THlTtSPAY, MAY 21, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOlNTAINEEK .rwand Iti Myterie Described by Scientiat rliest days oi ciu"" some of tne priei-L-i- " i,i kout watcn 01 " 3- .'. ,i, noticed either that the . ftie ea evidently :it themselves after about many of the neaven- ,.ns n . . ,r that :" - 0,me back to similar posi lv i,,m- about this same ill ' a ,.. real 4 tt,e origin in i" m days. later discorereu about 305 days, according os 11. Breasted of the Cni- At about tins same scientists began ri,u. unit of CO, the basis ID if o? '1--' f' C'Tl ,,f arithmetic known and which itv nf Chicaso- i...l..titiin a celin .-called which sexijresinial system of was used in the first as- i,..n..ved to have have ten lingers. mltiliilllS Oneil pi.r.r t.u modern decimal Sys- l,t:!er ' . ... , ive originated be- tc31 ii ,w the ancient Babylonians ever v. ',';,.,, to think of this number '''.' of 00 always has been a m.vs T lector Breasted suggests that If ;;,v have begun as first one-sixth f ' vcir there being some evidence !L ,'' ancient Babylonian name for TwMch was "shusshu," originally fflnt "one-sixth." On this theory, o,, next st.'i) would have been to di- vide the ;iU or iw.ouu.w i ins e V DS groups ui uv .into sixths, davs eaci o, lii unit and after many historical vicissitudes in ,l,e im'-W-rn clock face. oil which soon ueveiupeu unu which still survive Napoleon Adopted Bees as Symbol of Activity The bees, as the symbol of Napo leon's dvnasty. are said to have had their origin In the following manner, according to a writer in the Washing ton Star: In the year 1053, the towb of Chil ,eriv. the father of Clovls, was opened, anil the valuable contents removed. The skeletons of Chimeric's war horse anil of his page were found; also, about ;) small objects which the French heralds mistook for bees "of purest puld. their wins being Inlaid with a reil stum-like cornelian." .-'Although these small ornaments re-tii-jiihli'il bees, they were in reality what Is known" as "neurons," and were sup posed to have been attached to the traiiii)Ks of the war horse. Later, they were sent to Louis XIV, but It was rot' until the time of Napoleon that they, were given any real significance. He adopted the "bee" its a symbol of the enterprise- and activity which his reign represented, and he caused the symbols to be sprinkled profusely over . the imperial robes. . Dripwork Clock Clerks as we know them are not much, more than eight hundred years old, hut the hour-glass, time mens tired by' the slow and regular passage of line sand from one bulb to another, Is much oliler, and there is a clock modeled upon one used by the Egyp tians at least s thousand years 15. C, This atii ii-nt timepiece was an earthen wire jar, covered with hieroglyphics and' lined with water. A very small hole in tb,. bottom of the vessel al lowed tin.- water to escape drop by droi. tin the outside of the jar were notches marking the hours, and time wan ineitstired by the level of the wa ter In relation, to -these notches. An other device, which belongs to much the same period, was the shadow clock. It consisted of two upright wooden pegs in hoard, and time was reckoned by tbe length of the shadows they east. Tit-Bits Magazine. Underground School Unlike Britain, where schools are built so as to admit as much fresh air ml sunlight as possible, the Lapps burrow under the earth. Only the thatch or tiled roofs of their schools can be seen. The rest is all cellar. -Sunlight does not matter, because for at least six months of the year It Is perpetually dark, while for only three months does the sun shine continu fusly. Fresh air In the form of cut ting blasts is most unwelcome, and In winter, spring, and autumn everything Is dime to keep It out The atmo sphere In Lapp schools, with every trevire blocked and heating apparatus nut on, 1 8 more than English lungs could henr, but the people there are usea to it J. Feu? Q, Little If Rag Man Ue Everything There is nothing for which the rag merchant cannot find a use, says Tit Bits Magazine. iild felt hats are transformed under his magical Im pulses iiiM new hats; appallingly lad dered and woefully darned stockings become n.