The Waynesville Mountaineer ALONG THE POLITICAL Firing Lines ii....nifui nntu candidates .nw.i their hats into the polinca '7, th- week, bringing the total 3 formal announcements to twenty- :hProm a tabulation of the candi . . u was found that the race for twie-Wione.r had four ne ons L -1 j while two additional names vro "added to the sheriff's column, ,. , f,,- representative and two for n'i-mlvr of board of education.;noenii'nts this week were as '' y.ijr'hn K. Rhinehart, sheriff. ',im ( Palmer, commissioner frtin district number five. (,'. Russell, sheriff. i- V. M. Davis, representative. K''T "Messvr, board of education. llv!i:i r V. Cagle, board of education. J. A. l.i. we, commissioner from dis ni number three. I:i!-v:s H. Allison, commissioner ,,'. .linnet number three. ,1. K. Henderson, commissioner 'r,,m ,;:.-! r'ict number one. Vatig'm Fi, Khinehart a candidate t r ';t i-; iT". lives near Saunook, and quiii' a worker in veterans being a legionaire, and state yVe-co'nimaiidcr of the D. V. A. For ihe pa4 M years he has worked for :';ite highway department. ilVsm ('. Palmer, of Crabtree, a farwi-K dairyman, and cattle-raiser, $ the tiret to announce for commis dciier 'from district number five. He is woilknown in this county, and this ii his first time in a political race. A. (!. Russell, a candidate for sheriff, has for a number of years Win ih ief of police in Canton. Only recently Chief Russell won state wide ion as a police officer, . ;u .;iti efficient head of a police force. Another Canton man to announce this weik was Dr. F. M. Davis, who is seeking the nomination as repre sentative. He was born in Iron Duff, raid for. U years has practiced medi cine' in., this- county; He is an . ex captain of the army, having served evir seas and is a Legionaire. R. T. Messer came out this week to 'smnounfr- that he was a candidate fur re-election as a member of the heard of education. He ha served at various, times on school boards, and is. well known to Haywood voters. To ' make it complete, Homer V. Cairle,' of. Canton,' also announced he was out for re-election as a member of the board of education. John Best '.lie third member announced last wu-k. y lake A. Lowe, former sheriff, i.s a (amliclate for membership as a member i'f the board of commissioners,. He was filler ff of this county until 1934. At. present he is engaged in farm-. :ne. and is a candidate from the third finrict. .. The lirst member of the present ho;i:'d of commissioners to announce for re-elect ion was Jarvis H. Allison, who Has- served on the board for a riumiitr of years. Jlr. Allison is a farim.':; and dairyman. He is a can 'Mlate from district number three. The second member of the present board to announce for re-election this w. fk was J; E. Henderson,: of Canton. Mr. Henderson hopes to represent dis trict numbfr one. One of his favor--itc projects' ';as a member of. .the present board was, the installation of . the modern auditing system, for' all W'lSnty funds and records. "Sandy''. JOraham is expected to arrive here pome time Thursday, at whah time he will likely name a eampaiirn manager for Haywood. Hyde Hoey has named F. E. Alley, Jr., as his campaign manager for Haywood county. Mr. Alley Stated that he expected to have Mr. Hocy ad tress the voters of the county at an ". cue. The exact date, however, ha? rot been ..determined. ' Supporters of . Mr. Hoey point out . m in ,1032 Mr; Ehringhaus had F. E. A: ''" -'Sr., as county manager here swept the county so thev are Pirjr "Like father, like son." 'T: Ralph McDonald spent the week end m the industrial centers, speak ''e, to cotton mill workers, ar- assuring them: "A square deal "id a chance to enjoy a fuller meas ure of security and hapniness." His ww-wers say he is drawing the sup port of labor -organized and unor t fto a Pr?atr extent than .jy. other candidate, in the history j -North Carolina politics; - . Continued on back page ) Today's Market r pie following cash prices were be Fe,i.P,al. Wednesday by the Farmers 'ieratton here: Vk(n5' heavy breed hens and s, pound . ...............15c lit-; T' light -weight,.- poundr....14c lzen ' ........... 15c Wk' l086' 1. bushel 75c !,''rr'' bushel . ..... 