tPAY, MAY 21, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE 5 I LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 fi , . ;..,r' daughter, Mrs. Fritz V. "Lr have returned to town jstwndinir this t?whn relate in heville. a p'len Louise Killian motored . Ga-ncsville, Ga., during the past k and visited friends at Brenau fo-tge. . , . v P L- SJhulhofer P"d Mr w Mrs. Riley Morgan, who have n. the past winter as the guests of th halhofer, Mu- D. Adams, formerly of m-vilie. who now resides in Ashe S with her daughter, Mrs. George .l i, .pending this week m town Vtt of friends. V- and Mrs. Dewey Stovall had heir guests during the week-end forrJr's parents, Mr and Mrs. j' H. Stovall, of Cleveland, Ga. Mr Sam Bushnell, Jr., who is with thi Stat. Highway Commission, with headquarters in Bryson City, was the over the week-end of his Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bushnell. Mr Hugh Sloan, Jr., who is with the State Highway Patrol, was the euest this week of his family. Mr. Sloan is located in Wilmington. Dr and Mrs. Robert H. Stretcher and small son left Saturday for Ral h where they will visit relatives. c-c . . . Mr and Mrs. Wicker and two chil J:nne aKl Dickie, of Schere eftad'v NT- Y., were the guests during the week of Mrs. Amelia Hoke. Mrs. Wkke-r is the daughter of Mrs. Hoke. Master Noble Garrett, Jr., is spend ing .several days as the guest of his (r-aml parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moody at their home near Franklin. Famous Film Family at Home Mr. John Oueen. who U with the State Highway Commission, with! headquarters in Bry.-on City, was the guest of his parents, Mr." and Mrs. John M. Queen, over the week-end. Mrs. W. S. Patterson had as her fuests during the week-end Mr. and Irs. Kay Pattern, of Robbmsville. Mrs. N. F. Lancaster and Mrs. J. Wilford Ray, .were among thoel spending Friday in Asheville. Miss Ann Kerr, Miss Oorrie Kerr. Miss Mary Whitson. and Miss Sally Whitson, all of Asheville, were the guests of relative in town on Sat Miss Mary Emma Massie ha! as! her guest this week. Miss Ruth Vat- son, of Greensboro. ' I M:. Manson Shook, of West- Asheville, is the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. John M. Queen. Mys Corinne Alloy and Miss Sara Louise Leatherwuod spent the week-end in West Asheville as the guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Glenn Tweed. Mrs. F. E. Alley, Jr. and younp daughters, Mary Lee and Betty Jean, lej't during the week for IH'lami, Fla., where they will visit the form er's mother Mrs. B. L. Hall. Miss Dollee Marsh and Mi Drama Lampkin were Asheville visitors on Friday. v '''" jlillWI'j ' ISSST ; - " -V . it Hut m -- ni...,M, - i Mrs. Robert L. Oin and young where she the guest of relative son have returned from Charlotte, where they were the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Ed Isenhoar. M&s Hilda Moody, nvho ?s now making her home in Asheville, where she holds a position, spent the week end with her parents at their home on the Dell wood Road. Mr. E. Craig Wilton, of Greens boro and Charlotte is the guest for several days of his aunt, Mrs. Rufus L. Allen. Mrs. Adora Smathers Raines, who has been spending the winter as the guest of her brother. Judge William Smathens, in Atlantic City, has re turned to Waynesville for the sum mer months. Mrs. Rufus L. Allen has returned from Washington and New York, and friend for the past several months. In April Mrs. Allen at tended the annual meeting of the National League of American Pen Women of which she is branch presi dent of North Carolina. Mrs. Frank Smathers, of Miami, ar rived during the week and will spend a fortnight or more at her summer home here. She ha as her guest Mrs. Lila Wall.', of Miami Beach, mother of Mrs. Frank Smathers, Jr., daughter-in-law of Mrs. Smathers. Mr. Hugh Abel, of National Park service It', who has been acting super intendent of the Black Gap Camp dur ing the tire season, has returned to his duties at Round Bottom, near Ravensford. Read The Ads Mr. and Mr. Franchot