-w pairs of gleaming impec cable silk : eld sacks are tra iisiniited ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator Etta Reeves of Havwo"J into brn paper wisps of materia! ing ni:ieh:tie:v :ir furnish stn'rn;; armchairs. Even I to anuht ly tll.-se v i! AMBIGUOUS ul i -..: 1 1 ciirN ::t:ng a She was a very beau daughter with a head of that people are forever eoiu Naturally, the mother l;a Nv.-tis. little self -conscious regarding tn-e child's looks. The other day the two of them boarded a Lee road bus and the mother absent-mindedly put a dime in the Ihn Said the conductor: "The little girl's fare." "Yes." returned the neither coin placently, "isn't she'.'" Cleveland Plain Dealer. NO BON-US t j A-y "- f;L' Cat Why are you cmng to get tin other home? log Cause the people I are vegetarians, that's v, by. live wli Johnny, of lienor A Real Feed age six, had been the guest at a party the. day: before and one of his little friends was re garding him-enviously. "IloW was It?" he asked. ' Iid you have a good tlmeV" "Iid 1?" was the emphatic answer. "1 ain't .hungry ' yet !" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTK'K Having qualitn-ci as administrator of the estate of 'Sarah l'ergasun, deceased, late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all person having nanus against saict estate to present them to the under signed at WaynesviKc. on or, before Li.'lrd day of April, HW. or this no tice will Ik- pleaded in bar of their recovery. Aii persons indebted to raid estate will please make imme diate settlement. This the 2nd dav of April, llKlti. J. K. r'KRGUSON. Administrator of the estate of Sarah Ferguson. No. 4ti2 Apr 23-30-May 7-14-21-28. NOTICE All persons will take notice that the undersigned has this day quali fieU as Administrator of the estate of S. L. UnderwHul, deceased. Any person owing the aforesaid estate will promptly pay said accounts and all persons having claims against the said estate will tile the same with the undersigned on or before the lGth day of April, l'.'oT. or this notice will bo pleaded m bar of their recovery. This the 10th day of April, 19MG. W. T. CRAWFORD, Administrator of S. L. Underwood, deceased. No. 4tU Apr 23-30-May 7-l4-i;i-Z. NOTICK OF TRl'STKK'S SALE On Mondav, May 25th, l'UlW, at eleven o'clock A. M. al the court V a v n e s v i 1 1 e , Haywood C'ountv, North Carolina, I will fell at public outcry t0 the highest bidder for cash, the following lauds and prem ises lying and being in Boaveniam Township, Haywood County, N. ('., and more particularly described as fol- 1ST TRACT: BF.tHNNINO at . a stake the Northwest corner of lot No. of the esuate of Mr Noland, deceased, late i Countv, North Carolina ' tity all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Clyde, N. C, Route tine, on or before 2ord day of April. IS1;)?, or this notice will be pleaded m bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate will p. ease make immediate settlement. This the 22nd dav f April. I'.KSG. 1). REEVES NOLAND. Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Etta Reeves Noland. No. 403 Apr. 2;-o0-May 7-14-21-28 NOTICE OF TKl'STEE'S SALE TRUSTEES WHEREAS, Hugh Elizabeth Fudge Abel, cuted a certain deed Commercial National this is to no-j point. North Carolina. Trustee said deed of trust hears date l;th day of February, li2S, rooo.-ded in Book 21, on pa ire the office of the Register of D The Original General Sherman it was Chauncey Depew, himself a noted after-dinner speaker, who said "mi Vieneral Sherman of Civil war fame, was "the readiest and most orlg' nai talker of his time." At banquets Ids fashion was to rise and address the musicians Instructing them as to me music they were to play. Then, to the waiting orators, "Each speaker " to speak as long as he holds his au- uence." The, to the guests, "A good hearty laugh and marked applause are all rlKUL hnf Elutive Candor "Remember," said the pompous nt torney, "that you are expected to tell nothing but the truth." "I'll try to do so." answered the timorous witness. "Hut I won't know how far I have succeeded until you have gotten through with the cross- examination." A Good Imagination Schoolmaster Now, Willie. If the earth's axis is an Imaginary line, can you hang clothes on It V Willie Yes, sir, Schoolmaster