The Waynesville Mountaineer ALONG THE POLITICAL Firing Lines f-1 several months thin it tempted to present m I events from the state With the extensive cam the part of practically date, from townsnip con iveinoi'. it seems that the .lid have made up their , their choice for the dit s. With that in mind, this , "Along the Political Fir will deal with events re- .actual easting of votes. p-rst of all. the foremost, bear this ' rf ihmp m mind: "This is going to t,e a' strict election." Those are the r u of 'he election hoard, and from tions given me retrisirars here Tuesday afternoon. v mean just what they say. thr w This primary is for Democrats and ,.tl,u. licans No independents will (wallowed to vote, although 61 recent it r.-.'.teied in this county as such. bsentee ballots for county dri ll be had. Even if a voter Is bed, he or she cannot vote, if ballots can be cast for state aiiiy. Kvery valor's party affiliation' is op ,..v.t.. hi her name on the regis ir.aiun luniks, and the registrar will tin nil "ill white ballots to those reg tiiireJ as Democrats, and pink hal lms iii those registered as Republicans. A iliisi' check will be made after the juills rinse to see that this method earned out. Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VOL. XLVIII NO. 23. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE i, 19.56 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY One Man Killed And j Two Seriously In jured On Sunday Will Harris In Jail, Charged With The Shooting Of Dohbson j Connor At Halsani Carolina Queen mi . Haiti registrar must account for every, ballot delivered to him when jit makes his official return on Moti il.iv. June M.h..: If yen want the honor of being the 'first in your precinct to cast a vote, inn must b" there at 5:24 a. ni. The pciu will -close- at 7:35 p. m.. accord i:ic to the .chairman- of the board of ;iiti"ns. Mr. K. M. livers. All ..itlli.e last vi i, clerks and the registrar ogether in one body until has been counted. And an interesting phase of this year's voting is that a ruling has been made thai if a voter registered as a Kctiiililieaii Votes a Democratic ticket, that the entire-precinct can be thrown out. of (.nurse, the same thing ap (ilii's the other way around. since there is a Republican Primary, there will be one Democrats 1udge unit line Republican judge at every precinct. Tile question ."'arose.- as to whether f;r not members of C, C. C, camps imild vine in the primary. The hoard ruled that if they , had been properly teckJt,!,,..,! in their respective precinct lv the registrar that they could vote, This is expected to be an important Th ise of the voting in Cataloochee, n ie n a i-aiiip is located. th tin ballots for state offices 1'" placed in the ballot box ''.regular tickets, but will be the original, envelope and ii the board of election here N Pi lrs 'are-'officially named in i.i y. If. however, a voter ishes sinnoiine to assist him in mark t lus ballot, he will be allowed to ''ci such a person. : I'rinted elsewhere in today's paper an exact reprint of the Democratic 'nty. ballot. Careful attention is railed to the proper, method of voting Vr '"wmlwr's of the. board of county fommissinners. Follow this closely : Jfi" county is divided Into five dis icts. The townships comprising each '"'lit is listed under the number of t--"-district on the ballots. Note care " ' n" niany candidates are to be s,1'ed on from, each district, and vote It the exact number in each district, ar"l::X;0 More. .'; Members of the sheriff's depart ment were kept busy over the week end making arrests and investigations, when one man was killed, and two seriously injured in three different sections of the county. j. Dobbson Connor, 32, of near Hal- j sam Gap, lost his life when shot about; nine o'clock Isunuay morning. C onnor was a Wl'A wvrker, and had entered: into