THURSDAY. APRILJ3, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Letters Awarded Basketball Team rvuh C E. Weatherby recently pre rtea bis 136 basketball squads and nr letters for the past cam- Mrs, Roosevelt in Spring Togs u i J ...:u l. Mil-" i ..' i He awaruea wun tav.ii . mm v'Vieafter as each player received I Cr !n-r third certificate in the t tnev wouia aiso ue r'vni spo r ' i ba.I. Any piajer icren mur X 'ii the same sport would be ur t.,i a trophy. -Mattie Mae .Mes t,r w;u the only freshman to receive '"v'iV. and. therefore, is the only iat win nave a cuancf u rt trophy within the next four 3 gv uai (' ah Weatherby stated that two - I t.-am. ana his championship girls three managers would Kr.!uatf This year. Thufe receiving awards of the big V" were: Joe Cathey, Douglas HI j,.-,.. Wade Franklin, Thad Chafirj, q ". Smith. David Stentz. Dick Vhi-enhunt, Tom Blalock, Rill Swift, Tom Davis, Sarah Welch. Ruby Bur rtt.V Joan Phillips, Helen Rogers, IVt--y Milner, Evelyn Jones, "Red" Kaiiies, Clara Wyatt, Mattie .Mae Messer. and Clarence Hyatt. Thee teams completed one of the preatest seasons in point of games wo" for the Mountaineers. The boys team -bowed much improvement over team of the past few years, and the rrU won both the Blue Ridge Con- ference iournameni unu me tvt-.-n iii Carolina Teachers College nient at Cullowhee. Tourna- Read The Ads FOR MOTORING SAFETY 33 . . . BECAUSE WE SELL THE ONLY TIRE WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY 3 ,0, E3 9 An r. marine new invention, the Lifr Saver Golden Ply, has solved one ,f the greatest problems of rn itorinij safety heat. This heat, B.o 'rated inside your tires, is the great, unseen causeof high-speed blow-outs. Now the Golden. P!y rcGirts heat so that blow-out blis ters do not form. The only lire js in t!ic world with Golden Ply blow-out protection is the Good- Q rxh SjIvertown. Put this protec tion on your car and play safe. Q NO EXTRA COST! G E B E n B Q In spite of the fact th.-it it cost Goodrich thousands of dollars to buud the Golden Ply into Silver towns, these life-saving t ires cost tio more than other standard t ires. You get months of extra money saving mileage, too, with Silver towns. Come in and see us today and let us equip your car with this blow-out protection. r oodricn SAFETY WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY I, Distributor Commission Agent For The Texas Company I ' & . ! A- ! ?"' If ; -1 kl . . i . ilTr hs , iw Vim 1 ; r iiiMiii tii IDr.R. L. Moore To ! Present Diplomas ! To Bethel Seniors ! .. !1;'-.R-. J- -loore, nrtvident of Mars Jiil I o.lere, will deliver the Literarv oi pie mas to Hetliel llitrh April 24, w- 4 11. .tmie.-s aijj present thiity-eijrht senior at School, Friday ni-ht, kr:nniiiK' at 7:;iO o'clock. Or Moore is one of North Caroli na s loading citizens and imo of the 'Uth.s leadins Baptists. He entered Mars Ilu! Co!!ee;o thirly-nino yoa-s a.iro. as president, when the institu tion was in its infancy. :md his lead ersli:p and intlueiKe have been the mam laeiors in nuikuii' Mm- n,u.,.. i i ne icau'.nir junior coll t arolina. Dr. Moor.- treat million co, a imoi , over nunili of poop Carolina, and has won ! i rienasnip. ainl I others. has toai he- respect lejres in North wionjed a and min. V in North the love. of manv Ur. Moore is a and this combined cumulated by nior, tury of study and in .services as mand. His speaker of ability, witli wisdom, ac than half a i-en-expirience. make peaker highly in de- mossjii-o Pi-iit-ii. J ... l i . , . . "., ii if; in jc. .nn- m i- intniy inspirational injr, and interesting. intern)- W.C.T.C. Plan To Have Big Program (Special to The Mountaineer.) CUl.LOWHKK "Not only profit able but pleasant" is the watchword of the Western Carolina Tea.hers Col lege summer school this year. The college has arranged for a mod ern bus that will be used for educa tional as well as recreational trips.. l!oth a botanist and a geologist will be available to direct the trips. Co'.f will be provided for at rea sonable rates. Four tennis courts will lie avadable. Swimming will be pro moted. A person who is experienced in story-telling has been engaged to conduct a "story hour' in the even- mgs. Other minor forms of Bethel Seniors To Give Class Play School will present "Th Marlenburg Necklace," a mystery in three acts, by James C. Parker, Thursday nifcht, April 23, beginning at eight o'clock. The following compose the cast of characters: Evelyn Swanger, Lucv Medford, Ellen Hargrove, Charles Os borne, Burr Burnette, Verna Burress, Steve Cathey, I. my Calloway, (iladys Hog.'rs, Bill Hyatt, and Lynn Murray. Professor C. C. Ilanratn, principal of Bethel school, is the direior of the play. recrea- tion will be provided. 