Page 8 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL 16, I Political Announcements FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby imnminro that I am a can didate for n. -i.-lcctiun t the office of Register of Itccds. suhji i-t In the ar tion of the vuti :v in the Jur.o I'rimary EDWIN HAYNES FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Hay wood County, subject to the action of the Democratic pripinrv in June. MEDFORD LEATHERWOOD FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Kef.-i.ster of Deeds of Haywood, County, subject to the June I'rimary. CHARLES C. FRANCIS FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Hay Wood County, subject to the action of the voters in the June Primary. J. L. WALKER WIND- - Has its playful moments, 11 U T STORM WARN ING??? NO PLACE IS IMMUNE. Why not have complete pro tection? The extra cost is so little! Make sure that you have no weak spot in your insurance protection. Let us check and analyze your policies. The L N. Davis Co; Insurance Bonds Rentals Real Estate TELEPHONE 77 pill Proved Right Here In WAYNESVILLE o MnDi: MILES of real non-skid safety than from previous AH Weathers. Our custom ers' records show it. The new "G-3" is your best buy proved also by the fact it's America's big gest seller. Get set now for safe driving this springand summer get a set now! ALL- WtAIMtK w TIRES You Can Get More For Your Money In Goodyear Tires Why? Because we Goodyear dealers sell the most tlrea by millions and therefore can give you the most value at every price. 1 ABEL'S GARAGE SALES SERVICE Phone 52 Asheville Road FOR COMMISSIONER I am a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, to represent District No. 4, subject to the action if the Democratic primary June 6lh. R. T. BOYD FOR LEGISLATURE After much careful consideration and beini.' urtfed by many of my friends I have decided to become a candidate for the legislature, subject to the action of the democratic pri mary to be held in June If nominat "d and elected, I promise to jflve the best there is in me to the service of my county and state. W. T. LEE POR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce myself as a Oan lidate for the legislature, as repre sentative, subject to the action of the voters of Haywood County in the June I'rimary. Your support will be ap preciated. J. F. CABE FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce that I am a ean- lidate for nomination as a member of the board of commissioners of Hay wood County from the First District. Your support will be appreciated. W. W. HAYNES FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce that I am a can- lidate for county commissioner to present District No. 2, subject to the action of the Democratic I'liniarv June. T. R. MOORE FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce: myself as a can- lidale for Hie nomination from the ond District as a member of the id of commissioners of Haywood 'ounty. I will appreciate voui- vote. E. 15. RICKMAN OR BOARD OF EDUCATION I am a candidate for re-election as member of Hie board of . education of '. Haywood County, subject to the ictiori Of the voters in the June Pri mary, i will appreciate vour 'support. JOHN BEST FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce., that. I am a can- lidate for the nomination as .Sheriff of Haywood County, subject to the action of the. voters In. .the 'Juno Pri mary. I will appreciate vour support. GEORGE F. PLOTT FOR SHERIFF I am a ; candidate for the nomina tion as sheriff of Haywood County in the Primary on Juno sixth. Your vote will be appreciated. ROBERT V. WELCH FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce niysolf as a can didate for t lie nomina tioh to the olliee of register of deeds of Haywood Coun ty, subject, to tile action of the voters in the June Primary. I w ill appreciate your support. ... J. R. BOYD. JR. FOR SHERIFF I am a ea ndida t e for I he nonii na -tion