a dispute about a check with; W ill "Bill" Harris, a Wl'A foreman.' Harris is in jail charged with the! shooting of Connor. The shooting) took place at Connor's home, which is' about 300 yards inside Haywood coun-j ty near the Jackson county line. Harris was arrested about three: o'clock Sunday afternoon, and placed i in jail here. As far as could be learn-' ed, no time has been set for a hearing The gun which is said to have been, used, is a .32 . and had four empty! shells when the sheriff's department took possession of it. T. L. Mcltone, George Hampton, and John McKlrath were present when the shouting took place. Connor had four children." Harris has employed the law linn of Morgan, Stanley and 'Ward, of this city, and George II. Ward, of Asho- v.i.lle. On Sunday night, on Alien's ( reek, r red little and Harry Vance were engaged in a tight, and Charlie Raines attempting to sepaarte them and was seriously injured when hit in the! head with a rock, He was reported i to be improving Wednesday alter-1 noon. "Tittle, is still in jail, and V'ancej is out on bond. i The third affair of the week-end,! was down in West Canton. Accord ing to officers, Horace Mehatley, ai filling station operator, put two men; out of his place of business, and oil! the third trip he hit one over: the head 'with a gun, and when he did the gun went off with the bullet hit ting the other mail, inflicting a seri ous wound. Mehaffey is out -under $1,500 pend ing recovery of the injured man, who was reported yesterday atternoon to be improving. The shot man was named Fender. Opening And Clos ing Hours Adopted By Merchants Here I Committee Must Approve Adver tising Schemes Before Pres entation To Merchants. News Non When .students ol North Carolina university at Chapel Hill selected their campus ijtiecn they loyally voted for a Carolina beauty. Miss Nan Norman, above, who was officially crowned "the pettiest co-ed." This past week, the merchants of W Hvnesvi'le and Hazolwood dispiaved cards in their windows bearing the store hours that would he observed this season. All the stores are ov-oporatmg, and the general adopted opening hour for the majority is eight o'clock, with six as a closing hour during the week, and ten o'clock on Saturdays. The nieii liants, through the mer chants division of the I hamher of Commerce, also have adopted a plan whereby all advertising features, or schemes coming bet ore them must ! hivt have the approval of of the I merchants committee of the Chamber I of t omnieree before nv merchant or business tirm will evnsidcr the plan. I ( ards iK'armg the following will be placed in all stores and business houses this week: I "Notice to advertising solicitors. . ilef lire we will even consider your proposition, you must show us a writ ten approval from the merchant di- I vision of the Chamber of Commerce. i Cntil you get the approval it will be time wasted io Jiow your plan. ' i hit. Met K ACKKN l.MI'KOYINC ' 1-'.'lends will be glad to learn that Dr. .1. U. Mc( raiken, who has been quite ill with pneumonia', the former is proved. : Largest Vote In County's History Expected To Be Cast In Primary Saturday Election Returns To Be Giv en At Court House Saturday Tn !. Mi ict Number One there are VVriul,dates, and -onlv two are to be for. If you vate for: three In 'strict number one your ballot will tr,Ssi?tl out. .. In district Xu ruber Two there are ' " '''iniiidates, but only one must be '.wt for. .' .",'. J-1 'bsitict Xumber Three there are VfV 7"'(1;',:u,,f!' wit b instructions to v ' f r two, and in district Number J uid Five only one candidate in ri (l.stnet is to be voted for. to be voted for. r sume voters would like to . . r all the candidates in a cer- T);f"' but THIS CANNOT BE . 