Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MAY 21 ,ft.f Society Clubs Personals PHONE 137 MRS. T. L. GWYN, Editor PHONE 137 MRS. B. J. SI)AN HOSTESS TO I). A. It. CHAPTER 1 The May meeting of the Dorca Be'l Love Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution was held' -with Mrs. B. J. Sloan, at "Blink Bonnie," on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, regent, pre-j 6ided. The house was attractively, arranged in quantities of spring flow-' ers in a variety of shades. j During the business session, Mrs.. Howell gave a report of the unveil ing of the marker to Captain John Henry, at which time Mr. Homer Henry made tiie principal address. Helen Plott and Bobbie Lee, great, great, great grand children, unveil ed the marker, and the dedication was made by the regent. j The officers and chairmen presented , their annual reports, with gratifying! account, of work accomplished. The' regent stated that she had received a note of thanks from Mrs. Becker.pres-1 dent. 'general, for bhe tray 6ent to her by the chapter, with the North Car-. ouna Dirxnoajr basnet. Motion was made to have the secretary write a note of appreciation to Mr, Erk for donating the tray to the chapter. With ! re marks befitting the long service given by Mrs. J. Howell WayJ charter member, and for years re- gent of the chapter. Mrs. Howell pre sented a past .regent's pin. In accept ing the pin Mrs. Way reviewed some of the past history of the chapter, and spoke of the co-operation the mem berg had always given to the work. Being the occasion for the election of officers, the following were elected to serve for the next three years: Regent, Mrs. J. F. Abel, vice regent. Mrs. James M. Long, treasurer, Mrs.j James W. Killian, recording secre-l tary, Mrs S. H. Bushnell, correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. William Cham-I bers, registrar, Mrs. R. N. Barber,' historian, Mrs. Chas. K, Quinlan, li brarian, Mrs. W. F. Swift, and chap-1 lain, Mrs. R L. Prevost. I The paper of the afternoon was given by Mrs. James E. Henderson, of ( anton. Hi-r subject was. "The Sn-I Flower Fete Queen Cr c Reed Something different in the way of honorary titles was accorded Miss Grate Keed, 17, of Van Wert, O , when she was cbopen queen of the municipal peony festival an nually attended by upwards of 60.000. MRS. MAK THOMPSON KVANS AD DRESSES LOCAL GROUP With Mrs. Mae Thompson Evans. ,..v,r vjwuiv ti tne uniwrn Mate.. ,. State Director of Employment Jr. a moHt comprehensive manner, .Mrs. Service, of Raleigh, addressing .; ot.uns au-:-the: group, the local Business fu: '" .. i and Professional Club i in: newiy elected unicorn wi e installed at the next meeting. As retiring regent, Mrs. Howell was giv en high for her untiring work in behalf of the chapter during her term of offi.e as regent. Special guests of the afternoon -wore. Mrs. R. S. Truesdale and Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. During the social hour the hostess was assisted in serv ing by Miss Ethel Craig and Miss Louise Edwards, : I THE ROSES ARRIVE FROM MIAMI I OR A FORTNIGHT'S STAY l Judge and Mrs. A. J. Rcwe and daughter, Miss Myrtle Rose, arrived during the week from Miami, I'la., and will spend a fortnight at their home in the Grimball Park section, after which they will return to Flor ida, and come up in July for the re-1 mainder of the season here. j UNKSVILLB MUSIC CLUB TO HOLD LAST MEETING OF YEAR The Waynesville Music Club will hold the last meeting of the year,' on Saturday afternoon, when the group meets with Miss Ellen Louise Killian, at the home of her parents,' at .s:,fd o'clock. . MRS. L. M. RICHESON HOSTESS OF BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. I.,. M. Richeson was hostess on Friday afternoon of the Friday Afternoon Bridge Club. The living room where the games were enjoyed was attractively arranged in bowls of iris. . ; Among those playing were: Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mrs. Robert H. Stretch Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. R. Stuart Roberson, Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs. C. C.White, Mrs F. E. Alley, Jr., and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn. Sewing and Dressmaking- Done reasonably by New York De signer. Phone 252. wom en enjoyed a dinner meeting of un usual interest on Tuesday evening in the dining room of the Green Tree Tea Room. There were in attendance around thirty-five members and I gUCKts. Mrs. D. Doyle Alley, president of the Waynesville club, presided. Each member was introduced, with her work designated by Mrs. Alley. Mrs. Alley explained that the object of special meeting Was for the purpose of -planning some worth while project for the group. Mrs. Evan spoke on the employ ment problems of women throughout the state