1 THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE 7 l AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE O'LIFE , VkLE BE YEELS, TOO. Wt " fokes, I've de-suled to run - -do ; I don't no jist yit what 'but I'm a-goin' to run fer didn't speshly want to hadn't thawt enything about l.ut'roy f rends got aiter me to run n'n' ;:-t ki'P on perswaidin' me so that .ft had to make the raw. 1 a.au'tf AW. Mr. Editur, they've bin aiter t.-c n'i'te an' day, callin' me out o' bed, a". well, I'm a lyre if I woodn't ''.. op um momfn's an find a doz. 'irv frens a-settin' on my door-step. I can sertinly simpathize with li 'trt'zo other Candydates who've bin w'r-'.vaided like I've bin yes sir-ee! V! feller Candydates, we don't - ha'-'' but 1 life to live enyway, 6o we liioui a.s well spend it on the altar of c.ur kuntry. , N A1TEK MATH OF THE STORM ' Did eriy. of you fokes who live on Xi'l()Vei' a run-a-way mule pass dtivni last Tuesday., If ye did I jist wanted to tell ye that he wuz a J orgy jujiiari' orter be returnt'd if found. Me an' Ben Sutton an' our party met the ame mule on Savanner Crick last Tuesday. The wether bu-Toe had hee.rd' that 'the' mule wuz heded iaaiif Silvy, so had tride to warn I NEED GOLDEN PLY BLOW-OUT PROTECTION ON MY CAR. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?, peeple. We pot our warnin" up on bavanner . . . an' hadn't pone but a little ways when here kums that jar hed hitched to a wagon. Clap-a-trap! Clap-a-trap! "Runs like he's mitey taivl," sez Linwood Crale "Mas a rite to be tani." sez I -Why o?" "Why, that mule prob'ly lived about success liainesville, sez I, "An'- hain't stopped runnin' -well, he jist NOT A PENNY EXTRA1 BECAUSE GOODRICH SILVERTOWNS COST NO MORE THAN OTHER STANDARD ss-. TIRES ( k 1 AND ill SILVERTOWNS HAVE THE Golden Ply There is no reason why you should needlessly risk your life in a blow-out accident. High-speed blow-outs are caused by the ter rific heat inside your tires. Thi9 beat separates rubber and fabric. A blister forms which grows until; sooner or later, your tire blow out. Every Goodrich Silvertown is built with a special goiden ply which resists heat and prevent these high-speed blow-outs yet you pay not one penny extra fo this protection. Play safe! See us t oday about a set of long-wearing ouvertowns. M ,j "T WONT GO FUtY I IT J (WITH A GOODRICH J I A SEAl-O-MATIC J i ? . SAFETV TUBE I Amazing new tube au tomatically seals own Puncturespuncture fixed while you ride. Get Seal-o-matics end flat tire worries. Goodrich SEAIO-MATIC Safety Tube CV, Bell, Distributor Commission Agent For The Texas Company , SAFETY Mlvertowii jmw LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY H On our way back from Gainesville Ben Sutton sed, sez he "Well, I eoodn't bleeve Frank Bat tles, the tale that he told about this here strm, but now I want to say that Frank told the trooth 1 time "He had to tell the trooth, Bon," sez I, "that storm didn't leevo eny room fer eg-zadgerashun." R. CMeBride sez that a little, hoi t man run into their 5 & 10" at Canton on the day of that awful down-pour an1 axt fer a Bible "quick!" On bein' gupplide with the Book, the little man turned an' red, turned an' red "What-chu tryin' to find?" axt Mac, "vvhar it reeds about the Flud?'' But the little man, who aekted like he wuz skeerd, made no anser jist kep on turnin' an' reediu' Aiter a while it c-lackt. Un an' lookt bri-ter "Thank-ye," sez he, handin' the Bible back, "looks like it mout be a-goin' to quit." Aiter visit in' Gainesville Unkle Abe wuz a-tellin' a krowd about the way meny peeple down thai- kommeiu t to pray when the storm struck I "They waited too late," sed "Windy Candler;, "Guess that's the tru'bble with most uv-us, tho . . we don t pray noon anutf nor offen anulf." nor: v i:s- vou vncivs ;im: Sllt-KK! An' is polly ticks . a-gitten hot . . well I shood say so! How meny of ye Hcwman Side reeders wuz in town last Sat.? AH who wuz eoodn't help but. noti.s how the Candydates had took advantage of the wet wether to work sum on their poliiikal fences. Never seed as mutch arhiin' otf to one. side an' courtin' in my life, (ine Csndvdate aeksly had hiz arm arouti' one ol' fellers neek -.'