10 Pints of Blood We have In our hody about ten piiifi of Mood. Maithei The ni.'isilie .iieailing on tin (ufonnatiiin 11 d of ;nl of e.liti rial Nc new spnpor i tin la:;o that civ.' This double-breasted full-le Mrs. Rooevelt full-length 1 nV t-n-it t 1... II.. I . pi,. , , , ' v""- si iiiiMu-ioomed I weed in Eleanor blue, set off by a tailor,.,! silt :.. . . ected by Mrs. Frank,,,, D Koos,eit To e s , ri tfiV The k.rt .. of navy b,ue and uh.u checked tweed, violet dW rate the navy blue straw hat 1 1 AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE A I ) M 1 N I S r U 1 ( ) B S N Oil f E Having .pialitied as: admintrator of the estate of Sarah Ferguson, deceased, late of Ilavwood Comity, North Carolina, ihi.s is to notify a'H persons having claims against " said estate to pn'sent them tu the' under signed at V avnesville, on or before L"rd day of April, 1 !.!7. or this no tice will be ' pleaded in bar of their reeoveiy. All persons indebted to .sain I'Staio will ploa-e make diate set t lenient. This the L'L'nd day f April lll.'Jd d. V.. FKKtaiSON. ' Administrator of tho estatt Ferguson. 'e.J.-.L' Apr J:!-:!0-Ma.V 7-f-l-'l-L'S imme of Sarah K. ( swell Joed arswell and , made and of trust to .' WAYS TO I.EC-CIU NKFK. Mr, Editur an' Heer Beeileis, I want all who have ah intrust in my Cam pane to let me no what they think is the best way fur , ne to koruluet i! I meen how ye think I orter lec-cluin-eer. Of koaive, lieeriy all the Can dydates swap t'baeker, tell yarns, an' kuss a little; but 1 iintis sum uv-em just kum to town in their duiiy. work-a-day cloze an' with about .'1 weeks id' boenl on their, while others dress up -s.. iter detent. Now, I've . de-si(ied. that the best way fur Die to git voles js to alter nate tlieze 2 Plans--when 1 fully de cide .what '"His I'm rininin' fur The fuisi. plan' moot, work with tho .mop aliout, the Co.-ii'thmi-'o. on the st reets ail' so '..foil I't Ii. hut I'm a freed it won't wotk will) the. ladies. So, ka;iio,iaM.v Tin a-goin' to lay my See-gyar a'side, iresS up, lii! my ' s with gmii. .pin a bnkay on an'.Sally foiirtli. Yes, sii-ee! In this wav I 'think I ntvr git. the Moininashun fur sumi'i'm. 1 1 1 1 s: iiui -ever, eny good, ailviei you can '. givet me on how I oi'ter koiniuct my ( 'tim pano will tie a pt'eC shatiMl, heeau.e I've not got eny manager, ho money tin' m lickcr. We hud a big film1 at the nicotin' We had a big time I say; )es, wo 'had a big time at the met tin' An' 'Fred Douglas, he got the bokay.. . .We'll, ."we had a grate time at "the Farmers' Bankwil - but I don't no wltiteh one of them ladies got the bokay. But the wonder is, how them holies cooil tell so inelvv jokes without repeat in bi-fo.e lit oliles.s thev nd. komiaied notes I'NKI.K ABE ( ITS KOM I ZED. I'm a-gitten skecrd, Mr. I'iditur,-th- way our far hav.zards air runniti' up. W e alreddy had !! major an' (i do, minor hazziirds then the wim- nien kt named iiv-it i ! heze kniifuz Th.- in a :llg With .th; doz. inore. i r nioct 1 1! an But 'tin1 wiirsi I d ,i t ar ilu. what to do about hazzards V Hill The junk notis. t hat . ("he his, car gloary what it wuz fut fV g' -'J1T1- n 1 1 ; Well, I .