and how the North Caro lina State Employment Service could be used to aid in securing employ ment tor tile women who are regis icreii wiui tne omeo, and how the in dividual groups could be of service in this work. Among thuise present for the din ner were: Mrs. II. A. Love, Mrs. IIa:te Oliver, Miss Mattie Moody, Mrs. James R. Boyd, Jr., Mrs. Ruth Wil liams ' Rotha, Mrs. Jean Dillon, Miss Liuisa Thackston, Miss Louise Moody, Miss I la Greene. Miss Carolyn Al lison, Mrs. Carolina Hyatt, Miss Eliza beth Kitchen, Miss Sarah Elmore, Miss Essie Keys, Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, Mrs. Lena B. rerguson, of Waynesville, and from Franklin, Miss Mary Quinlan, Miss Nell Nash, and from Asheville, Miss Jane Brown, Miss Elizabeth Mc-Kutt-hen, President of the Asheville club. Miss Moflitt and Dr, Elizabeth Smith. MIS SUSIE FISHER BECOMES BRIDE OF MR. ROBERT TRAM .WELL Marked by simplicity and charac terized by impressiveness, was the marriage of Miss Susie Lee Fisher, daughter of Mrs. George C. Thomp son, of Greensboro, and Hazelwood, to Robert Chiles Trammell, whioh took place at seven o clock on Satur day evening at the home of the bride's mother in Hazelwood, with only the family and a group of inti mate friends in attendance. The vows were solemnized befo.-e an improvised altar of etergreens and fernery. Dr. R. S. Truesdale, pastor of the First Methodist church, performed the ceremony, A program of nuptial music was rendered by Miss Ellen Louise Kil lian, soloist, and Miss Margaret Walker, accompanist prior to the ceremony. Miss Killian sang, "I Love You Truly," and "Oh, Promise Me. For the processional Miss Walker played the march from Lo henghrin, and as a recessional Men delssohn's march. During the cere mony she softly played, "To A Wild Rose." Mr. Trammell entered with his brother, Mr. Harrison Trammell, who eerved as his best man. j The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Clyde Fisher. She wore a smart gown, modeled on princess lineg of aquamarine loma, with harmonizing accessories, and her flowers were a corsage of Talisman roses. Mrs. Trammell is the daughter of Mrs. George Thompson and the late Lee Fisher. She is a graduate of the Waynesville High School, attend the Western Carolina Teachers College, and took her course in nursing at the City Hospital of Newark, N. J. Since finishing school, she has been a popular member of the younger social set. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mis. W. II. Trammell, of Greenville, S. C. He is a graduate of the Green-. I ville High School and Auburn Uni versity, class of 1925, where he was a member of A. T. O, fraternity. He holds a position with the J. E, Sirrine Company, of Greenville. S. C. Following the ceremony an informal reception was held, with the follow ing assisting in receiving the guests:! Mrs. Felix Stovall, Miss Alice String-' field, Miss 'Rottalyn Ray, Mrs. Jo-1 sephine Coman Ferguson, Miss Marie Plott, Miss Johnny Russell.V Miss Louise Moody, and Miss Josephine Cabe. After the reception the bride and groom left for a fortnight's trip south, following which they will go to Houston, Texas, where they will reside, the groom being one of the engineers in charge of the plant of the. Champion nitre ( ompany, of Can ton, which is now under construction in that city. Honored At School I ........ MISS PATRICIA HKANDT MRS. WILL HYATT ENTERTAINS , WOMAN'S CLUB TO Hr.i i u HAYWOOD CHAPTER U. D. C. i ING THURSDAY St' Unusual lnieresi cenierea arouira un i nursaay, Jlay 28h a ' the meeting of the Haywood Chapter! and social meetintr of tk' of the United Daughters of the Con- Club will be held in the W.. .J":an federacv. which was held on Friday morial Sundav schi v...: , ' in afternoon at the Green Tree Tea; Baptist church. It U t-.'.''"' oi Former Waynesville Girl Given Honors Friends here will be interested to learn of the honors which have re cently come to Patricia Brandt, young daughter of Mrs. Joseph Brandt, who formerly resided here, and the late Joseph Brandt, of Asheville. Miss Brandt formerly attended the township high school. At present she is living in Pass Christian, Miss., where she is a senior in the high school of that place. She has recently won two gold medals. Having won the first place in the state book keepingj contest held by the Mississippi Lit-j erary and Athletic Association is the Gulf Coast Regional contest, she be came eligible for the state contest held at the Mississipni State College, where she again made first place. Miss Brandt enjoys the distinction of having been an honor student all of the past year. She plans to enter college next year and continue her commercial studies, having had at present only one year in the work. SPECIAL ON PERMANENTS THROUGH JUNE 15th AMERICAN LEGION POST HAS SOCIAL MEETING On Tuesday evening the American Room, with Mrs. Will Hyatt as hos-' lar meeting of the newlv 1" tess. The large living room adjoin-! club made by the merging J-'";? ing the tea room was decorated in man's Club and the CommuV'r red and white flowers. Mrs. 0. R. and all members are urged v'ii Martin, president, presided. ent, as the membership w;Mr " The occasion was graced by the pres- up so that .