-. an' 1 tell ye fokes, Tde a druther heckt one of 'Che f's houn'davvgs an' him wet! But, it's the 'blessid i)irval'idge that sum 'men injoy ever 2 yeevs, that of bein' axt their opinytins -an' havin' their necks hugged.- Aiter all. it's a grate game that will furnish u plenty of 'ck-cite-ment an' fun from new till the Pri mary in June-Gloary be! Here's acknollegoiiients io- I. J. Bridges, Jas, Hardin Howell, Jr., Dave Jaynes, Mrs. (iuy Fulbright, Zeb Brackett, R" L. I.ee. 1,. M. Kicheson, V. II. Byers, John Free, T. H.Gaddy, Mrs, Annie .Francis, Mr. umlVMiv. White Mease, Harley Francis, J. W. Green, Sam Queen," W. W. Haynes, Mrs. Henry Francis, Miss Kobina Mil ler, M . K. Snyder, I. uther Gordon, Gaylor Baldwin, Jas: Kateliir, S. W. Underwood, Emanuel Wyatt, R. C. McBride, Mrs. Coman Adams for reeent complimentary things sed alout this kolyum, Jist looks like I kairit keep up wilh ye fokes in namiii' ye like this eny 'longer - leeve out sum, ye see, and' inay.be re-peet others. So to alb the menv loyal Trends of the Mount'neer, an' boosters of this Unkle Abe stuff, let me say- "Thanks a Millyun!" Poast Strip. I forgot to tell ye, fokes, that Linwwod Grale jumpt out to hel the run-a-way. mule an' skeerd it bad it run over a 10 ft bank . .. but it kood a bin wusser, if Unkle Abe had a-jumpt out too, that mule wood a run into the Tuckyseege. Waynesville District . Wins Declamation Event Represented by Joe McClure of the Saunook School and Edna Kathe.-inc McGce, of East Waynesville, the an nual declamation and recitation con test of the district for elementary .schools was won by the Waynesville district Joe McClure, )coaJhed by Frank Ferguson, Jr., declaimed "Casey at the Bat," followed by "Casey's Re venge," while Edna Kathenne McGee, doached by Mts, Elizabeth II(ivry. recited "The Bald Headed Man," Winning both events in this eon test gave Wraynesville a decided ad vantage in the race for literaryi-hon-ors within the county, the winner be ing decided after the high school de clamation and recitation event is held at Fines Creek next Tuesday. . Judges were . Miss Ann Albright, Miss Winnie Mae Murphy, and Dr, Killian , all of Western Carolina Teachers College, of Cullowhec. following ie a list of other speak ers, selections, and districts repre sented: Luetic Burnett, "A Kitty Goes Adopting," Bethel. Ada Ann Ferguson, "The One-Leg-ged Goose," Clyde, . Wilma Smith, "Door Step Religion, Fines Creek. , Maxine Smith, "Little Orphan An nie," Canton. Ruf u, Rector, "Gettysburg Address, Fines Creek. Samuel McCrary, "I Am An Amer ican," Clyde. , George Mangess, "The Raggedy Man," Canton. , . Claude Conard, "A Man and His Symptoms," Bethel. Operetta Will Be Given Tonight At Central Elementary "Molly Be Jolly," a juvenile oper etta, in two acts will be shown at the t entrai Elementary School on Thurs day evening at eight o'clock. It will be pie.sented by the pupils of the :n, oth and ti;h grades, and tho havhers have snared no trouble in nifir -work toward the the performance. I he plot of the play will appeal to both children and adults, and an added attraction will be the manv tuneful songs that will he sunt hv ti ViArn . I made up of a large number of pupils t.oni the three grades taking part. lllr feenes are laid 0n the farm of the oieen family, where the frolics of the Green children and the neigh oot.. take place and will be reproduced in a realistic manner with an authen tic hay loft and manv animals. Mod. v. a much spoiled city cousin, who mentally had planned to spend the .-umnier vacation at the seashore has been sent to the farm instead. Life amid this simplicity grows monoto nous to Molly. She is bored and dis-gu.-ted until one day the youngsters plan a circus, and the preparation, merriment, and excitement soon make her forget' that the farm is a dull place. During the rehearsal of the c.rous, pleasurable excitement is caused by tho arrival of unexpected spectators and the phit thickens which calls lor the natural juvenile acting which both those taking part ami the audience will enjoy. riio.