'Vote for only the number ., 1 j;'p1 in the small type just above . '"" in each district. In a.,0 you . are Interested in the 1,1 me primary, you are in hnn several thousand others w 'l be at the court house Satur- (Continued on back page) Today's Market irip if ,fol'Owing cash prices were be- Yrtt wdnesday by the Farmers r rat;on here: " . 'ckens, heavy weight hens arid 'Trs, pound 13c v,fi,ckenSi lght weight pound ....12c -sirs, dozen . ....... 1 17C fc-hei . : T.lni:U!- pound : u -3iied wool, pound . . . . . ... .-32c Funeral For Mrs. W. , L. Kirkpatrick Held j Sunday Afternoon: Last rites were held on Sunday af ternoon at the First Methodist church,, for Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick, who died on Friday afternoon at the Haywood County Hospital following a long ill ness. Dr. K. S. : Truesdale, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. 41.' V, Baucom, pastor of the First Baptist church, conducted the services. In terment was in Green Hill cemetery. Killtx a' ei- wne as follow- W 1' Iampktn, O I Altxandii, .1 C Mui phy. W. H. Massie, Dewey. Stovall, N- M Mcdford, Homer Owen, and Vv . A. Bradley, Nieces of Mrs. Kirkpat rick. had charge of the : foltowers,. . Prior to her marriage forty-twx. years ago on Saturday, May the 30th, Mr- KukpatrKk wa- Mi-s Mary M 1 J .Uln. ftf lln l..0. .r M. UiacKeii, uau;iiiij x nii; n.iv, --.j L. and Sophia Petiiand McCracken., She was educated in the county schools and at Judson College. : . I Following her graduation she taught j in the schools of North and South Carolina Aftt r her niamage srtf lived in Texas and in South Carolina, tretUTning : wth Iher. family sevclal yearn ago to Waynesville to reside, She was a woman of exceptional character, enjoyed a wide circle of friends and was particularly interest ed in young people. Before stricken with illness -he was , - 1 l.A ll;ii and cnpinl llffi active in i uc- iciifciuna. "" i of the community, being a member ol the First Methodist. church, the Wo-l man's Club, the Haywood Chapter of; TTnited Daughters of the C-on-i federacy, and the Eastern Star. With her own family she took into, her home at an early age two nieces, whom she reared, Mrs. Elbert Holnes, Spartanburg, S C, and Mr. Jordan Neal, of Canton. Surviving are her husband, Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, one daughter, Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, two sons, Orvillc Y. Kirkpatrick, of Charlotte, and John W. Kirkpatrick, of Greenville, three sister-, Mis SalLe L Mt Cracken, of Thomaville, Mrs. C A Haynes, of Waynesville, Mrs. vv . fa. Johnson, of Asheville, five brothers, the Rev. R. P. McCracken, of Clyde, Franklin Y. McCracken, of KnoxviUe, and Dr. J. Ruf Us McCracken, M. Theo. McCracken, and AJbert McCracken, all of Waynesville; and three grand children, Jane, Dorothy Jean, and Billie Wayne Kirkpatrick. Among those from out of town at- Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Y. McCracken, of Knox viUe, Mr. and Mrs. VV. b. jonnson mm j vn. Mica Helen Johnson, of uauKiiii, i.i.u- Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ttoung, of Sylvania, Ga., and from Pacolet, S. if- Cinn Pmfer and two sons. Mips Carrie Peifer, Mr. Wayne Wil liams and children, and wr. juiiu Whitlock and a party of f riends. Detailed plans are being com pleted this week for giving the complete county and (state elec tion returns in Waynesville n Saturday night. , The Mountaineer and Martin Electric Company have worked out plans for giving the returns .quicker and in a more complete way than ever before. In the event of clear weather on Saturday night, the returns will be posted oh a large bulletin board specially made for the oc casion in front of the court house. In case of rain the outfit will be moved into the main court room. Special telephone communica- : tions " f mm the voting precincts will enable ipiick tabulation of the county returns, and a I'hilon radio will be used in getting slate returns, A