of sheriff of llayuood County. subject to. the Welles of tip- voters ill the .June Piihiaiy. I am the lirst of my family of stroiii;' Democrats to ever .seek olliee. a ml your support will lie a pprcoialod. VAUGHN It. RIIINEHART FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby amioiince lhat I ,'ini. a can didate from District .Number Five for the nomination as a '.member of the board of coiiimissioners of l laywood County, subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic I'rimary in June. GLENN C. PALMER FOR SHERIFF l nereoy announce m.vsell as a eaiv ilidate for the ; nomination -ot. sheriff of I f.'iyw.ioil County... subject, to the action, of ..the llenioera tie Primary in June,. I will appreciate vour .Hup port A. G. RUSSELL FOR LEGISLATURE T ani a candidate for - membership in the: next legislature from Haywood county, subject to the action of the coming Iiemocratie primary. If elect ed I shall look after the. interests of the taxpayers to the best of my ability. Your support Will .be hnrhlv jinnre. elated. (DR.) F. M. DAVIS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself as a can- rl tfl i t a t w n n ... .. .w.v. iui iiuiiMu.iwuii uuu re-eieeuon as a member of the board of educa tion, subject to the action of the Democratic primary in '.Tunf. R. T. MESSER FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself aa a can didate for nomination and re-election as; a member of the board of educa tion, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary in June. HOMER V. CAGLE FOR COMMISSIONER I am a candidate for nomination as a member of the board of commis sioners from the Third District, sub ject to the action of the voters in the uemocratlc Primary In June. I will appreciate your support. .. J. A. LOWE The Political Firing Line (Continued from front page.) Clvde Hoey opened an attack on "Ralph McDonald from Illinois," last week during his trip into Eastern Carolina. The Shelby lawyer flayed his opponent with a vigorous defence of the North Carolina Democratic or ganization, saying, "All that Gilliam Grissom, the Republican nominee for governor needs to do is to take the speech being delivered by McDonald, change a few words and use it dur ing the fall campaign." Clyde H. Jarrett, lawyer of An drews, was nominated as Republican candidate for Congress from the eleventh district in Asheville recent ly. He was presented to the G. O. P. Convention by his father, R. F. Jar rett, of Jackson county, who has long been an outstanding Republican leader. Mr. Jarrett was nominated over Haslcy B. Leavitt, of Asheville. Tne eleventh district Republicans also named Mitchell F. Lominac, of Woodhn, and Walter R. Chambers, of Marion, as delegates to the national convention in Cleveland in June. Horace N. Sentelle, of Canton, and Fred I). Hamrick, of Rutherfordton, are alternates. Several weeks ajfo Congressman Zebulon Weaver announced he was a candidate for re-election to Con gress from the eleventh district. Oth er than Mr. Weaver, no other candi date has announced. There ha been some talk of W. 1!. Fisher, of Ashe ville and Andrews, state manager of the Tuwnseml Pension Plan opposing .Mr. Weaver. Mr. Fisher, however, has made no formal statement. Mr. Weaver spent the past week end in Western North Carolina. Some one ha.s dug' back into history and found that eight men names ended with "on" have run for presi dent and each one was elected. Some Republicans have conceded the fact thiit Governor Landon, of Kansas, will be their Candidate against Roosevelt, and they also point out that Landon's name ends with the winning "on." Richard T. Fountain, who made a desperate light in the governor's race in 11)32, is out again this year, but for the place now held by Senator Josiah W. Bailey, in Washington. Mr. Fountain was here recently, making visits around, and getting things in shape for the June primary. Word cominii-out of Raleigh after hi western trip was to the. effect