70c tei- ::::::::::::::::9oc Published In The County Seat of Haywood County VOL. XLVIII. NO 16 Mrs. Etta Reeves Noland Passed Away Early Monday A. M. Mother Of I). Reews Noland. Passed Away Following A Hear! Attack Mrs. Etta Reeves Noland, (55. widow of I). R. Noland, former sheriff, com missioner and representative of Hay wood county, died at her home, in the Fines Creek section of Haywood county .Monday morning at" 3:30 o'clock, the victim of a heart attack. A native of Madison county, Mrs. Noland taught school in Haywood county for several years. She had been a member of the Fines Creek Methodist Episcopal church, South, for more than 40 years, to which in stitution she liberally contributed financial aid and spiritual support. Funeral services were conducted at the Fines Creek Methodist church with the Rev. Byron Sprinkle, (,f B:son City, and the Rev. A. L. Rayle. 'pas tor of the Finos ("reek church, offi ciating, lijrial was made in the church cemetery, near the Noland home. Pallbearers wen' nephew.. Mrs. Noland i survived by one son, D. Reeves Noland, prominent Hay wood county farmer and cattle raise"; ttiree iraniiidiihlren, Edith, .lvggy, and 1). Reeves Noland. Jr. ; two sisters Mrs. C, S. Kinslaiul, Ashevillo, and Mrs. R. M. Reynolds, Iicester; and six brothers. Dr. K. J. Rei ves, M. B.. and P. B. Reeves, all of Leicester, lr. J. L. Reeves mayor of Canton. V. E. Reeves, (loodlett, Texas, and O. E. Reeves, ''of (Ivoehsboro. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. The First National Bank here was closed for the funeral, as .Mr. Noland is vice president. She was the daughter of the late J. A. Reeves and Clement ine Fergu son Reeves, pioneer settlors of .West ern North Carolina. Women Heard At Safety Meeting The April 'Community Safety League meeting, better known as the Firemen's Banquet, was held in the dining hall of the Methodist church Tuesday night there being about (iO persons in attendance. Mrs. John M. Queen acted as toast mistress. Those responding with talks on the different phases of. .community safetv were: Mrs. S. P- Gav, Mrs. Carroll Bell,, Mrs. P. I). Alley, Mrs. .Joe Tate, Miss Margaret Smith, and Mrs. Jack Messor. L. M. Richrsori and Ir. Truesiiaie made short, im promptu talks. Two childrens' quartettes, one from East Waynesville school and one from Waynesville Kelementary, were also featured on the program. The meeting next month will be held at the. Baptist 'church, the exact date to be announced later, (). L. Briggs stated. East Waynesville Wins TrackMeet For the third successive year Fast Waynesville .Elementary ran away with the' district track meet, scoring fifty-seven points, as first places were won in eight events by Fritz, Queen, Hill, M iliner, Ski ban, and a host of girl athletes. Fast Waynesville girls, led by How ell, Caddy,' Pressley, Recce, Calhoum 'and Rhinehart, won . first places in two events as well as some second and third positions. . Reeves of Lake Jiinaluska, was hitrh .scorer with fourteen points, ;snd his school won second -honors-: with a frac tion over thirty-one points; Hazel W'ood was third - with twenty-nine points. Central! Elementary wa a poor fourth with ten and one-third points, and Maggie wa fifth with al most six points. Summary: 100 yard dash (B) Fritz, East Way nesville, . 50 yard dash, (G): Phillips, Hazel wood. Three-legged race (B) Queon-Hilk East Waynesville. Baseball throw (G) Q'Neil, Maggie. Baseball throw (B) Reeves, Lake Junaluska. Shuttle race (B) Fritz-Queen, She han, Miliner, McElroy, Sisk, East Waynesville. ' Over rope relay (G) Rhinehart,: Cal houn, Howell, Gaddy, Reece, East Wavnesville. : High jump (B) Hill, East Waynes ville. ." ... - Basketball free throw (C) Craw ford, Lake Junaluska. ; Running broad jump (B) Fritz, East Waynesville. : Running broad jump (G) Messer, Hazelwood. , ... Shot put (B) ShehaT), East Way nesville. i Potato race (G) Gaddy, Calhoun, Howell, Pressley, East Waynesville. Half-mile run (B) Miliner, East Waynesville. . ; . .' " , Tug of war (B) Team of 8, East Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Mansh. Miss Dollie Marsh, Miss Corinne Wagen feld and Miss Dorothy Bliss,were the guests on Easter of Col. W. b. Lee and his daughter, at their home in Gatlingburg, Tenn. Tornado Wrecks House But Leaves ; 'mt'tmite&f' staffs r n i . I, i , - i ' i ( .'OIlLtH M t T U I I ! 