new and modern loud speak ing system Will lie used in an nouncing the county returns as, well us tin' state. The: system will In- so tot' i'i as tt enable those a black away to hear. : Large Hood lights wilf be used on the bulletin iward and figures large .'enough to 1k read several hundred feet awav will lie used. 1 hose who are unable to gel to the crnir.t house for the returns, can call l he Mountaineer phone 1.17 and the results will be given 1 hose calling, are asked, how ever, to he content with gelling the total votes for any candidate, as it Will be impossible to give the vote by precinct over ilie . phono,, as it is oxpeoied hundreds of calls will, be '.made during the night. The polls will close at 7:.'S.r, and till' first voles will-not be in bcl'oie about nine o'clock. The larger 'precincts will report sometime., about in id night, .if average count -ing iji done. Those having return are re qticsted to bring (hern to the court house ;is quickly as possible, and turn them in for tabula! ion on the bu llet in If nr !. New Five And Ten Will Open Saturday Dewey Slovall Will Open fsew Store Here Saturday Morn 'injf In Old TJveatre IMace . Waynesville's newest : merchant ile tfiterprise Stovali's 5,fJ arid 25 Cent Store, will open for business on Satur day morning, it was announced by Dewey Stovall, owner. The new five arid ten is located in the building formerly o.cupiod by the Wavnewood Theatre. . An entirt new front, and new. floiorfi have Ix'en in stalled, arid modern fixtures especially made for this store are being used., This make the: fourth store of this kind that Mr. Stovall owns:. Others are in Canton, feylva and Clayton, Ga. He announced yesterday that, spe cials for the opening would be on dis play at the 'store, as well as a special offer for the first 50 customers. His advertisement in this papw explains the details. Lee Motor Company Established Here Titm Ia'o Opens Motor Service Husiness In Building lor merly Davis-IJoyd Com-pany Tom bi'i'-, is announcing in today's advertising columns, of the purchase of all of the stock of the Davis Hoyd Motor Company, on Main, street here. Mr. Dee. an experienced service station operator, will maintain a mod ern .repair department, storage facil ities, and will continue the operation of the serivce department at the Davis-Iioyd place and also the Le i' nine Service Station. The new business will be known as ..the-' Lo Motor Company.. I' or the present Mr. Lee will not handle the sales of any cars, onlv doing ser vicing, repairing and storing. The. new business deal went into effect June first. fpffe MELTING POT - ,1 V IKWtlS. Inrmer "It Imih Ixvn said tliat eonressnie.Ti and otlu-r law-makers all wear c-oai wlllioiil fxx'ketHi for tle reason that their hands m-e N ways In other iKople's KK-ket." J A. WIIITKHOI SK, Jlanill ton. ' "I would rallier rtci without dinner tlian The Monn-talin-T." 1)11 II Jj. M(H)HK, n-e. Mars Hill College "The danger to the 'hurc-h unlay comes not so miK-h fr(m the outsiido from the critics and Infidel, who would tear our Itihln to PIMM'S, as from tho In side where ho many of our mcm-Ix-rs live such Inconsistent llve as to cimse the church to be held up to .ridicule by the world.".. ThP above is an excerp from Dr Moore's address at Cove Creek last Sunday, as best we remem ber .it. " V. I). SMITH. I'arm At''til "1 lit- drought, in Haywood ( ounly Is very severe. . I was In wveral sef-lioiis of 'l he county last week and find thai eiittle are loosing weight from the drying up of the pastures, and milk production Is falling ofT. Tlio drought (iinilni! right in tho heels if our serero ..winter, has iiaused an nrtitc silu alion anion? our farmers, not only cutting cm In tos short, but has killel out so miK'h of the grass that much rc-socdirig will have to be done." Kecent Registration Largest In History Of Haywood County Total Of 10,712 Democrats On Hooks, and 2,7,").! Republicans And 57 Arc Independents The board of elections made pub lic this week the result of. the new registration of voles held in the coun ty rcentlv I he voters ami party alh liatioits of each precinct is as fol lows : lionvordiim No. 1 Heiiiocvat Republican, l'.'T. Hoavordain No. -! I icinocral . .