-ommittees niav i ma: ence of Mrs. Preston Thomas, past j pointed for the summer a '- sp" district director ana Mrs. William b. the group. Hostesses of if Wnflvpr nnst district secretary, and Tiinn will k . ttrr. ,L. Tn Ttt I ... . , , vi lilt presiueni. oi me rainiie i owra uve DOaro. ter of Asheville, 'who mada brief! talks. Mrs. J. Harden Howell had the pa per of the afternoon, her subject deal-l ing with the life of Nathan Bedford Forest, and his rise in the Southern Army. The president displayed maps of the Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway. Motion was made to have the maps framed, and one presented to the Waynesville Public Library, to the Historical Room in the court house, and one to the Junior High School. It was announced that the grave of W. L. Trantham, Confederate vet eran, of Clyde, would be marked. Mrs. Leon Killian, chairman, will have charge of the arrangements. Miss Miller announced that she had sent a check for ten dollars to the Memorial! Pavilion at Ralrfgh.- It was stated that the ceremony rela tive to the awarding of the crosses of honor, had been postponed on ac count of the illness of Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, chairman. Mrs. Hyatt i reported that she had attended the meeting of the Cherokee ChaDter at' Andrews and had awarded the crosses! for that group. During the social hour the hos tess was assisted by Mrs. George Plott in serving. ATTEND DISTRICT CONFERENCE Among those attending the district conference of the Methodist church, which was held at the Union -church near Franklin on Wednesday of this week, were: Dr. R. S. Truesdale, Rev V. A. Rollins, presiding elder, Mr, and Mrs. James Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mr. James R. Boyd, Miss Bessie Boyd, and Mr. Homer Henry. 2 $7.50 Permanents for 2 $5.00 Permanents for 2 $4.00 Permanents for Last Reduction for the Jo Ann Beauty Shoppe .'.$5.01 .53.50 ..$100 Season Mrs. Catherine Buckley, who has maintained a gift shop here for the past several seasons, arrived during the week Irom her home in St. Pe Legion .Post, Havwood. No. 47. wasl ti'rstwrg, la, At present she is the I host to the members of the Legion! Suest of Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan 1 Auxiliary at their new home. thp aL 1 hpeei run former Gilmer residence on Depot .: . : , Commander J- Harden Howell, wel-j corned the guests and was master of Phone 63 Waynesv ille, N. f . A Kalor Wave NEW MACHINELESS PERMANENT WAVE NO M);i;it M-XJ'KSSAUY TO HMi;iMJO STItAIX OF ' MACiriNH... ' new rlM-fuieal pad generates hent irH perf wave TV lnu-(Hluon Tills Now Melhod a 110.00 Wava Will bi Given From Now llnlil July 1st for $6.50 Thoso intriMod Iwine following Coupon to Personality Beauty Shop COUPON This tvitltkw bearer to I tost ruil ttt th new nmclilneJtrw Kalor I'ornianent Wave. The Personality Beauty Shop PHONE 306 Father Howard V. Lane spent Tues day and Wednesday, in Murphy and Franklin of thus week. ' Father Arthur Racette, pastor of High Point, N. C., and former pas tor of the local Catholic church, was the guest of Father Lane during the weeK. Mr. and Mrs. Bing McCrea, who have been the guests of Father Lane r tthe ast two weeks, returned1 Monday to St. Petersburg, Fla, . , Mrs. Robert Hardin, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. L. Hardin, for tne past few days, left during the week for Asheville, where she and Mr. Hardin friave taken an apart ment in the Ambassador, on Pearson Drive. Mr. Jimmy Murray, who has been residing in town for the past year, left during the week for his home in New York City, where he will spend two weeks with his family. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Reed were the guests over the week-end of the former's sister, at her home in Spar tanburg,. During the week they were also guests of friends in Ashe ville for a couple of days. .... Mrs. Uhanes E. Kay was among those spending Wednesday in Ashe ville. Miss Emily Palmer and two class mates from Western Carolina Teach- ers College, of Cullowhee, were the; Ml SIC CL I'll OF ASHEVILLE GIVES PROGRAM HERE On Saturday afternnon the Way nesville Music Club held the annual open meeting with Miss Margaret Stringfield, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. K, L. Stringfield, at which time each member was granted the privilege or inviting a certain number Of guests. There were in attendance around