKU for Five Years against service expense for only $5 included in the purchase price. And what convenience! Irigidaire freezes more ice ster, gives you up to 42 more shelf space in front, IKiU Width Sliding Shelves, Portable Utility Shelf and scores of other advantages. lieiore you buy, see us demonstrate Leak (or this Nama-Plat Martin Electric Co. WE SERVICE ANYTHING WE SELL" PH0NE31 CHURCH ST. i