(Mi: Republican, l.ih. Reavenlam No. d - Democrat, f7!l : Republican. Jll-l. lleaverdaiu No. 4 --Democrat, .r'i."; Repiiblii an, lii'averdaiii No !" Democrat. 1-0: Republican, 20"; Independent.. 1-1. Heavi'i'ilaiu No. Ii--Democrat, .rS.ri ; Republican, 'iO.'i, Independent., ,r. I Pigeon - Democrat, MM; Republican :V',; In.lepemlent, 11. l'.nst Fork - Democrat, ll.i; Republican-, 22S; Iiuli'peinient, 11. Cecil Democrat, 117; Rcpubli, an 107. North Waynesville --Democrat I.VW ReiHiblicnn, 101; .Independent, S, : .South Waynesville- Deinocrat 17-15 Republican, 18. ll.-izelwooil-.- Democrat, 'AO I ; Rcpiih. lican, 77. Lake Junaluska-.- Democrat,, HI7 Republican, 11. Ivy Hill Deinocral, IIS; Rcpubli can, 1,'IH; Independent, 111. Jonalhan (reck Deinocrat 41(1 Republican. HI. I ataloochee--Denioi'rat, -1(1; Kepub lican, H. Iron Dull' - Democral, Repub iiciin, i. White Oak- Democral. l.'l.'l; Repub li.nn, '22. . Fines. ( 'reck r I leiuiicrat, ,ri(!S; Ri' publican. Hi. t. rabt :('('- Jlenioi'i at , ,100;'- Ropubii can. h2. (,'lvdo- Democrat, .V1U, Republii an 2H1;' Independent, K. Hig Creek Deiinicraf,, SI; Republi can, 10. Tibials- Democrat, .10,712; Repub lican, 27.11!; )ndeendent, lu.. Information Rejjard inff. Payment Of Vets. Service Bonds diven I'osl.ltiaster .1, H. 1,1 dwell,, who. is alsy commander of. 'I lie local ''nist f the American I.egioii, prepared the following stateiiienl regarding the paymi'lit. (if the Veteran.. Adjusted Service Iionds: Date of Mad. ni'. l!onls will be mailed in Washing ton, I). C. .lune loth,, 4 !('..'.' -This: doe' no. nican that all will be .iimib'd on that .tlate; but' -that mailing v;J in-g:i: ' on thai date. : . . How mailed. . f'y registered mail, add rr -i d to tin bond holder. . Delivery. Bonds W'ill he delivered to the ad. dre.ssee only. The addressee i must he personally known to the I'qst". Office Fmployee making; delivery, the. ad dressee miust have two witnesses known to the person making delivery. Patrons of Rural routes should moot, the carrier and be prepared to fur nish the necessary identification . Some of the bonds will probably arrive in Waynesville, the Kith., 1'avment. Iionds for Haywood ("ouiry. will be paid through: the Asheville, N. ('. J'ost Oflice. 'In order to be paid through a Postmaster, bonds will have to be sent to the 7 resiurv Depart ment for payment. The holder of the bonds must be personally known to the Postmaster, or identified bv two witnesses personally known to the Postmaster. The Bonds will then be forwarded by Registered Mail to the Postmaster in Ashevihe and a check mailed to the holder of the bond. This meanp the Owner and no one else. Hours of certification at Waynes ville Post Dffite will be- From 8:1!0 A. M. to 10:00 A. M. From 3:00 P, M. to 5:00 P.--M . New KeRist ration Shows That l.'!.r.!2 Names On Poll Pxioks. Kepulilu-ans Holding Primary Klection olTicials have made prepa rations t0 take care of the largest vide ever ciust m Haywood County, since the new registration losed with ld.,1.12 names on the poll books, and both Democrats and Republican are holding a primary. ( audidntcs this year have staged an extensive campaign, and one that has been stretched over a longer per iod than usual. Not only huve coun ty candidates put m more Imiiiis cam paigning this year, but the state can diilale.s have 1k'cii frequent visitors to this county, and the three leading candidates for governor have made personal appeals lo Haywood voters. .The polls will open at .1:24. anil will close