Ha, ha. That's good And what sort of clothes. Willie.' Willie Imaginary clothes,, sir. Hit Specialty "Why (lid you break your engage ment with Tom''" "He deceived me.' lie told ine In whk n liver and kidnev specialist, and 1 found oiit that he only worked in a butcher shop." Stray Stories Maga 7-ine. to 1 1, and runs S. 72" E. with the street, ii to n stake: thence ft. 7 poles, 7 . link to a stake; N. 72" W..11 poles to a stake street: thence with eHM street, E. 7 poles, lilNNINtl, Arbitrary Settlement Chief Aec.oiinta.nt There's miss ing from the cash drawer and no one hut you and I have a key to it. Cashier Well, let's 'each put ii dol lar back and forget it ltoval Ar canuiu Itulletiu. SO WHAT 1 w. thence in the N. 4" and i liriKS 10 im ui. containing one. half a-re, and is a part of. lot JNo. 11. oi me j. B l'hillips land, as per survey and map made bv T. C. Dohson, which is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, N. t. Vli TRACT: HEtil.MAt. ti.,1.) i..iiiirer's Northeast corner, and runs with the street S. 72 poles to the Northeast corner V,. flience Suth with line Vo' nolo a'nd 4 feet to "a'flako tbonee a Northwest course to Swanger Southeast: corner; with Ills South line 7 pole io the HKdlNNlNCi. containing half acre, more or less. This also a part, of the. I.. 11. rhiHips lafldp and is the same property .conveyed to J. ('. Johnson and wife, Ada Johnson by deed dated nth day Of June, l'.tJD. by R. A. II us key and wife, Fannie Wev which L of record in the of "the Register of Deeds of Haywooc 'Countv', N. C, in Hook .r).r), page BU. . Kale made pursuant to the . power .,r nl,.- conferred unon me by virtue nf I'lwit certain deed of trust execute! l,e .1 C .lohnsun and wife, Ada Tl,v,v,t-n .Piled Sentrmlier 5th. 10'U and recorded in Hook 20, page 285, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, N. ('. This the 25th day of April, 1936. A.T.WARD, Trustee. No. 40 1 April lill-May 7-14-21. PROPERTY On Monday, May 25th, U;id. at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court house door in Waynesville, Haywooo County, X. C, 1 'will sell at public outcry to t he highest bidder for ash. the following lands and premise ly ing and being in Hcaverdam Town- I ship, Hayw-ood County, and more particularly described as loilows: Being lots Nos. ;i8, II'.1 and 40 as per map and survt-v made by R. V. Justice Sent. 25, 1!21. of the W. H. Robinson propertv in Phillipsville, as recorded in Map Book "B." Index "R," Haywood County, the same being; a subdivision of lot Nos. 12 and 27 of the T. C. Dobs)i survey of the C. E. Phillips lands; said lot herein convey ed being more particularly described as' follows: BKC.INNINC on the Northeastern intersection of two streets in West Canton, one leading toward Clyde, and runs with the North side of the other Fast 100 feet; thence North 14U feet; thence with Hiram Rains line, N. 77 W. 100 feet to the Miid street leading toward Civile; thence with said street .South 172 feet to the HFC INN INC. b'ing the same lots conveyed to AlbnK Howell by T. D. Coghurn and wife, by leed recorded in Book t2, page 4!:l, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, and being the same land conveyed by Albert Howell and wife to J. S. Molia'tiey by deed dated July a, 1'.I2.'1, and Toeordod in Book !H, page 490, . Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Being also the same Rs of land conveved in a deed from M. !. Stanley, iTruntee, to J. K. Morgan and Ceo. H. Ward dated March 15, I5CH), and re corded in Book 82, page 441. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upoii nie by virtue of that certain deed of trust execut ed by J. O. Johnson and wife, Ada Johnson, dated September 5, I'JUl, and recorded in Book 2ii, page -HI, Record of Deeds of I rust, ot liay-w-ooil Countv Thi April 25, l'.i.'tf.. A. T. WARD, No. Klfv April HO-May 7-11-21. Havwood County, North I arolma. stMirc certain indebtednses. and, .WHEREAS, on account of the ina bility of the said Commei'cial National Bank of High Point, Notrh Carolina, Trustee, to act, the undersigned, pur suant to and in compliance with law, has been appointed Successor Trus tee under said deed of trust, by an ;iki i 'Iment' ill w lt.inir ivcorded in Book H5 on page 217, in