Ton The title once enjoyed by Mary Tickford and Douglas Fairbanks, who were recognized as "the first family of filmdom", appears slated to become attached to Mr. and Mrs. Franchot Tone, whom Holly wood points out as one of its happiest couples since Joan Craw ford, the former w ife of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Tone middle nisled it. Miss Lois Harrold has returned from Durham. She was accompa nied home by her sister, Mrs. Ward Boring, who will make her a visit. HERE and THERE BY HILDA WAY GWYN AND NOW jPrue Seduced Flies . . onti . . mo qulto... roadie... fleas... bedbug... and other insects The political situation relative to the lawn around the court hous is becoming a grave matter there was a time when gathered at this center, stayed on the cement walks and never so niu.h as stepped on the rrass but now in the excitement of fr Ti1 P iwrv .if flnstonin ioinfj' coming' events the candidates am hi., u-'ifn'nnd vouni.- dauirhtor. who are) their followers take to the greenest visiting the former's grandmother,! spots of the lawn and V P I Tnrhvti for week-end, enuv tne most Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis were among thotse spending Thursday in, Asheville. ' visit. '.' Little Miss Patsy Gwyn was the guest durjng the week of Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyle Jones, at their home in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Russ had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Foster Bennett, Miss Myrtle Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Bennett and two sons, Roy. Jr., and Joe, and Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Tillerson and two children, Virginia and Harrold, of Hendersonville. Mrs. Tillerson and children are remaining over for a visit of several days. Dr. and Mrs. H. Clay Hassell, of Tuscaloosa, Ala,, are visiting the hit ter's uncle, Mr. James McLean and his son. Mr. Robert McLean. Dr. nnl Mt. Hassell came to town bv way OI Uie Ult-at numy muuuuaiiin Park. hold appar- eoiilidential looking conferences maybe the secrecy of the information imparted makes it necessary for them to withdraw- somewhat from the crowd at any rate'-political fervor is alxmt, to kill the grass. FlCpnprC PUNCH-O-BAG iiiiaia EXERCISER WITH 2 CANS OF MORTON'S SALT WHILE LIMITED SUPPLY LASTS. GET ONE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! EVERY boy and girl who wants to be husky should have a Punch-O-Bag. A strong elastic causes it to bounce back against the fist when struck, providing splendid arm exercise. Worth 10c but given FREE solely to induce you to try this famous non-caking table salt! SPOUT VON'T TfAR OUT I ; IODIZD OR PLAIN 8 It might be a wise plan to desig nate some room in the court house as a conference room and al lot each candidate so much time with a regular schedule-As to the gratia even those who make their day time homes at the vourt house are either all "het up" over the campaign, so that they have no eyes with whlh to see or they are so sympathetic with the tension of the candidates, having traveled that way themselves that they haven't the heart to oust them from their soft spots on the lawn knowing full well how hard somebody will have to fall when the finaj vote is taken. It is the usual season for the pur chase of new hooks for the Waynes ville Public Librarv and while the board members are soliciting fund.? for this -expenditure remember it isn't a personal, favor you are doing them when you donate but that it is your library and that i; is an asset to the town of Wayne ivillc that few towns this size can be found now in the United States, that cannot boast, of a public library many with the popillifrion of avne.sville having better ones and others not, so good And until some person with enough money sees fit to endow it, or it can oe financed by direct taxation it will continue to be my responsibility and vours If it could be kept going thir tyfive years ago by thu method when money was even more scarce in these parts than at the present time if we have the proper civic pndo we'll all .iust continue to do Hate in the time honored fashion. A couple of weeks ago between seventy-five and one hundred women from all over the icounty made an appeal to the county board of commissioners, regard ing the continuance of the work of the County Home Demonstra tion agent. "No action taken"- was the report What the work of the county farm agent has meant to the farmers the work of Miss Mary Margaret Smith, will eventually mean to the worn- on su-.