3 I "ill'ln li ll! . 1 1 l i i ' i j ! i .Ir.itll .iii.l !i'in l.i.-ir w as m. ! lie .iK- -'I I In s 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 i ! 1 e-s h lili hci ; l ;Ui.. r-t inr 'I . nui ,n u tr-Us .i: ' 1 , ; . 1 1 ' 1 s 1 1 1 . . 4-m ijiili unhurt.. ;il;h.ili:Jl ihi-ll !l !:ti Abel Building A Show Room At His Place Of Business The walls of a brick show room Were being laid this week at Abel's Garage. The building will be completed with in thirty days, according to Allien A bel, owner. . ' .'.The room is being built on the lot between the garage and the West ern Cni-olina Creamery. A ladies rest room is also being built in the new building. Mr. Abel 'sU id that the lot-' bet ween the building and the street Would be planted in grass and shrubbery Would lie set out, All parking at the garage Will he: on the nor 1 1) side and a ross the street. : His plans also call for repainting the front of the garage ami the in stallation of new inodei n electric gasoline pumps. Special Legion Meeting Called A special -call meeting of the 'mem bers of the local iost. of, the Ameti caii Legion has been. made. The meet ing will be held Thm-Mlay night at eight o'clock in the hall over the Fire Station. . Officials, of : the p't said: "This niei'ting is of vital inipoilance to evel y ex-M-rvice in a n in MaywoiM: county, and all are urged to be pi-i s etlt." . Call Issued For Skilled Workmen M. E. Swearirigen,' manager of. the local ((.mployment odice, announced yesterday that he bad received a call 'for -200 skilled workmen in. various trades for j'obs over the state,: A special call for first class carpen ters and brick masons was : marie, with a wage of 75 cents to $1.10 an hour. 1 'Anyone' interested should register in. person at. his office in the court house at once. The MELTING POT 1-:. K. MK.ASI:. 1'iin. Waynes ville Momentary "We will have lo gle lr. TownseHd JTedit for iK-inz sinart- smart enoiigh t' oriKi'Hite a 'I'lan' that brought in liio nickels and dimes fasler llian .anything. Hsf could have done." . Weil, it takes, a lr,t of niekels anil dimes, Mr. Mease, to rent AVashington A part me nts. costing - $2 1 5.oo 'per month. I)K. It. S. TKll.SDALH. ls tor Vaymvillo Jlcthodist Cliun-li "1'copk! sijinetliiifs; ask me if I livo in the parsonage and I tell tlicm mi. , .ami I don't in the snw' that v'Mell)0l'st prCiichers nsoallj- sM.ak of a parsonage;. Why.: folks. I fvl like I'm livitiff n a gt'iitlcman's liouso now- since coining to Waj-nesville." O, .. BTJIGGS. Siit. Water arid jjsl,ls '-If it pet.s too hot this sumnier to Iiold our banquet in doors and be comfortable, maj'lHv we'll move over to the city park At The Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE, X. l. THURSDAY. APRIL 16, 19,56 A !!. 1 1 t i i 1 1 f-ri lr- ' i fSi '.( U I 'i ' 1 1 1 ..Mil!' fi'l.V Park Is Visited By Almost 20,000 Durinir March ".'Esl i mated travel to 'Great Smoky Aloun.laiiis National. Park for March, was I. A Ira Hie count taken at one of Che six entrances to tin1 Park resulted in a count of U,'JH automnbiles carrying Hi.JTd people Fstiniaing that 2(1 per cent addit ional people came into the park at the t.vo other entrances, a total limm- of 10. -Ill is estimated. Automobiles from tl states and I lie District of Columbia were counted, with '-'7 per cent of visitors from stall's other than Tennessee and Noitli ( a ml ina. Two Waynesville Students Winners Mary St eiitz, repi i en't ing the Waynesclo fownship high si loud won til' t place i n t tie in 1 m I y - wide ieeita tion coiiie-t held ,-it (;lyd( Tuesday night. Kagg Sawyer, itlso of tlie Waynes ville .schools won lirst Jdaee in tile de clamation ccintest.. Willi these two win ners from the local b::b .-:!..!, a total of four lirst 'places, were won in tlie litera:y contests, which entitles the school to the t i.'i i i ll y given by the county silie'i intendi'iit of I'dueatioli. Those taking .part in tin' recitation i otltest were: Until Walker, of Fines Cri ck; .Myrtle Murray, of Bethel ; and Jitith Dotson, of Clyde. 