th the Register of Deeds for County. North Carolina, and. Will ERE AS. d. fail!:, having been made in the navment of th oi-m-.NS secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of said notes evidenc ing sai.l indebtedness having demand ed that the undersigned exercise the power of sale contained in said in strument, and sell the property there by conveyed, as provided in said deed of trust, the undersigned Successor- SALE euant to and in compliant with law, Abel and wife, has been appointed Successor Trus made and exec- tee under said deed of trust, by an of trust to the instrument in writing recorded in Bank of High) Book i5 on page 217, in the office of , which; the Register of Deeds for Haywood of the' Countv. North Carolina, and. and is, WHEREAS, default having been 440. in made in the payment of the indebted eds for. edness secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of said notes evidenc ing said indebtedness having demand ed that the undersigned exercise the power of sale contained in said in strument, and sel! the property there by conveyed, as provided in said devd of trust,, the undensigned Successor Trustee, will on the 15ih day of Jura - ollice of Haywood aili on E. 12 of lot of lot Lake ; said thence and 4 feet one- nii s otliee "It's a long lane that has no turning." "Squared another grudge against somebody, eh?" TIU'STKE'S SALE 1 !.". at 12 o'clock noon, offer for and sell at public auction, for casii, at the Court House door, in the City of Waynesville. County of Haywood and Suite of North Carolina, the fol lowing doscrilH-d lands and premises, to wit: A certain lot or parcel f land in or near the city or town of Waynes ville, County of Haywood, Township WnynoKvillo, and more, partiularly described as follows: BFClNNTNCi at stake stand ing in the intersection of the Northwest margin of sidewalk of Love Lane with the Southwest margin of: Ray Avenue, and runs thence withl the Southwestern margin of Ray Ev-j enue North 52' West 2:t4 feet to a stake in said margin; thence South 10" West 120.5 feet to a stake in a branch; (hence South I5" Fast 226 feet to a stake standing at the end of a rock wall in front of the borne of Mrs. J. F. Abel, said stake being in (he Northwest margin of tin- side walk of Love Ijwic; thence with the Northwest margin of Love Lane side walk North 10" Fast (10.5 point of BKCINNIN'C, as and plat made hv'.lohn N C. F., February 21. t!2. Being ihe same property convoyed to the ,.aid Hugh Abel and wife, Eliza beth Fudge Abel by Bessie Love Abel, and huslmnd. Dr. J. F. Abel, by deed dated March 7, P.t2H, and recorded in Hook 50, page i00. Record of .Deeds of Havwood County,. North . arolina, This the I 1th day of May, V.K, Successor Trustee. ANTHONY REDMOND. i lleazel, -Shu ford v Hartshorn, Ashevillc; N. ('. No. IO'.i - Mav 21 28 June 4 11 I l!;ii, at 12 o'cliH-k noon, otter for sale ! and sell at public auction, for cash. :t? the Court House door, in the C.:y of Waynesville, County of Haywood and State of North Camlina. the follow ing described lands an. I premises. t- indeht-l w it : A certain lot o- pan-el of 'and in or near the city or town of Waynes ville, County of Haywood, Township Waynesville, and more partinoularly described as fvdlows: HEC.INNINC at a -take standing in the Southern margin of Smathers Strei-t, Charlie Love'.s corner, which said state is t!S0 feet with the South ern margin of Smathers Street, in an easterly direction, from the inter section of the Southern margin of Smathers Street with the Fasten margin of Hovd Avenue, and runs thence S. 25 ;W E. 210 feet to a stake in the Northern bank of Richland Crook; thence with the bank of Rich land Creek as it meanders in a South eastern direction 105 feet to a stake; thence North 25 11 :10' West 272 foot to a stake in the Southern margin of Smathers Street; thence with the Southern margin of Smathers Street South 75 West 105 feet to the BE (ilNNlNO. 