that he got but little eneouragment in these hills regarding his chances of defeat ing the present .senior senator. "Sandy" Graham, candidate for governor is advocating- an immediate call for a special session of the Gen eral Assembly. It is his opinion that the assembly could transact all ness necessary within ten days. Mr.: Graham, however, did not spend all of his time last week talk ing about the special session of the General Assembly 'not. by any. means. In Dunn ;he flayed both his opponents -charging that Hoey had no program, and that Dr. McDonald proposed to do away with one source of taxation now yieldinis if. 10,000,01)0' a year, ami in turn increase state expenses .flO, 000.000,. but as yet had failed to dis close where he would find the neces sary !f 20,000,000. Play To Be Given At Rock .-.HIM The Parent-Teachers' Association of Rock Hill school will spon.sor a play, "Here- Comes Charlie," to be given -Saturday nijrht, April IS, at 8:00 o'clock in the Rock ilijl school house. The characters are: Nora Malone, Avis Medford; OfhVer Tim McGrill, Robert Ilovvell; Jlrs. Fanny Farnham, Kdmt lioyd; l.arry Klliott, Lawrence Leathenvood; Ted 'Hartley, Frank Tucker;: -Vivian Smvthe-Kersey, Mary lioyd; Uncle .'Aleck: TvvijrRs',' Dick Mooly; Charlie llopps, .Mary Lou Leathei'wotVi ; Mi's: CaiMlitle Sniytho Kersey, Claudia Boyd; Mortimer S'myt he-Kersey, Marvin Leatherwood. KAINSTOHMER Thanks to its "rainstormeF," a ma chine, recently developed by the For est Service tp produce artificial and controllable rain, new light has been thrown on the causes of floods. With the apparatus creating a hundred ar tificial rains the investigators have been able to study the influence of plant cover and erosiveness of soils. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election to the board of county commissioners from District N'o. 3 subject to the action of the Democratiic I'rimary in June. JARVIS H. ALLISON FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as a member of the board of commissioners from the lirst district, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary in June. J. E, HENDERSON Get Rid of Poisons Produced by Constipation A cleansing laxative purely vege table Black-Draught Ls the first thought of thousands of men and women who have found that by re storing the downward movement of the bowels many dlsagrernble symptoms of constipation promptly c& . be relieved. Mr. J. P. Mahaffey, of Clinton, 8. C. writes: "I have found that BlacK-Dratight is very effective In the cleansing 1 of the system, When affected by the dull head- , acne, the drowsiness and litssltude caused ; by constipation, I take Black-Draught." A natural, purely vegetable laxatlet. . BLACK-DRAUGHT i i I Hospital I XT - I !! J Mrs. Fay Miller, of Canton, is im proving. The condition of Mrs. Allen Rogers, of Canton, is fairly good. Reuben Inman, suffering with a fractured leg, is resting fairly well. Mrs. Gaude Caldwell, of Maggie, is improving. The condition of Miss Hazel Benon, of Canton, i.s fairly good following an operation. Mr. Joe Rhodarmer, of Clyde, is improving after an operation. Mrs. Ola Hall, of Canton, is rest.ini? easier, following an operation. Miss Alma Haney, of Mt. Sterling, is gradually improving. Mr. Gilmer Morrow, of Clyde, is resting fairly well, after an 'opera tion. The condition of Mr. William Smith, of Hazelwood, is, Borne better follow ing an operation. Mrs. J. H. Cabe, of Canton, is rest ing fairly well. DISCHARGED R. L. McElrath. .Miss Dorothy Cagle. Mrs. W. E. Green. Mr. (). II. Robinson. Mrs. Cecil Morrow. Gertrude Dorsey. Mrs. W. G. Henson. Mr. Walter Lowe. Miss Bonnie Kuykendall. BIRTHS Mr. and Mis. Hob Keener, of Joe, announce the birth of a daughter, on April the 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Huffman, of Canton, Route 2, announce the birth o a daughter on April 10th. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Cagle, of Dell wood, announce the birth of a son on April the 12th. TO ENTER DOG SHOW Col. Jack, the cocker .spaniel owned by Father I-'ine, will enter the Ashe ville Dog Show this week. Last year he won three blue ribbons. Nervous, Weak Woman Soon All Right I had regular shaking spells from nervousness," writes Mrs. Cora San ders, of Paragould, Ark. "I was ail run-down and cramped at my time until I would have to go to bed. After my first bottle of Cardial, I was bet ter. I kept taking Cardul and soon I was all right. The shaking ry;tt and I did not cramp, I felt worlds batter. I gave Cardul to my daughter who was In about the siinie condition and the was soon all right.' Thousands of women testify Cardul bene fited them. If it does sot benefit YOU, consult a physician. . Pro g r a in OF THE NEW Park Theatre If .Mrs. I,. I. Kaier had been pres eiu iMlnexday nigjjit she Would have iei-eivt( S:i(i.0O in cali. THURSDAY and FRIDAY "Professional Soldier" ' with Victor McLaslan and Freddie Bartholomew SATURDAY Valley Of The Lawless" V with Johnny Mack Drown MONDAY and TUESDAY "Ceiling Zero" with James Cagney and Pat O'Brien WEDNESDAY "Charlie Chan's Secret" :'y. with '".;"'' Warner Oland Night Shows .7:15 and 9:15 ADMISSION 10c & 25c 666 SALVE for COLDS ' price T.lnnM.TnHlotci Salve-Nose Drops 5c, 10c, 25c j din Ofa Qlijurrly uttiiatj ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev Howard V. Lane. Pastor. Low Sunday. Morning Mass at 11 A. M. Sermon by the pastor. Bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament af ter the Mass. Morning Mass in the library at the Cherokee Reservation at 8 A. M. WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERI AN CHURCH At the 11 o'clock service the Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper will be observed. This is our spring com munion. We earnestly urge every member to be present at this service. Bible school 9:45. L. M. Richeson, superintendent. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m., Miss Vera Hosaflook, president. Mid-week service ot prayer, Wed nesday S p. m. K. r. W ADK-tiK, Minister. WANTED TO RENT Fresh 4-gallon Guernsey cow lor lour montns, irom June first. Apply Adger House, or phone 62. A FAMOUS FAMILY OF MEN'S HATS BYRON - DUNLAP - KNOX C. E. RAY'S SONS A COMPLETE CLOTHING SERVICE Try At Home First You Will Never -Regret It SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMITH'S The Rexall ONE CENT SALE N 0 W O N Buy Now And S a v e Two lc Sale Items For The Price of One Plus lc, Hundreds of Items on Sale Saturday LAST DAY OF SALE EXTRA VALUES .".." DKODOIJAXT MUM 24c 7.rc IvAUOK NOXZEMA 49c l;.HGE SIZE OVALTINE 57c VITALIS . . 69c IAUGEST SIZE DR. MIT.ES ALKA-SELTZER Special ZZ 0ny $1.19 BAKSERV Injct-toWiY, 1.50 VEGETABLE COMPOrXD - LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . .1 i 25o TIIEDFOTtD'S BLACK DRAUGHT 2 for 25c OU ARE ALWAYS WAYNESVILLE BAPTIST CHiR H. W. Baucom, Pa-ur Regular services next V.; morning. , The evening service .:'' , tuvred by special music. A.V.j ie " sing many of the old hymns 'j -know what you like and we w it fcr you. We had a great Sunday, with the ordinance of ha-4" administered at the morning -t-v'. ' ADMIN'ISTRATRIXNOTI( f Having qualified as aiin of tbo potato C n. I " 'A ceased, this is to notifv a;! V V 'Wit VI A -. vj, orrow, re. Viflvinc rlflima noninct tt, the said S. G. Morrow, dtveaVd t' file them with the Clerk of the '?? perior Court of Haywood Ocuri-v 7 or before the 25th day of March V-,;-or this notice will be p'eadtr.f'a ' of their recovery. " All persons indebted to said es'a-s will please make settlement at o ce ; This 25th day of March, li;;" ' MRS, W. P. UOYD, Administratrix of S. G. Morr. vv, ceased. ' 4': No. 454 Mar. 26-Apr. 2-'.i-i..i,i Cosmetic Bag with purchase of large size LISTERINE FRI. and SAT. $1.00 AVIXE OP CARDUI . 64c $2.00 IjARGE S.S.S.; ..... $i $1.00 EXT. '. Ti. O. WAMPOLES 79c 15c Alb KINDS DYES 10c 49c WELCOME AT SMITHS FREE