'I he ile.cla inal ion . contest a rlts were: Liliwooij MeKlroy, of Clyde; .larvis Teague, of L' Creek: and Will'am I 'oi.a i; oti, of Bethel. Brother Of John L. Davis Passes John. L.Davis reM'ived a message this week that his brother. Will, of liandall, Washington, passed away on last Saturday. - Mr. Davis was from Tennessee, and had been in the state Of Washington for about forty years. on East Street. I5y that -'time .we hope the park will In- tinishtl and, if it is. it will have all tlie accom modal ions." .l,i: . PAI.MI It. Earuier and ( allleiiian, . rabtrt "I think pcojile are g'tting more In favOr of ' teiTaciiiK ' this c-oimty -tliej- "talk ; more favorably over In my township at least. "Teri-aciiig ivill lit. in line with the new farm program, I think." The Kilitor , r i f this column is informed that there has probably never . been any more , soil Wash eii away in this county in the same '.'length of time than has been carried away by the heavy rains durinc the r'ast. 50 or 60 days. . . . and this has also been our obser vation. So, if any one thing is calculated to pet our farmers in ' a -receptive." mood or mind to try out something',"' I think it is just this fact that of our land beinx washed away right before our eyes faster than ever before. of The Great Smoky Alountains National Park Five Unhurt 1 1 1 n t .!' ti,t Mi'ua J Ur- .1 N.u- I'loiilt' si i' ii I tl' 1 t V tl.l it it. lt liHlislirl. w Inch s t M T i - iiiic r.iinih dl' ti'vt, Hospitalization (Jiven To 'Haywood People At Duke Muring the past year patients' from Haywood eouiit y reeeivetj .".Ml days of enre at I'uke linsii(al, aeeording. to tlie annual report of the hospital just issued. The .'-report f ( lie hospital shows t hat !f IT.'i. l'.i'.I. Ki was sielit for the total of .1 f .; days of eafe pro vided (luring I be. year, and that har dy patients cost . he hospital .fLM:!, '1 ii'.'.UI. Over '..". per cent of the ili.i lit y patients eared fur were from H7 North Carolina counties. patients .paid but Jfl'.t,'!, 0:.'(J..Vi toward (he cost of t heir .a re during, the yi'ar. the r port reveals. Count us i . -tit : ilnilnj !f j:i,:i:H I f to ward the l. tal cost, while: individuals and orgniiiatio.tis'giive $ I.'i, SI 1.-7. The report figures', foe Haywood eoimlA are a., follows: (lays of eare ::.r.:!; ti.tai eo t . $i.t.;t;2.t:!;- 'paid '-by patient--.- !fl,."i'rj..'i.'i; paid hy Make hos pital. SSVL'Y ' - Community Club Sponsors Dress Maliiiuv ( ontest The i low ii' Ii a c ii ii.-i ' ii.'..,. makirig eonle-t held uinler .the au -piers of the C.iin:iiiiiily ('lull fo I'iri.. Of the llon'ie ht i'liiiiiiii's I li r ' ;ik 1. 1 cf t ho 'ayi:e--ilii.. Tovmi.' hi;. Il-jj-b .'.rhoid, wiis staeeil ml In -1 Vo,i,.. .!-,.. :i, the ,'audrtoi inui., with M. . . I.le iarreit, as inan from, the eliili, in hart"- of ai raiifiiin n: : . Miss Lour.e hd ward.s, head . 'of : ; n- . huriie I'eolloinie di pal t inent , p- .f Ml-. M. (i. Stamey, pi-eih u' n! loe i.'lilh, ., pre,- elifed t he pl'i-.' s. ' Tli" progiaiii w.-u, ti-i ii.e.; "An (vo lution of styles," ntjvt.-t.uig hack thirty years - ago and atlt henl ie models were worn by the various students, closing with the exhibit ion of the thirty drt'sse'.s made by the contestant s as the' last word of . l;i:!d. :" There are a .number, of rules " gov erning the entries,. With each rontet. ant required to make, the garment, without, help, iit her than instructions from .Miss fidwanls. ''.Tlie first prizes were $1.50 in cash, given by , the, club, and. the others were dress materials donated by the ..following firms: C K. Ray's Sons, Massie's .Department Store, C. N. Allen and Co., W. A. Bradley, and Hurgin iirothere. I'rize winners frori) the different classes were as follows: Second year class, first prize, Vera Hosaflook; sec ond prize, Fann-ie Hosaflook ; first year class,: first prize, I'earl Miller; second prize, (Jeraldine McLaughlin ; third prizes, Kthel Caldwell, Stella Roten, and Vera 1'ruitt. Serving a.s judges if the display were: Miss Ellen Louise Killian, Mrs. Homer 1'iott, and Mrs. Dwight M. Realty. ' Rotarians To En tertain Their Wives Heemberf; of the Waynesville Rotary Club will entertain their wives at a special dinner meeting here on