-ely in our progressive county we want a wl'll balanced program when you can get. near ly one hundred women in this busy season of spring cleaning and gardening to stop work and many of them drive miles to -attend" a meeting on a bright Mon day morning they mean busi ness. The interest. .of thi many women in the work is quite sig nificant of" how the women of Haywood feel to the proposi tion, which is obviously beneficial to a large group and it is to lo hoped that the board of county commissioners will reconsider the matter, which apparently was cuusually passed over e recently, ("ailed to my attention improve me'ii.ts in the private dining room at the Creen Tree Tea Room-an ideal place for dinners and parties. Kvcrvbodv ' going fishing Mr. Don ald- 'Dunham, airain making plans . to turn the corner lot on Main aild l'ig eon into n flower garden as of last 4 year frank rerguson, .jr., ami loin Reeves working day and nurht f' their candidate for Coventor Thanks to Mrs. John Hoxit for the jonquil bulbs for the park friends glad to ee Mrs. C, F. Kirkpatrick out again R. L. Provost 'and James R, Boyd should-collaborate on a Treat ise on "Thrift" The danger of the change in the entrance 'at Alexan der's isome citizen, from ' force of habit plus stimulation might at tempt to enter - by glass windowH which were former entrances presi dent of Chamber of Commerce strict v sober already bumped hi nose three times Wallace -..Black well in sisting that the world is treating him better than he deserves Dr. Trues dale telling the Methodists their church too large for general use Haywood winning the banner for at tendance at the district meeting of Young Democrats in Asheville Fath er Lane making a hillside garden. JOINT HOSTESSES GIVE DE--LKJHTFUL AFFAIR On Friday evening Miss Dollee Marsh and Miss Corinne Wagcnfeld entertained at the home of the former with an informal dame. Spring flowers were used to decorate the living rooms. Among those enjoying the evening were: Miss Dorothy Bliss, Miss Drama Lampkin, Miss Joan Phillips, Miss Sarah Welch, Ray Austin, Ernest Withers, Jr., Robert Ixiwe, Wade Franklin, and Kenneth Stahl. .- Miss Johnnie Russell, who has been residing in Asheville for the past gevcraj months, was the guesft of her mother over the week-end. Everyone Likes Carolina Grade "A" Ice Cream Because It Is Better- MADE FROM PURE GRADE "A" MILK RIGHT HERE '.- . IN -WAYNESVILLE :- Nationally Approved FOODS I A DTI Scoco, 8 lb. earton 95c LAIVU Snowdrift, 6 lb pail ..... .95c fAljrrr Fresh Ground, per lb. .10c UJITLL Show Boat, per lb . . . .23c FI AIID White Lilly, 24 lbs $1.17 r LUUIV Swans Down Cake Flour 27c Del Maiz Yellow Corn Cream Style 10c Nihlets Corn 15c (ireea Giant Peas 17c Libby's It A It Y FOODS, .1 cans z.c PINEAPPLE, Sliced or Crushed ..... 15e PINEAPPLE JUICE, No. 2 can, 2 for 25c c i j v i,z pint size balad King Pint size . Salad Dressing Quart size 10 c .15c 25c Wbite House Apple Jelly, 21b. jar 23c Cocoa, 2 lb can 15c Morton's Salt, plain or iodized, 2 forl7c ft: 1 Super Lsoap. qwdeJ Super Suds ;t For. 21c SMALL Octagon Soap and Powder 10 For 25c Palmolive Soap 3 For 14c Choice Quality Meats DRESSED Hens, per lb 25c Fryers, per lb 39c Fresh Dressed Trout, per lb. 12c Shad, per lb. . 17c Steak, per lb 23c Chops, per lb. . ... . 17c Stew, per lb 9c VEAL Salt Mackerel; .5c each DELMAR, 2 for 31c COUNTRY BUTTER, per lb. . . 25c THE FOOD STORE lassie's Bansain Basem em Shoes Piece Goods Work Clothing- CHILDREN'S S HOES St raps Oxfords 79c 3B-IXCH Curtain Material 5c Yird s