-i-reen on hnddv axt ' I ''.;: "Whaf-chu think it's fur, if to; . keep pecpie froiii riihnln' over-iin '."' Of koarse. ,1 eo. d a say lot. more 'bout Cheef's . car if it wuzn't fur the respi'ikt I have fur old age. : -c ay; n rdi! ciot'.e. u t. ! . s : i v in' C! . to, kleeli to be koerf lueti a'dyh- -the hazzardit i ft .'inlos: an' save yore ol" saV we s. The ha nl paint un---nilint ('n wz a r i up : t.he ii how v us tii : i V eloze rod n't vai:e ut tin fa:-. g' I Kom liazzard II klee(. ave oui: tn burn' Miishuu- but. the. have' eny then, tay hazzard The lec- WIIFKEAS. ,ohn wife, Annie M. ( a, executed a certain , i no t ommeri'ial National Bank of ..High Point, North Carolina, 1 rustee, which f.aid 'deed f trust bears, date of the 1st day of .January, IPLN, and is record ed in Book L'l at page Hi;, jn the i mice, ot .the liegister of lecds Haywood t'ouniy. Nort), Carolina serufc certain indeiitediiess, and, WHFKEAS, on aei iiiinl .if the ina. nid Commercial f High Point, for . to WK HAD A (iBAI E 1 IMF! That- y.ooce to ho a little ditty that dates way back before the grate War, ; -whiteh went .jsunip'm like this NOTICE OF TIU'STEE'S On Wednesday,. May fi'!:, 1 !''!''. a' eleven o'clock, A. M. at the court house door in the town of Waynesviile, Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned trustee will Kell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises: BEGINNING at a stake at the in tersection of the Southeast margin of State Highway No. 10 with the West margin of Brook Street, and runs thence with the margin of said High- wav, S. 54" r. 97. feet to a stake; S. ol0' '30' W. 50 feet; thence S. 39" 30' E. 145 feet; thence N. 51 E. SO feet to Rrook Street: thence with the Wrst, marein of Brook Street, N. 14" V 1o0 feet to the BEGINNING, be ing lots 1 and 2 of the Prevost Park Addition ' to Hazelwood, as per sur vey and plat of J. W. Seavcr, made Mirch. !)2fi, and recordj'd in Map Book "C," Index "BV olTicp of the Register of Deeds of Haywood CJounty. This deed is made upon the express condition that no building shall be erected on said property at a value of less than $4,000.00, except, that after the construction of a $4,000 building, garages or outhouses may be built of less value. Sa'e niade pursuant to the power of sale conferred unon me by that certain deed of trust executed by J. H. Smathers and wife, Josephine P. Smathere, dated April 1, 1926, and recorded in Book 17, page 211, Pie cord of Deed8 of Trust of Haywood County. .. This April 6, 1936. J. R. MORGAN, Trustee 'No, 458 April 9-16-23-30. irii k st trick a t iiey ai dnwif. chane-o. t he lies' :U we the uter Von i.'izzardi.t i hility of th National Bank ,m.iiiiiui, i iusiee, io act, the undersigned, pursuant to ami in compliance with . law, lias' been appointed . Successor Ti lls lee under said deed of ti ns t . bv an JtisiJ. unient i,i' writing leoord. d m Book !!,- at page L'l 7. in Hie Oliive , f the Pegit ter of Heeds for Ilavwood County, North Carolina and WHEREAS,.' default, 'having .,. made in the iayment nf the indebt edness si nned by said deed' of (rild. andt the Imlder of said notes evid, n cmg said indeliiediioss having demand ed t hat t ho illldi r.signed exeiet i' t lie power nl' sale eniil. iitie.1 in h in. f ' uiiieiit , ;i n 1 1 sell t he proporl v t here, i'.v conveyed, as pinvi.le,! in -aid ,ee, t'ni 1 ' he uiiilers.ig,,, , Surces, or Ti n -tee w ill on I ho 1 It I, dav .'.f M.,v H I'-? o"'( Joi-k noon, oll'er for saip 'II al puhlir auct ion. (;,,,, , h Hit Utilise door, in he Cif v e, (Ymnl y (,f lla wood, North ('arnlina. tiie I'.il. i'hed la nil's a nd pi ( till; in n . imt t ne ' tiazzardites say mute dangerous than a niiol The I in.-- io . . ; i y '.(! orfio' e 'oze in a wii rni rooni: -liut 1 ceod lti'ii fnnii.tlie hazzard root the was wood hat we sliood to change. go out into the So, ve s(., V(i got so bet ween devil an' the deep bloo sea an' -o mossed" an' momixed up in my. niind that' I'll tie ;(. r.ed if 1 no what do. : THE ONLY WAY OFI". So,, I think the. best thing -to (lo in faekt. the only way out, is to jist throw f.if all this here komplex, "step-on-it,". "okey," 'niany-"sid.ed, messed up, hy-fullotin.' life an' tro way back an' be a cave man. All the most of us Wood need is a cave, an' we can find that; : It's eether that or jine the Xoodist Kolony, whir thar'll lie No Brane truttt nor New Heel. . No Mussa-loeny nor Hell Se-lati.