seventy-five. A profusion of flowers decorated the spacious rooms. Mrs. i Hugh A. Love, president, presided lhe program, which was of excep tional merit, was Uv exchange with the Saturday Morning Music Club, of Asncvnie, and the members included some of the best talent in that well known musical group. Mrs, Love in troduced Mrs. W. H. Davis, retiring president of the club, who in turn pre sented Mrs. R. A. Ogle, the incoming president, who expressed the pleas ure of the group in' giving the pro gram. The folowing numbers were greatly enjoyed "Valese Daintee," and "Pre lude Exaltation," by Mrs. Ogle, the composer; "The Horn." bv Fleo-ler. sung by Dr. Dale Kalter, baritone, ac companied by Mrs. Arta Blanchard; two violin numbers, "Scotch Idyl," by wusg iiary L,oieman, accompan led by Mrs. C, E. Fleury Cole man; two numbers, "The Year's at the Spring," by Beach, and "Robin Woman's Song," by Cadman, by Mrs. Dale Kalter, contralto, ac companied Dy Airs. Arta Blachard; piano selections, "Country Gar dens," by Grainger, and "Preludje No. 12." by Rachmaninoff, by Miss Mary King. During the social hour tea and cakes were served by Mrs. S. P. Gay Mrs. Nancy Keener. Mrs. RirharH N Barber, Jr., Miss Ida Jean Brown, and mrs. raui nyatt. .'. CIRCLES OF METHODIST GROUP TO MEET The circle- of the Woman's Auril iary of the Methodist church will meet as follows: On Tuesday afternoon at tnree o clock Circle Number One will meet with Mrs, G. F. Boston; Circle Number 'Ihree will meet with Mrs. M A. Poteat,, with Mrs. Noble Garrett in charge of the devotional program ; and the Young People's circle will hold a picnic at the Cooper Park. Miss Helen Plott is visitinc W week-end guests of the former's par- sister, Mte. Wayne Battle, ait her ents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Palmer. ; uryaon v,ity. ceremonies during the evening. Plan we e presented and expressions from members were heard as to the feasi bility of operating the home, with the hope of those in charge that the building may eventually become a i ivie center through co-operation of the various organizations in the town. Enthusiasm marked the gathering, with the support -of all present pledg ed for the execution of plans as form ulated, at tne ciose ot tne evening the hosts served ices, cake.s and coffee. -.. " - . . , MRS, L. E. PERRY HOSTESS OfI ASHEVILLE CLUB j Un Friday an all day meeting of tne Century Hub, of Asheville, was held with Mrs. L. E. Perry, formerly of Asheville, but now of Dellwood, at t amp Dellwood. At noon a luncheon was served by the hostess. During the session of business, Mrs. John King, president, presided. Mrs, Rosalie Morgan, program chair man, announced the plans for the coming year, and distributed lite-a-ture on forestry to the club members urging them to plant trees. Members responded to roll call with current events f the past year. Mrs. W. II. Hipps was chairman of the program for the day. Around twenty were present for the delightful occasion, 1 Mrs. R. S. Truesdale and daugh ter, Miss Bobbie Jean Truesdale, spent several days during the week as the guests of friends in Winston-Salem. Miss Truesdale and her brother were on the program of the district meeting of the Rotary Club, which was held in Winston-Salem this week. P r o g r a m OF THE NEW Park Theatre Thursday and Friday TWO FlCYTUti: 1'ICTIHKS "THE MILKEY WAY" Willi Harold IJoyd ami Adolphe Menjim A X 1) "CIIAMPAGN CHARLIE" with raui CnveiiiuiKli and Helen Wood Saturday "THREE GODFATHERS" with Chester Morris and Western Cast Monday and Tuesday "STRIKE ME PINK" wltli Kdille Cantor and Ktliel Merman Wednesday "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" wltli Richard .A Hen and Ceeil Parker Night Shows 7:15 and 9:15 ADMISSION 10c & 25c I 5 1 U ' . MOUNTAIN JOE Not so long ago I recall reading an advertisement in The Mountaineer about the Haywood Home Building and Loan Association, in which the phrase: "It is not what you make, but what you save that counts." There is a whole lot of truth in that one sentence. So many folks feel they have to make a big salary before they can save just a little each week. No matter how small your salary, you will always find that it buys more at Hurgin's Burgin Brothers r THK DEPOT PHONE SM Burgin's Dept Store MAIN STREET PHON E 74 WE DELIVER X DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY JUNE 6th FOR STATE AUDITOR GEO. ROSS POU A Young Man, A Business Man A Reliable Man This Advertisement Furnished By World War Veterans Who Served With Geo. Ross Pou In The Last War ' ) MOT SlfiS STORE You Will Always Find A Large Assortment Of Piece Goods "':;', Range In Price From 10c to 98c Per Yard BATISE- VOILES PRINTS LACES DESERT CLOTH AND SILKS ALWAYS THE LATEST THINGS AT MASSIE'S

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