1936 THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER A f) Mary Carlisle By HARRISON CARROLL Sing Features Syndicate, Inc. u, )i I YWOOD Mary Carlisle's ,.noe witn ner is really an amazing story. Since the blonde star's return from England, she has received 32 cable frrams from the young man. averaging 25 words apiece (cables come at 34 cents a word, too). Not satis fied with this, he has called her on the long distance telephone 11 ,,w, talking In her absence to her mother the servants or anyone who would answer. Not for just three m,nutM either, but for 10 and 15 minutes at a time. Despite London dispatches that he married an English girl, his latest cable assures the star that he is sailing for New York immediately anj will lose no time in flying to Hollywood. Says Mary: "It's getting ridiculous. I wish he would stop it." Amusing about Jack Oakie. It was finally decided that Venita Varden would not accompany him on location for "The Texas Hangers" and Jack took the train alone. We don't know what happened, but an S. I'. S came from the comedian and Ins f,nl'' chartered a plane to join him in C.uliup- We hear that Jack was w.iitinc impatiently at the end of a cow pasture when the plane landed. number of das, but is doing her routines now without apparent handicap. Elaborate Plans Made For Staging Pageant At WCTC Heard an amusing story illustrat ing Jean Harlow's wit. Several years ago, Charles Hover did a not too important part as Jean's chauffeur in "Hed Headed Woman". The other day, the two met ajrain after the French actor had been signed to co-star with MarU-iu-Dietrich in "The Garden of Allah". "When are we going to play to gether again T' asked Jean. "You mean in another picture like the last one?" asked Hoyer "Oh. no," flashed Jean. "This rime I'll drive you ! " Cqlebration Will lie Given On Hillside At Teachers College At Cullowhee Friday Night CL'LI.OWHEE. May 14 Elaborate I plans are hemp ma.ie at Western1 Carolina Teachers College for the presentation of "The Pageant of Edu cation," in celebration of the hun dredth anniversary of the beginning! of public education in North Caorlina. It wiK be given on the evening of May' 22, on the hillside theatre of the: west 'campus. j The North Carolina Symphony Or-; chestra, of which Joseph De Nardo is director, has been secured for the music. It is composed of thirty-nine members. Special arrangements of folk tunes and melodies of the periods represented in the pageant will be played. Miss Grace Murphy, of New York, a fraternal theater playwright, edited the pageant, and Mrs. Eddie M. Wil ton wrote the dialogue. Dean W. E. Bird the prologue and continuity, and Miss Cordelia Camp collected the his torical data. ' Mi. Corinne McNeir, of Chapel Hill, and Miss Catherine Neal, of Cul lowhee. have dene research work ftir the costumes needed in the several episode. Miss McNeir is instructor of the history department under the extension division at the University of North Carolina. Miss Neal is head of the art department at West ern Carolina Teachers College. t H T Hunter will be the narrator of the pageant. He will bo' Wive Older Tkaa Huskds The Empress Josephine was older than Napoleon; Queen Catherine of Aragon was older than Henry VIII; Mary Stuart was older than Francis 11 of France; Jenny I. Intl. older than Otto (ioldsclimidt ; 1 'Israeli's wife was 1 hi elder by lo yearn: Ann Hathaway j Sliakcseare was '. ml-Ii! e::r older than her IuisIi.mm! ; Mr Wane" Har.lin- w.i- old.-r t'.:,t r- l'-e-i.tenr. .ir..s...i in a flowitiir r.-een robe and i will be seated on hiirh oia'formj over the center stage. j Amplifying arrangements have beep! made thereby providing mai an most who see, can also hea-- The telephone exchange is providing a system of tel ephones whereby the pageant may be directed from one spot. OLD-FASHIONED SHORTCAKE 2 cups flouv. 4 teaspoons baking- powder. s teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sufrar. One-third cup butter. cup milk. Sift together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar. Cut in the butter until the mixture is coarse. Stir in the milk slowly to form a soft dough. Roll or pat on a floured board to one half inch in thickness. Bake ia one cake in a pie pan or cut with a bis cuit cutter into individual biscuits. Hake in a hot oven, 425 F., about 15 minutes. When done spirt in half, spread with butter, and put sweeten ed fruit between the layers ami on. top. Serve warm with cream, plain or whipped. Read The Ads The old argument about destroying the illusions of fans has cropped up again, with the result that Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has banned still pic tures showing the camera and the crew photographing a scene. Holly wood has always been jittery about letting the public see how the wheels go around. Recently, we discussed the question with Director Clarence Brown. His theory is that serious fans become all the more Interested in pictures after visiting a studio and seeing i:ow films are made. He con cedes, though, that a small percent age of fans might have the glamor destroyed. What do you think? I Only eidit people from the Metro CJol'twwi-.Mayer studio saw tin? sneal ew of "Kotiieo ami Juliet . win 1 'union:! h While s far put and all i.n v whs held at nearby si uiits were "looking" for it a:i as Sa" Francisco. The was -i.ivvii-.Vit in 14 reels yen. hear are raves. Irving Thalherg was so nervous no tiiiivi.i at the theater two heiirs in advance of the showing, to walrh the type1 of audience that would view 'his pet picture. IVsirinir yuutniu! reaction.