-e taking character parts are: Molly, I'atsy Gwyn; Ralph, Marion G.een, Helen, Marion Morgan; Stew art, Zeb Curtis; Jim, Billv Hannah; I im, Byron Marsh; Bill II armon, Henry Foy; Sallv Jones. M Fibs Keener: Murv Colkitt ; and Alice. Ku- M'iI Bonnet, Smith, Doris genia Martin NOTICE OF vey and plat of J. W. Seaver, made March, li'2t, and recorder! in Map Book "C," Index "B," office of the i Register of Deeds of Haywood County. J T.1. ' 3 - .1. irus ooou is mane upon uie express condition that no building shall be erected on said property at a value of less than lf4.000.00, except that after the construction of a $4,000 building, garages or outhouses may be built of less value. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upon nie by that certain deed of trust executed by J. H. Smathers and wife, Jofephine 1'. Smathons, dated April 1, 1120, anj recorded in Book 17, page 211, Re cord of I)eeds of Trust of Haywood Count v-. Thus April 6, 1930. J. R. MO KG AN, Trustee. No. April 9-10-23-30. XOTIt'K OK ('(IMMISSlOMIt S SAl.H IN Till: Sl'I'KHlOU I'Ol'HT STATi: OF NOKTll ("A KOl.l.N A . COC NT Y OF HAYWOOD. Till' KKDKKAL. 1,AND HANK OF COIA'MHIA, vs. K. I-:. 1,. liutelltt and wife. I'alio Ilat chtt. ?. H. Falmer. l-h'iuie CrNnioM Kecves. Ailmi V. of .M 11. liovves. I doc d.. . 1J. Kolinot. ami W. 1. Kranois. Atlmtmstralors: S 11. Hui'Kin ami O. O. Hue: in Tradinu as liurKiii Hros. -Mrs. J. T. Jones. C 1'. Clark. (). 1.. Urines, t'lmlr in.ui. IV 11. 'Walker. .1 W. Hvd F 1-2. Mess.r. and .1 II ;iv. Sec lelarv Ttiuih.. Trii.tloi'4 W'.tvnes v i 1 1 Firemen's lveliif l'liml. On Monday. April 1 '.Kill, at elev en o'clock. A. M..' at the court house door in tin1 town of Waynesville', Hay wood County. North Carolina, the nil-. iltMslnod Commissioner of the Court will sell at puhtlo outcry, to tho high est bidder for ca.sh. the ndlowinK deseribed lands and promises. lyin and being in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, ful ly deseribed an follows: All that roiiain piece, nari-ol or SERVICE CATION HV I'l BI,I- NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Adie Gray, vs, (': Giay The defendant above named will take notiye that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County to secure a divorce absolute on' the grounds of two years separation; and said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear on tho L'nil day of May, 1!1,'!0, in llay wo(xl County, and answer or .deintir to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This tho 1st day of April, VXW. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of Superior, Court, Haywood County. ' : No.".loG Apr. 9-lfi--2a-.W. NOTICE Ol l'ae.t nore of land ir less. in hat is Un on the Katelll Nor! hea.st fro ville. in Waynosvllo w nod ( 'oil ut y. No-i h iioli sliapes, metes, lance's as w ill more reference to a J, li. Terrell, w llieh (i'l a t is l-'edei'al Uind I',, and beitiq Noiili bv the cent a ininif "10 acres, siiuat'. l. int; and being w u as the KatclilY Cove, Koad about llire itiilo: n the town of Waynes Township'. Hay i aiolina, Having courses and dis- fully appear by thereof made by or, April, 1 il 1 li, on file w ith the of Columbia, S. as follows: Hniii UaielilT plat Survi now Hank bounded lands of SERVICE CATION BV ITItl.l. RlOK ( Ol'RT MASON NORI II V R() l . II A VWO.OD COUNTY IN THE SUI'l Till I,M HOl.I AND vs.. WILLIAM DONALD MASON. Tho defendant. WILLIAM DON ALD M A SON, will take notice that an action entitled as. above has been conime.nced in the Superior 'COtirt of Haywood County, North Carolina, by the .plaintiff, to obtain a 'divorce from the defendant, on the ground of two yoai's separation, and said defendant will further take notice that ho is re quired '-to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hay wood County, ;it, the Court Jlou.se in Waynesville, N.C., on the 11th day of May. i !'."