'C-ounlaining' acre more or less and known as the James McLean lot and a strip of the Charlie Ijove Lot. and being the same lot of land conveyed to R. T. Boyd and W. C. Morrow by Flmoda J. Turpin and J. B. Turpin as recorded in Rook 5.1, page .'175, Record of Deeds if Hay wood Countv, North Carolina. This the l'lfh dav of Mav. HIM. ANTHONY REDMOND, Successor Trustee, Hazel, Shufoid Hartshorn, Ashevillc, N. C. No. 470 May 21 28-.Iune 4-11 feet to the per survey , ShiKvlbred, SALE OF SCHOOL Sign Ner Help Man (to neighbor painting bis fence) Are you going to put a "Wet Paint" sign on your fence? Neighbor Not on your life: Do you thln' I want to have finRermarks all ove la ' . ng i Patty PaU said: "Let's be pals. tegular irion to 10 o'cloc pot stre it is imp he answered O. K., she said: w about dumping out the cod palcy walsey?' lndianapons nniriBitie Succei man thJ ftf Hancfhfpr is taking a rA he nret . i . . . .... .... .r lomestie science. be hort "3 Z ' h h - I low is she making out? 8hrt "d emPhatlc- : J ; 7vUu right, in Infer. She she just maae uir u. Fther at Grant'. Miss Belle Ii Whp :Rn...i r, , ;. i.Tennie Bright, o Preside tt-i.- virara given tindVed It at School Arable-looking man, with long wh GOES TO this profession. niskers. He created something of T ensatlo In tho i .' uraliom T TIanniemoni I on lnaueurctlnn t.... n,r.s i r.pnsborfi whimean when you reier general's fithor mi v. a mpptine- of the s a lemon?" Hj, wandered around the CapItoL f of the University oLMIss CayenL "Uiat elf. Monday, June I, 1936 The Board of Education of Hay wood County will offer at public pale to the highest bidder on Monday, June 1, 1936, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in the city of Way nesville the following school property. THE PEACH TREE SCHOOL HOUSE AND SITE Described as follows: .. BEGINNING ON A STONE 100 p. up the meanders of Peach Tree kmnch from where it empties into Jonathan Creek and just below the culvert across Peach Tree branch and runs with the center f the public road as follows: N. 48 w. f r. a. to W. 7 P. S. 55 W. 9 P. and 15 link to a stone in center of road; thence S. 35 E. 5 P. to a chestnut tree S, 35 E. 7 s P. to a stone in center oi reacn Tree branch; thence down said branch with its meanders 19 P. and 8 links to the place of the BEGINNING, con taining one acre more or less. Deed for lot dated beptemDer , 1927, Registered in Book 76, page 9, Record of Deeds for Haywood Coun ty,' N. C. By order of the Board of Education April 6, 1936. j. MESSER, Chairman. JACK MESSER, Secretary. No. 467 May 14-21-28 tep and badly Injured b 0, ad of -which body he isWtion and a ytiliw Hannah -will be ond who will fight to kei engineering at the University at Chapel Keep a Good Laxative alwajs in your home Among th necessities ot hotna to good, reliable laxative. Don't be without one! Do your best to pre Tut courtlpauoa. Don't neUo whtn xou fl any ot 1U U.wrbl.rrmptom iomlnt on. . . "W nay. ud Th.ord I Black-Draught lor il 7ari and haw lonnfl It a rarr uietul medlelna tnat arery lamuy oafht to hT in their home," wrtte. Mrs. Perry Hick., of Belton, Texa.. "1 t.k , Blaek DrauEht for blliouintsi. comtipatlon ana other 111. .her. . good '"XS'TacJ! is needed. I bar. alway. loond Black Draught give, good reaulU. Bl ACK-DRAUGHT WHEREAS, .bhn P. Swift, Jr., and wife,: Edna Alley Swift, made and,l !i ccrtiiin deed of trust, to the , Cninncial -National 'Bank of High Point, North Carolina, Trustee, which, said deed .'of trust 'bears date of the 15th day of I-'ebruary, l'.2S, and is rcvoriled in Hook 1 oil p:igc 4M, in the ollice if the d' lb-i-ds for Haywood County. North Carolina, to secure certain, indebtedness, and, WIIKKEAS, on iici-oiint of the ina bility of 1 he Wlid Commercial National Hank of High Point, North Carolina, Trustee, to act, the undersigned, pur suant to and in compliance with law. has been appointed. Sii.c essin- T : its ti-e under said ile-d of trut, by an inst r U iTK-ji t iii Writing .,i-ecorli-d i'n It,, ok (if, on mB-e HIT. in the ollice of the Ki-Ci-te:- of I leed.s for !laywooil I'diinty, North Carolina', and, WH KKEAS, flef.-uilt having been made in the payment. ot (lie iii(i l)ien ness 'secured by. taid deed of trust, and the holder "of said -notes : ev Klenc, . ing said indhcteilness liaving -demand-1 ed.that the' undersigned exercise the' power of sale contained, in said in strument, and sell the property tln-re-i by -Conveyed, as. provided in said deed of," the undersigned SucC-Mr Trustee will on the lFd h day of June, lll.'it'i, at. 12 o' '.oi k nxin, otfer for sale ami'. sell. 