- studio . attaches telephoned a nearby ' woman's college, to tip .oil t;c preview. The message ai-rivoil iIiiiuk' I lie ..linnet hour and the girls left their food and made a dash for the 1 beater. As near as we ran find out. only inc..!. nlal retakes are required helore the pat lire is released. ..- Here and there in filmland. . . . Ida Liiipino's mother has now darkened her hair four shades to match her prettv dotta s. . . . W hen Hetty ! unless f o u n d six ot Mario lresslers letters in a pack ing c a s e she bought unopened a t a n am i ion. the first rush ol fan mail were o!fer to huv the setiv crurs. Now. xavs l.etty. thev are out niinilie red to sell her . relics 1 hat was 1 .ie I .ai niiule. Jr.. at the oilier evening. to n.s bH lr; Hetty Kurness You Asked Me and I'm Telling ml. Sahe r.erkovieh, I'.rooklyn : l-.l. anoi Whitnry'.s "injury in rehearsals tor -'l"bi-ee I'heers for Love" was painlul bin not serious. roc tors say she siraiiled a ligament In her shoulder, flu: bad her back taped up for a by letters oftering of the late star. . . IVunhar with Carl the ( ale 1. amaze linsita Moreno telephoned Hushand Mel Shaiier that she opi her personal appearaner- lour in I.liua. l-eru. ill May lld we are collected bv another sfav-up-l.iter who savs that the girl with loin liniiMi at the ( entiirv i Inl. the other z a ru: -was not I lei. n Moles hut Ih laine Moler. she s ti Virginia. suit and she s hreaking into pictures TODAY'S PUZZLE What iiiaii-ahout -low a, w ho is re joicing over the return of a blonde actress from the east, would .In- disappointed if he knew whom si realiv came hack to see? COXCRATl LATIONS TO MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY 20th ANNIVERSARY O VOLI Hebrews With Columbus The American Hebrew says that on Hie lirst voyage of Columbus -five of the crew were of Jewish blood, including the ship's doctor, named liernal, and the Interpreter, Luis de Torres. The IrUh Terrier In appearance the Irish terrier Is quite similar In outline to the wire hair fox terrier, but Is larger and heavier and red in color. His head should be Ion? and lean, his eyes small, his ears V-sliiiped, buttoned over and set on top ; f his lie.'id. Plant! Always Thirsty Plants are always thirsty because they lose so much moisture through evaporation. Yet there are some that can so without water for Incredibly long periods, For sxaniplCj one spe cies of Mexican squash can store enough water in its base at one time to keep it alive for X years. Collier's Weekly. ... Ancient Uly in fccuailor GuiivautJil. one of .Ecuador's most Important cities, . whs founded by l,le nalcaznr it: 1 - - - . -" ; - ' 1 "" ' ': T T' THE EMBLEM OF BETTER Radio Tubes DISTRIBUTED BY FRECK RADIO CO. ASHEVILLE N- C- For Better Performance From Your Radio,--Insist ..On- Sylvania Tubes THEY COST NO MORE imp V. :-.c-1 .1 75x ll realize ' m It I aU ti $M 1 Sold By II SALES SERVICE B I Phone 31 churth Street I AN MEAN TO YOU IN TH E DAY-BY-DAY OPERATION OF YOU R HOME ? 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AND SO IS ELECTRI C REFRI GERATION Of course, an Electric. -Refrigerator will save you money it in certain to do that for the operating cost is so very low. And it will save your time, too ! Think of enjoying perfect food protection, plenty of ice cubes, dainty frozen salads and desserts.. The new models are most reason ably priced. nj rrt: An Electric Chest; offers the ad vantages of Electric Refrigeration to those who haven't room for a standard sized refrigerator . . . Electric dealers are showing the ne w 1 '..'!; mod els at prices which will please you .., see this com pact, attractive and efficient form of Electric Refrigeration today ! Martin Electric Co. ALSO ELECTRIC WATER H E ATI N G Plenty of HOT WATER All the Time At Low Cost! Connect it and forget it that is exactly what you can do with an Automatic Electric Water Heater and you won't even have to think of it when your service bill comes in for the operat ing cost is very, very small! Think of enjoying HOT WATER every minute day or night without work or worry. You can enjoy this convenience for a surprisingly little investment. Sold on Easy Terms! ; MAKE YOUR HOME AN ALL-ELECTRIC HOME! Visit your Electrical Dealer and learn how conveniently you can own and use these modern home essentials! GAROLIiM POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ;-'v ' -' il--N f I I I I I l l.. , . " I F jij3sjgjsgjapHBBssWs