('. and answer or demur to t he complaint in plaint iff will apply the relief ' demanded This 10th day of W said action, or the to the Court for in said complaint. April,.. 1930. G. BYERS, and Har lands of and l.el; ihe land Wesl by. and I lor ee.pied ) y Li ic I lardy' .y f'r.-i ,if Do 1 he' la w . r. on Liner ck I : I nds , HIT. K 1 I' lb .Albeit oi Ihe iir , ; r ,i. ii Above ra no is. I by the Francis. So ii l.li !v nd on t hi Modford 1 1 1 ; 1 1 w an 'At toniey, This '.being tin be.rei of, IT- b' edfo led .i i; (I fl. l',1 Deeds fo with the to the sa IiatelilT and IN celnbi'i' ol; IS, r llaywa lands id It. H ind sif ' same tract of r i: i: i. ilfoi'il and wife ai l lialclirt" by 1, IM 111. and re page ;'(!1, lie old County, t land Hal Lula deed i'd- rd of ;ellicr heri'tofore conveyed I . Italcliff by .1. N. ed dale cor.led lie l. in 'HI of II T I N Mary pfeinlier d; :i. page lywood Col f n ojn the t ... s'.io; 'liff by .'fi. and 1 1 ocord d ft lie b ed I'd. ed This s r and iifei a judgment a Haywood ( 1 , and action, and dor ab lleel l '.la mia i y took r,7. 1 nee is h is mailo vii t no ml upon f (he S oitntw i . ntor.. V llOf II. 1 !. Dr. eh bv !! 1 7C, I. c made rsuaiit tho p,, my on hove eon res, more Liner by ), and re wind d tie Th i duly appointed Court to jlldlitnent a llr:d in t. taves : hove to, till WIT (if l.T and ninr c.iji'ii of d March 1(1, above entitled undersigned ninilssloner of ndl said lands to satisfy rendered in ihis cause to scoured by deed of nd insiiraneo hdvaneed lia mod pla i n! iff. . tie (.'Jerk of the Superior Court of v woo.! County. N. C. No. IdO April l(i-23-30-May 7. ' RT NOTICE NORTH ( AKOLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR CO! .1. M. FARMER CALLIE FARMER The defendant, Callie Farmer, will take notice that an action entitled as above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant on the grounds of two years separation; and the said: defendant "Will .further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the (jerk of the Court of said county in the court house in Waynesville, North Carolina, on the first day of June, 1930, and answer or demur to xne compiainu m svaiu action as required by statute, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This April 1, 1930. W. G. BYERS. Clerk Superior Court Haywood County, North Carolina, No. 457 Apr 'J-Vi-i.M. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE On Wednesday, May Cth, 193G, at eleven o'clock, A.M. at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises: BEGINNING at a stake at the in tersection of the Southeast margin of State Highway No. 10 with the West margin of Brook Street, and runs thence with the margin of said High way, S. 54 W. 97 feet to a stake; S. 51 30' W, 50 feet; thence S. 39 30' E. 145 feet; thence N. 51" E. 80 feet tit Rronk Street: thence with the West margin of Brook Street, N. 14 Chestnut Park Drive and Sylvan W. 150 feet to the BEGINNING, be- Drive, and runs thence Southwest mar w 1 nH 2 of the Prevost Park tnn of Chestnut Park Drive N. 49 de- Arldition to Hazelwood, as per sur- grccs 30' W. 370 feet to a stake in the I fiili day (if March, l'JM. M. C. "ST AM i: V, COnmiisHioner of tlin fourt. No. A 5.1 - .March 2! A pr.2 -!l-1 . TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, John R. Cars well iind wife, Annie M. Carsweli, made and executed a certain deed (if trust to the Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, 'I rusti c, which said deed of trust v . .bears'- date of the . 1st day of January, 102H, and is record ed in Book 21 at page 41fi, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, to secure certain indebtedness, and, WHEREAS, on account of the ina bility of '-. the said . Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Caroinla, Trustee, to act, the undersigned, pursuant to and in compliance with law, has boon appointed Successor Trus tee under said deed of trust, by an Lri-fliument in writing recorded in Book 95 at page 217, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, and, WHEREAS, default having Ieen made in the payment of the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of said notes eviden cing said indebtedness having demand ed that the undersigned exercLse the power of sale contained in said in strument, and sell the property there by conveyed, as provided in said deed of trust, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on the Hth day of May, 1930, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the City of Waynesville, County of Haywood, and State of North Carolina, the fol lowing described lands and premises, to wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in or near the Town of Waynesville, County of Haywood, Waynesville Township, and more particularly de scribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the Northwest intersection of said margin; thence S. 40 degrees 30' W. 200 feet to a stake in a Northeast ern margin of Sylvan Drive; thence with said margin of Sylvan Drive, S. 49 dogrees MO' E. 199 feet to a stake in a Northern margin of Sylvan U e; thence with ad Northern margin of Sylvan Drive N. 82 de grees E. 2S7 foot to the BEGINNING. Being lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. li. 7, and 37. 3S, 3H. .10 and 41 of Biock "H," of Chestnut Park Addition to town of avnesville, as per survey of J. . Seaver, made December, 1SU2, and recorded in Map Book "A," page 190, Record of Maps of Haywood County, North Carolina. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the intersection of of a Southwestern margin of Sylvan Drive and a Northern margin of Sylvan Drive, and runs thence N. 49 degrees 30' W.125 feet to a stake m South west margin of Sylvan Drive; thence S. 40 degrees 30' W. 125 feet to a stake in a Northeast margin of Syl van Drive; thence with the Northeast margin of Sylvan Drive the fol lowing calls: South 57 degrees East 40 feet; North h2 degrees E. 12S feet to the point of BEGINNING. Being Lots Nos. 1 and 2 of Block "Cm" of Chestnut Park Addition to the Town of Waynesville a per survey of J. W. Seaver, made Decem ber, 1912; and recorded in Map Book "A," page 100, Record of Mups of Haywood County, N. C. Being the same two tratcs of land or lots of land conveved to trie s.aid John R. Carsweli and wife, Annie M. Cars well by J. Clarence Miller and wife, Virginia C. Miller, by deed dated November ltith, l'J23, and recorded in Book ti.", page 233, Record of Deeds of Havwood County, North Carolina. This the 7th dav of April. 1936. ANTHONY REDMOND, Successor Trustee. No. 4o9 April 16-23-a0-May 7. or. rt1 wim as n uomaj Favorable Impressions follow the use of De Soto Paints The result of over 30 years' experience by Master Chemist in Quality Paint making. Made in Memphis Paints r Varnishes lor Southern Climate How About Your Roof? This spriiiv, wont her is tho limo to ropair that roof Ih'I'oio tho ha nl su rumor rains and hot sun ots Jiore. (iot our roofing prices. on will bo pleased at whtit you can do Iho job for. Junaluska Supply Co. lMION'K 2(i.5-.l "JlSltUY LINER.-. Owner LA K K JIN A 1. 1 SKA, N. C. NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Are BARGAIN TIMES on 'LONG DISTANCE" CALLS ow t!ic low rales in operation for -long ()st;ince lelejilioniiii aller 7 IV -M.--apply nil day Sunday. Tliis extension oi ni'ilf tales to all I a y Sunday iiifludes liotli SU'vliou-io-Sialion and Person-to -Person calls to most, points. And now, loo, new low r;:!es apj)ly on I'erson-to-lVrson calls entry mpJil of llie week after seven o'clock to those points where the day Person-to-Person rate is more than 50 cents.. When you telephone out of town and will talk to anyone at the number called--that is a Slation-to-Station call. Hut if you must talk, to only one particular person, whose name you frive to the operator that is a Pcrson-to-Person call. Full information on these classes of service, and rates to many cities, will he found in the front pages of your directory. Kcmcmber, Nights and Sundays are bargain times for your long distance calls. : Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. INCORPORATED