'at pubic, for cash, at the Cou.-t House door, in the. .City of Waynesville, County of Haywood anil State of North Carolina, the following described lands and premises, to-wit; A certain lot or parcel of land in ,1 i I. ..f Tin ..,.1 or near -tne cny or iun i iii wnod. Countv of Havwood. and more particularly, described as follows: HEGINNINC; at a stake on the East) margin oi isrown Avenue, nuimnii; South H" 30' Wit 100 feet from Pig eon line, and North H" 30' East 350 feet from the intersection of the East margin of Browtn Street with the Northeast marKin of Georgia Avenue, said stake being the Southwest corner of Lot No. 7, and runs thence with Brown Avenue (Eastern margin) South 8 30' West 100 feet to a stake, Northwest corner of Lot No. R-b; thence South 81 30' East 20(1 feet with the Northern lines of Its Nos. 5-b and 8-a to a stake in the Southwestern-margin of Balsam Street; thence with the Southwentem margin of Balsam Street North 15 45' West 110 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 7; thence with the Southern line of .said Lot No. 7, North 81 30' West 172 feet to the BEGINNING. Being Lotg Nos. G-a, 6-b, 6-c and 6-d of Block 17 of "Grimball Park," as per survey and plat of John N. Shoolbred, August 1925, recorded in Map Book "B," Index "G," Offv-e of Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina. Reintr the same Tots conveyed to the said John P. Swift, Jr., by F. Porter McClure and wife. Nellie Mc- Cltire, by deed dated August 16, 1926, and recorded in Book 74, page 106, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. This the 14th day of May, 1936. ANTHONY REDMOND, Successor Trustee. Heazel, Shufofd & Hartsbwrn, Asheville, N. C. No. 4S8 May 21-28-June 4-11 NOTK'E OI' KECEI V EK'S S ALE (In Monday, .lulu- 15, l'.l.'Ki, at eleven o'cloc k, A. M., lit (he court house door in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the Undersigned Re-(eivi-r will olfer for siile at public out erv. to tile highest bidder, on terms of .oiie'dhird .-ash, one-third in one year "and one-third in two years, de feried payments to he . secured' -by mortK'.'ige or deed of-li-'iist upon the piiipert v, nnd. to bear interest af six per cent, per annum, payable .semi annually the following described lands and premises in the town of Wavliesville, adjoining the coriiprate limits of the tuwii nf Waynesville. and known a; Haywood l-'urnit ure Maiui facl.urinjr Corporal ion, nin.l more par t icul.-u ly described as follows: liEGINNjNG on a stake in the con tor of-the Southern Kaiway track a'nd Southwest corner of the II. W. Wes ,ott lot and runs thence . S. .'11' E. 'J51 feet with WescottV line to a stake in a ditch: thence S. 2'J' HO' W.- 11)0 feet with the -'ditch to a stake; thence S. 51 -30' W. 204 feet to a .stake in line of Factory Street; thence S, 41 .'JO' E. 258 feet to a stake in North ern line' of .street ; thence S. '4!l 30' W. 170 feet passing Mrs, lie Ni-er-gaard's corner at 20 fee) in South side of said street arid with the line of her line to a stake on the North side of said highway, Mrs. De Neerg aard's southwest corner; thence S, KK 30' W. 100 feet with said line of highway to a stake; thence S. 72" W. 100 feet with side line of said highway to a stake; thence S. 78 N. 200 feet with said line, of State Highway to a stake; thence N. 88 W. 300 feet with said side line of said .highway to a stake; thence i West 160 feet with side of said highway to a stake; thence N. 00 feet to a stake in the center of Southern Railway track; thence N. 52 E. 1230 fe4 up the . enter of track to the BEGINNING, containing' 10.71 acres, more or less. Subject to the rights and casements of the Southern Railway. NOTICK OK TIU'STEE'S SALE On Monday, dune Kith, l'.l.'li!, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court limine door in Town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, N. (, the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry to tin- higest bidder for cash, the follow ing lands and premises, to wit: HKCINNINC on post oak stump, the David Hill south corner, and runs west, with Seller's line 25'4 Miles to a stake in Ensley line; thence S. 3 W. with EntslcyV line 02 poles to stake, Ensley's conior; thence N. 87 W. with Ensley's line to u stake near a branch in the Snider old line; thence S. Ci'V E. with said Snider old line to a sourwood in I). 