Friday evening at seven o'clock. The program will be in charge of Dr. S. P. Gay, Ralph I'revost and Dr. R. 11. Stretcher. SLIDE ON HIGHWAY Highway forces wero called out early Tuesday night to remove a deep slide on Highway No. 10 about a mile east of Canton. The highway was partially blocked by the slide. $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY AH Efforts To Find Body Of 22 Months Baby Fails Young Son Of Mr. And Mrs. James Heat lierly Drowns Near Springdali' Lite Frrday With scons of men working day and night since last Friday afternoon, no trace had been found last night of the l'2-month-old sim f Mr. and Mrs. James lleatherly, of mar S)iring dale, who fell into the river while playing on the banks about dark last 1'Yiday. Monday a piece of the child's gar ment' was found near the place where the child fell in. Nourby tlie place where the child was playing with a .'!-yoar-old brother i a deep hole under a lock. It is iM'lievtsI that the body is probably lodged under that rock. In an effort to make certain, the course of the river has licen turned away frim the rock, and everything was about ready Wednesday afternoon to pump tlie water from the bole. The river has been searched every foot for a six-mile stretch. All kinds of rakes and nets beimr used, Seve -al places along the river woven wife has been stretched across to catch the body if it should happen to float. Large search lights have lccn in stalled for night work. When the throe-yea r old brother gave the alarm, the mo! her found the child's hat and a toy wagon and shovel or the bank. - Hundreds of people have visited the scene, each day, and scores have taken part in the search. The water being so cold that divers could only stay in fur a few minulon at a. time. Where the river is shallow, men waded down the river, soaiching carefully every foot of t he bed. Several charges of ily nam it e', lia ve , been used in an -.effort to gel the body to rise. The river was about three feet higher than normal when the child fell 111. Hiking Club Will Organize -Saturday The' Italsam Mountain Hiking (Hub announces a get-tngelber at the Country Club Sal unlay evening, April 1 S ! Ii at. eight oVIoik. I'lan.s for the coming season will be discussed and new oHi'ecrs elected. Mr. H. C, Wil im. n, of 'the I 'ark Service, has some Very attractive suggestions lor hikes in the park. A ft or .a short, business session the rest of the evening will tic devoted to bridge, setback or monopoly. Anyone interested in joining, tlie hiking- club lhis . year is invited as. Well as all who piirficipated in the c 'lib's activities last in'iison. $250nfToKed Cross From Here A tofal of .LTiO has already been forwarded to National lied Ci-o-.s Ie ailipia rl ers for flood arid "form - uf-fe-ois hy Hev. II, V. Haueoin, ehair-iii.-i li (if .1 lie lo al chapter. He stated yesterday t hat, he expect , oil at least $0(1 more would he 'oii' rih ut"d by today, which will bring the total to $;',l(i , froin the Waynesville community. Last; Friday afternoon, the program of t he ,l:!ota'-y Club was turned into a i-.muii , (if liie town for lied ("r.i--. copt ribut iims bv the members, and a total (if $200 was turned over. In. olli cials afler th' thiily-miniite canvass;' . Hosiilos making a canvass for the Red Cross, a g'-oup of Rotarians sold seals for the. crippled children's work and this together with o'ho sales are expected to reach well over $100 in Haywood county. Dr. Truesdale To Preach At Bethel Dr. Truesdale, pastor of the First Methodist church, of; Waynesville, will deliver the Ha ralaureato Sermon at M.ethel High School, Sunday night, April lft, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Dr, Truesdale is an outstanding speak, er in this section and is expected to deliver an Inspiring addroHH. The order of the service follows: rroeessional-thirty-eijfht seniors, the largest class ever graduated from Ret hoi High School. Doxology. . Invocation : Song, Holyr Holy, Holy. Announcements. Special music by Mis3 Pauline Sen te!!e. '.. '. ., Sermon by Dr. Truesdale. Benediction. The Weather Max Min 57 33 5!) 37 74 3S 68 40 60 38 69 36 79 , 38 Thursday 1 1 nday . Saturday Sunday Monday ; Tuesday Wednesday