at 7 :;.'i, according to F. M. Hyer, chairman of the Haywood Hoard ' of Fleet ions. I wo years ago. a total ol 7,00 vote were cast in the .jiine Primary. with (inly Democrats voting, but this year's totals are expected Ut bo in creased by at least fifty per rent. I he DenuK iatic county ticket con tnin.s 2il nanies. and are as follows: l-or .representative, J. F.' Csibe and F. M. Davis. I' or register of deeds: Charles C. ! ralicio and I'.dwin llavnes. lor .SherilV: tieorge F. Plott, R. V. W elch, Vaughn Rhineharl., ,1, I,. Walk er and A rcli Russell. I-or board of trnsU'es llavwivod (ounly Hospital: Ruins Siler, C. L V estnidrcland ami L. M. Riclieson. hor ( (inimissioners: District Nd. one, W. W. Ilaynes, .las. F. lU'tulerson, ( larence ( . Med lord, drover ('. Rog ers, 11. (i. Reno and District No. two: T. Ralph Moore. District No. three: Hyatt, ,1. A. Lowe, and M. M. Noland, District No. four: W. H. Williams. District No. five: and Olenn ( :. Palmer In t he Democrat ! primary, .township nonstable races wilt, be In W avnesville township, Hob and John Kerley. there are four m the A. .Sinathers. VV. II Scott, P Smathers, ami Ralph Willis. 1 he Republii an primary for county officer ie eoiitinel tn 4'olests: iti ilis- tricts number one anil two for county, commissioner. In district No. one the .candidates, are: Thomas Rogers, W. P. Hams arid John It. Moflit. In district. No. Two. Wtirth W. Wells, I, on Fvari-i and J. Boone Si'iitelle. The Republicans also have two Con tests for constable. One in dam .and one in Fast Fork, erdani the 'candidates are P bin and R. (i. Piitnian. In F Weldon H. Heatherly and H. ress. A reprint of the ballot is printed el sue of fire narii'l'. t.'tiled information thuds of vol ing,. it you r Line1 K. I,. Moriran. .. I! Ricknian and A, Howell. W. A. Jarvv, II Allison and R. T. Hoyd Charles L. Hill two In Heaven constable ra Ray am O H ivi In I,. last B. ieav II a r Fork liur- Democratii cxnint v lewhi'fe in this, is and for more de- regarding the nie- is suKt'esled that end "Along the Political Firing coliiiiin on page one. Sale Of Fishing Licenses Are Off MRS W. It. .KATC'MFF Way jH'svillei "Tlio Monntalmw.r is so InleretlriK. tliat I (lo not want to miss a single ropy." MHS ZIMIII MelXUOY, Cove (e-k "I raigerly IikiIi forwnnl every weok to tho coming of Tlie Mountaineer." WOODMEN TO DECORATE GRAVES SUNDAY P. M. According tvi (. C; Plott, county game and fish warden, the sale of fishing' licenses, has fallen nhbrt ' of $150.00 of. the sale at this, time last year. ..,' Mr. Plott attributes this to several causes. The .streams1 on (4italoochee were, opened on April, the 15th last year, and this year they were not thrown open to the public until May the lbth. Lake Junaluska has In-en closed from April the 15th to June the 10th. Sherwood Forest, which haa been taken over bv the government, has been closed for the neason, and last year was extensively fished. I o date $7U.i.50 has been realized from the sale of fishing licenses, which amount muludejj 237 state licensee, 221 county licenses, 18 daily county permits, and b non-resident daily permits. Mrs. J. Ruf us McCracken and Miss Doland, who have spent sometime at Paula's Island. S. C, arrived n Sat urday. Friend will, be gkid to learn that Mrs. McCracken m much improved. The Woodmen of the World will decorate all deceased Woodmen's graves Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Green Hill cemetery, All W oodmen are urged to be pres ent. Every one is extended a cor dial welcome to be present. All mem berf; will meet at the hall at 2 o'clock. The drill team -will be in full uni form and will march to the cemetery from the Woodmen hall. The Weather OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Max. 85 81 84 78 70 84 85 Min. 53 43 39 3(') 31? 3S 4J i

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