1. L. Smathers line, also his corner; thence S. OMj" E. 7 '-j poles', to a beech in .said line; thence S. K()". E. with Smnt.thcrs line .30; poles to a stake on to) of the ridge as it meanders with the water shed ll.'ilL poles to a rock in Snidi-r's old line; thence S. E. with naii old line .'10 poles to a stake and ihost Itiit, the Pi-t-t K'niiK- old vornfc-; tbeiice N. 08" E; 30 poles to a sugar -tree, iiyers coiner; thence N. 87" W. Kit) poles to Dyers line to chestnut; Hyeis corner; thence N. 70" E. 20 poles to stake; thence N. Kit" E. 3(1 oles to stake in Myers lin- near the branch; thence- with the branch 31 poles to stake in (he road; thence N. 7Vm E. with the road 35 poles to a stake; thence N. 87" W. with W. .1. Sellers line 71 poles to the BEGIN NING, containing 00 acres, more or less, and being the ame property conveyed to T. F. Osborne by A. li. Brewer by di-ed atei January (I, 100X, and recorded in Hook 2ti. page 20, Haywixwl County Registry. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upon me by those certain two deeds of trust executed by Curler Osborne, et als, dated July 25, 1032, and January 17, 1033, and recorded in Book of Deeds of No. 30, at page 410 anil at page 571. in the office of Register of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C. This the 15th day of May, l'Xif,. A. T. WARD, . Trustw. No. 472 May 21-28-June 4-11 NOTIC E OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, June 15, 1936, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court house door in Town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, N. C., the undersigned trustee will -sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing lands and premises, to wit; T.vinfr anil heintr in Triwn rf riv.tu This property has been sub-divided (.-Haywood County, North Carolina, and into parcels. Its Nos. 1 and 2, as shown on the plat will be offered to gether, and lot No. 3, offered sepa rately, then the whole property will be offered. Sale made pursuant to an order of resale made at May Term, 1936, of the Superior Court of Hay wood County, in an action entitled, "Citizeng Bank & Trust Co., ct al, vs. Haywood Furniture Manufactur inir Corporation., ;it al.," and the sale will be subject to the approval of. th Court. This 12th day of May, 1936. J. H. HOWELL, . Receiver. No. 473 May 21-28-June 4-11 Read The Ads TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS. Henry S. Collins and wife. Anna Collins, made and execut ed a certain deed of trust to the Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, lrustee, which said deed of trust bears date of the 15th day of February, 1928, and is re corded in Book 21, page 436, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, to secure -ertain indebtednees, and, WHEREAS, on account of the ina bility of the said Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, Trustee, to act, the undersigned, pur- BEGINNING at a stake on the North side of the public road at the West side of an alley and corner of Lot 64, and runs thence N. 3 30' E. 133 feet to a stake, corner of Lot 65; thence N. 86 30' W, 200 feet to a stake, cor ner of IvOt 56; thence with the line that lot S. 86 30' E. 147 feet to the public road; thence with the said roaj to the BEGINNING, being Lots 57. 58 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 of the W. H. Rich property in Town of Clyde as per sub-division and plat of J. W. Seaver made August, 1917, and recorded in Map Book "A," page IT in office of Register of Deeds for Haywood Coun ty, N. C, and bein the same land as that conveyed in deed from B. N. Rogers, et ux. to Chas. B. Mann, et ux, dated August 12, 1929, recorded in Book 80, at page 88, Haywood County Registry. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upon me by that certain deed of trust, executed by C. B. Mann and wife dated February 12th, 1935, and recorded in Book 31. at page 100, Haywood County Reg istry. This the 15th day of May. 1936. A. T. WARD, Trustee. No. 471 May 21-28June 4-H , . i

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