-y. . No Lip-stick nor Jimmy Wave. . No Pum-h hordes nor Soady water. . No Bridge partys nor Si-etty. . No Far; hazzards. nor Rools what- sum-ever. , And last, but not least No Candydates a-p!ottin' on the Coarthouse green ! Instid, we'll have plenty of Whiskers like our Singer-man yooce to have. . . Raw meet an' urbs. , Home broo. . Raskin' in the sun like lizzardf an' so foar.h. . Plenty of Fleeze. . Good kinlin wood. Plenty of purty wimmenan' twins triplets, be! Dionne 5's an up gloary Wid Medford, Frank Davis, Cheef Whitener, Gaston Burnett, John Bovd, Lee Trantham, Tom Kirkpatrick, Ma rion Snyder, Lowry Lee, Geo, A. Brown, Uncle Geo. Garrett, Aint Ida Mullis an' a boast of other.? have al reddy decided to jihe me. Of koarce, all the defeated Candy dates will want to jine us aiter the June Primary . . then won't we have a Hell Se-lassy of a time! Itrti and sell a I. I h e ( of WavnesV .Hid Slate of lowing de-C to wif: A i-ertain ho", or. parcel 'of laii "r i-' '! the lown of; :Wavne:'-ville, County of Jlaywood, Waynesvilh' Town-litp, and i'nr iaiti'cii-l;'irly de ibed ;): f oilows; ' ' , ' MUSI' I II Cf: BEGINMNi; at a staki; in the Northwest iniei sei t ion of t'liestiiuC. Park Jlrive. and Sylvan J'rive, and runs theni'e Southwyst'iniiN gin of ("hev( m,t, Park J ii ive N. ;j grees an: W. ::7I .ft t,i H . tako in san.l inatgiti; t'lu-nce- S. 1(1 flee-rees til)' W. L'OO feet t a stake in a Norliieast- eni -margin id Sylvan Drive; thence wit h .- a til margin of Sylvan Dri ve S. -1!) degrees .'i0' E. : JU! feet to a' stake in a Northern margin of Sylvan Jtve; thence with -aid Niithern 'margin, of Sylvan Drive N. K2 de grees E. 287 feet to the BEGINNING Being lots Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, C, 7. ami '17, :,H, :!, 40 and 41 of Block "H," of he.vl.tiut Park Addition to town of Waynesviile, ti ptr survey of J. W. Seaver, made December, 1!U2, and recordi'd m Map Book "A," page 100, Record of Maps of Haywood County, North Carolina. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the intersection of of Southwestern margin of Sylvan Drive and a Northern margin of Sylvan Drive, and runs thence N. 4 deo-rees 30' W.125 feet to a .stake in South west margin of Sylvan Drive; thence S. 40 degrees 30' AV, 125 feet to a stake in a Northeast margin of Syl van Drive; thence .with 'the Northeast margin of Sylvan Drive the fol lowing calls: South 57 degrees East 40 feet; North 82 degrees E. 128 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Being Lots Nos. 1 and 1 of Block "G" of Chestnut Park Addition to the Town of Waynesviile as per survey of J. W.Seaver, made Decem ber, 1912; and recorded in Map Book "A," page 100, Record of Maps of Haywood County, N. C. i Being the same two tratcs of land or lots of land conveyed to the saidsjohn R. Carswell and wife, Annie M.Cars-i well by J, Clarence Miller and wife, I Virginia C. Miller, by deed dated , November 10th, 1923, and recorded in Book 65, page 233, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. I his the 7th day of April, 1936. ANTHONY REDMOND, I Successor Trustee. No. 459 April 16-23-30-May 7. a V '' .."'IN',' . .'1 X She has. made a home Instfiid of waslin hor (imo over (he family w;oih lul), she is (U'votinji iuhhUmI linu' ( Jut family, ami sending her laundry (o us. . . .and we dean (he in CLEAN bemuse our miulern e(iiipinen(, and lon years of expei ience enables us to jj'ive ;t heller job, and a( no evlia eosl. si:m) voi k la in dry and di:v ci.kamn; to thk Waynesviile Laundry, Inc. IMIONi: 205 Ills' -.O" 1 ! ,f -' i r . I ll"-i '-s A J mm ' ''' I I, , I That czTtffn scona Ec ffsit poarcZa PAINT IT UP VVITJI DESOTO 4-Hour Floor Enamel Recommended for Wood or Concrete Floors, Exterior or Interior Surfaces Made in Memphis P.VINTS &VARNISHES Tor Southern Climate Our Machine Shop Is Modern I'efore you buy a new piece of machinery, it will pay you to let our experienced machinists in our modern machine shop give it the once over. In most instances we can fix it for just a small fraction of the cost of a new piece and always a satisfactory job. a I Junaluska Supply Co PHONE 263-J JERRY LINER, Owner LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C.

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